The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 25, 1889, Image 1

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i lor
Absolutely Pure.
Th's powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ity, strength and wliolenomeiiesit. More econo
mical turn the ordinary kind, and cannot be
old In competition wltn the miilrltii'le "t low
teat, shtrt weight alum o liopliate powder.
Hold only in eiuut. Hhyal 1'owukh
CO.. 1W Wall ot. N. Y.
Treasurer, -
W K Fox
Jaurs Patterson, ju.
Pollco Jud;je,
Coancilmen, lsivard,
" 2nd "
tl) 11 JON ICS
I lK.
1 8 W DU1TOJ
( J W Johns in.Cuaibman
Board Pub. Work kkki cohdkh
Treasurer. - - D. A. Campbell
Deputy Treasurer, - - Thh. Pollock
Deputy Clerk.
LXA IKIICHtl r.i.u
W. 11. Pool
W. O.
J. 0. ElKK.NHAUl
C. ltUSSKLl.
It e order of Deeds
Deputy Recorder
Clerk o! District Co art.
Surveyor. - - -Attorney, o( Pub. Schools,
County Judge.
A. B. Todd. Ch'm.. - - Plattsmouth
Louis Koltz, - Weeping Water
A. B. Dl Kso.V. - K mwood
(1ASS 1.0DGK No. 146. 1 O. O. F. -Meet
-'every Tuesday eveDiui? of each week. All
transient brothers are respectfully Invited to
O. P.. meets every alternate Friday in
each nionth in the Manonic Hall. Visiting
Brothers are li vited to attend.
fit BIO LODGE No. 81. A. O. V. W . Meet-
i- every aUernat Friday evenluw at K. of P.
all. Transient brothers are respectfully in
vited to at tend. F. P. Brown. Master Work
man :. B. K roster. F reman ; K. H.Meuiiker
Overseer; W. H. M.llT, Financier; . k.
Housewortli. Kect.rdi-r; F. J Alonjun. Keceiv
er; win. Crehan. ('..d 'e ; Wii.. l.ttdwijr. Inside
atch : .. hen, lltits'.de Watc
SCMP NO.:i:tj, moukus v n.u
1 America Meets second ami fourth Mm;
veiiiu at K. of P. Ii.ill All trst.sieir
ier are r"iiie!4ted to met with u-. I. A.
V of
day evri
Newco-iter, euerauie .his n ; .. , ,'.y ,
Worthy adviser ; S C. V Ude. limiiier ; . . A
Boeck, Clerk.
P L4TrVOL!III I.Oi)liE X' . A. O. L". V.
Meet? every ult-mate Friday rveninK ",. A ii f r.tnst-iu Iji.h.i
rrs are re-pccifal'.y ivii-d o ;ut-:.l. U
Larson, M. V.; F. Boyd. I rt i-iuti : S t
Wilde. KfCorui-r ; l.o'Hiard Anders n. ;vfifr
IlLATT-MtlCTH L'!H;E N!.C. V P. & A. M.
M-etsoii til- ftr-t and i lur.t Moii lays
each month at !i.t-i- hall. Ail tr:i".s ...:i Orotl:
cra are eontlally la itad to n;-ct yit ii os
Vm. Hat-. Sccrr :-.
-.KBliv" I TiCit- .V.. ?,. K. A. M
-V Macw s?;!.od loiirfl rn--lv of
'oioolb at M:i-i:iV "kIi I'rausct i:t t:o !'
are InrueJ t :..-t w.t us. u p
f r. ZIO !: !A IniiV. SO. b
AA-Mee first I '.l.trJ vitiii-stl -y iii--st
a h iii'at; as M -- '!. " jr. t
if or J iilly i vi; dton;ee y.l.n us.
W m . i t . ec. F;:mj:
tAS3COCNfI.. XO 1021. i'V I. ; Kt'A N Oi
' nect the second and fourth Mondays wi
1Mb niocth at Arcanum Hall.
u. N. Clkxn. Kegent.
J, C. Minor. Secretary.
ICobt. B Windham
1st Vice President
Sad Vice Presldeut
MUrf ...
.... . A. B. Todd
...Win Neville
.. F. Herrmann
F. K. Uuthman
J. C. Rlchev. F. E. White. J C. Patterson.
J. A. Conner. B. El-on, C. W. Sherman, b . or
er. J. V. eckbach.
. KOSlKIi.
M. A. Dicksoh Comma-del.
Bbnj Hmplk .senior vice
B.CABBIOAX.... .....Junior !
lilto; MILKS A J !,.'
A. &HIPMAX .h.Ur;
l-KY 8TBMOHT .... -;;-."lf; ;-
- aTTabsch .- nicer of the Day
JlMM.CK.oV prKtMjo
Heetln- 5aturua .c.-iut;
The Boss Tailor
Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store.
Hm the best and most complete stock
of Vamples, both foreign and domestic
ooleas that ever came west of Missouri
rirer Note these prices: Business suits
from' $1 to $33, dress suits, $25 to $45,
jM?tof4. f5i 3' upwards.
Pjr"W ill guaranleed a fit
Prioos Defy ConiDelition.
Sho Hastens to Present Her CI aims
For Statehood.
Ciieykknf., Wyo., Feb. '25. The ad
mission of four m.'W states is received
witli much satisfaction in Wyoming, the
opinion being strengthened that Wyom
ing's turn for adrmi-sion will now follow
very soon. The Wyomingites are eager
and unanimous for statehood. Democrats
and republicans alike are working for
admission. The territory cannot be
Counted as politically safe for either
party, and if admitted as a state is as
likely to be democratic as republican,
even though a . republican delegate has
been elected for the past three terms.
The population of the territory is grow
ing at the rate of 15,000 yearly. Outside
Capital is being attracted to the resources
of oil, coal and iron, and developments
are beiug made which arc bringing a
large immigration into the territory. A
number of lines of railway are heading
for Wyoning aud the coming year will
witness an amount of railway growth
unprecedented in the history of the terri
tory. An enabling act passed during the
present year will bring Wyoming in as a
sttte with population and wealth suffi
cient to rival many of the older states.
'Wanted to. Tiorrow Horseshoes.
In the pioneer days of New Hamp
shire articles of ornamentation were al
most unknown, and most articles of use
were rare.
In 17C9 there wero in the town of
Sanbornton but three horses, three great
coats, and two men each owned a pair
of boots.
It is said that tho first person who had
shoes upon his horso gave great offense
to a neighbor, who was nbout to go on a
journey, by refusing to lend his horse
shoes to bo used on tho occasion.
Youth's Companion.
President- Arthur's Scarf.
Tho lato c-t-I'rcsiJent Arthur was
truly rated a. man of courtly manners
and bfarinr. whoso nppcaranco was in
itself an evidence of gtntlo breeding and
good taste. Admittedly the best dressed
chief magistrate that ever sat in the ex
ecutive chair, for many years he had
never worn any styh) of scarf but a
blacli De Joinviilo which long practice
j'nahled hi;n to fold just far enough
away from geometi i.-ally correct lines
i.o impart an enhanced ch'cct of
On full dress occasions Mr. Arthur, of
course, wore? thy co:ienlional white
iawn tie. Clothier and Furnisher.
A Clever Notion, Don't You IIuovi'.
Our national institution, "clam cl.ow
v!cr," h:i at last reached London, where
it i. proving a regular surpri j- party to
the tto::iaeli3 of L'jvylish epicures. In
truth, tho unresponsive data -is putting
in a lively appearance in Hies very high-'
e:.t circles, no loss a personage than the
Prince- of Wales having adopted it. "s
nnoof tho.;o clever American im;io':
you Lnow." They even go so far as 1
compare Ihi.i 'American clam to live?,
and i:ay v.-lien tho taste i-t once acquire "
.o i ; .roing to F.upfri-ede !:i:i Uttlo f.JUsi':.
t!u oyster. I-loston Ilt-rnld.
A I)nI:o's Orrlihis.
7!;;? facts ahout. tho r.cnlieim crchuls
aro as it-Hows: The duLo has about 4U,
CU) plants of one toi t and nrtot'KTi but
he manages his houses pn business prin
ciplt s. an.l y.-henevi r a rare I'owcr turns
up among the imported specimens s
;!. it. 1L !-.'tr. givt s ftO guineas or
anything iil:e that sunt for a plant, hut
ho sol.l on? tin f.ther day for 10t -uincai
to 2:r. iS:m!rr:'.. t!: ' f.tmotLs dealer. It
rac d !:r.ri'.lv U' Ktid that tho va of the
i:hcti.::i t.4 a triile utitler C J.OCCOO
t!:c .ri ;!: r: r(i;s stjmato put i:p' :i it hy
con:o i:du!cpa'.rd r.c:ilii)i(:"s. London
;ii.souri U the only 6tate In the Union
that, maL'es no provision for her militia.
In 1SSG there wero seven regixnents iu
the state, while- now there aro but two,
numbering l.SCO men.
Clara Louiso Wells, of Naples, Italy,
has taken out a patent for improvement?
in tho method of obtaining fresh from
salt water, for supplying towns and
other purposes.
Tho Editorial Mind at Work.
A Boston paper suggests that steeples
constructed with liingeo at the base,
so that they can turn them down for
painting. Another brilliant architect
ural idea would bo to have rope and
tackle suspended over theatres, bo that
when n fire broke out during a perform
ance tho house could be lifted six or
eight feet and permit the auelienoe to
exit in all directions. Of course, the
Door should not be drawn up at the same
time. Norristown Herald.
One remarkable result of a tidal wave
in tho province of Baunam, Java; has
been a great increase of tigers. The lind
hud waste' soon relapsed into a jungle,
aii'ording a welcome cover to the tigers,
which became so daring and numerous
that whole villages have had to bo
Pnow flakes are said to bo the residt of
low lying air currents whose temptra
tures were much lower than those of the
"arth'a surface.
Utiles Which. If Observed. Slay Insure
Ifaruionioas Performances.
Choose a leading part in some popular
play and permit nobody to guess that
you think you can act it.
Fersuade a number of your friends
that a needy charity is in need and that
acting begins at home.
After inoculation permit them to set
themselves by the ears over the choice
of a play. When you think matters have
gone far enough suggest your own as a
This having been arranged to your
satisfaction, proceed to ingratiate your
self with the stage manager by telling
liim wliat has been said behind his back
by tho other members of the cast. If he
don't resign he will offer you the leading
Before deciding upon your costume
wait until you learn what your most
dangerous rival in tho company intends
to wear. As soon as you receive the de
sired information take the advice of your
Study your part with care. At re
hearsal miss your cue whenever you can
and apologize sweetly. lie on your
guard against betraying the business you
intend to introduce when you have the
stage to yourself, and m general allow
tho other actors to derive the opinion
that nothing but a regard for your feel
ings prevents the stage manager from re
questing you to resign the part that has
been assigned to you. In the meantime
cultivate the manager.
Give no trouble about your dressing
room. Say that a corner and a table are
all you care for. Choose the best corner,
however, and bring a chest of drawers
containing everything you can possibly
need in a quantity suilicient to prevent
your lending to other members of the
company. When suggestions are offered
to you as to where you ought ' to stand,
how to speak and when Jo gesticulate,
adopt each in turn as it is made. Per
mit tho leading man, who will of course
be your lover, to gradually evolve the
theory that though you cannot act, you
aro not stiff or prudish, and that you are
a nice little thing. Agree with him
when he objects to sliaving his mustache.
When he whispers under his breath that
lie wishes the play were reality, smile
and blush.
From time to time applaud the others,
especially when they overact, and say
mournfully: "Oh, I wish you all were
not so much better than I!" You may
also contrive to impress each of your as
sociates privately with the notion that
you consider him or her the star of the
troupe. This you will not fmd difficult.
When you press people to buy tickets,
say, "Oh you must come! Mr. Biggies is
so funny! and Miss Lascellea is going tc
look so lovely in court dress, don't you
know! and Mr. Tollderoll is to be my
lover," and then permit your hearers tc
guess from your expression that there is
more in Mr. Tolideroll's love making than
you yourself imagine.
Mr. Tollderoll may say more about the
stage directions for the reconciliation
scene than perhajis he ought. Of course,
realism is not for a moment to bethought
of, but there, can be no great reason why
Mr. Tollderoll should not be allowed tc
mislead himaelf with false expectations.
If you choose to mako him jealous of Mr.
Biggies, very well, but bo careful to re
turn to a goed understanding with him
before the dress rehearsal. As for Miss
Iiscelles, you may disarm her by turn
ing Mr. Tollderoll over to her for a half
hour or so whenever practical;!? aiid by
telling her in stricf rotilldeiico. that he (s
afraid of falling in Jove with her because
he has so little money.
Improve a little jrj your aotlqg as the
dress rehearsal draws nigh so aa not tc
take your associates entirely by surprise.
Suggest to the manager that you are
only n rvoua over the result of the play.
A:i roon as it is too late for Hiss I.ascelles
to change her dress chow her yuurs, fv
seen drinking coiTcu before the pljy
begins, end Ktand as near the footlights
a-j yon can so ;;! to get yourself flushed.
When the curtain u rung up exhibit a
lltlla natural timidity at first, but grad
ually recover from that, and as tho plaj
proceeds have pq mercy pn any one
except Mr. Tollderoll, whom yoii, will, of
course, encourage. When you are called
out after the first act insist that they are
applauding Misa lLasceiles, and that Bhe
must go out alone; after the second go
out with her, and after tho third go out
alone. The next day meet Mr. Tollderoll
in the street and smile at him mildly. If
ho joins you go into a shop. Philadel
phia Times.
"In Forty Minutes."
Fields are often won by tactical skill,
that is, by such a disposition of troops aa
enables the commander to, use them at
the critical moment against the weakest
part of the enemy's line.
it the congress of Vienna, Welling
ton told Stratford Canning, afterward
Lord Stratford do Iledclyfle, how he won
the victory at the battle of Salamanca.
Marslial Marmont commanded the
French. The duke, trusting to the abil
ity of the Frenchman to make a slip,
drew up his troops in a position where,
they were not espo:setI and then waited.
Ilis confidence was justified. Marmont
extended a part of bis force too. much.
Wellington instantly detected his adver
sary's eiTor and attacked him, "wth en
ergy, ".We beat him," said the duke, in a
tone of natural delight, "in forty min
utes forty thousand men in forty mU
utes" and he repeated, t?4e expression
again and again'foxty thousand men
ia forty inmutes - Youth i's Cinwaif",
A wrinkled face hallowed with snowy white hair.
Bright eyes that beam on you with kindliness rare,
And a smile showing for you the tenderest care,
Has (rran'ma.
A plain dress, oU fashioned and spotlessly neat,
A slow, gentle voice, sympathetic and sweet,
Telling love from the heart, and a patience com
Has gran mi
Dear ban da often weary, but seeking no rest.
Helping, mending or knitting for those in the nest.
In spite of mistakes ever doing their best,
Has gran'ma.
The dearest companion, the stanch eat of friends
To petted grandchildren she ever defends
From whippings deserved, and whose mischief she
Is gran'ma.
The qua.i:test old stories of days long ago
When she was a girl and gran'pa was her beau.
And how tho old homestead was buried In snow.
Tells gran'ma.
The baby cries for her; big children and small.
The neighbors, the old folks who on her must call.
Good mamma. kiDd papa, the scrvauts and all
Lovh gran'ma.
Ah I May we, when aged. h?vrr :e fo cnfred.
May our lives, rightly iivcU, iawo us luved and
And, viewing tho future, be strengthened and
Like gran'ma.
II. C- Dodge.
. Itafas Cook's Good Advice.
Rufus Cook, a civil and sanitary en
gineer, has addressed an open letter to
the city council of Minneapolis, in which
he makes some pertinent and valuable
suggestions on the subject of city sani
tation. He states that with the growth
of cities there is a constant tendency to
tho accumulation of unsanitary condi
tions. Sanitary work consists in the
application of preventive measures rather
than curative, the latter being the prov
ince of the physician. To insure this
sanitary work being fully carried out,
ample funds should be appropriated to
the health department.
People need to be taught that what
they eat, drink and breathe has an im
portant relation to their health and hap
piness, and to maintain human existence
in its highest state requires pure air,
pure water and pure food, and these sup
plemented by a pure soil. As purity of
air is first in importance, the best system
of heating and ventilation should be ap
plied to all public and private buildings.
A good plumbing law is one of the most
effective 6teps in sanitary progress that
tho city can possibly have. Mr. Cook
quotes from the New Jersey board of
health: "Most of our cities are 6till far
behind in tho details of approved sani
tary administration, and in those finan
cial provisions, therefore, which are nec
essary for the health of the people. In
the work of sanitary inspection and ad
vice, and in the general oversight of the
people, we find a field of operation which
might be largely extended to the great
advantage of our citizens." The Sani
tary News.
Tobacco Used ia Europe.
The total tobacco consumption of Eu
rope is about 21 pounds by each inhab
itant. In the Netherlands the proportion
is a little over 7 pounds to each inhab
itant; in Austria-Hungary, 9,8 pounds; in
Denmark, 3.7 pounds; in Switzerland 8.3
pounds; in Belgium, 8,2 pounds; in Ger
many, 3 pounds; in Norway, 2,3 pounds;
in France, 2,1 pounds; in Sweden, nearly
3 pounds; in Spam, 1.7 pounds; ir reat
Britain and Ireland. pounds; in
Italy, 1.25 ptus, and in Russia, 1.2
pouinis. in tho United States the pro
portion is said to be greater than that of
any Luronean country except Holland
4 poiuiela per inhabitant. The largest
revenues derived' from tobacco are those
of France, Great Britain, Austria-Hun
gary, and then Spain and Italy. Uhlands
v ccuenscrhif t.
Nothing to Offer.
Managing Editor You'ra pretty
young, Mr. Dol!er, but as our criminal
reporter haa jutt K f t us I'm willing to
give you a trial Li his pl.:ce.
Applicant (haughtily Ejecusc me, but
I'm not inclined to look favorably upon
such an o'.Ivr, i.h: My Una of writing
ha.s been quito abovo work of that kind.
Managing Editor Indeed! What lin
of writing has. yuura been, Mr. Do'oler?
Applicant (proudly) I ha vo edited our
College of Journalism paper for the last
two years, sir.
Managing Editor Ah, I see; but I'm
sorry that I've notliing at present to offer
you commensurate with your ability and
experience, Mr, Dobler, as both our janii
tor and. Iu3 assistant are giving- entire
satisfaction. Detroit Fvh Press.
A Standing Query.
"How is it," asks Thackeray, on one of
hLs most characteristic pagest "that the
evil which meq gay spreads bq widely
and lasts so long, whilst our good, kind
words, don't seem somehow to take root
and bear blossoms? Certain it is that
scandal is good brisk, talk, whereas praise
of one'g neighbor ia by no means lively
hearing. An acquaintance grilled, scored,
deviled and served with mustard and
cayenne pepper, excites the appetite;
whereas a slice of cold friend, with cur
rant jelly, is but a sickly, unrelishing
meat." '
ice cia tngusn names are now given
to the small women of the HU7BeTy.
Dorothy, Cptlu rbaraTAnne, Eliza
beth ratherino have succeeded the
Maya, Coras, Mauds, Daisies and Carries
that obtained so long; for this the whole
American nation should be thankful.
Louisville Courier-JournaL
Just for a joke a Des Moines man put
an old clay pipe in his storo window and
labeled it: "Martha Washington's pipe,"
Within half an hour a patriot called and
nunched his head and broke the pipe.
Has left lor the East to buy the Fjnest, Largest and' Cheapest
Stock of
Spring and Summer Clothing
Ever Brought to Cass county. Remember JOE will Buy
ZEE-yt3 and Capsy
Than You Ever Saw in Plattsmouth.
Has not got one dollar's worth of Spring Goods, or old Shelf
Worn Goods. Everything yon will see in his store
will be Bran New, of the
At Such Low Prices
rth of Dry Goodsto beSold at Cost
Has decided to close oat his Dry Goo Id Biis'.noss in
this city. The entire Stock
fiusi Be Sold
InDres3 Goods, Satins, Sateens, Millinery, Notions, Gloves,
Hosery, Underwear, Gent's Furnishing, Ladies' Muslin
Underwear, "White Goods and Linens, Blankets and Flannels.
Special USargains in Carpets
Domestics in large quantities. We invite inspection. Please
Call and examine for yourself at
- -
The - Daylight - Storo.
Don't Forget our Stock ot.
it Will Astonish You.
By April 15th
00 LLilftS