The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 23, 1889, Image 1

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VEy Entire stock of Boots, Shoes, liiiblDers elxiOL SlipPers
Must Be Sold By April 1st. Whoever Wants to Buy Cheap Come. Now is the-Time.
I thank the Public fur their past generous patronage, and will be pleased to 6eo all my old customers and others to avail themselves of this rare opportunity of Cheap Goods.
All those knowing themselves indebted to me must come and
(1AS.H 1-OLKJK No. HO. 1 U. O. F.-Meets
- Tuesday evenlu of each wt-flt. All
..osient brothel are respectfully invited to
U. K.. meet every alternate Friday Hi
eaoh month la the MaMouie Hall. Visiting
Brothers are Invited to attend.
TRIO LODdE NO. 84. A. O. U. W. MeeU
every alternate Friday evening at K. of I,
all. Transient brother are rest ect fully In
Ited to attend. K. P. lirown. Master work
man ;1. B. K mister. Foreman ; P. ll.Stelmker
Overseer;' W. II. Millfr, Financier; (i. K.
Uouaeworth, Recorder ; F. J Morgan. Itecelv
er; Win. Crehan. ;nle : Wm. Ludwi, Inside
Watch : L. Olseu, Outside Watcii.
Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each
nonlh at Maiou'f Hall. Transcleut brothers
are Invited to meet with us.
F. E. Whitk, II. P.
Wm. Hat. Secretary.
Meets on th flrt and third Mondays of
each month at their hall. All transient broth
ers are cordially Invited to meet with us.
J. U. Kiciirv. W. M.
Wm. Hats, Secretary.
of America Meets second and fourth Mon
day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient
brother are requested to meet with ua. I.. A,
Newcomer. Venerable Consul ; i. K, Nileo"
Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Banker ; W. A.
Boeek, Clerk.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
.-Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 26. 18S5.
Our First Spring Surprise !
With New Goods at
ne Price
Men's and Youths' Suits, 84.95, $7.85, 510.00.
For Business, 12.50, S15.00, $16.50.
Boys' Long Punt Suits to 18 years, 2.95, 3.45, $5.45 to $13.50.
Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, $1.95, $2.45, $3.45, $5, $G, 7.
Boys' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1.
Men's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a suit.
Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair,
Men's Latest Styles of Stiff Ilats from $1.50 to $3.50.
All the Latest Styles In
Shirts and Neckwear,
ELSHTle hHft ClotMer.
Hard "Worker for Your Trade.
Plattsmoulh, - - Nebraska,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
it, strength and wholenomenesa. Mors econo
mical tnau the ordinary kinds, and cannot be
sold In competition with the multitude of low
test, short weight alum or phosphate powders.
Sold only in eatm. Koval Baking Powdkb
Co.. loe Wall St. N. V.
M. Rii hit
Treasurer, -Attorney,
Police Judge,
W K Pox
jamrs Patterson, jb
- Bykon Clark
- A Madolr
- S Clifford
i. H. Dunn
Councilmen. 1st ward. Salisbury
na 1 Dr. A Hhipman
dra 1 8 W DUTTON
i Con O'Connor.
1 P McCallkn. Pres
I j W Johns v,Chairman
Board Pub. Works Fmcn Gokdkw
ID H Hawks Worth
settle by April 1st, as all my accounts will be placed in the collector's
Th Citizens interested in the
curing of Water Works.
The Herald notices with pleasure that
tho people of Elmwood are moving for
ward and the present plan, if pushed
through would be Tory beneficial to the
city. The following is from the Echo:
"Per call of the Echo tho greater
portion of our business men met at Lack
nay's furniture store Saturday night for
the purpose of considering the propriety
of establishing water works in Elmwood
C. D. Clapp was made chairman of the
meeting and A. U. Mayfield secretary.
The matter was thoroughly ventilated by
Dr., W. S. Waters, A. L. Ross and
other citizens. Several plans were talk
ed of, and in order to come down to
active business the chiir was ordered to
appoint a committee of three to investi
gate the matter and draw up a plan and
report at the next meeting in the
school house Monday night; after which
time bids will be received and considered
by the citizens.
It is evidently a fact that firo will
stand a slim chance in Elmwood inside
of two months, as the water works will
be in running order by that time.
A Roundabout Way to Chicago.
It is now possible to take a very round
about way over the B. & M. for Chicago,
and by that way get a good look at
Nebraska's choicest land, if one desires
to travel for pleasure; and yet the trip is
almost as quick as on the regular pns
senger train. Taking the 7:47 train here
in the morning one can catch the Beatrice
& Wymore train at Lincoln, and change
at Wvmora for St. Joe. - The Beatrice
Democrat describes the route thusly
"The Burlington route has opened
up to the people of Beatrice
new and complete route to the east in
addition to their old lines, one of which
runs via Nebraska City, the other via
Lincoln and Omaha. The new route
Via St. Joseph, Jiv this line passengers
can leave Beatrice at 1:10 p. m.and arrive
in Chicago tho next morning for break
fast at 8:25. This change was brought
about by putting on one of the fast
trains from the Missouri river which is a
complete vestibule train of the very
latest and most complete equipment in
cluding the C, J. & Q. papular dining
April 30, 1789. April 30, 1889
The ladies of the Presbyterian church.
are busy making aqd plaqniqg decora
tions for the Washington reception and
banquet, to be held at Waterman's opera
house Tuesday evening, April 80. Mr.
Moore has full charge of the floral deco
rations. This, in addition to the other
decorations is expected to make the most
beautifully decorated hall ever seen in
this city.
Hardly a day goes by but what,
someone remarks to the IIekald scribe.
concerning the completed and present
improvements. Today Mr, Q. S. Sher
man, wb,Q has qot been in this city for
three years remarked, : Plattsmeuth has
had a wonderful growth," and again,
"she is going right ahead." These arc
truthful observations, and are good
evidence there is something about this
city that is bound to make her boom.
If your watch is sick take it to Geo.
W. Vass, the scientific watch doctor, he
lias a remedy that will cure all diseases
of a watch.
Respectfully dedicated
picture iu the window of O.
to the beautiful
P. Smith.
Llko a captivated lover
I've been gazlnit. gazing, gazing.
At thy painting, "h tli u maiden.
Till my eyes are weak front looking.
And I looked so long and steady.
Lingered in tbat look so fondly
That I found myself a sleeping
Sleeidng. dreaming, fondly peering.
Still wiili deep impression waking
All the spirit of my being.
Lovely p ctare thy creation.
Soul of art and thee thou maiden,
Arc embodied in the drawinir.
Fascinating as displayed there,
Bvery connesiur of art skill
Every eve that loves a picture
Heems to dwell on this one only
And O. P. is In hi glory
Consequent upon this picture
Thus adorning bis nice wiudow.
March 22, lisa,
An Ordlnrnc
Levying a special tax una imsessnient on ull
lots within paving district No 1. In the city
of l'laits i outli. to cover the cost of paving
and urbthg Main stieef. between the eai-l
side of Seventh sreet and went side of Sec
ond an eel in said city.
Whkmkas, It havi'ig been, and being here
by adjudged, determined and established that
the several' lots hereinafter referred to have
each been specially benefited to the full
amount herein levied and assessed against each
of said lots respectively, by reason of the pav
ing and curbing of that part of Main street be
tween the east side of Seventh street and the
went aide of Second street.
Vlitreforc, for the purpose of paying the cost
of said paving and curbing
lie it Ordained hy the Mayor and Council of the
City of i'lathtmouth
skcion 1. That the cost of paving and
curbing that part of Maiu street within avin
uistrict No. 1. in the city of Plattsmouth, from
the east, blue of Seventh street, to the west side
ol second street, said cost being the nuin of
2y.4l.G2, be and the same is lu-reby levied and
a sessed iu pioporiiou to the feet fro .t along
said Kuviug and curbing and according to
special benefits by re tsou of said paving aud
curbing upon the following desribea
lots ; said cost being so levied ou said lots re
spectively, as follows, to-wit :
fclizabetu L. Waterman. lot 7, block 27,. 437 52
ie . K lovey. lots, biook 27, 487 52
James Jordan and Win L lirowne, lot 9.
block. 7. 487 32
Cicorge Prouger, lot 10, olock 27 487 62
Trustees Presbyterian church, lot 11,
block 27 48T 52
Fred Stadeliuaun, lot 12, block 27,. 47 22
Johu Fitzgerald lot f block 28 491 92
John Fitzgerald lot 8 block 2i 491 92
11. P. Cooledge lot 9 block 28 491 92
Peter Merges weft V lot 10 block 28 245 96
V. V. Leonaid east V lot 10 block 28 245 96
Elizabeth Herold wet Vx lot 11 b ock 28.. 215 96
Win. Herold east yt lot 11 block 28 245 9C,
M. 1. Polk west Vi lot 12 block 28 245 96
Amelia Sherwood esstVi lot 12 block 38.. 229 02
Bank of Cass C . west H lot 7, block 29 .. 245 96
J K ox, east !4 lot 7 block 29 245 96
Emily Urew west Vt lot 8 block 29 245 90
Levi Guiding cast V lot 8 block 29 245 96
f redStadelman west lot 9 bio k 2 245 9G
C J. Martin east Vt lot 9 bloak 29 245 96
Lucinda Hillings lot 10 block 29 491 92
F. E Wi ite west V lot 11 block 29 245 96
Jason Streight east Vt lot 11 block 29 (245 96
At. l Poik west 20 feet lot 12 block 29 . . 223 60
U. V. Mathews eat 24 f-'et lot 12 olock 29 268 32
Chailotte A .W heeler, lot7, bloek30, ... 491 92
County Commissioners, Cass county, lot
8 block 30 491
County Commissioners Cass county, west
Vi lot 9, block 3.0. 245 96
Lelia L. Thomas, east Vt of lot a block 30 245 96
11. E. Palmer, west 54 lot 10, block 30.... . 245 96
E. Uo ey estate, east Vt lot 10 bio k 30 245 96
John iiartman west V lot 11 block ?0 245 96
Kred (ioos east ',4 lot 11 ulovk 30 245 96
Fred Coos, lot 12 bloek 30 491 92
Frederick Krug, lot 4 block 31 124 19
Phillip Fritsch, north V, lot 5 block 31... 124 19
C It A- Q K H Co., S'.i Lot 5, Block 31.. 124 19
C B & C2 K K Co.. Lot 6, Block 31 S97 22
C It Q It It Co., Lot 7, Block 31 749 68
flump Fritecn. is 21 leet lxt 8 Block 31. 114 23
August Back, 25 feet Lot 8, Block 31.... 136 02
F it (iuthinan, W', Lot 8. Block 31 38U &d
F it Uuihman, 24 feet Lot 8. Block 31... J9o Si
Phillip ritsch. K 21 feet Lot 9. Block 31. 66 48
Amust Bach, 25 feet Lot u. Blook 31... 77 SA
h- K (Uithman, WVi Lot 9. Block 31 221 97
F it (ititiuiiun. 24 feet Lot 9, Block 31.. 75 99
Phillip Frtsch, E'2l feet Lot 10. Uloou 31 31 71
Augnst Bach. 25 feet Lot 10, Block 31 37 05
Heury Amison Estate. YV north 21 feet
Lot 10. Block 31 5 J 2C
F R (iuthman. SWJi Lot 10 Block 31... 82 20
F it Outhman, 24 feet Lot 10, Block 31. .. 36 24
Henry AmUon's Estate, lot 11, Block 31. 153 50
CH&QKH Ce Lot 1, B.ock 32 1
U B & U It K Co., Lot 2, Block Kl..,.,. f
C B & i) II K Co., Lot 3. BiokiJ , H560 60
C B & U li K CP... Lot 4: BJock & J
F li tiuihti'an. Lot n, Block 3J in v
' lot 12, Block 32 ; .
F L Cayle, 22 leel of Frank Gayie's!
Lot 12. Block 32 .......
Allie V Koberts, E 48 feet Lot 12, Block 32
SO 24
32 04
72 48
r wuinni .n, ietu on; west end Lot 12
biock ua a 04
IOO F 23 leet Lot 12. Block 32. ;4 04
Frank liayle, 24 feet next to K 48 feet
Lot 13. Block 32 75 un
F L Gayle, 22 feet w of Frank Gayie's
Lot 13. Block 32. . , en 99
Allie V Koberts. K 48 leet Lot 13. Block 32 151 98
? i fi ... l. 09 f u... , . 1 1 ...
4. U VltlllllllOII, .-J JIL VTPl, LdVIt
13. Block 32 72 99
O O F 23 feet Lot 13. Block 32 72 us
Frank qayle.84 feet next to E 48 feet Lot
14. Block 33 .. 130 58
F L nayle. 22 feet W of Frank Gayie's
Lot 14. Block 32 119 40
Allie V. Koberts east 48 feet lot 14 block
82 2C1 Id
F. li. Guihmau. 23 feet off west end lot 14
block 32 J24 49
O. U. F. 23 leet lot 14 bloek 32 124 4 1
Adolph KiiouUa'iin east V lot 1 block 33 245 96
HanuiUi uiawe. wet v !' 1 Diocic 33 223 os
J. C. Peteiseu ct Bro.. west V lot 3 block
33 225 OR
Herman Spies east V lot 2 block 33 245 ss;
Jos. V. Weckbacli west Hlot3 block 33.. 225 06
Emily Drew t lot 3 block 33 2 15 96
v Kueiiuei'ger west y. lot 4 oiock 33.. 245 46 !
Jos. V. Weckb ich eat V lot 4 bloc 33.
2i0 46
Y illiam Wetencamp lot 5 33
Adolnlius Buscll lot 6 block 33
4yl 92
491 92
4 H 92
245 96
245 96
245 96
John Waterman lot 1 block 34
Johu Waterman east Vi lot 2 block 34...
Johu Fitzgerald west Vt lot 2 block 34
John Fitzgerald east l4 lot 3 block 34
J. Giuck west Vt lot 3 block 34 245 96
Jonothan Halt and J. W. Max this west
; lot 4 block 34 245 96
Robo Whi'e east Vi lot 4 block 34 S45 9.
II. Waterman east lot 5 block 34 .. 245 96
Wm. Wetenoaipwest4lot5 block 54... 245 98
Pate; Mumm west V l"t 6 bl ck 34 245 96
I), l.ehuholt ea?t V4 lot 6 niock 34 245 96
Frank Carruth east '4 lot 1 block 35 245 9
E. P. Kockwood west lot 1 block 35 225 06
Walter White lot 2 block 35... 4?o 12
Ira A. Myers east '$ lot 3 block 35 245 96
H. ra meie west v lot 3 diock 3j 245 96
Alice Pepperberg east H h't 4 bloek 35. . 245 96
E. G. Dovey fc Son west Vt lot 4 block 35 245 96
E G Dovey & Son tot 5 block a 245 96
A. W. White. 20 feet lot 6 block a 204 60
Henrv Boeek. 24 feet lot S block 35 240 no
John'Biack north 48 feet lot 1 block 36.. 259 99
M. churou ceuter u lot 1 block 36 227 50
lohu Black north 48 feet lot 2 block 36... 259 99
M E church oenter U lot 2 block 30. .... 227 58
Jos. II. Hall lot 3 block 30 . 474 32
R. Livingston lot 4 block 36 487 52
Frant Carmth lot 5 block 36 : 487 52
W. U. Sclulukuecht lot 6 block 36 487 52
Sectiok 2. That said specia' taxes levi-d
aforesaid qii said lot- respectively shall be
come delinquent as fo'lows : One tenth of the
total am 00 nt so levied on each of said lots shall
become delinquent in fify days from the pass
age and approval of thU ord nance, one tenth
iu one year, one tenth, in two years, one tenth
lq hree veara, ce tenth in lour years, one
hands, and costs added.
Yon AreResiGctlnllf Invited
gjr m
Friday, March
AT 8 I
Will Play. Every Lady
Positively no goods
JJ 0 lES-
Wants everybody to come and inspect the Largest, Nicest, Finest,
Newest and Cheapest stock of
Spring and Summer Clothing
Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps,
Trunks, Satchels, etc., ever brought to Cass county.
tenth in five years, one tenth In six years, one
tenth in seven years, one tenth In eight ye irs.
oue tenth in nine years after said levy, and be
ing lrom the passage and approval of this ordi
nance. Each of said installments, except the
first, shall draw iuteren at th rate of seven
per cent ptr annum from the time of the levy
aforesaid tin' il the same shall become delin
quent, and after the same shall become delin
quent a penalty of five per cent together with
interest at the rate of one per cent per month
s:iall be paid upon each delinquent install
ment. Sko. 3. Tli at th entire amount of tax so
levied and assessed on any of said lots may
bepa-dby th9 owner of any lot. or the entire
equal pro rata proportion of said tax on any of
sai l lots, may be paid by any person on any
part of aid lots within fifty days from aid
lew. and thereupon such lots or parts of lots
shall be exempt from any lien or charge there
for. Sf.o. 4. That this ordluance shall take effect
and b hi foice from and after its passage.
Passed and approved February 1 i. A. It. 1859.
(attkst) F. M. RICllEY, Mayor.
W. K. FX. City Clerk.
The above tax is now due and payable at the
offlce of the city treasurer, and will become de
linquent and tear interest after April 3rd. 1889,
as seen in section 2 of the above ordinance.
City Treasurer
Notice of City Election
Notice is hereby eiven that on Tuesday.
Apr I 2nd. A.U. 1889, an election will be held for
the following city ana school omcers 01 me city
of Plattsmouth :
First Ward. One Councilman.
heeond Ward, One Councilman.
Third Ward. One Councilman.
Fourth Ward. One Councilman.
Fifth Ward. Tw7 Councilmen. the one receiv
ing the hinhet number of vote in the Fifth
Ward to serve for two yearn, and the one re
ceiving the next highest nu Tiber of votes to
serve for the term of one year.
Two Members of the School Board for the
term of three years each.
Said election wl'l be held at the following
polling places in e ch of said wards :
First Ward at Recoder's office.
Second Ward at Cass County Iron Works.
Third Ward at office of Kichey liros. lumber
Fourth Ward at Waterman-s lumber offlce.
Fifth Ward at brick school house.
And said polling ulaces will be open at nine
o'clock a. m. of said day, and close at 7 o'clock
p. m. and no longer.
Dated at Plattsmouth.Neb .March 9. AD.14S9.
F. M. Rich by. Mayor.
W. K. Fox. City Clerk.
Fine Job Work Cheap at The Herald.
333 9 5
22nd, 1889,
and Gentleman shall receive
sold on that evening, but
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Ussidont ZDaxitist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth
Specially. Auesthetics given for Pais
less Filling ok Extraction or Tketh.
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FirzaK4Ln's tibia PLt-rrsvorTH, His
The Boss Tailor
Mala St., Over Merges Shoe Store.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that erer came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from $16 to $35, dress suits, $25 to $45.
pants $4, $5, $6, $3.50 and upwards.
ty Will guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy Corrmetilion.
Notary Public.
Notary Fublio.
Attoraoyo - at - Tsarcr.
Office over Bank of Casa'Cvwaty.