The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 14, 1889, Image 1

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MJMIlKlt 118
fih" was n l:.r.t.,n muld of ilK deirrea.
With eye s!i.,n lik incHtidcHccnt light.
Ami Just ponrlnz lips aj aeem to me
The ki.sji invites.
Scientific AIurHucf.
Tlie scientific murriago is never a
failure. Ill health supplies tho di
vorce courts with business. The
heallliv man or woman is not fretful
p-evi.sli, morose or sullen, Thousand?
A Ilk- V Hubert. K 4 ft Lot H. Iilock :il'. 1T.1 l.i
K It o..tliiiiiin. 2J feet off west end Lot 14
Mock 3a. 1"! 4(
I O l K., 2.lleet Lot 11, IJI.x k iai i
Adojph Koseiibanni, K't l,ot 1. Block 33. I'l". !;
Hannah Make. U 'i J.i.i l, hl.u k ::j ?jj rrt
I (J IVlerson & ltn.. Lot a. Iilock an -'. iu:
Herman Spies, .', Lot 2, Itlix k :u -Sir, .;
I'll .
iV, ;k;
24". y.;
2I' !to
245 mi
I tnt lu-r on tlio f'ominon'H frnsv a-l
- -. - - ....... . . j v . i , . ...... . .x .,,. . m ;( mil J, ., . . . II
r.rwlicroti.f,(U1,aMi.lyHiu8Julrtvclnood i ,,r unhappy 1 1 in frill "Ts can bo ti-i.r-f'.l I lrew . h'i Lot J. Mock 31 i'l" !.
PhHtxlr.-il.Ttiv. while a plastic wad (lireetlv to ilise tsc Tlio ..m.-.rt . f ! KKciiberjscr. W'i Lot 4. Work 215 !.
Of k'nm shot-hewed. . . l;Se' . 1 Proportion Of Jos Meek bach. I)', Lot 4. JloekOJ.. ;
j.m.i m .j,i,- v. no SlltiUIU lliaiTV, COin- I "liam w eicnciiiiil.. Lot b. llci-k S3 ... 4HI
pa rel witli those whoou.-ht not tr, A',W'l'i Bum Ii. Lot c IJIo. k .tj 4j1
...,. II i.- i . I '"" :iii-lliiali. Lot 1, IWock ?4
man, i.-, small. It is only m rare m- Joim w;ii.i i.ian, K', Lot a. lti., k 34 ....
stances that t lie stock of love with 1 , '"' 1 ''ff 'ai.i. w Lot a. i;io-k 34....
which the youn- couple starts in their f'lli X&S"
m:;lriiiioin;. -arcer, is able to stand Johuatiian li.ttt J w Mail his, V;4 Lot
i no twain caused by the complainings , V, '."'V1 , . , -'"
hs and ill temped of the slk ro.! f'ilJ :V.Y
'Nu iiiilM-althy peron can be happy or ,W" W. ! i.-v Lot 3. Jdock 31... 'jir. fx;
beautiful or sustain the inarriell n-la- MrlS ShXg " - 2?5 K
l 1 i is fcuccessmiiy. in tlie history of -' au.,!!., K', Lot 1. Block a
the world there have been nations VI . K,,-;?w.,",,.1 vv "t 1. Block 35 aar. m;
-ho, for a time, marrie.l scien, ?n
(ally, ami these p'ojde were always c " ,,;t"ntU W 'i Lot 3. nio k :sr. air. ;
Absolutely Pure.
inn ovv.i.t ix-vcr varies. A ti.aiv.-l i-t i.ur-
ItV .....a .. 1
. aim t iioifsoiiiflit'ss, .Mini- -Boiiilcal
than lti.- or.iinar citimot lit
vrFi, . snort uvint alum or i.ii.isi.liat- i.(vil-rs
OOIU O..IV III C il.S. IfoVAI. ii.KI; i'.nvDI'lt
""I'm in .-i. ;,e lou. :ui IA
Police Jn.le,
. .M. i;o iiky
K i i.x
Jamks I"a rrKiiwiN, ,nt.
llVlti.N fl.AHK
a s; i.oi.k
S '1.1 h ki;i
i;i:'hi;k I'olSAI.l.
Councilnieii isi Hki kh.m ii
Boad lub. Work
1 it .Ion kh
I A Sill I'M AN
t M it Mi iu-ii v
J Con O'I'o.nnok.
I M-. Cxl.l.l- S. I'hks
1 J W.L.i
I kkki ;
"It I.x-aoiie pofMl tofui k i!ilsnifit," sa'd I,
"When ncary of tli city' hum an l buzz."
Sh ve.-utfvl i,.r waxii: ut.stiiiiu to reply:
That's w. hi!t it dues."
"This sylvan s,t." then softly 1 averred.
'1 h foot of man -eni4 almost to d-flle."
Her oico eaiii, kwih jus rx.Uai of ooillund bird:
Well, I should smile."
"Thn ltlmy hre-.eM hLsierliijf overhead
With sueli eiK h lilting Koftnes kiaa tho brow.'"
In tones of I iiiulody blio nuid:
"Yun'reahlioiitin now:"
"And huve you not feed, fair ouo, how each bird
.eins ier to ch.xiso its sweetest -ocal gem"
I dwelt In nijitiiro on her every word:
"I'm onto Ihi'in. '
"And now the leaved lio moving emeralds seem,
hen in to tho sucet breeze thev
Her voice .-. rue soft as echo from a dreuu:
"They take the cuke."
"Post wander often to a sylvan spot,
Tho dreamy of otie-tudo to m-L-t"
Soft i-ui led her un.s,ver- "Well. I take, a trot
'Bout oncti a week."
In eonverso sweet I lingered by her side.
And Ml that tiiero forever I could dwell,
And ! Lit after me slio cried:
".So lo::', old feL"
1 n an not ca tiiied by her voice so rich.
Nor with h.-r lovely face, so fresh arid youug,
But witli the sweil dexterity with which
Her slanj; slio sluntf.
New York Clipper.
Sellins Cattle by VeiKl,t.
1 ue ruii-s of tho woi-ld ti.mi.
decadence tinted fi-om the time
when they abandoned scientific
marriage. Scientific marriaire need
"'"''' ' eppeineiK. r.'j Lot 4. Block 3.1. .. ail UC.
r. novey ;.oii. U', l.ot I Block 35... a 1.1
h ; ll.ney ,v Soil, Loir., Block .15 41
n. lllif. I'll It'Cl l.ol 0, BliK'K ,1.1 "114 tW
Henry Boi ek. ai leet Lot 6, Block 35..! . aid (Hi
iiiiii 1. 1. u k. sh ieei iot 1. lii.icic :u i
Has left lor tlie Eat to buy the Finest, Largest
and CJieaioht
...... j. in 1 11-1 u vviLJi btMllimeUl; OH the " 1 - enter "j l.ot I t H..i .- :(; .Vi
?"!? fnli,.,,ent is ff;red and 'n.Hi:V4-il::::;,;;ti:iockVt-
preserved by science npphtnl to mar- Jw II Hall. Lot 3. Block ml ... 3-
nao;o. i'hoscienlineallv married crow !? l-y mtoii . Lot 4, Block 3; 47 ,12
old i-espoctin- end, i.flo.e Ti.,.,. iA!:V:k :arr"J."- ","? w k
Rkc. II.
Hut said special taxes
47 sa
not learn to despise each oil 1 it's: ivnnt
nesses. To bo healthy is to be beauti- iJf,1','!':li'l.,I, s'"llts n-si-e.-tivelv shall become
f..l .... 1 1 4 . ",'J n ut mauu I ilelimiuent sis follows : One-tenth of th, t.iiul
I" ill, and beauty 13 the corner stone of amount levie.t on each of sal'i uZ sum
ioe. io person should inarrv who is c""'e "a"ueiit in mty days from the pa-ssay
alilictotl by consumption, heart-disease, Ti7!&n
cnronio oyspepsia, rheumatism or dis- 1,1 three years : one-tenth in f. ur years - one
ease of tlie liei'VOUS system lentil in live years ; one-tenth in sIk year
rri, m, . , . . . . one leiith 111 seven years : one-tenth in eiili
Iho bKU tans married scientifically, years ; ne-tent I. in years, after VtU levy
1 ivji muiumis 01 years produced I?,'1' " M" sae ami approval o
brave men and bo.-mf if.. I " V " ?:"l ustaiimeuts. ex-
-,wr. Tl -i- """"o eeMi me nisi, snail uaw interest at the rate of
women. 1 he lra.llian is cvnoffci lo seveu cent ner annnin from tho tin... .1...
obtain with his marriage license acer- I !rvy afo. l's:l'1' ""ul J1' same shall become d-
- .. . . 1 11 u'i .niit .iL. 1 iiie aiil Mian lieeotiiM ..
A writer in Mar!; Lao Express 60. tilicatc fm, his physician that he is H
voi-'.-lv ili-iiiv-f.-itovi 1 !. ;.. I tree Irosn constitution.-! iIkiviw f "nt,. I wnu interest at the rate of one ii. r oei.t ....
in Ensl:.nd with buyers and sellers in t;U of lhLi kind k' sines KsTalM.f"" UJ'U eai'h d'
tstimatin-cattle, or liiivir,.r l.e n,r 1,.1 ' 111 voice courts. St. Iyuis Uepublic. I. "- 'H- That the entire amount of tav ...
.J " 7 M.M 11V.11U I I ........ 1 ..... I I
msu-a.i 01 1 iy actual ascertained weight.
ly tins system lie believes fanners are i'Uln't Dlauie Esru. equal pro rata proportion of said tax on anv t,
lucmisniy a to 1 nrss.,riimM o,, ... u. ; " .l'So en any
I. A
Iputy l're.isurer, -Clerk.
itfconler of Deeds
lputy lteci"
Clerk ol litucl Co irf,
Hupt. of 1'iib. Scho..:.-,
County J u Jue.
'. A .M ri-.KI.L
I-t 1 ti 1 Citrrcii 1 1 1- l.u
Ka 1 n 1 1 rii n ki.i
W. II. Pool.
J'i x M l.t- vi.
J. C Ki k kn r. a i:
C ICl'StiK.LI.
iJOAitn ur sei'Kii visouj.
A.'B. Todd. C'li'ui., - - I'h-.timoutli
LOUM Kiiltz, - We. pai,' Water
A. H. LI- ksd.v. . K in wood
C1A3S liOOdK No. llii.'l t.' O. F. -Meets
'every Tuesday evening of e icii week. All
trauiient brotuei are rer-peclfully invited to
1LATT.MtU- ill ICNfA.M I'MKX r .o. :t. I. o.
O. K.. iiieei every alternate in
each month 111 lite Ma-miic H iil. V isiinit;
Brothers are i-illcd to attend.
flUtlO LODCK NO. H. A. (. I . V. . .Meets
ererv iilieruat Kri.lay evening at K. of P.
haW Transient brother are respe.-tluilv ia
Tiled to a'tend. F. P. li.-mn, .Master (iik
tnaii;C. 15, C 111-ier. K .-reman ; ' f. Steimker
Overseer : II. M-lhr, Financier; t .
llotist-worlli. Ki r.l'i , F. .1 .M-uit. IJ.-eei -
r; ni t'rehan. ; .i e; Wa.. Ln o; 1. Inside
atch : L. OK111. Hillside U ate .
AHH CA M I NO. .v..'. MOHKIJN '.Vi : i FN
of Ataorie.i Meet-, a.i.l foul III Mon
dayeveiiii. .-.( S. i-f I. lull All Pauso-nt
rother ai- iv-ii..-.::-) to nu ri with u-. I.. A.
fr'VCO-er, V-i:eraiiie ';:-:i:l ; !. K, Ntief
Worthy ; S t-. V tide. :i..!.::cr ; W. A.
Boeck. t'lerk.
IfL.TT.-J!.')riH I.OIxiK N:i is, X.t:. I'. W.
Mei-: v.-ry ;t:f"rr,:.;e hri-tay eveniu-i :tl j
KOCki'd ! -A A :V: All : 1 ,:,m, , ii'-i.jli- I
r are ropeelf :::'y ioi:ted m atlenil. L. . j
Lro:i, M. V.'.; K. IL.v.t. F-rt ie:.ti : S. C.
WllOe. Ki-inrili-i : I i . i ; . 1 Ainl- . n-i-t r
cheated and rohbed of much of the profits
in raisin- cattle, and advises them to
Mipply tliemsclves witli wei-bincr 111a-
eliineii of tlieir own. so !ni :i I. i.t, !,..,,
ami salesmen remain averse to buying bv
weight. There can le no doubt that" iii
such cases the farmer is at a great disad
vantage witli buyers, whose opportuni
ties for determining the dead weight of
living animals are so much better, from
tlie nature of their occupation, and tlie
"i.n.ier is mat i.ngiisii tanners should I tho
ll.'IVt. .lllillHl'.. I I.. .....1. I .
. - ouiii u jiiacueo so 1 ignorance,
., . ri . , a mess of paitridgoP- Youth's Com-
iiiiiii 01 tins business ol ouviti'T ,- t
I I .1 - . . v - o -
in .ui, i-as me ngi ieiiituial editor of Tlie
World, has been done in this country, is scarcely to be doubted, unite
generally to tho farmer's disadvantage,
but t-f late years tlie system of selliiigat
actual weight has 1 ei :i glowing in favor,
and cattle scales are now so cheap as to
nave iMK'onie common in towns, as well
as on stock I'aim.s, so thtit there is no
longei any necessity for tlie element ol
chance in the buying and sollitvrof stocfc
as it is picked up through the country by
butcherd or shippers. No e.ood. reason
can be given why a fanner should sell a
bullock on an estimation of its weight
that would not apply with euual force to
the buyer al ter the mo;; l was dressed,
it is true that the p.. ventage of dead
weight varies coi si .t
KiMiii.i tit tor '
but an accural
v. eight is an h;
1)1 ' lmo S uocs sometimes cause part of said lots within tmv day. irom sa 3
us to appreciate more fully tho temp- I !?vy. and theicuuon suui lota or parts of lots
ii:..,.. ..r . 41 " 1 I shall ' froin -mi.' ... ..1 -
iu.ui -us mucins. I ,1 t ..v.... VL cnaijjt
I inli H1...L.1:..,. -i , '".V1'"
..i.iv, iiiauciinu tilling oroiieci I fK. i. mat tins ordinance shall take
.o ti iuge lor tue nrsi lime, and great j 1 ur iorce irom ana after its pus-
T r . V V3 1. ,lSSaVVr- j I I'Hssed and approved Felnunry 12th, A. I)
its nicer than anything I ever 1 18sa
lasted," ouotli she. "ami i don't h!P Attest ; W. K. Fox, F. M. Kiohf.v.
Esau a bit." cuycierR. Mayor.
"Vhat has liau to do with it?
querieil her mother
Spring and Summer Clothing
Ever Hi-ought to Cass county. Remember JOE will IJuv
ZESIo,t3 Cape,
Than You Ever Saw in Plattsmoiitlt.
An Ordinance
-Why. you know, mamma," said "SiM
0 little one, in pravc surprise at such twenty-nine, of sewer District nJ a witinn
iiorance, "ho sold his birthright for i y ,ft,'t"iiti. t, coyer the oost of
An Ordinance
Levying a special tax and assessment 011 all
loisnithiu I'aviiif; District No. 1, in the city
of rial turnout h . to cover the co.-t of paving
and curbing .Main street between the east
side of -eventh street and west side of Sec
ond Mrect 111 (-aid city.
Whkueas, It having been, and beinjj liereby
adludeil. determined and established tint the
seeial lotti iicx inarier remit! to have each
been speciall benohted ' to the fnil amount
lu-rein levied iind assessed auainst each of
u'.i.l llatti rikin:'lii' .... ..... ..!.. ( .1,. ......
......a ...... .... Vll I lie Jill?- I pi . , - ---.-....., I.... ij, ..f inn .
Ifir 'ill. fllf itlnf ilI fl,.,r ...... ... M..I.. 1 . lilll.llI'M il. .H t I I'llur iiillur I .... ... l. -..
'f. V ..... I v. Ul 1',I'I' w, ,. tl . -- . y ... IHI-tlQ ) .T-tl'l
Ml eet between the east snle of Severtli streel " ll" e1'"e is nerer-v levied and assessed
ami the west i.le of .eu.iid olivet. in proportion to the feet bout along said sew-
Pt'wsiiri!; theie-n and ll.roul.'u tho anevs
s lid city '.UIa u aixiu streets, in
Wiikueas, It havin ben, aud beinj? hereby
adjudged, dutermlned and establi hud that the
several lot hereinafter referred to have each
been necia ly benetlte.l to the full amount
herein levied and assessed apiinot each of said
ii.iiir-ijriuvnj, uy reason ol the construr-tium
of a district sewer in the alleys of cai.1 blockn
.""' t weiity-eiaht and twenty-nine, between
f-oiiith and Sixih streets.
Therefore, for the i)iirnos of nnvlnr thA .-nut
Of s;.ld sewei lnp. ' ' " j
nP'l1. ( ' tfw Mn,r and Council of I
' u j i HitMoioufn,
...r.1!' , l;,.Ni Vi'M 1110 cost of sewerintt the
alleys of b'ocks Nos. Twenty-eUht and twen--iiiie.
in Sewer 1 list rsct No. j. of th itv or
Kas ot got one dollar', wort!, of Spring (Joods, or oJl Sl.olf
Worn Goods. Lverythhio; you will sue in his ctore
will be JJrim New, of the
At Such Low Prices it "Will Astonish You.
i:i luiii-rent
ig to li-t-J a;sJ iVc'rig
kii.AvK-iigi- ui tin? liw
na.'!t factor i:i ,!f;ir
liiereiore. lor the piirpoce ol paving the cost .tt-eoiuiiiu to special benefits bv rea-
of said paving and curbing -ion of ald sewerms upon the following des-
V.c it I'lilniinilliu tlie Mayor ami Cmtneilof the e bits, said cost beimr so levied on said
city of 1'lnttxnuniih: 'ot;s respectively as fallows to-wit
.-KiTio.N 1. liiat the cost of pavinn and J,,l"i l-'iJ-'ei aid lot 1 block as -.r, i(,
cii' b.-ii-; that part of .Main ntieet within Paviui; J" 111 I-.Heiald lot 2 block 2s ;.., v.
Oisinct o. l.i.. the city of l-lattsinoulh. Irom M' --'eiiberu'cr nt i...iK ... j'.V
the e.-Lst hide of Seventh Mieet to the wet side (-'"ldie r h fi.i.,.ke iuf4 tio,;i oH ,r
..f S .1 .Mi'i.1 v.ii.l i.. !. f Ili!'.v!:i ...v i le r. 1.1. .Mr . ' .. '
tue vaia- of tin- a!ii;n.-;l In '"-.. i
l:::s ! . : !: iti.-.-.-l
.I.H, I i SI." KllwIlllll.U! UUlI t
ii!-gi:i:, to a. j ;i
Xi:-1: I s ..ggit
I i.i " l.i' .! :; ..; ,is wri-:; as vvt II
a -i '..i-o v. i
.TIMil" I !I !. l:t:K .i. .. J A. Jt.
o:i fi - ;:i-t a; I 'ii rl .;on :.t i f
etu'li m-.iit!i :-.- '...-w. .!; or.-is . .. :i.
iri ure I'oi'.i.t'- .'i i-'-'i i'i.-et k:-a
J. ,:: v. -.. M.
v k:iu ka
Me.-:- s.--'. i
isiuutb a! !.i-.
rJ luv.ii-i (o
: ri te. .:. j:. a.
.i i :!! !...-.;.. i f s
Itu'.l lr:i:.i--i :.i l-.o:l
'.. H.i i;s.
.1 : :
'i.ili ;:i Mn'Mift-
p 1 ! toll'.; tliti.nt i
i.i a 'i'!;y co;;! 1 iio i;. Ut.
s !. : it is ;ii:i." t; .;. ;:r.::!id. an-'
l.liig i a: ii.::f( j;.-,.:; n iiig at
:;. ii-::.!v t- t..- l .-.ii-.J d. i.-;!. t li
. .i:o i.t a i n i:.-:: i . t!.-i
;; r. ; at i::.-.l;t i:i p.-t-;ert stsletv
:i :.:;. I.::- I I a i:-. 1 Ir ;::i v.
i--v f d. gs. 1 !
i :. -:..- .i ' .: v. ;-s i!:..
l;.'...:i. .::.v;:wj' t i.s.
t . Zil?N f::i il !;;:. No .". ,.
meb men ns at .: .
m coi.iil.y ii. n:
Hx. llAs. Itec.
. i s it., I'. V.. . l,s . I
i to li,i-e' i. ii i.s.
K. K. vv i:i l . K. C
CiA(.-l-Xl"Ib Ml lo-.'l. KOYAI. KtNf.I
ineetn tlie hromij ami f.urih Monda'.s of
fcACb DMiiith Arcaiiiim flail.
II. N. lil.KXN, Ut jient.
P. C. JltsrR. Secretary.
ll Vice l'resi,ie:,t .
2nd Vie- President
.Kohl. i; Windham
A. 15. lodd
w in
K. 1 ie i rni;ui:i
V . K. iu: hniait
:i iiK. r.;t.
J. C. KIcJiev. 1". V.. hit-, .1 t Patter"!-,
3. A. Conner, I!. I'Is-i::, C W. Miermau, F. ilol
dr, J. V. Hecku.irh.
J. W. Johnson Commander.
i o. iwiw senior v ice
Kv. Iii; livt'.I ia r,
UK). MLR4 .. .......
IIZ'NRV STKKI.ill r. . .
Malox Dixon
Chaklkk Khi
AKDiiiM).v r'Kv. ...
Jacob (;.hb km an. .
L. C. flRTK.
A tl'r:ti::.y
A cur;.;-... ;..;t y.
i: KusM-Ii eouidv
ru!e liu: of l!:e uut pi iuiitivc eor..-truc-
t:o:i. lie is very tall. e.n.J about CO vtars
o age. His clothing ronsisteil of a few
rags tied uiour.ii lib ptrst-n with ctrir,"s
a::u ins tvul vio naked and badly frost
LiUiu. All tliat Si-. v,uld tell about
Iu:u.-flf w;s that he was -Jim T.illv
lie had often bein seen by hunters, but
always eluded inzr.-uit. lie was secured
and taLeti to the count; seat, where he
will be eared for. New' York World.
Meet in .at urd.iy evening
'Jfttcertif the Imv.
Seru-t Major.
luar'er Master N.-r.;'.
I'ol Liispl.iin.
C. F. SMiT H,
The Boss Tailor
Malii St., Over Merges' Mi e Store.
Keep the Conyrr at loa Airakc.
The llrst duty of :i preacher is to keen
ie congregation awake. Instruct tho
sexton to let in plenty of fresli air.
Without air. without life. Break out a
few of those stained glass windows and
adn:it the suiui.ine: Darkness alwavs
provukes a yawn. Clergyman in bt,
Louis liepuLIii
lias the best and most complete stock f
Of samples, both foreign niul tlomcstic i
. . . !.... . ... . , ... . I
wwitus mat , t-r i uuie wt sl ol .:io'.;ii
firer. Note tlies? prices: htt-iness ftiits
from ltf to f i. dress suits, .-j;2. to H
pnt5l, fi, .r0 iind ui)iards.
t5fWill guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy ComDelition.
Henry CJoIding, colored, vrno Uvea
near Leary. (Ja.. claims to be 101 years
old. He says that he w as 'J years old at
the commencement of the revolutionary
war. He Ik longed at the lime to (J"org"e
Humphreys, of Kichniond, Va, Hump.h
reysbold him to (Icorg Heard, of Au-
gu.sta, who had cwutj him ten vtars I
when the "stars fell."
$-:. i-..C.;. 'ie and the same ;a neieoy levied ami
.is.i"sea. in piopniiion to ne irel iroui ttloiij.
said l avinu and eurOi nj and uccoritiiig to
special beiu-Ilif by reasoiTof said pavimr and
ci.rl.ii. a I'pt-u tie i'ollowiiii; described lots;
s iii e.r-t l,eii;ir co levied on said lots respec
Ovely, i.s lollcu s, to- it :
Klial-etti I.. Watelinaii, l.ot 7 iilock 2T..$4IT 52
i. I,. . .... i . i i ,. .... .... , .
. ... ... y . l.i n. r II if K ;i W
.l-.m:. . vi ... : i. . .-. .... .., .-i 1
Hiock '7 47 T'i
,;H:rp I roiiKor; l.ot in. r.lock 27 4s? 51'
XlUMeis I lol jtfiian cl u:ch. Lot 11.
I lock 47 5.'
hied Miideln an. l.ot n, r.Iock 27 -I.s 7 Z- l' l.ot 7. iii;
li ho i":r--i! iij !.( r. Jttk i '.. .
ii r iViii-i'm, i.i.i -i, nir.ek v.s.... .... . tut n;
I l-ter .Melees, but Jo" blool; lb ... -.'. -ir
.1 .1 l.e. ..i.i.l, K'. l.ot 10. I!!t.s-.k vis u':"' !:
i'.iijr-iiifiii li -roid, V l.ot 11. iiiockl'. 2,5 w;
li lam ii, roni. i 1. til, I 1 ck K. .. .': :.
-1 t'l ili. W'j l.ot li. t.o U s
.v: elii rv.o. it. I I. ii?. I;: .(k i
J:a!:k.ff !'i'n v- i, i ,.t 7 i;I tj
Li "X. i: 3 l.ot 7, i;i-. k :'j
Ki'i'lv-ln v, U', l ot K. i;' rn . .
i l i;;" I: 5 IWi.. :. -:i......
I led ' iaiieilaan.' V : j t.ol i. .ii "k ''Li
I' -I .M.'.rtin. i 'j Lot :.. . Ink l.i. . .
! i:e lii-liii-s. I. t. id 1 I,-, k IS... ..
K K Vhile V l.ot 11. Ili,.cK m
.la-. n.S ni.Jit. I.oti'. i!!.-.k
M 1) i,ik. ne-t iJ'fct t 'tit 12. Block 2l. l-'J (
t Matiiev.s, east 21 feet noi 12 i.lock
S'J 32
Charlotte A Wheeler, Lot 7 Iilock. 30.. 4:l 9J
County Cwiiiiiisioiiers, Cass Co., Lot 8
l.locfc . Qj go
Comity Commissioners, t'ass Co , W
l.ot :'. Block S. .... . ...... 2-i' y
'tliomas. E' j of Lot 6. Block 30 . 24 M
U h l'alnier. W'i l.ot lo. Block 3n... . l'45 M
V 1 ;vey Lstate, E', Lot 10. Block SO. l." OC
dolin Hartinan, Lot 11. Bjock30.... -.'43 tG
r red "iuos. E, Lot 11, Block 3i L'15 90
Med Ili'OS, Lot 13, Block 30 4!)1 y2
rred tick Kriiir. l.ot 1 IHoeL- o ' t.u ...
riiiliip Kriisch. N'i Lot 5. Block'21" "" i m 1.1
llllain Neville lot bl. k 5s i V.
lojiu l'ittrerald lot 7 bi-.i-k 2.'.'.'. V.
'laid lot 8 block L'S .-,'-'
I. r. Cooled.'e lot U block "s t.
etr Mel'lies weM 4 lot 0 l.h,,.- .,s . '
,:-, "?Ui e:lst ' I"1 10 block '8 .."
llZ-lbeth lerold e-t lot U l,l()ok ;
I lerold east U lot o t 1 ek 9
i 11 i-i.n- , .n.. . -1. . . .. . . ,K--
... .-. . ... .. . - . , .., i.iOfK I'd
iiiH!. Siipiwomi t, lot l block 2S..
I . A .Mathews lot l block 2' .
V. V. Atathews lot 2 Mock '':
'. H. I'ai inele lot 3 hhick
I'anriel" lot 4 bio.-l,' "i. '
. M. Seniielti.anlitii I .i : i'oe.!- ""' ''
1. M SeiiielUa2her l-t n ithmk t
Bank'of l an.s Co. nesl , ior 7. lM-k'i-j'
I R ''ox. east rot 7 block j:) "
nr. in.
1-"J trj
; 1 . 1:
v:r ::
k 173
H IT.',
e. 175
ii 17ri
S 175
s 17.-.
K tt
17 II
17 jt
17 11
17 It
17 11
8 T.V,
8 .r.V
K 5.;-, I
H .V. ")
s -j-,r
17 11
m; 1
2.. :
2 I.i;ij I'.-ew west 'i lot s block 2;)
i.ei tfoiiiom east 'i lot S b'octj
r red Slad- iii;lli wt'sf lot y Wo- k'-'-j
-I. Martui east i, lot !il), ,Vk ;j
l.neuida ;. !!:,. a lot 1.1 hl.iek
K K W ite ivcst !.,t :i t. ..,.i.- .'.""
'. I Polk i.v.' L-e f.-.-i lot i" 1. n .,, -!'.
. M.i,:ic'.s ea t 21 1 -of .-. ,,1 .',.; '
SKe. II Tiiats.-I s,i;(: Vix".M?
,7 ;; 1 s " 'c,Kn" "' " oeu , -
i'l -ii! tin- s ii:i" as s! M:i :i ol r ..1V., ...
ailcli i!('iii;i':;:,i .li-t' 1,,. .i.i ... ... .,: ';' !
.'. 1 , , - . : , , , " j --. "i ini" s!"l' i
. , pt n;ili s ;,,i, I o ,.,.;o ( ;,, ,
f V,1- . nr -I'la-iee shall I kei-f-
f' o; an., be in -orce fi-.m a.. 1 aft- r i.s p iss i
lassed mid approved Feb,- inry l -t 1 a 1.
ATrr.-T : . K. K. , C;;y C'loiK.
-iitfi ;lv-.-1:i1 i i s;iit o.1 ovi'i- 17 v-i-c .I t: r -
.1.1 t i 1 ,,. ' , ..'"" -'.in. in 11 nivrctin
r 1 10 trill iii, im-i., f.,i. 1 , : .1 . ,
' j isL ii,:iiiuis tluaoii; to ht; ;tt
stoj-sj in ir.; th in thrti
i a:n o!o!ig-.-:l to rtir
I o..'t well ;i:r iin.
F.I f
to ,uv h .:irs -i , iy. My o-.-h-hiI liuilt'i f-.FKn.r
ii.Jin a -ini; 0.1 ni;ss, t r ;t tlinii
il I: V fj ;s'; Lot 5. liiook ji'.: lit i
t I. i; i ii H Co.. Lotu. Block 6. ...... t.,7 2
i.i 11 - V 1 '" tsIOCK ' 74d tis
fiuscii, r. 1 ieei Lot 8 IJIockSl. 114 05
Aiiu-t Back. IT. feet Lot is. Block 31 i; P3
1 K Outhman, W'i Lot 8. Block 31 Ski j
f..-.," """"" -4 ieei IMI 8. Iilock SI... 13.J f'i
! liulip ffntsch. K 21 feet I nt n m,u.t 11
A":.''-t Bach. 27, foet Lot ii. dt... 77 ii
r 1. (.lltbman. J.ot 9. Block 31 221 D7
K t.uthujaii. 14 leet Lot !i. Block 31.. 77, y
1 hulip Fr tsch. E -t leet Lot lo. Blocd 31 31 71
liHiisi liacn. i-r. leet Lot 10. Block 31.... 37 Go
Ileniy Anns.. 11 Estate. Wf, north 21 feet
1.01 1U. Block ol rt o.
r K ,iitliinan. VJ. Lot in. B'o.-k
5i 2C
t I. I.Utl.inan. :i feet Lo' lo. Block 31... 3ti "4
Ilenry Amicus ftate. l.ot 11. Block 3t. lil 50
C ; ..1 i 1: Co., Lot 1. Biock 3J
15ki 60
In Switzerland cars are run tip to a
hoti I .CUU fett above the lake level bv
roj4- traction, t.he drum bei;.'g worked
by tlectrie motors wi;ii !i are driven by
dynum.M tivoiiiiil ,1 half u:Ce distant.
w l.i it- tbt rt- is Mj.'Iicitiit water power t I
O vV; (.1 n 1: -. J.,,t Block 3 .
l; B O It It .'" I.,,t ki..L-
C .v g It U Co.. Lot 4' hlock bj..""
' ' oinhnian. Lot II. Block 32 153 50
1-iank (Jajle. 1-4 feet next to E 4 feet
Lot 11. BiK"k 32
F L Cale. 22 feet W of Frank GayleV
Lot 12. Bl.K.-k3J 30 04
tlle "ul'eits. K 4S feet Lot 12. Bloc- i3 Yi 48
t 1. t-iithniiin. 23 feet off west end Lot 12
itiock 32 ; ; 34 tu
IO O F. 2G feet Lot 12. Block 32 34 04
""" iaie. ."i jeet next to k. 43 feet
Lot 13. Block 32 75
F L (iajle. le. t tt of Frank Gayle's
Lot 13. Block 3' j 09 F Koberts. K 4s feet Lot 3. Block 32 151 t
F it tiu'liman, l'i f eet off et-t .-and Lot
I.i. Block i' 72 Ha
JO O F iMfeet Lot 13. Block 32 72
i ranx t;ayle. 24 feet next to E 4-feet l.ot
. '4-51oc.k ..... 130 58
An Ordinance
Levyln-r a tax assessment on the folW
liui lots herein named, within theCiiv of
PlaCsmouih. to cover thecal of construct
init sidewalks abuttinsr s iid lots.
, . , . naMui; o-'enjaad be nit her.-bv
1 ,ViV": . r ''.' "iat
. ii.a 1 r r;i atirp IIIfH'Tnil
i,.-. o. i...-..;.i ,ii .. ... ..: : "' a-.i'Miiir
.1.0. o.,o .i H;11,isr eaeh of -.i,i
... . . "...u
I iii
lumu uuiiumu
F L le. 1 fret V of Frank Gayie'a
Lot 11, aiock 8l
- several lots l-erninaf ei- referred to hav
ch been special y heiieiited to the full ,
rein levied and a-se-sed ukuiui ...
lots resp-etively. by rer,..;i of tiie
'if fidewalk trontiinr said lots l l"
Therefore, for the pin p ise of paying the co-t
of consiriietinifsaid iidew a ks ' " l"e co.-t
lie It UU,lo;l tin rhc Mayor nnd CourtcX of
I ; 11,:u , u' "st of constructing
. wa,... me Slime i.iuereuy levied and
a-seed ln prop .it 1011 to the actual eost of
... ... ,i,,.. .,u nn;i,iuiiiii 10 speuial bene
fits by reason of sa d f. r..;r,iftion of sidewalks
upon the fu' described lots; said cost
l.eiiitf so levied 011 sail lots repeetiveiv as
follows tow it 5
l.ot 3 block 34. 0!i':g& T?ayes Add....
Lot 4blck 34. ounir & Hajes Add....
l.ot 1 block IS. YlMilltt .-v: Hmv.w a. 1.1
Lot 2 block is. Voun ' & ll:.i a.i.i '
Lot 2 idoek 1:. Younu' Haves Add
Lot 3 block 1-t VoiinjiJ: Hayes Add
T . 1., I. 1. - " . .. J -.1,' ...
" on,fK iv. lining a; naves Add
Lot 2 block 17. Young & Haves Add ' "
Lot 3 b ock lll.Cit oi Flatrsiuouth
Lot 4 1.1 or k it;. Citj of I'lattsiuouili
Lo; i block 12 City of PI a tsinoitth
Lot 12 block 3. CitV of I'I:Otsl,.ri,tl.
iMt 1 block 41. Youns; tfc Hayes .Mid'.'..'.'.' " M
or n , j , , 0,.k -7 City of Plattsniouth 4. !;
North lot 2 block 1 lire of T! ...... ?1 .Z
I . . .- , , . - J -- ...(.I,UULU lit -tO
.ot .. block 14. to- e & Hayrs Add .. J ,,i
Lot 6 tl"k 1$. ountr i Have Add.. . " 9 j
Ki II Sid taxes levied as atore-aVd ah-ill
become Jue, payable and delinquent the name
as ntat and onnty ai,d when delin
quent . shall be subject to the same o-nalties
and be collect 1 m the same manrer
SF.e. III. hat tlos Ordinance mWi take er
feet and be io force fisini and after t ojussat'"
- mm y vv.v a I U- 4 II, U. V!.
..?11 20
.. 11 20
.. 10 liO
.. 10 0u
.. 10 00
.. 10 oj
.. lo on
.. 8 HI
. 6 4
.. 4s
. . 2-J 40
22 40
J-or reason, above frtvo:, I m-iII I,;e of iy Sioek hy April
loth. I he Low I rices continues us Jast wefk, ainl who boiijht
goods ot us last week will hear to. tiin!iy to our Immense Stock ol
fc-taple Goods and Low Trices.
9.. SI
g.S SZsza Lm Lsam U B Vi fL-iH
Dress Goods, -All-Wool, Book-foMed, in all the latest Shades at
Checked (ioods, 40 inches wide, all w..ol (oeneralh- sold at 33
cents per yard,) at 25 cents. J
These goods are advertised in Omaha at 33 and 40 cents
Jamestown Jiroodhead Goods in full .Sror-k nA ..f of
. . --grett harirnns sold else-.viiere at -o ,.Pnt,
.fvlp, fl(;i"7h!V"ltr,ln,,5 t;.7 cents P'r J'ard; Ore,, (iinolta.ns, choice
,hles at ,S: ; IiiJigi Jilue Germtn Ualic, from 7 to 11 cents nor vl
. I TT . - I J
01- am; nop- ,4. Jiwnsdale
ably low.
hie Cloth
lilankets, Flannels, Shoes go at prices Ca.-h
.Muslins Ztroin 5 to 10 i
I-rtuts 1; annesatta 10A: Halt and UnWeached poportionabl
1 tirkey lied Table Linens. i5 cents per yard ; White Table
from lo to 25 cents per vard.
M l',....n.- '
HMO Atift: W.K.Fo.CcitytieriIE,,',lai0r