Tne Evening .Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kalixharjr. DoatUt Uoekwood Daildln, Talephoae So. Dr. Withers, Drat Int. I'aloa Illix-k. CITY CORDIALS. Cleveland takes a t amble to himself In a few days. Vro have just received a lot of new type, so bring in your job work. We have just receivod Rome of the latest styles of job type, give us your orders. The new chief of police showed his .authority early yesterday morning by hoisting the weather flags. Miss Hat tie Shefft-r will entertain a party of friends at progressve whist, tonight, at her home, Main street. Mr. Jerry O'Rourk, brother of Mr. Morris O'Rourk, sr., is confined to his bed with a severe attack of kidney disease. Mr. W. A. Uoeck. shoo dealer, ad vertises his stock of boots and shoes for sale at cost, stating that it is his in tention to open up a shoe store at Pueblo, Col. . Mis. Lcssie Hunt will entertain a small party of friends tomorrow night in honor of the Misses. Gering, her neigli bors, who will soon take up their abude in another portion of the city. A citizen standing on the streets this morning was heard to remark: "I don't know what the Journal will do for news now since Poisall has resigned and another city marshal has been appointed. Ooe year ago today the Brotherhood engineers employed on the "Q" went out on strike. If they had known then what the year has brought forth numberless scabs thcie would have been no strike. There are many citizens who have been guessing a good many ways as to what success the committee which was appointed by the board of trade to raise a subscription to aid in the purchase of ground for a new hotel, has had. The Turner's Society of this city will give a mask ball on Monday next at Fitzgearald's hall. The event is looked forward to with great anticipations, and will undoubtedly be a grand success a no pains will be spared by the committee in charge, to make the event the most enjoyable for tho3e who attend. lw The funeral of the lite Mrs. Hannah Buttery, who died yesterday, took place this afternoon from the residence of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Buttery. A short service was conducted at her late home by R3V. II. B. Burgess, of the Epis copal church, before the removal of the remains. There was a large attendance of friends who paid their last tributes of respect. Early this morning Father Carney was called upon to tie the holy knot at the Catholic church, the contracting par ties being Mr. Patrick Tighe, of Wabash, and Miss Ella Blessington, of Manlry. Miss D.-lia Blessington. 6ister of the bride. erformed the duties of brideemaid, and Mr. Jas. Tighe, brother' of the groom --flatted as groomsman. The pnrty came tofffe city last night and put up at the Riddle house, jio that their contracts might be fulfili&l early this morning. All merchant c on plain of thecrodi system of ling business which the hayn been left into by the laboring eln? her?. Wa:t'm for pay day. ha formed a. vt-ry foolish" haldt for all who depenr1 upon their monthly compt s itioii, and r mcmt evident that all ottier people Platlsmoiith have followed th-ir examph It is occasionally s iid t!n:t no place i the state i know to d as iniu li cr-i!:' business hk Pbitlsinouth, nnd many pin-' merchants siiffrr heavy hsc by rt;ci. :.! BuMius is always known to be nine! more brisk where the cash system rulo. . The trial docket for the March terro of Dijitriit court of Cas3 county, which opens on March 1 1, has just been publish ed by the Weeping Water Eagle. The following Jti o s have ben chojen for. the March term: Thomas Hill, O. E Chandler, William Ballance. Curtis Moore, J. T. Mills, J. M. Compt on, Joseph A. Connor. S. R. Carriga'n, Frank Boyd, Jessie Livingston, William Winter steen, Jacob Schlanker, C. E. Pierce. M. M. Shipman, II. J. Miller, A. A. Harden, C. W. Sherman. W. R- Baldwin, Olan Cole, J. II. Lloyd, Thomas Holmesf August Thinghan, David O'Brien, W. J. Monroe. Although Dr. Cook wa3 not waylaid as was at first reported, he is of the opinion that he would have escaped with slighter injuries if he had been. His right limb, below the knee, is completely discolored, and he sustained other bruises . on his arms and body which present an alarming coudition. The bruise wer caue-d by a fall be received in stepping from a porch in front of a where he had been attending a patient, and as the night was extremely dark, he had no chance to save himself. Mr. Donnelly, who was in company with the doctor at the time he fell, received much slighter ininriea. He is now on 'exhibition in Smith & Co'a drug store or Mayer's ' clothing store. - I THE DAILY- HERALD i PLAT TSMOU Til, KEBiCASK A, WEDNESOA V, fcKBKLTAltV tfl, 1830. t 1 - mmmmm mmm . ii Mr. C. H. Parmelc has purchased a fine large safe of the Dec-bold Safe Com pany, for kis bank at Nehawka. Mr. Geo. Rowe, a striking engineer, has recently gone into the express busi ness. He has provided himself with a tine dray team, and he is now ready to be called upon. Dr. Emmons, who has occupied the Schildknccht property on 9th street for a short time, lately moved bis family to the house on the co'rner of Washington avenue and Seventh 6treet, owned by Mrs. Wayman. Mr. John R. Cox, who had a disas trous wrestle with a pump the other day, has a very badly discolored eye, from the effects. II id he been struck a little lower, he would surely have lost the use of one of his eyes. Mr. W. H. Ilogan and Miss Mary Nockon will be married at the Catholic church tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, by Father Carney. They will make their home in South Park in ore of Mr. J. V. Weekbach's houses. Mr. Adam Kurtz, who has been liv ing about two miles and ahalf northwest of this city, on the Goodwin place, has moved his family to the city within the last few days. They will make their home on the corner of Seventh and Hickory streets. . A number of icemen are now en gaged in harvesting ice from the Mis souri. The ice which was sab' d down tl3 fore part of the cold snap is not of th : best quality, and the icemen who are now putting away god ice, will control the market next summer. Preparations are being made by two young larlies from What Cheer, la.,-to open a millinery store in the room ad joining "Joe's" clothing store. The names of the ladies arc: Misses Moore and Studebaker. The Herald wishes them success in thir undertakings, and welcomes them to Plattsmouth that they may enjoy a harvest in its business. A happy event occurred yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at the Louisville church, in the marriage of Mr. John O'Leary to Miss Bridget Burk. Father Carney, of this city, performed the cere mony in a manner which pleased. vry much all parties who -were interested. Mi. O'Leary lives near Weeping Water, and is well known in this city. There are some rising young vocal ists in this city who are thinking seriously of going east for the purpose of having their voices cultivated, we would advise tt take a course in some agricultuial col leges where plows, harrows and cultiva tors nre plentiful, end have the stumps which are so prominent, plowed out be fore taking a more advanced course in a musical school. PERSONALS. Mr. Geo. Bcrger, of Louisville, is in the city today. J. II. Ilaldeman, of Weeping Water, is in the city today. Mr. J. M. Patterson who was in South B-nd yesterday, returned to the city this morn'ng. Mr. Ed Coukling, a B. & M. marliinist, leaves tomorrow morning for Springfield, Missouri Mr. Will Harris left this rnornhvsr for Frontier county, this .tate, where he will nraUe M:s f sit lire home. R v W. B Alexander attended the reyivd servh-cs at Omaha last niht and ret;;. : d to the city this morning. Mr. FY d Gord- r, who w: s called to Waving Water yesterday on hiiincs. rc'ti:riu.d to t!e eity this ning. M:s. John Way man wi!l tomorrow Jeav ? for Pittsburg, Pa., v!.er. she goes r. j i vi'.j-ib m. I. S!i vid be :ni-sc' imi ii by !e m my n ien ls, 5Ii-s Clara Armstrong, who has been spending the past year at tile home of her brother, Mr. A. Armstrong, returned to Criston, la., this morning. Mrs. Robt Ballance and family arrived from Holyoke this morning to attend the funeral of her deceased relative, Mrs. Hannah Buttcrv. which occurred this afternoon. Wm. Whitmpre, of Omaha, agent for the Diebold safe, is id the pity today. He is an old friend of Mr. M. B. Murphy, having been employed in the mail service with him on the run between Omaha and Ogden, for yeais. Miss Agnjs Lemka, of Stevens Creek, Neb., 'is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Weckbach. Mr. Chas. Keeler, her cousin, who has been visiting at Stevms Creek for a short time, accompanied her to Plattsmouth, while en route for his Lome in Wisconsin. He will leave foH there tonight. Ir. Phillip Weirsick and family are expected to arrive in the city this evening from Pekin, III. Mr. Geo. Wiersich, his brother, who has charge of the farm stock and household goods, is expected later. They have rented a farm belonging to Mr. John Baker, eight miles west of this city. Buy your spring clothes of Elson. : the One Price clothier he has an immense stock and h can please you both in price and quality. ' I F 1 . i - . ii ii Owing to the recent war on Domestics between tho Western and Eastern Job bers, enables us to make the following SPECIAL LOW PRICES for cash on the following popular brands: Aurora C Unbleached sheeting 5 cents per yard. Lawrence LL Unbleached sheeting, Ci cents per yard. Pepperell R Unbleached sheeting. 7i eta per yard. Indian Head, Extra Heavy, 8J cents per yard. Yorkshire Half Bleach, 9 cents per yard. All Season Bleach, cents per yard. Massasoit, (superior to Lonsdale) 8 cts. per yard. Fruit of the Loom, 9 cents per yard. Lonsdale Cambric 12? cents per yard. Best Apron Check Ginghams, cents per yard. Best Dress Ginghams, ?J cents per yard. Those goods are all this seasons pur chase, no old shelf worn stock. NEW SPfifflGJASfl GOODS We have opened our Spring Stock of French Satines. These goods are the handsomest ever brought to the city and entirely new patterns, not having carried over any last season. We are tho only ones carrying the Prespiration Proof Fast Black " Domestic Satines. We are showing 75 different patterns of the celebrated Cocheeo C Satines, they fully come up with the French goods in Coloring and patterns. Our Corset Dep't Complete in all Details. Ladies - Favorite - Waist. This waist is designed to meet the re quirements of Ladies who cannot com fortably wear a stiff and rigid .corset, while it can be worn with as much com fort as an ordinary dress waist, it will give the same elegance of contour as the heavh st board corset in the market, while the stays are so arranged that they give support to the back and pine. an 1 in nowise interfere with the freedom and comfort of the wearer. MM Rock Bluffs. Oscar Hagood is sick in bed with bil lious fever. Mr. James Walstow who moved down to Mr. Chalfants farm last fall moved baek to his own residence iaet Monday. A wedding took place about two miif south of here last week. Mr.-j. Schways, a woman of about sixty years of age, was married to Mr. James Kingle. League Brown, who wgsso unfortunate as to nearly cut the toes off of one of his feet a short time ago while chopping in the timber, is getting along us .veil as could le expected. Mr. John Farthing, who has been tick nearly all winter with a lung troubb-, is gelling hi-trcr, wr hear We ! hear that he has sold out his interest in the tiwn property south of Main street, to Calvin Graves, of Iowa. We have had hard time to get ict; (his winter and a few liav- not gut all they want yet Tea years ago only one tarm r mi Iiis locality put u; ico and now t hire are :dout twenty who put it up to e'jv the cold comfort of it next summer. Mr. Tiioma II. dm and .Miis NVJlis; ibd.n-'S Maited Silnr!:iy fc'ght "if the flyer for a six wn-ks vUit t ! la ware eoii'ity, NVw York. . Tit.-y are exp - 'in i:i the.-meantime to attend the wi-d dug uf a cousin, and to leam how to make and eat maple 6Ugar. The most of the annual moves will take place this spring. Thomas Mckay has moved into V,". II. Smith's house. Fay Miner moves on to the Noah Clem inons farm, Joseph Ellington moves on the Silas Clemmons farm and George Churchil moves into the Charles Tracy house, which he has bought. Uncle James McCullock, breaks up kee?ing house and goes to live with his 'son-in-law, ,Mr Ira Bosworth; M. M. Alden moves into the house yacatcd by Mr. McCullock. 8. G. Latta, of Murray, receives more benefit when the wind blows than any man we know of. . He has a large wind mill with sufficient power to. run a two hole corn shelter, and also runs two sets of steel burs for grinding corn and oats for feed. He also belts on and runs a circle 8lv for sawing up cord wood, and another lelt tarns s grindstone for. tools, and last, bnt not least in Importance, a small wee belt runs the revolving churn. "This is a great convenience, and some families . would save many a quarrel n.Tiong the children, as to which had churned the longest five minutes, if such a helper were had. Tim Shaver. . A meeting of stockholders of the 1 Plattsmouth Loan and Budding Associat ion will be held in the O. A. It. hall. Plattsmouth, at 8 o'clock p. m.. March 26th, for the purpose of amending the constitution and for such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Feb. 25tb, 1880. J. II. Yocso, tf Secretary. HE Fill o ii Steel o Is now re;wly lor inspection, and we are showing the Largest Stock ever before .shown by ns, at Popular 1'riees. Out Stock is too Large to enumerate every particular Line; we are showing full range of colors from 10c yard up to $1.05 a yard. 30 inch Henriettas at 20 cents a yard, advertised ,as a bargain at. 23c. 3G inch Henriettas at 35 cents a yard, in all the new Spring Shades. .30 i;i"!i ileiiriettes All Wool, at 50 cents yard, well worth Ooe. 80 inch liuthiml Suitings, All Wool, in all the new Spring Mixture?, as well as Solid Colors, only 45 cents a yard. AO inch lied Fern Suitings, elegant line of Mixtures, only 00 cents a yard, well worth 75c? . 51 inch lintl ind liruadcloths only t-5 cents yard, usually sold at $1. 51 inch French Novelty touitings, Stripes "and Plain Combinations, only $1.00, advertised everywhere at 1.25. Full lines of Ueiges, Serges, Cassimirs, Uroadcloths, etc., etc. ouse Furnishing Goods 1S30 Glass Towels only 12-Ac, or $1.25 dozen. 18x30 Damask Towels, only 15c, or 1.50 dozen. 20x10 Knotted Fringe Towels, elegant borders, only 25 cents each. llx3S Satin Damask Towels, Knotted Fringe, only 35 cents. Full lines of li.ith Towels at 10, 15, 0, 25 and 35 cents." Special low prices in Crash Towel ings. A good quality of Turkey Ked Table Linen only 25 cents yard. Guaranteed Turkey Ked Table Linen only 35 cents yard. Full Lines ot Cream Damasks at 25, 35, 50, 00, 75 cents. JJordered Table Linens from 10 to 00 cents a yard. Uleached Damask Linens from 05 cents to 51.25 a yard. Special good values in Bleached, Cream and lied .Napkins. ew Sample Line Our Xew Somple Line of Spring Carpets has arrived and we are showing some elegant patterns in Moquettes, Velvets, Kody Brussels, and Tapestrys with Borders to match, all above goods without extra charge for sewing. This is without any exception the finest line of Carpets ever shown in this city. CD rn IE- The county treasurer s superior lun power is unquestionable, since he mad in exhibition of one grand effort to show their power this afternoon. His attcntioi was attracted to a couple of yiung men who were engaged in wasting their win' on a lung tester. The idea soon became very amusing to him, and his desire 'te show his lung power .gradually grew stronger as he watched the efforts of th younger men who were so busily engaged. He almost demanded the tester wheu they uoiitely handed it to him. His firs eff nt to turn a wheel which was locate un the top of the instrument quail ii d h'n faee (iu color) for any minstrel sh and wo l.-liev ho is still working t wash the soot from liis eves. Try Merges for your wintei footwea . A Sis n R3Gclv9. 'S' yon refuse t in'i;ry me, Edieir' ' I iefnse; I (In r;o: 1 ive yo-1."' " "And this is the end of it all? ii only r .iuai;:s ( v n e to commit ' 'S-inly, C r'es, y u d ii't c n'em Lite Miicide?"' "Yen Let 1 don't. I am going to com uiit j'-ur woid.-j to memory and wui other misguided young men againM you." Lincoln Journal. The Omaha Daily Reputjlican. This newspaper is now offiered to the public at the uuprecedentedly low price of $o per year, or 50 cents a month. The Republican is a 4-page, 7-Column paper on week dayt, and 8 pages (or-more; on Sundays. It is new and complete in every detail, and is the best, cheapest aurl handsomest paper published inNebrrska. Send for sample copy. The Omaha Republican. A first-class second-hand piano which has been in use for seven years, can 3 bought'for $150. Is in first-class condition. Best Ne-v York make. Ap ply at this office. tf If you consult your own interests you will buy yoqr foot-wear of Merges. tf - The finest lot of socks ever in tlie city at Klsou's; only Sots per pair. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf Be wise and Merges. buy your overshoes of tf Gueklin's Arnica a've, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped IIandt Chilblains, Corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 31 rr LI Ml Imlniy yy Co I of Spring Carpets - l-Urd arrJrourd Life is dear: ifliifH-nn mil HERRMANN. 7 Lively livel bejts U'"- ii Li 0 juiuutacttirni asid B. &1N1. Time "Table. OOIVO WIC-T. So. 1. 1 36 ft. m. Vo. 3. 5 :51 p. m. N'o. S 7 :47 a. in. No. 7.-6 :23 p. in. No..--6 :17 p. ni. OOINO rasp. No. 2. t :2' p. ni. No. 4. 10 :30 ni. No. C 7 :30 p. Ill No.10. 0 :45 a. in. All train run daily by wav of Omalia. except N09 7 and 8 wtiicli run to aud train Schuyler daily except Suuday. J.H.ElIJiaXS,3I. D. HOMCEQUATBIC Physician I Surgeon Office over Wesoort' utore. Main strepf. Residence in Dr. Sohildknecht's pro.erty. Chronic DUeaa a-id UWe se of Women and Children a specialty. Office hours, 9 to 11 a. ni. 2,to 5 and 7 to 9 p in. fTeleplioae at both OJQ:e and Uasldence H. C. SCHMIDT, (COUJfTV SURVEVOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications and Esti.nates, Mu nicipal Work, Jlaps- &c. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at tf Merges cheap. mmm. t Ladies Muslin Underwear. We have just ojii(d our New Lino of tlu-Hts yoods and wo have some verj d i nlt-d bargains to ofT r. Ladies Night Gowns at 75c Mother lluhburd Style, Cluster of tr- )(-ndicular tucks, neck ttud fb-evt edged with rulllin. Ladies Night Gowns af$1.50 Mother Huhhard Mvlo with very fine perpendicular cording interlaced with insertion. Neck, sleeves aud front trimmed witli embroidery. Ladies Night Gowns at $2 50 Mother llullard etyle. with solid yoke of embroidery finished off with Herring bono liraid, very elaborate. Neck aud tleeves and front trimui'd with cm broidery and narrow tucks. LADIES SKIRTS AT 50c. This is a good made tkirt of fair qti'ility muslin, iinMied at bottom witii wide cambric runling, with, cluster of four narrow tucks above. LADIES SKIRTS AT $L JJi st Standard Muslin trimmed with 4 inch wide embroidery at bottom with eliHtcr of 5 narrow tucks above. LADIES SKIRT AT $2,25. iJrtt quality Muslin Tiimmed with extra deep flounce of rich embroidery and cluster of 8 narrow und 2 wido tucks above. LADIES' CHEMISE AT 60C. A great bargain, made of best stand ard Muslin, front trimmed with embroid ery, neck and tdeeves edged with em broidery. Ladies' Chemise at 75 Cts. Squ ire of Insertion and Narrow Tuck ing; front, neck and sleeves edged with fine Herring bone braid. Ladies' Drawers at 60 Cts. Made of Standard Muslin, trimmed at bottom wide embroidery with clus ter of six tine tucks aboye. Ladies' Drawers at $1-00. Made of Ii'bt Muslin, trimmed nt bot tom with Nainsook Kmhroidery with three wide tucks, interlaced with Herring bone braid. Ladies Corset Covers at 50c. Made of fine cambric tnusbn, high neck trimmed in front with row of nar row tucking and insertion with narrow rufde of fine embroidery around the neck Ladies Corset Covers at 60c. Made of fine cambric muslin V shaped back and front, trimmed with elegant urn broidery '3 iuches deep. HEREMiAOT'S. ahd rour(i 1 eat Apr i)iu: lit a hu'tV J 'rice Or. C- A. Marshall. Zlgsidnl: cutis t, Preservation of thy Natural Teeth a Spi-cialty. Auefcthi tics given fir Pain r.Kss Frr.T.rvrj nn F.r-rn irrinv nv Tcht i Artificial teeth m ide on Gold. Silver, ; Rubber or CY-Ilulohl Platn, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FrrzaB-ULo' Br. x: Pi. rHnnoTH. Nib yfiMEnT x Keeps a Full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Givme nim a Cat SHERWOOD BLOCK! 1 too. , J'if5 we "At MA "I X7- v. -