The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 13, 1889, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. KIIxHrjr. DrnlWt, Korkwoorf IIuil.loi,
Ir. Wlthrrn, l.nllt, I'ntuu IMork.
The ladies of St. Luke's sewing
society will m t at the rectory tomorrow
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
In the caff, Ifollowny vs. Muir,
which was on trial before Judge Uusm 11
:inl ii jury yesterday, was decided in
favor of Ilollowiiy.
Judge liuvs' 11 issued iiiarriagelicensex
today to Mr. Edwin E. 15 ddwin mid Miss
Nina L. IJ.itcs; also to Mr. Henry 'Low
and Miss Nannie Eaton.
Mr. Dal Sovoeool, and employe at
the shops, is suffering frm h badly
mangled thumb whici: hi: jammed a heav
piece of iron against yesterday afternoon.
Mr. "Will Latham is distributing the
cigars anion his friends today and ex
plaining his action by stating "It's a hoy"
which the smile on his face would r:vc:;l.
A word in s' aon: "Died, while
reading a newspaper," says a paragraph.
On invetiijat!oii, it was found that In
hud never paid hi. subscription. It is a
dangerous thing to neglect so important
a matter and be unprepared for death.
The i;..ard of Trade of this city re
ceived a handsome bird's eye view of tin
national capital, including the site of the
proposed world's exposition of 1'.2 ami
permanent exposition of the three Ameri
cas. The view can be .seen in Mr. Fred
Herrmann's store.
In our round tod.iv we dropped in
to see Mr. C. F. Smith's tailor shop and
saw wh it was a curio-ity to us. It was a
button machine, he had just received with
w hich was making buttons while we were
there. If any of our readers are needing
any clothes they should call on Mr. Smith.
Miss Carne Guthman will be married
at the home of her mother this evening
at 8 o'clo; k, to Mr. Marks Lamm. The
happy couple will make their home on
Sixth street. The Ukkm.d and their
many Plattsmouth friends wish them
every success ;nd a bright future.
Miss Clara Sheffer, who is well
known in this city, having visited Miss
Lillian Pollock occasionally, will be
married to Mr. Mark Baker at the home
of her father, Mr. John Ii. "Sheffer, in
Des Moines. Wednesday, Feb, 27. At
home, lll!east Walnut street, April ?.
One of the happiest events of the
season will occur tonight about s o'clock
at the liciii ! of Mr. Con Meiss'nger about
eight miles west of the city, in the mar
riage of his daughter, Miss Lizzie, to Mr.
Con Stochr. A good number of invita
tions have been extended to their l'latts
mouth friends. The Herald wishes the
happy couple a bright future.
Mr. W. E. Latta, who recently dis--
pose I of a business at Murray which he
lias owned for some ti:. moved hi-
family to this city yesterday, where h. !
intends to m ike his home in the future, j
lie his not vet iie id-d 011 what hu-in
.. will,. Inn w-i' wi-li him success '
in whatever h- may undertake, and wi 1 j Dr. Thomas is manager of the b-le-wdcome
hi. 11 as si citizen. j l'hone o:;ice. Mr. S. C. Patterson a nu-r
r ,,- ... , r I ;!;:,).! ami ivou.iiH nt citizen of South
air. i . . ci i ' i. ue in :
popular dry go m-i charts, is nco ;
tilting wiili Mr. J. W. Ll!:y. a banker
of Ellis. Kan-us. in view of i.ia.-iing :iu
I'Silii:'.' with his pro 'it y. It is rumor
td tii it Mr. Co!'y will tike p s-.-ssioii or.
Apiil 1". Mr. V ck' :c:. i a- many
frica.N in PI iltsmon" li who will !: S'liy
to l irn th it it is Lis ii.teati- n t ! av
til-' city, bul !.-s ls that L" v.:j poo
lie ilth c iUiJi liii.i t t ii iiii;.- iiioi
it li ing.
Much i.idiirnation Iris I .;! ;a-ate.l
aniO.Vg the iln Uii.Ts of til.: I'i ti t s:,:.)Ut !i
gun club by th ducoyery tint an ex -secretary
had stolen forty dollars or more of
the club's money. In sclf-deej&3 the
former eeciitary claims the books of the
club have htea lsl ad he is unable to
ascertain what amount is due the club.
The same swindler has figured promin
ently iu .1 number of other steal, hilt he
lias not yet been justly dealt with.
Some of the more progressive of the
working men in the shops at this place
have organized a "Ii : M. mcxhuiiir
club." They meet weekly for the
pose of discussing questions in mechanics
anl improving themselves generally. The
idea i a ni Jt excellent one and tin. j
young mccLau'es and ajiprentices should
bo encouraged to j'iia the club. It is
understood that Supt. of i?ofor Power
3l'.jiwk4Worth and M i?t.-r Methauic re'i
tzl re doing all they can t j make lui
irijaitation a success.
The lau: change in time on the B. &
M. trill cau?iJ IaiUc'i inconvenience to
Ashland, Louisville arid Suuth B r.d
jiassetigers, wlu wish t y,j t:, Omaha in
Che morning. Parties who in've at
O.-capuIis or Plittsmouth ivuc iv
Omaha, will be obliged to wait over
whole day. i)i king them much incon
venience, while Leforn the tiino wis
changeil passengers from the Schuvhr
line could make the trip to Omska wih
out nuKh lel iy. Tnere should te at.
accommodation provid-d.
Joe's line of white, fancy, silk ar.d
fliunel shirts will be the grandest, ami
Xmest eyer brought to Piattstnouth.
A Letter From Union.
Union, Xi;n., Feb. 12,18s'..
Knrroit IIkkald : As we have seen no
I'nion news in your paper for some time,
wo will venture to send a few items this
That I'nion has a bright future is no
longer a matter of doubt, as we are re
liably informed that the "spring boom"
will strike us in the form of new branch
es of business und many new dwelling
houses. And the fact that the Missouri
Pacific will probably build ft branch
road noith from here this year puts en
ergy into the onward strides of "Union,
the beautiful youth of Cass county."
Look for yourselves and see what we
have hen: :
K II. Frans & Co. have a large build
in ir jam full of everything that is requir
ed to make up a complete stock of gener
al merchandise. (J. A. I lose & Co. also
carry a large stock of dry goods, grocer
ies and clothing. It. A. Eichelberger
keeps on hand a complete stock of staple
and fancy groceries. II. W. Evans has
recently moved Lis general merchandise
stoic from Stewart, Neb., to this place,
and will soon put in a stock of furniture,
musical instruments und millinery goods.
N'oelling & Meyer, our hardware, men,
keep everything in the way of hardware
and implements, from a mouse trap to a
windmill. Thomas & Slade have a large
stuck of drugs, chemicals and medicines
on the south side of Main street. Wil
liam Wolfe on the south side and George
LiKue on the north side of Main street
are kept very busy blacksmithing, and
their work is spoken of a3 the best.
Leidhigh & Donaldson are proprietors
of the coal and lumber yards, with Mr.
Harry Peters as manager. Our good
natured friend, F. Bauer, deals in harness,
and in connection therewith runs a first
class shocmaking shop. The public will
find '"Union's new hotel" to be anion 2
the best, w ith G. F. McNamee proprietor.
Attorney C. L. Graves, 'Squire E. W.
H u n urn and Constable Joseph Austin
look after the legal business of our town
and vicinity. The medical profession is
represented by competent 'men, as the
names of Drs. It. Ii. Wallice, M. L.
Thomas and C. 1'. Davis will show.
Of the "Union Ledger" we need only
t say that it has a large circulation f.ud
speaks for itself, and to the credit of the
publisher Mr. W. O. Todd, be it said, it
advocates prohibition. Our photographer
Mr. Mills took several views of the town
lately and will have them ready for in
spection soon. Erissey Eros, run the
m -at market and are doing a good busi
ness. Mi s. Eichelberger is proprietor of the
city restaurant which she runs in lirst
cl; style. Leach & Mills are doing a
good business at their livery and feed
stables. Mr. It. II. Wills is the accom
modating agent 03 the Mo. Pacific, and
by t'.ie way, "Harry" has shown his love
for the town by endeavoriug to get the
company to make some much needed im
nit oU around the depot. Two
irg elevators here are doi:;g a flourish
nU bu-uness. A. n. Ninth ami J.oss
irav s are proprietors of the two billiard
! led!
F. P
Tenney attends
to buying
and shiopioi
.ml i.iJe .-jur town a visit on Monday
.1 . e h Sh' ra c.iiiie doi' from Iiock
HI u ii's Sunday.
!:". Philip Ingdis iras to Oaiaha to
.'.:v -.ilh ;i carload of his fn.c cattle.
Xo.-ltinir k Meyer ae erecting another
buii ling in which t!i-y wiil store a largi
!' U of iinj.lenicnts.
L : Alii-o-i wu ilov.n from Eock
iiieii - plecliiCt oil .M';l;('::iy.
11 a i-vni! Las D-a 11 yirv sn ;
veiu'l it ;
T- iV;:is ( :ui
i-l ;:;rtii: Jars i;:
ri 1 ! t to the recent defeat of
SuIIi van."
Prof. Brooks, a traveling temperance
lecturer, gives a lecture and entertainment
at tin' Baptist church Wednesday night.
.V "weight supper" is on the program
for nc t Thursday evening at the Uuion
If this letter is so fortunate tQ escape
your waste basket, we will '"call again."
Yours trulv,
L ts ot watv Shoes
Merges cheap.
Slippers at
Joe will surprise you on his grand
opening of spring and summer goods.
Nothing li) his line that Joe wont be
able to show you -gyads that his com
petitors won't dare offer to the public.
Joe's low price will make Ins competi
tors wonder how he can hell so low.
(.!1 at O. P. Smith Co"s.drug store
and look at their choice valentines. tf
i ?if r. James Woodson, proprietor of
,111- i.iKidt; 7 (-.' , ..i..".. . . j
able proposition toihe citizens, last night
in the J'j'trit'il concerning iie erection
f a line $25,000 hotel. He wiil build a
hotel which will cost not be than $2-"i,-000
providing the city will make him a
present of -f:J,000. He wil' immediately
iuai- a fitiflirieiit deposit to guarantee the
proposition yiU be carried into effect.
Joe the One Price Clothe; connected
with four of the largest retail ch.uiiug
hoiis-s in Illinois and Missouri, which
j enihles him to buy cheaper than any of
' his competitor. 5-lw
If you consult your own interests you
will buy your foot-we,ar of 3Xerge, tf
Dress Goods!
Thirty-Six Inch Henriettes:
In all the Newest Shades, only ''5 ctut a yanls. In cents. (.'o!nrs--Liglit
Gre', Gobelin, Jiisinailc, Dark Ian, Iliack, Mahogany, Navy,
Myrtle, Wine, Brown.
Thiriy-Six Inch All-Wool Henrieiles:
In all the New Coloring; onlv 50
Havana, Myrtle, Gendarme, Olive, SJaj.hiie. Ta::.
Wine, Mahogany, Seal, Slate.
Rfid Fern Suitings:
40 Inch Red Fern Suitings, in all New Mixhuv
pyr yard.
Rutland Broadcloths:
54 Inch Rutland Broadcloths
Ramona Suitings:
54 Inch Ramoa Snitings, all New Mixture,
worth 75 cents.
Striped Suitings:
40 Inch Striped Suitings only 35 cen( - a y;
Lenwood Suitings:
40 Inch Lenwood Suitings, Broken Ship--, only fiO cents a yard
Blankets, Cloaks
One Door East
Gua Lehnhoff, of Louisville, is in tlu' 1
Mr. Clias. Paruielc, of Xchawka, at.'.'
in the city yesterday on business.
Mrs. M. D. Polk weut to Lincoln yes
terday to remain the balance of the week.
Mr. Thos. Kay, an ex-striking fireman,
took his departure for Portland, Oregon,
last nigLt.
The Misses Sides arrived from Cedar
Creek this morning to attend the Catholic
fair tonight.
Mr. Wm. Gallop and wife, of Lincoln,
are miets at the home of II. II. Ilollister.
baggage master.
Mi?s Carrie Greusel loaves for Burling
ton, la., this afternoon. She will visit
friends there far a few days.
Mr. W. II. Biikn'a two children.
who are sick with lung f.-vtr, are ;id ti
be beyond hope for recovery.
Mrs. James Simn:s. of Waver' y, sister
of M;a John Ballon a;e . U visitin ; il e
home of Mr. Lou Pennington.
Mrs. Ituth Amiek Isft for C-uiui!
BluiTs tills m"i iiing. She was aeeon:
panied by Mrs. Jas. Antill to Pacific
Miss Agnes Price, of Crewecheshire,
Eng., arrived last Monday night. She
will take up hec. abode at the home of
her brother-in-law, Mr. Manley.
Mr. Frank Carruth left for Chicago
yesterday atternon to attend a meeting
of the representatives of -different can
ning companies, which is being held
Mr. G. II. Manly, for some time em
ployed in the B. & M. machine shops
to 'k his departure for Wyoming Terri
tory last night where he intends to make
Tiis home.
Ifr. and Mis. Hewitt, of Ashland,
arrived by the flyer yesterday afternoon.
They leave by the yer this afternoon for
Peoria, III., where Mr. IIewitt'3 mother
Is lyleg in a critical condition,
Mrs Maggie Tuney who left here n
short time ago to visit freinds at Atlanta
Iowa., returned to the city this morning
to pay a short visit to her freind Mrc.
Marieta Cagney before returning to her
home in tlie westearn part of the state.
Mr. Byron C4ar and wfe, who were
called to Omaha Saturday by a telegram
Announcing hla broihpr was dyinar.
returned by the flyer yes-terd ay afternoon.
He said that his brother had been uncon
scious for sonn time, and was slowly
Valentiens of all descriptions a; Q. P.
Smith & Cos." " tf -
Be wise and buy your overshoes of
Mergea. ttf
1 . -
E If
0 15 0
yi 1
cents a yai-1, worth 00 cents. Color:
l'.Iack, Cardinal.
o:i!v cents
onlv H c-nts a vard, well wurtli 81.
! 1 1 s a vara,
A 9
So many misfortunes as our worthy
friend Mr Sherman, of the Journal, is
unf'-rtunato enoug'i to fall heir to, are
wealed occa.-ionally by us, although we
.v.imetimes consider the cxosure a tittle
unjust which no doubt occasions him
some embarrassment at times. Yesterday
morning while on the search for daily
news items he against another acei
dtiit which will doubtless cause him
slight embarrassment when h;tn-.ll d
properly. Hehadh.-aid of the 'Mead
liiuuvi" which was foi::nl ill a trunk the
other day and in 1
procure i:;ior:iiatioi
s frantic efforts to
concerning the dis-
covery, iu-iied to curonor Ueock's ;ihv.
?dr. Uo :c! Wtis ale;it. ;'.n.l proceeded en
a sea:v!i tor iiis e aoioyes who were en
gaged at work i:i the basement at the
rear of . the b -ihlisig. Tii-j at;al tliielit is
siiiit oii' Uw::i t!se main room, into which
' !. -! ai: -. 1. ad (ia:.i th- tor- room, by .
i'-.m r, :i!:c!i i!ii;:;s t!i;- r.xiin in
' lis ly .'(. k. Mr. Sil- laiiatl v,-;i.ti.lered i--
tilt t:li 1
:.-:.:;! !.
"' :.
r-uaie teue until ii ' wa -
am ' ii
a u ho t )o! l:i;:i
do.,-.' is a s'.i b-1 to
! . ii :i the .1
. i - i i".i'.-riig to g- ;
out ot tlie elevator liole. into which h
had fallen head first. lie only received
soinefcliiiht bruises.
Joe's boys' and children's clothinu
department will be the nicest in the state
of Nebraska. Look out for his Grand
Spring Opening. 5-lw
The finest line of Valentines in the city
at O. P. Smith &. Co's. tf
Atougli nair.e(' pat Moore, alias Joe
Ryan, John Kelly, Tom O'ltiiley, the kin
of the bums, who was arraigned before
Judge Clifford yesterday on trial for be
ing drunk and loafing around the streets,
was acquitted by he judge after the bum
1 1 ad delivered a llowery speech which he
Ins prepared for such occasions, in which
he promised to leave the city when dis
eharged. He was arrested last night on
same charge as at first. ;ind brought be
fore Ju lti'' Ibissell today, who did not
takeso ma -h jock in his speech, r.s he as
sess -d bin; a of -l!i and eo.-,ls which
!ie will be obliged to b'jard out in the
-..tmty ca.-'le. shtri :I v after he been
discharged yvsU nlay from th"
police coui t, !; was seen by the pc.bee
oourinir whis!;y f.'om a b.ttle t trough
the grab's into ;i cup held by one of his
:ds iiiHid.e. If h r? is any possible way
of disi'-'-iiig o
e i.'i;..beri' ..s vatrntns
biur.ying aroini'l fhr city,
be taki n li; r '!" in t
steps shwiild
at din ciion.
Joe will have aiS iioe-lii: s in bis
iine in th" mark; t. lb will be
-uit the nv-t fastidious.
able to
?rge- feryoir v.:n'cr's footwear
Huy your sweetneart one of those beau
tiful valentines at O. P. Smith & Cos. tf
fash Goods.
We Have received a case of
Patterns copied from
Also Full Lines ot Solid Colors at the same price. Colors Seal,
Myrtle, Black, Olive, Wine, Havana, Cream, Gohelcn, Saphire, Tan
This undoubtedly will he the the
in Wash CJ iods this season. Call
lor it will be dilliiiilt to u;et Good
Winter Goods ai Cost !
toirl &rd roirdi drd roud oi
Life is dear: an& leetAr too.
Lively lively bejts r?
Jamititeturin tintl lu'ji;uni.u i)uitv at a Jw i'ric.
E. Sl Fit. Timo Table.
OOINO WK-IT. 1',1'I.V'l KAsr,
No. 1. 4 ::,; a m. No. 2.-4 p. m.
No. :s. 5 :', . 111. No. 4. la :::e a.
No. r 7 :ST a. ni. No. ii. 7 ::' i. ti
No. 7.--ii ;i. in. No. h. 'J :4." a. ni.
No. !. 0 :i7 i. 111.
AU trai:i!' ran daily by av of fiii.a . -
Nos. 7an.i s whin 1 raa to aau fr':;i r- huyli-r
daily cxeept Mumlay.
Survayor and Draftsman
Plans. Specifications and Estimates, Mu
nicipal Work, Mivjs ivc.
J.H.E3DIGNS, 31. I).
Physician $ Surgeon
Olfie over Wp-eott'.- Fter, Mam street.
rwMileru'P in l)r S-'liildkisec'it's jiro: eity
I'arciiic D:s"aie arid Dise tss of Wr.inen ami
Caildre'i a neet:iHy. Oiliee iiotirf, 9 to It a. 111
2 to "i and 7 to fi p. ni.
iJST-Telepaoae at botli ) "ae ami Kidence
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
mc&l tt Ileisel'a mill, tf
j ana loos at tneir c&oice TaieEt!H,
c sgh:
w tar w 1
i (o it wn n (
Wash Goods '
the Finest French Goods,
Per Kard,
ver Offered
early het'ore the selection is broken
Patterns later
A. Marshall.
eft r prf
'reservation of the Natural Teeth a
;pitia!ty. Auef-iii'-tic u . ui fo-
J j i:ss Fii.i.iNG oh Exti: ci ;V.n Wk'Teeth;
lArtiticid teeth mid..-' on Gold. S'iltrW
j Rubber or Celluloid phtbs, and inserte4
a sociu -.i-i iec-111 are ejitracteit wlien fja
All work warranted. Prices reasonabU,
Fitz-ukkalo'h Ui, Pr. v rrsnotTTH Nkh
The 5 ;h t. Hsrc hant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign 4 Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Intereet by Glvm? Rlma-
' i ' j t '
iv--y xsa ? gra u Lesley v
1 i
I Dr. C.