ill SECOND YEA II PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENINU, MARCH 15, 18811. NUMBER 150 GREAT D I. O S I H OUT SAILS O IT 'S!? H - IHL cn IE3 iH5 - 33" IQ) - TDT IB IE IES I 4 1 1-1 J- 4 1 1 il ?! r. . Vy Entire stock of Boots, lioes, Iirib"beT?s rxxi-JI SSlipPers Must Be Sold By April 1st. Whoever Wants to Buy Cheap Come. Now is the Time, I thank the Public for their past generous patronage, and will be pleased to see all my old customers and others to avail themselves of this rare opportunity of Chcip Goods. All those knowing themselves indebted to me must come and settle by April 1st, as all my accounts will be placed in the collector's hands, and costs added. 2iP 251 tHE? 2S 2 352, 2 OI VI G SOGIli'JDJIS. t"lX'sA"lVuTii' Ko'. 14(i.WT' uT O. K. Meet 'every Tuenday eveuiu of ecli week. All transient brothers are rei-peclfully luvtted to attend. PLAT r. MO U r II KNOAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. O. K.. meets every alternate Friday In each month In the Masonic Mull. V lulling Brothers are Invited to attend. mKIO LulKiU NO. 81. A. O. U. W. .Meets every attentat Friday evening at K. of 1. all. Transient brother are respectfully lu lled toattend. F. P. Brown, Vaster ork man ; (i 15. K' inster, Foreman ; K. 11. Steliuker Overseer; VV. H. Miller. Financier; S. K. llouseworlh. Recorder ; F. J Receiv er ; Wm. Cre bun. GuHe : Wn.. Ludwlg. Inside vVatcb : L. OUeii, Outside Watcu MASS CAMP NO. 33-2. MODKItN WOODMEN of America Meets second and fourth Mon dayevenlun at K. of I. li:ill. All transient brother are requested to meet, with us. I,. A, Newcomer. Venerable Consul ; O. K. Nile" Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde. Hanker ; W. A. Boeck. Clerk. PLATTSMOUTH i-ODOK NO. 8. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday eveniiijr at Rock wood hall at h o'clock. All transient broth ers are respectfully Invited to attend. L. H. Larson. M. W. ; F. Boyd, Foreman : S. C. Wilde. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. LATTtf MOUTH LODGE NO. 6, A. F. & A. M. Meets on the flrnt and third Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially Invited to meet with us. J. G. Kichkv, W. M. Wk. Hats. Secretary. iCBRASKA C1IA PTIilt. NO. 3. R. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mavon'e Mall. Transcitut brothers are invited to meet with us. F. E. White, II. P. Wm. If v. Secretary. CASS COUNCIL NO 1021. ROYAL UtCANUM meets the second and fourth Mondays of acta. month at Arcanum Hall. It. N. Glenn, Regent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. McCONIHIE POST 43 C. A. R. BOHTKIt. M. A. DiCKsojr Commander, Bkn.i. Hhmplk SentorVice " 8. Carrkian.... lunior " !. Nilkh Adjutant. A. Shipman Snrj?. 1LZNKY STKRIOIir Q. M. A, Tabsch officer of the way. v Sergt Major. Avniiisour Fv.. ..Quarter Master Heret. L C. CUKria Post Chaplain Meeting Saturday eveninu Our First Spring Surprise ! With New Goods at L Men's and Youths' Suits, $4.95, $7.85, 10.00. For Business, S12.50, 15.00, $16.50. Boys' Long Pant Suits to 18 years, 2.93, 3.45, $5.45 to $13.50. Bovs' Knee Pant Suits, $1.45, 1.95, $2.45, $3.45, $5, $0, 7, Boys' Knee Pants 35 cts., 50 cts., 75 cts., $1. Men's Merino Underwear 25 cents to 2.50 a suit. Calf Shoes $1.20 to $5.00 a pair, Men's Latest Styles of Stiff Hats from $1.50 to $3.50. All the .Latest Styles In Shirts and Neckwear. Hard Worker Plattsmouth, ..- . Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur It . KtrenKth and wholeBomeness. More econo mical tn an the ordinary kind, and cannot be sold iu competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phoephate powder. Sold only in caiut. KoYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. 100 Wall St. N. Y. CITY OFFICERS. Mavor. F. M. Kll HKT Clerk, Treasurer, - - w a rOX - James Patterson, jr. - By kon Clark - A MADOLE S Clifford r i. H. Dunn Attorney, Fnelneer. Police Judge, Marshall, Councilmen, 1st ward, " J2nd " 3rd " 1 J V Weckbach I A Salisbury 1 1 M 1 Or. l) M JONES A Shipman 1MB MpRPHY I S V l)UTTfN I con O'Connor. 1 P MrCallih. Preb 4th. I J W. FREI I D U I J W JOHNStN.CHAIRMAN Board Pub. Works tD GOKDRR HawksWorth IV for Your Trade, - Nebraska. otlaer Commissioners' Proceedings . Plattsmoutii, Neb., Mar. 7, '89. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present, A. B. Dickson, Louis FolU and A. B. Todd, Bird Critchfield countj clerk. The following business was transacted in regular form: OFFICIAL BONDS APPROVED. A. Davis, overseer district No. 19; A. E. Cutter, overseer district No. 34; Albert YanCleavv overseer district No. 28. Appointment of Frank Dickson, de puty county clerk, to act in absence of county clerk was approyed by board. Petition by M. D. Polk for redaction of taxes on water works was refused. The following appropriation sheet No. was audited and allowed: Dora Flcshman, keeping blind man '. $ 30 00 3 M Eaton, tax redemption. .. . 23 25 il G Race, printing 39 25 G W Norton, boarding poor 10 00 Graham & Wilkinson, coffin for pauper 20 00 A Clark, mdse. to poer ........ 11 55 Isaac Dunn, coal 4 50 Omaha Republican, book and stationery 119 50 C A Lamson. digging grave. ... 4 00 C S Twis8. work on poor house. . 5 00 J C Eikenbary, guarding prison. 70 00 M Newman, use of house for elpction 3 00 M B Murphy, mdse. for poor. ... 21 55 Fisher Printing Co., books and stationery 49 00 E Parmer, mdse. for poor. 10 00 Eli Sampson, boarding poor,.,, 94 85 Giard, Boon & Euimina, mdse for poor 32 00 Oliver & Ranige. meat for poor.. 1 20 Frank Stander, mdse. for poor.. 18 40 J II Hall, examining Jane Cole man 13 83 W C Showalter, costs in insane case 10 94 David Woodard, same , 2 95 W II Schildknecht, costs in in sane Agnew case 8 00 W C Showalter, same 10 25 J C Eikenbary, same... 1 95 E A St. John, witness in same. . . 2 00 A N Sullivan, same '. i 00 J Craig, same . , , , , V, ..... 00 W P Jones, same , ' 2 00 M B Murphy, same 2 00 S H Shoemaker, same 2 00 Dan Sutherland, same 2 00 C L Vanderovrt, same 2 00 M Cullon, same 2 00 W II Baker, mdse. to Co 8 85 W II Malick, boarding Co. pria. 61 75 W II Malick, " city pris. . . 34 25 C Twiss, wrk on jail 3 20 J E Hall. Sal. Co. Phys 25 00 A B Knotts," printing 12 50 C W Sherman, printing. , lfl 55 M Spink, Sal. and E .' 105 50 T ClHrk, coaj 40 05 Willett Pottenger, costs in case of state vs. Ashbun 2 20 J C Eikenbary, sheriff fees in same 3 00 Willett Potcenger, costs, case of state vs. Fry ...-. M , . ft 55 W II Malick, Baffle. . 2 10 J C Ejkenbary, sheriff in sajne. . 3 Q0 Same, summoning jury. 80 00 M D Polk, use of gas ... 7. ... . 8 95 Bird Critchfield, making assess- sor's books 207 20 Herman Schmidt, work on plat books, Sal. and Ex 83 75 Ben Hemple, reliet "of Mrs. C Wright I? &0 B. & M. R. R. Co., ckftt for pauper u Tones &-Fitzgerald, use of team to poor house , , 2 00 Board adjourned to examine bridges. Appointed. WASHTNGTex, March . 15. The presi dent sent the following nomination to the. senate tday: J. .8. Clarkson, of Iowa, to be first assistant postmaster general, vice Stevenson resigned; Low is "Vyolfey, of Tuscan, Arizona, to be governor of Arizona; Wm. L. Dunlap, of Indiana, to be collector of customs for the district of Montana and Utah. Postmasters Joseph B. Bartlett, at Lake City, Minn., James V. Campbell, at Ada., Minn., Wm. Wallace at Indianapo lis, Ind., John J. Cutler, at Parker, Dak., Win. S. Chase, Sturgis, Dak., Jittiei O. Walders, at Minor, Dak. Jeremiah Sul livan, of Montana, to be U. S. Marshall for the district of Indiana. . .1 C:!n!" f-fr.r?. In attending to tiio salo of candy we 4CO a oo'.l deal of lifo in its brightest And lightest ride. Faces aro made famil iar to us by their owners coming in for candy with clock work regularitjr. Ladies, generally mothers, and gentle men on their way home from busi ness, are our mast constant customers, with, of course, young ladies, the belles who shop every day, and are devoted to bonoons, or who come in to have their pretty bonbonnieres re filled daily. You can always tell when a young man is buying for his lady love. Uo wants a pretty basket or box, and in large quantities, and is particular in his request for the cer tain kind ho. has ascertained she likes, generally lemon drops, marshmallow's or chocolates, though mixed butter cups are new favorities. Some men aro very fond of candy, and purchase it for themselves, but only in little quantities live cents or ten cents worth a little package to cany in their pockets. One young man came in tho other day and asked us, absent mindedly, for somo "whisky killers." Wo looked cur amazement when he was brought to himself blushing vio lently at his unconscious question, and told us ho meant "peppermint drops." Still another amusing oc currence was yesterday, when three of tho raggedest, dirtiest looking little specimens of humanity you ever saw in the form of boj-s. newsboys I think, came in and solemnly asked for a "nickel's worth of love lozenges." It was hard to con trol myself sufficiently to serve the Bj-ronio little ragamuffins, but they marched out delighted with tho candj" mottoes. A Clerl? in St, Louis Globe Democrat, Fisherman Kettison's IiJ Hite. J. Smith, proprietor of the Georgia house, and I. B. Eeltison, from Ash land, Neb., were fishing at the long dock at Punta Gorda, when a fish got on the lino held by Mr. Bettison that fairly made his hair stand on end. When ho felt him on tho line, the other men being some distance away, ho thought he would quietly draw his game in and surprise tho others, but the harder he pulled tho more the fish went tho other way. Finally he yelled for help, aud Smith says Bettison's eyes wro. p.s big as saucers when he came up. To make the exciting story short, they held to tho -fish until lie came to the top and then finished his career with ft ball from a Winchester rille. It was a monster "Jew" lish, measuring C feet 4 inches in length, weighing 293 pounds, and is one Of largest lish of the kind caught in the bay for some time. Savannah News. A Noted Scientist. The name of Alexander Dallas Bache at once suggests t ije United States coast survey. Born in Philadelphia, July 19, 1300, he died in Newport, Feb. 17, 1SGT. This distinguished scientist was a graudsQnof Benjamin Franklin, and graduated from West Point with high honors in 1825. Appointed a lieuten ant of engineers, he became a - pro fessor in the University of Pennsyl vania and vast tho lirst president o! Girard college, lie was tuo founder of the Philadelphia High school, and in his will left $12,000 to the Philadel phia Academy of Sciences for the pro motion of scientific experiments and observations. Dr. Bat ho was appointed superintendent of the United States coast survey in 183. Philadelphia limes. A Wise Boy, There is a youngster of my acquain tance a boy not yet 7 years old who has figured out somo gastronomic wis dom. At lunch yesterday the hungry children sat down to smoking soup and a custard pudding. After one or two eager spoonfuls of the soup, Wiilie pushed away his soup plate. "Now, give me my pudding, mamma," "Dut, Willie, don't you like your soup?" "Like it? why, I love that kind of soup." "Why don't you eat it then?" "Eat the soup till i ain't hungry any more, and don't want any pudding? Why no. Give mo my pudding. If I want anything more after that, why. then I'll eat some soup, don't yousooV Ha got tho pudding first. Chicago Journal. -' ' Corbet's Lees. One of tho Corbets of Sundorne cas tle, near Shrewsbury,-made a bet that his leg. was the handsomest in the county or kingdom, and staked on his part his magnificent estates. Ho v.oi- There is a picture in Sun Jorne castlo representing the measur ing of sundry legs. Chambers' Jour- UU4, . THE POPULAR ON PRICE The Originator of Low Prices, The- Undersell of all Competitors WILL HOLD, ON Wednesday, tech 20, 1889 THE O-BAITDBST PRIST G QPSraG EVEU SEEN IN LOOK OTJT FOB AND CHANGE OF JOE, The One C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main Si.. Over Mergus' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $16 to 35, dress suits, $25 to $45. pants $4, $5, $0, $6.50 and upwards. C3fWill guaranteed a Ct. Prices Defy Corrmelition. R. B. WINDHAM, JOHX A. 1MV1F.S, Notary Public. Notary Public. WtXDHAH A IIAVIE8, Lttoraeyc - at - Law. Office over Bank of Cass County. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA Notice of City Election Notice is hereby eiven that on Tuesday. Aprl 2nd. A.D. 89, an election will be held for t he follow inK city and echool officers ot the City of Plattsmouth : First Ward. One Councilman. - second Ward. One Councilman. Third Ward. One Councilman. Fourth Ward. One :ouncilnian. Fifth Ward. Two Couucilmen. the one receiv ing the h!Kbet number of vote in the Fifth ard to erve for two year, and the one re ceiving: the next highest nur.ber of vote to serve for the trm of one year. Two Members of the School Board for the term of three year each. Haid election wl!l be held at the following polling places In n -ch of said ward : First Ward at Recoder's office. Second Ward at f County Iron Works. Third Ward at office of Richey Bros, lumber yard. Fourth Ward at Waterman's lumber office. Fifth Ward at brick cho-l house. And said pollinK places will be open at nine o'clock a. in. of said day, aud close at 7 o'clock p. m. and no longer. Dated at Plattsmouth. Neb..March 9. AD.1889. F. M. Richey. Mayor. W. K. Fox, City Clerk. CLOTHIER THE EVENING OF PLATTSMOUTH. ADVERTISEMENT. Price Clothier Lumber Yard. THE OLD RELIABLE. H.1 WATERMAN & SOU Wholesale and Retail Dealer ta NE Shingles, Lath, Saab, Doors, Blinds. Can supply every demand of the trad Call and get term. Fourth street Id Rear of Opera House. K. DRESSLER, The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Pull Una of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Jousult Your Interest by Giving Him a Cft SHERWOOD BLOCK B. A M. Time 'Tabl. GOING WK4T. OOIKO FASP. Vo. 1. 4 M a m. No. 2.-4 ?js p. in. Vrt. 3. 6 k1 p. in. No. 4. 10 rtts a. m. Vo. 7 :47 a. ta. No. . 7 :13 P. m So T.--6 Jin p. m. No. 10. :44 a. 09. No. . :17 p. m. A'l train, run dally by war of Omaha, except Nos 7 and 8 which run to and from HchuyUr daily sxcept Sunday. LUMBER