X sWX M 1 SECOND YEAR PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17, 1889. NU3IKER 101 Ml1 Ul V! ( ?! II 4. f-il i ADMISSION QUESTION Territorial Admission Theme Discussed By the House. HENRY M. STANLEY HEARD FROM A Letter Written by Him In Africa Just Received Panama Af fairsOther News- The Territory Discussion. ash i n;t')n, I). G, Jtin. 17. The house yesterday continued the discussion of tin; territorial admission bill, A resolution was adopted calling on the secretaries of war aud treasury for correspondence relating to the use of the English steamship State of Alabama by Joseph Cuiiiiiiings in excavating the main hip channel in New York harbor, Consent was given to the committee on postotliees ami postroads to report on the postollk-e appropriation bill legisla tiim providing for tiie classification of cle rks in first and second class postoffices. The hoti-u; then resumed the considera tion of the territorial bill. Mr. Joseph of Xew Mexico spoke at length in favor of the admittance of his territory. STItrill.i: KICKS AT XKW MEXICO. Mr. StruMe, of Iowa, said that the minority on admission of territories did not think thut New Mexico ought to be admitted. Their objection was not on the ground of the religion of the people. What New Mexico wanted was liberal nssist:i nre from the government in build ing up desert places and irregating her arid stretcher. A large number of peo pie in New Mexico could not speak the l iiiginge of the country, and he thought th.it until tliev came up to the liue of American civiliz ition they were not en titled to admission. Mr. Yoorhecs spoke in behalf of his territorr, V.'ushington. lie said that her inurentiue position gave hwr advantages over her sister territories. The exposi tion was a constant invitation to the aggressions of any foreign power. Mr. Mansur of Missouri made an argu ment in favor of the omnibus bill, and especially in favor of the admission of New Mexico. He said that in view of her rapid growth the arguments of Mr. StruMe were without effect. Mr. Herman of Oregan made a speech in favor of the admission of all the ter ritories tint were entitled to statehood by rca:n of population or natural re sou rces. Mr. Iltker of Xew York said that South Dakota should not be hampered by being counted with the other terri tories. Mr. Dubois of Idaho said his tenitory would ak an enabling act, fixing a def inite time for it to assume the responsi bilities of statehood, Pending further debate the house, af ter p i-ii.:g the bill miking Columbus, ., a port of delivery, adjourned. PANAMA AFFAIRS. Some correspondence That Inti mates Coming Troubles There. Wasvixotox. D.C., Jan. 17. Mr. Ad- amsou. I'nited States consul-general at Panama, on tho -2 1 inst. received a com munication from tho jjeneral of the de partment of Panama, statiog tjtat al though the local government would do all in its power to preserve peace and order, it is feared tiiat disturbancea of the public peace might follow the sus pension :.'f work on the Panama canal, which suspvinfiun is expected soon. In transmitting thio information to the state depai tmcnt, Adamson says: "W'ij appear to be on the verge of a crises and grave results may well be ap prelundcd. Fortunately there are com paratively few Americans employed upon thtr c m.il.bur thoso few will surely de muni my aid. Whatever fehall occur, I shall do my !! for the protection of Am -ri 'an iiit--rests here." Tii s r. t iry of state in his report to the pre-od-nt. s n : "It will le remem bered tint in 1 it became necessary for tli- United State to sen 1 a sufficient forc t the i-thmus for the purpose of performing their duty under the treaty to Ji re-;s a disorder at that point." The pres'ul- nt today transmitted the correal, on i.-r.c-J o congress. A LETTER FROM STANLEY. O:io Written ta Tippoo Tib in August Just Received. FRta". .I in. 17. Th first letter writ t -n I'V Henry M. Stauley einc e he j left the cim of Africa, was received by j post lat niht. It is dated at Iioma of lionalva, Mureita, Atir. 17, addressed to Arab Sheikh Tippoo Tib, whom Stanley left in clinrge of HfTutrs wliile he pushed forward to Emin Pasha's relief. The letter is plentifully besprinkled with saalam., salutations, profetsions of har- ing rood heart and other Oriental terms of speech- Aside from these the letter contained the following infor mation: Stanley is in good health, with a party composed of 130 Wangwana, tnree soldiers and sixty-six of h.nnns natives. He 4eft Emin two days before on the Nyanza, making the trip with the loss of only three men. Emin was boun tifully supplied with cattle, sheep, goats and food of all kinds, and many of Emin's soldiers were ready to follow Stanley, but he told them to remain un til Jhe returned for things at Yambuga. Stanley asks Tippoo Tib what he is going to do, and he suggests that he would like to have him go with him, if agreeable, as they have been over the road twice and know the route well. Stanley says he will wait for him ten days and then move slowly forward, going to Big Island next. This letter was taken to ntanley r alls by a messen ger and forwarded by post, The messen ger also conveyed a number of other letters to Stanley Falls, which are ex pected in two or three months. WORSE THAN WHITg CAPS. The Wahalak Troubles Leading To Further Lawlessness. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 17. Information has been receiyed by Governor Lowery ance i0bby was a potent factor in deter that mob law continues-to exist in the mjninj the action Of different members southern part of Noxube county and that negro cabins are being destroyed by incendiary fires. The troubles grew out of the "Wahalak disturbances. Governor Lowery has instructed the sheiffs of Kempter and Noxube counties to call out a sumctent iorce to suppress ine lawless- ness aud to send to the state offcials a bill for any extra expense incurred. The governor insists that the county officials and local ptace officers shall do their duty. He is ready to give them all the support in his power. The Xew Mississippjan has received a . o received by the governor, and stating that over forty families have been run , t .1 i i i out oi ine two counties ana tneir caoins burned. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any differente in cheap nos- trums put up by Clieap Jolin Houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than tike a medicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving i r mwe 1 ontiafr ntinn o A-.tin1 tmial Xrx medicine in the world is giving such un- nnrnllplprl antiaf nr-tinn for mirifvincr the unit sai onuotULiiou n, niui YJi iv i . v ' " nr nnn PiTnrvrR BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that docs not do its work will cost you noth- ng. Jr or sale Dy u, Smith & Co., druggists. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at tleiscl's mill, tf The Citv Meat Market is the best place to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry and game of all kinds. tf COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason vou will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inienor medicines wnen BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will 1 1. i. ill positively relieve your cuugu ui oncei lntsisbo advertising scneme, out an r -1 . .1 1 I Sold actual fact, and e guarantee it. bv O. P. Smith & Co., driiggirfs. The stockholders of the Livingston Tr...n on Ttr.;i,i;nn. A eaniif!nn . and Buildinor Association are warned to meet at the county judges orlice at 8 p. m. Friday eyening, for the purpose ot completing the organiza- UUll BUU 1U1 IUC IBUMLUUf) p UkU M;- I l-ii3inpq.n as mav nronerlv come before thki meeting. 2t 1889. April 30. 1889. The ladies of the Presbyterian ehurch will celebrate the centennial of Washing ton's inauguration, by holding a reception the evening of April 30. Washington with members of his cabinet and friends will appear en costume. tf HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving them cliesp and dangeroua medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS" CHERRY COUGH SYIIUP? It has no superior, and few rqwils. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Magazines for Sale. The Y. L. R. R. A. has the following in tgazines for sale: Century, complete from to 1687, inclusive. Harpers, complete from 1bS2 to 18S7, inclusive. Vlso a ereat manv odd numbers. Any or.e wishing to replace a lost magazine or purchase itny of the above list can do so by applying to Olive Joxes, A rare opportunity is presented to oar enterprising townsmen to represent a nursery firm that warrants stock to be de livered in prime condition so that a large, hoaombje ami permanant trade can i le built up. Vefy liberal terms to the right man. Address J. E. Whitney. Bocbester, N. Y. OUR LINCOLN LETTER Notes From the Capital as Seen By Our Special Correspondent. PLATTS MOUTH PEOPLE IN TOWN The Present Legislature Progress ing Ina Pleasing Manner. Other Notes. Manderson's Success. Lincoln, Jan. 16, 1m89. Editor Herald: All formalities have been duly observed and today at high noon Charles F. Manderson was duly declared the regular elected representa tive from Nebraska to the Ukited States senate to succeed himself. The scene is very different from that of two years ago, the only reminder being the two solitary rotes cast for VanWyck. Bills are coming back from committees, both in senate and house, and lively sparring occurs occassionally when the committee of the whole considers a bill after the third reading. The senate this morning Was the arena wherein Ransom attempted , , . . , r 7 to bear down all opposition and rush through his bill in regard to insurance companies, his intimations that an insur- reacted upon himself when Nesbitt, of Lincoln, took the floor. Many members expressed themselves willing; to vote for bill no mnr(! r;nrmiH han fh inKnr. ance iaw of -Wisconsin, but wanted the ciause relating to personality stricken out. Ransom wca compelled to desist. The ony bill in which the house has asked the senate to concur, is that one relating to an appropriation to cover expenses of the legislature. Considering that there has been an election of a United States senator, and bearing in mind the time necessarily consumed in oreranizinff. eet- I . s.i' n . . i- " ' . .." ting ouis tnrougn two reaaings, into ihq hands of committees, their report upon the same, sendin" same to printer and the consideration by the houses, we can i i.:i.. : safely say the present legislature is cer tainly progressing in a commendable manner, It is rumored that Fairbrother & Co., w;n start on the road very 8l40rtly Ayith ... , . . , . ,. ' theirown entitled, 'ibteahng ne Oovernor s Message,' I A tAnifantinn Sf 1in4-T mim nr. f aat tMnna and also one of supervisors from counties I i ... ... . i vvu buv4uu v. wuuvj v iifififoouui; ai unaer wwnsnip organization, are m ses- siofl at the Cal,ito1 hotel in thiacity. The commissioners held their convention in the back parlor of the hotel. The gen eral drift of their recommendations seems o be toward fhe abolifciqn of the present law, in regard to assessors, county attor? 11 A. t I 1 . neJ lue ume OI aBUD" eacn year 8 assessment and the division of different counties into road districts. There seems to Rrt hannony io cheir convention ana 11 13 saie lo sa7 lue legislature will be requested to take their matters in band, me deiegatioc ttorn Cas biea up well with those from other counties. nntira in T.inrnln rhia wolr. Tltr.1 " " Cntchfield, Ami Todd, L. C. Stiles, S. L. Tbpmaaj Wm, Poole, A. N. Sullivan, B. if: r . n n -.! i-.- j, v ""'"l " - lr. UU lUfS. J. 1. Young, of Plattsmouth; Louis Foltz, of Weeping Water, also E. II. Wooley and j. h. Haldeman, of the same place. TRABSIE?, Clilte FloSRlng. This punishment is as peculiar as most Climeso punishments are. The man is seized by four or five stalwart attendants, thrown on his face, hi-i loose pyjamas rolled up so as to ex pose he neshy par pf the back of lus thighs. He is firmly held outstretched in this position by men at his head and feet. Two operators then squat down opposite one another on each side of the victim. One takes a strip of seasoned bamboo about three feet long and one inch wide, and beginj ugntly spanking tho backs of the thighs. Ho gives twenty of these ap parently harmless spanks, and then hands the bamboo to nis vis-a-vis, whe gives his twenty, and then hands i back; and so on, turn about, until thi two hundred blows are administered At first the punishment looks ridicu lou&ly light; but by the time th first fifty blows are reached tho skit of the parts beaten begins to assumt tho anj)earancc of thick wash leather; and before tho hundredth blow the skin begins to fly off in loose whito flakes: by the time two hundred blow3 have been struck, the whole of the back of both thighs looks like a mass of swollen raw liver, though not a drop of blood flows from the pari. It j3 said, that a man would expire under the excruciating torture of two hundred and fifty of these blows. I have never seen anything like tho exquisite agony depicted in that man's livid, quiverinrj features, Tyhen he was carried into tho prison to recover. Boston Commercial Uulie- LEGAL. Notice to Lot Owners In Paving District No. I. lie It ordained by I lie Mayor and Council of me city oi riaUsiuoutli : lliut all li t owners in favii g JiiHricl No. 1, of the eiiy of H.ilt--nioiitti. between east side of s)ev. mil street and w- xt side or second meet he and tliey ure hereby notified that on February ninth, A. I) Ihwi at 8 o'clock D. in., we. the said Mavor and Council will sit 8 a Heard of hii;iliZiition to near any ami an complaints against iissci-HMitj and levying npeelal taxes to pay the cost of paviiiK anil cm In said District according tokkii oy ine ioi lowing rule to-m il To t lie First one-fixlh abutting upon Main stret XiH percent of one-half of the total eoft. J lie .Second one-sixth, 'u per cent of one half oi i ne total cost. J tie Third one-sixth, per cent of one- lialf of the total cost. The Fourth one-rixth, 10 percent of one-half Of the telal cost. Tiie Kiith one-sixth, 10 percent of one-half oi ine toiai cor i, ami '1 he Sixth one-sixth. 10 per cent of one-half ai i ne ioihi cost, aim said lot owners are requested to he and appear at . said tin e to show caue. if any, why said assessment should not be so m:ute. 'I his usschh:i ent to be to levied to extend to all lots and blocks whole the lots race on Main street and to extend to the ally aud in lllock :;j to include lots Mos. l. 2. 3. 12, i.. 14 and north one-half of lo's 4 smiI 1 1 in Mock :cj. It is lurther ordered ll.a: .iii.s leso.uuon be published as a notice each day until said day of hearing. Dated this I4tlr day of January, A. 1). IsS'j. Atteet: W. K. Fox. M. 11. Mum-nv, City Clerk. Act n-g t resident. Notice of Sidewalk Taxation- riattMiioiiiu. eh., January 14th, isw. IleKolced, liy the Mayor and Council of the city of f lattsmouih. that theie will be held on the U day of February, I8s;i. at the usual hour a meeting of the Council for the purimwe oi auditing and charging up to abutting lots for taxation all sidewalks which have been ordered Duni ana constructed ry the city as per lint below and property owners are hereby iiotilieil that they may attend and show cause, if iny, why such charges should not be made. Lot 3 Hlock 34, Youuj; & Hayes Add. 11 20 11 20 lo oo 10 tut i-ot 4 mocK 3t. lounu Hayes Add Lot 1 Block is. Young & Hayes Add Lot 2 Block 18, Young & Hayes Add Lot 2 Hlock l!t, Youug & Haves AUU.... 111 (HI 1(1 K S!00fc Sou'"8 $ t'.8 A(ld J..013 HtocK 19, t iing . iiues Add 10 00 iJut 3 Block ni. fit v of l'latfsinoi.ti. : 8 0 Lot 4 Block 111, City of Plattsmoutli . Lot 1 Mock 12. Cily of I'latfinouth.. Lot 12 Block 3. City of Plattsmoutli.. . Lot 5 Monk H, Oity of Platlsiuoulh.. Lot 1 UlocK 27, City of Huttsiuouth.. Lot 2 Hlock 27. City of flat turnout h... Lot 5 Block 14, VomiK & Hayes Add.. Lot 6 Block 14. Yount; A H G 48 4$ 22 4(1 2-' 40 7 04 4.1 !0 15 40 9 tw Notice as per above to be given by rubliea- 9 liO Attest : W. K. Fox. M. B. Mohi-by, City Clerk. Acting President Notice to Lot Owners District No. I In Sewer the city of T-Lttsm. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Council of Sewer District 6. snioutn mat all l t owners in in the follow iug blocks to-wit. Nos. as and V- AfiKEStiilyrii "ncli will it as a board of eqnaliatiau to hear any and all coiindaints aga'nst asstseini; aud levying special taxes to pay the coet of ewer constructed through aid lots i oi ine city or J'lattsmouth and blocks accord'nir to the immher f feet abutting upon the alleys through said blocks Kaid lot owners are rpquired to be and ap pear at said time to show cause, if any, why said assessment should not be so made. pn 1 At ins i urt tier orssred ht tui.s res dutianbe bllShed Cad. daV liUtil Kaid dV of h:uimr Dated January Uifi.A. U. 18;i. Attest : W. K. Fox. M. B. Mubphv. City Clerk. Acting President. JULlUo rtirLKuhKu I m p m. - - makufactuher aki, uUAIFCATF S DCTAlr llUJLL DALjL QL HE. 1 AIL DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, includin: our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. TVno'nil Rllfrcyv ttU11? -tJ5SiJ J JSIaclune and Plow BEPAIRIITC. Horseshoeing A Specialty. lie uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for fthe Farmer, oi for l"ast liriving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes and you will have no othey, J, M- Sehnellbacher, ."5th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which tt th fountain of health, by wing Dr. Pierce'a Gold en Medical Discovery, and good digeation, fair skin, buoyant spirits, and bodily health and vigor will be established. Qolden Medical Discovcrr cures all humors, from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to the worst Scrofula, or blood-poison. Ea? K dally has It proven Its efficacy In curing It rheum or Tetter, Eozema, Erysipelas, fever -sores. Hip -joint Disease. Scrofulous ttores ana swellings, .Enlarged uiands. uoi tre or Thick Keck, and Eatimr Sores or yicers. Golden Medical Discovery cures Ooxuramp tion (which, is Scrofula of the Lungs), by its wonderful blood - purifying. Invigorating, and nutritive properties. If taken in time. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath. Catarrh la the Head, Bron chitis, Severe Coughs, Asthma, and kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy, it promptly cures the severest Coughs. - ' For Torpid Liver. Biliousness, or M Liver Complaint,' Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it ia an UDequaled remedy. Sold by dnuraiata. Jrios f loo, or ciz bottles for i00. U0IE The Ine THE OUIGIXATOIl OF LOW PIJICKS, POSITIVELY GUARANTEES Tliat ovory (JariiKtit hold hv liitii is lower in Price timu tlio Same quality and make can be bonirJit elsewhere in the city. HTOT with your Mirchsio Joe will take will cheertully rwl'und tho inone' reputation lie lias earned and It Makes No Difference iow Iowa price other clothidrs may ask, or what extra inducements tuey may olFer for your patronage, will always be lower and his inducement more liberal. No Dot, No Dash, No Short Hand Crytogramic, Private Cyjilu r IJusiness witli JOK, l.ut Plain Figuyes and On Price Only 1 I'rices are Lowes Best G-O TO HENRYBOEOK'S FURNITURE EMPORIUM! Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen FUEIITUR5S i HE OWNS HIS PAYS :n"o rent And therefore can sell you good or less Money than any other dealer in the city. HE ALSO HAS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of HEARSE FLTtNISHED HENRY COR. MAIN AND Lumber Yard. THE OLQ RELIABLE. H. 1 WATERMAN & SON Wholesale and Ketall Deaier In I Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds. Can supply every demand of the trttde Call and get terms. Fourth street Tn Rear of Opora Hoih-j. K. DRESSLER, The 5th t. Slsrchint Tailcr Keeps a Full Line ot -Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Olvinj;" Him a Cal SHERVVOQQ BtOCK- LUMBER hm ilotlier SATISFIED it back ugain witliin thirty thiys ami you paid "lor it. Joe is proud of hid always tiie is! OWN BUILDING, ofliPnc so AKtV6 GOODS FOR ALL FUNERALS. BOECK SIXTH STREETS. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St.. Over Mergi-s' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came est of Missouri river. Note these priees: Business suits from $ 1(5 to f3, drew suits, f25 to f45 pants!, fS, 6, $G.50 and upwards.' tTWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comneiilion. J.ILH3IMONS,31.1. . IlOVCiOfATHIC Physician I Surgeon Ofi).-. vr WV-ofti' More. vm Mr..f. f-reU-.lioe at both Office ul Jresidetrr f. 4, M. lime Table. :0JVJ WK'T- Ooixr. Kr. C I:5, ;1,ft a 1,1 - No. 9.-4 S3 p. m. . ? 5 "If -7:13 . ni. l "L l12 '" N - ,0-"9 :ts - ". No. 9. : 17 p. in. Nto, Jl ti;27 a. in. A 1 tralnt run d:iity by vritu: No 7 and 8 who!i nm to and daily except Sunday. f Oiraha. except iroiu j-cnujit-r v'iVVJ'' Vto p'03 Junction at A .Via n No. 19 U a atnb trom Pacific JuncUou at ua lu ii n I: ! I 5. ! ( ( r