THE DAILY HEKALt) : TLATTsilOUTll, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 21 ' ISCi. .j Plattsn?outh Daily Herald. KNOTTS BBCS., Publishers & Proprietors. . THE rLATTSMOUTII HKKALD I published every ev'ii1iii except Kund.i and Wfkly every 'I'lnirM.Jjty nioriiiiiK. HeKis tered al tile l)-lt11-e. 1'iatlMooiilli. Nebr.. . ftMond--U mailer. Olllce corner vl Vine and Ulli trrets. THephoue t. M. TtKMt rOH DAILV. One copy one jear in advance, by mail. .--$6 o 4lnecoiy per month, by carrier,. .......... f One copy per week, by carrier is TKKMS FOB WKKKLV. One eopy one year, in advance 1 1 .V One copy all. mourns, in advance 7 OurlClubing List. Wkkki.y Hk.kalo and N. Y. World. " N. Y. Tribune .S2 Omaha Kep 2 . N. Y. Vrem 2 N. Y. Pot 'I Harpers MaKziiie 4 r. Weekly. 4 7 15.zar... 4 -,! " Young People 3 Neb. Farmer 2 (X' Month ly Alnzine 3 l American Ma'zine 3 Bt The Forum 5 (x Tx the memory of tho oldest settlers there have lieen hut three other win ten as mil J as the present one. In I-IT, 1870 ami 1874 winters were the eiii:il of thi.s iu miUiK'R.s. It sou nils very nice for the democratic governor of Arkansas to talk ah ut the purity and s.icreilness of tlie hallot-hox, considering the jjross frauds which have been perpetrated for the benefit of demo cratic caniidaUs in Arkansas during tin past year. The American protective tariff league expended $7.1,000 in the publication and distribution of documents in the recent campaign. Mr. Cleveland and his cabi net contributed more thin that in tin democratic cause, but they have nothing to show fur it. widla the league can poim to a decided gain in the policy which it represents. It is now pretty dctinately understood that England will not appoint a successor to Stckville West to this country untii the Cleveland administration steps down and out. To be sure nobody in thU country is in any hurry to have a British minister installed in Washington, never thelcss no one wants this administration prolonged a single hour after the 4th ol March, just to keep thi.s oflic-ial out. About ten yenrs ago the United States by treaty obligations, promised to use its influence in favor of fair treatmeut for .Samoa in any dispute which that country should get into with a foreign nation. There has been no occasion for tlu obser vance of the promise till recently, when Germany's era.i for colonial expansion led that country to interfere in the do mestic policy of the Sunoan Islands. The United States thus far h is beeu lax in the performance of its duty toward the plucky little Sjuth Pacific nation, but there will be a more dignified and vigorous policy pcrsued when the Harri son administration tikjs t!u reius of power. ANXEJTATIlty XEXTIMEXT IN CANADA. The Canadian loyalists have but littli vcason for their exultation oyer the de feat a few days ago of White, the Mayor alty candidate, at Winsor, Ontario, who ran as an avowed annexationist. It i true that he was beaten. But the major ity against him was a very narrow on: only thirty-eight. And, moreover, hi? successful opponent, Twomey, was pub licly declared by the latter's friends to be "just as good an annexationist as "White, if not better." Some of the lead ing Canadian papers admit that, judging by the result of this election, two-thirds of the citizens of Windsor ore in favor of Annexation. It is very probable tiiat at the next pailimeutary election in Canada the question of seeking admission into the Union will become one of great im portance, and doubtless those who favoy annexation will seek to secure the return of rcpros;-ntati v s determined to work for the success of t lie movement. It too soon to forecast the rrsult; but bear ing in mind what has happened at Wlm'l vr, it s.-c-niH not unlikely that th-j fiieml if auuexitioii will thin be more power ful, if not predominant, in the Canadian parliment. and that they will stenotic! y n leaver to raise ineir countrymen ir..M the condition of subjects of the Enyli'i i mon-m hy to tint of citizens . this : KeouMic Iri.-h World. i THE IHItW A TION PRODI. EJI. It m in all respect desirale. tii it th arid 1 in. is of t'i:? west, comprising an area of n r-.rly KiO.OOD.OOi) acres, shdl o r recl:i:.ned and nvtde productive, if su.-h n resu!t can be acco:iiplihc I iu a dt finr;: an 1 practical way. Professor Pwell is sitis ied that a system of- reservoirs will Answer the purpose, and he recommend 4 nn ex, Hmeut .cf that kind in New Mexico. The woik will have to he done f ,n.,rj br the federal irovernment ," t 1 . .- at to the extent of demonstrating th? feasibility of tlu plan and the ex- pense will ncce-warilly be large; but the fla'ue time, in fie event of succes.the t "ula iu the value of lands that arenoy wholly worthless would make tho invest ment profitable. There is no question about the adaptability of the soil to cultivation if only sufficient moisture can be obtained; the crops raised by irrigation in Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico are conclusive upon this point. But it is impossible for private parties to provide necessary facilities in the case. They can Only utilize small tracts here and there which are immediately contiguous to water-courses; and the great stretches of desert territory that lie beyond reach by the simplest means must always remain uutillahle unless the government bhall establish and maintain some reliable process of general irrigation. The theory of irrigation is by no means a new one, as every reader of history is aware. It is as old, almost, as agricul ture; indeed some writers contend that agriculture owes its beginning to that form of water supply. It was certainly employed at a very early day in Egypt: tho Moors introduced it into Spain; and when the Spaniards went to Mexico they found it in operation there. The indica tions of jrcat irrigation canals and reser voirs are to be seen in different portions of the country where the Aztec and Span ish agriculturists so long had sway. Then; is reason to believe that they found the proeess satisfactory so far as they were .;'le to apply it; and our iueruased seieu title knowledge and improyed methods of conducting pub ic enterprises should enablu us to achieve much better results than they ever (gained. As the matter now stands, all these vast aiu districts are not of so much value as a single farm in Missouri; and yet it is impossible that they might Le made habitable and pro ductive bj an expenditure thai would come far short of tho gain in the way of multiplied homes and opportunities for our growing population. The issue was not very nnpoiUnt S Jong as we had an abundance of desirable puohc i:i;ds for the ue f settlers; but we have now reached a point where we have little left in th it roajjeet. It is only by redeming die deserts that we eu Lope Ju meet the r'uture demand for homesteads; and cer aiuly the government should make all -easonable efforts to solve a problem of io much importance.. fjlobe Democrat. An Offensive Broatn s most distressing, not only to the person ifilieted if he have any pride, but to those Tith whom he comes in contact. It is n leliciite matter to speak of. but it has )atte,l Dot only friends but lowers. Bad reath and catarrh ft'e inseparable. Dr. agj's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst eases as thousands can testify. 2. MIDNIGHT, DEC. 31. Di e raore Uae of Tixno rolls up toward the nttorf. An o a SJJghty surging billow breaks. Yhi wave is gone, like all the others gone before Rem sands are gone the spoil that each ware rates. Forever, as iUe ocean wars upon the land. Tiim crumbles down the limits man has set, Nor rocky shore, nor level line of ridding sand J!:.y bold their place; there is no barrier yes. Alike, the ruthless torrent crumbles all away, TUe pleasant gardens of our youth are gone; TUa loud where life was idle, where our toil was play. Wliere every pebble like a jewel shone. Gone, too, are all the fields, where manhood's toll l:ido fertile plenty gladden arid ground; ttViv life, enriched with labor's bounteous spoil, lis full fruition and enlargement found. The sea wall, builded up with fond, delusive hope, bar the progress of the mighty sea. Proved aU too weak with this dread enemy to cope - It lies in fragments on the barren lea. Sow. beating at the feet of those few sterile rocks. Where old ago clings to some possession still. Keleutless years are rolling up with rhythmic f! locks, To scatter e'en the hopes life could not kilL So r.ll noes down beneath the rolling tide of years; The billows swallow up life's narrow shore. So-K'.iaM it be, and still shall fall man's idle tears. Until the day when Time shall be no more. David A. Curtis in Once a Week. A Kiss in the Dark. Horace Vcrnet, the artist, was going from Versailles to Paris by railway. In the same compartment with him were two ladies whom he had never seen be fore, but who were evidently acquainted with him. They examined him minutely and commented freely on his martial bearing, his hale old age, the style of his dross, etc. They continued their annoy ance until finally the painter determined to put an end to tho persecution. As the train passed through the tunnel of St. Cloud the three travelers were wrapped in complete darkness. Vernet rai.-eil the back of bis hand and kissed it twice violently. On emerging from the obscurity he found that the ladies had withdrawn their attention from him and were accusing each other of having been kissed bv a man in the dark. Presently they arrived at Paris, and t Fi an be puzzled nil my life by the in quiry. which of these two ladies was it that kissed me.' fans Letter. Tho of the Mexican Wasp. It is, when mature and healthy, nearly two inches long, with a eting that looks like the point of a fine cambric needle. It i. brownish red in color and its dispo sition is alwaj's hostile. When it stings you there is for a moment or two a sen sation of numbness about tho part, which rapidly gives place to a pain that can only be described as agony. If you could imagine how it would feel to have a v. iro drawn through the most sensitive art of your body and then raised slowly to :i white heat you could perhaps form a theoretical idea of what the feeling is liLe. Tho sting is never fatal and the pain passes away after an hour or two, Jcit it is simply anguish while it lasts. Ttior pre no living creatures outside of KnatC 'scorpions op centipedes able to indict w much suffering. Los Angeles Tribune. statements and bill heads a specialty et iho Jltiui.u office. LEGAL. Notice to Lot Owners In Paving District o. t. He it ordained by the M..y- r :oi-l Council of the city ol I'l.ittMiiotitM : 1 hat : l! I t owners in 1'avi' g IM-liiel Nn. 1. nf In city of I'laltx iiiouth. between ens! siiie i.f -cv n'l h street . simI w nt side of Second liei-t bf nud they are hereby notified tiittt l:e!ni ;ry ninth. A. 1. tans at h o'clock p. in., we, Hi-Slid Maorand Council will h.I h a 11 ard of 1 ii i'l.atloii to hear any ami all e uu;,l tints against asKenglng and levying fperial lavrs o pay the cost of paving and eurliiiiir mi rail District according toHKd by the fol'owiiig rule ttt-wii. To lh" Kirsl oue-i-ixili abut I li e upon Mala Street .''.'I'-i percent of o te-!i;lf of I lie ttl coat. 'I he Second our -sixth, 20 (er cei:l of one-half of tiie total cost . rI he Third one-sixth. ICS per cent of one half of the total cost. The fourth one-5-ixi.h, In percent of one-lialf of t he total cot. The Filth one-sixth, o percent of one-half of the total coi-t. anil 1 he Sixth one-sixth, la per ceiit of one-half af the lot i! cost, and said lot owner lire iriiiestcd to h and appear at said ti ne to slmw cai:te. If any, why said asses-uient should not bo so made. 'I his asseHs rut to be co levied to extend to all lots and blocks wheie the lots 'ace on Main street and to extend t. the alley and in lilock 32 to include lots Xos. I. 2. 3. 2. 13. 11 and north one-half of lots 4 and II in block 32. It is tint her ordered that this resolution he published as a notice each day nut 11 said l iy of ln-ai hi'.'. Dated thi Hill day of January, A. D. 1SS!. Attect : W. K. Fox. M. B. Mi;t;lMlV, City (Jle. k. Aciii't; 1'resldent. Notice of Sidewalk Taxation riattsinotnh. Neb., .lanuary lth, tssa. HcMitvvd. liy 1 he Mayor and Council of the cily of 1 lattMMOi; h. that there will lie held on the !Hh day of Fcbruaiy, 18sj. at the tlual hour a meeliiiK f ihe C'outie 1 for the purpose or aitditii:g and cliari.iii'4 up to ahuitti lots for taxut ion ail sidewalks which have bet-ii ordered l.mlt and constructed -y toe city as per list below and properly. owners are hereby not ifWJ that thev may atte"l and slow cause, if xuy, why mil b h .should not be made. I.01 3 lilock 31, Y01111K & Haven Add $ II 2(1 Lot 4 Itl iCk 2. Voiirus fi llaj es Add 1 2t Lot 1 i;loek ts, Vount; & Haves Add 10 ntt Lot 2 lilock 18, Yotf .f! c Mayes Add . to 00 Lot '1 Hlock li, Youiu & Hayes Acid 10 (K) Lot 3 Hlock P.), Y u.ijj it Ha- es Add 10 00 Lot 4 Hlock 18, Yoiiiij; & Hayes Add lo 00 Lot 2 lilock 17. Yotinn ,t Haves Add .. 8 00 Lot 3 lilock 111, City of I'la'tstiioiitli 6 48 Lot 4 Hlock 111, 1 il v of I'lattstnoiith ... C 48 Lot t liloi k 13 Cilv of I'latt-mou'll 22 40 Lot 12 Hlock 3. City of ITatlsinouth 'Zi 40 Lot 5 I-lock lis, ;ity of I'latlsiiUiiitll 7 04 Lot 1 Hlock z. City of tTattsmoul li.... 43 00 Lot 2 Hlock 27. C tV of Hlaltsuiouth 13 40 Lot : lilock 14, Young X; Haves Add 9 CO Lor o Hlocli IJ. o;i!;; Hays A1... 9 ) Noliee lis per above to be given by rublica t ion . Attest : W. IC. Fox. M. Ii. Mmirny, City Clerk. Act in tf I'rcsulen t. Notice to Lot ' Owners in Sewer District No. I. lie if orbwiie,! py ? he Apivor aiol Council of the ciy of I'lattsiiiotf.ii tli!iV Hii i ounris in Sewer 'District No. 1 of t:.- ei:y of ITat'tsinouth in the follownifj bi-'cks to-wit, Xos. 28 ail-t 29 : Are hereby not itied that on February ninth. A. D. ixK'.). at s o'clock p. m., we, the Mayor and council will fit as a board of etializatiau to lo-iir ;!, ad ad complaints annuel iuss snin" and ! vyinj J-(i'.-,a; t,iaej Hi pay t'p coft of I.Ustriet wer coiivtriicted tur-utrli"said lots mid blocks a'-cord'iijr to the number front of feet abuttii'K upjn Hie alleys through said blocks k.iid lot owners are r rjutred to lift and np tiear at caid l!tne t show e titse. if any, why s lid as?e!iiient fhotthl not be so made. It i furt tier t,ijc-,ed that this rrwiut loti be publi-hed each day uiilil Vaiii tlay of hearing. Data I .latiUHt-y 14 h,A. D. isnt. Attest; V, ft. Knv, iM. IY. McnifHV, City Clei-K. Aclii-a I'resident. JULiUS PEPPERBERG. KCFACTrnER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL ckai -m in Tim (Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergp ppcl 'Bi;V FULL LINK Otf TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. o. 188.1. iht SCHHELLBACHEB, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow A Specialty, lie ues the Z$ 2 V 22 3 S Ilorsefchoe, the B -st Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast Joying and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J. M- Schnellbacher, 5th St., Plattsnioutli,-Neh. Tnoroufrbly cleanse the blood, which li the fountain of health, by using- Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery, and Rood digestion, a fair ekin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established. Golden Medical Discovery curea all huraon, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Es pecially has It proven lt efficacy In curing Salt-rheum or Tetter, Eczema, Erysipelas. Fever-sores, Hip-joint Disease. "Scrofulous Sores and Swellinps, Enlarged Glands, Goi tre or Thick: Keck, and Eating Sores or Ulcers. Golden Medical Discovery cures Consump tion (which Is Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wonderful blood - purifying. Invigorating, tnd nutritive properties, if taken In time. For Weak Jaings, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Catarrh in the Head, Bron ohiHa Rrpm Pniiihn Asthma, and kindred affections, it Is a sovereign remedy, It promptly cures the severest Coughs. For Torpid Liver, Biliousness, or "liw ComplainO; Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it is mn iinommlMl rcmedv. Sold by arusralsta. ComplainC Dyspepsia, n iinviualed remedv. Sold by drugfliste. Price 11.00, or atz bottle for 95.00. H. C. SCHMIDT, (fOl'NIV SURVEYOR.) Civil Engineer Surveyor and Draftsman Plans, Specifications ami Estimates, Mu nicipal Work, Maps &.c. PLATTSMOUTH NEB. -- -"-"- GITY OFFICERS. Mayor, F.M. KI HIT W K Fox - Jaxks I a tt It hson. j b. - liVKOM CLABK A Mauols 8' CLIKKOHD GKOBOK PoISALI. Clerk, Treasurer, attorney. Kii(rlneT, Police Judge, .larhall, CouDciliueu, 1st ward. JJ V WklKHACU A HALUBUHY D M J ours DH. A SlilFMAW 1MB HUKPHY -IS W DUTXOK Con O'Connob. I V McCallkn. Frbs 2nd 3rd 4th. 1 J W KKK ' D ii W JOHNHON.CUAIHMAN Board Pub. Works RO OKOKR IlAWKSWORTH GOtjSTTY OFFICERS. Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, -Olerk. -Deputy Clerk, Ueconter of Deeds deputy Kecorder Clerk of DUtrict Court, Sheriff, Surveyor. - - l. A. CAMPSCLL Thos. Pollack Bird Critchfirui EXA CKITCUrlKLD W. H. Pool, John M. Uvua W. C. Uhowaltbk J.O. ElKKNMAHV A, MAUOL.R ALLKN BCRSOSf MAYMABD bPIKK. C. Kdsbbxi. Attorney. supt. of Pub. Schools, County Judge. BOARD or HUPfCHViaOSS.. t . B. Todp. Ch'm., - - Plattsmoutb Louis Fultz, - Weeping Water . B. DIv ksox, - Kimwood GIVIG SOGIIiTJJS. I ASS LODGK No. 146. i. O, Q. F.-JJeets vevery Tuenday evenlnt? of each week.: All transient brothers are respectfully Invited to menu. " I LATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3.1. 0 O. F.. meets every alternate Friday iu each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting Hrot tiers are lnviteu to attenu. . 'I1KIO LODGE NO. 84. A. O. U. W. Meets a every alternate Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers are respectfully In vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Work man ; v. r. jivowa. V iMbnuta j u. . tieiuater. liver -eer: It. A. Taite. Financier : . F. Houe worth. Kecorder ; M. Maybrlght. Kecelver; D. B. rtmith, Padt M. W. : I. N. Bowen, Guide; p. j. ivunz, lnsiue v- nteu. 1A8S CAMP NO. 33'-', MODKKN WOODMEN of America Meets eoi-d and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall All transient 'irothers are requested to meet with us. L. A, Newcpoipr, V entifM't5 i-'oiisul i 1, , Ntle Worthy Adviser ; ii C. U Ude. Hunker 1 W. A. Boeck, Clerk. ' IJLATTSMOU1 H I.OI)(iE N. . A. O. U. W a ilepta every ilMruie Friday evening at kockwoou nan ai so ciock, aii transient uroin rs are respectfully invited to attend. - L. 8 I M Ul.V 11,,.. J W-Arun.-.. . d Wilde. Kecorder ; Leonard Anderson, Overseer. If LATTaMOUTH LODGE NO. 6. A. F. & A.M. - Meets on the flivt and third Mondays of eacu inontii at ineir nan. All transient orotli ers are cordially Incited to meet with us. J. Q. Ut)HiCY, W. M. Wm. at. Secretary. V El Meets second aud fourth Tuesday of each month at Maon'e Hall. Transcieut brothers ire invited to meet with us. F. E.-WHITR, II. P Wm. Hva. Seci-stary, lfT. ZION COMMAVDARYT. MO. 5. K. T. a-Meets first and third Wednesday night ol each month at Mason's ball. Visiting brother are coiuiaiiy luvueu to meet wun us. Wm. Hays, Bee. F. E. Whitk, E. C. f 'ASS COUNCIL KQ 1P01.UOVAL ABCANUM - nieetsthe Heeond aUd fojirth Mdndas of eacu nioniu a, Arcauuju nau, K. X, G i.ekn. Regent. P. C. Minor, reoretary, . PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Robt. B Windhan 1st Vice President A. B. Todd 2nd Vice President Win Neville Secretary F. Herrmam Tiaasurei F. R. UuthmaL pIRKCi'ORS. J. C. Richev. J". E. White, l C. Patterson. J. A. Conner, ti. Iisop, c. w. sperman, F. Gor d r, J. V- vVepkbaPh. McCONIHIE POST 49 G. A. R. BOSXKK. . r 1. W. Johnsox Commander. j. s. l wiss,; senior Vice " J Hatio T 1 . -. .. A. BATKS. iFO. NlLKS 2NRY STRKIGHT. A LOU DlJCOM..:.,. harlkn Ford,.','., anpf.kson frv.... f AOOn GOHBt.EMAN Adjutant. .M. craper or the uay " Guard Sergt Major. ..Quarter Master sergt, 1.. I!. CURTIS, rust chaplain Veetlnir Saturday evening BANTK.H THE CITIZENS 3B J. TXT ! . PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA." " CAPITAL 6T00K PAID IN, - $50,0CC Authorized Capital, $IOOtOOO. OFFICERS .-RAMC CARRUTH. JOS. A. CONNOR. President. Vise-President W. H. CUSniNQ. Cashier. UIKICIOKa Frank Carrutb J. A. Com. or, F. R. Guthn:anu J. W. Johnson, Henry Boeck, John O'Keefe, : W. D. M. rriani, Wm. Weteceanip, W. - -H. Cushmg. Transacts a General Banking Business. Al who have any Banking business to transact are invited to call. No matter nvr . laiee or small the transaction, It -will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour tuus treaiu.eiit, . I -f ues Certificates of Dei osits bearing Interes Buye and sells Foreign Exchange, County -and Citv securities. FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA, !frstbe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate . BANKING BUSINESS." locks. Bonds. Gold. Government and Loot Seeuritiei' Mouirbt and Sola, Deposits recelj- ed and interest allowed on time Cert 111 s catei". Draft rirawn.avail&ble In any , part of the United State and alt the principal towns of : Eurone. ; irllectioim made dr promptly rerr.ittd HtrhriMT market prices paid for County War State ai.d County Bonds. .. - DIRECTORS I J -iin Kitc--' . ' jo'ir Clark, D. Haksworth. S. a i"fi t. V. White. J . KlTZHKRAtll, S. WADOU frtrtept. Canhte- w m i M CO I.A11tTTT SrfHii WfiLSS WU UJLi, UV ' Cotner Main and Sixth Streets, "'. PLATTSMOUTH HTJBZB . O. H. PAKMELE. Fresldent, I 1 J M. PATTERSON. Cashier, f ! ' Transacts a Genera! Banting nraiiEST cash price, v Paid for County and City Warrants COI.LRCTIOXM HA11K and promptly remitted lor. 'DIRKOOTORfl t O. H. Panr J. M. fattersoa. Fred CI order. A. R. Smith. K. B. Wlndh n. M. Morrtsey, Jan es Patterson. Jr. mm lo Wo In ordtr to cut down our large stock ol Dry Goods, Underwear, ' .Notions dcc.j we areoftering Unexcelled ftnrgalns in tlieu- (Joi ds. We have a Silk and Cashmere ill And bilk Handkerchiefs at very low figures. In this Department we are showing all the latest utiles of GLO AKSiPLUSH S A CQU at prices that is sure to sell them. Call and insptct tLtin m.1 be convinced that we carry the best stock in Plattsnioutli. HAS THE LARGEST FURNITURE, ST TINWARE HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which he is offering at Prices that will tl cm kII. A complete line of Window Curtains at a sac ii Ji.-c. Pitttue Frames in great variety. You can get everything y u nnl You can buy it on the installment plan, pay ko niticli c t-ch month and you will soon have a tine tumi.h( 1 houi-o and hardly realize the cost. Call and hee. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND WM I,. BROWNE, LAWorncE. P -rsonal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. SOTARY IX OKF1CK. Titles Examined. Abstarct Coniflled. In lurauce Written, feal Estate Hold. etter Facilities for making Farm Loan thn Any Other Agency. PlaftNtattufb, ROBERT EOKNELLY'S AND BLACKS31ITH Wagon, Buggy Machine and Plow r pairing t and gtueral jobbing vu now prepared to do all kinds of repalrlrg of farm and other snachlnery, aa there la a sjood lath la my shop. PETER RAU EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker ' Haa taken efearyo of tfeo wagon saop He U woU known as a - NO. 1 WOIKHAH. '. 3 Hw Wacwsis as ' aggies asa B.B, Wuroaaw, jpbx a. nvi. NotaryPublie. Kotarjr Public WIIDIA IIAVIEH, Offlee.over BankiftCass County. IXATT4MOCTH, - - XtXBBASXA fine line ot utters 1 M Iff IK. AND FINEST STOCK OF lsy 2T, Tl Alin.C i'lV, mt. VINE. mm THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase asewin? machine, askourarent at your place for U-nns and prices. If you cannot find our ajz-ert, write direct to nearest address to you Ix.-io w na mL NEW HOtlSEWNG MACHINE RORRIttMASS. . 7 " UniUN byUARE.NX- DALLAS, THE NEW HoAih SEWIMi PIIJNECQ., pimitia. Nth. MX- BUSIiS ESS 1)1 U XT() li v. A TTOKHEV. 8. P, THOMAS. Attorner-at-Law and Notary Pt:l,i;c. ortice in Jritjgera d Block. Plattstnouih, Neb. A TTORKEY. A. K. SULLIVAN, Attorney.aULaw. Will five prompt rftfpttion !? .U u".l,,e"" '"trmterl to him. ViVcr in Union Block. East ld. Plattymouth. Nt GKOCEKI ESI " CPRIS. WOIILF K It. St:p'e and I Fincy OrrcerU-K i!s.s.ware rnd Cnckery, Flour and Fred. OVES,