ITDTress (broods and. &alks In the. Latest 48.Xn.eli Blacls BLACE LACS XTOV-SXiTliS j ALL-WOOL IN BLACK i HENRIETTA BUN7IWG8 Dress Oroocbs" Mm 82 stud S-EeicSi B3acl HTa&iMc JBIscEs. Jaais3. BBlacIk SMsraEas, Colored IasiEe in Tans SBrowntfij lavy and Fee2a aitcS si SIgae of Colored res Stood THURSDAY! ThePlattsnoutb Daily Heraiu. KNOTTS 3E3 C 3... Publishers & Proprietors. THE FLA.TTSMOUTII UEKALI) Is published everv evening except Stindn' and Wrukly every Thursday inoruiug. Kegi? tered at the postulllce. f.aliiiiiouth. Nebr.. Becond-clASx matter. Otlice curuer uf Vine an Filth etreets. Telephone Mo. 38. TERMS FOR DAILY. One copy one ear in Mdvance, by mail $t! i- One co;y per month, by 4 ari ier..... .... 6 Oue copy per week, by carrier 1: TERMS FOR WEEKLY. nne 00 py oue year, in advance. ... SI One copy six uionias. in advauce ... 7 WAGES AND PROTECT I OX. The reduction of wages by the Brooki Iron company, the Heading Iron U ork and the Pottsville Iron aud Steel com pany is another illustration of the "beau ties of protection." It cuts oft from 7 ti 15 per cent, of the wajes of 2,000 or U, 000 workmen in industries which are th special pets of framcrs of high traifTV And so the "campaign of education" proceeds. New York World. No protectionist claims that protection maintains wages at a given standard. A dull condition of .trade in any line ot employment generally results in lowei wages or fewer hours of work. The true test of what protection does for wages is the comparison between tht wages paid in this country and thost paid in Europe or Asia. Take, for in stance, the wages in iron and steel manu facturing in England and the United States and it will be readily seen that tht wages in this country will stand a verj large reduction and yet not reach the low standard of England. Here are the figures : BLAST FCRWACF. tii 21st inst. PJmi wmmmi yMW mm mm&m mmmm mmmfmmgm Mmm tmbmd Cumber- Jolit. land, Kn. 111. Penlay. Ter dav Keener Si 41 83 s Helper & 2 -' Top n ler 1 IS 2 Hi Bottom fillers 113 z 1; Cinder loader W 1 6 Hoist engineers 101 If.' Blast 1 00 3' Cindermen Ill 1 fci General labor 77 1 ROI.LIKG MILL.' ritfsburjh fcrtnii. I'er toi . Fuddline f 1 75 5 no Muck rolIinR '.'4 63; Bar rolling and clutching.. 73 1 13 Har heating 34 70 Hoop rolling and heating, I'i-inch and No. 17 1 08 3 50 Cotton tie tolling and heat ing 37 4 10 BESSEMER STEEL. England. U. S. J'erday Terdav. Converter men SI s 4 35 Fit men 1 15 4 Idle men 1 "0 3 94 Kail heaters 1 CO 6 00 1 K.l irollers 2 Wt 7 00 Common laborer 63 1 34 England is the free trader's paradise, and the scale of her wages is higher than la any continentinal country, and she is cited as proving that a tariff is no pro- til " FOR WE WILL Spring Shades, also Black and Colored Bilks, the the City at Cut IE1R Q&jEpra spfHMspp mm pep w . , B , . tm - mi mmi peo&BJL s23 Soir "E?Safis SPsgJLs OnIira titt r of wngu woikers, forgetting that uer scale was largely infim-nred by the uighest kind of protection, jigorouly iu forced, until she belieyed Iter wealth. Iter machinery and her skilled workmen ; could control the markets of the world, ut neither her her manufacturers nor ner laborers today participate in this ad miration of her fiscal policy. American Economist. ' Eastern merchants are taking steps to oriu prominently before the attention of the government the need of a line of steamers between New York and the leading S.utli American ports. At Lres ut goods are shipped via Loud n or Man burg, and the American inanu- ! factiirers and dealers are severely hand: rapped. It would only require a small j vabsuly to ts ablish the iiue de-sired, and j that it would soon become self-supporting and profitable. mnBai Posr Widow Eedoti! Sm3 tried to write lo ve poetry to the deacon, and could frame only "Affliction sore Long time I bore." II id the lone creature used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription the sure reined' tor thy weaknesses and peculiar ailments of her sex she might hare secured the deacon's favor by the cheerful character of her verses. Wasted- an offer on the following discribed property: Lot 7 Block Do, L f L5 1K3, L 1 B C, L H B 01, i:i Plattsmouth. Lots D, 10, 11 and 12 Block 7, L 1 Bo, L 9, 10 and 11 B 11, L 7 and 8 B 5, L 5. 0, 7 and 8 B 15, L 1 and 2 B IS, L 5 and 0 ii (!, L -1 B 4. L 1 and 2 B 1 and 2, all in Towiisand's addition. d-l-w Wikdham & Davies. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral possesses powtr- j iul tit alin qualities, winch manifest uiems dves whenever this remedy is em jdoved in colds, coughs, throat or luu troubles. Its anodynv ud exectoraut cfT.cSs nre promptly realized. It is a che iii .al suc ess and a medical triumph. All parties wishing to contract with the j 1K. er ! Plattsmouth Canning Company are rc quested to call at once, and state numb ,'f acres they wish to plant. d wtf If you require a spring medicine, if ycu are suffering with languor, debility, pimples, boils, catarrh, chronic sores, scrofula, or loss of appetite, or any disease arising from impure blood, t;ike Ayer's Sirs lparilla the safest aud most econom ical of all blood purifiers. For Sate One quarter section of good land neap Oneill, Holt. Co., Neb. Some improvements. Will sell cheap; pirt cash. Address by mail or call ut A. P. Campbell's Wiutcrsteen hill d-w-1 m O. T. Wood. No greater triumph in medicine or chemistry has been recorded than Hall's Il.dr lienewer to revive nnd lestore gray hair to tho color of youth. - ' f 1 -4 til X -A Aw V " y TEN DAYS, COMMENCING m OFFER Prices for this Sale only. Y Drew blood, modern' doctors cleanse it ; hence the increased demand for Altera tives. It is now well known that iimft diseases are due, not to over-ahundanr :, but to impurity, of the- Blood ; and is equally well attested that r.o blood medicine is so eilieacious us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " One of my children had a large sore break out on the leg. "NVe applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. 15ut it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medicine was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla being Recommended above all others, we used it with mar velous results. The sore healed and health anil strength rapidly returned." J. J. Armstrong, 'Weimar, Texas. "I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be an admirable remedy for the cure of lilood diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the work every time." E. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. " We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla hero for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best Mood-purifier." W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. "Ayer's medicines-continue to be the standard remedies in spite of all com petition." T. "V. Richmond, Bear Lake, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Trice $1; six bottles, $3. Worth 55 a bottle. For "run-down." debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Ppeclrlc for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women ; a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it imparts vigrorand strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigvstfon, bloating1, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purelv vegetable and perfectly harmless in an condition of the pvstem. p j "tavorl for women, 1 mmmmmmmmm"m: under a. "i-avonte l'rcscrip- the only medicine sold rv drup-irists, positive guar antee of satisfaction in every case, or price ($I.U0) refunded. This puaranteo ha been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For larj-'e. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (1C0 paires, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensahy Medical Association, tkia Main Street. Buffalo, N. T. H. C. SCHMIDT 5! (C)l'XTV SUKVKVOK.) Chi! hiigiiiccr Surveyor and Braflsm?.n Plans, Specitieations and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, ilaps itc. I NEB. I PLATTSMOUTH. The O d Doctors E Cmz-Es' ' " i i &! M B-r i . swfl M KMT i U WUA V , U MB AT SPECIAL SALE lime Wool Uress IhqIi Blade BLAOEZ. SILKWAEP Blaclr: L - SUE AH. tuffeta - LUXE. .H'ENBIETTA 1 r. N is J J - - THE CITIZENS 1 m m I'liAITSMUUTii. - IiUKAaA. AFiTAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $!00,000. - OI KH EKS - IiANK CAKliUTli. JOS. A, CON , Oil, IVeililent. V iee-Presideut V. 11. Cl'SniNti. Cafhier. OIKiSCXOKS Trunk Carruth J. A. Connor, K. K. Guthmaiii; J. W. JolinsGii, Henry 15a'ck, John O'Keefe, V. D. Mrriam, Win. Weteccamp, W. 11. dishing. Transacts a General Hanking Business. A 1 win! have any iijiiikinjr busiiiess to transact are invite.l to caM. No matter h l;:i('e r snli- the transaction, it w:!i receive our careful attentiou, and we i.Ton!ise always cour teous treatment. ' Certiflnates of Ierosits bearing inteie: Buys and sei! Foreign Kxetiange, County and Citv securities. FlfiST HATiOfiAL r'iAI TSAIOUTU. NKKKASKA, filers very best fciiUies for the promt; transaction of legitimate 3AHKIi;G business. -'locks, IJonds, iold, (-foverrmeut and Loci 1 Securities noiurnt and Sold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certia eates, Drafts drawn, available in any part of the United States and all the prineiprtl towns of iiurooe. 'olltctioii-:; made & promptly ier Kohl's; market prices paid for County War State ai.d Count v Beads. DirtKCTORS .1 !) Fif.zr-ii.l 'l.itx., D. Haksworl: S. V- ii ih. f.V. v;hiie. i J - fS KlT.REBALI), S AC,1 I Krfulricnt. Casl:i r. C-ir. Til.iia and Fifth St.s., riattsn:.ut!i !'M!);P C.U I A I 5.-K0.tie( . 23,0fcf Sl'Kl'l.LS 01" ICEKS : C. II. I'AIIMFI.R Ki;:-:i Cdudku .1. M. I'attkksox... d.S. i'Al'TKlCSOA", .Hi President .Vice Prejident ':isi;iei ... Ass't Cashi. I'lKIXTOHS : II. Pann-de. M. Patterson, Fred Corder ' .H. Smitii. i;. !!. Wiudhaii), 15. S. liasiiscy. .! :s. Patterson jr. A Genaral Bai lizg Easiness Traasactef A''oii:iis Solicited. Interest allowed on time deposits, and prmnpt itteiitioa yiveu to at' business entrusted to its care. J.H.EjIM0NS,riI. D. 11 )VCE0P.VTIIIC rnysicsan g 5urg8on :1T-! l-f;i,liT;fA Pnrnf r r.f 9ovintll ctratt , ae-1 Wiis'deytnn Avenue. Telephone No. go. t i;n!:c Diseits-" ana L!"e ises ot women anr. CldMrea a specialty. Ofiiee boms, 9 to 11 a. w. 2 to 0 aud T to 9 p. iu. AitClf - 20, 1 839. 1 e Offer also LINE OF 1Ii?s Is31 HAS THE LAIIGEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which lie is ofibring nt Prices that will make tliern sell. A complete line of Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture Frames in great variety. Yon can get everything you need. . You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each month and you will soon have a fine furnished house and hardly realize the cost. Call and see. ZEr3 Bfbbo ttrja mm SIXTH STJiEE T, IJET. MAIN AND OO TO HBN-P.Y P. runmiuHE Parlor, Dining TO IT 3 M. M. II 13 OWX3 1HS OWN nUILDIN'G. IF-A Y S jNTO RENT And thorufore cm soil von xools lr less Money than tiny other tie:i!er in tlio citv. HE ALSO HAS A COMPLETE ASSOIIT.MEXT OF HEARSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. HENRY COR. MAIN AND BUSINESS DIUECTOUY. f I TTOltNEY. ri. u v Tit i -t c . A. I' -) , -I -tnij KntCkr-u ViOill Cfina In Fiiztrerald Illock. Flattamouth, ieb. A TTOi'tNfcY. A. N. SULLIVAN, attorney-at-Law. Will give prompt attention rn a!I buctness mtrufted to him. Ofiiee in Union Block, East side, i'lattsmoutb. Htsb. U (IHRt!! WllIII P11?TII SfanlA anil Runeff (l ri wu ri 111 uw a-,m n Crockery, Flour and Feed. FinestLine in 1A FOE TEXT DAYS AND FINEST STOCK OP mSli NX-C abm HsT VINE. PLAIT f-MOLT II, IshV. BDEOiC'S UM! OTAirO iS I i I V r A. 'Room and Kitchen CJ E IS BOEOK SIXTH STREETS. WM: Zt B R Q WXB 9 T,."W OFFICE. tomy carLatfealIOn t0 aU BufIne" Entrust- xotahv ix okpicjk: Titles Examiaea. Abitarct. rnmr.o. t surauce Written, heal Khtat s4.ih K ' Better Facilities for makln5 Farta Iao. than Anr Otker Agency. IMattsnioulh, - IVcbratk. J i ft