SECOND YILVU PLATTSJIOUTII, NEBRASKA, Fill DAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1889. NUMBER 135 j ROYAL f 55m J Jk 4 . IPOOeJUia Absolutely Pure. Tb' powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomem-si. More econo mical tn in the ordluary kliiiii. and cannot be old In competition with the multitude of low tout, sli rt weight alum or pliplia'e powder Hold only in eaim. Hoyal Bakixo I'owoku CO., 106 Wall St. N. V. CITY OFFICERS. Maror. K, M. Kit HKY V K Vox JAHK8 PATrKRHON.JK. - BvnoN Clark ; - A MAUOL - 8 Clifford (iKOKUK foISALI. Clerk. Treasurer, attorney, Knclnet-r. Police Judge, -- taranaii, Councllmen. 1st ward. j;YCH 2nd li M Joked I lH. A SHIPMAH 4. a IM n iviuuruv l 1SW IlUTTON 4th- m ICOXO'COXNOB. 1 P MrCALLix. Pre ( J W Johns in-.Chairman Board Pub.Work Krro uokdkk ( p 11 UawksWorth COIJTY OFFICIOS. S ' Treasurer. Deputy Treasurer, -Clerk. - Deputy Clerk. Keeorder of Deeds D. A. CAMPBKLI Tho. Puliock Bird Critciikiflt KXACRirCHFIELI W. H. Pooi Deputy Keeorder JO. IN M LKYD, Clerk of District Co art. Sheriff. Surveyor. Attorney. Sapt. of Pub School. County Judge. W. C. Showaltki J. C. ElKKNHARA A. MADOL.I ALLKN BK.KSOf Mavnaki Spink C. KUSSItLI QOA.RO or SOPERVISOR9. . B. Todd. Ca'm., - - riattsmouii UJ ASO.N, - - - - "" CIVIC SOGIliTJiS. Ci ASS 1.0D "6. 1 O. p. F.-Meet 'ry Fnerfday evening of each week. Ai transient brothers axe respectfully iuvlied t tuad. PLATTMOUni ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I.O O P.. luee's every alternate trulay li aeh month In the Masonic H;ill. Vision; Brothers are i ivlted to attend. -lHIO LODGE NO. 84. A. O. V. W Meet. 1 every altrTiias Friday evening at K. of P. all Transient brother are respectfully li -ted to attend. K. P. Brawn. Master Work man :U B.K msr er. F .reman ; K. H.Steimki i Sverirer; W. il. MrtVr. Financier; . llouseworth, Keirder ; F. .1 Morgan. RtMJetv V JtU : y t'l.sen. Outside Watc '. .TTTH n IMP NO. 332. MODEKN WOOUMRJ t.' of America -itoi. seoond and fourth Mon Boeck. Clerk itLATrsvouni i-oie mu, a. o. y. w i Mfl every nlleraaie Friday evening . .K-kwood U.tll at SoVIo. All rra:.!.ielit broth rt are respectfully i.,viteil tt attend, Urwn M.W. ; V. Bovd. Foreman: WiWe. Kecirder ; Leonard Anderson. vere-i LtTr-MOCtTII L 'DU E NO. 8. . F. & A. M Mt-.ou Hi" Or-t and ih.r.l Mondays cb month : iheir hill- All trans-ect bi Jtl e,cc.r.u:iy;n ..twi-huv m VM. M f. Horroiltry- . 'c'U'PER. N. :. ' A- ' I ll.s i.iv l r. k ..i ,u.;iV laii. traiisei in ort;i- r0 InViW-d to .-et wu.. u?; ivjiirr n p WM ! '. "ecret:iry. Hr. jf!TxC'tA DVKV. NO 5. r-. Sl-Hi- fi-;t ai'-l ilir.l fdnes.-iy ni'ht h;t.i :u Al o iNii. ll. V.siil is Or ,t: nre I. Ul .1 to tfV i.h .rt. j iAssccN:i" i2. iln' iL.; ,;,',A.N-lT j me-tK tne second and fourth Mondays cMb go.tb at Arcanum Hall . jt 0. MfNoB. Secretary. FtATTSMOUTM BOARD OF TR&D .Kobt. B Windhai 7 II..... M.inf lit Vice irniup-.M MM, Nevill A. B. lou Rretarv ....... "errman. Tourer'.:.. F- 1- KKTORS. t r ni.-hev F. E. White, J C. Pattersoi J JA. ConneV; B. Elon. C. W. Sherman. F. (io er. J. V. (seckbach MCOONIHIS POST 43 C. A. R 4'g!TwiM .nlor VJce Lo:5S:".v;.v:.: Adjuta,, 2;i-"::::::::::rof CBARI-U P"' Serift Ma). L. . CURTIS PO-11 'UP,', Meet in Saturday evening C- F..SMITH, The Boss Tailor Mala St- Over Merges Shoe Store. nrothers te requesied to meet with us. 1- A Naeo"r. V-TWe Consul ; O. K, Nile; - ' ofby t.Wi-tr; S. C. Wilde, Banker ; JV. A Hu the best and most complete stocV of samples, txtb. foreign and clomestH woolens that ever came west of Missonr first. Note these prices: Business rait, from $I to f 33. dress suits, 2o to $45. panto 4, $5, f6.0 and npard fjWill gaaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comoelilion. GREAT REJOICING IN DAKOTA Because of the Passase of the Ter ritorial Bill. Bismarck, Dak., Fehruary 22. The territorial legislature now in session here is completely oyercoiuo ly the news that the bill for the admission of the two Dakotns had passed both houses, and the crowd of visitors from all parts of th territory is a veritable howling mob, of clieerin? jollifies. The news will have a m irked effjet on the laws enacted by this, the last territorial legis lature. Already it is proposed to post pone many important , bills now before tho legislature, owing tj the fact that the present body should not legislate for the future states. The jubilant solans have decided to take an excursion to Ileleua and join with the Montana legis lature now in session there in celebrating tho event. The excursion will leave to morrow morning by special train. The distance to be travelled in going and re turning is 1 4')0 miles. The people throughout the territory are celebrating the passage of the -bill, with bonfires an 1 torchlight processions, banquets and nass meetings. No name is more fre quently cheered than that of Sunset Cox, who has led the forces in Congress to a proper recognition of Dakota and it is proposed to extend to him au invitation to visit the territory cither at the con vening of the constitutional convention or at some time when the people can be got together in mass meeting so that he may be given an ovation. The governor to-day vetoed the bill ocating a soldiers homa in South Da kota, at the Hot Springs, on the ground that as North and South Dakota are low virtually two separate and distinct states, the membars from North Dakota should not vote public buildings and additional exoense on Suth Dakota. Vn eff rt will be made to pass the bill vcr his veto. How Huron Racaiyed the News. Huron, Dak., Feb. 22. The citizens f Huron and vicinity join in the rejoic ing so general throughout South Dakota. rhey had begun to fear that they were .loomed to another year of - waiting for tie benefits they expect to derive from .-ights of self-goverumsnt, but when the lad tidings was received from the mtional capitol that the report of the onference committee had been adopted y both houses, and all that was lacking hat it might become a law was the signature of the president, there was uni versal lejoicing. While there will be some objectionable features to the present state constitution, it -would h,e a poor one, indeed, that the people would not be willing to ratify in order to hasten the lay so long sought for by D.ikntans, when they might puiui with pride to out!i Dakota as nno uf the sisterhood of m ti'es. One cause for great rejoicing is that Sring-T w is defeite 1 i !i one tate idei, and that the n ition's represen tatives were alive to Dakota's need. The citizin con jr-tj I t tij t Qlty h ill last. night. Entha-iiastic speeches were made com:n?n lin the clforti of ft-presenta-tivas Cot aa 1 Hi'cc;-, of Njw York, who chain v.on i I th no uhi tia i or of tin oass T';e city was illuminated wit'iolorel light, gin w.-re firod, bails parade I the streets aijd 'engrd rejViOinj ti in the ht irt of ev -ry .iklian. tud in s'i : mi is: -..f such entlivisiasi Lie il questi.i l snc'i ai the l joiti a of a tem- jo:ary cait il arj sight of. Cljveland Vetoes ths Bill for the Relief jf the Iowa Settler WASHiJiGTOS, Feb. 21. The ptcsident oday returned to congra without his approval the house bill to deterrnjqe the ritle of settlers on the Des 3Ioincs river lands, in Iowa. .The president says: "One result of this legislation, if con ojmmated, should be to restore to the United States, a3 part of the public iomain, the lands which more than twenty five years agq the government ex- iressly granted und surrendered, H,nd vhich repeated decision of the supreme court have judged to belong to this sec tion of the government. It is by no neans certain thafr this proposed legisla t:on relating to a subject peculiarly with in the judicial function, nn4 Which iti temps to disturb rights and interests thoroughly entrenched in the solemn ad judications of our courts, would be up neld. In any event, it seems to me that it is an improper exercise of legislative power, an interference with the determin ations of the co-ordinate branch of the roverment, and the arbitrary annulment if a public grant made more than twen ty five years ago an attempted destruc tion of vested rights and threatened im pairment of lawful contracts, Try Merges for your winter's footwear Devoured by Wolves. White Eautii, Minn., Feb. 22. While two little girls, Millie and Winnie Peter son, were returning from school yesterday afternoon, in the northern part of Aitken county, they were attacked and complete ly devoured by timber wolves. A few scattered bones and shreds of clothing alone remaining as horrible testimony of the childrens fate. It was supposed a; first thai there was not more than two wolves at most in the pack, but an Indian hunter shortly after the disappearance of the children, encountered a pack of ten of these brutes near the scena of the lit tie one's death. He used his Winchester with such effect as to kill four of them outright, and getting out of cartridges, he went up a tree to ?s.-ape from the fangs of the remaining six. Four of the animals ran away, but two of them squat ted down at the foot of the treev When he thought his fate was sealed he found two cartridges in the depth of his pock ets. With these he killed the wolves. . .!. . i :! !:;ul i "."d t roc, the : i :, ;!.! j: ( .;. l.oiiik" s tory of , .it!i: '.vi;::K'v;v;'ii. Il out of !.:-'; v. -.-iai :r I y mi 'Australian yi.i;-.:i. ;u:.l, t!io;i;;!i t!io prisoner's .":.s i: t i ict'.iio.icd, tljrro could t:o ! ;u!.t of lii.-s ideality. When '.;inevri;l.t wa: released from ..:..;. il rj-pcp.r.-. that fcir sorno time i.vU A : j :i !:ind f a;.(.i;t:int surgeon :. l:c::',"iial. Tothi ;insiitutio:i a man, ..ted by Waincwnght. was brought .1 u dyi:v; condition. Ju-1 heforo he . iehlcd r.p the ghost a rci no took !aci, which, c.i an example of un . bated rcvcirjrfulness, surpuasea any iiin;'; I ever heard lefore. Wainewrirjht f gained remission to he man's Lediii'.le, and, in a .iercing vliisjicr, loud enough t:i bo heard by he next patient, said: "Listen! I iave one word to tay to you before you die." The dyhij patient, as if juddcnly magnetized, lifted his weary eyes and .stared r.t Che person who ad dressed him. "In fivo minutes," said hi.3 maliguant tormentor, "your soul will bo in hell, and before yfur bp(dy is cold, my' dissecting hpifp "wilV be ln 3our cntntilg," Those who wero pres ent could never forget the horrified expression of the man's faco as liis dying ear caught the frightful words, and his dying cyo took tho immmbion of the gleaming Mephjstophelian face bending pver. his death bed. London Globe. A Man with. p. lltpry. Private V, G, Meryin, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, is a man with a history. His right name is Gerlock, and he is one of six children, heirs to to the Gerlock bi-cwery, Milwaukee, which returns a princely income. In 1SS5, after recovering from a serious illness, he dropped out of sight, leay-: ing a young wife behind hin. Alj eii'orts to ascertain his." whereabouts were." fruitless. ' " His xnind had been impaired, and when, iii 3an Francisco, ho realized what had happened he temiined to en jst ifl ia army and work put his pwii salvation, A notice in a papep some timo ago informed him that a Mrs. Gerlock, of Mil waukee, wa3 dead, and thinking it was his wife l:c determined to know tho truth and wrote a letter to thp. pui-poKo. An answer ''nr in iho per son of ho. wifo JierseTf' end tho re union 'was a huppy one. New York World. - The Use of Cocaine, Cocaine has been, . usa i,n h& medir ciue of (his country about uyo yeai"s, I waa the; first or at least among the first in this pity to uso it, pnij fny Urct patient Y-'"U tlffi first ftP1 l-iiciitioii j.f teioj fco "vrai ia oxhthal-i-.;ic sui -Tc-ry. I read a lon. trliclo on the subject in Tho Ke7 York Medical Journal. Soon t.ftcr that a gentleman cam 2 l; ixe mo about a very lino hunt ii: .lo;j, who Lad pot a thorn in his C3'e. 1 looked at tho dog. and, mcmbcrin wjjnt bad. read about cq caine foi cyi surgery, weni tQ ft drug store and ILxcd up u decoction of about 5 per cent, of uydrochlorate of p cainc. I applied, some pf thia to tho dog's eye, after ft goxnl deal of trouble. Whilo the eye was under this influence I pulled the thorn out without any trouble, and the dog soon trotted home as well as ever. Surgeon in St. Louis Globe-DemoQrait. Stono SiP fee. XteaUv '1 want stone steps to tJiis house, n she said to the architect as they yrere discussing the plans, - "Yes'na, but stone steps are danger ous in winter." VI don't care. Mrs. Blank has stone steps to her house, and Til have to mine." "Yes, but she fell -n them, and. broke a cgi the other day. hen 1 11 fall aud break both lega. I'm not going to let her crow over me 1" Detroit Free Press. The Knglisb Sparrow. At a meeting of tho Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' association at Ypf ville, Mr. Dishop, of Kentvjll.e, onp pf the best provincial "authorities on. birds, read 'a paper showing the great danger and damage to Nova Scotia from the English sparrow, He advo cated its immediate extermination. This view was. sustained by most of tho speakers, and it was voted that the government ought to take measures for ridding the country of tho spar rows. Chicago Herald. WHAT CAUSES MIRTHT Sydney Smith's Answer to TliU Query, with Same Clear Illustration. Sydney Smith gave the true answer when he said that the form of mental pleasure we call mirth was due to the dis covery of a congruity in a seeming incon gruity or the reverse. This is best illus trated by an example. Boileau had a brother who was a inauvais sujet, failed in life and came to ask for help. Boileau upbraided him with his misconduct, pointed out how they had both started in life under; equally favorable conditions and with equal chances, and yet how dif ferently they had got on. "Ah! but just think," exclaimed the brother, "wliat an immense advantage you had over me in brothers!" The discovery of the point, the seeing of the joke is, says Sydney Smith, analo gous to the pleasant mental feeling in discovering something quite new, or in suddenly understanding something dark to us before. This sensation is always pleasant, but in a joke the c'heovcry, since it is carefully prepared for, is mo mentary, unexpected, and without toil, and therefore far more highly pleasura ble than the ordinary mental discovery. To take another example, that of the wooden pavement before St. Paul's: "If the dean and chapter would only lay their heads together the thing would be done," said Sydney Smith. Here very clearly the fun is in the pleasure occa sioned by the instant mental discovery of the connection, notwithstanding the apparent complete incongruity between the heads of the dean and cliapter and the wood pavement. Now, the slower a mind works the more difficulty it has in quickly follow ing out the" congruity through the ap parent incongruities, or the incongruity through the apparent congruities, and so in seeing the joke. Men with slow minds, then, prefer the plainest form of discovery, such as the mere noticing that something out of the ordinary is going on, as when a man clowns it by putting on an enormous hat, a carroty wig and a 6ea green coat. Thus, all stupid and dull witted people are most easily amused by caricature ant horse play, and those rnnd which, though they are powerful, aro also sluggish, find it tcip hard work to follow mentally the lightning flash in a finely wrought ver bal epigram. - , No doubt -such a theory as this postu lates that the man who likes Lamb and Sydney pmith, but says he 6ees no joke at all in buffoonery, really means that ho only sees a very little joke, and that he does not care for it because he can see sq TOWh moro fa other things. Tins, however, agrees with common experi ence. The man fond of tho highest kind of wit Is never really unable to see the fun of the clown, though it may bore him by its snialiness, and if he is scien tifically minded he no more refuses to call it a kind of wit, humor or- fun than he does to call vin ca;dmaire wine, though, as a- natte$ pf fact, what he really con siders wine is Lantte. All the mirth causing agent3 are of one kind and differ only in Cejrree. though the degrees are o.ften intense, London Spectator. American Rash. One has only to contemplate the men and their movements about one of the larger hotels to understand just Uow fast tho American pcora aj-a really living. Tho cqpipjvctal men, especially, aro liv inij on tho lightning plan, and tho rest of n3 are not very far behind. The man who travels extensively today rarely re ceives any communication except by tt legrapU, Io (igur-es his day's work by thu nituutcs, and estimates just what every second s worth to hini. Even the hotel registers are illustrations of the economy of time, Tho man from Chisago writes it "Chi.." Philadelphia i ; "PIul.." Cleveland "Clev.." Ilurrhiburs "Il'burg, Cincinnati "Cin.," an 1 so o:i through the entire lL:t of Aiiieruaui cities wii.Ii tho ::cepticn cf tho r.ian fvoui T'onton, cad h j invariably writes u "Hoston, !Li:. Hocaii't a;7c;-J ii riftca ;m j;:vat a (".LrtirjctluiV. r.Hu.Iiilt Courier. A ChccrCY-l C.'Kl:k!"i!:i 7uil. When tho jail waa turned over to ohcril? Jenahiii day beforo yesterday ihcro wero uino persons, mostly tramps, in it. When the prisoners wore fed yes terday morning there were ten. During tho day there wero nine and later in the afternoon there were ten. Inve-atiUoii was made. Tho ten.t! mart waa discov ered tQ bo a tramp, who climbed into the Jail at weal time; and went out again after getting u fail stomach. This, con nected with tho fact that a man incarce rated for being a common drunk broke his leg trying to get back into jail after having climbed out to get on a spree, and the fact that a man in jail for beat ing hi3 wife having had a quarrel with a fellow prisoner, ciimiod out and went a milo to tho sheriff's houso at the dead of night to tell tho sheriff that tho other fellow had punched him in the stomach, will make our jail famous. Santa Cruz Surf. . - - An absent minded doctor who had considerable investment i". real estate was about "ea.ying patient after writ ing a prescription, when ho was asked for directions as how the medicine was to be taken, "Oh, yes," he said, "I forgot, Onethird down and tho balance in one or two years.' Ameri can Analyst. The standing half of the mountain in Japan cleft in two by the recent earthquake, surrounded by steam, is described as being far grander thau the geysers of Iceland. THE ON E-PRICE Has left tor the East to buy the Finest, Largest ami Cheapest Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing Ever Brought to Cass county. Remember JOE will Buy IHIabs GLiZLdL Cape. Than You Ever Saw in Plattsmouth. . LOOK OUT GRAND SPRING OPENING ZJ 0 IE3- Has not got one dollar's worth of Spring Goods, or old Shelf Worn Goods. Everything you will see in his store will be Bran New, of the LATEST STYLES AND PATTERNS At Such Low Prices it "Will Astonish You. A DEEP UT After a su-jetnl pr:iit of over 17 yer& of ontinuil mercan tile trade, I find my self tor thi pist six months unable to lie at my store nurj thin three to five lours ;t d ty. My g;neral health failing, I am obliged t retire from active iiusiniss, lor a time t least, until I get well again. TiisaSisiiSileiilMiiii For reasons above given I will Dispose of my Stock by April bth. The Low Prices continues 'as last week, and those who bought goods of us last week will bear testimony to our Immense Stock of Staple Goods and Low Prices. WE ARE'SELLDRS Dress Goods, All-Wool, Book-folded, in all the latest Shades, at the popular price of 25 cents. Checked Goods, 40 indies wide, all wool (generally sold at 35 cents per yard,) at 25 cents. These goods are advertised in Omaha at 33 and 40 cents. Jamestown Broodhead Goods in full Stock and sold at 21 cents per yard -greit bargains sold elsewhere at 25 cents. Ginghams troin 5 to 7 cents par yard; Dress Ginghams, choice styles at Indigo Blue Germm Calico from 7 to 11 cents per yard. Muslins jfrom 5 to lOie. per yard; IIop3 7A, Lawnsdale Fruits 9i; Wannesatta lOi; Llalt and Unbleached proportionably low. Turkey -Red Table Linens 25 cents per yard; White Table Cloth from. 15 to 25 cents per yard. Blankets, Flannels, Shoe3 go at prices Cash. THE DAYLIGHT STORE. POPULAR CLOTHIER FOR JOE'S FEB.11 n PRICES ! 89