The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 09, 1889, Image 2

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Tha Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
KNOT rV 13 LZ C 3.,
Publishers & Proprietors.
H pulilished every evening except, Sunday
and Weekly every rhuisd.iy inoriiiiijf. Kixi"
tered at th postoflice, rialifinoul h. Vchr..
neeoiid-cUi niiite.-r. Otitic corner of Vine ami
Klftli itr-et-i. Telephone o. M.
One copy on ear In advance, hy mail..
Oncoiy per month, by eanicr
One copy per week. Iy carrier
One eopy one year, in advance
One copy tlx. month!., in advance
Our Clubing List.
Wkkklv IIp.kai.i- and N V. World -
' S. V. Tnltiine. .. 'J f-n
" Omaha Kep 1 30
" N. Y. Pre-s a
x. V. Pont 'i no
" Harpers' Ma;'zine 4 i:
Weekly. 4 -:,
" " " liaar. . . 4 .'in
" Yoiini; People 3 n.1
Neh. Fanner.. ... 2 To
" Jleinorest'i Mollth-
ly M iyaine 3 Id
" American Ma'ine 3 U
'1 lie Forum r, (hi
House Koll So. 277 wag handed to u
yesterday. It is a benefit iu snue way?
and a great ditad VMitae in other way.
It does away with t! e district road fund
and establishes a county road fund same
as tiie l.ride fund, find --re-vide for t In
road tax to be iaid iu cish, but allows
anyone who wi.dics, to woik their poll
tax out 011 the road, ju.t the Siiuc u
We publish the bill in full below, and
ask especially the fanners to curefully
read it.
uoL'sk; 1101.1. no. U77.
A bill for an act to amend sections three,
sixteen, seventy six, seventy-i-iylit seventy-nine
and eighty-two of chapter
seventy -tight of the compiled statutes
of .Nebraska of 1 fs7,cititlcd "Iloads,'
and to repeal mid origin il sections and
also tiectioii heyentyty-ieyeii of said
chapter. Introduced by Mr. Dickinson.
Head first time January 2 i, and
ordered to second reading. Head
Mccoud titnw January Jij, lr.sth and
referred to committee on agriculture.
Hent to printer January -ja, iH'.K
1'e it tnwttit by tlit; Injishilurt of lh
State rf XtLruska :
Skc. I. Section two of chapter seventy
eight of the compiled s'atutes of Nebraska
of liSS?, is hereby amended to read a
All public roads shall have a width of
sixty six feet, and the staked line mat king
6ucli road shall be iu the middle of tin
said sixty-six feet. Provided, That
roads located on the State line, where an v
adjoining state locates similar roads may
have a width of thirty-three feet; and.
provided, further. That whenever tin-
county hoard s all deem it necessary, tie
width of such road, at any point win re a
bridge is to be located and constructed,
may be one hundred and fifty feet for a
distance not exceeding three hundred
feet on either side, from the center of
such bridge.
Sec. II. Section three of said chaptei
is hereby amended to read as foil ws:
All roads within this state which have
been laid out in pursuance of any law of
this state or of the Territory of Nebraska,
and which have not been vacated in
pursuance of law. and all section lines
which have been used as roads for n
period of five years, as provided by tie
affidavit of five competent frceho'ldci
to such fact, be deemed racated.
Skc. III. Section sixteen of said chap
ter is hereby amended to read as follow:
If the report of the commissioner be iu
favor of establishing or altering the road,
the county clerk must appoint a day. not
less than thirty or more than sixty days,
on or before which diy, all objections
to the establishment or alteration to tie
road, and claims for d -images !y reason
thereof, must !e filed with the clerk.
Sec IV. Section seventy six of said
C'hipter is hereby amended to read a
follows: In counties not under township organ
ization all the monies paid into th county
treasury in discharge of road tax shall
constitute a c unty road fund, whieh
shall be at the disposil of the county
commis-iion-rs for the general benefit of I
the county, for road purposes.
Skc. V. S -ction s-venty-cight of said
chapter is hreoy amended to read a.?
It s'lall be- the duty of each overseer of
roads to give at least tliree daya notice
to all persons residing in his district
liable to pay labor tax therein, citli- r
persona ly or iu writing left at their plate
of abode, of the time when between the
first day or Augu-t and the first day of
November in each year, and the place
where they tiny appear and p.iy their
lalKr tax in labor and w ith impl. im-ni J
Sec. VI. Section fccrcnty-uine of said
chapter is h- rcby amended to read n-follows:
The overrtcr shall allow all persons 1
.tt'ft tll'll? llllliill 1 . . t. w, - .. H m. . . C ......1. I
" - i.... "jc" .it jiuiiti.iin in smii
notice and offering to pay tin ir l:;b..r t.'
in labr.r under his tlirection. the sum of
$1..0 for every day he sh-dl actually
work ciht hours on -urh road. I..V) for
eacli yoke of oxen, and S..i' for each
ppan of hors -s h sh ill fiu ni-ii agreeably
to th ; re'piirem--nts of the ov rseer; at:ii
for sue-h 1 d r perform-d tin? nvi isi-r
h ill give to each p-rs-m a cei titicate,
which shall b- received by th" county
treasurer iu di-ch arg- of tli- 1-tbor tax ot
such person aforesaid. The road tax
shall be paid in cash. Provided. That
any person who is a resident of the i:s
trict not notified by the overseer to labor
upon the roads as here in before provid -d.
thall b discharged from the payment of
said labor tax.
Sec. VII. S.ction cMitv-two of said
chapter is hereby Ainemled to read as
"The Overseer shall be allowed $2.00
ner day. including the time necessarily
fpent in notifying the hands, superin- j
thirty dollars in any one year, w hich sum
shall be paid iu a warrant 011 the county
road fund after deducting his own labor
Sec. VIII. S'-etions two, three, six
teen, seventy-six, seventy---veil seventy
eight, seventy-nine and eight-two of said
chapter are hereby repealed.
Wk were handed yesterday the wntten
pledge of Mr. Polk, which we promised
our readers to publish if we could get
our hand on. It is written on a leaf of
a note book which from appearances he
tore out of his own bo k ; the whole
pledge is in Mr. Polk's own hand writing.
He gaye this pledge tt the Weeping
Water delegation to secure their votes
for his nomination.
Tin: iM.KixiK.
mill snjtjt'i t Submission.
M. I). l'ot.K.
u 1-:
'i !
Tut republican senators have conclu
ded not to allow any more democrats to
slip into office. They haye concluded
not to confirm any more of Mr Cleveland's
appointments against the known desire
of the people as expressed at the Novem
ber election.
Accoi.iJi.Mi to Secretary Knd'cott's re
port, the Tinted States has an available
military strength of nearly tf.000,000 men.
Germany has a little over ..000,00.
It seems that the United States consul
at Samoa did not have respect enough
for Hismarck and it grieved his friend
(LI ly aril) so he has fired him.
SliJ will not wander in tlio wood,
llenrat ii its Im-ih linj boujjUs,
Tbt? whilti lin tt-ils his talt of love
And pl.-ilej Molcfiiu vmik.
Sii vri.l not i:;.n tli" Kliorj
Wli.-i i: V.-a'fs lircl.'-is voie-j
V."-'id 1 droim t!iu loi!-;.-d ..r-Js t'lat bade
I!--r st-eit t soul r'-j jie-i'.
X-' e'eti llu- twii.klit' stars ai.ove,
t.'..r-l th-. limi-l hrcvo,
V.U ill In- in.a-K- -lit iartiier.4 ia
i'.neli preeioiu thin,;.-' n- t;)t- ?.
Sli"ll h'-ar no word (ill Chey are sKifa
fc'ant up ivirhin fo:ir w;i!.
Ari 1 tle-n sh.-'il iuis in svi;..l Ij
'1'iiat tr.;!ii tiiu love 1 li;s f:'.li.
And v. l:!le she lii -:ie!i onth
Within her In-art she'll l..u.!i
T. thinU they're also it-isteiwl
ljon her p!ion'ra;h.
A:d bhoii!-! hi o'er L-;:c! upon
His word si e'li brja-.' a Lreae-U
Oi" proisiiao suit uu-J rrf -:
la court each silly speech.
Doston Globe.
! I).
j 1 l'
' i 1
. 1 i
; ;t i 1
: s : : ;
' Ml 1:
1 ':
1 I :i
A TrJ':Je t T'lertricity.
E'octricity is a si i-vllor o ;i ite as will
in'T 1: ctilijitict; ninn's pl'a.siiivs t.s 1
;'.!et b liiscoinfoi-ls. T be; s'ciiro has taken
0:1 u new beauty and brilliancy since
i'io ::lve-nt nf t ho incandescent liht.
The "s Hash pei-frrUv ini
itatetl, the u ill-ei'-the-wisp is I'aitlifuliy
counterfeited. ;-nd sucli cllcct.s are po.s-sibh-a.s
wcjv imtdi't-anicdof ten or live
yea's ago. The same subtle force
which makes the thunder cloud ma
jestic, and which rends tho rocky rl ill's
and :-plintcr.s the oak, Icaus brilliancy
co tho ballet fiid enchantniont to the
spei tacalar diaiiia. Jt e l ' li icify man
has tlise'ovcretl a servitor 11 i.-u potent,
more willing', a thousand times, than
that wonderful skive ef AhuJelin's
!ain:, wliose povoi-s ma'ce o;io oi' the
:no.- l fascinatin; t:ih 5 of tha Arabian
Ni-rhln. J'ittsLmrir Ihilk-tin.
Scientific !!ai i hio.
TI:0 scientific marriage is never r.
failure. Ill health supplies the di
vt)rc'j courts with business. The
heallhy n:a:i or woman is not fretful,
peevish, morose or sullen. Thousands
of unhappy marriagvs can be traced
diiv: !ly to iis-ae. The iropoition of
you ii;' i-o;)le who should marry, com
pared with those who ought not to
man v, is small. Itisonlvin rare in- j
stances that the stock of love with
whi- h the you ng couph start? in their
mat: ::iit.n;:d career, is able to stauel
the ilrain caused by the complainings,
sig:!-- ami ill temper if the sick room.
No unhealthy person can be happy or
be-a;;lilul or sustain the married rela
tions; successfully. In the history of
tin- -.vorhl there have boon nations
who. IV. r a time-, married scie-ntili
cully, and these pre pie were always
the ruleis of the world. Their
dec:.',..-nje dated fiom the time
wh. n they ai :1 scientific
ma: i ia.-e. Scienti'ie; mai : i;.;; need
in.t ii:lei n re w ith sciitiun-nt; on tin
jo!:t rary. sentiment, is fo-.ferod and
pre rv d by science applied to mar-ri:-:.
. 'I he- srieniiiicaiiy i.i:;ri ied grow
oil! 1 espt.Tlii.r teh ;'i!.er. They !e)
Aa Irish Mi'tnln-i- l ll.iui i-ut (ilvvit Ills
Views on Hie Su' .'e-c t.
It would Ixi ludicrt ::-: on mv part to
set up as an authority on public f por.k
ing, says William (j'lh-ieu. member of
parliament. Nothing slan t of the im
perious necessities of our Irish stru"--
I I I r - . 1 .
gies unci a commaini irom .-ir. 1 arneii , i.un
could ever have male me a public
speaker, and these necessities om-e ! '',!, Vn';
satislied, I cannot imagine anything i
which would induce me to remain one1, j s!,' "f
However, as you are kind enough to ! 1 :.-
evince any interest in my pi-i-sonai ex
periences, it is but a very trilling re
turn of rood will on my part to tell
you the very little I have to say upon
the subject.
If there is anybody, not a fool or a ;
bore, whoever presumed to address an i
audience of thinking men upon any ;
grave topic without preparation in j
some shape, in the mind if not on '
paper, 1 have not the least prete isii ii
to the gift. My rule; is to think as j
much as possible of what I want to i
say. and as little as possible of bow I j
am going to say it, and my lli. t j
speech (it was to ihc electors of Mai-
low) was wholly written. hen tne
moment came to speak it the Mowing
language all swam before me and
disappeared. I was oniy saved Ii-. !:.
a catastrophe by the intense iu!:ii
sia-sm e-f the crowd, who knew 1 was
no speech maker, and did not can
three straws for my mere words; la,'.,
once lired by their magnetism, 1 found
the argument of my viitl-ii speech
come back to my memory most si r
viceably, and I fountl .-lainer and
more direct words to enforce it.
Since then, unfortunately, the in
ccssant demands of our struggle ia
Ireland have, in nineteen c.-e-.-s out of
twenty, rendered anything iik'; writ
ten preparation a ridiculously impossi
ble luxury, which is all the greater
pity that every ielle word of ours is
scrutinized by malignant eyes for
sonic-thing that may servo again.- I us.
whether for the purpose of a prosecu
tion in Ircluml or -"-notation in J-ji-r-
land. ' j
Tor the last two years my practi-e
has been to wake at 7 o'clock on the i
morning' of a me-eiinr. if not obliged i
to bo out all night, and turn over in
my mind for an hour or two th"
most eil'e-ctiye line of argum'-nt hi
the day, sopietina-s jumpluc: o:-t o-b-d
to jot ilowii soiuu partieul.'i- bint that may occur to me. Any
tiling in the nature of a le cture, r
quiring literary elaboration, I wiiie
and ;vad, but I am sca ry to ,;, my
e.vporioii-jo of litl, kind of ;ii-iiver:iri-"
is tln-.t t!ie audience wceaid i t.-. tl,
ing if the' saw it tirst in the mornini;-pai-crs.
.My first general elviee to young
men on tho subject of jmblie sjieakiug
would be ut jt to become public speak
ers at all, unless in very speci d clr
cum.-tances and with very sj-o.-ial
gifts; or, if tla-y mu.- t laako- .-pe-. - ! i
to spare no poc-.'b!o iiains in thinkin-r
out those portions of tlieir tusc:s;;;v;
which arc inteiuled to convineo the
reason, and trust to their own central
fires for that indescribable- glow of lan
guage which no written words can
impart to ajipeals tei human feeiuig.
Coston Herald.
Ov 1. rs
-;nct r c. !.
('.-.- I, .-II of
i. 1 1. .-1.--: s
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nil-, A. II.
ia i.r iii.d
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( le;.d to
mi Main
;eei in
:;. !.-. !:. 1 1
Iii oi-ih r to c-utn iown our lartri- slock t
said tiay
ey. . I is.-,.
; Mr i-1-11 .
' I' 4 i'r-si:lent.
' l.i:
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Tax ion
ir.ii, s:.
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1 ! i- I-liip-'.' o
it 1 ii I..!-; ler
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Xotions Arc, we are ollcn'i;-- UnexcelU i Ihnns in tliee (Jouds.
A'e- have a line" line ol
dill! fljddbSansijrB h
Ami bilk Ilan.lkereliier- at very low ii.ttures.
R'lf!,p4f faro
u i a Ja h u &
eat 'CI
J. 1-
1 1.
i : ,-! Co!.!l-.i Of
: i: e ! i-v,-,.-rs ill
! ''I.:, ! -l-...a II
' -J. e:i t ;
iVIiniiij 10a. ih.
'1.! Ii ".! , ..1 am!
di.a'uau to
. s-i;i-
r . 1 he r, t i
is! i::'u .e.'l lois
t.'.-a:'..-r 1 1 - -1 1 1 of
- ollVtigil sui 1
' :' he .T-i-1 ;ii-
a-. . if inn, v. ii v
s-. 11:;, ,(.-.'
' le - I -lul i.,li !-,-i
-i hi-sii:.;;.
Iii this Jiejiurtinent we are showintr all tlie latest styles of
fi if
1 n
t e 11 1
at jiriees that is sure to soil the-;-). C'ail and insioct them
he convinced that we carry the ho.-t slock in I'lattsinoiith,
a. Mi ll!'
a v l'r, -.-;
i V,
An Interniiteil 8on-j.
An English sailor was employed
cleaning the side of a ship in the la
bor of Sierra Leone
W I'
uoiily disappeared t.; view
his astonished messmates. lie 1.
his foot iu the water as ho sat 'at his
work, and ho was shi-ring a sou.g.
lie never came to the surfece. Iiis
friends were far from suspr-eiing t!;o
cause; of his disappearance i: : : ' II a !;.;
or two after, when one of i is ! :!:
was dischargee! from the maw of a
captured shark. Tho ' sla.i k h.-.d
cau;rhl him by the foot and;;
him down, anel, as t he-re was too m-v-I.
reason to beliirve, had w;.L"od a ii .
iigl.'t over his remains with a swarm
oi oilier mon.siei-s ol mesamt
o single circumstance
seen;.; wanting to the ;
poor fellow's doonrT tinel,
the count, wo have- the e
cart lessncss by which
of ho:;,
ory ii iii
to co!:i;-i- !
ii;st f.:tef:
;.ag car
sc?o' and 'Duds
Nov. . lS'S:"i.
1 ! II
-.5 ilu jl i0
it was I ; ,a nt
about. Only a sailor, jierha;- -. v. v.uid
liavo shown such indifiereuce to a -er
fe tly well known elangcr of tropical
seas. His snatch of soug at' ll.z mo-
-. - . . - r f s. p ft ''
has the laih:st and finest stock of
H H ! P H s- 1 1 8 ! r
1 U 1 k I i l & U it ELj O I J LOi
In the city, which h
A eoni'olete
. the
menl jf his ilis;ij)peara;K
r;io: t cruel touch of ;
Daily News.
1 Iho
Senator raliiier'f. Little I'l-ela.
A:aong the e.tlier ftO;.d thin;
th .t
not !.ar
a la
bra .
n l- i!e--pi.-.
To be ia -a!
! h other's weak
hv is to b- beauti-
and b -auty is t he coi ne r Mono f
No j.eiMi.i should many who is
eel by -iiisUinjitio.n, boat t disease.
::ie dv: p-p ia. riie tu.iat ism or dis-
s'f tie' i;ei ius s st' l.i.
t'p:w : i n arri. d scientifically.
:.-! huuili'ils tf years produced
e iucii and beainifuj. strong
.. n. The la i!i:;:i is cxj.ectcd h
iii v. h's hi - laaiiiag-.; lie r-i: .." a ce-r
t f;i:: h:s pliy.-ieian that he is
from e iu.. -lilutional disease. C'us
- f il:'s kind lesson the business
ol e.'V,:ii !- 001:: 1
hoals H-pubi;
US t
lii't f.'i.aie
I. V
1 1 I I
1 aimer, oi ..;k aid is recorded tho foliowi"
Iii a little gathering at his k .-:: t.
young congressman from .Ma.
::etts. sji'.i:w,,fc'cator Pahii'-r, 1 pre
sume that between legitimate Ia::;!:r r
si iff. timber thieves, forest fir: s ;;.,
.V;i.-higan is pretty fully denial, d of hoi
timL-er crop."
o. na.tor 1 'aimer looked at t!;e young
-oiigre.-sman commiseralin-Jv for -,
few seconds and then said i:i his fin--(ierman
silvc-!' voice: "Young man.
there is e:ioin;h imnber ta.!iu!i:g ia
'iieliigan today to build a fence fif
teen boards high tliree limes around
the earth once a year for .'ii te n years.
.o'v, that's an easy thing to r; eko:i.
as it is IL'j.COO ir.ih-s aroma": the workl.
' sia.ial r;cl.'o!i it up. and you can set
the number of feet of lumber .licki
i -k-.-.- for Sin
".ivuig aud City
I. 2t is mad- so
-harp c.r corks
!ii':i ry H'.-ids, or
. : 1 1 i I'.X ilifiee
t'- U ) otlii-r.
is oii'i l ino :it l-'i ii-os that will make them sell.
eoni'olete line oi v mdow Curtains at asaerihce. I'iotiuw
X. .....
Frames' in o;ivat variety. You can oof everything y,,u need
You can buy it on t'ue iu.-a!':iont ,lan. pay so much each
month and you wiil soon have-a line jiirnishoil house
and hardly realize the cost. Call and .-ot
1 1 1-.
. .- : - J
1 r
1 .
EoTjsrt DonnellT's
' 1 i s
! -i v c m s ?--
- Y:
numLorol icet ol bauii er
i.; ' rcparcd to furnirh t!:o
kiugton 1'
IMaas. s
. Unties. Maehai-'sOa'i-k'y i:.j-i!r.
l'low-i SI::tiil .-! ;ai l o i,e:;;i
Jiibbing I), .-lie.
5 i Oil G villi)
fvf TSi "?7eT! T-? r-' Ti " ?3
lior-'i shiie. vhieli slc-a ;s n ie;i 1
av-.y. si. th.-o is n.-ver a:,y 1-: i t v ;
J!Tr-; Miid!i-; ioina a i-i-. li. 1 a f
;i!;l eai:.i:i tills- sis,- . r.i .-.a.
i I a Ye 1.0 other. Shoe liimi-.
-.-.a -;:: a re c
; yprc- iot" ::o:v
: ii't of !:ers.
tie .Y-.!'-!i::f v.":
Ifacs cause
' the tel.l')-
part: idge lr
: cat.
tia; l:rt time,
was iter ileiigat in its suvor
'it's nicer than r.nvthi
tasted," I'uolh she, "und i el
naii- 1
I:ai a bi
ig 1 ever
;.i'i LlaLja
tj cIj
. iUl It 4
riches, when somo fellc-r 1
through the window that the to
ihree pussy iookin' capit :li iii low 1
.'coking for hint!, an the congrc-iM
lion riz uj) as one man an' buste d the
walls right out tryin' to git eut first."
Tourist Hut yt)u seem to Lave re
ceived personal injuries.
Kansau Yes, 1 cot mv arm Lro' e.
1:. j . . -ii 1 ,
1 oat 1 wa iii-rio recoucni u.i :cv.-.:e-.,
'i'ii - Wkkki.y Hi.u.u.n sent one year 1 the ;::. italics in time t . sell mv lot
tfndiri" work on roads, and making out fne to anyone sending us two yearly sub- over on Prospect and Wall tli-ccL;.
Lis return; but not to exceed the sum of j sciibcrs to the WttKLV IItiuLD. I Time.
1 siie, "
"What !:a Tsa-J
queried her mother.
"Why. you know, mamma." slid
the iitlieo'io, in grave sairpi is-. at such
ignorane-e. "ho sold his Lirlhrigkl fe."
a mcasof partridge I" Yo.ilh's Com
p:-:.i ai:
1 1; foui.i IInl'l T!:e:.i.
' It mu. t have I ae:i a t:-i i i
cvch::o that wrecked this church
so completely.
I.a!iS.ii (with his arm ia a aliagi
Ywa'r'nt no cvclone. Y0.1 set-, it
I v.a:-rc-ekin"
;oik 1 c !
i SIX I'l I ST
W 1 s 1.: 1. 1
a v
. O wias,
l.lic. .N.-!a:y al
happened on .Sunday, an'
prcacmu on the fohy o
'1 i:n-'!:uvr' " ili-Ml:1:ifel airl overworl;e.l
',::-,.-n. It. !'.. -rec'.s I'avorite I'reseript ion
t!.- I,i -t f.f ni! r. " 1 tonic?. Jt 13 n potent
Kii.-ivlic ior ( litfuiio Weaknesses nnd
i ):----.-,sf 3 poeuliar a. Vihik-ii ; a nm-i : t'u!, p-en-rl
W eil a a-e riiii-. nri-l nTviae, ii
iit.i-m 1- vu'er:rvl sU.-outli to the whole-system,
l! rt iMKT T i v l in es -.v-:iU ii'-ss ri Moninoli. nausea,
i?.l-k--.f i.-n. -l--.i:mir. 11U nervous pros
1 1 a 1 !-.. l.iliiy stii-i r ! i-e!-s!i-Ji!, in eit her fox.
t is e-ircfiiii : c-i nn nmele,! hv mi"ieneel
I "iys:. ih. r 1 1 I a t: 1. O il to wotnan's d.-lieaii!
crean:.:,! i Tin-,-! v veeetaMi ami perfectly
iiarial- .-s i-i any coo.iitioii of the svstfin.
f-,M'j-w-.iiq ' ! avorilc rrcm-rip.
liU-e.over'U.iii!. f'a-s ou:iy.
n-ATTSMOUTII. - - N.'.r.i; ArKA
aix. v uui Ui ORDER.
If you desire to purchase a sewin-r machine
asK our ajrent at your place for terms and
tirices. I r vim i-arn,.t r,...i .
direct to nearest mlifressto you lielowiiamed.
v.rivr r.. f-5 r v v ;
'li.l. -J.V
l. . 1- ; V
i: ' .. O.m:,!,;,. N. !,.
P rsonat attention to all Cusine' I'nt ust
lo icy care.
6 ""-''""":
ir- 3 tion" is the only nie,liei:io
iii..-. 3 j--" u-. .mm 11, seia i.v oroiri: isrs.
i.- ilir a t'ositivo suar-
enti-e r:' .':; :k-i in rn ry ease, or price
cfl.o-i i- t : s i-'i ll's -ruantnti-e has trf-n
priritfl :i is- I t le-wra 1 - per, aud faithfully
i-iirrir.i (ill ! v.-mis.
I "op hire"-, iil'istpate-l eat ise on Disea.SeS of
.Vonic:) ih. 1 s,s, -virti full dipee-ti
1. .... r I c.T-i.. t..n n.m.a 1
Iit'iin .till" lu'.r, i,u , ,1 , 1113 ill ciiliiil'O. i
a btreet. uuilalo, X. X,
Title" Kxamini-.i. Ahstaict- foim i:,l Jr
suranee Written, heal Estate Sold.
' A ! I (: !! i
S. I'. TIN'' A
1 .,1 i::e,-.;. 1 lafMiioutl;, N, -. "1Ce ,n
.a.N. V.
A. X. SI I I.I AN.
Hetter Facilities for
lIVUflt-B III . .
etions for AfJ F OtllC
stamps. -
idOCLA.xxON, UaJ Mala
j A;torny-ar- :.v. . V. iii r.v.'t.i'r.'.r., ...
ror m.-iliia Ka.-ui "I.oan- t! an r" ji I intinst..! to iir ?.
Ucc Agencv. ! S''--
il, - - XC'braftba i Fancy ;rf-e-rei'. JUeWar