The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, April 02, 1889, Image 1

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    iv. . snJiifl 1 fl 1 . . '"LRU
sue ox; j
Absolutely Pure.
Tins iwilt-r never vaiies. A marvel of pur
It . Mt n l,k't II w hol-oiii-iifs-. M lvt econo
mical tu in tin ordinary kind-, ami cannot be
Sold in :: .t i: k.:i villi the iinilUI u ie of low
lent, s!i uf Wi iLlit tibllil or J l;u-;.l:ac!cr.
.Wll Hlliil III C lift. ',VAI. ilAklXi l'oWPKlt
Co., i 'Willi St. X. V.
leptity l'reasur-r, -Clerk.
Deputv Cleric.
Keoorder i I 1 r
Ilu'.y itv i.-der
Cleric f Ui;'liic! Coir'
H heri:T.
Supt. of 1'nb school.
County Ju le.
no ;t imr
A. n.T'i)i.rii'j;s.,'
I.oris Foi.rz,
A. It. Ii Ki-ov.
Tno. IVu.I.OCK
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V. H. Tool.
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Wcepili:; Water
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Kiurlne. r.
Bnlicu ! i !,',
Maridinll. .
1. M. MKT
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1LATTMUiV. K ' . H.N T N. 3. I.O.
O K.. iii-- : - - :i t-r-'e I-'ri'lnv in
e:icU monlli M i-.n:.- 11.11. Visilmj: tier :.r- i ' ;m, 1 !? nstfiu!.
'1M:io i.' J '"- X . M- a.m. v. w. sieeis,
I'vcry i: ' ' '- i il'MV vi'ii!'i at K. o r.
r.K. Yrau-vi. .t -r. r !c'.tily ln-
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Hotisf.vo; . !i. K ,- T 1 i ; 1 ! .:-rj'H. lic-ffiv-er
; v m iflia::. t. j ; -V n.. i.u:v.i;. Inside
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W)1. 1 v. Si t rt : i; y.
ii,A.Tr-Min-;i i. " N. n. V. .v A. SI.
Met-1 Oil I !i' l:i -r
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Wsi. H Ti4. 8:cr.!::ir;-
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d ay ever.init at K. or i. AU tr:iri.'in
lrntlier are rei'i' s: 1 '! v- iioVi". I A.
Newco'iier, :lii .:;- it ; '. ',
Worthy iivSer; S . W ilU- It.iiiKur ; W. A
Boeck, Cl.-rk.
ILTI .-MtU ! i.wih N' , A.O. lT. W.
L Meet every r.-.'.'s l-' eveuini at
Rockwocii l:iilal - i ! ', All rr iMr,i. ut broth
er are reHe-tfti;!y ivit-.l m uSteml. 1 S.
I.arsoi:, M. V. ; K. lu i. Kort-ii.:.n : S. V.
Wilde. Kecorder ; F.cuii tni An l : rs u. verper.
ASSCOUXCli. N l '."l. K VA !. K'VXXL'.M
meet the "ecTid aiel f.rarih .M ; t
aeh uiontii at Ar t m n I? !.
i; X. liLEvs, Kitent.
P. C.Mtvns. S..?rfUry.
President bt. li Windham
11. Vice l'reideut A. B. fo t:i
2nd Viftf ITcsi Je;; 'n in Neville
Serretarv K. HerriMaini
Treauror F. K. (iuthin-tn
li n rV Ti ;:.
J. C. Kl -hev. 1'. K. ! :,". J I . IV.t feroi,
J. A. fieiu r. 15. Kl.-on, C. W. .heiiiiau, F Uor-d-
r, J. V. WfCHlMc::.
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Sei'.ier Vice
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tVU-erof b :' .
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M-.f:- '.t-.'-r Serat.
M. A. Du ;tov
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Hivkv Snt:-.;
Jamas Hu khj:-'. ...
L. tTuitris.
Vpetin-' -nt.or !:iv ei'i' i:-::
p p..n;;: :i!'e:i';-r-y.M K-.isitje- Eutrust
to my cun-.
T:;:.- !....: i'
suraitvi V is tfii.
' ,rn: iicd, Ia-
le:tir l'a,':'.;;iJ- r-: ' T-r. :i than
Any Ot.5:-rAp;eac7.
K. B. V IM-HAM. J.lilN A. 1UTIEA,
"ot.iry r-.:!. No ary FiibliC.
VV 5 "V J : 'l it V :
LttcrrA.DT'.? - "aw.
jTLATiiCTn. '- Nes.taska
l.nsll!i Nuvfliatu mill T!:eir llarnlns'
V'itli liquid, wiilfb ti well i.'ifonr.od
corrtspoudtut, tu si paragraph in .vour
"Littiary r.'otes" of Maturtlay, on the
ml'ji'ct of tho pain of novelists, I l;e-Jlc-vo
you aro riyht in ttatiu that tho
hilii'bt prico ever paid for an Knlibh
work of fiction was tho 12,000
which Iord Beaeonsfield received
from JIossr3. Longman for "Endy
niiou,' and, by tho way, they mado
a very bad bargain. IIo also ob
tained from tho name lirm nearly ns biff
a prieo for "Lot hair." Georgo Kliot,
who received 7,000 for "Ilomola,"
inatlo, from first to last, quite 10,000 by
at 1 at one of her novel, in which tho
rt -tained a largo hharo of tho copyright.
Including American and foreign rights,
licki ns was to havo received 9,000 for
"Edwin IrotKl." Wilkio Collins received
3,2o0 for "Armadale."
Of Sir Walter Scott'u novels, "Wool
sltKik" produced tibout 8,200, and as ho
v;u writing at tho Hauio timo tho "Life
of Napoleon," tho first and rcond edi
tions of which realized 18,000, he made
(including sums received for reviewsand
other minor works) 28,000 in tho course
of eighteen months! Thackeray was to
havo received a very high prico for
"Denis Duval," the story ha was writing
when ho died; but tho largest sum ho
ever ;n paid was, I believe, a triflo un
'.!: r o,000, which ho obtained for "Tho
Nowcomes." doing back a hundred
years, we find Miss Durney obtaining
2,003 guineas for "Cecilia," her second
work, and this was probably the highest
price paid until the Waverley era. St.
James' Gazette,
Frontier Wit.
"Every good writer has much idiom,"
said Landor. "Jt is the life and spirit of
language," and this truth is well illus
trated though in a homely fashion by
tlio racy talk of men who havo lived
much by themselves, whether in tho Imck
districts of New England or in the newer
porlions of the west.
Such men have not been accustomed,
as has well been said, to empty their
brains in loose Kinail talk, and when they
t'lK'nk, they aro apt to say something.
They run naturally to aphorism, and
their wit is not only dry, but has what
Ley-ell calls a "native and puckery fla
vor." '
It was a man of this class who declared
of a certain neighborhood that tho folks
wcro "so thievish they hed to take in
their titono walls nights," and of ono of
hi townsmen that he was "a whole team
and the dog under the wagon."
Of this kind, too, was tho Nebraska
ranchman, who was overheard taking
one of his children to task for his gi easy
face: "Ain't you ashamed, now, to sprain
all the tlies legs that light on ye?"
A i'ort Kearney stage driver, with an
eye for nosh, met a man with a
miseraLlo team of half sick and aged
little mules. The sight was hateful to
hiui, and straightway he pulled u; his
"Look-a-here, pilgrim! J know a man
that would give 800 to see them mules."
"Why," exclaimed tho mulo driver,
startled by such a lucky possiLiliry,
"ycou daon't say so! Who is he?"
"He's a blind man," answered the
coach driver. "Clang!" Youth's Com
panion. "
Where the "Tip" Go.
"John, I am in a hurry; 6ee if you
can't get my baggage out of 210 ia time
for the limited," said a gentleman at one
of the big hotels yesterday, at tho same
time dropping a half dollar in tho port
er's hand. John, with measured alac
rity, went to obey his orders.
-"Do you know," said a hotel man
standing by, "that your half dollar will
find its way into tho cofters of the hotel
"How is that?"
"In many hotels, and I know it is the
rule in this hotel, the head porter is re
quired to turn over to the house all the
'tips he receives, and he receiver his pay
in" salary and commission on the 'tips.'
It is one of the secrets of the Lusiness,
and is a development of the close busi
ness methods of the day. Even the
'tips' of the servants are made to con
tribute to the revenues of the employer."
"But can't the jiorter keep the tips in
spite of the house?"
"Oh, yes, in some cases, but the em
ployer takes care to pick put an honest
iran and watch him in the bar-nhi, for
the 'tip Lusiness in a large holt I like
this must le worth 15 or 620 a day to
the head porter." Chicago News.
One of the most widely known as well
as one of the most successful specialists
in the west is Dr. P. JaDss, President of
the Nebraska State Medical and Surgical
Institute. His unti-ing energy and his
unceasing devotion to his profession has
built up tor him one of the largest prac
tices in the west nnd ha9 made hiui one of
the heaviest property holders in Grand
Island and Hall county. At the Riddle
House Thursday. April 4th.
Foil Sat.k One quarter section of
good land near Oneill, Holt Co., Neb.
So:;:e improvements. Will seU cheap;
part cash. Address by mail or ca.ll t A.
P. Campbell's Wiqtersteeo hill
d w-1 m O. T. Wood.
The Celebrated German Speci tl st an.
lent of the Nebraska State Jledica
President of the Nebraska State Medical
and Surirical Institute, Dr. P. Jans, will
ifive free consultations at tha Riddle
IIotie. Plattsmouth, Nebr., April 4, 1SS9.
If afflicted don't fail to consult him.
McCourt has just received a car load of
choice eating and seed potatoes. Wdl be
sold cheap. ' d w w
A Change in I ho I'i lin e.
Hidden nwny in the weekly gossip col
umn of The Ihrmiiiliaiii J'ost i lhr fol
lowing remarkable account of the change
which has com j over his royal highness
tho Prince of Wales:
"We are all Socialists at heart." said
tho Prince of Wales tho other day, when
talking to a statesman of the old school,
who was lamenting the progress of So
cialism, "and this conviction rci..ers the
outward semblance of Conservatism
more and more dillicult to maintain."
This feeling on tho part of his royal
highness, combined with the necessity of
upholding tho old institutions at court,
must havo rendered the prince's position
irksome at times. Report declares that
he has for many seasons !eeii using evtary
endeavor to establish discipline among
tho ladies and gentlemen of the court
circle by observance of tho strict rulesof
etiquette established in tho early part of
tho present reign.
During the long retirement of her
majesty after tho great ufllktion which
befell her, tho discipline she had estab
lished grew somewhat relaxed, and vari
ous court scandals served to point the
moral and adorn tho talo of the slump
orators and brawling demagogues, who
remained unmolested in their attacks,
until it became difficult to put them
down. Tho I'rinco of Wales was only
awakened to tho necessity of assuming
tho responsibility of his position by his
own name being unjustly compromised,
and he then resolved to restore the dig
nity of tho court, which had been suf
fered to become a prey to tho slanders of
tho Socialistic- party. IIo has been for
somo time pursuing his task, not of re
storing, but modifying, the severity of
the ancient costumes, so as to render
them tolerable both to the courtiers of
tho past and those of today. The idea of
dispensing with the buro pecks and
naked shoulders of the ladies frequenting
her majesty's drawing room seems to be
tho lirst step in this direction, and, it is
said, emanates from tho prince himself,
who, being present at a court reception
at Vienna, was struck with tho dignity
and propriety of the dresses of the ladies.
Tho queen was much a verso to the
change; but tho Princess of Wales urged
it so earnestly that her majesty has
yielded at length. Boston Herald.
Napoleon's Jlomory.
A gentleman once said, in Welling
ton's presence, that great lrerppries are
generally the sign of great talents, and
instanced Napoleon, who could ciTi -"ie
out soldiers in reviews and call therapy
name to step out of the ranks.
"Ihat is a great mistake," replied the
duke. ;1'11 tell you how he managed it.
One of his generals. Lobn.u, used to get
ready for him a list of soldiers to be
called out from each regiment. When
Napoleon rode up opposite to a regiment
ho would call out the name of tho soldier
to bo honored, and the man would step
forward that was all..
"J also doubt tho goodness of his mem
ory," continued tho duke, "from the
looseness and inaccuracy of Ids state
ments. In his works I mean all tiiat
ho ha3 ever written you never lind a
thing related precisely as it happened.
He seems to have no clear nor distinct
recollection; scarcely once has he ever
tripped into truth!"
In another conversation Wellington
said that Napoleon's genius made him so
pre-eminent that all of his marshals
seemed inferior to him. "lie suited a
French army exactly, and at their head
there never was anything like him. I
used to say of him that hte presence on
tho field made tho diuerenco of forty
thousand men."
The .devotion of the French army to
Napoleon is illustrated by tho fact that
several of tho French prisoners wound
ed at Waterloo shouted during tho agony
of amputation, "Vive rEmpereur!"'
routn s companion.
"When the late Professor Proctor was
an English school examiner, he onc day
asked a little girl to tell him the. differ
ence between a man and a brute. She
'.'A brute is an imperfect beast. Slan
ia a. Terffct hfWjB-" YmitJi'n (Vimnaninn
iixc nuntan race is divided into tvro
.-lasses those who go ahead and do
srn;ethinjr, :id those who sit still and
inquire, "Why wasn't it done tl
.ther way i" Oliver Yen!H Holm-
Notice to Contractors.
of the Board of Publie. '.Vork until noon o;i tae
17th rtav ol Apr. I. ixjO. ir union tue oia crees
bed at The following ulae-s towit :
Contract No. l. 1,37s cnu. yis more or ies on
Kativaun At ti unil 71 !i wtrmr f!o!l-
tra"t No 2 l.CJ.") cu'. yd, more oriels on rear!
v....-An fill an I -Ih l":fiiitrrirr n 3
80S cub. yds. more or ie?s oa li st of 5 ll .t. !-
teen Mrtio ana I e:ri .-is. ' ;ou raei -o
rub. vd. more or le. on east side of 4U m.
li?tve"en Main and P-arl ;l. Two classes of
bid will be received for said w.-irk : CU A"
the Co-itraetor to furnish earth from private
ground ; Clas "B"' fie contractor to tak
the earth from euch plae-s in the public ftreers
a the Chairman of the Board of Public Works
mav direct. .
l.llllii v.i . . ' 1 1 1 1 . - - . . w . - - .
12li cts per cubic yard.
engineer's Estimate Contract No. 1, Class B.
25ets. nercuh. yrd.
Kiimoeer's fc.s'ir.ata contract -o. s, uim a.
I2'i cts per oul. yrd.
kucineerV Kntlmatd Contract o. 2, C!a3s B
25 cents per rub. vrd ,
Engineer's Kstmiare uoctraci o. 3. ciass
2'i ts. per cub. yrd.
Engineer' Estimate 'on tract No. 3, C:as B.
20 ets. per cub. yrd.
Engineer's Estimate Contract Xo. 4, Class A.
cto per cub. a rd.
tiniineer's Estimate Con it net X'o. 4, Clas is,
25 cts per cut. vrd.
Work to tie completed winiln tinny -from
the letting. oiitret to b let to the
lowest and best bidder. Th- right Is reserved
to reject any a-ul a'l bids. For particulars en
quire of the Chairman Board Publ-e Aorlis.
.1. w. .1 mi. a j
d2Qt Ch'in lioard Public. Works.
An Ordinance
Ii-vvtu.: a tax is id 'i" )sment en aM
lois u illiin p i in.4 ill-i net X I. In lliecliy
ot ri.ut I'oul ii. lo cioer H;e -i-t of i.ii.,t
i;i,. in l:tn4 1. 1 Miei t. Ii.'lwecn the eat
M.i -of ?n i-t.lli s reel and we,. site ot ."
olid siieet l.i A.,id ilv.
v HKlcKA.s. It ii.ivl-i beeii, and belli;: here
by iiiijutl'ed. dclei mined ami established that
the hrvelal b;s 1; ?rciii liter referred to have
each been hpccUily beinllled lo the full
amount hfieiu iev.ed and HSKCssed aalnit each
ol said lots respueiively, by reaon of the pav
ii.g and cnibliiB of that part ot Alain street he
t v. ecu the est Mile if .seventh Mieet ami the
uft fide id Second btteet.
7i..7ov, for l lie ptirpopu of paying the cost
or H.,id 'paving ami cui lln
Hi- it )rlniiinl hi the. Mator and Coiim il th
i! or t'luttsininith
t- ki- i'-N 1. I hat I lie cost of paving and
ciiilmi pail of Main street within paving
usi net Xo. I. in 1 lie city of riattmout h. f roin
the 'i.s! sine ! .-eeiilli s'reet to Hie west side
oi .. d Mi eel said com bcli'K tlie until of
J lsi.i.2. be iitid tin- sa:..e is li.-it-by levied and
a M l-sr. til piopol'lloll lo llic 1CCI no i niuns
said liivii! and cuibin and according lo
hp. rial b- netits by leison of ald paving and
cuil.ii. g upon the following !cs libea
lots ; Miid cost being hi It- led on said lot re-rpi-ct
ivcly, as follow, to-wit :
I'.lixabt-iu I.. v alt-i man. lot oiock ii,. -?is
lot 'J.
4s7 Wi
4H7 S2
4S7 ,VJ
I ! .
tie t. 1 oi-y. lots, hl.i'k 2i,-
James .li'iiiau and Win L. Browne
block .7
tleore iToriKci". lo lo, ol k ...
liiistuM I'n-.-bvici'ian ch" e i.
Pluck 'J7.
Fred Madeliuanu. lot 1-, i'u,'.
John Fitzgerald .ot ; block jh .
John Fii.ger. Id 1,1 8 block 26
II. 1. l.'oolcdge lota block L'8
Peter Merges wei-l lot 10 block -JH
V. V. J. on aid east 'i ioi lo block 2S
I lizabeth Herold we-t ii lot 11 b ock 23..
in. Hen Id ea ii l"t H hlock 2
M. I. l'olk west !i lot 12 block
Amelia Sherwood eat ?f lot 12 block 28..
Bank of Jas U '. west lot 7. block aa ..
.1 K 'ox, east V ot 7 block SJ'J
Emily i-rew west !i lot 8 block 2'J
Levi (joining . ast ' lot 8 block 'Z'J
Medstadelmaii west lt lot 9 b k 'J9
U J. Alaltiu ast Ji lot ! bloL-k 2...
Lucitida liillings lot 10 block 29
F. K W. ite west i lot 11 block 20
Jason Streiglit ea ! i lot 11 block 2:
o. 1) I'uik west 20 feet lot. 12 block 2:1. . .
U V. Mathews eaM 24 f- el lot 12 olock 29 2US ;t2
ha iotte A ,W hwler, lot 7, blook.'W, ... 4il "2
County tJommissioucis, Cass county, lot
8 block ;w -4ll !i2
Coupiv Comm ssioners Cass county, west
!i lot a, block 30 245 M
l.eli.l 1. Ili- tus, east ' of lot U block 30 2V IU
24. ;
24.r 9U
215 in;
245 90
24r 90
245 '.Hi
491 M2
21 j 9t
245 !'0
223 (10
11. 10. ralim r. wet 'i lot. 10. block
f ic i ( east ii lot 10 bio k 30
l' i'il ( rncr west lot 11 block ?o
John llartman east ii lot 11 bloi k 30. ..
u rea (ioos. lot 12 block 30
Frederick Krug. lot 4 hloc't 31
I'lnilip 1-r iM-li, north ii lot 5 bio k31...
v; B it ii It K Co., Bot 5. Bloci 3t..
C 1! ct i) It K Co.. Bo- C, Block 2'
C IJ & Q K U Co.. L t 7, BIock 31
i lullip Fiitch. Ii 21 fee I Lot 8 Block
winti-t Back. 2". feet l.oi 8, Block 21....
F 1 (iulhi. an, S 'i Lot 8. Block 31
K K tlutiiiiian. 24 feet Boi 8. block 31...
Pillion -Utscli. K 21 feet Lot 9. Block 31.
Ait. iit Bach. 25 feet Lota. Block 31...
K It tiutliman, V',i Lot 9. Hl;,k al
F it, 24 tfset Lot 9, Block 31..
Phillip Fi'tsch. E x feet Lot 1. Blocu 31
August Bach. 25 feet Lot 10. Block 31....
Ilcury Anuson Estate, nnrtU "I 'vet
Lot 10. Block 31
P K i'.tl!!lUil. fcWi.; Lot li) Bio"'- ... "
f n GtHhmaii. iyectLot liUKl;;.
Hcniy ml u ,wlei j;it j, Hiock 31.
L H K K Co., Lot 1, B ock 32
J 11 &: Q K Jt CO.. Lot 2. P.lock 32 ..
C B & i) l: It Co., Lota. Block 32 .
C B & U B It CO.. Lot 4 iqock 32..
K It tiuihmau. Lot 11. Block 32 ..
Flank liayle, 24 feel n-xt to E 48 feet
' Lot 12. Hlock 32
F L Cale. 22 feeu v of Frank Gayle's,
Lot 12. Block 32
Allie V i.obeits, K 4K feet Lot 12, Block 32
K K (iuilim u. 23 feet olf west end Lot 12,
Block C2 -
I t) ( F 23 feet Lot 12. Block 32
frank ;ale. 24 feet ne.vt to E 48 feet
Lot 13. Block 32
F L (i:ij lc, 22 lert W of Frank tiayle's
Lot 13 Block 'J
Allie V Roberts. E 18 feet Lot 3.Block 32 151 9
u tin: miian, 23 feet oil ei end Lot
1.1. Block 3- ..
IOIi F i!3 feet Lot. 12, Blu-k 32
Flunk tJayle. 21 feet uext to E 48 feet Lot
14. Block 32 .
; L fale. 22 lcet V of Fnitik Gayle'u
Lot 14. Block 32
Allie V Bobclis cast 48 feet lot 11 bio. k
245 M
245 96
215 90
215 90
49t 92
124 19
124 19
1J4 19
397 2
749 OS
114 25
13ti (.2
:o 50
I3.i bH
tH 48
7" 98
221 '..7
75 99
31 71
37 to
hi 2C
52 20
30 24
153 59
)00 GO
153 50
30 24
34 04
;4 04
i'.! 99
72 99
"2 99
130 58
119 40
201 Ifi
23 feet off west end lot 14
124 4.
block 33 245 ill!
K. ll. (Tiithtuan
block S2 .
I. l. . F. 23 leet lot 14 block 32
Mlololl Uoenba. 111 east ii lot 1
laniiali Biake, we-t ii lot. 1 block 33 225 00
.1. C. Petcisen tt Bro.. west ii lot 3 Lkc
33 225 00
iloi mail S.pios east ii lot 2 hlock 33 215 an
ios. V. W rcUbach west ii lot 3 block 33 . 225 0-i
Kmiiy Drew e.--t ii l.t 3 block 33 245 9J
I. V Vgciiherger west ij lot 4 block 33.. j4,3. 4i.:
.Jos V. Week!) cii esit ii lot 4 !( Hi.. 2i0 41;
William Wcteucamp lot b-.iik 33 4:il :2
doiplltts I'lisch lot 1! bloi'k 3:t 491 9.'
John atcniiati lot 1 block 34 4 1 92
John v. a'fiinau eas. ' I t 2 block 34 ... 245 91;
.John I"itZ;ciald west ii lot 2 block 31 245 90
John Fitzgerald east ii lot 3 block 34 215 ih;
J. Cluck west 'i lot 3 block 34 245 9ti
W. .Marlins west
2lo !
245 a,.
245 90
245 90
243 'M
2-5 an
. 215 as
2V5 06
4'0 12
21.; 90
215 9t!
225 0-3
25 Ofi
4.5-1 12
204 ('
240 00
259 99
227 50
259 ! S4
227 m
474 32
4S7 52
487 52
4S7 r. ?
Jonotliaii Halt a d J.
i lot 4 block 34...,
if. bo u hi'e east ii lot 4 block 34
J. II. Waterman east ii lo 5 block 34 .
Win. V ctercaKip west 'jlot5 bb ck 34.
Peter Mumm west ii I d hi ck 34 . . .
F. 1). Lehuhoif ea-l ii iot block 31 ...
Frank I'arruth east ii lot I block 35 ...
li. I. Boct, wood west ii lo' 1 b;ock?5..
Walter White lot 2 block 35
ir& A. Mveri east ii lot 3- hlock 35
O. II. Panncle west ii 'ot 3 bl-x-k 35
Alice Peppeibcrg east i 1- t 4 blocs 3... .
L. (i Dovcy t Son west 't lot 4 hiock 35
K (4 IJoveyjt -on lot oniocK 3
. V. While, 20 feet lot 0 bio k 35
Ilenrv B eck, 24 feet lot C blo.?k 35
John 'Black north 48 feet lot 1 block 36.
M. -. chin cli ce. iter .i lot 1 block 30 Black north 48 feet lot 2 block 30..
M 1. church center 3i lot 2 block 3. ...
hi. 11 lot 3 hlock-:$G .,
li. Livingston lot 4 block 3;i
i'ran Carmtli lot 5 block l ... ...
V. II. scinldkneciit lot 6 block 3li
Suction 2. That s tid xpecia' taxes levi -d
aforesaid on s-nd lot- respect ively sh 11 be
come rielinipie'it as follows : One tenth of the
total amount so 1-vied on each of said hts shall
ceeome ih'liniuciit in fif-y days from the pass
ige and approval of this old nance, one tcnflj
in one ye r. one tenth in two years, one tout!)
in t.ece years, one tenth in fe.ur ve'am. one
tfiuth in Ij.-e years, onn i nil, in ix year, one
tent '1 in seven years. i:ie tentli in eight years,
oue tenth in nine years after said levy, and be
ing iroin the pa-sage and approval of this ordi
nance. Bach of said in-tatlnient. except the
first, shall rtruw Intere t at th rate o' seven
ner cent .per annum tram the time o( tU levy
aforesaid unil the "a-'-e slia'l Ut-oome delin
queut. and after the same shall become delin
quent a penalty of li've per c.nt together with
Mreiest at t'ne iate of one per cent per month
s'lail be paid upon eacli delinquent nistaU
n.ent. skc. 3. Tliat th entire amount o.t tax st
levied and assessed on atiy of said lota may
be pa -d by the owner of any lot. or the entire
equal pro rat v propori Ion of said tax on ai.y of
sai i lots. iiiav be paid by any person on any
iiart of aul lots within tUy days from said
evy. and thTCunon sufdi lot or parts of lots
sha'il be exempt from my lie 1 or charge there
for. Sue. 4. That this ordinance 8iall take effect
tn I b in fm ee from and after its passage.
Pa-fed and approved Febr-iary 1 '.. A. li. l?'i.
( attkst) F. .M K1CHEV. 15 -
W. K F X. City Clerk
The above tax is uoiy -ja ana payable at the
office of tl;eci;y nacurt-r. an. I will become d"
liiiii.ic t r..f ' oar interest after April 3rd. 189,
as eeu in sectiou 2 of the above ordinance.
City Treamtir
IL i,
will take place. We will show you soain of the Handsomest ( 'liililii n's
Boys' utid Men's
jt Ma
Si 1 M
ever brought fo this market.' Our Stuck of
eckwear and Flannel Shirts'
cannot be excelled in any city. As a sovenir of Ibis occasion every I.ady
and Gentleman will receive
ft M FT
2 Hi! ii
Remember the Date,
nqay Evening Hext, 8th Inst.
mm A W P:
Tho Leading Clothiers, - 5ti & 3Lun St.
S l. L EL 1
h t: r
Z32X1,X2r.E3 GTOCI;
Going to Piis'olo, Col., a:il tho goods must lo uhl at a
Bacriiice in order to nave ni'iviii".
Ladies Glove Grain S. S. Button Shoe wid sell at ii!c, regular price sfl.'J.T
Ladies Bright Grain Buttan Silo ;scll at 1, regular price -Vl.oO.
Ladies G Mat Silk Lining Button Siio-i wiil sell at :JI.i), regular price 2. 2t.
Ladies Glaz ; Donobt Button S!io.: will sell at 1 71, regular pi ice .2.iT(.
Oar Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola $3.0'.) Button Shoe will sell at ft.'-lO.
Our Ladies Fine Wind Turw.d $4.00 Button Shoe will sell for :; )(.
M:n's Fine Calf B ots will sell nt $1.7", regular price $2.-"0.
JVU'iis IJ -st !?:5.0'J lJciot will sell -at 2A'
Men's Ui'st $3 2 Shoe will sell nt $27..
Men's Fine Dress $2.2r Shoe w ill sell at $1.75.
-Vv'c have a great many Bargains in
Mis 333' and Children's Shoes,
That we Iiitj mt sp-ic.- to m3ntion. so call early andtake advantage of
this rare opportunity at
P. S. All Gjnls M.VTl vK IN PL VIX FIGURES, and yon will lind this to
be no advertising scheme.
-uujj-qj mi w .i i in 1 1 ajuj-iiAj -tt.i-.j.MjrjAGrz-.'i-2
Dr. C- A.
S.D3id3rj.t XD coxitis t.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
Artificid teeth nude on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid IMatea, and inserted
as soon as. tfitkh arc extracted when do
Alt work warranted. Prices reas-maMe.
Vitzikj.w' r$T..iea. Iorc4ouTH.
John C. Bur.n, the Fifth street birber, '
li-ts employed a ccmipetent Assistant who I
a' . ti J -I- !
will Ulieu.-l iu uic iuuiwui (ieuiii;s 04
Mr. Raun's patrons i.u fjrst-ciaiia style.
BA c, ?st-. Tm3 Tabio.
OOlV.'i wk-t. GIXrt r.A.
No. l. 1 - a. m. - No. 2 4 o. tn.
No. 3. 0 :fd p; m. .'. . 1' a, m.
No. ;7-a. III. ' ?it. ' 7 :H p. m
No 7.--G sVl i. n. n- Kj.iS). S :44 a. n.
No.a.-.-t4;if b. in. ' v -
A'l train rua d'Ulv by wav Wi 'oaba. except
No. 7 and 8 wh-.cii ran t j ana. from 5-cl.ajicr,
dally except Sunday.'. .- ',';-,
KKWMW tin M AIWA g. M M i
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our '
Fior de Peppsrberco' and 'Budft
alway9 in fitoek. Nov. 20. 18S5.
Ths 5th St. Herchaiit Tailorl
Keeps a V nULine of
Foreign S: Dom-astic Goads.
CnHiIt V ur Ir(ret hv r.lvuii: Iim at