The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, February 08, 1889, Image 2

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TIIK DAILY HERALD: i 'L A'lTS.M ( ) lj Til, ERR A SK A. i-'K' I ! . V. I'EJiRI'A RY 8, D80.
The Plattsmouth Daily Herald.
KISTO T" rl 33 C
Publishers & I'roprlelurs.
! pul.liili.-.l cvi-ry rvi'iiliiir. i-n-ept SniidHJ
and Wettkly rvry I liiir-lay iimniin,'. Kcli
ttTivl at tli i"till!e', li:il ifiiiutli. Nrlir.. f
n.--inl--U-.- iit.itr.-r. Olliri: cumiT of Vim: ant
If III trctrtl. Tf!-liifii
One copy mm ear In advance. I.y.inail ?!
Oimciiiiy iit-r moiit li. I'Vi arniT,.
One copy jr -ek. Iy c;irriiT,...
One ((''T one year, in alvanei'
On; copy n iiiniiihH. in al vanci-
Our Clubing List.
Wkkki.y JIkkai.Ii and N Y. World I
" N. Y. Ti'Imiii.-. .. 'J .''
Omaha Ki-p '.' - J
- " " ,S. Y. I'rr-.s. -'
- X. V. l""-t m
Uarpr-V ,.l i .inc -t i:
ttii klv. I 7
" " " l'.aar. . . I
Ymint: ; ::
Nib. I'arnit r ... ,i
)-iii..r--. H i,m!li-
ly .M i;ii'.-. . . . :: e
" Aiim'IKmii Ma'.m :
" " 'I !lf I ! Illll .". ' l
Tin: uxmx as it will he.
Not many rc'ili.". perhaps, that the
circli; of states m ne:uiii4 - tn j kl--t' -At
their present rat;; of pioios it i-anno-lie
many years Ix-forea;! of the. western
territories will le raIii:itcil into Mate-,
nml the union that lfjan a century nj.ri.
as a narrow strip ulmi"; tin; Atlantic wil
have fjrown into a oi-antic empire of
self-yoverniii"; commonwealths, str. till
ing from oc('un to ocean. Tin; iiilniisMoi
of the two Dakota.-, Montana and Wii-li
injton cannot le ileliijcil more than i.
few months. This measure will erect inti
states the whole of the vast territory
forming our northern hotinciary from th
vrestsrn line of Minnesota to the l'acilii
Ocean, with the exception of the narrow
strip of Idaho which runs up het wei r
Moutaim anil Yi'u.-.hii)",toii and touches
the border of I)riti.-.h Coluiniiia. Leaving
out of consideration the Indian Territon .
whose position is anoirndous and wh
future relations to the union involve t li
whole question of citizenship,
there will remain after the ailinis.-ion i:
the Dakotas, Montane and Wa-hinyton.
only five territories awaiting promotion.
Of these two. Utah and New Mexico,
have already more than the population
recognized as the un.'t of representation
Utah will never be admitted 60 long a?: h
continues to be a Mormon p-ovinee, lir
the day when the authority of the Uniter
States will be supreme there will 1
hastened both by immigration and
internal changer. New Mexico is rcceiv
ing large accessions of intelligent am!
enterprising Americans, and its andmis
sion also is otdy a question of time. I
lias been proposed that Arizona, whScl
v. as a part of Xew Mexico when it w
organized a a tcrrritory in and cm
off from it thirteen years Inter, .should !
reunited to it, ami that the two shouh
be admitted as one state on the gr. um
that they are much alike in physica'
peculiarities and in character of popula
tion. IJut the present tendency is tt
divide territories rather than to unit'
them, and it may be taken for grantei
that when these two territories are ad
mitted it will be as two states. IuNln
etands next to Montana in order of pop
ulatioh as estimated in the latest report.-.
Montani haviDg 14o,000, which ha
probably increased since the estimate wa
made, and Idaho loO.OUO, Wyoin'm.
comes next with S.I.GO'J, and Arizona,
a census taken more than six years
was shown to have NJ.OOO, which h
eloubdess Considerably increased Un
that time. There has been talk of diyid
ing Idaho into two states, North .mi
South, but there seems to be no probahil
it' of this.
The admission of the four n w North
western states will undoubtedly great'.
stimulate immigration, not only th i
but to the remaining territories, and .t is
likely that before lvO-i all of them vi:!
have been received iut the Un'on. I
we indulge our fancy sufficiently to sup
pose that by that time the Indians win
have been made citizens, and the Indi.ii.
territory will have been ericted into i;
state, there will be forty-eight stars ci
the flag where there are thirty- eight, ami
the membership of the senate will b.
ninety-six instead of seventy-six s nov.
making it still one of tie; smallest of th
impoitaut legislative bodies of tiic world
"When the process has been complete!
there will be literally no more states t(
adopt un!e-s our neighbors across th
Canada border conclude to come in i.i -make
one cieil-! of the 4rc.1t Engli-;
speaking f imily in Am.-r:c.
Ad of the states y t to onme in are )
ya-t si.;. The small-t Is an enij ire 1.
side which the. empire stat:s .-. in
Yet t!i'. population?, ji.c u,,t l ii:'
enough to admit of division n w, vv j 1
j:i the cae of Dikot 1, and tii" ani' -t.
felt in all to f' 'in adinisio:i i i I . . ffectu
ally prevent the gro.vtli of any s";iti:n- n:
in favor of di vision. Once in tin. L'ui- ;
experience shows tint division, exc pi
under ph. noin' nr-.l eircuiii&tnnces-, liU
thoss; of th two Virginias, scenic i:i.
possibilty. The J! ojl,; of Texns hav
the riglit to di inand innhr thiir organi.
law its division into stat-s, tf.'i
multiplying their present powir in th
i:.t'. IJut tlii very suggestion of such
ju idea ouljr a few months ago was rt-
eeived by the press with universal riili- 'I'd. fin... itritfiiIfin bccll f
' .i
ma.l concern. i, o,lly 10 oe
scouted. It has often be. I. propoM-d
that New York city and the su. runiing
territory should be sctolf as one state,
ind the remaiiider of the state as another
but we venture to sav it would be us easy
to divide London from Ihigland as to in
duee the people of New Yolk to sacrifice
their ju-t pride in this great common
wealth. New York Tribune.
Th'.- Samoun imbroglio h is raised
iii'stion which is an interesting one
li-,en-s but ab -nil whi; h it will be dilli-
i.. : :i ,i :. ..
-lilt, in "i'i a iu-hiii m.ii. ui.-iu i- ,
oractical test. It itliti s to uic loyalty ot j
ton ign born citiz: ns in the case of a war j
twecn America an I the country from I
..... ....
.VIilCII tll'-y caill . HllMil t.l e iel m III-
J .1
Aiiielic.-in pap. .s hav.: I a rallier nidi.-- j
ei. t in tli -ir i xjn-e.-sii-ii-i, and tiiis lias
iroa-i -d a te, 1 i n r which wa unuec. -arv, ;
in.-.- no si!c- pels hi h is leg aided a war ;
twecn tin; United Stat s and Germany j
as a pi ssiiilil3-. Ln.ltie importance,
dsn, has Im i ll attach-d to a rumor that a
i'i i:-i in oliie. r had been s. nt in re to c.t
i.uiiii: our luditary rsoinei s and to m.ik:
a ri j.ort to liis govt rani at. lOvcii it
tins i true il is ol no i:.jiiM-ip:ii-nce. There
i no sciei-y aliout tii.: coinliiion ct our
.i in V and na v y, and tin: lullest repoi ts
ire con.-t intly I. ing 1'i'uited by the de
railments. Tin; I'lu.-siaii goyei nment
could h ive saved the expense of sending
in I'liicer by simply rcipucsling the Wash
ington authorities to send them a couple tons of the documents winch the. g v
riimeni priuting oilice is so fertile in
turning out.
The relations of Germany and the
United States have always been of the
.deas.tntcat cLanajter. The better chs
f G. rmaa emigration began to ;uu.c to
-his country after the revolution of 1n-1S
md tins element h is been a conideiuble
Victor in our politics. It never had any
use for iiismarck even alter the amnesty
oroclamation. Prussia was tho hii
rhiropcau country to recognize the inde
pemlcncu of the colonies, and, when the
civil war broke out brigade alter brigade
of Germans went to the front to light for
die union. Ti.e fermaii-Ainerican is tlie
uoat valuable emigrant we have, :,;:d ins
itiyaUy cannot be questionid. Il'J his
ihrilV,, patriotic and law-abiding. lb;
ones liij adepted "onatry and his chil
dren gr-'W up as goo 1 Au.eiieiia-s us tan
ae louud. lie would rcgrtt a war be
tween the Uuiieil States and the father
land, but he would be faithful t-j the
However, th'.re is not the slightest dau
4 r t:f such a struggle. Neither count! y
vvis'.. s it, and liieru is sn'iicient puldic
-entiaient in opjio.-itiou in both to pre
vent such a calamity. liisur.irck's di earns
f empire seem rather visionary to the
iJeiui in-Ar.:erica:i, ami he has little
sympathy with them. I lis love for the
t'atln rland is sentimental, while
lis I .vc for American is practical. This
is hi.-, home, whil'j Germany is only a
ineinr a pleasant one. ii, is tru , but a
iieiiiory nevertheless. It be time
nou li to suspect him of di-loyalty wh. n
ic gi ves indications of it. As it is his
.cord is one of settled pati ioti.-m and
't-naiili pritle in the ixv at counli'V which
e h .s fought and to which he owes so
nueli. The al trails s mn.-t llml some ls-.l:ab!-
critiz-n than tie G na an upon
vli a t.i li.i.-i tit--; uutc t:. ssary ft ar.
v. n i f liiai .n-k's anav i : 1 con.'. oyer
ier- t'le cii inc. s are th it one-half of
dieta Would take out their liit p-per-
iii i s-.t iv ()'ii;di i It.-iaibiican.
"la. M 'KUI -si-.Y Jiii.l
two t ;il-'ri'.it- i ! It d I
1. . ! - - W. ; Cl I ii j) d d t .
Mr. Ferao, th
i.i O ail i : i i I.
t : linwn Mai
.ut y --1 . '1 ty. a. nl i
ind v li. i a, r p i '.
1 ,y -M -. Sp eht
la in -ill1) is, ticie
is-, y and Feiin.i
dl-i.v-d t.i i ik
liti a i t iit'V.-r ii . v
heir seats but 'm--ti e h l ii I'.e. ted at
a-t iiad the "ibni." has only be .n allow--.1
t-t grace chen n uu tne in nith.
He most lives who thinks the most.
Yet- die. noblest, feels the be; t,
nd he wh is.; le art beats quickest
rave- tin lone-s", lives in one hour
VI -tiian in years do some whose
'tl hbnl shl; as it slfjs (lion; th - ir
V .."
T.i .' lines ib'seiibe that condition of
vert'.-, t health which all na n aad women
'I'i.sJi to enjoy.
' o. r...;.n- T.i lie ii.iI-.; to think
Ica iv. to incline to do iK--.-.. io.
ind iovoudv. we inut le feer
from t'l d taiia itnm of il--as
P, t-'k-
in-- lh. Pierre's (lobb-n M
rv w may. by put i f i'
d I)ise,,V-
th hbit.'l.
s" j cons
lotion. reiv r i
vi.:i:i ..... 1 :
i.i;:i:!i. .i:i.t
Ve. 1. -s. :!!i 1 -ill LI. md :U1 1 .-Kin diseases.
itid v rify th truth of pi try as well as
. . . . . . i . ; 1 1 tr
l" il i.-, ti i:RU
ti: ;.- nccuia.!' tane oni" wn
ir::; on V v. h-.'
i cU'iven
by j into the hot tie.-:, a re ahno it
ex: ii:. ively maniif.'.ctuivd in rr'paiti
aiai hiaia-e. (;f lute years they are
often nut together fivm c'i ii'e. cni I v :.e-
lecLd -small pieces, which i
-:i each
i.llicr by a -. calia
proper i..i::p
Thi-J d-.iie l-r-cau:
the hue: t i lai tc
::: do of co;
wc.-.-d i ; raihei e.-aice e:al v. :y e;;-eii-cave.
t;ie ina:;!,.f:i'tur: ;-.-' p! ice for the
i eat (
. . . .
Iii v f beu-pagi! c ev! ; !.c ii:g
;y jt r l .(.(:. While s:-. l ali
v. m ntaua d cvna-rLo tli?
1.:' '.-::.- h.i-to-ri-.T.. S-a'So ur; ol
liianv c
I !.
;I.x-viiorc. New
Voik T'c'tL'iaui.
He YVas CMtt and AVoro I!ro:lclotli, but
Aly u... t. Time
, 11so oJ )f fib cx.
ciall0rs wcic n?s.Miiilcd mound tho
; corner tibloat "DelV Sitturday night
when the doctor tlropprd in. Asking
! for a light, ono of tiie boys jmlled out
a silver matcli box in tho shapo c
miuialuro revolver. This rcniiiilf-d
the; doc of a story of his mining d ay.:.
and forthwith bo w as besi -ged to ti ll
it for the benc lit of I ho younger mi ni-
hers who bad not learned the; Man
cliauscn abilities of the iiarratoi bo-
"It was back in the; sixties whi n I
" t first saw my de: peiado, " s;;id th''.! e-
I tor. "When he- caiiio into cam: I
! n.uri i Know wneiia r in
was a !
man or a .K'tcmicr in tint I:"
v.., u,j uu'.iLu: vi;y and si-ra
J j-Jy uiihaiid-oaic. II: woic a suit oi'
black broadcloth and a I'll
hat. and was scrinui!-. mi !v ii'Mt
, ' . . . - .
in tii' m itters ol i:nai ;.::a
, (j , ... ,;.,.. 'i'!:'. I j lit
it hi li-nuxi rs w:;s (i! !:''d iwlo
!').,;.. ::nd tin- I' l't !
;a I I-!e. In b:
j !:t ! i
r- 1.:.;.",
t Ol hi .J
a can e, d an eiiormou.s I
a. ml Von could sec hv t'.
i i- i. k coal ovo:
bis iiin that !i .: .a :'.;' d
a ;;i!ii. !
"il-. sp:!;o slowly and d iibci-al. !y
1 v.:s m l ici i 1 i' a. si y poll!'-. draw I b-ight:iid liu i b'ect .:'.
c-; : ( an a ions -c 1 1 i te.- v and at li. .
::::m ti.ii'e prt jc hu uu'.l bini a s.-utii-c-r:ii'i.
Ho seldom swore an 1 never
dean!:, and his only small vivc w r.
sai'iUiitg. lio occasionally rb i':-.d ?
a ai v. li' :n 'a ji'.n cjad gahol iioia
A. !:ansaw, and ho was. j
"Although my gentleman in broad
cloth was politeness pcrsouiiicd, bo
v is very aggressive and quick' to take
uiiVns". li' be beard anybody making
a bbifl' about f'ighliiig b-j couldn't kc-p
his tonguo t.til I, but caino ri-ht to thy
front with an oiler to fight any bow,
any where and at any time. Toward
cjuict and peaceable men he was ;
gravely courteous and never in the '
h ast aggressive, but if a lighting man I
showed up. Gibbons was uneasy until i
hi; bad driven the follow out of can;-).
"O: course, he bad i prove bis j
claims as a tighter before ho had been
in camp very long. One evening a.
big fellow, bristling witli deadly wea
pons, swaggered into the saloon and
ordered all hands up to the. b:-r.
Everybody ro;spo tided except Gibbons,
who remained seated and paid i- -a'.lentioii
to tho fellow. When i!:-.-stranger
turnod al.'out. and said: '('. .
up here, jiop eyo, and taku your na-di- i
cine.' Gibbons answered, with ea-ave
politeness, '1 am much obliged to you. ;
-iii, bat 1 never drink.' j
"Aiter all had tal-cn Jl.e?r drhd-.? i
and walked away, Gibbons sli p; , ;! nv ;
and .said to tho barkeeper: Vive tae ;
a cigar.'' Tho stranger turn, d r.p..:: j
li.Ui and said : 'J) n you. I didn't i:r-':
j-ou b liare a cigar.' j
" if n you, sir,' rejoined Gibbons,
'1 didn't ask you to pay for :ny ci 'ar.
And, d n von, sir, don't you la!;-: 1
I'.i'j in that wav or 1 will cut
head olF, sir.'
" "Start right in,' said the slranger.
"I've got a tough neck to cut. Dr. I be
fore t.o could draw a weapon nsy I a l
ii'iui in broadcloth seized bun by t;.e
hair, bent his head back, whipped ...
the big bowie and made IwoIigLtni
tila:;bes at the fciSow'o throat. j .
ioiist of the knife j;n-t cut tlio '.;',..
ciioitgh to draw blood r.t !: iro'. '
"Ix'ttiug go bis hold, Gibbc
drawled, 'I've a preltv good !-:nib; i
cutting, stranger, anil walked a'v;ir,
surnemily contemptuous of the fal
low, wliobiieakcd out c.-i" car.:).
"Tho last time I saw Gibbo;-? I:e
wa.s just getting over a ii:i!e f .;
witli a Mexican. The g;;-:.- -i v.".s a
noted knifo lighter and !.:- p: ; :: :
in camp made Gibboua uneasy, i -
clianee for picking a quarr; 1 oe. '..
)i:e day Gibion.s, who conM eati.!i';
:t no longer, met the Mom i can ; ..''
I'.ditely a.d;ed him if he was heeled.
TiiO man replied that he was m .
"Very well.'.aid Gibbons ';-; a::d r l
your knife, because I intend l: U'.ll
-iu, sir, the t;ext time i have the
pr.asure of mct-.ting yon.'
'"They met within an hour. Gib
! ns received thirteen wound:;, a!! on
the left side, and on thrust was in hi s
I throat, tho Mexican's blade
ci-':.! through his neck. Tho Mexican
wa.; killed."
i oc, orawieu jjonrroow. ca1..;
we'd better have a little I aef.
wine after that." New York I):;ti-:oi-s.
I have the mark of an :
eid on
it ! v a
! tny left foot that came
.. ,...i: ...:.i .... ...i i
pee iniar ueciuviii w iieu i '...:
bov. In fact, I have nc ,v r .:
known that the ;:: el.':; ;.L bad ::; !'.- ,
cedent. On my way home iVom ti.e j
Gia.v school one summt r ail; ; :a..-i I i
. t . i i i
met wun tae e.eceaeiiL. i v. ca. i.-::-ing
over Dread way, ta-ar iny ;-.:avi.
and was cut oti' b; a heavily loaded
wagon, dust as the wagon reached
within a few feci of mo tae the f f f.:j
hind wheel left hs faa"te::i::-;s. tla? hub
cracked, and the win.;! bl! v.ilh a
loud crash, the lire ftrikiag lay IV :4.
near tho instep. Tho a.ceident .e-curred-in
the twinkling oi an" eye.
a: a! ha.! 1 been near; r 1 v.a-u' l i... . :
li.cely have been struck in the s-.a::.
ach and mstauiiy kdlcd. It :-a::: v-. i
iiei-l iv.oai tiio!!'.: :.i i i
s. evi'i" me i s a v.v,: ;-'!
1 1 w L failed to obey.
I-omoerat. '
ri-fv:i!t-neo f I"o;s ia
In reply to the ;?ie.--li-:i
are mora general in li.e fa. !
other time a:i F.tsgh ;!i ui-.i
Bays: 'When the tempera
nr." .a
warm laver ot lar is la.r :. .: i..
a . i
tho quantity of wai -:y vapor it la e
is mo.-o than it ij ablet) i.taia. lie
excess of moisture com! a. s, ;:.
either assumes the form c i' c: -v." or 1
conies visible to tlie eye ia tho i.e.
of a fog or cloud. leg are to
general in autumn, because, at t'a
lime, the ground is stiil co'.upar.:
lively warm, and the lowest vi- f t e :" ;
winch saturabd with i::--;:.-;r:
ascend into a colder atmos;;'.:; : e, . ii!
tiio result that tho moisture, ii con
i doused. New York Telegram.
c"i.i i.i-il
I- : . n. -is
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1 i i . -v ; r.'
i:.i:ili. ".V. 1 .
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lac & hi ;.-
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: - - : . l
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:ii'r iins't City
t i- a:ii'' si
:. in- jlat corks
i re :n;i.'is. or
Mid J-Ix-miine
:ve no other.
--i -.- r,-
h, Neb.
ravi- vtu:,)
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.! t ..--.-.. ; ' ;'-rA t-rl C-StS f
Thni-oi:-!i:-.-t . ee.i th" I -1 in-.l. ivhich lathe
fountain :' i ...i h. usinir Dr. I'leree'e Gold
en Me.iiei'.l ! - vi.iy, raid peo.l tlifrestion, a
fair 8k in, lni--y.i:a fj ii i's, aud bodily health
and vi'ri.jr wiii'ii.' etl a i-iie-tl.
Golden Meaieal 1 !.-vi rv cures all b.nmorf,
from tlie common H-i-fle. biotch, or eruption,
to tho worst Si i-i ii ui.i, or blnod-poi6on. Es
pecially l:ns it i n. ven it.-J !!ieacy in curin-j
Salt-rlioum or 'i'-.::''r. Eczema, Erysipelaa.
Kevor - sores, I tip - j-int Disease, Serofuloui
Pores and Swcllita.-s, Knl a-.-ed Glands, Goi
tre or 'ikiek Neek, aad bating Sores or
Golden !,od-:cil Difovf-ry cures Consump
tion iwl-.ieli is Ser.ilula of 'tlie Luntrs). by its
w-ondt-i'l'iil blood - purili inir, invi-rnrating,
and nutritivo la-epi rties, if taken in time.
For We:dc Janers, S;.iltingr of Jtlood, Sliort
nr.3 of Ilreatii. Catarrii in the Head. Bron
chitis. Severe Oju-rhs, Asthma, and kindred
affections, it is a povereiirn remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Coughs.
For Liver, Uiliousness. or "Liver
Complaint." Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it ia
an unequaled reaiedv. Sold by dru-fgitj
Frtc i.vo, or tlx bottle for $o.00.
: ! . ..'.:,, I t'
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a., oar
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Xnv. 5?;. 1S8..
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In ord. r to ci;
Notions cVc, we are ollering I '
We liuvo
And bilk Ilandken
r i " pi
In tii is Lepai'liiii'iit we are
A A. . IX ki-J il lad
at jiriees that i- sine to sell th
he convince 1 we cai'rv
has Tin: L.vibii:-T
ri I U h
-V VV :,o
In tlie city, which h
is 1 1 hi
eoiiitiiere line o ini 't
k t-rtn 4 r w -ri '
J 5
1 1 5 tS
Frame-? in jrivtit vaii !y. .ot em jgd evry thing you need
Yon can bttv it o;i tin in.-j.ii!iu;.iit plait pay so much ouch
liionlii ami you will
aiid hardly re
i . , . .
r5 't 5
I-f i civ?'. JiiiiSlIi
Wajjons. i:im;;!es. .'.Lieliai'-s Mi;. !: y ;:e;,a;i e.l ;
iiWe .Sli:U-iiC;:iti a'itt lil'iil.'fiil
Jolibiii;; Uiie.
Horseshoeing A SpaoiaSty l
I rsi-ITlIK
Ilei'-eKiioe, Ml ie.'l sli.'U'ieii i:s.
a ny. s:i t lie i is n.-vtT .i:iy ;:.i i eci .
Jtt'.rsf sli'i;i aii.l Imrl ii a: i' . If.
a::tl -x;uiii.i - this sim.- ;. . u .
Have i.o.'tiier. J.-1 -h-ie iieei
It ') ' i" ;
I -. : . : 1 -.T .
Notary I ii!.';:.?. '' - i :.
s '.niTi: '
1" r-i.inal attention to all !;uiUe- - I.i.t-ti-i)
lay care.
XOTARV Of vit n.
Tit!e Exa'i.i'f.!. A 'si;-.: c-!- ' i!?:, I
i;r:iiice VViiltci'., t-'i-iil l"tatc iId.
!!e:ter F.-ieilitios fur ir.;'.::i'e, K;.r'il 'I.oars t .
Any Other Agene;
Wagon ana
ii ii U li V:i t-'r V-' li-? W HM
!ivn otir larrn
stock ot
nexcclb-.l Ibuoa'jis in llicft- (JootTs.
;t line line of
liiei's at very l.v iiiitires.
r crr M-i-
.-liowiii all ll;e late.-l styles of
W U -. i.
in ,
Call ai;(i ins c el tht m
e,t slock in P'atb-iuoutli
1 1:
- ZT'tTi
and finest stock of
that will make them sell.
an am--, in a sacriiice. j ictiire
nave a hue inriiir-hod hniisc
t lie e.,.r. Ga!l and .-ee.
1 I ATlh I ( I
I , M I .
If you desiroto purchase a sewin-? machine,
aac our atrcnt at your place for terras and
prices. It' you cannot find our ajfetit, write
direct toni-urcstaddresstoyou bcaow named.
T. Ainr Urt
H-1 .mi' u'ffl jtr9Aiiaccoe
1 i- O JS.A-
laaa.a. N ,.
' i 'tiki.
t". To' '."! A .S
- Lew
-t OIIKTC Wi ..,. ..
i r
. " ills ;v z: : : i i ii
.i:..i i .lucjr i.r M'o
j erecitry, Flciir uud Fit-d.
i i :. . . . ... ii
a Bk-.- i rr