'I UK i)AliY HKMAI.D: J'LATTSMOtiTII, N KP.KASK A, ill I i A V. ilMIIillAilV . i-S:. Tnc Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. ! I A. KslUbarjr. OratWt, Kurknood KuiIiIIiik, Tel'phon o. Br. Withrr, !ratlt, l aloa Mork. .CITY CORDIALS. Man may come and man may go,but the gas meters go on forever. Lincoln Journal. Mrs. C. M. "Wead entertained a small party of friends at her lioinc, on Tliir.l 6trcet, lx-t night. Mr. Allen Beeson lias moved his family to the home he recently purchased in Ilazeldell, from Mr. Ilaumcistcr. The young people of the Methodist church will meet in their church tonight to organize, as a class and selccti a leader. . There is nothing wrong with our weather service. It's as good -as n fortune teller who can tell us the past. The revival services at the Christian church will continue the remainder of this week and probably the whole of next. Why don't the authorities enforce the law which allows them to shoot all curs which run at large unprovided with a tagf "The gas is still burning at our ex pense," in Plattsmouth, but our baby sister town O leu wood can have her elec tric light. A number of expert whist players arc talking of organizing n whist club for their entertainment during some, of the long would-be winter nights. The loads of wood on th-j streets today outnumbers the buyers by :i large majority. Some cf the farmers will probably accept little or nothing before they return home. E. S. liirstow and wife went up to Omaha this morning to pay a short visit to Mr. 15 lrstow's sister, who is a singer in the Conried opera company, which i playing in Omaha this week. The M. E. church attendants of Cul lum. are making great preparations for a necktie sociable to be given in the Nul lum school house on the evening of the l;th. A very enjoyable evening is an ticipated. Messrs. J. V. Weckbach and J. V. Egenberger took their departure for FJartlett, la.. fids morning to purchase land. Mr. Weckfmch intends going out of business in the near future, on account of poor health. Mr. O. W. Turner who has been con fined to his bed for the past three week with a serious attack of lung fever. i able to attend to his duties again. He went up to Omaha this morning for a little recreation. Last winter there were progressive euchre parties too numerous to moritior, but this season they are too scarce to mention. Why society has b come go dead within the past few months, no onr is prepared to state. DoubleelledouMeuedoubh el 1 ye n Mdoubleore, the florist, was in Om ilia today." Journal. Feb. 7. We leli-c the florist will decorate Mr. Sln-rni in yisage and double him up worse than h has doubled his n imp. The Mis-ouri river commission In Id a socn-t session at St. Louis y :-t' : d n . Among the sums to be expended at pbu cs along the river. I'b'ttsmouth is :d lowed $.")0,ODO. ft is considered an un:vce?s.iry expense by many h'Te. Mr. D. M. Jones went to Lincoln b the tlyr this morning to atten a sale of horses which oc curs tin re today. Mr. Jon -s left with the intention of per; be ing the bi?st horse m the m irkct, and w trust that he may not change his mind. Tiie most interesting and profitable resort for young men which Fiattsmouth affords is the Y. M. C. A. rooms They are open from 8:30 a. m. to 10 p. m.. and everything there is free to all who have time to attend the rooms. The northwest corner of the brick building located on the corner of Main and Third streets should be looked into a little by the police. Rooms oy r Speck's saloon are said to be a lodging place for a couple of loose women an:! their attendants. The Knights of Labor will give their much talked of masquerade ball n Monday evening next at the Waterman ojera house. There will no doubt be a 1 irge attendance, as th-; members of that order are putting forth every effort to make it a success. The Jif representative at Lincoln still writes a very interesting Line In letter and wc are under the impression that the Journal is very appreciative of his efforts occasionally, as it frequently' confers an honor by paying his letters its undivided attention. We would be pleased to hear from the committee appointed at the the liist board ot tiadc meeting for the purpose of canvas-sin the city for subscriptions to aid in the pureha of ti p esbyterian . . t i property. The future prosperity of the town, to a certain extent, depends upon their success. MORRISSEY AND FEN NO. Omaha's Star Representatives got In Hot Wate r at Lincotii Soma Dark Socrots Disclosed. Douglas County Election Fraud Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 7, Eimtoh IIkii.vi.h: List week was sub mission week, thi- om is contested elec tion we k. The peculiar people lrawn from dilferent quarters of the state to Lincoln by the limitation of Submission have departed to relate how v.nv h lh-y dil at critical periods to brace this member or that senator. Local history will teem with the exploits of those dele gations, eyen Cass county will prove no exception to the rule. In the .senate but little remains to indicate the tension of a few days ago, unless it be the vigorous antagonism of Ktn-om to many of the measures agitated by Church Howe. There is an advantage to Howe in such opposition, it compels him to get his bills, or see that his friends get their bills up in proper shape. Hansom may not be right in all matters, but he has a very good head for law and the st.ite consti tution. Today the house has been agitated over Douglas county and her candidates for seats in the house of representatives. The majority report of the committee on privileges and elections was finally adopted just before adjournment, which would seem to indicate that Monissey and Fenno must give way to Specht and O'iirien. On the final vote on the com mitter's report seycral republicans voted with the democrats on the ground that so much fraud and corruption was evi dent in the elections in Douglas county last fall that they could not come to any satisfactory conclusion as to who was elected. Monissey made a savage assault on the committee claiming they broke open the ballot boxes, ami did not at tempt to g- t the keys to unlock them, which keys were in the hands of the democratic county clerk for Douglas county. In reply Cady said he hid writ ten several limes to the Douglas county clerk, signing as the chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, requesting him to scud or bring the keys; that finally the county clerk was sub poenaed, but whin before the committee was so drunk nothing intelligible could be gott.n from him either in the shape of keys or language, and that the Doun las county delegation were compell.d to put t'tie man to bed. adding that all par ties is id refrained from making the matte r public out of respect to Douglas count , her oakials, an. 1 those representing 1,, r in the pr. sent 1-iisl itur . Monissey ad mitted :dl. ami mi nddith n. thatitwonld h ive !" .. n bittir for him end his fellow j representatives had they h ft the county clerk alone ltog. thcr. p..itiois of the testimony read in the hoii-e today disclose the mi st glaring and nnblu-hing fraud on th' put of th'- d moerats in the la-t fall elections. In one precinct ah-ne the cler test "Tied they .-aided 1 vo'i s to Mc-Nae.e's t illy. The f utile proeeetling from the time the ballot boi s Were :u.:e 1 dow n to the time tiieir eh:cteii COUH.V CleiK a jioc-i red ore III e-,:i:!e.: l.piiie "d: m .).! r.i: :-o. i ked th; t he tee oc r i.mi lia'n dro.'ik seen i'.ie don't you kno" fr m Douglas arose and ha i -.rid free i. n a r ri-oMe-i:: moist ci his iiie !iat h w.is stiil on - as far ns "n ;.d!ot and a fair coirit" was on- eerr. 1. What a pity he could not have run a mission school f r the bem fit of deu. ciatie (Irccinct tl-ctioi! Ticcrs n few moi:ths pree- t-d ing h'-t election. Se i'-.g th-;- inevitable str.iii.g tl.. m in th M .rri. e and Ft nno :i 'i ll to COII- s -'.. ;:n.l t-.rgc a m -i-u b r !: fo;- i -election or s-f iidiiiir them .h-f.-at. It I. hai-'lv p'obable v.itli sitt li ( vi!' io ce th'- house has in its possession tin v wih put the county of Douejl is to the ( xp--i so of an extra election, wh-.m a few hours' yot'mg will settle the question quite r.s e-Te tu illy and as justly as in any other manner. Transient. J-f will have all th novelties in his line in the market, lie will be able to suit t!i3 most fa-tidious. o-lw There are a number of vacant lots on Main street, owned by the wealthiest men in the state, th.it are a disgrace to the city. They cannot be puichascd :.t any pric, and still the owners will leave them vacant because theyciif rtnin some wild id as. we are told, that the prop aty will improve and appreciate in Value much more nipidly us it is. There should be a law prohibiting such peo ple owning a foot of land in tlte city, when they will not sell at any price nor make any improvements which would be to'their own interests and the interests of the city. They are aliens in the same degree that t':e lords of foreign lands are who stiil live in their country and po-ses vast tr lets of land in Ameriei, but we ar glnd to know that the gov ernment will so n frame a law which will cut th'-m off. Bankrupt Sala j ()f elothin i. furnishiiief go Is. hats, caf5s, ! - te llyUU house b! ,ek. i n -r Main ' and Third streets. Call and see us. ,nnn . liuy your sweetheart one or ii.ose oeau tiful valentines at O. P. Smith fc Co's. tf 13 0 n 51 n X f a Thirty-Six Inch HenrieftG 111 nil tliu Newest Shade?, onlv ..) XL l-tl Va.- U) Vitf W Ce'!!: Lifflifc (Jrey, (loln.-lin, JJisniaik, Myrtle, Wine, J'rown. J,ir Thiriy-Six Inch ASI-Wooi In all the New C.loriiis (jtilv .o'te - Havana, JMyrtle, (ieisdarme, Olive, Wine, Mtdiogany, Seal, Slate. Red Fern Suitings: 40 Inch lied Fern Suitings, in ail per yard. Rutland Broadcloths: 54 Inch Rutland liro i leloth- only Bamona Suitings: 54 Inch Uamoa Suitings, all Ne worth 75 cents. Striped Suitings: 40 Inch Striped Suitings only Lenvvood Suitings: 4.0 Inch Lou wood Suiting.-, lr jH 1 1 ne Ooo ast PERSONAcS- II. E. "Whitiny is in Om:ih:i to.luy. Jude Xewcll is in Omuha tud:ty llll-illl.'SSI. Mr. Stiuinnk -r w;is a ;);i-i:iiir.-r to Oii aha this morning. J. II. lla'dcrman, f Wce;in Waici, 'n in the ity today. Mr. ('. L. Creamer, uf Cu'lum. aid the IIkhvi.d a ple isei.t call td y. Mis. J. I. Unruli and chll Inn 1 -ft for iiiiahu this morning t: visit w'th 1 cr -istci- for a few d;;;.s. M;-s Judsjc Hassi 1!, .".rcmi'Kiiiii' 1 ly iu-r daujrhtt-r, Ir.. A. Ii. KnoKs, i ll t ; Weeping Water last niyht to visit w.l! friends for a few da vs. Joe the One Price Clothier is conm-oii-M with four of th- lar-st r-tail elothin e houses in Illinois and Missouri, which 'nilih-s him to huy chenjier than any o his competitors. Vl-.v J. M. Koth, of this city, walkid into the liiddle hou-e last niht in cem.einy with his par.-iir.oiir whiim !;: ti.iil ti:c clerk wfis his wife, and sc ciir.-d a roi.-in. The clerk, not knowing the man or his companion, believed him and gave him a room. When Mr. Kiddle returned to the house he Mas informed that the couple had secured a room in his house. lie went immediately to the room and rapped on the door, hut without response. When he threat cded to break the door in the man opened it. Mr. Riddle entered and found the man partially undressed, and the "'cat" behind the door. He soon made the pair scarce about those quarters by rouyhly firing both of them from the house. Clothing Almost Civen Away at the Bankrupt Sale; Riddle House block, corner Third and Main streets. Valenticns of all descriptions at O. I. Smith iSc Co's. . tf The material to be used in supply ing the thriving city of Glen wood with water arrived there this inortiini,', and as soon as possible will be placed in working order so thai their town will be provided with a little protection frou. fire. They are investing in an electric li.nht pbmr. j and with this mod-rn iinjrov-ni''nt win j leave l'l ittsmoutli in the shade and keej her "ijasing" how much sh holds tin- ; lead. It is hoped that where she leads, ' we will follow if w are not to her. surnass Joes line ot white, Mncy, siik ana j llinnel shirts will be the gr indent and t'neot eyer brought to l'bittsmouth. : Tlie finest liue of Valentines in the city at O. P. Smith & Co's. tf 1 Blankets. r ; "-? mi 1 t fi " Tv; 4it -sJr 1? Vj J it Mahogany, Navy, Henrieaos: .'tit - a y ..I'l'tii m) cents. Colors Tan, i!ia:k. Cardinal, Saj lii: Xcsv Mitiire on!v (U) cents vard, well worth Mi: v (. cents a vard 05 ci-n a v ke:i Stripes, i.-y HO cents a y:ud A l?r?-c:- 6K''-ri&; t?s-.v-- vJ rw rear ?! my .-ire dis.jiuit;n d to learn that 'i:it ! -li ;ii:Vi II-it 1;- sllii)!ied witil iVfs!i :!iu:-ni-; n.-ws ns caily as w--- Ii-. en i'. r s v--r::i w.-cks. After Sun- net tiu: II. --j r -I )' : ;i .x tie..- ei; fi l Ik; iii-iriiiii;. l.een tl-cat-.d. ; ci::i will he suspi-nd of tlii- accoiumoda-pu.-crs with which it W. I -.vard-;, who had control ll'i'vi-c b:rier shop for k hi- dcpaitare i r Ch'i: :t when: iii' lias purchasi d : ii r s'l-oo of that town, on i i ;;s: ; i 1 . ii ; in i l )r. !. wiio at ..-ii-; I'.nu was MorIey.4 sh:p Ik re, ami 'e.i Wi.rkin at hi trade niv:d in the city tliis e cii.ire of t!ie shop until ; ii.ibl v o; i malK-litlw u ii :r u- Olo -: X son .i;;. 1 P i th-T- i !. 1 . i , T ! e a sou.: c j i; 1 rich 1' lit to all who can del nation fiorn :;tti ml. and a si von-j Plattsmouth is desired. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" compmy last niht played to a full house at Glenwood, and -urned many away as there was not standi!!' room. Two gentlemen who saw tlie play there last night say it was the best Uncle Tom's Cabin show th.y have seen, and that all were peii'ectly sati.-iled. Their band, orchestra and the whole show was exceptionally good. The members uf the A. O. U. W. en tertained a gooil number of their frienc's and relatives last night at their lod.e room in tiie K. of P. hall. A very invit i;i Mipp. r was s- i veil. and the entire poly apparently thoroughly enjoyed the Veiling, ii" bright and cheerful faces n e .mi era' .! . in ot 11 iovmcnt. The partv not i until a late hour. ! f Vd'l Cf)!i-!!'t !! i.c.v vo-ir fo. our own interests wear of Mvr:f s. voti tf - I: :'t f.-g-t lh( ii. K ni- m" in itinee t.niiorro'.v .-r you ma r-serv e If and clnldren to Doa't mi.-s s e- V),,. , :., r r s--t-s f' -r ..i;r .er ..t I!!-- and th - :r et p -.i-iile toniorrow at It ::!0. s .'a V:tw for to:onc-w !.- ! see "Unci" Tom." cure v u:ht Jo. oa ' iii! 1 chiioren' clothing iii ' tic 11 i 1 1 st in the strife ., , .: ... ,,f X 'e :-' Se-iin ') i ? - . T s 1 r. ok out for his Grand ."" 1 w I ; wisj and buy Merges, roar overshoes of 3 K a n-::i:iar of v-,.::i men of i". :" " . K oi li:.; .--cm I b.-liict -f the -J-JlV J&- H& !sS10S3 I el r-3 r. if 8 13 Wvtv, 58 8 htn We Have received a case ot U j 111 Lu t i u I'al terns co)iod Ironi the Onlv j nnv liulll Also Fail l.ims of Solid Color.., Myrtle, Black, Oliw, Wine, Havana, This undoubtedlv will he the tlu; v J trl i s i in Wash Cr ods this .season. Call fur it will he diJli-ii! t to et Cood .of j; f rr, V ( -T ' i -4 1 P l f 4 cry 5 i-o. C m k -i r rpvirxd ein.ci foUfci Life is dear: ana nor to $ ?its Tiniio i Live! Ik-fly .bebj are M ;:;!! I'-.ii'i I! i': i:Li' Hf.'i 1 1; ! i"i : . ' A Lucky rnJiv "What a lucky chap Puin.by wa.-:" "How so C ' 'Why fortune play..-d into his han all his life." "Yes. but he died in his prime." "That's where his luck s'ill -t-iv-with Iii m. When he died col'ii:is v.e selling at cost." Lincoln Journal. a ! COAL! COAL! jilust tiitve tins coal oarm d hear goes The 1 st .Missouri Coal . Iowa Linno Of) :, rowaSo't Xut. . -i ! Plentv of hard coal on h uei: al-o ) Canon Citv and Illinois Coal at reasonable mires Stove Wood liieoared. , Office South :jrd st. l.lepiione Orders taken at M. 15. Mm jhy's stol e and Central Telephone Oiikv. hv. Timothy Ci.ai.i:. Joe will surprise you on Iris tr; ".n i opening of spring and sum ri. -'i tro---.l-Nothing in his lin? that .! won't be able to show you uonds that his eom peditors won't dare offer to the public. Joe's low prices will make his competi tors wonder how lie can sell so low. Plenty of feed. Hour, meal at Heisel's mill, tf graham and Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at Merges' cheap. tf )l! 1 - n a I u W ii goods MO Finest French (Jouds, r Yarc ;it the sanu; rice. Colors Seul, Civam, (Joheleu, Sttphire, Tan fiered er early In-lore the selection is broken I'al terns later Ml. Cost ! c3 lattsrnouth. and rou w leextAer too. !;.- i:t a hev i'nc ce. c- A. mar shall. Preservation of the Natural Teeth Specialty. Auesthctics given for Pais- 1Ks" PlI.I.INO OK KXTHACTIOV nu- Tr-t, 1:Ksr..r.,V - 'N" ?' tiiactiox of Tekth. jrV, V'.' .i 'V , nn ';ld' Silver. ':u."'",r r4Cc"ul,,,a 1 Iat s' 1 inserted - ,,u ittlu a.c txtractwl when do sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable Frrzr;K:At,-s ,?n "(.vrr iUTll. Nkb 8. & Til. Time IT able. " V l'!0'!!VJaV.T' - . "AST. No. 7.-7 ;.; i p.m. x . No. -i :17 i). in. . j iw a. in. No. 1 1 ! ;''7 a. III. XoV-aa .jV-i! Uv l'y wavof 0t"a. except X . nis i. sf ii r 'i.,ia i .i No. 1 1 u i -, rr... .v.;':'.-;"."" A' " " m ii.n3 iii!i"iion -r tisrn. Call at O. P. Smith & CV8 ,lrug Te and look at their choice valentines. t Try Merges for your winter's footwf SATINES! oi A.