The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, January 28, 1889, Image 1

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    i fief Ml.
In tlio French Election He Carries the Seine
Department by 80,000 majority.
The Ministry May Resign and New
Cabinet May be Formed -The
Siene Seat to be Vacated.
Boularfeer an Election General
I'aki, Jan. -M. Duriug last ulgbt
tin re- whs much excitement and consider
able disorder throughout the city. Many
brawls and street lights occurred, whit
in some cases were very aerious. The
disorder was particularly jjreat iu the
vicinity of Montmartre and Faubore
temple, where a large numbcj of persons
werj wounded. The morning oiiened
bright and fair und the btrects were
throngi'd at an early hour. The electors
were very active nud all indulged in pre
dieting the nearest figure to the actua
vote shown liy the returns. The Itoulan
gists wi-r.: alert and displayed surprising
ronlMjMH-i! throughout. The working
nu n's vote, upon which the issue depen
ded, was mainly cast for lioulanger. The
newspaper displayed unprecedented
n-rgy in their arrangements for securing
it! urns.
Cen. P.oulanger said this afternoon
that he felt sine of receiving a majority
of at leat 00,000. The .Jioulangist
01 ;j mi itioii is perfect, and the followera
of the general were everywhere instructed
to maintain perfect order, otherwise, the
the cause of theirchief would be furiously
ininn il. These instiuctions have been
carried out to the letter, and no disturb
ances have occurred. The excitement at
s o'clock tlrs evening, when the returns
showed that ISoulanger's maipritp in St
w.n ." (Mill, was vercVrreat.' In
th" Kighth Arrondissment Boulan
g--r polled three times as ninny
votes us his opponent, and this announce
ment added to the excitement. The
member of the government are aston
ihed at the result, and bets are freely
off-red that tin? ministry will resign to
morrow. Tim Iloulaiigists now confiden
tially expect that the general will receive
I (;,(. oo majority.
The Houl insist.- confidently predict
tiie full d tii: Fliitpiet minitery, nnd the
dissolution of the chamber. Tlio city is
carefully guarded by the police and mil
itary to prevent disturbances.
ie;i. UoiiUnger has lieen elected by a
majority of 8!,5o0.
Th complete returns from the depart
ment of the Seine give Boulanger 245,000;
Jacques, l (j,.V0; Bouile, 16,760; other
andidnteH. 10,:).W.
Cen. Boulanger will resign his seat for
department of the Seine, to which he
was elected today, and retain his repre
sentation in the chamber of deputies of
the department of the Jorde. It is
rumored that M. Magnin, governor of
the Uank of France, will be asked to
form a new cabinet.
Paris, Jan. 27. The cabinet held a
special meeting last night, in view of the
result of the Seine election, and remained
in session from 11 o'clock until 1 this
morning. Premier Floquet informed
President Carnot that the ministry was
prepared to resign if the president
thought such action advisable. Several
ministers advocated the reconstruction of
jth-caliinet on a broader basis Prident
Uarnet uwaiu conferences with various
nvmbers of the cabinet before giving bis
There was great excitement in the
boulevards after the result of the election
became known. The police were not
sijr.rossive, but their presence in strong
force restrained whatever latent desire to
raise disturbance that may have lurked
in the breasts of the more jubilant or
.discomfited of the crowd. Ten thousand
jersons alternately sang and cheered
.outside the cafe Durand, especially when
Jeii. lioulanger appeared at a window
and bowed his acknowledgments. When
liouJ-anger, upon alighting from bU fer
riage, pawed the restacrant opposite the
cafe Durand where the friend of the
government were assembled, he was
vehrmcn ly hissed by the adherent of
the ministry. The Boulangists replied
with a shower of stones and the hissing
ceased. The singing of patriotic gopgs
in the streets was continued until after j
daylight. .,
' " i
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
"keen, trying inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once!
This is no advertising scheme, but an
nctu d fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
I.y O. P. Smith & Co.. druggists.
O ulgbt city, la there any hour
From day break tUI another dawning conns.
When the white dove of peace cm droop her w lugs
In sweet couipaanlono er thy throbbing heart?
la there do respite from the tbund'ring w bee la.
The clangor of the beilsr Art thou out sick
Of too much life? Const thou not sleep
While the calm stars a pitying vigil keep?
Is there no shore In this loud, stunning tide
Whereon thy waves could break, and then be still f
Canst thou not lift thine eyes to yon blue Leaven
And la Its boundless pwJcettHde thy urrest?
Canst tboa not cost the burden of thy euro
On the great Heart of lxve beyond the Blurs
Anuie S. Swan in Harper's Weekly.
Ilreud in Norway.
Dread tiiaktii" writes n correspondent
In Norway to the Ijondoti Telegraph, was
il i l . i - l i i
anouier uiuubiry wiucn wo iiau a jjoou
opiwrtunity of seeing while we changed
horses at one of the stations. Contrary
to our exiiectations, wo found whit
bread everywhere, but the com mo
bread Is a lieavv imad, tlio chief, in
gredient of which, is rye. It is always
sour; the uoukttwiro intends it to be so.
They, also liave "Hat bread," made of
otatoes nnd rye. It tvuu Ihi.i tiud of
read that the two women whom we
happened in upon were making. They
were in a little underground room, un
lighted except from- tho door. The
walls were of stone ami tho floor was
of eartlu They v.ero seated on cither
side of a lone, low taLle, upon which
wero hugo mounds of dough. The
one nearest the door cut off a piece , of
this and molded it and rolled it out to a
certabi degree of thinness; then thoother
one took it. and with tho greatest care
rolled it still mora. At her right Iwnd
was the fireplace, and ujxn tho coals was
a red piece of iron, formiiiK a buire
grtddlo mora thru half a yard across.
The bread matched this in size very
nearly when it was rc-adv to be baked.
and it was spread out nnd-turned upon
the cnddle with i rival uexteritv, and as
soon as it was baked- it v. aa added to a
treat heap on the iloor. Tlie woman said
sho should continue to hcLe bread. for
fortv days. 8ho bud a larire- family of
men. who consumed a great ileal. They
had to bake- very often iu consequence.
In many places tliey do not l ake bread
oftener than twice u vear; then it is a
ciixumstauco Uko liaying or harvesting.
Au Irish Giant.
J n the year 1761 two luibes, destined to
become known through the civilized
world on account of their xnderou9
build, were born in Ireland. It id surely
rather a curious coincidence that gives
the world two giants from one buiall
island during tho same year. Cotter.
the first of these exaggerated Irishmen,
came of a family who were pocr. end
the stripling giant' at tho ago of IS. set
out for London m search of fortune.
Even at that tender age his bodily pro
portions unerringly iiointed toward
"coming greatness. . lie soon engaged
to a showman for exhibition.. Ills con
tract being for three yearn rt 0 jht j.n
nuci. askin-r sc.nie ..extra favors which
tlie tnanairer was disinclined to trrant.
Cotter forthwith refused to show himself
to the ciwrer cockneys.
(Starting out in his own Ichulf be
realized 30 before" the end cf the third
day of exhibition. II is popularity with
the show going people from this time
forward was assured.! At the age oi xv
be chansred his name from Cotter to
O'Brien to add weight' to the fiction set
forth on the glaring hand bills that he
was "a lineal descendant of the re
nowned Kincr Brian Borochme. and in
person exhibits all the characteristics of
that great and grand potentate."- At the
the age of 95 Cotter was 8 feet 8 inches
high, and aJUiouizJj he lived to te over
40 his height never exceeded the tl cures
given. He died at : Clifton. EnglAndd
Bepc. j, 10U4. c uowa ttepuDiic.
The ToU Gate In, War Time.
The colonels and majors- had all told
their recollections of. the war. and even
the private had been heard. It was the
turn of the home guard, "
" We didn t have much blood, put we
had atirnnir times when Morgan invaded
Indiana while you were down to the
front. I was only a private, but we all
served with as much spirit and ?eal as if
we were members of the general s staff.
I remember ridin about 'carrying - tli
tidings that .Morgan. was approaching
Down on the Shelby WlW pike lived an'
old friend of rulna. . Riding down to his
i arm, i canea lumvuu
" 'Ilello, in there I Bhouted.
'.What's up?, was.the reply.-. -i
" 'Morgan's comintr. He is this 6ide of
Shelbyville, Better look out.
" 'Ureat Uodr the eccentric old farmer
exclaimed. Isthaii8o2 .ftida dou to
the toll gate just toetow -and tell the
keeper not to let him' through until I
drive up my -phoata.'." Indianapolis
Telocity of light.
The Danish astronomer. Olaus Homer ,
made the discovery of the velocity of
light while taking observations of the
eclipse or Jupiter s satelJUes in o7v lie
round tnat the eclipses or tho satellites
seemed to be retarded as the earth moved
farther away from the - planet: that they
occurred too soon when the earth was
nearest and too late when it was farthest
way from Jupiter. . The astronomer
Ipund tnat tnia retardation of the occur
rence of the eclipses could onlv be ac
counted for sa4lsaptoriry by the t;ims
that the light would' take .in grossing the
earth's orbit, and that!, calculating, the
time occupiea in svccompiismng ims, me
velocity or light was IVZ.&OO miles a
t!rr: ...-"ir..'".-'
v J aaAW ssi v w is i. seaw wsw utivw ava
modern tunes majr-tna velocity about
on nnn - J... - " u.
180,300 miles a seconL??ew. A ork Tele-
l?m. ' . I
i ' A ' ' i .""111 -
'ail Bk ' .
Why. Jeiime, -WMt aoyou. thiirkr I
she cTdj .he stopped a friend oq -the
"You've gone to htM.rbej!T
"Yea, we bavel Geo'rce only Kets 2jC
week. 3'ou know, and mamma was doubt6
ful; but it's all . right-. We can buy
everything we want, and have Jots Jef t
Why. what 'do ) jay think ufplpspptjT
"I don't know," . , . .
"Only a cent' a'rftnt. sTml1! can grt a
small cabbage for three arftdt"-Pt-trpfi'
Free lrcssv - - -
- " " ..." . i i . ; u .
A River Ilannlng In at Channel Which
Looka Like the Grave of a Volcano
ltobbetl of Its Dead An Kntranclns;
. Scene I'oetically Painted.
The lava beds of Idaho are a marked
feature of that territory. Starting near
the eastern boundary they extend south
westerly for a long distance, and are from
abeut 800 to 000 feet in depth. This mass
was once a river of molten fire, the
makincr of which must Itavo succcded a
convulsion of nature more terrible than
any ever witnessed by mortals, and long
years must have (tassed before the awful
uery mass was cooled, lo the east of
the source of this lava flow the Snake
river bursts out of the hills. tKvoining
almost at once a sovereign river, and
nowincr at first southwesterly nnd then
lieiiding westerly, cuts through the lava
tields nearly in the center ot the terri
tory, reckoned from east to west, and
about forty miles north of its southern
border, aud llowinir thenco with trieat
curves inertrea finally with the Columbia.
I ho two rivers combined make one of
the chief waterways of the continent.
and hero and there taking on pictures of
creat beauty. On the .Snake there are
several falls. The American falls, a few
miles west of 1'ocatello, are l.cautifuL
Some sixty miles below are the Twin
falls, where the river, divided into two
nearly equal jKirts, falls 180 feet. They
are errand, iiiree miles lurtiier on, and
nearly due F.outh, and twei;tv-six miles
away from the towa of Shoshone, on the
Oreeon Short Line railroad, aiv the Sho
shone falls, and a few mil.- farther on
the Salmon fails.
Never any where else wjis th:e euch i.
scene: never jiuvwiioroel. e wssm t.euiui
ful a picture hung i:i i; i ui'.c a l'ruiae
never any where else on i-cigi-t.und m
forbidding and tird v. ire u m::nji
glories clustered. Around l.eyom
there i.i noilsir. l.;:t l!:e i!(miI, tcri
bilont. lifeless; us t!; u:;h 'i : oh: tit :i
huilded there ivcr'asiiiij tl.n '.a s t .oi
row and Despair.
Away hack in remote ovi r t!i
withered breast f tiie !e. i t. a i i r oi
!ue 1C0 miles wide c:ni s lone
was ti:n:ed. As t lit- 1'.: rye. in. s cooled
ts nil v::vis Uc::::ie t:;;::;Iixid aui.
urncd I L:ck. jivii';; l the !oi:Ll
!es i t an i:it!i si i i" ut ly ! lastt il ar.d for
i.!ili:i;; luce. l..;t . bile tliis iiv r t
.rv v.:v.i i.i l'.w ;. liver i.f water wis:
Iglitir-; i. i v. :;v : t russ it. .r Ims sinct
:.uio i..n v. j.r
h:ij.i:t I t ! s r
I IimiLs ;Lf
:a l ei :i nb! .
!';;: tl I.
: !:d forgcil out for itseif s
.'.i tin i.iass. 'ihisehan
:if j'.rave t f u vol ::ni tha
d oi' its dead.
:( :i its crumbling; am
...!gi:r:ition cr-car;
, : A iivi r. i:s 1 rclT
; t:ie 1 1 m
.Mi I i
j.'i v.-?.ter.
r.-. u j ir
r ih:' ;
. spMU'rin-
i.;led 'IVtoiu
t glass, t.u
i-'rustic flow
..; e. sweeps oi
v. A t t i L.
until it roaches
lilt- pC
where th
an.l iliyplay i;gmn.
Suddenly. i:i ili.'A rent places i:i
river i.ed. jrggeti. KKiKy reels a:e up
rai.sesl. dividing' t':o currer.t into foui
rivers, and the. i;i u n-lglifv r!i:r.;:eo
ighty IVi t dov. iiwaj'd, d:i: i. i ;i thei:
way. Ut ccurse l-u water ::i'rrt
into fc.aui and rt.ll over : pieeipit
white sis are tho garments cf t!it' i::on
in'? when no cloud obscure: the rui
ihc love host of these falls ij e; 'led "'ih
3ridal Veil." Lecaui.e it is mu.!e iff
ace ivhuli is wot en with a wcrp f fil
ing waters And a Wur.f pf su::li;;ht
Above this und rear the right ban!: is :
Inn:' trcil cf feu in, nnd t!;u b ir.Het
Tlie l!ridaJ Train." The other cha?ini !
ire not so fair as the one called " ih
Bridal Veil," but the' ere more llcri
and wild and carrj' in their fu:iou:
swwji more
WIlCATUEp l!j A fUINEp7 fiAJ.
One of tho reifs whkli divides t!.t
river in niid-chaniul runs up to a r; al
and on thii a family of cagle3 l.un
through the years, mav Lo throuch t!n
centuries, made th.cir' ho:::e and n arrii
their young, cr.d on the vcrjje f t!:
abyss and amid the full i chocs of t!:i i.
soundlnff roar of the falls. Surelv tin
eagla is ji fitting symbpl pf per fa t fear
lessness and of that exultation which
comes with battle clamors.
But these first falls are but a begin
ning, in greater splendor succeeds.
With swifter flow the startled waters
dash Pn ?nci within a few feet take their
second plunge n a solid crescent, over- a
sheer precipice. 210 feet to the abvss Le-
low. On the brink there is a rolIim
'crest of white, dotted here and there in
sharp pontrast, with shining eddies cf
green, as'pight a necklace pf cinciid
shimmer on a throat of snow, and' then
the leap and falL '
llere more than foam is made. Here
the waters are shivered into fleecy enrav.
whiter find finer thau any mi cLi (hat
ever fell from on India loom, while from
tho depths below an everlasting vapor
rises the incense of the waters to the
waters' God. Finally, through the
long unclouded days, the sun sends
down his beams and, to rive the
startling scene its crownm splen
dor, ' wreaths the Jejror 6.nd the
glory m a rainbow halo. ' On cither sul
len bank ' the 'extremities of its arc are
anchored, and there in its many colored
'.robes of light it lies outstretched above
'the abyss like wreaths of flowers above
a sepuicher. pp through the gicry and
uio wiiui klu ; c lusting roiir uhvuUa,
. . -1 , . f ..
son like that the rolling cccri el":it.!
wr 1 nn I v r i rrra rtiiii .t T Xn
' liui IU lUttl MLIJ ft- i mm 1 vUt ill.s.lal AU
u7-S - urtit .1 .Yl- T;i,,-f
r . . . -
. . Dr. Vv . T
LTicr scys: Cf r.H t';c piofes-
101 id, 1 iKinB me luttner.i i:;u:i u mc
.'I tl:i
t.i .. .t
aicst oxactinir. No cih has : nv n .ca of
.ho tmioujjt tf wcrk a p!:;M' i:::i t f cny
practice &u pf rfcriil; T-i'? in he
mustlle unde'r. .in tli-: luM place, he
jevrri i:r7vs'wl.i ;r.e'r 'J c T- rr.ig t ge.t
a night's slVp' t-r n t. urli ss be imply
a nil t!i;it l;e v
I tit I i!r
s i m vi rvi;rt-L
Tmd A Lalf"
dozen or two dozen calls, from all direc
tions, which, in a largo city like St
Louis, means a great deal of traveling.
Starting out on these, he returns for
office hours, works without a spare min
ute there, and then is out again. Then
comes dinner, more office hours, another
round of calls, and night office hours
acain. the day being tilled up from early
until late without allowing a moment s
1 1 o v.
pleasure, or ccn iruuuuii. duuj m
physician should never invite company,
to entertain tbem. unless it i-i of friends
who will not feel bad if they have to
dine alone. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Flanafble Plea.
"Why, you greedy little fellow, said
a frugal mother to her young hopeful,
"tlioso wafer crackers were for the
Christmas dinner, and you have eaten
the whole pound."
"That ain't much, ma," pleaded the
young rogue; "tney're so thin, you
know. Mew York Evening Sun.
roe little ones are pert w rla.
And lots of trouble uuus ua;
Ero gxlden ntornina; opes her eye
They from our slumbers wake us.
Nay oft ere half tbe night Is o'er.
They start us from our dreaming.
And w luuxt rise and walk the floor
Until they cease their screaming.
Perhapa our raHbnefls we deplore;
Indulge In wishing, maybe,
W- had remained a bachelor
While slnjting. "Sleep, my baby I"
We wonder why we took a wife.
While wrath within us tiurwxJ Is,
And tbuik of ail the Ills of llfo
A squalling babe the worst is
But when grim death is hovering high
CFar distant may that day bc:
"Take all we own, O, Lord !" we cry.
"But spare to us the baby."
BoKton Courier
Thomas Benton and the ttoy.
Many years ago a slim built youth
was trudging through the streets of
New York, bent under the weight of
a aozen copies oi cen ton s luirty
Years in Congress," bound together
by u strap. .Entering a small park tie
rested on a rustic seat. Presently a
large man sauntered along, noticed
tlio boy and his load, sat down and
began to question him.
"Why are you losiner time? he
"I can make it up on the home trip.
when I shall have nothing to carry."
"Why are you not provided with a
handcart or barrow?
"Mv emolovers provide none and 1
can't afford to buy one."
"Do you read The Sun?"
"At odd hours I do."
' Look in the editorial column to
morrow ana see wnat is saiu or your
ine youtn aid so. and round a
scathing article denouncing the firm
for overloading its messengers and
treatinsr them like beasts of burden.
But before the man had left the boy in
the park he asked him to look at the
portrait in the front part of the books
anu see 11 ne recognized it. xne ooy
I 1 t ... m
complied, then hurriedly looked at his
chance acquaintance and said in as ton
"Why, it is you 1"
"You are right; I am Thomas H
Tho boy was James Eagan. now a
veaiiuy liquor mercuani oi vmcago.
.1.1 1 ? l . . rf-n
v iucago nmes.
Facts About Immigration.
One-fifth of the immigration to this
i-.. t from Europe last year was from
wo countries which nave only re
tly begun to contribute to our pop
jilion -Italy and Russia. The re
i:l from Castle Garden shows that
jS r' ". .!. ICO immigrants for the year
;.;, wi n Indians and 32,937 were
iinis. The jnuiligratfon from these
, ,-,.. vt; '. a' is liigh us that from
the immigration from
. ; i i- wj:s just about equal to
!: i 5i;-l.i:id. We uro informed
; . rv l!ii whr:!e body ol
-.;:! !;.- iliid a. Russians"
i ! '.:i- i.eLs.-.v rat e, mid that
, i.i. i ii.i- ;v ui ::iUt'!i more de-i-j
ii . i t'. ny f u- A l r.ndcr the
ui:.sia liuit tat v tire eiwour
it ItM't'iir
Mini i.
::i ! fol!o
I V?
3Xilrlal in a Sf-:irtttr.
The amount f r.iat vi A neecssui-y in
':e e')::st:-uttio:i of t: l.ffK) ton steaniei
; simply a.stuni.s:iinjj It takes 4N.0CC
ineal SVi t i t timber. Sj U:is fr hog
!i.;i:is. ui;d in all 50 t:ii.-. ;f iron. li
.It s i f vikuin t calu the feeai.'is. cuti
.:!ly Z,..l,A oi'tli of painL Tlie cost
f such a LkiI the yawls runs about
:',). U"(). L wlitcli an !!iti:):iul CJ,UL0
:ay Lv added for furuis'iiu. ItUikes
e:ierallv i;h ut live months t;i put up
I.i. t.i 1k.u. and it should Ixst tel.
: . ordinary rare. When tin
1 i f a boat i-s finished every iooL
..J t-or r ii (Hied v,i;!i r.ilt, ubut 1(K
Kiivji I i:ig u.d foru IX'y-f ton boat.
Hiis b t!.ne to prevent I'.e rutting tn
the timber, ami. .strangely enough, the
cabins and upprr worses usually i!?cay
aiuch seiner t!ia:i Hie hull, dlobe
Nliro-CIycf'tinr fur lliiraiw.
Nitw-j;!yceiiiiL b: Ls fair. s:iy the
doctors, to bev-oniy p:j ii:i:K.Laiit rem
jdy for discuses of the kid: leys; and ex
oerimci.Li are no-.v i.ia!:in i:i cais of
3right's disease. Nitw-jlyf ei-iue of
pure q-iftliiy. p.n stinvr all thet xplo
sive powtrs cf tliO sutsta::it i.- piv
laretl i:i uIcoIkJ (which removes the
oxploslvo qr.uiity; in l!:e ro;.o: tiuii ol
ne p;-.:. f lf; i:i!r; c!v -r:-i..f U.
tiinety njii;,' uiJ Li then
iX'i;aVed vii!i mjiirrr r.tilk in ta!-'i L
Thus prepared, it is called "Trinitrin.1
Philadelphia Times,
tt'fh ' yf1
28, 188!.
That every Garment okl lv lam is lower in Price than tl
Same quality anu make can be bought elsewhere in the city.
with your j rivL.vo Too -vi!l t.i1 c
will cheerfully refund the money
reputation he has earned and
It Makes No Difference
how Iowa price other clothidrs may ask, or what extra inducementfl
tiiey may offer for your patronage,
will always be lower and his inducement more liberal.
Dot No Dash. No Short Hand
CrytogramLc, Private Cypher Ilusiness with JOE, but
Prices are
Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen
And therefore can sell
Money than any other
Lumber Yard.
Wholeala nd leil Dealer In
SUisgiea, Lath, Sash,
Can supply every demand, uf the trade
Call and get terms. Fourth street
In Rear of Opera House.
The 5th t. Merchant Tailoi
Keeps a Full Line ot
foreign & Domestic Goods.
'insult Your lutereit by Giving Hlsa a CM
T'lfvttsxjacsvitif - M&V.
C0 5 I NUMHElt 1 1
it pgain within thirty days and
you paid for it. Joe is proud of his
Price Only I
always the
you goods for less
dealer in the city.
The Boss Tailor
Mala St., Over Merges 8noe Store.
Has the best and most complete e'ock
of samples, both foreign ami domeatic
woolens that ever came wett ui Miscouri
river. Note these prices: Basines-t suits
from $1 to $35, drew stilts, $25 to 45,
pant4, $.1, $C, $6.60 and upwards.
CSfWlIl guaranteed a fit.
Prices Defy ComDelilion.
Physician 1 Surgeon
Ofllce over Wecoit itre.' Warn tr-t.
RelleDC in lit. HekiKlkBebt'i prolan.
C hronic TJiseiKft and IiHHX of Weinrn mm4)
Chllrtrm a spUlty. Oltlee tioura, 9 1 n a. as.
9 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. in.
fy ielepliooe at both Office and Resident
B. d. M. Time Table.
No. 1. 6 :io a. m. No.S 3 p. an.
N.,3-,-6 :40p, m. Nu. . 10 :30 . m.
No. 6. 6 :47 a. m. N. T :13 p. in.
NO. 7.-7 p. . IC.-9 ;4i a. u
No.9L.-:l?p. fc
;27 a, u
A1, trains un dally by way ol Ommk. except
No. TJvnJs wbiob run to and froaa SchuyUr
daily oept Suaday .
. No, Mis a stub to Pad ft .rimcttosk at 30 nt
5o. Ui tnm Faci Bj JODotkm at 1 1 tosv
i me
' 3