XHE DAILY HERALD : PLAJTSMQOTH, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAjRCII 20, 1&80. r - .k. .4 FOR TEN DAYS, COMMENCING WE WILL OFFER AT SPECIAL SALE Bfcss Goods and Silks9 Fine Wool ress Goods In the Latest Spring Shades, also Black and Colored Silks, the Finest Line in the City at Cut Prices for this Sale only. We Offer also va. . . 48-Xn.ch. Blaclr ALL-WOOL IEENBIETTA SS and S-Hncli HClack IFaille, HSlack (Rros &roln9 HBlack Surahs, (Dolores! ?aille Sna Tans, IBrowns5 Mavy and (Kreen and a line of Colored ;Tttvew 'GrOods The PlattsDiouth Daily Herald KKTOTTS BBC S., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTH 11ESALD Is published everv evening except Sunda and Wkly every Thursday morning. Kegis tered at the postofllce, Platttinouth. Nebr., secoud-claa matter. Office corner of Vine am Fifth streets. Telephone Ho. 33. TERMS FOB DAILY. One copy one year in advance, by mail $6 (H One copy per month, by carrier,. .......... 5 One copy per week, by carrier, if TIMS FOB WIRKLV. One eopy oue year. In advance........ $1 5 One copy six months, in advance... .. 7.' Our Clublng List. Wfkkly Herald and N Y. World $2 N. Y. Tribune. Omaha Kep... N. Y. Frees.... N Y. Poet llarpers' Magazine 4 weekly. 4 " Bazar... 4 " Young People 3 Neb. Farmer 2 Demorest's Month ly Magazine 3 American Ma'zine 3 The Forum 5 Lincoln (Sun.) Call 2 " Weekly .Call 1 THE FUEL OF THE FUTURE. The Royal Statistical Society of Great Britain has been collecting figures and measurements with' a view of ascertain ing exactly boy long it will be before the English coal fields are worked out. The question is not by any means a new one, but the report recently issued by the society tabulates new and past estimates in a very instructive manner. The first calculation quoted is that of Sir William Armstrong, who in 18C1 stated that all the coal within 4000 feet of the surface would be exhausted in about 212 years. Prof. Jcvons, an excellent authority, came forward a few years later nearly twice as gloemy; that is to taj, he thought the last box of coal would be raised within 110 years. This forecast was received with both anger and deri sion. Prof. Marshall spent several years on the study and in 1878 corroborated Jevons and opposed Sir William in nearl v every particular. The latest contributor to the controversy is Price Williams, who is also largely confirmatory of the two last named. Tii us we have three able authorities, writing al different periods and arguing from quite different standpoints, agree ing that the coal supply of England is not likely to last beyond the year 1090. Without a constant coal output Great Britain would lc a commercial wreck. It needed not the arguments used by the scientists named as a sequel to their 'cal colations to make it clear that if they are correct in their surmise the year 19DQ BUNTINGS mi will witness, or at least herald, the down fall of Great Britain as a nation. No na tion without a supply of coal, either in its own soil or close at band, can ever at tain to or retain commercial eminence, and this is particularly true of a country which is very thickly populated, and whose manufactories find employment for a majority of its inhabitants. An other reason for the seirous prospect for England in this matter is the poverty in Mich substitutes for coal as lumber, uatural gas, petroleum and other heat producing products. Of course, in a country of such extent and with such resources as the United States, the coal problem is far less press ing, though even here, as Price William point out, the supply is quite limited. On this side of the Atlantic the question lias been inquired into in the interest of lifferent localities, and it has been con cetti ed that the anthracite coal supply of Pennsylvania has only about twice the life ahead of it that is predicted for the English mines. This, too. is supposing the consumption and demand will not in crease as rapidly as there is indication of their doing. Hence it will be seen that the question as to what Must be the fuel is not one that can be altogether laid on one side. The triumphs of science of recent years have almost destroyed the force of the word "impossible'' and it may be that some inventor will eventual ly solve the problem of how to store and utilize the heat from the sun's rays. This seems really to ba the only source of heat which is inexhaustible. Globe Democrat. SecrilTakt Tract, of the navy is likely to find plenty of work to do. The congress which has just closed, or dered eight new vessels to be begun this year, while seyeralnow being constructed will have to be passed npon. The ves sels to be built include three cruisers in guaboats of two thousand tons, two three thousand ton cruisers, a seventy-five hun dred ton ironclad, a protected cruiser of fifty-three hundred tons. and a gunboat of eight hundred tons. All of these are to be of the most modern construction and when completed will be unsurpassed. y any such boats owned by any other nation. . The contract requires that they shall attain the extraordinary speed of twenty knots an hour, and if this is ac complished, they will be the terror of the seas to any foreign foe. The determina tion to build up a s'rong navy that can be relied upon has taken hold of the country, urged by circumstances which have made plain its necesity. J (Mm ITOVELTTS-S IN BLACK Dress G-oods AM ELECAftTLY SELECTED LINE OF The president has found that the hold ing of public receptions takes too much of his time and has consequently limited the hours for receiying visitors. The president has other duties than to make himself agreeable to callers. The members of the legislature cr.n draw no pay for seyices after next Fri day, and the people can rest assured that they will adjourn soon after. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral possesses powerful healing qualities, which' mani fest themselves whenever this remedy is employed in colds, coughs, throat or lung troubles. Its anodyne and expect orant effect are promptly realized. It is a chemical success and a medical triumph JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THK CJioicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds FULL LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26, 1885. H. C. SCHMIDT, (county; surveyor.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. For "run-down.' debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pieree'e Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Ppeciflo for all those Chronio Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women : a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, it Imparts vlror and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indig-estioo, bloating-, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's fJelicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. favorite rreicn p tlon" is the only medicine for women, sold by drurrists, under a iHMltlve soar- ntee of satisfaction in every case, or price ($1.00) refunded. This guarantee ham Deen printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried .out for many years. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, with full directions for borne-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address. World's Dispkhsjlkt MxdzcaIi Aociatuw. 9 Main Ousel Buffalo, M. T. 42-Xacli Blacls WOOL - SURAH. m THE CITIZKNS PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. JAPITAL STOCK PAID IS, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $100,000. OFFICERS JBAJiK CARRUTH. JOS. A. CONNOR, President. Vise-President W. H. CUSHINO. Cashier. DIKKCTORS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, F. R. Guthmanb J. W. Johnson, Henry Bceck, John O'Keeie, W. D. Merriam, Win. Wetencamp, W. H. Cushing. Transacts a General Bankiner Business. A'l who have any Banking business to transact are invited to call. No matter lare or small the transaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing interesi Buys and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Citv seenrities. FIRST NATIONAL. OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the promji transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Government and Loc Securities Bought and Sold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Drafts drawn.available iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Eurooe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest market prices paid for County War State and County Bonds. DIRECTORS I John Fitzgerald John R. Clark, D. Haksworth S. Wauah. F. B. White. John fitzokrald, President. 8. WAUQfe Cashier. Bank of Cass County Cor. Main and Fifth Sta., Plattsmouth. P AID UP CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 25.000 OFFICERS : C. H. Parmki.e President Fred orikr '. Vice President J. M. Pattkuson Cashier J as. Pattkkson, jk Ass't Cashier DIRECTORS : C. TT. Parmele. J. M. Patterson. Fred Gorder. .K. Smith. R. B. Windham, B. S. Ramsey, i Jas. Patterson jr. A General MXxii Business Transacted Accounts Solicited, Interest allowed on time deposits, and prompt fctteutioa given to all i business entrusted to its care. J. H. EMMONS, M. D. HOVCSOPATHIC Physician g Surgeon o fflce and residence corner of Seventh street and Washington Avenue. Telephone No. So. Chronic Diseases and Dise ases of Women and Children a specialty. Office hours, 9 to 11 a. ni. 2&to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. ill r cm Onn-lPsr. I. PEA HAS THE LARGEST FURWITU HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at Prices that will make tliein sell. A complete line of Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture Frames in great variety. You can get everything you need. You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each month and you will soon have a line turnislied house and hardly realize the cost. Call and see. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND 00 to xaiEixriRrsT bobck's FURNITURE EMPORIUM! Parlor, Dining 'Room and Kitchen FUR HI HE OWNS niS OWN BUILDING, PAYS 3N"0 RJETSTT And therefore can sell you goods for less Money than any other dealer in the city. nE ALSO nAS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF nEARSE FURNISHED HENRY COR. MAIN AND TO. I. BROWNE, Xi-A."W OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust- to my care. SOTABY IX OFFICE. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Comnllert In surance Written, Real Estate Hold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loans than Any Other Agencr. Plattactoalta, - . Nebraska Blacls HENRIETTA Midi JIM I FOE TE2T DAYS onsrx-fZ". AND FINEST STOCK OF LXLj 3v aL. IfcT, VI"E. TLAITf KCLHJ, NE1?. FOR ALL FUNERALS. BOECK. SIXTH STREETS. BUSINESS DIUKCT0UY. TTORNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorner-at-Law and Notarr Piihll rm t llzgera'd Block. Plattsmouth, Neb.' A T10RN1.Y. - A. V SfTT Til..' f USE l trre?"a.t-Ulw- Witl v" prompt Attention to all bueiiies. Intnwtert to hlnl. office ?2 Union Block, East side. Plattsmouth; Neb. flROCERIES. , CHRIS. WOHLFARni. caVourara: ousswr"