The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, March 01, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. fUlUbary, DcalUt, Itckwoo4 Balldlag,
xlf haaa 5. U.
Dr. Wither, Deatlat, lalaa Block.
The wife of Mr. Chas. Harris is said
to be in m critical condition.
Mr. J. L. Koden arrived today from
Chase Co. lie reports cattle in spendid
condition out there.
Mrs. Lesme Hunt will entertain a
party of friends at her home this evening
in honor of the Misses Gering.
Mrs. J. R. Cox will giye a card party
at her home, Main street, in honor of
Misses Eva Harrison and Lizzie Allen,
guests of Miss Alice Eaton.
The editor of the Journal don't
know beans, according to his description
of the costume at the masquerade ball
the other evening representing a sea
While one of our undertakers walked
down Main street this morning with a
face beaming with smiles, he was asked
by a young man who noticed the pleas
ant expression, "Is somebody dead?"
The party who borrowed the city
harrow last fall from the corner of 12th
and Walnut streets, is requested to return
it to the place where he got it, as the
street commissioner has his eye on him.
Miss Alice Eaton entertained a few
friends last evening in honor of her
accomplished guests, Misses Eva Har
rison, of Lansing, Mich., Lnd Lizzie Allen
of Omaha. A mo it enjoyable evening
was spent.
W. D. Jones took his departure for
Fairfield, Iowa, by the flyer yesterday,
where he intends to purchase one of the
finest stallions ever brought to Cass
county. He is said to be of Norinin
blood, and will cost Mr. Jones $ 3,500 at
the least, should he purchase him.
Mrs. Charles Wright died very sud
denly at her home on north Sixth street
yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock, from her late
residence. All members of the O. A. R.
and W. R. C. are requested to turn out
and attend the funeral.
Mr. Ed Sampson, who left here sev
eral weeks ago for Washington territory
to look for employment at railroad work,
returned to the city this morning. The
information he imparts to the young men
who are anxious to go west, is not tin
most encouraging, as he says that part of
the country is overcrowded.
The southern part of the city was
kept in an uproar last night and earh
this morning by a party serenading W.
IL Rogan and wife, who were married
at the Catholic church. The bride and
groom were located at Mr. Adam Pret
tig's home, corner Rock and Sixth streets
where the crowd congregated and "mads
Rome howl.
The two tramps who were caught in
the act of stealing clothing from the
stores of Mayer Bros., and "Joe's" have
been arrested at Lincoln and sentenced
to the "pen'' for store breaking. The ar
rest and conviction of such thieying
vagrants is welcome news at any part ol
the state as Plattsmouth has not suffered
alone from their intrusions.
The police believed they had the
job of dealing with tramps off their
hands for awhile since they ridded tin
city of the last band of outlaws with
which they bad a tussle, but it seems that
their troubles will never end in that re
spect. Last night they were obliged to
"run in' six of the toughest characters
they have yet encountered.
The six year old son of Geo. Setzej
fell down a pair stairs leading to th
basement of the Fitzgerald block, yester
day afternoon, about 4 o'clock, whil
playing with a number of other beys.
When he was picked up and carried t
Dr. Cook's office, it was thought every
bone in his body bad been broken by hi
screaming, but it was discovered thath
had received no irjuries more severe
than a few ugly bruises on his face and
The friends of Mr." and Mrs. Thos.
Hicks, of the Pacific House honored that
couple by their pres ence on Wednesday
evening, the event being a tin wedding
the celebration of the tenth anniversary
of the wedded life. About twenty fiv
people were present, and a most brilliant
few hours were spent. The host and
hostess were made the recipients of num
berless articles in the form of tinware.
A sumptuous repast was provided for
the party. '
Sheriff Eikenbary and deputy Sheriff
Miller captured Calvin Hubbell near
Pacific Junction last evening. The son.
and abductor of the three children, was
brought to the city this morning with
the two children. Yesterday the boy
persuaded the children to go outdriving
and drove them to Manley where the
trio took the tram for Louisville. They
arrived in the city bist night aliout 9
o'clock by No. 30, and weut t Pacific
Junction, where 8heriff Eikenbary found
them this morning. The wife of Hub
tell arrived from Tamora thU morning.
C. O. Mayfield, of Louisville, is in the
Hon. Wm. Neville went to Lincoln
yesterday on business. '
Mr. McNurlan, of Greenwood, is in
the city today on business.
Mr. Jay, of the firm of Turner & Jay,
Omaha, is in the city today.
Mr. John Bauer and wife took their
departure for Papillion this morning to
visit a few days with friends.
II. N. Doycy has gone on a two weeks'
visit to Washington. He will witness
the inauguration which is close at hand
D. A. Campbell, county treasurer, took
his departure for Washington by the
flyer yesterday afternoon to attend the
Mr. C. S. Hardy, the genial salesman
for the Arm of Kahn Bros., Chicago, is
in the city today taking orders for spring
goods. He is now on his return to
Chicago after an extensive trip over the
western country.
The Gladiator.
For the past six months I endeavored
tr Bofn rt a I at a frnm Tfrhtit n(n!n rr
and through the encouragement of some
of our citizens, I felt safe in giving him
a certainty to come here, and I can feel
safe in assuring the opera house patrons
an entertainment ou next Wednesday
night that will surpass anything over
seen in Plattsmoutti and our citizens can
go with the full assurance that the per
formance will be as represented, and pro
duced with all their own elaborate scenery
and effects same as in Omaha, Chicago,
New York, Boston, and other large cities
secure your ticicets ana give tnem a
crowded house. I am
Respectfully Yours,
J. P. Young.
That Cow.
Mr. Editor: It would seem that you
do not fully understand the full text of
of the purchase of that cow by the
Journal editor. Mr. Cole still has that
cow fr sale. The fact of the business
is, that Mr. Sherman bought the cow on
i lair ana square bia but has never
claimed her or gave the least hint of a
settlement, hence the cow is yet for sale.
(t is customary that when a buyer fails
(o take the property he bought in good
faith that he pay ten per cent, of the
price as damages, but as Mr. Cole and
i he Journal have a common political
ftith it is not at all likely that he will
ever sny anything about damages.
Duffey McLeox.
Everybody is requested to remember
the revival meetings to be held next
week in the M. E. church. Evangelist
.Miller will be on hand and begin work
Sabbath morning. The main features of
the meeting will be good singing, clear
md earnest preaching, and faithful work
for souls. Let every Christian be dilli-
jent in trying to bring somebody to the
meetings, and in working for their suc
Presbyterian Church.
At the close of the services tomorrow
(Saturday), evening, at the Presbyterian
church, there will be a business meeting.
to which all the members of the church
and congregation are invited.
Read Peter Merges' ad. on first page.
All persons who signed for tickets
to the "Downing" entertainment next
Wednesday, are hereby informed that the
reserved seat tickets will go on sale to
snorrow, Saturday, morning at 0 o'clock.
.Manager Young promised those who
signed the lists, as an encouragement to
help him secure something fine forPlatts
nonth, that they should have their first
choice of seats; there were about twe
hundred tickets subscribed at $1.00 each.
There are only two prices. Gallery 50c,
entire lower floor $ 1.00; no extra charge
for reserving.
A privileged character known as
"Old Ben" made himself very conspicuous
on M tin street this morning as he me
andered the whole length of the street,
(le stumbled into one of the business
houses and made known Lis intentions of
prosecuting some hotel man for firing
him. '"If I I could only re re mem
ber the hotel, I'd be all right," said he,
but he was at a loss to know what hotel
he was fired from or what man he wanted
to prosecute.
About fifty friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Khroeler assembled at their home
last night to celebrate the 25th anni
versary of their wedded life. The oc
casion being a silver wedding, Mr. and
Mrs. Khroeler were presented with some
beautiful articles of silver.
Since the Omaha Republican has
changad hands and been fitted out with
a new dress, its circulation has increased
rapidly in this city. It is said that the
paper will be made double its original
size on Sunday. It is a very satisfactory
journal for the small sum of two cents.
The finest lot of socks eyer in the
city at Elson's; only 5cts per pair.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
Come to the Tea Store Dr. J. IL Em
mons, the February Tea Set is yours.
Owing to the recent war on Domestics
between the Western and Eastern Job
bers, enables us to make the following
for cash on the following popular brands:
Aurora C Unbleached sheeting 5 cents
per yard.
Lawrence LL Unbleached sheeting, 0$
cents per yard.
Pepperell R Unbleached sheeting. 7$ cts
per yard.
Indian Head, Extra Heavy, 8 cents per
Yorkshire Half Bleach, 9 cents per yard.
All Season Bleach, 7 cents per yard.
Massasoit, (superior to Lonsdale) 8 cts.
per yard.
Fruit of the Loom, 9 cents per yard.
Lonsdale Cambric 12f cents per yard.
Best Apron Check Ginghams, 7 cants
per yard.
Best. Dress Ginghams. 8 cents per yard.
Those goods are all this seasons pur
chase, no old shelf worn stock. -
We haye opened our Spring Stock of
French Satines. These goods are the
handsomest ever brought to the city and
entirely new patterns, not having carried
over any last season. We are the only
ones carrying the Prespiratioo Proof
Fast Black
Domestic Satines.
We are showing 75 different patterns
of the celebrated Cocheno C Satines,
they fully come up with the French
goods in Coloring and patterns.
Our Corset Dep't,
Complete in all Details.
Ladies - Favorite - Waist,
This waist is designed to meet the re
quirements of Ladies who cannot com
fortably wear a stiff and rigid corset,
while it can be worn with as much com
fort as an ordinary dress waist, it will
give the same elegance of contour as the
heaviist board corset in the market,
while the stays are so arranged that they
give support to the back and spine, ani
in nowise interfere with the freedom and
comfort of the wearer.
Eight Mile Crove.
Major A. Hall has gone to Plattsmouth
to sojourn a while.
Peter Jensen's little girl is very sick
with feyer. J)r. Miller is the attending
John Mass returned borne ou Friday
from Glenwood, Iawa, where he has been
on business.
Silas Crabtree has not sold bis farm as
stated in our last items, it was only a
false rumor.
D. C. Rhoden has bought one of A. S.
Will's fine inule teams and paid him
$300 for it.
Bently Longwell, of Alder Grove,
Hurt county, this state, is visiting at this
place as the guest of his uncle, G. H.
D. F. Cameron closed his school at the
Pleasant IliU school house on the 15 inst
and has gone to Crete this state.
Mrs. Jas. P. Ruby has been confined to
her bed with fever for some time, but
we are glad to state is improving and is
able to be up part of the time.
Rev. Taylor Surface closed his series
of meetings at the Cottonwood school
house, on Sunday evening after two
weeks hard labor with no addition to
the church.
J. R. Yallery is building a kitchen
to one of his renters houses. N. E. Swi
ger is doing the carpenter work and Jake
is apting as overseer of the job.
John Ciser is building a vpry neat one
story, square frame house, on the pjd
home farm, which he and family will oc
cupy as a residence in future.
A number from here attended the sale
on Shadrach Cole's farm on Tuesday
Everything sold at good prices. There
has been quite a number of sales around
here this spring.
Prof. E. L. Hunlin has given such good
satisfaction as teacher this winter, that
the school board have employed him to
teach a four months summer term.
Walter Perry clossd hi winter term
of school in the Jeans district last Fri
day and is preparing to go to Washing
ton county, Colorado soon, to bold down
a claim this summer.
The ladies gave a necktie festival and
basket supper at the Cottonwood school
house on Tuesday evening for the bene
fit of the U. B. minister. The attendance
was good and it was a grand success
both socially and financially. Their
supper aid ether entertainments netted
them between twenty five and thirty
Rev. Taylor Surface will deliver his
farewell sermons at the Otterbine church
on Sunday morning and evening. After
conference he will go to a new field to
work. He has been a faithful and
earnest worker for the past two years and
has built up a good church. - We arc
sorry to 1 se him and feel that his vacan
cy will not be succeeded by another man
Our Sun M ol Dress Goods
Is now ready tor inspection, and we are showing the Largest Stock ever
before shown by us, at Popular Prices.
Our Stock is too Large to enumerate every particular Line; we
are showing full range of colors from 10c yard up to $1.65 a yard.
30 inch Henriettes at 20 cents a yard, advertised as a bargain at 25c.
36 inch Henriettes at 35 cents a yard, in all the new Spring Shades.
30 inch Henriettes All Wool, at 50 cents yard, well worth 00c.
30 inch Ilntlaml Suitings, All Wool, in all the new Spring Mixtures,
as well as Solid Colors, only 45 cents a yard.
40 inch Red Fern Suitings, elegant line of Mixtures, only CO cents a
yard, well worth 75c.
54 inch Rutland Broadcloths only 85 cents yard, usually sold at $1.
54 inch French Novelty Suitings, Stripes and Plain Combinations,
only $1.00, advertised everywhere at 31.25.
Full lines of Beiges, Serges, Cassimirs, Broadcloths, etc., etc.
House Furnishing Goods!
18x36 Glass Towels only 12c, or $1.25 dozen.
18x30 Damask Towels, only 15c, or $1.50 dozen.
20x40 Knotted Fringe Towels, elegant borders, only 25 cents each.
19x38 Satin Damask Towels, Knotted Fringe, only 35 cents.
Full lines of Bath Towels at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35 cents.
Special low prices in Crash Towelings.
A good quality of Turkey Red Table Linen only 25 cents yard.
Guaranteed Turkey Red Table Linen only 35 cents yard.
Full Lines of. Cream Damasks at 25, 35, 50, CO, 75 cents.
Bordered Table Linens from 40 to 60 cents a yard.
Bleached Damask Linens from C5 cents to $1.25 a yard.
Special good values in Bleached, Cream and Red Napkins.
New Sample Line of Spring Carpets
Our New Somple Line of Spring Carpets has arrived and we are
showing some elegant patterns in Afocjuettes, Velvets, Body Brussels,
and Tapestry s with Borders to match, al above goods without extra
charge lor sewing. This is without any exception the finest line of
Carpets ever shown in this city.
of his equals in good qualities and
christian principals.
Miss Lily is very much mistaken when
t.he stated she met "Ranger" at a bop
and had a social chat with him. We
have no objections to chatting with the
larjjef pup we are njost two oia to attena
hops and do not belong to the hopping
Feb. 28. 1889. Ranger.
For Sale A house and lot in Osceola,
Iowa. House has six rooms, cellar, well
at donr. Small barn, hoff house, henery.
&c. All good, 2 blocks from business
part of town. Address the Herald, or
C. Marion French,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
A meeting of stockholders of the
Plattsmouth Loan and Building Associa
tion will be held in the G. A. R. hall.
Plattamouth. at 8 o'clock D. m.. March
26th, for the purpose of amending the
constitution and for such other business
as may properly come before tne meeting.
Feb. 25th, 1889i " J. II. YppHO,
tf Secretary.
FouNp In the road south of town
about two months aero, a black - ribbon,
with a rose painted on one end and the
word press " on the other. The owner
can nave tne same by caning at mis
Goldsmith's Orsis,
We have among us, in the heart, of
this rich city, in Goldsmith's buildings,
hard by the Temple church, the grave of
anotj'er nian. pf genius-r-fh grave of
Oliver OoVdsmith. Tbo insjgnifipaift
monument that covers his remains, and
the tenth rate 6tatue, If such it can be
called, that adjoins it, are in a state of
decay that does the greatest discredit to
Goldsmith's fellow countrymen. On the
one side of the stone is the inscription:
"Here lies Oliver Goldsmith," and on the
other. "Born 10 Nov., 1728. Died 4th
April, 1774-" Many of the letters and
figures on the (stone are jvel nigh oblit
erated, while the' inscription underneath,
the statue it is absolutely impossible to
decipher. This is no new tale.
Some of our contemporaries have very
properly again and ags4u called the
attention of the public (p these facts,
but still nothing is done. Surely the
few pounds necessary to keep his grave
in a proper state of repair might well be
subscribed. It is now entirely neglected
and deserted, save by a few .kindly folk
who sometimes deck it with flowers. A
movement having the object we have
indicated and headed, say, by the two
great English actors who have given us
such delightful renderings of what was
perhaps Goldsmith's greatest preatlon-r
Dr. Primrose could not fail to secure
the hearty co-operition of all those who
have derived pleasure and amusement
and instruction from that master of fic
tion, who wag po pnly one pf jho great?
est novelists of his time, but the purest
hearted and most good natured of men.
London Saturday Review. ,
Going to Pueblo, Cul., and the goo.Js muit b3 sold at a
sacrifice in order
Ladies Glove Grain S. S. Bu'ton Shoe will sell at 0()c, regular price $l.y.".
Ladies Bright Grain Buttan Shoe sell at $1, regular price $ 1.50.
Ldjes Goat Silk Lining Button Shoe will sell at $1.60, regular price $2.25.
Ladies Qlae Dongola Button Shoe will sell at $!.73, regular price
Our Ladies Fine Glazed Dongola $3 00 Button Hhoe will hell nt $2.40.
Our Ladies Fine Hand Turned $4.00 Button Shoe will sell for $3 00.
Men's Fine Calf Boots will sell at $1.75, regular price $2.50.
Men's Best $3.00 Boot will sell at $2 40.
Men's Best $3 25 Shoe will sell at $2.75.
Men's Fine Dress $2.25 Shoe will sell at $1.75.
Trrr-'e have a great
Boys', Hisses' and Children's Shoes,
That we have not spate to mention, so rail enily and take advan!i"e of
this rare oppottuuity ut
P. 8.' All Goods MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, and you will find this to
be no advertising scheme.
Ast Rvival, j
"Are you taking much interest in the j
Shakespearean revival, Mr. Boos worth?"
'No, Miss Glucose, I'm not. I don't
approve of the methods of revivalists.
I think the churches cover the entire
In mirthful measures, warm and free,
I $ing, der maid., and sirjg for thee!
But I think I would be performing a
greater service to yoq and your sex by
singing, not in measured rytnm but by
setting oqt some strong truths in simple
prose. If you or any of your female
friends are suffering from ulcerations,
displacements, bearing down sensations,
or unnatural discbarges, use Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, which is sure to
eradicate these complaints in a short time.
It is the only medicine for woman's pecu
liar ailments, sold by druggists, under
a positive guarantee, from the manu
facturers, that it will give satisfaction in
eyery pase, or money wjlf be refunded.
This guarantee nasbefcn printed' oij the
bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried
out for many years. -
Bay your spring clothes of Elson. the
One Price clothier he has an Immense
stock and he can please you both in price
and quality.
Ladies Muslin Underwear.
We have juitt opened our New Lims
of these goods and wc have soma very
decided bargains to offer.
Ladies Night Gowns at 75s
Mother Hubbard Style, Cluster of per
pendicular tucks, .neck and sleeves
edged with milling.
Ladies Night Gowns at $1.50
Mother Hubbard tvle with very fine
perpendicular cording interlaced with
insertion. Neck, uleevcs ana front
trimmed with embroidery.
Ladies Night Gowns at $2-50
Mother Hubbard ntylo with solid yoke
of embroidery finished off with Herring
bone Braid, very elaborate. Neck and
sleeves and front trimmed with em
broidery and narrow tucks.
This is a good made skirt of fair
quality muslin, finished at bottom with
wide cambric milling, with, . ciumer
of four narrow tucks above.
U-st Standard Muslin trimmed with 4-
inch wide embroidery at bottom with
cluster of 5 narrow tucks above.
LADIES SKIRT AT $2,25. quality Muslin Tiimmed with
extra deep flounce of rich embroidery
and cluster of 8 narrow and 2 wide
tucks above.
A great bargain, made of best stand-
ard Muslin, front trimmed with embroid
ery, neck and sleeves edged with em
broidery. Ladies' Chemise at 75 Cts.
Square of Insertion and Narrow Tuck
ing; front, neck and sleeves edged with
fine Herring bono braid.
Ladies'- Drawers at 60 Cts.
Made of Standard Muslin, trimmed at
bottom with wide embroidery with clus
ter of six tine tucks above.
Ladies' Drawers at $1-00.
Made of Best Muslin, trimmed at bot
tom with Nainsook Embroidery with
three wide tucks, interlaced with Herring
bone braid.
Ladies Corset Covers at 5Qc.
Made of fine camhrio muslin, high
neck trimmed in front with row of nar
row tucking and insertion with nnrrow
rullle of fine embroidery around the neck
Ladies Corset Covers at 60c.
Made of fine cambric muslin V shaped
back and front, trimmed with elegant
embroidery 3 inch s deep.
to save moviiitr-
mapy Bargains in-
Dr. C. A. Marshall.
I Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. AuesthHics given fur Pain,
less Filling or Extraction ok Tekth.
ArtitfcUl teeth nnd on Gobi, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plat.s, and inserted
a9 soon as teeth are extracted when da
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fit jkxo's n: n: Pi. r rwUTH. Neb
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign i Domestic Goods.
Consult Your rntereat by Olnog Him a Cat
"Fla-ttsnaaoiitla, - Nola