The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 25, 1889, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors
I published every evening except Sunday
nd Wkljr evry ThUPt'lay morning. Krgls
terelt the pomofltce, l'Hl'niutli. Nebr..
cond-cl.w iiiattT. OlUce corurr of Viue and
iriftn streets. Telephone No. 34.
One copy on year In advance, by mall.. ..$6 no
One copy per inoDtli, by car' ler N)
One copy per week, by carrier............. 10
One copy one year. In advance ,.? W)
Oue copy fix moninx. In advauce 75
Our Clublng List.
Wkeklt ilr.KALUand : V World 92 40
- N. V. Tnbune. .. 2M
Omolia Kep. ...... 2 3.1
" N. Y. 're-9 2 V5
N. Y. I'oct. . 2 30
? Harpers' MxnazinO 4 M
Weekly. 4 7
" " " " Kazar... 4 30
' " " Younir People 3 OS
" " " Neb. Farmer 2 70
m .. ijfiooresl' Month
ly Magazine 3 10
American Ma'zine 3 (W)
The Forum 6 oo
" Lincoln (sun.) Call 2 60
Weekly Oil 1 15
Jt'ST twenty ilajs more of the present
state legislature.
Jcbt one week from today noon Presi
dent Cleveland will resign his title aid
liis oflice and the democratic power will
atop down and out.
Mr. Oscar Wilde's recent article ou
the alleged decay of ljin would not
have leen written if he had waited until
after the cross-examination of that re
maikable witness, Mr. Richard Pigott.
The supreme court has sur-tained the
law in regard to foreign insurance com
panies that they must each deposite ?2.",-
000 with the state treasurer before they
are allowed to do business in this state.
3Ir. Clf.vei.axd promised the mug
wumps that he would give them r.n ad
ministration composed entirely of the
sturdy oak of teforni. But as they gaze
upon it now that it is practically finished,
they exclaim in bitterness of spirit: It'
merely a poor kind of 'paper mash.' "
Eventually the eight-hour day, for
-which the trade and labor rgani7.ations
of the country are bending their energies,
will become an accomplished fact. It
depends, however, upon two factors,
skille I lubor and labor saving machinery.
In certain hfgh grades of manual employ
ment the eight-hour system js in force
today. Its extension to wider circle must
be left'to th-i laws of progress and in
vention, by which nine hours' work can
be accomplished in eight. That appears
to be the only true solution, as proved in
the light of experience. Just as the hours
of labor dropped from fourteen to twelve,
and from twelve to ten, due to the em-
ployment of improved methods, so it is
likely that the present hours of labor will
be lessened in the future. Bee.
A report that is fairly staggering
comes from the peach-growing district
along the Hudson. It is that the
"fruit buds generally are uninjured,"
that ' the buds are green and show n
healthful vitality," and that pencil
growers say that the prospect is bright."
This almost passes belief. Does it meau
that the millennium is really approach
ing Or are the growers of peaches raia
' ing hopes that by and-by will be cruelly
disappointed? Or has one of them in
his cups or otherwise exhilarated actually
told the truth at last? ' Healthful vital
ity." "prospects bright" surely there
is one- reason at least why 1SS9 ought to
le memorable. V,'e say without the
slightest fear of contradiction that the
like of thi was never setu before this
present year of grace. N. T. Tribune.
The New York nun alleges that Mr.
Cleveland is a spiritualist and has had a
medium in his exclusive employ eyer
since he tegan that celebrated campaign
for sheriff of Erie county, and that eho
lias assisted him wonderfully in all his
campaign by engaging the services of
6ome of the nstutct of the departed poli
ticians of the country, tn set up pins and
give shewd advice to the man of dettjny.
The republican party has thus bent
obliged to tfht all the wire workers of
the pat and logroll against fearful odds
to counteract the machinations of chaus
who should have been kept in thtir spit it
lioiue carrying coal and stiiring up 5u
Just imagine old Wigfall and the
sainted Wirfz dictating widow's pension
vetoes, and Dean Ilichnumd, Dick Con
nely and Boss Tweed eiving minute
directions for the counting of the )$t
Iiutlcr votes in Brooklyn for Grover
Cleveland. Lincoln Journal.
0"s rvations of falling Mars have been
used to determine roughly the average
number of meteorites which attempt to
pierce the earth's atmosphere during each
twenty-four hours. Dr. Schmidt, of
Athens, fiom otaervations made during
seventeen years, found that the mean
hourly number oMuminous meteors vii-'
ble on a clear moonless night by cm
observer was fourteen, taking the timo of
observation from miduight to 1 a. m.
It has been further experimentally shown
that a large group of ' observers who
might include the whole horizon in their
observations would bee about six times as
many as are visible to one eye. Profes
sor II. A. Newton and others have calcu
lated that, making all proper corrections,
tlie number which might be visible over
the whole earth would be a little greater
than 10,000 times as many as could be
seen at one place. From thiswe gather
that not less than 20,000,000 luminous
meteors fall upon our planate daily, each
of which ou a dark clear night would
preseut us with the well-known phenom
enon of a.shooting star.
This number, however, by no means
represents the total numbers of minute
meteorites that enter our atmosphere,
because many entirely inyisibld to the
naked eye are often seen in telescopes. It
has been calculated that the number of
meteorites, if these were included, would
be increased at leant twenty-fold; this
would give us 400,000,000 of meteorites
falling in the earth's atmosphere daily.
J. Norman Lockyer, in Harper's Maga
zine for March.
Ills, Wills, and Pills.
An odd mixture of words, but the suf
ferer from constipation, indigestion, im
pure blood, biliousness, and other such
ill". Can be cured if he wills, without
taking the horrid, old-fashioned pills.
These are superseded in our day by those
wonder-working, yet tiny, little globules,
known as Dr. Pierce's Pl-asant Pellets.
No griping, no drastic purging; do not
cause costiveness afterwards, us the old
style pills do. On 'itile Grunule a dose.
Tim palaces of clouds in grandeur rise,
nuilt ly that wise and mighty Architect,
The fretted spires, with gold and pearl be
decked. Glint io the. sunlight from the tempered skies:
IIu;ig there in Heaven they seem a paradise,
m dwelling place for souls, with dross un
Reeked, Wtoso aspirations nevermore are wrecked.
But now is reached the goal of each emprise,
tt'liut though the ruthless storm in fury sweep
Avsy the splendor of that heavenly scene.
Nor leave n trace behind its giant might?
The u-.:nu Majestic Hand that lulls the deep
81m: I turn to smiles the tempest's wrathful
And ralso to life a City just as bright.
Presence of Mind.
Ve doubt whether any previous age
could iiiutch an instance of presence of
mir.d which occurred at Dudley the
other evening. A very young couple
were taking a stroll along tho canal and
quarreled. The youth, throwing off his
co:it and hat, exclaimed, "That will be
my bed to-night," and plunged Into the
wati-r. Hero we note presence of mind
in first getting rid of the hat and coat.
The young lady's conduct was equally
admirable. Instead of falling down in a
faint, she quietly picked up the hat and
coat, and then made her way to the near
est jo!ice station. Cut it was the youth,
after all, who gave the most remarkable
example of common sense under trying
circumstances. Finding the water un
pleasantly cold, ho swam across to the
other side, ran home, threw off liis wet
things and jumped into bed, where he
was found by his beloved. Such a suit
able couple should certainly mate. Lon
don Globe.
The Limits of Art,
A German paper says that Ollivier, the
French actor, possessed incredible powers
of mimicry, llecould assume the voice,
gestures and facial expression of any
perron he chanced to meet with. One
day lie called on his tailor to ask him to
give him a little more time for the pay
ment of liis bills, which had been run
ning on for the last three years. At that
cio.:ient ho saw a customer enter the
.shop and pay cash down for several arti
cles of clothing which were delivered to
him. Then tho artist heaved a deep sigh
of p:; in. "What is the matter with you?"
inijv.ired the tailor, "Alas!" replied Olli
viv'r. "there is a man I shall never be
i'ol j to imitate." New York Commercial
Tandem Teams.
Pvivfng tandern ha3 gone pretty well
out jf fashion in New York, It ja a very
rare thing to see more than one or two
tai-'.lem rig3 in the park now in the
course of ' an afternoon. A perfectly
matched team is rarer yet. It is a curi
oui thing that the dog part, whether
driven single or tandem, is always driven
in the city in America instead of in the
country, where it belongs. The vehicle
v;.u originally designed for country
driving in England, and particularly
where tho roads were rough. It was
driven tandem only where there were
hilk-i to climb, when one horse's strength
wi.s deemed insufficient. Philadelphia
Wholesale nd UeUU Pealer la
3hj ogles, Lath, Sash,
Can supply every demand of the trade
Call and get terms. Fourth street
Io Bear of Opera House,
R. B. Windham, John a. iavies,
Nutarjirubllc. Kotary Public.
Attorneys - at - .LaT1.
OIIlceloTei13anV;oflCa County.
An Ialmnd Graveyard Wber the Indian
Burled Their Dead pipes. Boada, Arrow
Heads, Tomahawks and Other Things
Discovered Teeth Wonderfully Sound.
Eight miles up the Potomac river from
Romney, W. Va., is a small island cut
off from the main line by a mill race.
Tills island Is nearly all sand and made a
splendid burying place for the aborigines
of this country. For a spa:e of 50 by
200 yards there are many graves about
two to three feet in depth and contain
ing, besides skeletons of Indians, many
peculiar relics, such as beads, Ehells,
pipes, arrow heads, bones of animals
once used for food, pottery, etc.
Two years ago the river rose higher
than it had been known to rise for years.
It washed out this mill race, and when
the banks caved in there were exposed
to view many skeletons, an above men
tioned. The farmers and boys of the
neighborhood visited the place out of
curiosity and carried off many articles.
No account was printed at the timo, and
no examination of the place was made
until The World called the attention of
the Smithsonian men to t his find, and a
letter was at once written there to the
postmaster. But before a reply came I
was well on my way to the scene of the
noaixo up the boxes.
Six men were engaged, and the spot
where the graves lay was carefully dug
over- It was found that about forty
skeletons had been exhumed by the
freshet and carried away by the waters.
Many more remained, some of which
had been disturbed by the plow, for they
were buried only two feet deep, One of
these was found to have interred with
the body stone tips for his arrows, beads
as a necklace, a whole pot of clay rudely
fashioned and holding several decayed
bones of the deer. This had been his
cooking vessel, and wLen interred with
tho warrior it was filled with deer joints,
"luscious and juicy," the meat of which
sustained his soul in it march through
tho Happy Hunting Grounds.
Another skeleton had a similar outfit
placed with it. Many of tho bodies were
buried in cramped positions, few were
extended as wo place our dead, many
bones were missing and tho skulls of
some individuals seemed crushed anl
broken. I therefore drew a conclusion
tliat most of these warriors were killed
in battle. As it was tha Indian custom
to mutilate the bodies of the slain, in
some instances to smash the skulls, the
condition of tho skeletons is easily ac
counted for. In the loose earth thrown
out of the excavations and everywhere
about the surface we found arrow points,
broken pottery, copper beads, glass
beads, shells, parts of stone tomahawks,
etc. One excavation revealed an old fire
place. We took out atout five bushel3
of ashes, the bones of deer, buffalo and
ground hog. The buffalo or bison bones
are seldom met with in the east. It i3
known that the bison roamed all over
this country, but tho whites found him
further west than the Mississippi. There
fore tho date of this burial place can be
placed very far back. The presence of
glass and copper beads shows the tri',-o
had contact with tho whites. But thdio
beads v?ere found on the surface and not
buried with the bodies.
After examining this cemetery I went
twelve miles down the river to another
Indian village site. With a force of
seven men I began work In somo high
clay banks which fronted the river.
Ilere the bodies had never been disturbed
and lay just as tho Indians had left them.
We took out pearly twenty entire skele
tons. The skulls of a number were pre
served whole, and when any fell to pieces
tho fragments were largo enough to ad
mit of their being put together. The
average depth of these graves was three
feet. Witl) pno we found a copper plate,
a fine dish of clay with handles and hold
ing on the inside a shell with strange
markings on it. The copper plato was
not of European manufacture. It was
the native Lake Superior copper ham
mered out in a cold stats by the fndians,
was about five inches long, two inches
wide and perforated for suspension as an
Another body had a necklace of sixty
two bone beads, whjlg a Uijrd had over
three hundred small lead3. These had
been placed in a mas3 by the left fore
arm, but had not been strung. A bone
awl almost as sharp as a needle and
wonderfully well preserved accompanied
this man. The farmer owning the place
presented me with another copper plate
and a 6tone tomahawk, which ho had
plowed up not long be-ore. I also secured
a good clay pipo found with ono of the
skeletons. This pipe was shaped some
what like our cigar holders, only larger,
and was made of hard burned clay, red
in color.
The remarkable feature of all Indian
skulls is thestateof preservation in which
wo" find' their teeth. I never, with but
ono pr wq exceptions, found a truly pre
historic skeleton in which tho teeth were
not without 6ign of decay. Sometimes
when the bones are almost ready to fall
into dust tho teeth remain sound.
Whether it i3 due to their diet of meats,
not ha iiig known tl:.e uso of any of our
nioderij ' teeth destroying tooda and
bweeliat3, J leave for the consideration
of the dental f rat-maty. After this place,
had been examined we dug into a iai ga
mound of earth and stone, SO by 40 feet,
R fej't high. In that we found the skele
of a foravq je-arr"ior covered with sev
eral large mica. (This V$PJ
have been used as a looking L Sev
eral black flin$ UTQW heads lay by his
side, and over his breast lay en ornament
of black slate with two perforations.
The ornament was highly polished and
presented a beautiful appearance. Thus
ended the work. A total of fifty" bodies,
in part or entire, was talien out and tho
article corroborate. Probably lialf a
dozen women and eight children com
prised the whole cumber. Warrea K.
Moorehead in New York World.
4 ii the Black Country.
Ono woman at work In a Bhop behind
a clean and tidy cottage had tiecn tnak
ui' nail. for thirty ytars. Sho got 7Jd.
for making 1,000 nails, and by working
long hours slwo could makoSd. a day net."
Ono little shop, from ten to 'twelve feet
square, woj i:i full Bwitig, whero wero
four youn, women "hard at it," and if
they could keep it up for six days at fif
teen hours a day their gross earnings
would amount to the surprising 6um of
Cs. 3d. each. "Hut tho clear earnings of
these young women skillful, persistent,
unwearying workers; their arms thin,
but hardened by unceasing toil; their
chests f!:;t, tin ir faces pa lid, and their
palms and fingers case hardened by bel
lows, hammer, olivcr and rod will run
to ijs. Ed. per week when in full work."
Tho "oliver," it hhould bo explained, is a
spring tilt hammer operated by tho foot
of the worker and disc harging the duty
of a mechanical striker; its weight varies
from ten pounds to thirty rtounds.
It is a very striking sight to see a
clever girl r. t her work making "cono"
or "countersunk" n:iils, or "pipe" nails,
"spoon lu :ids"an;l "gutter spikes." Her
left hand holds tho rod, which is red hot
It one end, out of wliicli the nail is
fashioned; with her right hand she
wieldu her forming ha'.iimer, and with
her left h-g she works the Oliver, while
her eager faco Li ail the time bowed to
the anvil," except when, straightening
hcir.elf up, t,!u turns fir. in th anvil to
the i cllows to b!ov u; the fire. Dut
when the;vj girl. ere aged or abot;t to 1k
conie mothers the1 f::;,!it is still more
striking, and makes one w-tvh that one
hod i. ever f-een it or hvard of it, it i.s so
pitiful r.nd f-::d. not to say unkind urA
ui!nati:::.l. It woti'd :'.ii to be next to
imposfdLle in the j ?;-;..: :i Uate of things
to do r.r.ylhing i:t t i v. r.y i f regulating
tho liours of labor, for the nailmaker's
shop i:j his. he;:..!.-, L.::s h uso is his
castle. But for the f;;et S hat tho nail
makers sanitary surroundings t :hould be
so shocking there is no excuse. The
Saturday Review.
Taming Ot:t to tUo I.i'ft.
There i t a new fashion in park driving
which will cause trouble if it is persisted
in. A large number of coach and saddle
horses have been imported from England
within a fow jeers. Many of the im
ported hordes iu-o kept in New York and
aro now driven by their owners in the
daily park parades. The young men
who have not English born horse? try
to get their own horses up in imitation
of them, with clipped manes, banged
, tails, and English harness. Young men
who drive dog carts tako especial pride
in having their horses, carts and men as
Engl isli as importation or imitation can
make them.
Some bright young man has discovered
the way to tell the real English article
from the imitation, and other young
men are taking advantage of his discov
ery as fast as they learn it, though the
knowledge has not become general yet.
Horses have habits as much as men. A
horse that has been used to doing things
in a certain way in his youth wants to
pursue it when he grows up. In Eng
land drivers turn to the left in passing
instead cf to the right, as in this coun
try. As an American bred horso in
stinctively turns to the right tin English
horso turns to the left.- Some young
man noticed this and told liis friends. It
is now tho correct thing for a young man
vith an English horse in driving to pass
ids friends on the lofi.
When other younj men who haven't
English horses learn thi3 they may try
to turn their horses to the left, too. It
will not bo easy, for many American
horses will resent being forced to adopt
English customs. It will not be a safe
tiling to attempt unless there is an un
derstanding between both drivers. If
you see two young men struggling to
pass on the left when their horses want
to go on tho right, yon may know that
they are not ignorant of the law of the
road, but that they want to be as fash
ionable as other young men with real
English horses. New York Sun.
Ingenious if True.
"I am in Chicago," said a New Yorker,
"for thepurpose of introducing my pat
ent electrical apparatus which will pre
vent cemeteries from being despoiled by
gravo robbers. It will also indicate if a
body has been buried ahve. I sold the
right in New York for $20,000, and it is
now used in Woodlawn cemetery. The
apparatus is exceedingly simple. Wires
are placed around the wrists, feet, ankles
and neck of tho corpse, and if there be
but a slight movement of reanimation,
an electric bell, connected by a wire with
tho coffin, in the sexton's house gives
the alarm, and by turning to the regis
ter, similar to that of a hotel, he sees at
onco the grave that resurrectionists are
tampering with, or when a body has been
buried alive. A small tubo containing
oxygen gas, capable cf sustaining life for
twenty-four hours, is placed at the head
of tho corpse, and if there be a move
ment this gas is released, tho bell to the
sexton's house is rang, and if that is not
responded to the bell in the tower, to at
tract attention of -outsiders, i? set in nio
irou." Cliicago Journal.
. Accurate History,
A Minneapolis gentieman proposes to
set up a phonograph to record the words
of his better half' during Lis absence.
The lady, on the other hand, declares
that she intends to have the same sort of
a faithful recorder in his tliat she
may know just what passes between
and those feminine ciic-ms cf his who fre
quent his cGoo so 'much. There is cue
fic-ld into whirh the phonograph should
go hand in hand v. iih a:-j:.;; nr photog
raphy. The parent t ou'J r.ot only ta!:e
lib infant's likene.-:; in ail sorts of thrill
ing and r.ngrlic attitudes, but he could
record the- ynur"'51'3 infantile chatter,
the very tarn s and woivLj in a-i their
beauty and artiessness. Tlien when the
bqbv boy has rovm old and wayward,
?f parent etui turn hark to those fend
c-cords stamped fcr 'eternity cn the phor
lograrn and live over again the delight3
?f the days j;cs by. Cjnite an interest
in ph-nogi-'.ph irTLving worked up in
Slinnenpou: :n-.i cit uort or no.ei oseF
iraents are Lving tried,
noer Press.
-St. Paul PicK
In orcltr to cutdown our large stock ot
Notions &c, we are ofiering Unexcelled Bargains in these Good.
"We have
Silk an
0 l3S
And crilk Handkerchiefs at very low figures.
Ghreat Cloak
In this .Department we are
at prices that is sure to sell them. Call and inspect them aid
be convinced that we carry the best stock in Plattsmouth.
E. C. BOWEY , 8
Tn the city, which he is offering at Prices that will make them m11.
A complete line of Window Curtains at a sacrifice. Picture
Frames in great variety. You can get everything you need
You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much each
mouth and you will soon have a fine furnished house
and hardly realize the cost. Call and see.
:s .a. :E2 nv nsr,
wSB mm
Parlor, Dining 'Room-and Kitchen
And therefore can sell you goods for less
Money than any other dealer in the city.
ummtAKtwB mom,
a rroRNEY.
S. F. Tni'MAS.
Attorne-at-Law and Notary Public. Office in
Fitzgerald Block., i'lattaiuoutb. Neb.
4- A. f. RFI.L1VAN,
Attomey-at-Law. Will sie prompt attention
to ail tuisineis Intrusted xu Win. CfVirf Is
Union Block, Ea-st side. I'luttstiiouth. .Neb.
staple and Fany Groceries, GUasware and
Crockery, Fldar and Feed.
a line line ot
simere .Mufflers
showing all the latest styles of
P rson&l attention to all Buainsta En Ira t-
o tay car.
xotart isr or nun.
Titles Examined. Abataret Compllo. la
surauce Written. Keal Ettate told, v .
Better Faculties (or making Fans Loak tbM
JLay Qttiev Acccsj.
Platticairot, - netrrcia