v- TxIE DAILY HERALD: PLA1TSM0UTI1, NEHa.KA, WEDNESDAY, JAMUi The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. ' KNOTTS 33BC 3., Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK l'LATTHMOUTII 1IEUA1.D H published every evening exrept Himdaj and Wkly every I Iiursday nu.rniii. Kruls tered at the Mitnic I'.attHiiioul II. Vchr.. . r H-i-oiiil-('liiti. matter. Oulee corner of Vine am: Fifth elrtetH. Tclepliout) o. V. TKKMS rbK UAII.V. One copy on e;ir In i.lv:iiic ly mall One copy per month. iy i-anltT, ft One copy per week, by carrier If TKBM rON WREKI.V. One eopy one year. In advance l fi One copy ill ruontb. In advance 75 Our Clubing List. VK.F.KLV IlK.KAI.lt aud N. V. World $2 1' " N. V. Tr.lMine. .. l r " " f m:ili. Kep 'J 1 " N. Y. I'rcs ij" " N. Y. Piwt. " " " Harpers JUfnTiTne 4 a " . " ,; - ' " Weekly. 4 7' " " I5:iz:ir. . 4 7 -' " Youn; people :i :k " " Nel. I'ariner 41 IH ' ' HeiiioreM' Moiilli- s ly Ma;:iiiie 3 1 American Ma'zilu: 3 U " " " The Forum Xt m Tim kind of money in the federal treasury changed somewhat in the last li.scal year. The increased holdings vcr lurgely legal tender not:s and credits to the government in national lmnkf, so there was no disturbance of the ordinal y circulating medium. The IT. S. Sexatb is about to begin an investigation of the Simoo riucsth n. This is a matter that will bear inquiry, for if reports are true, Germany has been carrying things with a high hand in Samoa, and the United States has be n criminally lax in permitting it. Tiik Washington pension sharks are very indignant about Mr. Dockery's bill, which is designed to curtail their oppor tunities of deception and extortion. There could be no better proof that the measure deserves general approval and commendation; ami the senate should pass it as soon as possible. Tiik situation iu France impresses ! correspondent, who writes us from Paris, most disagreeably. Prophecies of Po cialist riots and of the failure of the ex position on account of the general fcai throughout Europe that the persons am1 property of exhibitors will be in jeopard are dolefully made and still moic dote fully commented upon Whatever im portance may attach to the facts that in reign or regime since the accession ol the unhappy Louis XVI has endnrer more than eighteen years, and that tin Third Republic has come to the las! hours of its maturity as measured upon this sinister scale, it is at all events pain fully evident thst President Carnot am1 his advisers are surrounded with dilV culties that demand of than their highest ability and most unseliish patriotism. The French people are their own woiM enemies. Freedom can never 1: dis sociated from self-control. New Yoik Tribune. L OXGS TllEET ON PROTECTION. General Longstreet, one of the best and bravest of men, a true and sincere friend of the South, has written a con gratulatory letter to II. Clay Evans, re publican congressman elect from tin Chattanooga, Tenn., district, wherein h expresses not only his own sentiment but those of the leading men of the New South. He said in substance: "Chattanooga is the center pioneer ol the New South, and, being one of th; tirst cities to elect a republican congress man pledged to the protection of American liberty and American indus tries, she has laid out a path to indus trial supremacy that her sister cities would do well to imitate. Our party has to see that Mr. Evans and every man who is fairly elected, shall take his seat. If there were more 'bobtailcrs' in the executive chairs of the southern states, there would be less complaint about a suppressed vote. But for the Morrill tariff of l;sGl, Chattanno oga would now be in swaddling clothes. Nothing is so timid and cautious ns I capital, and to get into your midst it j must feel that it is safe and welcome. ! Millions are looked up that would 1- j gladly n leased and si ck the fertil j field and the rich mineral deposits f ; Ihe Sunny S uth if the conditions weie b-'lieved to be favorable. Two recent events will produce th s , end. The first was the heroic action of the Birmingham sluriiT, and the second vns the viit of Birmingham's delegation to General Harrison. I trust tint Gen i -jtl Harrison will meet with no facthn opposition from the south fo- our peoj'K welcome him more tl.oa can now discern. An djj rovai of Cleveland's policy would lw a cal unity, notably to our ucction." WAGES OF HOME PROTECTED WORKERS'. The bcne.lt? of protection and conse quent high wages can have no better il lustmtion than tin; p-iy roll of tin-workers of Allegheny county. P . In th? ir n and stvel worcs a!on; it is enormous. In tins industry 37,310 men arc employed, i and th; receive every two weeks $'J::y,- j 5CU in wages, or in a singl year j:i,4s7,r,0(. , . But iron and steel is not the only in di's'.ry in Allegheny county. There ure other works which may b c lassed with tho abov and then there are the loco motive and glusi works. In thesu in dustries arc employed 17,-")i)0 men. get ting semi-monthly wages of :!'J''),0(iO. This makes a total of l,:!,)0 paid to H.N.V) m n every two weeks, or a grand total every year of $;l:l,:i:i..000. This, it must be remembered, is the number of men employed and wages paid in a single county. Leave these industries unpro tected and what would be the result? We do not care to contemplate it. Thanks to the vote of an enlightened people, there is no danger of having to consider it for a long time to come, if F:--'These are not infant industries, but they no less need the protection they now enjoy. And there are more indus tries, that could make a proportionate showing if protected in the same way; 70,000 men could be employed inthctin plate industry alone and its tributary in dustries were it adequately protected, receiving upward of $40,000,000 annually in wages, and keeping in this country many millions which now go to England for tin plate and freight. A word more. In spite of the enor mous wages paid in the industries men tioned the price of the commodity is not increased one particle. If tin plate were manufactured in this country the price to the consumer would not be enhanced in the least; on the contrary, severe compe tition would tend to lower prices. Such figure as the above easily dissipate1, the worn-f ift and delusive argument of the free traders thi:t the tarilT is a taw American Economist. Don't be Humbugcd wi'h the foolish idea that Catarrh cannot be cured! The world moves, and medi cal st ienec is progressive. The proprie tors f Dr. Sage's Cat'inh Ilemedy will pay $"00 reward for a case of Nasal Ca tarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing which they cannot cure. Rem edy sold by druggists, nt only 50 cents. A Dog's Suicide. Iii New York a dog committed suicide by jumping olf a ferryboat. Tho owner, an old woman, asked a policeman to dtv hiin at the dock until she got aboard, but ::s soon as the boat started tho dog junv.K-d for the deck, and, by a great c li'oi t, succeeded in pulling himself on bcaid. Then he ran through the women's cbi;i with his nose to the lloor, and fo:u.d bis mistress on the forward deck. II 13 i-tumpy tail bobbed 60 fast that it wsis almobt invisible, and if a dog ever laughed bo did. The old woman was angry. Sho scolded him as though he ba.l "been stealing; meat, anil bis tail gradually stoppeu wagging, whilo bis head sank lower and lower. lie walked sle-v. y forward until he was on the edge of deck, and looked mournfully across the water. Ho was tho picture of dog despair. Suddenly he gave a bound f.ir cut into the river and in a moment tho ferryboat bad passed over him. Cincinnati Enouirer. As you like it. Gray and faded whiskers may be changed to their natural and even color brown or black by using Buckingham's Itye. Try it. Pi.attsmoltii will have a bigger boom this spring than she has ever had. No sufferer from any scrofulous diiei.se who will fairly try Ayer's Sarsapai ilia, need despair of n cure. This remedy purges tho blood of ul) jmpuiities, de stroys the germs of scrofula, and infuses new life aud vigor throughout the phys ical organization. Nebraska has sixty-rive presidential postol'iccs and a hundred and fifty appli cants. That slight cold, of which you think so littl may lead to serious trouble with the luni;s. Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the best kno vn ie:nedy for colds, coughs, catarrh, bronehit's. incipient consumption, and all other thro it and lung diseases. Host Cough Cure. For all diseases of the Throat and Lungs, no remedy is so safe, speedy, and certain as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. An indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an Invaluable remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and lungs." M. S. Randall, 204 Broadway, Albany, X. Y. " I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung Diseases, for Y.-hich I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." James Miller, Caraway, X. C. 'My wife had a distressing couch, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, but none did her any good' until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the couh was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Kobert Horton, Fore man HearJli'jht, Morrillton, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my luns. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medicine she ever used." Enos Clark, Mt, Liberty, Kansas. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr.. J. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. tisj.iX I y nil Druggiau. I'rJc $1 ; U bottln. i WRITING BY TELEGRAPH. Kl!ha Grnr'a Invention fnr Sendlns Iv-t-(cm Ity Wire. Electricity is the gi.l genius of this century. Those who know most about it say that what we have dono with it in the past is but a ti ille compared with w hat w e may hope to do w ith it in the future. Tin -re are people who exjK'tt someday to bo able to call a distant friend by wire, see his imago in a mirror, hear his voice, and, if de sired, get his exact signature to a sub scription paper or a check. These things may all come. At present wo get along with an inter mittent and exasj)crating repetition of tho voice over the wire, having no means of determining the identity of our interlocutor, no certainty of get ting his words accurately and no record of what ho says. Cases aro re-4wrt'-H'!KM-iri(H;m'Lrs--i,ascals have secured considerable sums by cleverly imitating over tho telephone the voice of wealthy business men; in other cases ordei-s to buy or sell goods or securities have been repudiated by those who gave them by telephone, whilo tho simplo blunders caused by faulty telephonic transmission would fill volumes. ElislmGray, tho well known Illinois inventor, recently patented a device to insure accuracy and accountability over the electric wire. Tho sentler of a message can write it out at his desk, anel an exact reproduction of tho writ ing will bo inaclo at tho other end of the circuit. There have been previous attempts at transmitting fac-snniles of writing, but inventions which de pended upon a variation in the in tensity of tho current or upon revolv ing cylinders proved unsatisfactory. Mr. Gray's device consists of two current interrupters at the sending end anel a pair of electro motors at the re ceiving end. The sender uses either pen or pencil, near the point of which aro attached two threads running at right angles to each other. These threads are kept at an even tension automatically, and each ono passes to a current interrupter set into the tele graphic circuit. When tho pen moves to tho right tho current is broken a great number of times for a small movement. When it moves to the left the current is reversed and is similarly interrupted. The same arrangement prevails on the movement of the pen up anel down. The writer can write or sketch as rapidly and as freely as if ho had no telegraphic attachment. At the receiving end there arc two electro magnets fitted with rods set at right angles to each other, so pivoted as to give any motion desired to the pen which they carry at their inter section. When a series of breaks in the current is caused by a motion of the sending pen to the right, the mag net draws tho lateral rod also to tho right. Similarly upward motion is given by the vertical rod. Left hand ed or downward strokes of the sending pen are reproduced by the receiving pen in tho same manner. Conse quently every motion inaclo on tho paper at one end of the wire is copied with faultless exactness at the other end. When the pen is taken off or a new line is begun an automatic device operates wiih the same result on the receiving pen. The telautograph, ns Mr. Gray c:'1! . Iiis invention, therefore not only i sures accuracy, but it so exactly cev, . the sender's handwriting as to hAi him accountable for what ho has writ ten, whilo he retains for his ov ; guidance the original of the mcssugu transmitted. Tho experiments made show that there is no difference in the handwriting at the two ends of the wire, except that which is incident to tho use of the stylographic pen at the receiving end. New York Herald. The Pine Tree State. Tlio assertion has frequently been made that the title i4Pine Tree State" ha3 become a misnomer for Maine, and, although there are lots of pine trees still standing in the northern part of the state, there is some ground for objection to the old time sobriquet. The statistics of the amount of pine lumber surveyed at tho port of Bangor yearly show that tho cut of that kind of timber on the Penobscot has fallen oil' from 123,000,000 feet in 1853 to 1'0, 000,000 in 1S87. In tho four .years from IS53 to 1S57 thero was a falling oil' in the pine survey of 47,000,000 feet, and in 1S77, twenty years later, pine had got down to 15,000,000 feet. The total survey of pine at this port from 1S55 to 1SS7, inclusive, was i. 510.000,000 feet, or considerably less than one-half of the spruce survey, and about three times the cut of hem loci:, juniper, etc. Pine used to lead all other kinds of lumber, but now spruce heads the list. In 1S55 the pine survey was 1"3,000,000 feet, the spruce 78,000,000 feet, but during tho war spruce took tho lead, and theso two kinds of lumber gradually changed places, until now the cut of spruce averages 120,000,000 feet, or four times the output of pine. Nearly all of our large near by pine has been cut, and most of the logs now driven down the Penobscot are tccond growth. There is plenty of big nine away to tho north, but in the face of western and Cana dian competition in tho 'caeliug mar kets it would hardly pay to cut it and dri ve il long distances. Spruce is king on the Penobncot, and all other Maine rivci-s now, and this is really more of a spruce tree slate than anvthing else. Bangor (Me.) Cor. New York Bun. A Hordor Drama in r.arnest. During the presentation of a border drama at Sandusky, ()., by a travel ing company, tlirco Indians engaged in a quarrel in the dressing room. John Cngcrcr, the stage manager, in terfered. He was struck with a toma hawk and i;hot at, and he Grcd in turn at the Indians. Ungercr was forced to retreat, and his wife grabbed his pistol, discharging a blank cartridge in the ft.ee of one Indian, who lircd at her three times, inflicting a slight V.OUIHl Dy lhi.3 timo tha audience in tr etampede, cad four had I polor.:c:i carried the throe redskins to tho city prison, where they wcro locked tip. Uuicago Inbuue. THE CITIZENS BAN ! rLATTSMOUTU. - NKHKAafcA. CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN, - $50,000 Authorized Capital, $100,000. orricKKS I'KANK CAKKUTH. JOS. a'. CONNOR, Presldont. Vle-Presldeni W. II. CUSU1NO. Cannier. DIKECTOKS I'tank Carrutli J. A. Connor, K. K. Guthmanii J. W. Johnson, Henry Bceck. John O'Keefe, V. I). Meriiain, Win. Wetetcamp, W. II. Cuslnng. Transact a General Banking I'.uelness. a1 who have any banking business to transact axe Jnvited -ti..eall. . No matter h v larxe or Hinall the transaction, it will receive our caretul attention, and we proini.se always cour teous treatment. I -rules Certificates of Deposits bearing Interes Buy and sells Foreign Exchange, County aud Citv scciuitie. JnttS KITZOKKALO, S. WACO President. Casliie FIRST NATIONAL zeLnsriKi i OF Pt-ATTSMOUTII. NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. -"tucks. Bonds, Cc.'d. fiivrrrment. &Dd I.oc MHcuritiee Bond ' :.! .' ( V , Pcpnsitsreceiv ed and interci :.. t 'ire Certifi cates, lirali it . ; 1 !e in any part of ti e i ; i . a)j the juii !( : ' f . v )u c.l Vu:i.iie. Collections nir?( rf- j'tr.mj lly ren.itted lI)Khst market price? paid tor County War Slute ai.d County Boudn. DIRECTORS I .Join: rttzfrrraid Oot n It. Clrk, I). Haksworth. S. Waunli. jf. k. White. Bank Cass Count? Cotrer Main and Sixth Streets. .C. 1 J H. PABMELE. President, I PATXKKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a General Easing BbsIces: HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paii for County and City War font CC!,LKCTK).S aiAlR and nromptly remitted for. Idirecctoks : C. n. Parable, j. m. Pattersor. Fred Gorder, A. B. Smith. It. B. Windham, M. Morrisey, James Tatterson. Jr. J. 13. Tui.Mni.E. Geohge Stuart J. B. TRIMBLE & CO, INSURANCE AND ItEAL ESTATE AGENTS, 10 Comerce St., Montgomery, Ala. n-A.tr 33 FOR SAiiE City Property, Vacant Lots, liesidenoes. Store Propertv, Brick Yard With nip.'-Iii-ery complete. Farm Lauds it. )ii:iinie to suit nil classes ot Fanners, Iron ?." to &2i pur acre. Correspondence Solicited. Visitors Welcome REFERENCES : .lien Beeson, Vlattsmut5i. 1. A. C'ampl)' 11. County Treasuier. S. Waugh, Cashier National Bank, Platts motiMi. P. P. Johnson, Red Uak, Iowa. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN Tills Choicest Brands of -Cigars, including our Flor tie Pcpperbergo and 'Budf FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26. 18S5. For "run-down," debilitated and overworked women. Dr. Pierce's Farorit Prescription ia the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Fpecitlc for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women: a powerful, g-en-eral as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, it Imparts viiror and strength tothewhole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, bloating1, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, In either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in anv condition of the arstem. lavori le rreff rip Warranted. tlon " is the only medicine for women, sold by druirirists. under a poaltive guar an tee of satisfaction in every case, or price (fl.00) refunded. This guarantee has teeq printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. For larp-o. illustrated Treatise on Diseases ot Women (ItSO pages, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in Stamps. Address, World's Dispknsarv Medicai. Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. T. Send your job work to the Ukralq office. iavifigs Bank T r Ed 18 For .suitable Holiday fine line ol' Silk and Cashmere and Silk Handkerchiefs at very reasonable price . Fancy Linen Table Scl and some pretty dc-in.s in Stamped Goods and Tinsel Tidies. On our CLOAKSiPLUSH SAC we have placed specially low prices, low enough to in terest the purchaser. For HANGING LAMPS, FANCY CUl'S AND SAUCJKRS and Fancy Glassware fee through our Queen.sware Department. C. OOVEY I PEAS, LI HAS THE LARGEST FURNITURE, TINWARE A2MU HOUSEHOLD GOODS. In the city, which lie is oflering at Prices that will ih:,Ia; tl e-t, A complete line oi Window Curtains at a sac ri ii-.-. T Frames in great variety. You can got everything y'l ; ' You can buy it on the installment jilan. pay .so much ( :.cl month and you will soon have a line lurni.-l ed hmi--and hardly realize the cost. Call and sec. SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND ROBERT lONNELLY'S "WAGOK SHOP Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plot. pairing, and general jobbing now prepared to Co all kindo f repainn of lann and ottier macliiuery, as there Is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAG EN. The old Reliable Wason Make has taken clianre of tfie a;on unnp He Is well known as h NO. ! WORKMAN. nKinm mil Ingtl tnn'1 pilr WM.Zf BROWNE, OFFICE. P Tsonal attention to all Bug!nes Entrust o my care. XOTARY IX OrFICE. Titleo Examined. Abstaict Compiled, In urai.ce Written, Heal Estate Sold. Better Facilities for making Farm 'Loans than Aoy Qtlier Ageucyv PJal (Niiiouth, - rliraNKa K.B. wivdham, John a. Davie. " Notary Public. otary Public. W1XOHA3IA IIATIEIt, Attorn oys - at - Law, Olllce.ovcr BankJofiCa County. PLATT8MOCTII, - - XSEBRABKA fo I'lcnenls ye arc rOiMving ,i k r 9 AND FINEST STOCK UV r. . 'I NT VINE. I I AT 1 s 'j i;, mmm THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OP ORDER. If ycu desiretopurebfifioasewinjr mn!hino, askourayent at your place for terms and prices. If you cannot find our agc-rt, write direct to nearest address to yu )fnw nanir-d. CHicaso - 28 UNION SQUARE.NX- CALLAS. ST LOUIS. M0. ATLANTA, GA. TEX. T..E NEW HOJl , EV1.; M -CIIINECO., Omaoa, BUMNESS I) lUl 'VYoKyI ATTORNEY. ! Attorner-at-Law arid Notary i'i !.:?. ilizperald lilock. I'att:miiti. .N l ATTOKXKY. A. X. KPUIV AS. Attorney-at-Law. Will erive r r ' i .:.0 to .all bu'ineoN lKtni-i t ?.: ;. :r. ic Colon Blok. Fast tide. llxttT: i , ,, GKOCEUiEs C"KIS. WOHI.FAki 11. Staple and Fancy Gmcerk s, ;ia--Crockerj't Flour and Feed. wcrt? v.uA Muff ers I U U c it J ! f t - I1 r i t (7