The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 12, 1889, Image 1

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I 3
sijcoxi) vi:ai:
f r
! I!
1 . I
1 I
i -l
f j
X f royal rsasj S
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnr
lty,treii!;li anil w lio!e-oiiienes-i. Mine eco
nomical than the nnlmary kiii'i-.aiil cannot lie
old in compel it ion wit Ii tin' niiilt 11 inle nl In a
tet, short weight alum or !i .(fi:it - jiowilers.
Hold o il v in ii -. l;nvi, Hakim: I'ov.okk
Co.,lot;Vall St. New Yoi . SJ IS
K. M. Ki iikv
W K Fox
JAMKH lAT r KKKO .N, .1 K.
S Cl.ll-'KOItll
Okouoc. I'oisai.i.
Knirluei r, -Police
Councilinen, lit ward,
2ml "
4th. "
t .1 V WnKltWII
t M .l".N KS
'( lH. A .Sill I'M AN
M ( M i r. I'll v
I S W ll ITI'N
t ( ON ( ' ' ,N 'K.
I I' .M' CA I. I.K.N. I'KKs
I .1 W .l-n.NS IN.CHAI
Boaid rub. Work e iikh CoiinF't
I 1 II Hawk.-Woki h
.! V.J'rt.NS iN.t'llAIUMAN
Ieputy 1'rea-iurer, -
Deputy Clerk.
Kecorder of Deed
lieputy Iteoor.ler
Clerk of LMi-tucl Curt,
Hupt. of Pub. School.
Tn'n. rin.i.'H'K
Hi r.n i n i ri ii t I k i.e.
K.XA ( i;l io'I- IKI.Ii
w. u. r.ii
.l'!i M l.rv ia
V. C. .S.(V Al.lKli
J. C. El K I N It MC N
A. .M A Hill.!
M v' aiu Sei x k
County Jiiiiiie. -
A. B. ToiM. Clt'lil., - - ria'ismoi.n
LOUIS KokTZ. - Weeplli:; :itel
A. B. Ul'-KHoN. - K mwooi:
C1ASSWLLM;K .No. 11H. I t. O. K. -Meet-'every
Tiiend:iy t veiilII4 of e;l.'Il Week. All
tnnsieiit brot'i-'is are re-iec:fu!ly iiivi'.ed te
iLATrMoi'ril ENCAMPMEN T No. :. I. O.
O. K.. meei every a'tern tie 1 rt ir in
acta month i;i ih M:foiiic 11. ill. Visiting
Brother ate iuvite-l to attend.
riKK) i.iix;e no. m. a. . i
. W. Meet.
averv .ilf-rii il iti.i.iv eveitinu ;i? iv oi r
hll. Tr.iii-ietit lr-il I'.er-t :ire re-peetni ly in
vited to at tetnl. )'. . I'.rouil. i.l'K
man;(S H. K m-'er. K renum : I-" II. Mi'imkc
Uereer; W. I. Ml:.r. Kmiiiieier : :. h
ilouMiHorih. Ke'..,ler ; E. .1 M-r i. ir-reiv-er;
m Creh:m. ;"i e : 'A n.. I.u lu-i.1.
Aiitell ; U. I'Im'H. Out!i!e V;i!- i
' of Amerie Meet- -eciM'il ! (oi:: t'.i Me.n
day eveiiiiitf at h. of 1. Ii.iil AM I lati-icii
brother are reijueNted to meet w'tli I.. A
Nwco -:er. Vr! er .! ! C.m-tiil : ' ! . ". Nile.
Worthy Advi-er ; ri c. ilde, l!:iikt-r ; W . A
Boeck. Clerk.
ItLATTSMiH' ! II l.ulniK
V s. . I) I". U
Meet everv
:er::::'.'' I' M.I i-.rriii
kinkiriiiUt:ll,:n'il'i''. Ail ::.!!.. ::i . -1 . -1 1
rit n'e ri;:etf .:i'y ii.vli'l m n 1 1 -1 . f . 1..
l.jrs.'.n. iJ. U. , K. !:..!. : s.
WiMe, lia.iril.': : ., ml An.l.'.-i n. 'v. : i
rt eat i :!.::' l -i i. :i: n.
il-els oil tii- li:-t :i:el li .r!
each ii'"!:'';;'' ;' ''i'1
.j. i;i-
WI. II ts. Sv-! ! ;.ry.
A. N
i Vie;-! se-r m.
nioQih at M :w;. r i-. n iiiiii.e:
- are iuvil -J ( n-'i'i ;:! uV.
. i. II. i'
VM. I1 vi. c : : ;:
7A't t . t I .
! i : . mi
iU.jl..vj- -,... ...i I i - i -! w i
aie e.nuuiiy i- :
.i m :i
. i. h I;.-.
E. n i : 1 1
1". C
ttAS'rU'Cl.'NCluNO le-.-l, KnVAl. ECA N
' i:.i!;i Hie fi-iM!!.! ai:J ;.i:ulii M'Ui:.ts i,
tbb MObth Ui A:i'a.:imi ll:lil.
11. S. IiI.k.nx, Erui iit.
P, C. Mimo:
rVi-i etary.
President Kobt. I! Win.: ban
1st Vice President - 1. i-'
2ud Viiv rnsnUn: mii NeviMe
Beeretary K. Ilni niin.
Treasurer E. K. iuni!i:ui
iii;k t.ks.
J. C. Ui. bev. F. E. White. .1 C. l-i't-i-rso:
J. A. Conin r. E. El-':i. W. .siiei liiai.. E. ten
der, J. V. reS.!i. ii.
MoOUIHlc POST 43 C. A. R.
J. w. Johnson
C. S. Twiss
Gito. Murs
Hzmky STKKi.;:ir.
Maun Dixon
Charlm Kri
..Seliiiir ViCt
. ;u:ior -
g. M.
-llieer of the 1 .
" ; u:irt.
Srrj:! ;ajoi.
.. Quarter M:4'er fer,:.
L. V. C t Kris Saturday evening
The Boss Tailor
Main St., Over Mercs' Slu e Store.
Has the best unl most complete stock
of samples !oth foreign anil tlouicstu
woolens that ever came wot of Missouri
rirer. Xote these prices: Iiii-itn .s suit.
from $16 to f i't. tlress suits, .-C j to 4.
pant 4, $'j.lO :unl upAanls.
fgWill guaranteed a fit.
Prices, Defy Comoetilion.
Attacked By Two Men About a Mile
From Norfolk.
Xom-oi.k, X. l. , IVI. 12. Tins city
was tlirown into jn-at xciti-inii.t ye.ster-
1 iv afternoon In-twecn 1 anil o'cluf k
ly tin; report drought into town 1 y 10. I).
HiuniiKni.l, a nursery sum, living out
iienr tin: lioi pital. to tin- elTtet Unit Dr.
Kelly lia I li:-i n lmt. Tlie doctor ilrovir
to town witli his wif'J in t!r; aft 'ni on
Mnl was icturniii'; wlu n a coitjilu of men
ill o vc out of a "fiivc u!out :i mile from
town ami eoiuinenceil shooting at him
with revolvers. (letting ly them he
drove at n rapid rat'? tiva:d.-i the liospi
t d. They tui ii'jil, and putting their
liors -s into a run, eontinued their shoot
ing, foll'jwin.ij him for lialf or threc
ju liters of a mile. lie was s-truek twiee
in the arm, :ind onee in the shoulder, the
hall prohaMy fracturing tlio bone, and a
fourth shot p.Sbhi throu-;li his coat col
lar dose to his neck. The doctor is very
scrioudy, but it is thought not danger
ouly wounded. The horse was probubly
fatally shot. Siieriif riynn, I'oliceinm
O I! man and immediately mounted
horses and started for the junction, where
they found and arrested the would-be
assassins, brought them to town and put
them in the lockup. They will be care
fully guarded toni-lit to prevent any at
tempt at rescue. The men who did the
shootino are a brother of Caroline Sou
dier, and either his brother-in-law or
some friends
The excitement inerea.sjs rather than
dect eases, as the facts bjcomj koown.
The charges u-uiist, Dr. Kelly for causing
the death of the .Soudier girl are now
familiar to the people of the state. The
doctor is under si 0,000 bonds on this
charge. The feeling against him on the
part of ceitain classes, particularly the
relatives of the girl, has been strong,
and threats of violence has been made.
There is, however, no sympathy with
litis attempt to murder Dr. Kelly. It is
felt that the courts are able to deal with
the case. The jaii is .strongly guarded,
and no trouble is aeticipatcd. At this
time the condition of Dr. KeJIy is bp
lievcd to be j.iave, while his wife is
greatly prostrated.
Steps taken to Protect American
Interasts In Punama,
Washington, I Vb. 11. The senate in
secret session, passed the followiug bill,
to enable the president of the L'niteil
States to protect our interests in Panama:
lie it enacted, etc., that there be and is
hereby appropriated out of any money in
the treasury not otherwise appropriated
.... n ' ' 1 .
dent to protect the ini. tev-ts of tliu T inted
States, and to provide for the s'-curity of
the persons and properly of the citizens;
of the United i-.t. ties at in.' Hlliliio-. oi
I'iin una in stub manner as h-j may deem
. xpedient.
It is 1 -allied that the con: utttee on
fori igti relations had recciv.d no news but. d-vin-:nu
it bt.-xt to l.e pivi -a; I'd b.i suy diut
.nii;iit occur, it ha I decided to ask for
i'i o i-i ';' of the bi!i at one-? as an inde-
si.i. nt measure, raflu r t!i:in l'-!' thede.
. 'vs an I ,i:e a ; i ii!)' it -, atteii Eng .ill
iMiidiiu nt to I he sippr.ip: iati n bid. The
:;ou;i! s f.-ared are sitcli as are meld-.-nt
.. tee ,t:-el-i:-.
. !: is :a ;!
.er i.v cut '.
body of 1 d ifels
'.! are
d '.vll i. i.l their d -S'V !'-
i:i i .li. :iVi-. tv :e.-..ri to . l;. . i:cc
oi.l M o i-h. ii. Ii is lia-leict i'C'i that it
'i .s been deemed wise by the aiititori'.ies
of the United ht itc, Ureat Ikitaiu anJ
'other nations hafmg large numbers of
their citizens employed on the Panama
janal to arrange for bringing them ljunre
m case or a wholesale discharge, ami
not to suffer th.-ai to remain on the isth
mus in destitution and want: To pro
vide for this the sum of ;?.'i0,o00 was
After a number of appointments favor
ably reported by the ecniiv.itttcs hud
been continued, the (.uesiion of moving
the injunction of secrecy from the pro
eeedings in connection with the consid
eration of the I: itish extradition treaty
was taken up. To this there was con
siderable oppos:tun. The motion finally
prevailed and tomorrow a record of pro
eeedings covering a period of two or
three Year will be furnished to the press.
l.ivo Men.
r.v::i seem never to f,rov ole
.-.:-.V3 active in thought,
lv t r.'.Iopt nor: ideas, thev a;v
ij cv chr-rrrcauh with focvisr.i. Satis-
tied yet ever tlissatisiied, settled yet
c v.r i::i-.c.ticd, they always enjoy the
be.-1 f wh:.t is and ;:io the tin.-L t lind
t!ie last i f what will be. riiiladcl
ohi.i l:; ;ui;er.
lie wise and buy jour overshoes of
A French Wuuuii'a Scheme.
Mme. l'eyanaud was bom in Paris,
and up to the time of her marriage en
joyed the respect of all who knew her.
.Soon after her wedding her husband, a
bnrber, died, leaving her in jkjs-
sc.-ision of tno secret or tjoautil ving
the complexion. Sho continued tho bus
iness, but it was not sufficiently remu
nerative, whereupon 6he conceived the
idea of com j iel ling her customers to pay
more liberally.
Sho advertised extensively, promising
the most remarkable improvement by
the use of her wash, but enjoining abso
lute secrecy upon tho ladies whom she
proposed to benefit. Soon her business
increased, and then she put her scheme
into operation. Selecting the wealthiest
of patrons sho gavo them a mixture
which when applied to the face
brought out blotches instead of
roses. When they applied for relief,
sho would demand an exorbitant sum
to elTect a euro which her vic
tims only too gladly paid. Sho contin
ued this business successfully for some
time, until a Miss Nichols, who was vic
timised, had her arrested for swindling.
She was tried in Paris in 1675 and sen
tenced to prison. After serving several
years she managed to escape and sailed
for New York, where sho lived very
(juietly. One day she attended church,
and, overcome with remorse, sought the
ollieiating priest and confessed her sins,
staling at the same time her readiness to
do penance. The priest advised her to
forsake her evil ways and spend her
days in prayer.
She at once came to tins city and
sought tho hut on the Catonsville road,
in which she passed tho remainder of her
life. She prayed constantly and often
scourged herself. Her only companions
were the dumb animals sho collected.
Up to within a few -lays before her death
she enjoyed good health. All her prop
erty will probably go to the Catholic
church. Baltimore Cor. St. Louis Globe
Democrat. Incrimination on Parallel Railroads.
Hut, without supposing that they were
committing a crime, and as yet uncon
vinced of sin, these three railways. Ictus
say, came together and determined to
make a single rate to Chicago for all
business received by each of the three
lines; these receipts to be ooled and
divided. Even iiad they proceeded upon
a basis of the single actual receipta to
each for solicited business, there could
be no difference to the public either
way; but they .chose to consider the
most complicated problem of a single
tarliT divided upon the ;iempi expendi
ture, outlay and cost. What resulted?
Simply that there was (as the interstate
commerce law says there shall be) no dis
crimination. Hut when tii Interstate
law, rt iiiio keeping tho w ord of promise
to tho ear by saying there should Le no
discrimination, broke it to tho hope by
saying there should tie no pool, what re
sulted? Why, in the case of these three
. . ,
roads, a discrimination in fi'vor of one-
ngaji-it im u thirds! "For, when
each c.r throe roads makes its own
tariif, of course, the road having the
smallest fixed charges to pay io:i!;"s the
lowit rales. ri;i dv.;;i!t--o ;d(ntr that
line ha vii tho ad vantage of those low
raies to width, of the other two rail
waj'i-.. utdy one can approximate, while
the third line must either go to iheothet
exlrcir.e er defraud the holders of its
securities. AppIctoTi Morgan in Pi!ular
Science Monthly. '
T.IarVe's (iKninr.
r people call him A. W. Marble.
; people-know h'rs as Will Mar
I.: ..sea io in-. (;:e of i!ie briglitest
itti st men on the 'hi -a.o i.s:n!
I v.
of ir;1.'
,;;:!" 1
he w.:
the v.
,f .'
1 i
f l:i-( !
e. i;i i!;e ci.:::ie hi:-:ory of tiiat
lie it v ;::: v. h.M.'.iec d.-clare.!
!:;.ppy because In- w::.i -.a : with
: el i. sat !;r (;Y'-
y ' l :'l l'V
a., man.
im-i.'i o:jv
J ,i. : bis ( ui,:u i-t jon vit!i t!:e boar
; he wa.-- i:i t!;e oi'.iei of .tJ;ti I:. P.; n.-.!:-y
I l X-l'M sUie.ii ol t!ie Ik:i1v. Marble
was a sharp trailer anJ a v;-.Iaab!e man
in any ofiiee, but business had been very
lull for some time and he came to the
conclusion that in the pourso of a short
time his head would fall in the basket
witli others, to curtail exjienses. So he
j was ready fr it. According to .lis ex
pectations it came one morning. He
was in the office when Mr. Hcnsley came
in, looking crosscr than usual, and sum
moned him into his private den. "Will
iam," he said, when MirLl had seated
himself, "business of late has been very
dull. I am very sorry, but" and
lure Marble interrupted him by saying:
I understand perfectly, Mr. Bensley.
You have a wife and family to support
and I will be the one to go. It must be
one of us, and as 1 aui a single man 1
will go." Mr. Bensley' was dumb. Chi
cago Herald.
A Ghostly Guard.
A rumor is current in Athens. Ga., to
tho etrect that there is a rjck in Clarke
county. alout six miles frot.i town, upon
which no man dares to tread. The super
stitious say that about twenty or twenty
live years ago an old gentleman buried a
coffee ot full of gold at the foot of this
rock and has since died, and when a man
passes that way his ghost r.pjears and
drives him off. Parties passing near the
place have leen run more than a piile
by this invisible ghost. They 6ay that
when they come near the place, even
though it le a jcrfectly still day, a noise
can Le heard like a terrible cyclone, and
the tall pines which 6urrour.d the
rock begin to bow and many of the:nfaii
to tlie ground. uiTO ftumay t u o j,ent So
men from Athens, v ho beatd the rumors
and doubted them, visited the rock with
the intention of proving the reports to be
false, but they did not stop long. Thev
climbed to the top of tho rock, when
they became jtstoni.shed by hearing a
terrible crash. Hardly before they knew
it a large pine tumbled to tho ground
riht at their feet. While an examina
tion of the treo was being made, which
was twisted from tho ground, another
iiilyas large ca:no down with a, crash,
i he "e::ji!n:':V then "skipped out."
iH'.i;;.':.i;r. ii Sun.
Oiling I he Wares.
Ali.ioot every vessel that encounters
heavy seas reports, on reaching harbor,
that oil was used in calming the waves
with .real success, and bad it not been
for the oleaginous liquid, the ship and ail
on board would certainly have gone to
the bottom. Notwithstanding these mul
tifarious statements the percentage of
vessels lost apjK-ars to remain about tho
same. Even if the oil has no great ef
fect on the angry w;.f r i i'e;:.::::!y pro
duces u powerful influence Uon the im
aginations of the mariners. They be
lieve it adds to their safety, fears are al
layed, good judgment is preserved and
all hands work intelligently. ScientiJie
A giant pine tree was cot down in
Garrett county, Jb! . lately, and near
the heart a bullet was found. At this
point the tree was thirty -two inches in
diamtter. The bullet is thought to have
been tired by oneof Hraddock's men dur
ing tho campaign which culminated in
the di.-aster ;.t fort 1 'U'uesia-.
Tho Oil Cartridges.
The power which petroleum exerts in
calming tho surface of a troubled, even
tempestuous ocean, is conceded by tho
most conservative navigators. However
efiicient ietroleum may be in rousing a
storm on land and generating a cyclone
in every oil exchango of tho United
States, on the briny deep it3 influence is
wholly in the direction of ix?aco and
quietness and restfidncss. It lull3 King
Neptune's stormiest moods, and a few
gallons have brought gallant sUjpa safely
through watery comix. oUons that threat
ened them with uie submerging. Ilere
tofoiO a simple throwing or dripping of
oil from tho shin has been the method
pursued. Now a Yankeo inventor has
patented an oil carUidgi, which, fired
from a gun, piojecls tho oil far in ad
vanco of tho vessel and thereby stills the
wave3 bet ore the ship. By nieans of
these cartridges, it j claimed that a
serene patli. an, hth of a milo wide can
bo mada through the heaviest seas.
Those that go down to tho Eea in shixs
owe mucii to tiio memory of Col. Drake,
or 1'eniyp.aiu. Eittsburg Bulletin.
The Victorian age, according to Pro
fessor Ayrton, will be remembered
rather for tho economical transmission
of power by electricity than for tho in
veniion of the electric ejesrapn.
1 -r-.TrTy.i i, -
B. &. M. Time Table.
No. 1. 4 :3i; a in.
Ni. 3.") :S1 l. in.
No. .1 7 :i7 .1. li.
No. 7.-rt p. l;.
No. l.--0 :17 p. in.
No. 2- i p. i:i.
Kd. i.Ul :j a. in.
So. 0. 7 :30 p. in
No. 10. !l M a. Hi.
A'l trains run daily by wavof Oniaba. except
Xos. 7 and S wliicli run to and from Schuiler
aanj except unaay.
Civil Knguieer
Surveyor and Draftsman
Plans, Specifications and Esti.natis, Mu
nicipal Work, Maps te.
1" -'- ? 1 1, Jl I.
Physician I Surgeon
umep over weeoi! .-- store. Vain sff,t
ItiiJeuoe in Or. Si-liiblknocbcs Mveiiv.
limine Dieaes .vul 1U-j ises of Women ami
(. liilclren a specialty. Oiiioe hours, ;i to 1 1 a. in.
i io .- ai.u f i;i :i p in.
JIelephuno at both OMea ami Residence
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
Artificial teeth made on Gold. Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid PJajes, and inserted
as sccr; as. tceih aro extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
The Stilt. Marc hint Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
foreign 4 Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Giving Him a Cal
TPlAttsriacvitlx. N"eT"
IIu.s left lor tho East to buy the Finest, I.arrest utul Chcajicst
Stork' of
Spring and S
Ever JJroiio'ht to Cass comity. I Jciiieiiiber JOE will liny
ZE'ia.m.ielnLizn.g G-ood.s7
jEHZcuta a,m-d Cape,
Than You Ever Saw in IMaltsinoulIi.
cF O S-
lias not ot one dollar's worth of Sj-rinrr (;o(,ds, or old Shelf
Worn Goods. Everything you will see in his store
will he JJran .New, of the
At Such Low Prices it "Will Astonish Von.
f ffiPf n
tr .1 r-i
c s
& i M
After a siiC 'es-iul jie.tsuit of
tile tnu
I him myself for tne ii-t
- 4.. . . 4. 1 1 . ... 4 . I
I am ohlied to retire from active
It . it
I jret well airaiu
ft! H m
For reasons a hove given I will Dispose of my Stock hy April
loth. The Low Prices continue.-; nn last week, and those who hotight
goods of us last week will hear testimony to our Immense Stock of
Staple Goods and Low Prices.
Dress Crood?, All-Wool, Hook-folded, in all the latest Shades, at the
popular price of 25 cents.
Checked Goods, 40 inches
cents per yard,) at 25 cents.
These gootis aro advertised in
Jamestown Jroo!head Goods
per yard great bargains sold elsewhere at 25 cents.
Ginghams trom 5 to 7 cents per yard: Dress ( iinghams, choice
tyles at S.1, : Indigo IJlue German Calico from 7 to 11 cents per yard.
Muslins Jfrom 5 to lO.le. per vard; Hops 7.1,. Lawnsdale f.!:
Fruits V; Wannesatta KM: Halt and Uubleached proportionally low.
Turkey lied Table Linens 25 cents per yard : White Table Cloth
from 15 to 25 cents per yard.
Llankets, I lannels, Shoes go
ummer Clothing
m m
"3 E
17 years of eont in mil m "rean
lnoitths Uiiaide to c. at, mv
a '! ay. .My o-eneral bealth f:u imr.
li; - i ne:ss, l.r a tinnr at lea.-t, until
wide, all wool (Wnerally sold at 35
Omaha at 3o and 4 cents.
in full Stock and sold at 21 cents
at prices Cash.
1 1' STORE.
T 1