The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 13, 1889, Image 1

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RM.b?' 15. :i JiM - 'V VY
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RnvAi p'
Absolutely Pure.
This jxuvtltT i.-vi-r varies. A marvel of pur
ity, iriiK'li itml lil-si!i:cm-ss, M.i rro
Domtcal than I onliiiai y lwinls,:itil e.itiimt lie
Oll III Clill't It loll Wltil tlx 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - -1
test, ftlmrt weight alum or li-..liat": wleis.
Hold :ily In c i.s. Kdvai, Hakim; I'iumiki:
Co..l06Vull St. New Yoiic.
1'ohce Jii-le,
1. M. I(l II k v
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1 P MVl I.I.H.N. I'l'.Vi-
J W Johns i,Cii .ikma.v
I J W Johns i,Lii -.11
Board Pub. Works khki ;iuK't
( D 11 11 AWKsWoItl II
Deputy Treasurer, -
Deputy Clerk,
Recorder of Deeds
Deputy Kecortler
Clerk of IJUtrict Co.irt,
Hupt. of Pu!. School.
County Julife.
D. A. 1'AMCIiKI.I.
Til"-. Pnl.l.oi'K
Hll(I IS I H-ll !-' I Kl.ll
KA t'ICI Ifll I- I
V. II. Pool.
.T : i n .! I.kviia
V. '. SllnWAI.I
.1. C. KlKI- N!4Alt
A. .M AKol.r
Al.l.KN 1!KKSiN
C. liL'SSKI.I.
HOAItK rt'jT
A. B. Todd. Ch'in.,
Lor is KoI.TZ,
A. B. Dl ' k.ion ,
VWe-iinn Wntel
K in wool'
t1ASs 'uVl)l'' No. lit;. 1 . . I'. -.Meet
'every Tue- lay eveniii?; of ei'cil week. All
transient trtiiers are reppeelfiiHy iuvited te
IJLAT TM' ) t: i ll KNCAM I'M KNT No. "i. I. .
O. t'.. Meeis every a'ternate Friday in
enob liiifin!; i" t!i" Mas-mie H ill. Visiting
Brother ar-j iavitod fo at lend.
mtUO I.OHGK NO. 8t. A. . t:. W. Meets
1. everv iltern il Frl.tay eveniii at K. of P.
hall. 1 ransient lirolhers are resjii-etf u!!y in
Tifed to an end. F. P. Brown. !;.s:er v,ik
nian:; I'. K mier. F rencoi ; i. Steimke
Hverseei ; W. I!. V. i r. Fmaiu-ier: :. K.
Housewoi ill. Keeerder ; F J ."! i i: oi. I.Ve.-iv-er
; Win Ci eli an . I i e : Wo.. I.a-iw:-:. i; .
Aatell : 1- tdsen, liat-id;- WaU-
uss tlv'.IP o. M. )i)K !.' N vio;)!K
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j ..i i.' ..f li . I All I :eir
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hrother- ft'.e re -iies!'d d meet v I.. A.
Xo Ve., :'.' ;";'! ' ,-
Worthy dvier;. I. W i.i-ier ; N . A
Boeek, Clerk .
pEVrrsvor : ii i.oduK N" s. .a.
Slft everv ui'..-: i.ate Fii.i y t -j-.i'.i: :o
KtN-kHi-l !i i!":t s ..(! . Ail :i.iii!- I.I !l. !
ers are rei-ei: i: y i .vi:-I -o ;-.n.-:: l. I..
l.xrsoii. t. W. ; F. l .-.d. ..;. :.:..:: '
VVllile. ii e. r lei : I.t..!l;:d Alo-rs a. ' 'vej-e-i
il. ATI !u: t -I I. I ;F. N'i'.'-, A. !'. s.
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ra Ii im-aii. a: M ;.m .s ismi. i-i l-A le '
are ei.r.u.oi h i- u. -
tUFScnt'Ncii. n i.v."..koVai. i;cam .
ineel tlie second and f;-t;i.n M.'in!as :
eli i.ioui.1: at Areat.uni 1I..U.
K N. tD.KNN, K-j:e::t.
P. C. Ms sell, rteerita.j;.
President ...Kd.t. B Wi2..1ia.
1st Viee President V- H. lo.l..
2nd Vie-President - w ' -vi.!.-
Secretary !" r: ; ';
Treasurer r oi:..n...i.
ll UK' TiOtS.
J. C. IIS. lev. F. K. WlMie. J C. I'attersol .
J. A. Conner. P.. Hi--!!. C W. l:cni:ai.. r. . ol
der, J. V. n.i;U'!v
J. W. Johnson
C. S. Twiss .Senior lee "
K. a. Batks ..Junior " ....
Oro. Sit-iss. Ad; lira.. .
HZNKV StRfllilir .....I.'. A.
Ma m.n Dixon i m.-r of t n. i.i.
chaki.ks Four. "
" ' f",L'tr l "'! '
jAVno'i'r"A--'"-- ..yu.-U'.-r .-n-'i-r s-.-i.!.
.. C. Cruris P" -t V tia; .a:n
-Meeting "?aliirday ever.i.i
The Boss Tailor
Maiu S: Over Merges' SSi e Store.
113 the lcst and most complete stock
J of sample?, both foreign and domestic
f woolens that ever came Avt st of Missouri
river. ITcte tl.f.e ricesr V: i:.(?s suits
from to J:;j."tlr.s5 t-uit-S" 4'2t to 15.
panU, ?'' $(3-"'t "ad upwards.
JSPWill guaranteed a Gt.
Prices Defy ComoeiiUon.
Claine Thinks Wo Ouht to Havo
the Island
Nkw Vi:k, 1 !. ntly C'uii-
on s.-iinaii .Millikin nf.N'inv Ym k, who if
J a larc maiiufai tun-r ami has iuyi htiucnts
in tin; south, railed on Hlaine on private
Im-iniss. During tin! ( on versatiun the
mtrthaiit, who had known lilaino for
ye. its ask-l liiin if he was in favor of the
annexation of Canada. Millikcn says
Illainv rejdit d tli tt he was, lut that he
did not think it would lrou;ht uhout
iy agitation. In the courc-c of time he
thought th.: l)o:niuiuii would naturally
gravitate into the A uk-i iran union. If
we were reaching alter territory to in-rrea-ic
our wealth and strength, he
thought Cuha should In; the place for us
to secure, iir-t. "In its relation to health"
sa'nl Mr. Iilainc, "Cuoa i.s the natural
home of pestilential diseases, ut-pcciully
fever. Under tin? direction of our emi
nent sanitarians I have not the slightest
doiiht that the exi.-lin cause of this
dreaded disease could he exterminated
from every part of the territory of Culm.
In point of economy it would he cheaper
for the United States to luy the islaud
from Spain at almost any cost rather
than it should he a constant menace
to the health and prosperity of the
southern states. The cost, directly and
indirectly, to the hus'u ess of the country
during the la-t yellow fever was greater
than tii j yalue of Cuha, even if you put
it on a nu ie money hasis. Hut when you
consider the peril to life which the fever
constantly brings, its purchase would not
he dear at any prh c. The next ohjtct
which makes it valuable is its relation to
the United States as a strategic point. It
practically controls the Gulf of Mexico.
It actually commands positions which
we oUi;ht, in the natural order of things,
to posess and control. In regard to its
contributing to our wealth, Cuba in the
Irmda of Yankee people and by that I
mean the thrifty, energetic, inventive
American race would add immensely to
our prosperity. Under the control of
skilled labor its productive resources
wolfl be increased a hundred fold."
Tho Mormons Knocked Out.
Oodkx, Utah, Feb. 1:5. In the munici
pal election Monday the liberals elected
tli -ir full ticket by majorities averaging
about -1 '. Tlu mayor elect is F. J. Kie
sel, a wliolesal'.' grocer, who has been a
citi;-n of Utah lor twenty live years. The
defeated candidate, John A. Boyle, is
also an old-time resilient and staunch
Mormon. Ogdeu is the first towa in
Utah to elect a gentile mayor, and the
eyent is looked upon as a great victory,
not only for this city, but for thj whole
teiritory, as it will encourage the liberals
in other t.nvns, an I more speedily bring
about the end being sou;ht, tiiat of in
during immigration to Utah. Heretofore
the people cf the c.:st Lave looked
upon the territory as being completely
uiiilcr Mormon ride, and they have been
slow to uu I rta'-.e in ve.-tm -nts or eyen
residence here. Tiu g. utiles of Ogd. n
are p.irtici'.l nly proud of their i.Mej.v.s.iu
that they feel tli it liiey arc n .v in tlie
l.-ad, and that by diiii,; -:it i iT :t
in Isold i: .
TnaWn T.'tjls.
I.Nil! .N:I' :.!. 1J 1 1 t'u white
triil t-' ia.., a I l.o:ulngtm, lid., oi
i i: ei--v :i M '.:. - c .iaiy ciciz -us, Wil
li Ha Murphy t ..-tiiied t.i it h; a-.vak.-n i
Xori!iii"s cl:i. i, vvmo hid co.n.- to
oil e in hi.- n'eiit clotnes vm bare feet
and had toi.i tne what w is going
on at the boy's home. Murphy went
with the boy, ami from his hiding place
heard the cries of the father aud voices
of the men. lie saw" Norman's daughter
crawling under tlie hcuse, called to her.
and took her home with him. Other
witnesses gave tijually damaging testi
mony. The defciis.' introduced evidence
tcM'.iing to show" that Norman and his
wife had a bad character. The most of
the time, however, was occupied in
attemti' g to prove an alibi to persons
charged with the olleuse, 1 he case will
close tomorow.
The Standard Company.
Tiie Standard Theatre Co., now rilliDg
a wetk's engagement at the Bijou are
meeting w ith unq'i dilied and well merit
id success. At each performance thus
tar the capacity cf the comfortable little
theatre h is been tested. It ci.n b e saia
that tlie only cheap feature about this
coiupuitys the price of admission. The
various nieir(btTs are of a higher grade of
talents ihui. the ayeiaye high priced com
panies that have visited Clinton; both
'"lends" being exceptionally strong. The
costumes are work of art, and the special
scenery carried is good. The Standard
should and doubtless will receive liberal
patronage the remainder of the week.
Clinton Iowa, Pa:v New.
'l lie tan.laid I 'Ilea ire Company will
rill a week'i er.gag.;ment at the opera
house. ommencing Monday, Feb. 10th.
Th." price are so low that the company
will surely see crowded houses each night
fiftccn.twenty-five aud thirty-five cents.
A List f Numbers of the Tickets
Drawing February Capital
Plattsmouth Has $1200 Invested.
As there arc so many speculators in this
city who are anxious to learn the nsult
of the late drawing in the Louisiana
lottery, the IIkkai.i has secured thenum
beis which draw shares in the capital
prizes for the month of February. It is
estimated that about 1, "'((, or more,
was invested here this month.
Ticket number 2"),il5 draws the capi
tal prize of $300,000; ticket M,10.) draws
lo(),(o0. The following numbers draw
if 50,000 ami lower prizes: 17,Ui,
t0G, il,0l, L'0,C7, lU,73:i,Jl,-20.S, I'H,-'-M,
75,7:!:!, :: 1,151)4, 22,527. We would
be grieved, for the sake of business for
the coming month, to learn that any of
the above numbers are held in Platts
mouth. The Catholic Fair.
There was a big time at Fitzgerald's
Hall last night. The hill was crowded
to suffocation set under management of
Mr. O'Connor and Col. D ive McKutee as
sisted by (.'apt. Will Fitzgerald who had
charge of the dance floor and every body
was pleased and went home happy.
The booths were one of the main
features of the entertainment. It charmed
the heart of the reporter of Tare IIkkald.
It w is simply gorgeous and magnificent,
but the reporter will defer his report un
til tomorow evening w hen he will give a
detailed account of the names of all tho
ladies who participate at the booth and a
full synopsis of the display with a full
account of the drawing. There will be a
large picture, painted by the ar
tistic hajd of one of the sisters,
voted for this evening, valued at $100.
The contestants are Mayer llichey and
Dr. Theo. Livingston. Come citizens
and patronize a most worthy object lis
well as have a good time.
A Kangaroo Drive.
Kangaroos arc a great scourge- to tlio
farmers in some pin ts of Aust ralia. They
Jostroy the grass and literally starve the
slu-ep oil the plains. This forces the
fanners to devise ineans for killing them
off. and a "drive" is the one generally
employed. A yard with a high fence is
built on the plain, and two fences run
from it for a long distance, coming to
gether like the letter V, ami all the nien,,
boys and blacks in the neighborhood ai p
mounted on horseback and scour tho
country for miles around. They drive
the kangaroos into the jaws of tho V,
and thence into the yard, where the
blacks enter with clubs and begin the
work of slaughter.
Mr. Knox descri'oea a little "drive" his
party had on their own account: There
were ten or twelve kangaroos feeding
quietly, and we were within a few hun
dred yards of the;i( bfofti they were,
aware of it. At the first alarm they
rose on their hind legs and took a look
all around, and a second later they were
away. How the' did jump! They
seemed to go thirty or forty feet at a
time, but our host said it was little more
than fifteen feet We let the dogs,
w hich up to this time had been kpt yy
hind us. and thoy wen aay" without
any urging Tiie dogs are kept for ihis
purpose, jiist as fox hounds are kept in,
LInglaud and France, or deer '.iicoija tn
Scotland.. T,p j...- .mjii overtook and
pulit-ij down ii young kangaroo, and then
they were put on the trail of an "old
mail" kangaroo, as a full grown male is
The "old man" led the dogs . iyeVjf.
chae. He made direct', ior w ater, sev
eral n:i!;. iy. which 'is their custom,
if he cannot reach water he takes his
stand with his back against a tree, and
in that jjosition is a dangerous f atui:
to approach. We fpiiowed. the togs as
closely as we could, but did not come up
to thein until the kangaroo was at bay in
a xkj1 where the water just left his fore
legs clear as he stood upright. The dogs
swam around him or stood on the shore
of the pool when we came up. The pool
was a small one and the creature real
ized that it was his safest retreat, and he
was evidently determine- tc. a gaui&
A shot fiiiiu a rirle in the hands of one
of the men finished him. Philadelphia
The Wrouj flouse.
Peddler Can I sell you a cake of polish
ing soap, mum? It will brighten yuur
silverware like new, will put a shine oh
your piano so you wouldn't know it. It
cleans jewelry like magic Try one
cake, only ten cents, mum, and you,
never will be without it again in, ypur
Woman or the House t'retfectiveiy)
Lemnie i.oe? Didn't I buy a cake of that
very st :n; from you four years ago?
Peddler (hastily) Good day, mum, ex
cuse tny mistake. Wrong house.
Jeweller.;' Weekly.
Siul i'ltu.ii;.
"pun t you 'tilths there 13 something
wcriderfjlly satisfying in Herr Ausgo
Fpichl'rt playing, professor?" "Indeed I
do. I had enough before he had been at
the piano five minutes, but he went on for
half an hour." Burdette in Brooklyn
Supper After tbe l'ly.
The Sun is asked "whether it Is con
sidered good form to take a young lady
'o supper after a performance at tho
Authorities differ. If you think the
young lady is hungry, however, you
might bo justified in doing so, even
though you should limit your own lunch
eons for a week afterward to make good
the expense incurred.
Secondarily, it depends upon the girl.
Plump girls are not apt to order and cat
as vorac iously as thin girls. This is no
cording to Max Muller and Professor
Huxley. A judicious outlay for bon
bons early, in the evening, however, will
often check the feminine tendency to
ward terrapin after the play.
Moreover, you should bo guided in
somo degree by details of time and
place. If you havo ljeen at the German
ojn-ra, the difference of an hour or two
in getting homo will not weigh with tho
home authorities.
But, seriously, if yon have oon at the
theatre until say 11 p. ui. , it there is a
married lady in the party, it is well enough
to ask tho crowd to eat, as they say in
Ix-adviilo. But if you are escorting a
young lady without a chaperon it Is in
better taste to say nothing about supper,
since there is a distinct prejudice ngainst
young ladies going into restaurants at
that hour except in a party whereat least
ono married lady is apt to bo found.
This idea is sensible and good and most
peoplo 6eo its fitness.
Whcjo young people are very old
friends they may feel like taking a little
latitude in such matters. There can be
no possible harm in the act, but as it is
liable to provoke unkindly comment,
tho young gentleman should consider
that any special comment by strangers
upon a lady is in itself most undesirable
in every way, and he should reflect that
other people have no means of knowing
that he and his companion are more to
each other than mere acquaintances in
society New York Sun.
The Gimlet Man.
"I should like to sell you a gimlet,'
said a careworn looking man, as ho
walked into the office tho other day.
"We havo no use for one," replied the
'But you cliouid always look into the
misty future," went on the fiend, de
murely. "Next winter you will want to
make holes in your boot heels so you can
get your 6kates on."
"I use club skates no straps re
quired." " You may want to screw some loards
together some time. Tho old fashioned
method of driving screws in with a ham
mer ts pernicious, as it deteriorates the
tenacity of tho fangs of the screws, as it
"Nothing today, sir."
"The gimlet also acts as a cork
screw" "I don't want it."
"It has an eraser, a pen, an inksiand,
a table for computing compound interest
and a lunch box attachment."
"1 can't help it; I aon't want it.'
"I know 3"ou don't. You're one of
those mean men that vi-pj'j -uy a gimlet
unless it has a yesta iii-aoi, u trip to Eu
rope and an Italian opera couipany at
tached. You're the kind of a man who
would Jive near an electric light to save
a gas bill."
And the pedkr walked out with bib
ai.-;Kr.l plunge on tho perpendicular.
Texas .Siftings.
I'mii;;;!,-. yf (-.xL-feuee.
Diji-iiw. is a mcun, fellow; it alwavs
strikes a man when he's down. Two
me n i ;:iie into, a car together ono over-workc-tl,
d.e't!ie;-..-ed, wonted and exhaust
ed, t'!0 other interested in his work
which m ploys c-vi ry faculty to i he ul
termo.i, comfortable and happy, with
:!io conviction that hi i v. ii'y j-; y'ls-, :.
est i.i the v'":!-, j;-. h.iMrt-n j:s
bright a; :" vi'C. Miur. n. and that he
! :' n r-rv bud hint t.f a fellow himself
A i!rau; !:t blows through the car a:
s'.::i:al. striking both i.-.s-n. hK y i cih
take cold: one has j U'eoMionia and dies,
and the t;lhcr a void in his head, w hich
he sneezes away in two days. It is estsv
to' draw the inference and with it to de
duce the formula that comfort, cheer
fulness and iiojiefulness are the best pro
moters of exi.r-tence. I r. Shradv.
ITope Deferred.
"Go to bed. sir. in the closet thee,"
said an enraged father p. u h.n w ho had
given bur. Jus .-rtii.-e;f offense; "were it
not that these gentlemen are present 1
would give you a sound whipping, but
you shall have it liefore breakfast to
morrow, certain," The little rebel went
to his crib with a heavy he?;ri, and the
enjoyments of pai ty continued until
a ate hour. when the jiarty was
about to break up, the closet door was
quietly pulled back and the youiig of
fender put out his hi-itl, requesting that
the sentence might be put in execution.
"Father, wouM J'? ju&t gie me my liks
this r.ight, for I canr.a sleep without
them?" London Telegraph.
His Face BetrayeJ Him Not.
"Ah." said wise Erudite to Miss Shrewd
at a party the other night, "what
a sad. sad face that geiitlen-.a.v ag pver
there is the cornsr. 1 huve,' been watch
jug Via; alt the evening ar.d J have not
iipen him smile once. His heart ishcav"
with some mighty grief. m sliro G"f
it, and have Loo- wondering what it
could ti- and letting my heart go out to
him in sympathy. Do tell tne if you
know his history."
"Yoa." replied MissF.lirewd briefly, "he
editor of a humorous paper." Drake's
lias left tor tlit; East to buy tlu; Finest, Largest ami Cln'UPvt
Stock of
Spring end Summer Clothing
Ever J 'rollout to Cass county. Koinciiilx'i JOE will l!ny
"'-CLrr.lILn.lm. G-ood.c7
Than You Ever Saw in Pliitlsnioutli.
lias not got one ' dollar's worth of Spring (iools, or oll SJu lf
"Worn Goods. Everything voti will see in his store
will be 13 ran .New, of the
At Such Low IViccs it Will Astonish You.
II i! Wl
After a -;:ic 'os.-lul j trsuit of over 17 ye irs oJ'r;trf;iu.;r tti rcan
tile trade, I lind inyseii' ior tlie jt-t six mouths unable to be at my
store in-tr.: than three to ii v.i ii"!i."s a -1 ty. My gjneral health tailing,
I am oblig.-d to retire from aeti'.ij lu-iness, tor a time, at least, until
I g 't well again
For reasons above given I will lJisooe of my Stock by April
oth. The Low Prices continues as last week, and those wrlto. bought
n-oods of us last week will hear testimony to our Imtp.Otise Stock at
Stanle Goods and Low Prices.
Dress Goods, Ail-AVool, Uook-folded, in all the latest Shades, at the
popular price of 25 cents.
Checked Goods, 40 inches wide, all wool (generally sold Jit 33,
cents per yard,") at 33 Cents.
TJicie goods are advertised in Omaha at So and 40 cent.,
Jamestown Itroodhead Goods in full Stock and sold at 21 cents
per Viird bargains Sold elsewhere at 25 cent.
Ginghams trom 5 to 7 cents per yard; Dress Ginghams, choice
styles at S.1.; Indigo Jlue German Caliv from 7 to 11 cents per yarl,
Muslins Ifrom o to 10ic. per yard; Ilop3 7!, Lawnsdale ft;
Fruits OX; Wannesatta 1CU fiajf and Unbleached proportionably lov.
Turkey Pct Tne Linens 25 cents per yard ; White Table Cloth
from 15 to. 25 centa per 3ard.
Ulankets, FUnnc-ls, Shoes go at prices Cv.-..
--aif aviejsrw tw ,iT-j- v .-.-:ki s -ri;