THE DAILY UEliALD : PLAlTSMOUTIl. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JaXUAx Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPEROF THE CITY. A. KalUbary. llmtM, Korknoo'l Ituildinir, Trlt ihtu '. Ir. Withrr, ItrnlUt, talon lllork. (JIT Y CORDIALS. Tlie Presbyterian Sunday School will be opened next Sunday at tha usual time. Secure your tickets for the Slight-of-lland performance at the opera house tomorrow night. The B. fc M. have men at work to day grading land which they intend to convert into an addition to their yard. --The advance agent for Ezra Kendall was in the city today arranging for the appearance of hi company on the 15th. The case accupying the attention of the district court today is that of the Hartford Insurance Company vs. Mayer & Ilanpke. Mr. Ed Threlkeld had a tumor cut from under one of his eyes, and is suf fering considerable pain from the effects of the operation. There will be a special business meeting, of the ladies of St. Lukes Guild, at the residence of Mrs. A. W. White, at '2 p. in. tomorrow. Strayed or stolen from the Riddle house on the Mh just., a nigger. A suit able reward will be awarded by the land lord for the return of the nigger. Remember the performance by Prof, Bruder, assisted by the talented MTle. La MoJte, in thrre hours of mirth, mys tery, and full, t ti.e "ITa home tomor row night. About seventy-five youn people of the city formed themselves into a skat.'.n5 party last night and "Made Rome Howl" in the vicinity of the B. & M. depot for a time. It was the largest skating party yet seen on the river this season, and all apparently enjoyed the evening immense ly considering the limitation of ice and the ubuudance of sand. The banks of this city held their an nual meetings last night for the purpose of electing officers, directors and the transaction of other business. The fol lowing officers and directors were elected for the ensuing year by the stockholders of the Cass County bank: Officers C. II. Parmelc, Pres.; J. M. Patterson, Cashier; Fred Gorcter, Vice-president; James Patterson, Assistant Cashier. Directors A. B. Smith. B. S Ramsey and R. 15. Windham. The surplus was raised from $20,000 to $2.,000 and a dividend of thirteen per cent was de clared. The other two banks, the First National and Citizens make no chance in the officers or directors and transacted no business they desired for publication. PERSONALS. Mr. F. Carruth is in Omaha today. J. II. Donnelly is in Omaha today. Judge Xewell is in Omaha todav on business. Mr. Geo. Smith, of Omaha, is in tie city today. Major Wheeler, of Omaha, is in tl e city toJay. Mr. John Leesley went to La Platte tc day oa business. Mrs. A. Beeson and daughter were "n Omaha yesterday. Mrs. J. V. Weckbach left for Linco:n this morning on the flyer. Mr. J. B. Strode arrived by the fiver from Lincoln yesterday afternoon. Mr. J as. Antill returned from Lincoln this morning where he was called on business yesterday. Mr. A. E. Cook, of Malvern, brothci of Dr. Cook of this city, is in the city to day attending court. Mrs. Yetzer, of Atlantic, Ia.atrived in the city this morning. She is a guest i.t the home of Mr. McEntee. Mr. II. Waterman, who attended a state convention of committees of the Y. M. C. A. held at Lincoln, returned to this city this morning. Mr. R. O. Stanfield, an employe of tl e Akron shops, arrived in the city by the flyer yesterday afternoon. He was for some time a resident of this city. Mrs. R. C. Cushing accompanied by her little girl of Omaha, arrived by the flyer yesterday afternoon. She is the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Thos. Wilkenson of McCook, who hns been visiting Mrs. Cummings. h r sister, for a short time, left for Pacific .Tun lion by the flyer yesterday afternoon to visit her mother, Mrs. Ovt rlauder. Riddle House guests: C. M. Wickcr Wiy, Hamburg; J as. Gree:ibaum, Chica go; A. E. Cook, Malvern; Abe Lamm, Chicago; II. G. Weller, Omaha; W. L Wengrove, Omaha; C. Mclntire, Burling ton; A. L. Kaege, Omaha; D. II. Wheeler, Omaha; L. Raapke, Omaha. Y. W. C. T. U. There will be a re7ular meeting of the Y i.i Miss Cranmtr's rooms at 4. p. m. tomorrow. For Rent A fiye-rooa hou-e completed near the shops. Euquire o . ecKDCU- tf LEGISLATION AT LINCOLN. HtuM Oi:U 8rj-.UAI. C.OHKtei'OMKNT. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. t, '&. EiutouJHekald: Yesterday the senate completed its organazation and now is ready for business. The day's session was diort. Polk, of Cass county, receives chairmanship of the committee on privil eges and elections, and in addition is a member of the committees on judiciary, railroads, university, mines and minerals, and militia. Fifteen bills have been introduced in the senate to date, some trifling and others of importance. The names of those appointed by the senate for various positions were read in the morning; we suppose the Omaha J!ce and its feeble imitator, the Dtiity ('nil, of Lincoln, will jump on the senate with both feet on the score of extravagance. Despite the assertions of those who de light to edify their readers with sharp and pungent articles about treasury raids, etc., we can assure the taxpayers of Cass county, that the present legislature has shown a disposition to, and undoubtedly will, run this session on as economical a basis as can well be done. Tli.; house has not announced its com mittees and their members as yet, ilthough they arc ready for business, us a list of over fifty bills to date would indicate. A cheerful fire burning in two open grates gives the house a cozy, invit ing appearance, but for some reason, the senate is not as fortunate. The theory of individuals, pencil and petition in hand, requesting the signature of legislators to their modest request for a good government appointment seems, is yet, unabated. They can be seen in every corridor, and during recess on the floor of the house. Many will return nc::;e in a few days, while few will be appointed. Wolfenbarger, of the Keic Uep'u'U1' '3 JNistfc- 1J securing opin ions on piohi.'tion irotti ih,i embers; he does not seem to haT &n7 1,80 tor t,ie delegations from Otoe amt Douglas counties. We noticed in and about the capitol yesterday: Alex Mcintosh, formerly of Plattsmouth but now of Omaha; Henry Ashmun, of Weeping Water; Wm. Wiles, of South Bend; J. P. Antill, Cade Rogers, M. O Donahoe aud J. L. Root, all of Plattsmouth. Wiiber F. Bryant has mailed to each member of the legislature a statement of the case in respect to the birth, parent age, life, arrest, conviction and execution of Louis Riel by the government author ities of Canada. Bryant seeks action on the p irt of the U. S. government, claim ing that Kiel was an American citizen, as Kiel did when tried, having been natur alized by a Montana court in 1880, and attempts to call the attention of congress to this matter through the state legisla ture. Whatever may be the merits of this case, Bryant is certainly indefatiga ble in his efforts to attain what he believes to be justice for a murdered American citizen. Tkansiknt. Lincoln Locals. The state board of public lands and buildings met yesterday. Thomas D. CraLe aud Frank Dolezal have been admitted to practice in the supreme court. The state treasurer has made out vou hers for the expenses of the state institution which were passed upon by the board of public lauds and buildings. J. G. Dudle', of the Lincdn Steam Laundry died very suddenly yesterday. He was a single man and came from Johnstown, N. Y., where relatives live. A telegram received here yesterday tro:a ashington states that John M. Thurston was formally in the field as a candidate for secretary of the interio,r and that his friends there consider his chanc-.-s good. When this became known here a telegram signed by twenty-seven republican state senators was sent to Harrison at Indianapolis, expressing con tid ace in Mr. Thurston, aud urgin " him for ibo place. Couniy Commissioners Meeting The county commissioner of Cas: .i., . 1 f w : i -. nm uius iruuimes nave prepared a petition praying all com mi doners of the res-pic-uve counties of tlie state to meet at Lincoln on the Kith inst. and co-oper ate with th -m in recommending changes in the Road and Revenue laws to the legislature now in session. The following is the announcement of the meeting which will be forwarded to them tomorrow: There will be a ineclinx f the county commissioners irom tlie several counties of the state of Nebraska, at the Capitol Hotel iii the city of Lincoln, on Wednes day t!ie Ifith day of January at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of reconunendiug changes in our Road and Revenue laws to th? present legislature now in session, and such other business as may be of in terest to counties and county officers. Vo l are earnestly requested to be present. A. B. Dickson, Chairman Co. Coin.; Cass Co. PtTKK N.UKANTWKUJ Chairman Co. Com., Otoe Co. Mirth, Mystery and Fun: . Prof. Bruder assisted by M'lle La Motte I will entertain you at tlie opera house to- , morrow night, in a highly interesting performance of which the Omaha papers of D. c. 24 and 2-j speak vry highly. 3Ir. Bruder is a German of rare talent in his line and should haye a good patron- :E322E b - - SOME INTERESTING FACTS Gathered from the Reports cf the Young Men's Christian Asso ciations of Nebraska The reports of the various Y. M. C. A. organizations of the state for the quarter ending December ;il,18SS,show u grow!-, as Mill be noticed, which for that time i almost marvelous, but is due to the per severance and energy of State Secret ry Nash and his co-workers the general secretaries. There are now nineteen associations in the stite; rive of this number are college associations. Three associations were organized during the cpaarter: One at Fairfield college, Oct. 27th; at Fremont, Nov, 27th, and Mission Creek, Dec. 12th. Money was raised for the employment of general secretaries at Beatrice, Nebraska City and Fremont, making nine points in the state now occupied by general sec retaries. The total membership of the ass; ciations is 1,539; last quaiter, 810; a gain of 729. Total average attendance at youug men's gospel meetings, 5:34; last quartT, 214; a gain of 320. Total average attendance at bible and training classes, 92; last quarter, 40; a gain of 52. Professed conversions, 110; last quarter. 12; a gain of 104. Young men united with the church, 29; last quaiter, 1; a gai!iof28 Eleven associations report reading rooms, with a daily average at tendance of 290. Ten associations report libraries, containing 3,14G volumes. Tliree associations report gymnaziums. and two report bath rooms Five asso ciations report ladies' auxiliaiies, and five report boys' branches. STATISTICAL RETORT OK STATE SECRETARY' Thirteen days spent in ofiice attending to correspondence, etc.; 79 days spent in making -thirty visits with twelve associations, and five visits at four towns where there are no associations, and in attending the Minnesota state convention. .uues traveled, o,yu4; letters written, oS; telegrams sent, 10; gospel meetings con ducted, 27; youug men's meetings, 18; bible readings given, 11; training cla; ses conducted, 1; addresses delivered, 18; association meetings attended, two; workers' conferences, four; consecration meetings conducted, seven; meetings of building committees attended, Three; meetings of boards of directors, five; of finance committees, one; of sub coromit tep. two; aided personally in raising for current expenses, f.i,58S. KEl'OHT OKOFFICK 8ECRETAKY. D iys spent in office. 70: in visitation. 22; Ietters written, 857: cyclostyle Utters sent out. 120G; postal cards, 154; pam phb ts, 103; circulars, &c, 1359; miles traveled, 1019; young meu's niecnins conducted, 4; other services, 3. Annua TO II h Prior to Invoicing Feb. First We Will Give ECIAL LOW PRICES In Order to Clear Up Our Odds and Ends in our Different Departments. Special Bargains in HE PS DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Plattsmouth Will Boom. The prospects for a boom for this city in the spring and coming summer are videneed more each day as the intentions l several of our citizens, and different companies are made known. The B. & M. Company has secured land :Yjm the city for the purpose of extend ing its yards, laying new track, etc. With these improvements,rumor has it,that it is whispered among the officials of the road, a new depot will spring up. This would certainly improve the appearance of our Main street much, aud be a marked improvement in the way of convenience. Grading has been commenced today in the yards, aud this is a good indication that the rumor i not entirely groundless, A new city hall, which will no doubt be built in the spring, would also be a great decoration to the city and an emblem of industry. This is more thsn a rumor, as many citizens, and several of the coun cilors are pushing the enterprise, and the result will surely be favorable. The improvements just completed: A new sewer system, Main street paved, and new streets opened up, are also a break ing of the ice for the reception and encouragement of industry. With this start a boom should not be slow. The contractors inform us that the city will witness more building operations the coming summer than eyer before. A large number of contracts have already been let. and the present indications bear out the statement that a good number more will be made in the near future. The past year, although a very creditable one for Plattsmouth, will be eclipsed by the present one. Push it to a boom! A Night in Wonderland. Tlie great trickster and mind reader, Prof. Theodore Bruder, assisted by the great favorite, M'lle La Motte. will ap pear at the opera house tomorrow night in three hours of pleasure, and wonder, introducing n.ysterious illusiona, mind reading, the great rope tests, mesmerism, slate writing and many other interesting features, of great interest. Secure your tickets at J. P. Young's, reserved seats 35 cents, admission 25c, children 15c. Attacked the Wrong Man. Rock ford. 111.. Jan. 9. Monday night George Hamilton, a colored porter em ployed on the Chicago & Iowa road, shot and seriously wounded Oscar Buttelph. During the early part of the cvnilno Hamilton had been insulted by a crowd of toughs, and supposing they were breaking info his house when he had re turned, he shot through "the door and hit Buttelph. He will not be prosecuted. Please call and settle your account win. us At once and oblige, d-w-2w W. J. Warrick. Me ! nee CLOAKS ffi) ID nn A rvn mm OleaLFSLiiice At a G rent Iieduotion in our C.mipluto I.inu i,f OOTS AMD SHQ1B I lie will give you "CASH" Prices that will dely Compe tition tor v " 1 THE NEXT THIRTY In order to make room for Sjnn; Good Men's Arctics Other warm goods MANUFACTURING Done at a W. A- BOECBC THE ASTRONOMERS ASTONISHED ! It is Believed the Carth Will be Des troyed Within the Next Six Months. THE CHINESE IN CONVULSIONS Tney Believe the Earth Wi Burned into Ashes. Tremendous Comet in the Heavens ! A terrible ball of firc ha5 recently been' discovered in the Heavens, and is said to be approaching the Earth at the rate of I i j i -.. . one hundred and seven million miles per day. Astronomers are somewhat alarmed as to the direction in which it is centered, and tell us that if it does not change its course, it will surely be the destruction of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve times larger than the great planet Juoi- ter. which is the largest planet of the Universe. Astronomers tell us it will I sonn be visible to the people of this con- ! tinent. It can be easilv observpd bv n, eople of China and it is said that the Chinese by close observation have dis covered upon the tail of the ereat comet printed in roman letters Geonre W. Vass. the onlv !cient;fli .leuoior residing in tfattsiuoutb. Citizens, I am yours Fraternally, George W. Vass, tf. Astronomer and Jeweler. Stop in at Warrick's aod he will show you how to get 25 very fine Cards for that Scrap Album Santa Claus brought you. d-w 2t i ! Mi 1 9 DAYS for 85 Cents. in same proportion. AND KEPAIIMNG Low Price. WHAT ON EAwTH Is the reason people will not, cm n-.t, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No j "i4itiuu iu uie worm is giving such un Bo paralleled satisfaction for puiifyino- the i ,7' a lGO'S BLOOD PCHI FlEIt & I BLOOD MAKEIL and every bottle that Z F ,r I V CT ';U n"th- dr5-fst7. ' ' R 8n,lth C-' " to fih , . ,',,t,"J '' 'Iace f,tsQ meats, pork choi nonhrv and "ame of all kind ' p!,y ! " ' . MB "tMS W l,,e,r c",ldren to cough and Mrain and co"f,'h and calmly say; "Oh! "t is onlv a little cold " nn.l vn. .. i rl.on a ... .. . , nuaicims, untU .U'ey f-re dTn w,.th lun f' vtr " 'on- 3 V&AJ XlWXZl MA ; 4V r' '"'uu uadil DiULffltlias no suuerior. ri,.1 fw Co , and equals. For sale by O. P. Smith 6c druggists. Plenty of feed, flour, grharn meal at Ileisel's mill, tf COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is thu reason vou will cough and keep coughing and fill keep tryincr inferior nxdifinrs h-n BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once r This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Y