The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 28, 1889, Image 3

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- A Mivou
I'ollCiJ .III
B lurrrottD
Jkouot Poisall.
ii4 - .jUM'JoNKM
JV- "V I J JR. A Sill I'M AN
.. - JCZcrZT -HI II ML'Kfiiv
'ub. Work Khkii (iohdi
t I 11 Hawks
I ri rn.irt r.
I c;i:iy 1'fr.itunT, -
I v "I-rk .
('! rk i.i OiMiict Cojrt,
r-iirvt-) nr.
Alt .im y.
tiit. t Till). School,
C.ii.ily J:ilue.
W. H. I'ool
Jon n M. Ley da
V. C. Hhowaltkr
ai.i.kx hkok
Mavkaru Kpikk
A. 1'.. Tiii. Cli 'in.. - - riattsmouth
!. is K..I.I ., - Ve'itni? Vter
a. ii. in kwji. - K.mwooa
ms I.oi;k No. uc. I. o. O. K. Meets
'Vvrry ruf.-l:iy evtMiliuj of ritcli week. All
tr iK.ii-iit lr.)llii-n are r'pectfully lovlied to
l I !..!.
r rn kscami'MKNT n. 3. 1. o
o. iiierM fry a'tf mm Friday In
.'' tno'illi In I lie M.ionic 11 ;il 1. VUilliiK
I'.r ! !:ts .irt rivito'l to attend.
'J1KIO LDlHiK N. HI. A. O. U. W. Meet
evi-r v .iI'tii;u Friday ereulnit at K. of I.
11 .11. 1 1 iniu-ui uroiiieri ar retpeciiuny iu
vit.-.l !. -.1 i-:nl K.J. Morgan, Master Work inn
I I lliiiti-ii l-i ra.ti u n 41 It k'iiinuir I Ijr . 1
t : K. A. Taite. Financier: . F. lloui-e
ir; h.
tti-i tinlcr ; M. Maybriglit. lUrnlvt-r
I'a-t M. V. : I. N . Ituwrn. fluids
.1 r;:.i,. his:.!.! Watch.
i.S V M i, MilDKHN WiH)l)MRN
' Ap'i ii.m MectH !ecunij and fourth Hon
1 :y -vi iii.u: at K. of I, hall. All transient
lti:et ure rnin'stiMl to meet with u. I. A,
: o'.veo imt, euer.ililH I'ihihuI ; . F. Nile
Wfiihy iviser; S. V. Wilde, Hanker ; W. A.
H k. li.-r't.
'!. TISV(iL'lll I.OIM.K NO. 8. A. O. V. W.
" evi-ry alternate Friday eveiilnj? at
r.-. .. :: ,11 .it h u cIock. All transient brolli-
ith ii -''tfully Invited 10 attend. L. -H
i. n-i ii, M. W. ; F. Koyd. Foreman : 8. C.
V 1: tr. 1;. r..ider ; l.oonard Anderson. Overseer.
131. I I -MOI'TM I.OIMiK NO. fi. A. F. A A.M.
A M..:to!i t!i fir-t aud lliird Mondays if
a'!: .-.itli :t their hall. All transient brotn-
I I- ..: i-,.i,;i.,!Iy lulted to meet with US.
j. ;. uii'iiky. w. m
: '. I! w.i. S.-erelary.
t'Ki:i:iK A ni iitkk No .t H a, M
1 M. '.!. .i -. mil and fourth Tuesday of each
:-i ;:i;;- M i-oiTh Hall. Transciciit brothers
;.: i:.v.;f.l to meet with us.
F. E. WlllTK. H. P-
"'. . i' Secretary.
" I '. ION CiiMMA IIAKY. NO. 5. K. I
Mr.-i- lii t and third Wednesday nlclit Ot
: 1: iisi-nl ? at 'shall. Visit hit; brother
;:u r. n.Mily iiivilt d to meet with lis.
..!. It 4 . I.t-C. F. K. V II 1TK, E. C.
i 1 A:: irl'M'll, NO in-jl.KOVAI. MtCANTM
" ; n ; 1 tie -eoond aud fourth Mondays ol
1 ! l!i at Areauiim Hall.
K. N. (iLK.vx, Uegent.
I. ('. ! 1 :- it. Seeretary.
Ii.- t.l i.' Kobt. It Wfudham
I if :,i.-.:leiit .A. It. Todd
..l I'nideut W 111 Neville
.- . . f !;:i v F. Herrmann
Tit :t -titer F. K. tiuthman
ll KKi ToKS.
J. f. l:ev. F. h". White. J C. rattersoti.
.'. A. iin-r, i:. FI n, C. W. sihermau, F. tior-
! I . J. . X ekliaeli.
xijj POST 45 C. A. R.
UUs t K K.
.1. V. .toiivsns 'o:i.iiiandei
V,. s. Twiss. Senior Vice
- A.Hirn ..Junior "
i;p.i.i:,m .. Adjutant.
.- in.- Ofllcerof the bay.
I'n Aiti.Ks Kiui " " Ouard
l!.'l:V MliKliiHT U. M
AM.fnn.s Fky Serjrt Major.
.1 -.!-. 1.. --.ii.. km an.. .. Quarter Master Werzt.
1 1 . i"i ;triH Post Chaplain
' invr Saturday eventnjf
2ES -A. 3XT 3ESL !
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
President. Vite-President
W. 11. CL'SHINO. Cashier.
Frank Carruth J. A. Connor. K. ft. Gutbmann
J. W. .lohnnon. Henry Boeck. John O'Keefe,
W. 1. Mrrriaui, Wou. Wetencamp. W.
H. Cushmg.
Trunsaefji a Oeneral Banking BuMneta A'
w !i- have any Banking business to transact
are invited to call. No matter n w
lar-'e or muall the transaction. It -w
ill receive our careful attention,
and ue promise always cour
teous treatment.
I-iue OrtHlc.it1! of Oei-oslta bearing IntereM
Kuy and sell- Foreign Eschange, County
and C'ltv securities.
zEri nsr i
o :-r-ti-e very bes' facilities (or the prompt
transaction of legitimate
m H'l,:. iw:ii!s. i.'.ilJ, (lovemriirnt and I.oc
.rit:-f Kcu-tlil and .Sold, Deposits recelT
e.i ,n;d i!iferet allowed on time Certifl-i-.i:e.
Iraftdrawu. available in any
t.trt of the Fnited State and all
the principal towns of
Etl roue.
t:.,r--i Tinri n.mie d- promptly rerr.itUf
.iie .,r-s- niAT'-'ei prices paid fvr County War
state ai.d County Bonds.
J m. Fit.erald
j .. :. i l irrt. D. naksworth
S. .ai'O . 'blta.
't-.ii !.. Cahi
.link Cass County,
.niter Malu and Sixth Streets.
, i ti. tAMKt.E. President, I
1 .1 JI. r'AVfHlitjoai. Uitaliier. I
i" t . :
saots a General Bantim Business
ii;-.iiiest CASH pniCEj
r..T flinty and City Warrant
. l.f.KITIOH 3flAIR
rtoMptly remitted for.
,.,r J. M. Patterson.
:.".r.!r. A. B. P-lfh.
Wiooi'ifn. M. Mortise jr,
James Patterson. Jr.
llll'l I
I'. II
K. B.
v -usi. tie aonth?
V Um Mwkds sprr. m f re-.
WU It be in the dsert.
Entombed by eiracje hsmls.
Or on the sea's ccoht,
la the moiHt, yi;-ldl:i.j iin.-!::
No matter. Ood's licure J
Above me wUI e;)reud;
His stars, dnatli's tart-re,
WIU Ught my low IkxL
Laura Oar .and Corr.
"Vbat an old, worn out t lie!" I fancj
I hear Bomebody saying, ex ho or she
turnti the leaf and read tlio heading of
my idyl. Old, I grant you, tir of
madam, but worn out never! Io you
say, as you meet tho hundredth faco in a
crowd, "Wliat an old. worn out pat
tern!" No; for though tho faces iiosHesa
the same features, those features indi
vidually and their arrutigeuient are ever
varied, even to the millionth luce. So it
is. with tho story of "My First Love;"
there- are features in it which you will
doubtless recognize as having fanned
Cart of your day dream, gentle reader,
ut as you turn the last leaf of tho nar
rative I believe you will feel with mo
that none save this old, pure, sweet
plirase has any right to head thewj lines.
I am an Englishman, brought up in
all the traditions of an oi l Tory family
by a dear mother God rent her 6oul of
whom her friends used to say: "Ah! but
she is of the old school." Very 6tilT and
ceremonious, very punctilious and very
polite, but every action fraught with an
old world purity and courtesy that made
one think of the pictures of Sir Godfrey
and of the iierfumes of dried lavender.
Man, says Herbert Spencer, is formed by
his environment, and my environment
was my mother, a woman of tho world,
mark you, aux bouts ties, ongles. You
must not imagine that I was brought uii
to man's estate i.i ignorance of tho foul
gases of the valley and marsh while
breathing the pure "air of the mountain
top. The only lTect visible of the ten
der influences which guarded my life
till I was four-and-twenty was a certain
reserve of manner and a more than ordi
nary "English" horror of anything ap
proaching to "bad form." I tell you all
this to show you once more how lovo
laughs at prejudices and calmly ignores
preconcei ved ideas.
My mother dn d with the tulips of
18b0. ami some of the fellows at the club
erstiaded me to come to America, aud
furthermore, with a view to a thorough
distraction of my thoughts, prevailed
ujion me to give it series of readings in
tho States of my own and other verses.
I have coquetted a little with the muse,
and, as would le tho case with most
young poets or rather rhymesters the
thought of presenting my work vivo
voce .to the people of the United States
caused a strange thrill of delight. 1
communicated, therefore, with Maj.
Pond, and in the early autumn of IS
1 sailed for the States, and commenced a
tour which. 1 am happy to say, was not
unsuccessf ul.
Tho following June found me in Den
ver, Colo., and 1 put up at tho Grand
Canon hotel for a week, during which
time I gave a couplo of readings and
rested amid the gorgeous scenery of the
state. The third day after my arrival I
had come down us usual - to take my
matutinal coffee in tho public dining
room, and was hardly seated when a
lady, whom candor comelu mo to de
scribe as "an old lady," came mto the
room, aceomtianied by a young girl.
They took their seats exactly opposite to
me. A young girl, did I ray? iay, the
was hardly more tlian a chi'id 17 or 18,
maybe and ber face traced Itself upon
my soul in a manner which is inefface
able.' It was a round face, with just
that slight squareness of jaw .which
promised to give to it a wonderful
strength of personality as years went on.
ller coloring was perfect, faintly
flushed with the dawn of womanhood,
with white temples and throat, and a
high, pale forehead, the whole framed
in a careless torrent Pf ludr like to liquid
gold. A pair Pf great wandering, but
withal fearless, blue eyes, a finely
modeled nose, just the least bit tp tilted,
and a month like those pf the f herubt
in Raphael's ''Madonna" in (he Sistint
chapel. She was a little girl, and hei
figure was just taking up(q Itself the
sweet sinuuus curves at womanhood,
which allowed themselves as sho moved
to her scat with all tho untaught, un
conscious grace of perfect and healthy
development. Our eyes met a sjip sat
down. She )ouked at me with a full,
frank gaze n which there yvaa an unde
fined something of half recognition
she had evidently known epme one who
resembled me and then, having satisfied
herself of my non-identity, she turned
her attention to the older lady and their
respective breakfasts. moment after-:
wards 1 rose and left the room.
During the next two or three days we
met periodically, in the dining room, in
tho corridors, in the elevator or on the
streets of Denver, and W0 always threw
ono another c, passing tliat glance
which, though apparently absolutely ex
pressionless, seems to sayi "If we knew'
one another we should be friends."
Have you never seen people in the
streets, in theatres, in ball rooms, con
cerning whom, as your eyes meet for a
fractional part of a second, you have
said this to yourself almost uncon
sciously? I have, and always, regret
these unknown f rienda Of fnihe, but I
never felt it more strongly than I did
with regard to this golden haired child
whom I met 'way out in Denver, Colo. .
The last morning of my stay in the
city arrived, and 1 was sitting alone in
my room up 6tairs, jotting down on a
scrap of music iaper the chords pf ap ac
companiment to p litte song tha(' had
written for a f nend in Baltimore. My
task finished, I went down stairs to tho
arlor. where there was a piano, to try
heir effect, and, finding, (be room an.
parently empty, I seated uiy6tlf on the
music stooL As 1 opened the piano
I heard a rustle, and turning round 1
saw my little unknown friend sitting in
a low arm chair in the embrasure of a
window, her great blue eyes fixed upon
me in fearless curiosity. I - rose instmc
lively and said:
"Shall I be disturbing you. mademoi
selle, if I play over a few chsrds?"
"Oh. no," 6he paid. f.Meaiarno pn."
As 1 (urned to flie' keyBcard she added:
i!VilI my presence disturb ypu? Shall t
go awayr '
Py po means," J hastened to reply;
on the-contrary. Indeed, I sluill take
the liberty. If you will allow roc, of ask
ing your opinion on a little melody that
I want to run over.
She looked out of. the window fcr a
moment, and then turning her eyes full
upon me once more, she remarked: ...
"I came down here because 1 was so
lonesome up stairs. Auntie has gone
out on business, and some friends I ex-
Eected to call and tako me for a drive
aven't arrived."
"Is it possible?" was my rejoinder, and
in ten minutes we wero the greatest
friends in tho world. We sat in the
drawing room of tho Grand Canon hotel
for nearly an hour, chattirg coyly of
America nnd England and of our hobbles
and of ourselves. At the end of that
timo she rose nnd said:
"Well, it's n humiliating necessity, but
I must eat to keep alive, and if you will
excuse me, I'll go down to luncheon."
I rose also and answered: "You are
quite right if there were no prosy side
to life, we should not appreciate the
tioetry of it" and then, after a moment's
hesitation, added: "I am a foreigner,
and do not understand your rules of
conduct, but would it bo very casual ol
uio to suggest that, as I also must live,
ami with that object in view must also
lunch, we should lunch together. a:i you
are olone?"
"Why, of course why shouldn't we?"
and then sho added, a look of (XTplcxcd
inquiry coining over her brows, "1 don't
know quite who is going to introduce us
to one another, Mr. r"
"Neal," eaid 1; "Ilonal Ncal. at the
service of Mademoiselle ?"
"Tressahar Paulino Tressahar," said
sho. "Let mo give you a card."
She fumbled for her card case and 1
for mine, and standing in the doorway
of the hotel parlvr we gravely exchanged
cards and liowcd formally to one an
other. "I live In Nashville, Tenn.," she said,
"and if you ever come there it will give
papa Col. Euclid Tressahar very great
pleasure if you will come and see t:s you
will come, won't you?"
I assured her that I would, and we
went down to lunch. The head waiter
Save me a menu and a check, and 1 or
ered a tiny littlo meal with some
care, during which ojicration 6he
watched mo with a nervous, jier
plexed look which I iierfcctly well
understood, but which for the life
of me I couldn't see any way of soften
ing unless I told the head waiUr to give
me two checks and filled up one for her
and one for myself, which would have
been foolish to my English idctis. As we
finished our microscopic repast, how
ever, sho said in the most in:;t'.er-of-fact
tone to the waiter:
"The check, please."
Tho obsequious Italian brought it to me
naturally and she looked up and said:
"And mine, too, waiter."
"They aro lioth together. m;u!:ime."
"Oh! but no I want" the began.
"Really," said 1, feeling very uncoiu
fortable,""it is such an absolute nothing
that it would l.e simpler, and would give
mo a pleasure into the bargain, if you
would allow mo to sign V.iia. Miss Tres
sahar." "Certainly not," she replied, blushing,
though her tone was quite divide:!: "will
you hand it to me for a moment?"
I did so aud ihc gravely calculated
what her share of our lunch had been,
and then producing her purse she counted
out tho exact aiuount in silver and
handed it over to me with the check.
"Now," said she, "if you will sign it it
will be all right."
I did so without a word, fascinated,
but withal feeling a little "mean," and
then the child, laying a quarter down be
side her plate for the waiter, 6aid:
"Now, let's go Lack to the parlor for a
few minutes and then I must go out."
Wo went up stairs again and pat for
half an ho'ip prpo, talking of quite seri
ous matters, and then we bade oue
another fare-well, mutually expressing a
hope that ia truth it might be not "good
by," but "an ivoir." "Sho was leaving
Denver i.i an hour's li::.e: I also was
leaving the u:me tve::i:i.
Ai:d thtia v.e j:.:iUU.
Up stairs j:i I'ty rc-Pi'l i i.r.d a some
what battered voj;y tf i.:y last volume of
poems. I pnt a pen through my nsme
on the fly leaf and wrPte thereon a little
inscription in verse expressive
pleasuro I took in transf-jg to er the
possession of the olume, and so 1 eont it
down to her by a servant and brtuok my
self to my packing. v:.- thus em
ployed, talking the while to n friend v.-ho
had dropped in to say "fcwd-bv," when
a bell boy brought up a criaon rose
uion a salver from tho ofiice.
"Miss Tressahar has juut l.rt. tir, and
sends this, with , her compliments; the
has received the book and ii much
obliged, md says sho will unite to thar.L
you fr-um Nashville." -
I laid the rose reverently between the
leaves of my DibJo and put it into my
valise. A week later I was on a ranch
at Ix)a Angeles, Cal and tho post brought
me ono day a letter of four pages in a
pretty Italian handwriting it was from
Sho had received my book just before
she left Denver and hoied 1 had received
her rose. Sho had read my verse:. ;.nd
was pleased to say that she liked r.u ::i
that they touched her. Some of l!u :a.
written in a cynical, despairing strain,'
she criticised ami regretted. She hoped!
that some day- I should meet some one
who would make me think better of life
and cure me of my love of solitude. She
commended my body to happiness, t.r.d
my soul to God, and remained e er, wry
sincerely my friend, Paulino Tn-siashar.
P. S. Sho hoped I would not forget ray
promise and come to Nashville.
Yesterday only ycsterday--4 friend
sent me a Nashville paper containing un
article concerning myself; almost :Jong
side of the criticism on my poems, in a
column headed "Personal Intelligence,"
there appeared as an item of local inter
est the announcement of the n;;a;:e
ment of "the beautiful daughter of our
esteemed fellow citizen, CcL. Euclid
Tressahar," to the son of some equally
esteemed inhabitant of No.shvi!je, Tenu,
I cut out the article on myself and
my poems with the paragraph attached
to its side and, folding it up small,
opened my Diblc to place it with Pau
line's gift. The leaves of the Look were
perfumed by the eweet dry petals the
soul that still lived of her crimson rose.
And on the page where it h:ul there
was a little crimson stain 1 hud pressed
it upon the verue of St. Paul's Uj.istlo to
tho brethren at Philippi: "Whatsoever
thiDgs are true, v. hatooev r t!.ing3 are
honest, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatso
ever things are of good npoVt , if th?$.
be any virtue, think on ;hpg
Edward Heron ;llei '" in ' Phil-Jueiphiii
Times.'" -"-
PiWH-Jones is not u:l--:erly as I
thought he was.
Green No?
II. No; 1 see he has pine to the ex
pense of moving out of .::e of his houses
into oiiother.
G. Ay. Lut do you Lr.ow the rraKon?
R No.
(1. The house ho has gone i.itc ,. an
eleel lie light l-fore the door. lie moved
to save g-js bills. Roston Courirr.
A Woman Considered mm PonoaaJ Prop
arty and Valued a 8.SO A Bora
Broach Before tb Bar The Wrong
Maa Told Why Ho ffu There.
To a Ilockinir county court belongs the
remarkable distinction of passing upon a
woman as personal property. The unique
precedent was laid some twenty -Ove or
thirty years ago, and before women's
rights had progressed as far as they have
since. A citizen of old Hocking married
a young lady against tho energetic pro
test of her father, and set up housekeep
ing on his own account. It was a case
of "love in a cottage," as a matter of
fact. During the temporary absence of
tho unsuspecting bridegroom the wife's
father ana brothers invaded lovo's domi
cile and carried her oil.
The despoiled husband repaired to a
neighoring justice of the peace in search
of law suited to the exigencies of the
After a thorough investigation of
i's Treaties and Cradlebaugh's Con-
stable, it was unanimously decided by
the squire, the constable and the desolate
husband that tho proper thing to do was
to proceed by an action in replevin!
The papers were accordingly made out
and the writ lodged in the hands of the
constahio. who proceeded at once to exe
cute it, and rcptevined the woman from
tho custody of her father, who. thonrrh
exceedingly irate, uiCn i lv.i liko resist
ing the edict of the court. When it came
to appraising the property and fixing the
sworn value of a woman, the constable
was rather perplexed, but the three free
holders whom he called in to act as ap
praisers solved the problem in a manner
at once off hand and business like.
They sent for her husband, the plain
till, and ascertained for him that he had
expended the following sums of money
upon his "property:" License, 75 cents;
justice's marriage fee, (3.50; ono new
dress, 874 cents; one new bonnet, 871
cents. They furthermore decided that
the woman was "perishable property,"
and her value was only to be estimated
theoretically. Whereupon they fixed
tho value of her labor and services for
tho month at $4, which they added to
tho other items, making $8.50.
In duo course of time the trial came
off and the plaintiff duly and satisfacto
rily proved his ownership by producing
his marriage certificate. The defendant
could not upset this evidence, and the
plaintiff got judgment of restitution and
25 cents damages. His property was
then restored to liim In due and regular
form, and the defendant was solemnly
notified that a repetition of his offense
would be regarded as petty larceny and
punished accordingly. The man and his
wife are still living happily and con
tentedly together.
But Booking county cannot lay claim
to exclusiveness in "precedents. Over
in her next door neighbor. Perry, a
horse was once restored to its rightful
neighbor under a writ of habeas corpus
issued by a justice of the peace.
A's horse broke into 8'a pasture,
whereupon Q put it Into his stable,
locked the door and refused to give it
up. A secured the services of the cele
brated Shep Tinker as his legel adviser.
Shep knew that his client could not give
the necessary bail in an action by reple
vin, so he decided to bring a different
sort of an action.
With this intent he went before a Jus
tice of the peace In old Straitsville, a
took out writ of habeas co-".ia nA
literally brought tho h-
Lawyer BaundW most brilliant prac
tmctner Logan bar and long the
P.wcuting attorney of Hoc king county,
was called on the other side.
He didn't know the nature of tho case
until the constable made his return upon
the writ.
"Why," exclaimed Mr. Saunders, with
a look of -blank astonishment, "this court
can't issue such a writ and no court could
issue one for a horse!" Shep was more
than equal to the emergency.
"Your honor," he said, "a wise and
just court can do anything that is laid
down in the books. The writ of habeas
corpus has been recognized as sacred for
centuries. To say that this court can't
issue it is to say that it is ignorant "of
Magna Charta."
'But this court kin issue it," Inter
posed tho justice, "and it has issued it
Mr. Saunders saw his mistake and
apologized to the court for having doubt
ed its ability to do anything it chose. It
is iieedlei s to say that the norse was re
stored to its owner.
An funny a t'si g as ever occurred in
a court hap'x-r.c i i : N:poleon, O., in
lSjJJ. In-fore Jud'-.o I otter and a jury. A
case v. ii.i on tri .1. an i an outsider seated
himself o:i ono of the puncheon: at the
far end of tno fianel of jarors. "there be
ing no oilier a vailal. 8.e::t . hen the
defendant's :::!; 1 aro tn'Mress the
jttry he t:c::iia-il the fan f ac!i very
ehnsiy. i::id uatiiTiUiy hia ijae '..;'3
tliiec:.-:l i.i Uio furthest man from liim.
who didn t hap -ea to Ijo a juror at ail.
Glaring i:t him. he began:
"Gentlemen of the jury, 1 want to
know wliat this man (referring to the
plaintiff in the case) has come into court
for? What is his business? What right
lias la here? What is he seekin-i tor?
Again 1 repeat, gentlemen of the jury,
why ii he here?"
Tho countryman imagined that the
question had direct reference to lumsclf,
and when the lawyer paused to give due
weight and emphasis to the question, he
jumped to Lu iect ar.d howled: ' '
" am 1 hero for, you cross eyed
cocl: of Hie walk? V. hat am 1 seeking
f-r in this here court? I'll tell you in
bhort order, j-ou weazen faced old son of
a gun. I've been here three days
a-waitin" fer my fees, and nary a fed kin
I git. Pay me my witness fees, sir, and
I'll git out of here immegiately."
This unexpected oration brought do7U
tho house, and the lawyer n?Yt ftubed
his able argument,
John, L Muwisoii piaiiced law many
years ajjo "af 'nndlty'" and all tnrouU
that section c'f' Ohio. Ho had f-onio
striking ieculiaritie. which were in tho
habit of cro.pplna out in court, lie vra
fcnoe trying a case before Judge Patrick
Henry Goodo and a jury, and opened his
side cf the case as follows:
"May it please the court, by tho per
jury of witnesses, the ignorance of the
jury and the connirr.noo of tho cjurt K
tr---, uj lose case.
and tha court will feet hanDier if 1 do
not repeat what 1 have already said.
r roni tne luoks of tho jury I infer that
they won hi rathe not have heard -i!
" liat Is tliat you gav.. Ids. oirison
"That u all I Wife, isfcv oa thai po
oatce".Cinci!jnati Enquirer,
Sfciitk tail
The motto, "What is Home without a Mother," existd in many
happy homes in this city, but the eliect of wliat is home without the
Local Newspaper is sadly realized in many of these "happy homes" in
Is steadily findiDg its way into these homes, and it always
comes to stay. It makes the family circle more cheertul and keeps its
readers "up to the times" in all matters of importance at home and
During the Year 1889
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The Herald a perfect storehouse from which you can obtain all in
formation, and will keep up its record as being the beet Advertising
Medium for all purposes.
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well proven to us by the many new names added to our list during
1888. Special merits for the AVkkklt, are all the county news, six
columns of good Republican Editorial, News Accounts of all import
ant political or business events, one-half page each week containino;
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which are promptly filled. We hare facilities for doing all kinds of
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Work neatly and promptly executed. Large stock kept on hand.
Legal blanks for sale.
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