The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 30, 1889, Image 3

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t -
Tne Evening Herald.
. A. Kallsliarjr. Deatlst, Boekwaad Batldlaa;,
Telephoae Xa. Hi. . ,
Dr. Withers, Deatlst, I'aia Mark.
Catholic St. raul's Church. Oak. between
Klfth and fclxth. -Father Carney, Pastor.
Hervlcea: JJass at ? and lo :S0 a. m. Sunday
Bchool at 2 ytth benediction.
CiiBiiTiAW. Cttf'ner Locust and "Eighth fit.
ttervlces morning and evening. Elder J. Jv.
Heed, pastor. - Sunday Hctiooi 10 a. m.
Epiwopau. St.- Jjtike'A Church, corner Third
and Vliif. ltev. It B. Biir;e. pator. H-r-Vh-ea
tl A. H. I 17 :30 1. M. Sunday School
; , at 2 UJO V. M. -
Gkhmam M KT u o t i ht. Corner Sixth St and
iiranlt. iie. Ilirt. lator. riervieea : 11 A. M.
- and 1 M P. M. Buuday Helioo! 10 :30 a m.
Pmuchytkhi av. Main, between fJUtli and
. Hfventh. ltev. J.'T. lialri. tator. Service;
' ual hour, morning and evening. Sunday
bch'Ml 9 :JO.
Firut MitTHOUUT.-Sixth St.. betwen Main
and Pearl. Ke W B. Alexander, pastor.
Services : II A. M.. 7 :30 P. M. Munda. School
?SJO 1
i P..M. Prayer uieelii g w euuesoajr even
fiiKKiv i'r'bhytkriax . Corner Main and
Ninth, liev W ate. pastor. Services : usual
Jiours. huuday school KdOA. h.
ftwgr.DMH I-ohob"OATIojai Oranlte, be
tween Fifth and Sixth.
COI.OKKU Baptist. Mt. Olive. Oak. between
."enth and Eleventh Itev. A. Hoswell. pas
tor. Services 11 a. m. and 7 :J0 p. in. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening.
You no Me' Chri-tiaw Association
liiximi corner fourth and Main atreeW. Gos-
ui t.nortnT f,.r meu oiii'. everv Sunday af
teriiiMn at 4 o'clock. rUuiua uu-H week, day
Iroui 8:30 a. in., to 9 : ae p. in.
J. Z. Snell, of LiiiCola was a visitirg
attorney at court today.
License to wed wai today granted lo
W. A. Taylor and Miss Elizabeth E
Chase, of Union.
The 4 o'clock gospel meeting at the
Young Men's Christian Association is a
special effort for men, to present the gos
pel to them. All men are invited to bo
nrescnt and aie made heartily welcome
at the meeting.
Burglars seem to be making a rounds
up of Cass county. Last week they get
away with a new suit of clothes, a gold
.watch and $123 at the home of John
Turnbull, near Elmwood, and Saturday
night robbed a jewelry store in Elmwood
and'the same night a raid waa made on
the Gibbon house in Weeping Water.
Yesterday afternoon, after the ladies
who hid participated in .the work for
a a
the anniversary of the Young Men's
Christian Association, had finished clean
ing up at Fitzgerald's hall they went over
to Henry Boeck's and purchased a m
wicker rockinsr chair which they sent to
the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The sift is n
welcome addition to the furnishings
the parlor.
From Seyen till Four.
Notices were posted up in prominir.l
places in the shops today notifying em
ployes that Monday, April 1, the working
hours would be reduced to eight, work
to begin in the morning at 7 o'clock and
shops to close at 4 p. in. The compact
is perfectly fair in the change, reiucii g
the time from one end of the line to the
other with the same amount of pay per
hour as before. The laboring men who
desire, have the advantage of all tin
evening to themselves. How long the
eight hour system will continue, no om
knows, but there seems to be a general
confidence that in the early fall the hours
will be extended.
Chang in Election Dates-
Lincolx. Neb.. March 30. Notice to
school district officers and voters in Ne
braska. By act of the legislature wiih
emergency clause approyed March 2!.
1899' the annual school district meeting
will be held on the last Monday in Juae
189. The meeting called for Monday.
April 1, 1889 should be adjourned or
not held. The regular business of the
annual meeting must be transacted on
the last Monday of June, 1889.
-" " Geo. B. Lakb
Superintendent of Public Instruction.
To. thm Ladles of Plattsmouth.
'- The association feel that they are under
ren-wed obligations to the ladies who so
kindly, generously and patiently assisted
us inrougn rue large amount or. work in
cident to making our anniversary exer
cises a success. That they were a suc
cess th public have witnessed, to, and
we gladly accord all the praise to the
mothers, sisters and lady friends of the
young m?n of Plattsmouth.
J. H." Waterman.
President Y 3L C. A.
Creusel Declines.
Plattsmocth, 3Iarch 30, '89.
JbDiTOR ij.rra.ld. l.wish to announce
to my friends, through the columns of
. your paper, that I cannot nor will not be
a candidate for any city office,- as my
time is fully occupied with other'dutus.
t ..' -, -i - E. S. Ghkuskl.
c Will Meet to Drill.
--riIe yonng ladies who are expecting
to take part in the Washington innaug
ural entertainment are requested to met t
. at the Presbyterian church Monday at
A o'clock p.. m.
Mrs. J. P. Yocsa. Pres. L. A. S.
Olive Jones, Sec. "
Call for Republican Caucus..
The republican nt the Fifth ward
.will meet at the school house Monday
evening April 1, at 7:30 p. m., for the
purpose of placing in nomination two
republican candidates for councilmen.
Harrt Niuer,
"Member Central Com.
-To the Public.
- , I hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent candidate for the office of coun
cilman from the Fifth ward, subject to
the decision of th voters of said ward,
Tnesday, April 2, 1SS9.
Wsl B. Short
. - i v :
Men put In Nomination at the Rd
publican Primaries that ;"'
' .- 'Will. Win.
Work Well Done. ,
Last uight the republicans met in cau
cus fn the 'various wards and put up, all
around, man for city council that can be
elected. The First ward met at the
council chamber. A Salisbury jvaa elect
ed to the chair and Geo. II. Chatburn for
secretary. Tellers were II. D. Jackson
and L. E. Skinner. The informal ballot
placed J. I. UnruU in the lead for coun
cilman; but he resigned and the deciding
ballot was unanimously cast for C. M.
Holmes, the liveryman, who is a popu
lar man in that ward and will recti ve the
entire republican vote which will elect
him by a handsome majority. Delegates
to the school convention to meet atBock
wood hall at 8 'clock tonight are J. II.
Waterman, L. E. Skinner, Walt Holmes,
M. J. O'Kiley, A. Salisbury, T. Murphy,
W. W. Drummond, D. A. Campbell and
C. II. Smith. A. unanimous vote passed
a resolutioa favoring the election of J I.
Unruh as member of the school board.
J. II. Waterman was olected central com
mitteeman from the First ward.
One of the tubst harmonious and suc
cessful priamaries eyer held in the Second
ward was at the school house last night.
A good representation of republicans was
there, and the harmonious movement
and gener&l appearance of the voters wore
a deep contrast ta the Jones and demo
cratic crowd that met there the uight be
fore in political promiscuity. J. W
Jobnson was made chairman and W, II.
Pool secretary. P. D. Bates and L. D.
Bennett were tellers. The name of Robt.
Donnelly was brought out for the coun
cilman candidacy and without the sug
gestion of another name he was unani
mously declared the choice of the becond
ward by acclamation. Mr. Donuelly is
the owner of the wagon and buggy fac
tory and blacksmith shop on 6th street
and is one of the much respected and
stanch republicans of that ward, and a
better man could not have been selected.
Many leading democrats pf f.hat ward
express satisfaction with Mr. Donnelly's
nomination and will support him in fa
vor cf ones, their own man. Delegates
to the school conweutic to meet atllock
wood hall tonight at 8 o'clock are Robt.
Donnelley, P. D. Bates, W. II. Pool?
Win. Weber, D. K. Ijarr, John Henshaw,
W. S. Wise and J. W. Johnson. P. D.
Bates was elected central committeeman.
A very large turnont of republicans
wf re at the Third ward caucus and the
nominationo wee rcoct; satisfactory. O.
C. Smith was made chairman and M.
O'Donahoe clerk. M. B. Murphy and
L. G. Larson were tellers. On motion
the polls to vote on council candidate
were kept open one hour. When that
time expired votes had been cast as fol
lows: S. W- Dutton S7, W. II. Pickens
1, L. G. Larson 24, A. Clifton 34. On
motion S. W. Dutton was unanimously
declared the Third ward candidate. On
motion a committee of A. N. Sullivan,
S, II. Atwood and II. C. Ritchie was ap
pointed to presepf, the names of 18 dele
gated to the city convention tonight at
Rockwood hall. The following is the
Hat which was accepted: A. B. Todd,
Wni. McCauley, A. Clifton, O. M.
Streight, W. L. Brown, W. II. Newell,
Th os. Pollock, Peter Ellington, Frank,
Smith, F. Carruth, F. Boyd, Charley
Forbes, J. II. Young, J. II. Hall, T. Steim
ker, M. B. Murphy, Byron Clark and S.
C Green. A. N. Sulliyan was re-elected
chairman of central committee.
The Fourth ward .caucus was held at
the office of Skinner fc Ritchie. Stephen
Buzzell was made chairman and II.
Boeck secretary. Telleia were -Wash
Smith and J. M. Summers. For council
man E. 1. Greusel was nominated, but
in view of his resignation " the Fourth
ward voters meet again tonight to make
another nomination. The delegates to
the city convention are Wm. -Ballance,
Robert Troop. E. Messier, James Sage,
L. T. Hasson, IL B. Sundell, D. B. Smith,
H. Boeck, F. T. Johnson, Walter Thom
as, Wash. Smith, Stephen Buzzeil. Robt.
Stuard. F. Myers and W. M. Latham.
The Fifth ward caucus was a fizzle as
far as nominations were concerned, but
otherwise it was a success. Democrats,
mugwumps, prohibitionists and British
ers came in at the caucus and tried to
run the concern. After making nomina
tions and trying to acfreely with all the
intruders, the caucus adjourned, declar
ing all their actions illegal, and will
meet again Monday night to make their
Fainted, Fell and Mashed a Finger.
Shortly after 7 o'clock this morning an
accident of comparative little moment
happened in the yards. P. S. Peterson a
brakeman on No. 13. freicht, was helping
make up the train to go to Omaha. . lie
went to climb down the end ladder of a
car ta make a coupling, when, according
t his statement, everything turned black
and he fell. In the effort to catch him
self lie thrust his left hand between the
draw bars and the third finger was smash
ed on the end. The stretcher was brought
out and Peterson was carried to Dr.
Livingston's office where his finger was
dressed in a few minutes, and having re
covered his strength, remarked that he
was good for his breakfast yet, and fol
lowed the stretcher which had carried
him up. down Main tret.
We have just received All-wool,
Double Fold Newton Suitings, in
all the New Spring Mixtures, only
30 cents a yard.
35 pieces Rutland 36-inch La
dies' Cloth, in all the latest Spring
Colorings, only 45 cents a yard.
New Combination Novelty Suit
ings, 54 inches wide, only $1.00,
worth $1.25 a yard.
Our Line of TIenriettes and
Serges cannot be duplicated in
this city in quality and price.
We are showing an Elegant Line
oi Koechlin's Best Goods.
Domestic Sateens.
75 Different Patterns to Select
from; the Colorings and Patterns
are equal to the Best Imported
White Goods.
Our Line of Above Goods is
now ready for inspection.
Full Lines of India Linons in
White and Black.
Politics, ward primaries and indepen
dent candidates hare so flooded the mind
of Tub Jokkr this week that he has had
very little opportunity to make obsei ra
tions, but Thursday evenins he was
strikingly impressed with the fact that
democratic urmjaries hare no effect n
Y. M. C, A. anniversaries.
If the old gray naired school ma ams,
who had the drilling of the Jones-democratic
factions of the Second ward poli
tician in their childhood days, could
bare been preaeqt at the democratic pan
eus held in the Second ward school house
Thursday night and heard and seen what
transpired in that building directly con
trary to all patient words and teachings
of twenty years ago, they surely would
hare wept at the bld mockery they now
perpetrated be fare the school children of
The other morning as The Jokir was
wending bis way down the street be met
a young maiden cu her way to school
and, noticing the deep thought expressed
on her countenance remarked. "You
seem to be in a meditave mood this
morning." '"Yes," said she "I was
wondering if the disproportionableness
of the alembrehimic would cause a pro
pulsionary exodus of incongruous ele
ments, and precipitate that reign of in
fralapsarianism which is so contiguous
to that of the inficabPitunitibasquerian,
and that you know, was too awfully
awful for passive acquiescence and toler
ation." He answered not, but fled in
wild dismay, fully resolved never to dis
turb the serene meditations of another
dreamy girl while on her way to school.
Some very popular social events have
been recently held in Plattsmouth. and
some more are on the way. Tub Joker
is waiting anxiously for the arrival of
the Washington Anniversary, when he
hopes to get to turn the ice cream freezer
for his part of the entertainment, if he
can beat the boys.
For Rent a fine house of 4 nice
rooms, good cellar and 8'ft and hard
water. Enquire at August If ich grocery.
Johnson Bros have Two of the finest
Gasoline Stoves in the market. Call and
see them. d-tf
Wanted. A- housekeeper or a girl to
do general bouse work. Inquire at the
Bazar. tf
Ta the new CO 41. Q-L, Stove
just recetve4at Johnioa Droa
Call and pre tit em. They will
Our Spring Stools of
Hosiery i
Is Now in and yo are Showing- some Special
Good Values.
Ladies' Full Regular B.ilbrirrgan Hose only 15 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Quality Balbriggan Hose only 25 cents a pair.
Ladies' Extra Fine Quality Balbrigg'in Hose only 35 cents a pair.
Premier Fast Black Hosiery, Warranted Absolutely Stainless, at
40, 50 and 65 cents,
Ladies' Extra Quality Lisle Hose 50 cents, worth (J5c.
Ladies Silk Plaited Hose, 85 cents, worth $1.00.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, Perfect fitting, only 15c, worth 25c.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Lisle Vests Extra Value only 50 cents.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Balbriggan, made from the finest combed
Egyptian Cotton, High Neck, Long Sleeves, only 60 cents.
Ladies' Summer Weight Merino Vests, French Neck, only
60 cents, worth ?3.
Full Lines of Balbriggan and Gauze Vests at popular prices.
Main Street
Of the Photograph Gallery formerly
owned by Mrs. Cutler. I wi4h to an
nounce to the people of Plattsmouth and
I vicinity that I haye bought the Photo
graph Oallery of Mrs. Uutlr, and am
prepared to do as fine work as can be had
in the State. I have secured the services
of Mr. I. F. Kennedy a& operator, who
has had twelve years experience in the
leading, galleries in the east and west.
We make a Specialty in taking Babies
Pictures. Cloudy days equHlly as good
as sunshine for sittings. We invite you
all to call and examine our work, whetfl
er you bare work done or not.
"Waktkd An offer on Lots 6 Block 22
L 5 B 23, L 12 B 54, L 5 B 38, L 8U 58.
west of L 9 B 28 Plattsmouth.
d-l-w Windham & Da vies.
John C. Boon, the Fifth street barber,
has employed a competent assistant who
will attend to the tonsorial demands of
Mr. Boon's patrons in fi.-st-class style.
Notloe to Oontractors.
Sealed bids will be received by the Chairman
of the Board of Public Works until noon on the
17th day of April. 1889, for filling the old creek
bed at the following plac s towit :
Contract No. 1, 1,373 cub. yds. more or lees on
Vine street between 6th and 71 h street. Con
tract No. 2 1,625 cuh. yds-, more or lets on Pearl
St. between 6th and 7th S.s. Contract No. 3
868 cub. yds. more or less on Eist of Sih St. be
tween Main and Pearl Sts. Contract No 4.744
cub. yd. inre or less on east side of 4th Ht.
between Main and Parl Sta. Two classes ol
bids will be reoeived for said work : Clas- "A"
the Contractor to furnish earth from private
grounds ; Class "B" the contractor to tuke
the earth from such places in the public streets
as the Chairman of the Board of Public Works
may direct.
Engineer's Estimate Contract No. 1. Class A,
12'4 ctu per cubic yard.
Kocineers estimate uomracc io. l. class a.
25 cts. per cub. yrd.
Kniriueer s estimate oontracs o. :. Class a.
12'4 cts per cub. yrd.
tsncrmeer's Estimate contract po. 2. Class 15.
25 cents per cub yrd.
Engineers estimate uoutract rxo. 3, Class. A.
12l-4 'ts. per cub. yrd.
1 " j .-I . 1.V . I ...... -
biizineer's Estimate Contract No. 3. C as
jo ets. per cuu. yra.
KiiRineer's Estimate Contract No. 4, Class A,
ets per cud. j ri.
Enitineer's Eotunate Con'ract No. 4, Class B.
ii cts per cun. yra
Work to be comple'ed within thirty days
from the lettint;. outract to be let to the
lowest and best binder. The right is reserved
to reject any and all bids. For particulars en
quire of the Chairman Board Public orhs.
d20t Ch'm Board Public Works.
The Boss T&ijQr
Mala St.. Over Merges' Shoe Store-
Has the best and most complete stock
pf samples, both foreign and domestic
jyoqjens that eyer came west of Missouri
river. lote these prices: tJusinees suits
from $1(J to $33, dress suits. 225 to 45.
pants $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards.
dFWJU guarantee a fit
Prices, Doty ComDctltion,
One Door East FirstHat'l Bank.
Our First Spring Surprise
With New
6 Ik Wm
Men's and Youths' Suits, $4.93, $7.85, 310.00.
For Business, $12.50, 15.00, $10.50.
Boys' Long Pant Suit to 18
Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, $Lj5, $2,43, $3.43, $3, $6,
Bojs' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cU., 75 cts., $1.
Men's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a suit. i
Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair,
Men's Latest Styles of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $:j.5oT "
All. the Latest Styles In 4
Shirts and
ELSOI,TIiBOflPriGfi Cloici"
Hard Worker fiw Va
' w mwm aa
Plattsmouth, -
Spring Wraps.
We have opened an ElegaiK
Beaded Front and Back, only $5 J
Lace Sleeves, Gimp Trimin
at $7.50.
Very Heavily Beaded only $10.
Spring Jackets.
Good Values from $2.5$
Peasant Cloaks only Zf
Tans. Gobelins and Blacks.
e are showing
ft" very largvi
mi5 ui iuck jerseys
everything new ranging from 75
cents to $5.00. Jersey Blouso
Waists for Ladie and Children in
. 1 a
-avj, uendarme, Cardinal and
Kmbroidoi ios.
The finest line of Swiss Flonn
cings ever show in this city, at
extremely low prices. Full lines
of Hamburg Edgings. Insertion
and All Overs,
Goods at
vea s. S2.9.Y S t x si-,io
4 'i