AT 1 I FOR TEN DATS, COMMENCING WE WILL OFFER AT SPECIAL SALE IDress (Goods awnd SiUss Fine Wool HDress Goofflls In the Latest Spring Shades, also Black and Colored Silks, the Finest Line in the Citv at Cut Prices for this Sale onlv. We Offer also -IS-Inch. Blacls BLACK LACE XTOVELTIiS 42-In.oia Blaclx "RT A CTR" SILK WASP ALL-WOOL IN BLACK . BlaClS ILEISTBIETTA B U W T B W G S Dress Qoods WOOL - ST7E.AH. TUPFETA - LAINE. HENRIETTA To) o 32 and Sl-Sncli EBlack IFaille, HCIack (Bros rifciiaj EClack urahs, Colored STaille iei Tan Hrowiis9 Mavy amd (Kreen and a Sitae of (Colored EDre&s fioods. Tho 21st 2ns t. The Piattsmouth Daily Herald KNOTTS BBC S. Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATT3MOUTU HERALD Is published every evening except Sundaj ana vKiy every rnuntuay mornlne. Kefis urea hi ue a(mce, nairMnoutn. neur..:. second-clan matter. Ofllce corner of Vine an Filth street. Telephone o. 38. TERMS rOK DAILY. One copy one year in advance, by mall $6 One copy per month, by carrier..... . x One copy per week, by carrier... 1.' TIIMS FOB WEEKLY. One eopy one year, in advance ........SI f- Une copy six months, in advance......... V Our Clubing List. "Weekly Herald and N Y. World.. - N. Y. Tribune $2 -If . 2 Omaha Ken 2 3 N. Y. Pres 2 2.1 . Y. Pot 2 M Harpers Magazine 4 r.- weekly. 4 " Bazar... 4 U " Young People 3 -' jeD. rarcner z Demorest's Month ly Magazine 3 V American Ma'zine 3 i; The Forum 5 P- Lincoln (Sun.) Call 2 - vteeaiy vail l i The bond purchases of the present ad ministration have averaged about $1,100,- 000 a week. This is not a high rate, but it is somewhat higher than that which prevailed in the last few weeks of the Cleveland regime, and it is high enough, if continued, to keep the surplus down until congress reduees the revenues. A dem OCR atic organ expresses painful I surprise because President Harrison does I not "rise above party ties and continue I the government in the hands of men con I spicuous for their merit," etc. Duty to the country forbids it The president cannot rise above democratic party ties until the last one that binds a member to an office is severed. The amount of con spicuous merit foisteu into othce by Cleveland is so small that a three-foot marine glass could not discover it The fossils must be shelved. Bee. The working of tbe Australian Fallot system in In liana, whicli will soon go into operation, will lie viewed with in terest bj the whole country. In no other pnrt of the United States has reform off this sort been more sorely n-cdedtban in I tbe hoosier state. For a dozen years past I has been one of the two or three princi- pal strategic points in the political battle I line in presidential years. In all of this period Indiana had received an attention I from the politicians and party leader I and organizers not accorded to any other j iKtirrrriit Vi-w York. The even bal-1 sine which it has maintained between I the parties, and the narrowness of tht 1 (MM1 margin by which it has been carried by either organization, have made it the mcs-t doubtful of the doubtful states. As a consequence it has been the field on which the most objectionable and mis chievous of electioneering practices have been perpetrated. The reform in the ballot which will now go into effect, therefore, will be a triumph for the cause of honest and decent politics for which the state deserves the congratulation of all friends of good government. Globe Democrat. In it campaign against the Polish lan guage the Russian government is em plovintr ways and mens that recall the bratalies of the Dark Ages. At Wilna, where half the people know no other language, every one is absolutely forbid den, under severe penalties, to utter a word of Polish in public or in private. House servants, coachmen and other work-people are offered prizes to inform against their employers or their employ ers' friends, and bribed to listen at key holes for conversation in the forbidden tongue. Women have been dragged to prison and men fined for praying aloud in Polish at the altars of churches. "If you want to talk to God." said the Czar's officer, "you must do it in Russian!" A mother was overheard talking Polish baby-talk to her six months old child, and was fined. A boy was fogged and expelled from school for writing his name in Polish in one of his books. In this way the Czar may suppress the Polish language, but be surely will not develop Polish loyalty to Russia. ARBOR DAY. Aibor Day will be just three weeks form today. The people of Nebraska should feel an especial pride in this custom, now in voguo in many states, because it orig inated here. The early set'lers on the treeless prairies do not need to be told of the benefits to be derived from tree planting. The benefit! thsy have already received will stimulate them so that they are hardly likely to be found lacking zeal in th ; observance of Arb??r Day. Lut vear -ur scheols observed the day by piloting trees und shrubs around th.- school building; some of therahayedied, and we think it would be a good plan to continue the day in our schools and thereby teich t'te younger ones as they grow up, the benefits of tree planting and the rea oi why it was i stabHahed The custom is both beautiful and use fuL ror tu;-c who ran rightly nppre ci i:e it thi trt e ul intinc may b- made a delightful pastime rather than a toil&me task, and it ia in this spirit that . APJ ELEGAftTL Y MM Pmces it should always be undertaken. Tli children of the public schools should I; - a i . t a . 1 interested in me observance oi ah. day, and they may be induced to becuuu among the most active and serviceaMc helpers in promoting the success of t custom. Overseers of roads should be required to plant along highways, rail roads along their tracks, and provision should be made for planting in cemeter ies, public grounds and parks. In short. the whole population, urban and rural. should be made to feci a zealous interest in tree planting as a practical necessity and a contribution to future welfare and enjoyment. No lengthy advertisement is necessary to bolster up Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy. JULIUS PEPPERBERG. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN THE Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds FULL, LINK OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUKTY; SUKVKTOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &c. P LA TTS MOUTH. - - NEB. DR. CAQE C CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms ot Catarrli. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges fafltnj Into throat, sometimea profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid : eyes weak, ringing- in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing-throat, expecto ration of offensive matter: breath offensive: Smell and taste impaired, and reneral debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result In con sumption, and end ia the grave. Br its mild, aoothinr. and healino- sronertta. Dr. Sage's Remedy cures the worst cases. 60c. . . . VAWstVVl Ineur,6,nl tafnHkmLlomR.... kSJV3iU bit &. BarmitM. T7nAnnalmlBaI.lverPfll. Rmallft.rh(an. est, eaciest to take. One Pellet a Dose. Curs Sick Headache, Billons Headache, yMzzlnessw ConsUpatlou. Indigestion eeaek tadoVo O eta, by ttmrsiga. 1 SELECTED LINE OF n am or BANKS THE CITIZENS Pi. ATTSMO UTH, NEBRASKA. CAPITAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, SIOO.OOO. OFFICERS RANK CARRDTH, JOS. A. CON NO K, President. Vice-President W. H. CUSHINa. Cashier. DIKKCTORS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, K. R. Gutbmann J. W. Johnson, Henry Brack, John O'Keefe, W. D. Merriara, Wia. Wetencamp, W. H. Cashing. Transacts a General Banking Business. All wno nave any Banking business to transact are invited to call. No matter hw large or small the transaction, it will receive our careful attention, aud we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing in teres" Buy and sells Foreign Exchange, County and Citv securities. FIRST NATIONAL ' OF PLATTSMOUTH. NKBRA8KA, Offers tbe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks. Bonds, Gold, Government and LoctI securities Bougn t and sold, Deposits receiv ed ana interest allowed on time (Jertifl cates, Drafts drawn, available ia any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Eurone. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest market prices paid far County War- State and County Bonds. DIRECTORS f John Fitzgerald John K. Clark. D. Haksworth S. Waneh. F. E. White. John kitzokbAld, 8. WACOa rresiaent. Cashier. Bank of Cass County Cor. Main and Fifth Sts., Flattsmouth. ID UP CAPITAL ?50.roo SURPjLLS 25,000 OFFICERS : C. n. Pakmemc Preiidert Kko GoHDitit Vice Preidei t .1. Ai. Pattrksox j..Cishir .ias. Pattbk-son, jk Ass't Cashier DIRECTORS : r. II. Parmele. .). M. Patterson. Fred Gorder, .H. Smith, R. B. Wind ham, B. S. Ramsey, jas. rnueison jr. A General BaiiiDiEnsiness Transacted I 4cii!it Solicited. Interest al'owr-d on time deposit)!, and prompt wtlet-tl a given to all business entrusted to Its care. 1 TT PUUATJ If Ta T15 ills U, CEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon 'ftW mi.I rsiJ.Micrt corner of Seventh street and VVasin(;toD Avenue. Telephohe No. 80, ( 'hronic Diseases and Diseases of Women ana sato a and 7 to p. m. ' this MW Hlfll'o mm aLLo l-L sWs JlblLr1 a jbl i! Q sr. i y HAS THE LARGEST b b fr. -U 1 IK I UI 3 1 s I i Uli HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at A complete line ox Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture Frames in great variety. You can get everything you need. You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each month and you will soon have a fine furnished house and hardly realize the cost. Call and see. T "T5 "S V SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND FURNITURE EMPORIUM! Parlor, Dining 'Room and Kitchen IF U IS HIT UEB HE OWNS HIS OWN BUILDING, E.YS INTO REISTX And therefore can sell you goods for less Money than any other dealer in the city. HE ALSO IIA.S A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP UNJ)BTAKrVS 00033$, IIEARSE FURNISIIED HENRY COR. MAIN AND WMs Zf BROWNE, P;rsonal attention to all Business Entrust- to my care. . KOTABT IX OKFICR. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Cotnoiled. In surance Written, Real Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm Loaus tt:an Any Other Acenc. PlatUcaocUat KebraaLa FOE TEU DAYS ozlstxsz". AND FINEST STOCK OF if Prices that will make them sell. -ra T je nr, FLAHf KOLUl, MIL'. VINE FOR ALL FUNETl L. BOECK. SIXTH STREETS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY. iT. . t S" F- THOMAS. AttorneT-at-Law and Notary Pnhlic flffl i Fitzgerald Block. Plattsinouth. ieb.' A TTOKXKV. " A. X. 8UI.LIVAN A" .re,y."at"Law,- . W!iI 've prr'mit Attention 9 a l ',"H.:"e" Intrusted t.. !.in . Ofnci la Lni... Block. Easl side. Pltfcniiouth:KeD. GROCERIES. CHRIS. WrkTii f i tti Btaple and Fancy Groceries, Ulaaswara anrf Crockery, Flour and Feed. MW8Wro an STOVES, r