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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1889)
-THE DAILY HERALD : PLATTSilOOTH, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 189. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KIUhrr, Deatint, Bockwoinl Bailillag, f lehoa . 33. Dr. Withers, Dralist, I'aloa Block. CITY CONGREGATIONS. Catiiolii?. St. Paul Church. Oak. between Kitli and hlxlh. Fathrr 'a'tiry. 1'aMor. Hrrylret : . Mats at 8 nd 10 :.T0 a. M. Sun da) Bchoul itt 2 :JO-t wl'b beiiedicllui.. CnRiTi an.-Corner I-ocunt and FUlith St-. Services morning and evening. Klil-r J. K. Ueed, pastor, Sunday Mcnool 10 A. M. ErifM-orAU St. Luke's Church, corner Third and Yin. H. Burj(e. pator. !Sr- Vices : II A. M. a d 7 sJO . M . Sunday Heuool at 2 :30 r. M. Obhmah AIethoihst Corner Sixth Ft and iSraiilt. Kev. llirt. I'aKtor. Mrvi-c : II a. m. aud 7 uTO I'. M. bunday t-x li kjI 10 :30 A M. FaejtHVTKltl Ajf. Main, between Sixth and Seventh. Her. J. T. Balr , paMor. Hrrviee- . Mual hour, morning- aud evening. Suuda) bch'ol :3U. Fikst Mkthooimt. Sixth St.. betweii Main and Pearl. Key W. K. Alexander, pastor. Servleen :11a. m.. 7 :30 p. m. Sunday ocIhm 1 2 P..M. Pray tr uieelitg Weduesday even ing. German rK'KRVTr.KiAM. Corner Main and Ninth. Itev Witle, panfr. Services : usual hours. Sunday school ! a. m. SwrKnmt inokp!ationau Granite, be tween Firth and Sixth. Youno Mr.x'a Chri-tiah Association Jtooins corner Fourth and Main streets. (os IMI ineellnc. for innu oulv.everv Sunday at ternoon at 4 o'clock. Koonia open wenk day iroin s-jo a. hi , io : jo p. ni. CITY CORDIALS. The fly season is past. - A new time-table will take effect on the B. & M. tomorrow. Men's gospel meeting at -4. p. m. to morrow, at i. M. C. A. rooms. The last of the winter is not too pre vious but it is too cold for most people. Remember the sociable to be given tonight at the home of Mrs. B. Loverin. Mr. Sherman denies the statement that he is the possessor of a scrawny cow. The "Long Strike" will be presented by the Standard Theatre Company to tonight. It was thought last night that the chilly winds were somewhat colder than a stepmother's breath. A meeting of the gun club was held at the office of W. S. Wise last night. The proceedings of which will be seen on this page. The colored church is now comfor tably furnished and all white brethren are cordially inyited to attend the meet ings tomorrow. If the icemen are still unprovided with a sufficient quantity of ice for the coming season, now is their chance to sup ply the demand. While the B. & M. It. It. company is changing its time tables so often, it would le well for Plattsmouth to send in an order for a 9:30 train to Omaha. Judge Russell issued a mirriage li cence today to Mr. Schuyler W. Wolfe and Misj Adda G. Toltnd, also to Pet-.-r II. Stuller and Miss Myrtle Tolaud, all of Greenwood. The ladies of St. Luke's Guild will give a m-querade party at Fitzgerald's h ill next Wednesday evening. Feb. 2 Admission 25cts. children 15cts. Dance tickets, inducting aanii.ion. hi. - supper will In; served. tf The Youij People's Society of Christian Endeavor will give a s cial at the residence of Mr. B. A. Loverin, Sat urday evening, February 23. to celebrate the n iti n il siKricty day. All iiftnlHTs and their friends are cordially invit-d t- attend. TIij meetings for men only Sunday aftcrni ns. held by thu Voting Men's Christian Association, nr. worthy the attendance of nil who me able to he then. Jobli?d to return to his hoin? tt Chicago, All are invited to renie:nler tomorrow's lie informed Mr. Alexander t!n;t he would in .vti.ig and stranger should fit I them- h mi-ihle to yisit Plattsmouth, but s;dl s.l vos s, ci dly wclco ii. lie would prevail upon Mr Miller to !I nry IJ -iiis a worthy y-u;i: m in ' e.mi". Mr. Mi iler Ins agreed to hold a livirrnhrce miUv s uth of this city, Ins "": -f in-t-tings week uiUr next, pro been v.-ry ill with typhoid fever; indeed, vidi.i j the metiio li.-t cu.rega:ion here lie w is so low that his friends thought his recovery impossible, but thanks to the skillful treatment given him by Dr. Shipman he is now convalescent. Fred Beins, a younger brother, is also sick with typhoid fever but at present is improving rapidly. The C. B. & Q. IL R. company is about to institute a "Kelief Department," following the example of the Pennsyl vania railroads and some other compa nies. A Mr. Bartlett, formerly of Presi dent Picken's office in Boston, has been placed in charge and he is now on a tour of the system, preparing for the com mencement of work in May or June. Messrs. Hawksworth, Oruesel, Livingston and Wend attended a meeting at the general superindent's office in Lincoln, yesterday, and are ready to explain the scheme to any who may wish informa tion. Membership in the association will be voluntarily and assessments will be nude on a salary basis. All expenses of any kind will be paid by the railroad company and every dollar of cash paid in by the men will be returned to them in the shape of death or disability bene fits. It is estimated that the cost to the C. B. &Q.RR will be at least f 50,000 per year and the only return expected is fu. i .;n f tlw. mlv.. TV.U B jr-; - the comnanv certainly oujMit io receive, nd we believe the pHn wi'l commend itself to a great majority of the men. Plattsmouth Cun Club Meeting. Platthmoi:tu, Feb. 22. 18K9. Clnbw.-tat office of W. 8. Wise, Sec'y, pursuant to call, with the president, A. W. White, in the chair. Minutes of meeting of Nov. 1, 1888, read and approved. Bill of Sherman A Outright $7.30 for printing and supplies was read and ap proved and secretary ordered to draw order on the treasurer for same. Report of C. W. Sherman, secretary and treasurer, was presented and read as follows: Plattsmoutu. Feb. 22, '89. Co the Jfembes of the sjtorlsmen's Club. Uuntlkmem : 1 have the honor to re port t hut I have received the following turns of Lioncy, while acting as secretary ind treururer of the club. Total from members as dues and in itiation fees, $30; Cr. by Anderson's account $11; Cr. by A. W. White's ac count $5; balance due club, $14, which amount I am ready to account for. Respectfully Submitted, C. W. Sherman. P. 8. Some members have understood that I received a balance due from the former secretary, amounting to some twenty dollars, but the truth is. I did not receive a cent from that source. C. W. Sqekmas. On motion the president appointed A. W. White, S. IL Atwood and W. S. Wise a committee to examine and report upon the account of C. W. Sherman as above; which committee afterdue examination and deliberation submitted the following report: To the Plattsmoulh Sportsmen1 Club, Gentlemen: Ve, your special com- .nittee appointed to examine the accounts aud report of ex-Secretary and Treasurer 0. W. Sherman, would respectfully report that we have made an examination of the same and find the same to be correct as stated in his report to the club and that all books and records have been duly accounted for to the club; we would further report that the books of this club were not in his possession, excepting the record book, and had not been during his term of office, said books having been recently fouud in the hands of a proper committee of the club. A. W. White, ) W. S. Wish. Com. S. II. Atwood. On motion the report of the committee was received nnd adopted and same ordered speread upon the records. The secretary then read report of C. C. Parmele, former secretary and treasurer of the club, showing receipts and expen ditures of money made by him, and showing a balance due the club from him of $20.64. On motion the report wa3 received and adopted and secretary instructed to have Mr. Parmele pay balance to club. The president named S. II. Atwood, J. P. Antill and Wm. Weber as hnance committee. On motion W. S. Wise was instructed to complete record by transcribing min ntes, etc. On motion it was decided that all members who pay up their accounts in full shall be credited with their dues for lf89, And secretary was so instructed. Six dollars were received as receipts for t lis evening from members. Meeting then adjourned subject to call of presi dent. The JoM'Jflrf.! announcement that E. iP. Miller and an able vocalist, Mr. Pot ter, the popular evangilUt's asistant,had been t uaged for a series of meetings in this tity, is a little prt mature. Rev. W. il. Alexander, pastor of the M. E. church, lias attended the revival services which haye been held in Omaha duiingthe past week, and he insisted that the two evun'-iilists should visit Plattsmouth after iciiv'wi ' Omaha. As Mr. Putter was sanctiou Itev. Alexander s action tomor row when he will leave it to their option. A lady who has been peddling arti clcs through the city which are better known by the refined term "beautifiers," entered a certain house the other day which is occupied by young men for lodging purposes, and found a number of th bachelors at the house. The young lady, after understanding her predica ment became much embarassed, and had some difficulty in making her wants known. Not wishing to introduce the articles she had for sale, asked the young men if they wished to purchase any sus penders. She was greatly relieved when the reply came which informed her they were supplied. We were pleased to notice by the city register that the epedemic which has been raging in our midst is at present on the decline, nnd only two cases have been reported since Wednesday. The follow- inf cases have been reported during the past two days: Ilandenbo, F., cor. Main and 14th streets; McGlynn, cor. 7t'i and "Walnut. It is rumored that the $ 50,030 which will be expewtert on the Missouri river at this point in the near future, nave Deen taken advantage of by the railroad com- anil it i:J thought the yards w 1! be " .. ii r ,. r i....o depot no stand, and a new anl hand- i seme dep t erected. (si "nn I n iyj iyj iAi iivj Dress Goods ! Thirty-Six Inch Henriettes: In all the Newest Shades, only 35 cents a yards, 40 cents. Colors Light Grey, Gobelin, Bismark, Dark Tan, Black, Mahogany, Navy, Myrtle, Wine, Urown. Thirty-Six Inch All-Wool In all the New Colorings only 50 Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme, Olive, Saphire, Tan, Black, Cardinal, Wine, Mahogany, beal, blate. Red Fern Suitings: 40 Inch Red Fern Suitings, in per yard. Rutland Broadcloths: 54 Inch Rutland Broadcloths only 85 cents a yard, well worth SI. Ramona Suitings: 54 Inch Ramoa Suitings,all New Mixtures, only G5 cents a yard, worth 75 cents. Striped Suitings: 40 Inch Striped Suitings only 35 cents a yard. Lenwood Suitings: 40 Inch Lenwood Suiting?, Broken Stripes, only CO cents a yard Blankets, Cloaks, and All One Door East PERSONALS- Mr. W. Adams, of Greenwooa, is the guest of Mr. J. M. Craig, .today. Master Gordon Knotts. who is attend ing school in Council Bluffs, is in the city on a visit to his brothers. Hon. F. E. White, who returned froni the legislature Thursday night, will spend a few days at his home here before re turning to Lincoln. T. II. Thresher, a striker, was called to Council Bluffs last niht where ho has secured n permanent situation ns switch man in the Rock Island yards. Mis. C. M. Holmes and daughter, Mrs. Sam Ilinkle. who have been visiting relatives at Bjaver City for the pist two days, returned home this morning. Dr. P. Janss, president of the Nebraska State medical nnd surgical institute does not pretend to be a cure all, but claims to have better sucers than the general practicioucfr iu chronic diseases on ac count of hi devoting his total time to sueli diseases and th; large ntni.l;-r h tmcts. He has with him nbout tliren thousand dollars w.irtli of' iutreiiients fr idl kinds of examinations and opper ation; among them is a microscope coHting 350 in Europe. Consultation free at the Riddle House, Tuesday, Feb ruary 26. Try Merges for your winter's footwear. Mrs. L. EKarnes, a teacher of long experience, would like a class in music, and will be pleased to state terms to any on calling at her residence on Granite street, between 5th and 6th. tf Be wise and buy your overshoes of Merges. tf - -The banks of the city , were the on'y business houses closed yesterday in mem ory of Washingtoa's birthday, but the flags displayed over the majority ot business places was a manifestation of loyalty. The Journal made another mistate meut, as usual, last night. It said Mr. Drummond had brought suit against this paper for $15,000. We have had no notice served on us, and there are no papers filed iu our courts. We object to the Journal or any of its friends holding a 'Star Route Court", and getting a judg ment against us for $15,000, without our knowing it. If we are to be sued we want it tried in the courts of the county, before a jnry f our countrymen, whrre we can ma'.e our defense. Do not fail to consult Dr. Jinss the celebrated German specialist - "late of I eFlill1t ll?e dle .House, Tuesday, Feb. 28. i 11 Dress Goods ! Henriettes: cents a yard, worth CO cents. Colors all New Mixtures, only CO cents FE&EB ME First Wat' I Bank. The three tramps who were arreste yesterday by Officer Fitrpatrick an 'odged in jail after he had experienced ough and tumble fight with the gan. were arraigned before Judge Cliffor this morning. As the city has alread. harbored too rainy tramps by jailin them, the judge thojight in mora advis bl to give two hours to leave the cit A whipping pot would serve the purpo for dealing justly with tramps who m k a practic i of mean lerLig over thrs sectio of country and mining thjmsulvet miserable nuisance. Dr P. Janss, the celebrated Germai pliyslciah will be in Plattsmouth at th Riddle house Tuesday, Fe'. 2 If yon are suffering with a chr mic disease you should not fail to cou-ult him. ( on sulta'ion five. A first cbm s; osid-isan 1 pi 'n h 1 h Las been in us:; for seven yen-, can b bought. for $150. Is in first-cla-condition. Ilest New Y' rk make. A ply t this oT.ce. tf If you consult juur own interest will buy your foot-wear of Merger yt. tl -Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Heisel's mill, tf VTlicn Hie Otteen'a Head Wu Cat Oft .Apropos of. tlw recent articles on the amount of feeling experienced by a vic tim of decapitation, the following ex tract describing the execution of the Queen of Scots from the bulky catalogue will interest scientistsi At last, while one one the executioners held bir streightly with one of his hands, the other gave two 6troke3 with an axe before he did cutt (off) hir head, and yet lefte a little grissle behinde. She made a very small noyse, no part stirred from the place where she laye. The executioners lifted upp the head, and hade God 6ave the queon. Then hir dressinge of laune fell from her head, which appeared as graye as if shco had been three-score and ten ycarcs oldc, powletl very short. Hir face much altrcd, hir lipps stired upp and downe almost a quarter of an howei after hir head was cut off. Pall Mall Gaze tic Telephonic Amusement. A novelty is reported from Hastings in connection with the performance of ?!Tho Yeoman of the Guard" at the theatre. The stage has been connected by telephone with various private houses and hotels, so that numbers of ieopie aro nightly hearing the opera without seeing iU- Wo nre not aware that this has ever been tried except in isolated cases as an experiment. Ilasting-v may. therefore, bo congratulated on being in tho van of progress. London Glob, m Wash Goods, A We Have received a case ot DOMESTIC Patterns" copied from Jn y 1 5 Cents Per Yard. Also Full Lines of Solid Colors at the same price. Colors Seal, Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, Cream, Gobelen, Saphire, Tan This undoubtedly will be the the Best Bargain Ever Offered in Wash Goods this season. Call early before the selection is broken or it will be difficult to get Good Patterns later on. Winter Goods at Cost ! MJffiMAMEL I USE rourd &ryTrojrd " mre ?s aear: ana leatAr-tbp:.";. Y' Lively liv -W&5ts are." Wci r luntitaetunn ana t7. A- B. Sl M. Time Table. GOIXO WK1T, o'o. 1. 4 a. m. 3.-5 rl p. in. Vo. 6 7 :47 a. in. So. 7. C ii t. in. No. 9.-6 :17 p. m. OilINO K.AS". Nc. 2. I :29 p. in. o. 1. io tan a. m. K o. 0. 7 :3 p. in o. 10. 9 -A't a. in. All traluo run daily by wavof Onnaha. except J "os 7 and 8 which run to and from Schuyler I laily xeept bunday. ' H. C. SCHMIDT, (COVNTV 8CRVEVOK.) Civil Eiigimur Surveyor and Drafisman Plans, Specifications and Esti.nates, Mu nicipal Work, Mups &c. PLATTSMOUTH. - NE3. J.H.EH3I()iS,M. D. HOMCEOPATDIC Physician Surgeon Office over Wecott' rtore. Main sfrpet. Becidence in IJr Sohililkuecht' proiefiy. Oaronlc Dia and Die tss of Women and Citldrn a specialty. Oifiee hours, 9 to 11 a in. 3 t s and 7 to 9 p oi . EjfTelephoae it both OTle an 1 Besidencc Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at IUtz' cbeitp. ff (iii IS 0 J Wash Goods ! SATIRES! the Finest Freneh Goods, Plattsmouth. IMITATIONS J! is and round ;W;d 'art.. in lit a Jiv i rice. & O Dr. C- A. Marshall. Preservation of the Natural Tctth a Specially. Auesth-tics given for Pain less Filling or Extraction ok Tcrrir. Artificial teeth made on 'jold. Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted wbrn dej sired. All work warrauted. Prices reasonable. K. DRESSLER. Th? 5;'i t. arcliiat Tailor Keeps Full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. ? Consult Your Intrt b Givitiit Him a Cal SHERWOOD CLOCIC1 1 . '