The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 28, 1889, Image 4

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,j Evening Herald.
A. Klbbrjr. Deatlnt, Bock wood BaiMIng-,
Tclrphun 5. !--
Ir. Wlthm. DralUt, I'aloa Block.
Everybody come ami fiVh.
-Union reyivnl meeting nt tlio M. K.
Church tonight.
Two more canes of li1itliori: have
lecn reported today.
"We're going to have another paper
in town," o HE says.
Let every hotly vote for the largest
man in town. Ten cents a vote.
Remember women and children can
vote at G. A. R. Hull, January :J1.
The union meetings will ho contin"
lic.l at the Methodist church this week.
Services commence at 7:30.
Miss Mamie McCoy, who has been
seriously ill for some time, is now able
to bo around and is rapidly improving.
The ladies aid society of the M. E.
church will meet Tuesday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Crissman,
corner of 7th and Granite streets.
The gospel meeting at the Y. M. C.
A. rooms yesterday afternoon was well
attended and a very profitable after meet
ing was held. There were two conver
sions. The icemen arc hauling ice from
the Missouri today. This ice is of better
tpjality than they have been able, to find
before today and they are jubilant over
their good fortune.
The brick addition which is being
built to the rear of the building now oc
cupied by Mr. Gering for a drug store, is
about completed. The property is owned
by Mr. Lafe O'Neil.
The western train win about three
hours late last night. The delay was
occasioned by a wait for the company
playing "ArounU the world in 80 days,"
which had contracted to make Lincoln.
The P. S. C. will give another grand
ball at Fitzgerald's hall on the evening
of Thursday, Jan. 31st. This will be the
last ball given by that society for some
time and a largo crowd will probably
attend. tf
Mr. Ed Threlkeld will give the sup
per for the accommodation of the dancers
wha attend the K. of L. ball which comes
off on the evening of the 11th. The west
room on the first floor of the opera house
building will be used.
Mr. O. P. Smith has on exhibition
a Trenton Pannel of wild roses whi h
will !ear the most critical inspection.
The painting which shows a rare talert
is the work of Miss Leli.i Thomas, and is
worthy of commendation.
The stockholders of the Livingston
Loan and Building Association are re
quested to meet at Skinner & Ritchie
office Jan. :I0, at 8 p. in. for the pu rpos.
of considering the rate of interest to b
charged on loans. By order of the Presi
dent. W. II. Miller Secy.
Our local contemporary came to us
Saturday night in an enlarged form
The paper is a column larger than before,
being seven columns. The inside is a
patent inside, printed in Omaha and
shipped to Plattsmouth so that they mny
ink the outside.
No one could raise any objections
to the term which has become prevalent
-of late: "The wind blew through hi
whiskers," as the cold wind of yesterday
and last night reminded those who
chanced to get full benefit of some of
the blasts, that there is more truth than
poetry in the saying.
Mr. W. Fisher, head clerk for 3'r.
Joe Klein, who has visited Chicago and
other eastern points, returns to Piatt
mouth tonight. Ottawa, 111., was th
main point visited during his trip, where
lived- the object of his traveL and we wii
extend to him onr congratulations on his
return to Plattsmouth knowing that his
trip has been a very successful one.
The W. R. C. will give an entertain
ment Thursday eve Jan. 29th at G. .A. I?.
halt There will be a saw and saw horse
to be voted to laziest man in town.
Judge S. M. Chapman and Ami Todd
candid ates,alo a pair of shoes to be yoted
to the" man with the largest feet in town,
D. B. Smith and Geo. R. Chatburn candi
dates. There .vill be a fishing pond music
and other attractions. Everybody
come and have a good time. All are
cordially invited, admission free. Supper
will le served ia the hall at 50 cents per
couple. tf.
Since a statement was made in the
Herald some weeks ago to the effect
that an industry would be located in
Plattsmouth which would employ about
one hundred men and cost fifty or sixty
thousand dollars, the editor of the Jour
nol has quizzed nearly every business
man in the city or anyone he thought
would be likely to know, concerning the
matter, but as yet he has g lined no
nati-fctory answer?. They say they
"HtaniWliim off. bU soon comes.
around aain. ' Ak the frisky editor if
lie ever read-t th'i Hkui.i and he will
throw on an air of dignity and answer
that he oercr looks at it
. - Nebraska Jottings. '
A cigar factory has just been started at
There are 840 students in attendance
upon the York schools.
A party-of hunters killed a -iwenty-one
-pound wildcat near Weeping Witter
last week.
Beatrice Odd Fellows' arc trying to se
cure the annual meeting of the Patriarchs
Militant of Nebraska.
An Auburn man has perfected a sys
tem for filling the decayed teeth of
horses, and hopes to make a foitune.
A stock company is being formed at
Norfolk for establishing a wholesale
grocery house at that place.
Articles of incorporation of a new bank
to be known as the Farmers' State bank,
have been filed at Loup City.
The city marshal of Superior has been
fined $.10 for shooting a dog, but he has
appealed the case to the district court.
The Key a Pain county bonds have
been sold and better times are expected
when the m ney received is put into cir
culation. Morden has two churches, but not a
single school building, and the school
board is called upon to do something so
that the town need not be ashamed of
A Hrainard man has a tame goose
wiiich he lias trained to follow him- like
a dog. When he milks the cows the
goose keeps the pigs away and does
other helpful things.
A man aud his wife, hopeless victims
of the opium habit, who live at Fuller
on. have pawned everything they have
nc hiding the glass from the windows,
to satisfy their cravings for the drug.
Thecitizens of Ilubbell, Thayer county,
are becoming interested in the question
of whether or not there is coal in that
vicinity. An election to vote bonds to
the extent of $:,500, is proposed, to de
cide the matter by boring.
One of the young lady teachers in the
Schuyler high school became very indig
nant because the janitor of the building
"threw a kiss' at her and made com
plaint to the school board. The janitor
was obliged to apologize.
It is reported that a system of "knock
ing down" has prevailed in the clerk's
office of Cumimg county for some years
past, and the county commissioners have
appointed a committee to investigate the
matter and demand the return of all
moneys wrongfully kept back by the
Jules. Verne's Creat Play.
A man of wealth named Phineas Fogg
laiil a wager of '"50,000 in a London
c;ul house that he would travel round
cite world in eighty days. lie made the
trip and won his wager. Jules Verne
recites the story in his novel of "Around
die World, iu Eighty Days,'' the title of
the play that is to be given tonight at
rhe Mozart. The scenes and incidents
through which he passes are all depicted
in the drama, which gives abundant op
portunity for spectacular effect, with
National dunces and Amazonian marches.
While playing at Baltimore recently,
lumbers were turned away nightly, so
lie press say in their very favorable re-
lorts of the play.
T.iere are seven acts and thirteen tab-
aux, and it takes forty people to run it.
Th" advance sales indicate crowded
ouses. Richmond 'Dispatch.
You can not afford to miss this grand
spectacular production tomorrow night.
Secure your tickets now, only 75 cents.
McConihie Post Committees.
The following appointments of com
rades of McC'onilre Post No 45, on com
mittees for 189 have been made:
Visiting Corrigan and Curtis.
Hall Straight, Niles, Curtis Gobleman
d Price.
Entertainment Mevin, Bates, Troop,
Impman, Hollownv, Kerr and Wiles.
D linquent McMaken, Stock well and
Music Sherman, Poisal and Searles.
Decoration Johnson. Tartch. Ilichson,
Vcidman, Merges, McMikin, Ileniple.
Executive Corrigan, Fry, Alexander,
Jon;s and Cooper.
The men who do not attend the Sun
day afternoon gospel meetings at the
rooms of the Young Men's Christian Asso
ciation are missing some truly beneficial
neetings. A visit to the rooms any Sun
lay from 4 to 5 p. m. will do them good
and show them the earnestness of the
voung men in their work and the benefit
the association is to the young men of
our city, in its influence.
This afternoon the question has been
asked a dozen times or more "Ilns Mayor
Richey returned?" It is said that "Samp
son" has been tied on the streets for some
time, and that today la the first time the
fa'thful horse has been seen since the
mayor departed.
Be sure that every man in town casts
his vote Thursday eve.
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly siy: "Oh! it is
only a little cold," and keep giving ihem
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when thev'can be so easily re
lieved by 1JE(J('S' CHERRY COUGH
SYRUP? P has no supeiior, and few
equals. by ). P. Smith fc Co.,
On all
IT ii order to amalte room for ocas
above ilberal discount on
Special Low Price?. If you
need anything iir the "Wrap Line
dont fail to look over our Stock, for
we certainly will save you money
by doing so. Only a few more
plush garments left, which we are
ofTerinp at Kediculons Low I'rices
to Close them out.
Plushes, Velvets, Fur Trimmings, Bead and Braid Trimmings, at the Same Discount as on "Winter Goods. This Sah
will not last long, so come soon and get the benefit of the Low Prices and Good Selection.
Mr. Fred Black is in Omaha today.
Mr. Chas. Leach spent Sunday iu
Rev. II. B. Burgess was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
Let every hody vote for the man wish
the biggest feet. Only 10 cents a vote.
Mayor Richey, who has been , in Des
Moines for several weeks, is expected
home tonight.
Mrs. E. T. Duke and daughter, of.
Omaha, who visited in the city last week,
returned home last night.
Mr. Cliff Shepherd of Lincoln,, .spent
Sunday at his home in this city. He
returntl to Lincoln Inst night.
Mr. E. E. Fox, of Sandusky, Ohio, ar
rived in the city Saturday night to visit
his sister Mrs. Seelemire for a few days.
Mr. Ed Cummins, who is attending a
medical college at Omaha, spent Sunday
at his home, here, and returned to Omaha
last night.
Mis. Dr. Wintersteen took her depart
ure for Fort Worth, Texas, this morning
where she will remain for the next six
weeks as the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Miss Minnie Houseworth, who is now
residing with her brother, Walter, at
Lincoln, accompanied him to Plattsmouth
Saturday night. They visited their
parents over Sunday and returned to
Lincoln last night.
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Heisel'S mill, tf
Be wise and buy your overshoes of
LOST. A pair of gold framed specta
cles in a leather case. Finder will please
leave same at this office. lw
According to the well known statis
tician, Edward Atlihition, the hours of
labor liavo r.s a rule U-en reduced within
the hist half cculurv In factory labor
ten hours are customary, instead of
t-relve or more, ai. l in the liiiiUlin
trades nine or ten instead of eleven or
Dr. Rutgers, of England, after an ex
tensive series of dietetic experiments,
declares that a veget ible diet can easiiy
be lived on, and tha. vegetable albu men
is, weight for weight, equal to animal
It is said that a French soldier who
participated in Napoleon's retreat from
Moscow is still living at Bordeaux. This
veteran, who ia of Polish origin, is
named Zalenski, and is 103 years old
lie is in receipt of the magnificent pen
sion of 40 francs a month.
A London paper says there are 'still
twenty-three islands in the f'acilie ocean
which no nation lias set up a claim to. ,
Cash Purchaceo of Winter
ress Goods,
anKets, Underwear, Toboggans,
Dress Goods.
It would be impossible to enum
erate all of our Bargains in this
line, but here are a few ot them :
4G inch Broadcloth Suitings now 48centa
worth GO.
52 inch Broadcloth Suitings now 68 cents
worth 8..
."it inch Imported Suitings now $1.32
worth $1.60.
40 inch striped Flannel now 52 cents
worth 65.
40 inch French Plaid Suitings now 80
cents worth $ 1.00.
40 inch Serge Suitings 52 cts, worth 65.
40 inch Hennettes now 60c, worth T5.
Witty XoMto.
Good after dinner speakers are amonr
the most popular of men among peopl
who cultivate the art or dining. Lorn
flashes of wit which draw forth roars of
laughter and applause are sometimes ua
premeditated, but prorjably tney
more frequently thought out and re
hearsed in advance. Impromptu or not,
we all like a witty speech and a witty
toast. Chambers Journal has icollected
;;ome witty and amusing toasts given at
banquets, and. In reading them, one caa
onlv sirrh, "Would I had been there!
A lather cynical toast ran thus: "Wo
man she requires no eulogy: she speaks
for herself.
A gallant young man, under the same
festal circumstances, referred to ons
member of the sex he eulogized as "a
delectable dear, so sweet that honey
would blush in her presence, and treacle
stand appalled.
At the marriage supper of a deaf and
cum i couple, one truest, in the speecn
of the evening, wished them "unspeak-
abio bliss.
A writer of comedies was inven a
o:i liquet in honor of his latest work, at
which a jovial guest gave the toast
"The author's very good health! May
he live to c as old as lua jokes.
At another irathering were toasted.
"Tho bench and the bar: If it were not
for the bar, there would be little use for
the bench.
As pithy was the following toast, pro
posed at a shoemakers dinner: "MT
we have all the women in the country to
snoe, anu all the men to boot.
Literary I'enMras and AdvertlMmeBtc
I think that the average literary man
(or woman) is given to look inir upon the
advertising pages of a periodical as so
I . . m .u ii
liiui n itsLu tpui;? uu wormy u tuwouun.
I know from experience that such an
idea is wrong, as I gain much, useful in
formation from advertisements. ; I find
that a publication that interests me has
a class of advertisements that are also of
-alue, and more than one idea for edi
torial use has originated while reading
advertisements. The Writer.
The Origin of Dap.
The qxiestion of the origin of tha dog
has recently been discussed by Professor
Neliring, who believes that it has de
scended from various still surviving pe
cici; of wolves and jackals. The Tatter
animals can be tamed, and many at
tempts to domesticate wolves have been
sniccessfully made in recent times. Herr
Kongo has so completely tamed a young
wolf that it follows him exactly as dog
might do. I'ublic Opinion.
a Voice's "Color."
Blind people sometimes have wonder
ful perceptions. A young lady, talking
lor the first time with a blind man, was
astonished to find that he had perceived
that she was a woman, and a blonde.
"How could you have found it outf"
she asked.
1 saw it, miss, said the blind man,
"in the color of your voiceP Youth's
The postiuaster of New York says that
if the rates paid by tho government for
c.irrying the mads on the railroads of
tin country were reduced in the same
p:vx-rt jon us the companies have re
ikreed freight rates to private parties, a
one cent rate for letters could be ifflme
dir.lely inaugurated without increasing
th'-; present postofOec deficit.
1 1
ISew Sprllnrj Stock we wii)! ri Sa
oil 4 tlCn Hollowing: lines :
All Wool Red $2.80, worth $3.50.
" $4.40, worth $3.50.
" $7.20, worth $9.00.
White and Gray Blankets proportion
ally Low.
Our $1 Comfort now 80 cents.
Our $1.50 Comfort now $1.20.
Our $2.00 Comforts now $-160.
Our $2.50 Comforts now $2.00.
Our $3.50 Comforts now $2.80.
m) nn
n r r
lf uvl livl d
learaniLce Sale I
At a Great Reduction
He will give you "CASH" Prices that will lely
tition for
In order to make room for Spring (ioo!.
kvjerrs Mr cues
Other warm goods
Done at a
Wo A. 1ECC
It is Believed the Cartrt Will be Dee
- treyed Within the Next Six
- Months.
They Believe the Earth Will Be
Burned into Ashes.
Tremendous Comet In the Heavens
A terrible ball of fire has recently been
discovered in the Heavens, and is said to
be approaching the Earth at the rate of
one hundred and seven million miles per
day. Astronomers are somewhat alarmed
as to the direction ia which it ia centered,
and tell ns that if it does not change its
course, it will sorely be the destruction
of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve
times larger than the great planet Jupi
ter, which is the largest planet of the
Universe. Astronomers tell us it will
soon be visible to the people of this cod
tiaent. It can be easily observed by the
people of China and it is said that the
Chinese by close observation have dis
covered upon the toil of the trreat comet.
printed m roman letters
O rt W. Vans, the eatr scientific Jeweler
rests Ins tn Plattsmouth.
Citizens, I am yours Fraternally,
Gsobos W. Vass,
tf. Astronomer and Jeweler.
Timothy Clark. Coal and Wood, South
frd street. " Telephone 18..
Lots of warm Shoes and Slippers at
JierjreV cheap. . tf
Lauics Camels hair worth : now ;.
Ladies' White Merino worth 5e. now 10.
Indies' White all-wool now I. ..
Ladies' Scmlet woith 1.00, now J-'O cts.
Boys and Misses I'nderwear at Siiine
Reduction. Flannels, AH-Wool Western
in Checks and Striper", now "Ii c nt.--,
worth 40 cents.
Best Shrunk Flannels :'Scts.. worth .
II t. tl -A
Wns 'IB
in our Complete Line of
Tor so merits.
in same proportion.
Low Price.
Dr. C A. Marshall.
Resident Dcnlit.
Preservation of the Niitund Tm1j a
Specialty. Aues-tli ties given f(.r Iin
LK88 Filling ok Exthacthin. ok 'J j i.-i h.
Artificial terth innde on (;( Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plat, i i;d 'iiisntoi.
as soon as teeth are extruded wlun ,.
All work warranted. Prices rras'imiblf.
FiTZOKRAi.n'a Block I'lattmoiitii. Nit.
Bring your job work to the Hf.kam
Try Merges for your winteis footwear
For Sale: Three freth.Mileh row
enquire of C. M. Holmes. l w .
If TOU Consult VOUr own !nti.rfo ,
will buy your foot-wear of Merges. " tf
The City Meat Market is the best olaee
to buy frefh meats. norW rlw.i,a i.
and game of all kind. tf
Notice to Water Consumers.
.. All bills aside from tW 1
were due Jan. 1st. Theao l.iiio i
- - ........ ,u,i-i I,,,
paid by Feb. ls-t.-at our offtve in Henry
ooecK s store.
jTfTE PLATTSMorrrt Wateic Co.
i I