The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 23, 1889, Image 1
ait i hi wl'Jl'jI'B . 01! SECOND YEAU lLATT33IOUTIf, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2.5, 1881). NU3IBER 13 - - W 1 1 J - I li 1 'I j: i'S:7 .1, 7 Spill: Absolutely Pure. ThU powder never varies. A iiuirvel of pur It, strength a nil whtle"inenet4. More ecouo mlCMl tiiiu the ordiimry klixlx, anil cannot be sold In competition witii the nnililtude f low tMt, ah rt weight alum or phopha'e powders. Sold only in can. KvVAL Uakinu I'owdkh CO.. ll VII M. N. V. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, Clerk. Treanurer, -Attorney, KnKlner. Police Judge, F. M. ! II KV - - W K Fox - JAMK8 Pattkkson, JK. - BVKO.V Clakk - A MAOOLt S t'.I.IFFUKU GKOKOK PoISALl. Mara a an. an... .11, . .. . . , S I J V W KCKKACH Da J lH. A SlIIPMAN m j '.. j M H Murphy 3ra 1 8 W 1U TTON Aih I Con O'Connor. ln 1 f MrCALLRX, TBI" I J W JOHNS iv, Board Pub.Work kkkdGokdkr f I H IIawkhWi J W JOrt.NH V.CHAIHMAN Worth GOVJJTY OFFICERS. Treasurer. Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. Deputy Clerk, KeeorJer of Deeds Deputv Recorder Clerk o' District Coirt, Sber ff, -Surveyor. -Attorney. BopUof Pub. School. County Judse. D. A. Camprrli THO-. l'OLI.I)Ck BIRD t.'KITCHFIKLO Kxa Cri rciiFi ELD W. II. Pool John M Leyda W. C. SlIOWALTKIi J. C. KlKKNIAK A. Maul ALLEN BkKSON MAYNAHI) SNK C. KCSSKLl BOARD or BUPERVISOItS. A. B. Todd. Ch'in., - - Plattsmoutl LOUIS Koltz. - Weeping Witei A. B. Dl kso.v. - K niwom GIVIG SOGIJ5TJ5S. C1AS.H LODGK No. 146. 1 O. O. F. Meet: 'every Tuesday eveniuij of each week. Al. transient brothers are respectfully iuvited t attend. PLATTMOITril ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O O. K.. nee' every a'ternate Friday in aeh month in the Maoonic Hall. Visit mj. Hrotbers are 1 ivitcd to attend. aKIO LODGE NO. g. A. O. U. W. Meets every alf-ernai Friday eveuius at iv. of I. all. Transient brother are respectfully In vited toattend. F. P. Brown. Master Work man : B. K miter. F -renan ; F. H.Steiniker Overeer; W. If. Mdl-r, Financier; J. f . llousewonh. Kecorder; F. J Morjiin, Kecelv er; m t'rehan. id-e : W:i.. I.udwirf. Inside A ateh : L. ilen. Outside Watc . ASS CAMP N0.3:. MODRJtN WoOI.MK ' of America Meets eeod and furlli Mon day evening hi iv. i iiunj't.. bnthen are requested to meet with lis. I.. A Nawra ner. Vener ib!e 'iiismI ; '1. e, Niier f P. hall All trniisien. Worihyjdvlser ; S C. Wilde, Banker ; W. A Boeck. Clerk . fLTrvoi' ii i niM'.K N' , - y- w. Meet every alternate rrid.-iy eviniiiJ a HockwiMHl hallat Ko'd-wn. All frausieni bn.t.i rs are reiectruli L.vited atiei:.i. U Larson, M. W. ; F. lU.yd. t-oiemzii : S I Wilde. Keoirder ; Lo-mard Andersin. ' 'verfl 1LTr-MOL'TH L MMiE NO. 6. K. F. & A. M wVetsoii th- flr-t aud ihir.l ... M,,, mn.itii at ili.-i' hall All ira ister.t l.rotl-- " era are craiai!y n m meet with hj J. ti. UlCllKY, .V. M Wm. Hats. Mercury. KUKAKA tJUVPTKIt. X I. .1. 11. A. M Uitets .iM 1. 1 .11 1 ft irt.l . tt.'Sl I- 'l e-i- mmih ai !h-.uV ia!t I'raiisci ut bn he areiavued t., -aeet us. Wji. fTi-H. Sfirct-ny. . f ', ZION M i. DvltV. 6 Jl-Meei CrSt and 'hird fJml !-'!J fl U tllKDlll U ''S1I..II. V ..II! iir. l . ree.ra:llj' d to iiiee us. WM il a v s. ..CC. F. K. u l :. fc . 1 t.AbSCOUNClL, M 102I.KOYAL Ul'ANU.V ' n:eet Die eciid and fourth Mondavi ol each month at Arcauum Hall. ,K u. N. Glenn, Kegent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OFTRADE President ..... . - - Kobt. B Wa 1st Vice President A- H- l".y.1' tad Vice President -vm, Nev"H iKSItarv K- Herrniaiii TraMiSw ..".:: F. K-Guthmai. PIKK'TOIW. J C Bii hev. V. E. White. J C. Patterson. J. iL Conner. B. Kl.n, C. W. Sherman, F !or der. J. V. eckbach. McCONIHIc P03T 43 C. A. R- J. w Johnson ...I ommanaer n"iLTiM Senior V ice " SAK.r.vr.." a.u. CABLE3 fORP ... "ujr; AKiKkmiV FeV. ...."Os .n.ijiM Meetinir Saturday evenio C- F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Mala St Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came wot of Missouri Tirer Note thesa prices: Business suit from"$l to t35. suite, $25 to f 43. pnta4, $5f 8. Hq.sQ and upwards. Will guaranteed a fit Prices Defy ComDetilion. CLEVELAND SICNS THE BILL. The Territorial statehood Measure Becomes a Law. I A Great Day for Sam Randall. "Washington, D. C. Feb. 22. There seems to be a luck of organization at the white house. A commitee of Dakota people called on the president jesterday and asked him to celebrate Washington's birthday by siguing the territorial ad mis sion bill. At the same time they pre sented him with a handful of feathers plucked from a Dakota eagle from which to make a pen to use for the purpose. This morning ut 10 o'clock a reporter of the associated press called at the white house to inquire when the ceremony was to take place, and was told by Colonel Lamont that the president would not be a party to any such circus; that he would take time to study the admission bill and would doubtless think it necessary to refer it to the attorney general for examination before giving it his approval. At exactly 11 o'clock, with a pen made from one of the tngle feathers, the presi dent attached hid name t- the bill, and sent the quill as a memento to represen tative Springer, who will pass it down to his posterity as an heirloom. A GREAT DAT FOR RANDALL. Congress did not adjourn in honor of Washington's birthday as it usually has done, but celebrated the anniversary by restoring Randall to leadership in the democratic party and by passing bills for the relief of Sirs. General Sheridan and General Rosecrans. It was a great day iu the career of Samuel Jackson Randall. It might ba called an epoch. It was just about a year ago now that the dem ocrats of Pennsylvania read Mr. Randall out of the party, but he took the sceptre again today, and from this time on will be the leader he was before the president's free trade message was sent to congress. The caucus last night showed that the democratic party was hopelessly broken and that the division was so great as to virtually depose Mr. Mills from leader ship and restore Mr. Randall to that posi tion. The number of men who supported Rindall caused considerable surprise, and Lis position aud program received endorsement from unexpected sources. Ho found followers in Kentucky and other 6ttes where it was supposed the tariff reform sentiment was unaniinoU3, and it is conceded that now the bars are downj the members from the southern states will rush oyer into the Randall pasture in great numbers. MORROW ON TUE CABINET. Representative Morrow, of California, who retuned last night from Indianapolis s ivs he does not know any more about, the cabinet than he did before he left Washington. lie does not speak with authority, but he thinks only four mem Iwrs of the cabinet are absolutely settled on. These are Blaine' Wiiido,nj maker and Me. Th remaining places he thinks will not be filled unlil after the arrival of G -u r.d Harris-m in Wash ington and consultation with the leading republicans at the capitol. lie thinks the Pacific coast wij hayu a represent ive, but he does n. I know for certain, uid could not discover who the uvin wil ; if one is s l. ct.-.l. Wl)--n I p rred. !u lie reports toh'gr iphed from ludUn-ipidis :mt .Mr. M.nro.v looked sid an 1 anxious .vh:?n he wont to ii ini-.ons hotis ', and wore a bright sm'dn !vn hi cam away, hv hiii lso:ue geutl mm lrotn Cdi.o i.ia siid: 'That was my dinner T1'1'!"'' vvant any political significance about it. When I went up to General Harrison's house I was hungry, tired and cross. The general gave me a tiptop d nner, oqe of tLe best I ever had, chicken pie and beef steak, and I was as comfortable as a king when I left him. Jt was not what he saiil to me, but what he gaye me to eat that made me so cheerful. THE RANDALL RESOLUTION. When the Randall resolution is taken up, Mr. Mills will resort to the desperate remedy of filibusterting. and he will have s sufficient force at his back to prevent its adoption. But the size of Mr. Ran dall's victory will not be reduced, l?y any such methods. Mr. Mills will simply 6uow the weakness of his positi-.m aud demonstrate thelossof hisinfluence in the house by resorting to such niiasur.'S. NEWS FROM STANLEY. Return of Lieutenant Baert Prom Stanley Palls. Brussels, Feb. 22. Lieutenant Bvert, who was sent to Stanley Falls when Stan ley's letter to Tippoo Tib was delivered, has m-iived here. He states that the o " " j -j-. ; - j they confirmed the details of the letter. Lieutenant Baert believes that Stanley J onley rrached Wadelai by strenuous ef- ' forts, and that Emm Pasha relieved. Stan ley instead of being relieved and tevic tualed by him. Stanley was nabled to return to Murenia in eighty-two days, whereas the journey from Yambuga to Wadelai occupied ten months. Baert adds that the first letters from Stanley for England written when Stanley de parted from Maurenia to rejoin Emin, ar rived at Stanley Falls just as he left, and may be expected shortly. lie says that Stanley will not return cither by the Con go or by Zanzibar, but that he expects to capture Khartoum and wrest the Soudan from the Mahdi. Baert expresses confi dence in Tippoo Tib's fidelity, and says that Tippoo's refusal to accompany Stan ley was due to his fears of risking the consequences of a prolonged abscence from Stanley Falls. Railroad Tunnel on Fire. Cincinnati, Feb. 22.- TuDnel No. 17 on the Cincinnati Southern road, near Suuburt, Tenn., is burning. The fire was caused by a freight train collision, by which a tank containing 2,000 gallons of oil was broken and set afire, the limestone, coal and woodwork inside the tunnel combining with the flames to make the tunnel a wreck. Nearly all hopes are lost of subduing the flames, for it is evident that two veins of coal are burn ing and may continue to do so for months. Both ends of the tunnel have been dam med up and a stream of water has been turned inside. The loss is put at $250, 000 and may go higher. Perquisites at the Austrian Court. Nothing except the linen, plate, china and glass is ever served twico at the tables of tho Austrian court. Some of the servants have as their perquisites the bottles which have come up to the dining room but have not been uncorked; others tho uncorked bottles, and others again the wine that remains in the glasses. Therefore it is the interest of one set of servants to keep the glasses full; of another set to draw as many corks as H)saibk while parting with as. little wine as they can. and of a third set to draw -corks RTKtringly. As regards the- food, too. there- are different orders of claim ants for prnjtiisitcs. one man having a vested interest in the joint;, another in iht Miultry. a third in the swevt dishes, mdsoon. Then there ;v th? men to whom the wax nundi;; leli:ig. and these ;::it liiiitiy make a rush to I. low out t!i .i.i:'i:s the i'.io:uent the lant guest ha. talked i;t f the room And. incredi ji:5 it may sound, then i.t u bjusement orii !or in the palace which is lil:e s ai; r full :f shops. Here not only tin .cchts of small hotels and restaurants ut the cooks of i:n:n; l.;'ies lu lor.gini- l!i. s;v:::id cl.v...s oi'.i; world, conn !; co! I i:ie.;ts. pa:;5ry. sweetmeats. vi;n5 a :.! .. Tlu'ivi n:tc wrt oi okay whi. h c:::i only he bought froji; !se c:irt ccrvant;:. as tioae is m.:de ex for the cinju ror. a::;! it L; to be pre- ;n:ed I hat I'le uncorked l.Htth's : k::ii ',):.;, ;:: r.:i 1 oth: r lino wines an I by i!k h:.-.fn. ::i.l the; . ; f. t:.j a w ry ta::.i..l pon;ui:die . '.o. I j.i- T: ..-riyl. The DaLota View of Mir. Lo. anv itaio. ano' they spin. They don't havo to. They veto not, neither do they pay taxes. ILippy iT.ioux ! They havo ivpivseufa tion without taxation, and Leuc-e will never rebel, t.s revohitionnry fathers. SThcy'" cn" want ' i.clmlssion, " fir. "thoy ar liisitTo nli-ciulv, ti:id tiro Loklinj th (ten 'i are ticior. tiicy ::rc rcpreseriieq L-y some of (be btiit Ao:-.i in kn lT-Z if ikp ca tT'l f-tnlcs. Lo, tho poor IncIIun, ii not pooiT.jiy raorc, but i.ia t indo ix?i:c.cnt fellow o:i tlio continent. lie icuks (1ot.-:i with sconi upon the wretched Dakota wbiij settler, whoie voice i never heard in congress v.houi tbo t::x cratborer Sl'lt1 jT? t'pt prf5t:vpt.tiji5:i juid 'regularity, end y. uo "ntpclily i ays tvq (a live per. cent per niontli out of lii Emr.ll iprops for the privilege of existence, The nappy !3ioux lives, high, feasts royalljvwaxes fat on beeves furnished by the govern ment, lie dancetbin Ins fatness and he feastetb to repletion, while the wretched white kern sees his last cow driven piw-ay, hist pbildren ahd wife protesting iri tears and in vain. Ilappy Sioux 1 Wretched settler! Rapid City Republican. A Crim Counterpoise. Two telegraph linemen were at work in a suburb painting- poles. The Eainter was hoisted to the top on a oatswain's chair by his companion, who stood sentinel beloWj rppq in hand. The latter: betaina'weary; hun gry " or thirsty or "something and sought relief at a neighboring inn, without notifying the man aloft To guard against accident he availed imself of an old tomb stone the line ran alongside a buriaj plaee-r-and fas tened, (be yopo thereto without (elling the man pp' the (roe. When the lat ter had painted down to his reaching powers, lie looked down, saw not his partner, and, holding on to the. oppo site rope, kicked tho one he was swung lo. It yielded, and down he went, though slowly. This astonished him, but ho was more astonished when "he was brought face "to"f ace' with "the gravestone," 'with its ' "Sacred ' to the memory! and ' so on, which had pull-d up just the distance the rcaa liad lescenoed. There was trouble in that camp of painters, and it reached bead nia rteri Boston Transcript. Tlio Rioux Indians ai-c t'U WP"4 sented in pQiVgr-i:! t'vin (ho. 'mo.plo f ton not. rx-uuer co CATS AFRAID OF HATS. A COLONY OF RODENTS THAT PUSS DON'T WANT TO EAT. It May lie That Belief In Spook 1 What Saves tho White Rats A CltUen Who Wasn't Sure About III VUlon, and lie Went to the Doctor. A citizen who had lost his reckoning and who was pursuing a tortuous course along Mulberry street very early in the morning chanced to look down into the basement office of anoctural worker near police headquarters. He seemed to be somewhat alarmed by what he saw. A frolicsome kitten was apparently giving boxing lessons to a score of big and little white rats on the top of a coverless pine table. The rats took the cuffing of tho kitten very amiably, and came up for more as i " they rather enjoyed it. Tlio convivial citizen grasjxnl the iron rail ing in frontof the ba:;; :ac:u convulsively, and, with an intensity of purpose that was evident from the corrugations on his forehead, sought to convince himself, by harder gazing, that ho was the victim of an optical delusion. A young man of serious aspect came out of an office next door and saw the befuddled stranger peering into the base ment. The stranger also observed the young man, whoso guileless expression cave no indication of the gay deceit lurking in his soul. " 'Scuse me," said the stranger, "but ish there a lot of white razz and a kitten there?" "White rats and a kitten? Preposter ous! My dear Bir, you need medical at tention. I half suspect that you have been drinking." The stranger's face grew pale. He brokenly murmured his thanks to the good hearted young man, and saying he was going down town to get Dr. Perry to straighten him up, ho meandered away. WHAT TITp CTTIZEN SAW. lie had seen, as anybody may who passes the basement, just what tho face tious young man led him to believe he had not seen. . If he had been 6ober and had gone into the basement and had a talk with tho owner of the rats, Mr. Frank Hastings, he might have heard some interesting things about them. Mr. Hastings lias bred over a hundred of them. Only one developed a vicious spirit. It bit its owner whenever he put his hand near it, and, fearing its exam ple of ferocity might be imitated by the rest of the 6nqwy colony, Mr. Hastings decided to give it to the giant torn cat of his guileless next door neighbor. This cat had often looked through the base ment window, devouring (he rats with his eyes and apparently longing to make a move substantial meal of them. The wicked rat was taken next door and put down in front of tho tabby, who sur prised the onlookers by backing away from the trembling little creature, which made no effort to get out of the way. Tom surveyed it a few moments and cautiously approach and sniffed around it. Then he turned his back on it and am bled into a corner and lay down,, Uc was not permitted to ffejf I hero undis turbed. T!9 Vt Wa! taken over to him and placed ph Ids, back. He got up, let ting it slide to tho floor, and trotted into another corner. A loan and hungry looking vagrant cat was hunted up and brought in, and the rat was set d'.Vsyr. be fore him. lie refuse 1 ev- cu smell the rodent, ad scapo.l from it into the street th?. moment t'.i3 door was oncd. A bull terrior was brought in and he. too, wouldn't touch the Ji-tl-' udnal. Sir. IIa.3.thv5- a.oked his guileleus neighbor-, w!ii has -asoui for everything, why it v. a3 that a wait 2 ri s-.onieJ to bo sacred l cats a:id dogs, and t!v uei-hbor said that ho gurs:;:?.l t..' vrhite rat be lon.Ti'd to the iv.uij family r.. whit: elephant worshiped by i t ir.o.-c: or. . aiayha. the cat : c.iJ (IjAtJrt l- rat y 1 (hu fcnro; rv-1;:' c m cry day rat they Uu.j U:-i5-d h?; ;:.:t. II IIa3lin.;3 jvsroi'-ed l'V- rut t i.3 cou.: rades, hoping ihc fright it had recti utight cure it of biting. It Lit Uir.i agai.i fifteen minutes Liter, and he gave it to a tough boy in Mulberry t.treet who was not as sentimental the co.ts and the bull teM'ic-i'. The, boy killed it with a stone. TIUS LION AND THE LASJCS, Tlio peaceful disposition of the cats to ward tlG bad white rat suggested to Mr. Hastings the idea of getting a kitten for them. It is a fc-iualj kitten, and vaa presented to Jlr. ILting3 by Baker John Brandemoor, around in Houston street. It i: just about twice a3 big as the old blind grandmother of the rats, but its spirit is colossa and fierco . enough to throb against the riba of a Sullivan. Probably this is due to the diet of mince pie it reveled in when with the baker. It does not display it3 ferocity unless a strange dog happens to come jnta the of fice. Then it drives fill tho rats, except tho old blnd grandmother, who will not bo driven, into tho box, and marches to and fro, with its back arched and tail erect, sputtering and growling at the in truder. If the kitten could talk on these occasions, Mr. Hastings has no doubt that it might say to the big dogs: "I'm the guardian of (his household, and you, can cross Its threshold only over my dead body 1 Spitl-BpatP There is one cannibal among the. rats It is a female, with a; epot on its neck, and it devours its progeny. The blind grandmother is as full of the ma ternal feeling" as a hen with a first brood of chickens. She reared all the little ones af ter their mpthera abandoned them. T7 THE E- PRICE ON Has left tor the East to buy the Finest, Largest ami Clicnpent Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing Ever Brought to Cass county. Kemember JOE will liny CLXaLisItLia.g, G-oods7 ZEHTgLto &jzzl3l Caps, Than Tou Ever Saw in Plattsinouth. LOOK OUT GRAND SPRING OPENING kJt n is- Has not got one dollar's worth of Spring Goods, or old Shelf Worn Goods. Everything 3'ou will see in his store will be Bran LATEST STYLES At Such Low Prices it FEB. 11 4 After a sucjessdiil n srsuit of tile trade, I lind myself tur the p t;t store ni.Tfvi tain three to live lours I am obliged to retire frj:n a;tive I o-et well norain. 89 DEEP CUT T is is a Ggflsme Sale and No Sclieiii For reasons above given I :5th. The Low Prices continues goods of us last week will bear testimony to our Immense Stock ot Staple Goods and Low Prices. Dress Goods, AH-Wool, Hook-folded, in all the latest Shades, at the popular yrio? of 25 cents. Checked Goods, 40 inches cents per yard,) at 25 cents. These goods are advertised in Jamestown Broodhead Goods per yard barg iin3 sold elsewhere at 25 cents. Ginghams trom 5 to 7 cents per yard; Dress Ginghams, choice styles at 81; Indig Blue German Calico from 7 to 11 cents per yard. Muslins Jtrom o to lUJc. per yard; Hops Lawnsdale . Fruits 9i; Wannesatta 10A; llalt and 'Unbleached proportionally low." Turkey Red Table Linens 25 cents per yard; White Table Cloth from 15 to 35 cents per yard. Blankets, Flannels, Shoes go JF0S0 Vo Wkfoaeta THE DAYLIGHT STORE. POPULAR CLOTHIER FOR JOE'S New, of the AND PATTERNS "Will Astonish You. FEB. 1 1 ,'89. over 17 years of in?rc in- six months unable ti be at my a lty. .My general health tailing, biniii iss, tor a time at least, until will Dispose of my Stock by April as last week, and those who bought wide, all wool (generally sold at 35 Omaha at 33 and 40 cents. in full Stock and sold at21 cents at prices Cash. 1 PRICES 1.1 1 (: