Tan Si:C()M YI2AU PI.ATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY EVENING, MA11CII 31, 1889. NU3iiu:u KJO G1EAT. OLOSIHG OUT SAL E t I-; 3HL cQ IE3 IRi TOMBS IS IES 3KL - mm ! .1 V IVIy JEixfclre stock of Boots, Slioes, Etu"blDei?s and lipPers Must Be Sold By April 1st. Whoever Wants to Buy Cheap, Come. Now is the-Time. Ijhank the Public lor their past generous patronage, and will be pleased to see all my old customers and others to avail themselves of this rare opportunity of Cheap Goods. All thoae knowing themselves indebted to me must come and settle by April 1st, as all my accounts will be placed in the collector's hands, and costs added. . GIVIG SOCIJi'ifJSS.- t 2! lALHn. IK 1. O. O. K. -Meets Ziary Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully luviled to Attend. 1ILAT1 MOU I'll ENUAMI'MEST No. 3. I. O. O. K.. meets every alternate Friday in each month in the Masonic Hull. Visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. fllKIO IJOUV.K. NO. M. A. O. t. W. MeeU every attentat Friday evening at K. of 1. all. Transient brother are resjmctf ully lu lled to attend. K. P. Ilrown. Master v ork tnau ;0 11. Kunster. Foreman ; K. It.Ktelinker Overseer; W. H. MilW-r, Financier; . K. llouseworih, Recorder ; F. J Morgan. Itecelv r; Win. Crehart. 4iuite : Wn. l.udwig. Inside A'atch : L- Olseu, Outside Watcu. C1A8H CAMP N0.3.T2. MODKKN WOODMKN ' ol Aroerica Meets second and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient brother are requested to meet with um. I.. A, Newcomer, Venerable Consul ; 'i. K, Nile Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, Hanker; W. A. Boeck. Clerk. IJLATTSMOUTII f.OIMSE NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meet every alternate Friday evening at Bock wood ball at mu'cIock. All transient broth er are respectfully invited to attend. I. S. Iarson. M. W. Y. lioyd. Foreman: S. V. Wilde, Ilecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. PLATTrtMOUTH LOIXSK NO. 6. A. F. A.M. Meets on the firt and third Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially Invited to meet with us. J. G. ItlCHKY, W. M. Wk. Hats. Secretary. KBKASKA CIIAPTEK. NO. 3, K. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesdav of earh month at Mavon's Hall. Transcieut brothers are Invited to meet with us. K. E. Whitk, II. P. Wm. If v. Secretary. . . - - . i CASaGOUNCIl.N0 tnil.KOVAL MtCANUM meet the second and fourth Mondays of tub month at Arcanum Hall, It. N. Ulexn, Regent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. McCONIHlE POST 43 C. A. R- KOSTKK. M. A. Dicksov f'ommander, Bfnj. IIihplk Senior Vice " H.Carhkias Junior " (Iko. Nii.k.s : Adjutant, A. SinrMAjf S'lr. U2MKV STKKH'JIIT O. M. A.TAB.ri oriicer of the bay. Jam KS-Hick -to N " Ouard Sergt Major. AyDSiiso.v " Fkv.. ..Quatter Master Set gt. L- O. Cuii'M Post Chaplain MeefiM' .1tnrl4y eveijlnu Our First Spring Surprise ! With New Goods at I 1 t: The Men's and Youths1 Suits, $1.95, 7.85, 10.00. For Iiusiness, 12.50, S15.00, $1G.50. Boys' Long Pant Suits to 18 years, 2.95, 3.45, $5.45 to 13.50. Boys' Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, ?1.95, $2.45, $3.45, $5, $6, 7. Boys' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1, if en's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a suit. Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair, Men's Latest Styles of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $3.50. All the Latest Styles In Shirts and Neckwear, ELSOI.TIg One-Price Clofc Hard Worker for Your Trade, Platlsmoulh, - - Nebraska. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholexomeness. More econo mical tn an the ordinary kindit. and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low text, short weight alum or phoxphate powders. Sola nnlii in eailMi KUVAL. liAKIXQ l'OWDEB Co.. iw' Wall St. N. V . ' Mayor, - - - F.M. Kii hut Clerk. '- - - WKVox Treasurer, - - James Pattekson, jr. attorney, - - Uykdk Clark Knfrineer. - - - A Mavolk Police Judge, - S Clifford Marshall, - - - i. H. Dunn A Salisbury 4 L) M Jones ' I lH. A SHIPMAN J M It Murphy 1 S W DUTTOjf I CON O'CONNOR. 1 P McCallkn. Prrs 3rd 4th. (J W Johns n,Chaih.man H KREI OOKIifcH (OH HawksWorth Bprd Pu.tJ.Worfc CofT Fighting For Mis Rights. Parkersburo, W. Va., Murch 20. General Qoll is home from Washington. In au interview lie said, whin his atten tion was called to the possibility of his receiying the appointment of solicitor general: "There is no office in the gift of Presideat Harrison that I would ac cept. I was elected governor of "West Virginia and nothing can swerve me from my purpose to do everything in my power to obtain th'j seat to which I was rightly eleted. I am now preparing my case to present to the legislature in June, and by that tiini I shall hay ; the facts so complete thit evoa a democratic legislature will recognize my claims." Charleston, W. Va., March 21. It is reported today that the republican mera bers of the legislature have entera l into an agreement, after a thorough canvass of the political situation, to refuse to obey the call of Governor Wilson for an extra season of that body on the ground that he is not the lawful governor of the state, and therefore without authority to issue such a call. This determination has reached the cars of the democrats and has kicked up an immease hubbub. While the democrats have one majority in the house, they are two in the minority in the senate, and they are busy tonight arranging to combat this move of the opposition. It is likely, should the re publicans full to rcoj.ona, that the ser-geant-at arms will be sent to arrest then at their homes, and this might easily pre cipitate trouble. New NektrasHa Postmasters- Washington, March 21. The follow ing Nebraska postmasters have been ap pointed: Oscar Kayser, Belle vue, Sarpy county, vice Mary E. Hamilton, resigned; Thos. I. Burling. Firth, Luiicasier county, vice Chqstoplaer'Bailey, resigned; W. W. Hopking, Oakland, Burt cquaty, v-ioe E. A. Baugh, resigned; August .ThpSOI1) Potter, Chav---ae countyt vice Lewi8 A' Stanton, resigned, and John W. Hemp stead, Valley, Douglas county, vice J. W. Agee, resigned. Many Declined. In an amusing sketch of Prince Ilenry of Battenberg, the husband of Princess Beatrice, recently appointed governor of of the Isle of Wight (greatly to the dis gust of tho islanders), an English paper gives a long list of the ladies who had declined the honor of the impecunious princeling's hand before he finally suc ceeded in his matrimonial designs. Among the number was one whom it will not bo" difficult -to recognize and who 13 described as "the daughter of an American inventor who has since be come the wife of an Italian premier." Several others are mentioned, including an actress or two and other women, an alliance with whom would not have been particularly creditable. San Francisco Chronicle. Street Tramways In New York. During the year ending Sept, 80, 1888, the number of passengers on the street railways and elevated railways of New York city was 876,913,586, an increase of 18,000,000 over the number for 1887. This, at the uniform fare of 5 cents, represents a totid revenue of $18,845, 679.S0. There are nineteen "city rail way" companies, eighteen of which are horse car surface lines, and the other is the elevated railway system, with its four parallel lines. The equipment consists of 8,034 cars and 13,586 horses. The ele vated lines have 821 cars and 291 locomo tives. The number of employes is 11,725. Scientific American. Lotto's Ace. Few of the people who see Lotta kick ing her heels and playing all the tricks of a little girl, on the stage, would place her age at the correct figure. This little mite of a body doesn't look it, but she was born in Nassau street, Nov. 27, 1846. Her father, John Ash worth Crabtree, was an Englishman, and kept a book store, which he abandoned to go to Cali fornia during the gold craze of '49. Lotta has been on tho stage since 1853, and she is credited with the largest pile of dollars of any woman fn the profession, the greater part of which she owes to her mother's business shrewdness. New York Press. An Ordlnnrco Levying a special tax h.hI asst5.ine lit ou all IkIh within paviHK district So 1. in the city of l'latts noutli, to cover the cost of paving and liming Mam stieer, between the cast ide of Seventh street and went side of fcec ond SiieeL in Hid citv. Whkhkas. It havi'iK been, and being here by adjudged, determined and establisnrd mat the several lots hereinafter referred to have each been specially benefited to the lull amount herein levied and assessed against each of said lots respectively, by reason of the pav i&K aDil curbing of that part of Main street be tween the east side of Seventh street aud the went kide of Second street. thcrefure, for the purpose of paying the coul of said paving ana curbing Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of FlatUinuuth. Sectiox 1. That the cost of paving and curbing that part of Main street within pavin district No. 1, In the city of l'lattumouth, from the east side of f-eveutti street to the west side of Secoud street, said cost beirg the sum of $29,48l.t;i2, be and the same is hereby levied and a sessed la proportion to tho feet fro t along s.aid baviug and' curbing aud according iu special benefits bv re isou of said uaving aud curbing upon the following describeu lots ; Haiti cost being so levied ou said lots re spectively, as follows, to-wit : Klizabet.n L. Waterman, lot 7, block 27... $487 62 Je j K Dovey. lots, block 27, -W7 6a James Jordan and Win L, brow tie. lot 9. block 7, 487 52 George f'ronger, lot 10, olock 27 487 52 Trustees Presbyterian church, lot 11, block 27 48T 52 Fred stadelmann, lot 12, block 27, 47 62 John Fitzgerald lot 7 block 28 4il SU John Firzc;erold lot 8 block 28 401 U2 11. V. Cooledge lot 9 block 28 .- 491 92 Feter Merges weft hi"t 10 tlock 28 245 96 V- V. 4-euuHrd east lot lo block 28 245 Iti KiiZoiheth llerold west H lot 11 b ock 2S-. 245 ! Win. lierod east V lot 11 block 28 45 9ti M, 1). Folk west H lot 12 block 2a 2.43 yu Amelia Slier wood uat li lot 12 block 38.. 2'i9 02 liatik of Cass O . west lot 7. block 29. . . 245 90 J K ox, east lot 7 block 29 245 9c Kiuily lrew west h't lot 8 block 29 245 no l.evl Uoldlllg east yt lot 8 OlOck 29 245 90 f red Stadelinau west ' lot 9 b!o k 2t..., 245 9c U. J. Martin east Yt lot 9 blo;k Oil..,; 45 96 Luctiula Hillings lot 0f block 29 .491 9j F. E Wi.it 3. Y,eat Vt lot 11 block 29 245 96 ..ttaou btieTglit eat i lot 11 block 29 J245 96 M. I) i'olk west 20 feet lot 12 olock 29 223 Co U. V. Mathews eat 24 feet lot 12 olock 29 268 32 Charlotte A ,V heeler, lot 7, bloek 30. ... 491 92 County Commissioners, Cass county, ut 8 block 30 ",.. 491 92 Coubty Commissioner:! Can's' eciuuty, west i; lot 1$, block 30,.... 245 96 I.elia i;. Thomas, east Y of lot 9 block 30 245 90 H. E. Falmer. west H lot 10, block 20 245 96 K. , Do-ey estate, east Vt lot 10 bio. k 30 245 iKi John Hartiuan west V lot 11 block 20 245 9o Kred Goos east Vt lot 11 uio.k 30 245 96 Kred Uoos, lot 12 block 30 411 92 Frederick Krui:, lot 4 block 31 , 124 19 Phillip Fntsch, north ut a block 5U... 124 19 (J U Cj H F, CO., St; .Lpt 6; JJlock 3'.. 124 19 ! OBtuliK Ccr.. Lo? 6, Ulock31 197 22 Phillip f ritsch, K ? f l,ot JUoeK 31. 114 25 August Uack, let Lot, WocK si.... i3ti 0i h i J4qihmap, Vyi Lot . Block 31 3X0 50 L1 llll.niaa- "lleetLotS. Block 31... 13.J 58 rn.lU" '.uscu. k 21 feet Lot 9. Block 31- 66 48 AUtfUt Bach. 26 feet Lot 9. Block 31... 77 9K r It tiuthman, Wyt Lot 9. Block 31 221 97 F K Gutiin.au, 24 leet Lot 9, Block 31.. 75 99 Phillip Fr'tach. K 21 feet Lot 10. liloed 3f St 71 August Bach. 25 feet Lot iO. Block 31 87 65 Heury Ainison Instate'.' Wi north 21 feet Lot 1U.' Block 31 5 2C F K (iuthnian, SWJi Lot lo. Block 31... 62 26 F It Outhman. 24 feet Lot 10, Block 31. ., 38 24 Henry A miaou's Estate, Lot 11, lllock 31. 163 50 I'fiftQKK Co., Lot 1. B'.ock 3i ) 0 B & U It It Co.. Lot 2. Block 32 I O B & Q K U Co., Lot 3, Block 82 156C 60 O B & Q K U Co.. Lot 4. block 32 J b 11 uutiiman, 1.01 11, siock 32 153 CO Frank Uayle, 24 feet next to E 48 fet Lot 12, Block 32 M 24 F L Gayle, 22 feel w of Frank Gayle's. Lot 12. Block 32 32 04 Allie V Kobei ts, K 48 feet Lot 12. Block 31 72 48 F li Guthm in, 23 feet off west end Lot 12 Block .32.... . 34 04 ( O O F. 23 teet Lot"i2. Block 3? ;4 04 Frank Gayle, 24 feet next to E 49 feet Lot 13, Block 32. , .... it1. 76 99 F L Gayle, 22 fet-t V of Frank Gayle's Lot 13. Block 3 ' 69 99 Allie V Koberts. E 48 feet Lot 13,Block 32 151 98 if K Guthman, 23 feet off west end Lot 13. Block 32 72 99 I O F 23 feet Lot 12, Block 32 72 99 Frank Gayle, 24 feet next to E 48 f jet Lot 14. Block 32 .. 130 68 if L Oayle. 22 feet W of Frank Gayle's Lot 14, Block 32 119 40 Allie V. Koberts east 48 feet lot 14 block 3- ..... 2fil If! F. K. Gut hman. 23 feet off west end lot 14 ' block 32 J 24 4V I. O. U. F. 23 leet lot 14 bloek 32 124 4 dolph Kosetibamn east lot 1 block 33 245 96 laiinali Blake, west Vt !'' 1 block 33 225 06 J. C. Peleisen A Bro.. west Vt lot 3 block 33 225 06 Herman Spies east Vt lot 2 block 33 245 96 Jos. V. W eckbacli west ?4 lot 3 block 33. . 225 06 tmily Drew east Vt lot 3 block 33 245 96 J. V Kgeuberger west Vt lot 4 block 33.. 245 46 Jos. V. VV'eekb.tch east Yt lot 4 blocx 33-. 2'0 46 William Wetencamp lot 5 block 33 491 92 dolpnus Bttsch lot 6 block 33 491 9 John Waterman lot 1 block 34 4-1 92 John v aterman east Vt lot 2 block 34 ... 245 96 John Fitzgerald west Y lot 2 bloek 34 245 96 John Fitzgerald eat lot 3 block 34 245 96 J. Giuck west Yt lot 3 block 34 245 96 Jouofhan Hart and J. -W. Marthls west Vt lot 4 block 34 245 96 Robo v biie e.tst Yt lot 4 block 34 245 9 J. 11. Waterman east Yt lot 5 block 34... 245 96 Win. W'etencatup west Vt lot5 block $4... 245 96 Peter Mumin west Vi lot 6 bl .ck 34 243 96 K. 1. Lehnhoff east Yt lot 6 block 84 25 96 frank Carruth east Yt lot 1 block 35 215 93 K. P. Kurkwood west 4 lot 1 block 35 Tib 06 Walter White lot 2 block 35 4?o 12 Ira A. Myers east Vt lot 3 block 35 245 96 J. H. Pamiele west Yt lot 3 block 35 245 96 Alice Pepperberg east Vt lt 4 block 35. . 245 96 . G. Dovey & Son west Yt lot 4 block 35 245 96 S O Dovey & Son tot 5 block 35 245 96 A, W. White, 20 feet lot 6 block 35 204 60 ilenry Boeck, 24 feet lot C b'.ock 33 240 00 Johu Black north 48 feet lot 1 block 36.. 259 99 1. . church ceuter H lot 1 block 36 2J7 60 'oho Black north 48 feet lot 2 block 36... 249 99 M E church center i lot 2 block 36 227 56 os. H. Hlllol 3 block 36 474 32 -t. Liviugston lot 4 block 36 487 52 "rank Carruth lot 5 block 36 487 52 vV. II. 8childknecht lot 6 block 36 487 52 Section 2. That said special tax levied iforesaid on said lot respectively shall be :ome delinquent as follows : One tenth of the total amount so levied on each of said lots shall tecotne delinquent in fifty days from the pass age and approval of this ord nance, one tenth iu one ye r. one tenth in two years, one tenth in three years, one tenth In four years, one I You Mepliilli Invited TO COME TO 1 in ON THE Friday, March AT 8 I. Will Play. Every Lftdy Positively no goods Wants everybody to come and inspect the L-irgest, IS' icc-bt, Finest, Newest and Cheapest stock of Spring and Summer Clothing Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Satchels, etc., ever brought to Cass county. READ JOE'S tenth in five years, one tenth in six years, one tenth in seven years, one tenth in elht yeirs. ooe tenth in nine years after said levy, and be ing iromthe pasaue and approval of this ordi nance. Each of said installments, except the first, shall draw interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the time of the levy aforesaid until the same shall become delin quent, and after the same shall become deli n quent a penalty of five per cent together with interest at the rate of one per cent per month s 'i all be paid upon each delinquent install ment. Him s. 3. That th entire amount of tax sa levied and assessed on any of said lots may be pa d by the owner of any lot, or the entire equal pro rata proportion of said tax on any of sai.i lots, may be paid by any person on anv part .it said lots within fifty days from said lew. and thereupon such lots or parts of lots shall be exempt from any Hen or charge there for. Sko. 4. That this ordlnanee shall take effect and fo i in foice from and after its passage. 1'asped and approved February 1 !. A. D. 1883. (attest) K. M. RICIIKY, Mayor, w. K. FX. City Clerk. The above tax is now due and payable at the office of the city treasurer, and will become de linquent and bear interest after April 3rd. 139, as seen in section i oi tu aoove oruuiaucr. JAMES PATTEUSOX, City Treasuicr. Notice of City Election Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday. Apr.l 2nd. A.D. I8S9, an election will be hel 1 for the following city and school offlcers of the City of Platte mouth : First Ward. One Councilman. Second Ward. One 5ouncilman. Third Ward. One Councilman. Fourth Ward. One Councilman. Fifth Ward. Two Councilmen. the one receiv ing the highest number of vote in the Fifth ward to serve for two year, and the one re ceiving the next highest nu nber of votes to serve f t the trm of one year. Two Members of the School Board for the term of three years each. Haid election wi'l be held at the following polling p'aces in e ch of said wards : First Ward at Kecoder's office. Second Ward at -ass County Iron Works. . Third Ward at office of Itichey Bros, lumber yard. Fourth Ward at Waterman lumber office. Fifth Ward at brick school house. And said polling places will bs open at nine o'clock a. m. of said day, and close at 7 o'clock p. m. and no longer. Dated at Platts.-nouth.Keb..March9. AD.14S3. F. M. Richkt, Mayor. W. K. Fox. Ciy Clerk. Fine Job "Work Cheap at The Herald. EVENING OF 22nd, 1889, M. THE and aud Gentleman shall reeoive sold on that evening, but LAR jE Dr. C. A. Marshall. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthctics given fr Pain less Filling ok Extraction of Teeth. Artificial teeth mnde on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FirZ'3Ktt.o'8 Bo ;a. Prr-ouTH. Nkm C. F. S M I T H, The Boss Tailor Maiu St., Over Merges Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business 6uits from flti to f35, drrss suits, $25 to $45. pants $4, $5, $6, $3.50 and upwards. ESPWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comoetilion. It. Z. Windham, John a. Davie, Notary Public. Notary Public. W1X1MIAHAIIAVIRI4, Attorneys - at - Law. Office over Bank of Ca County. PL ATTS MOUTH, - NkBRASKAt BILLS i il:- I (