THE Alli ALU i rCXvrsA ( ) V Til, N E li 11 A SKA, WDN ESI) A dUsmouth Daily Herald. C N O T rI' i-5 J-i T? C Publishers A. Proprietors. TIIK I'LATTSMOUllI IIKUAU ! ul.;Wli-il every ev-iilni; fxvi-f,i. SimicI;i ami Wevkly ev-ry I l.iif"lay inoriiiiitf. i:-jM?e tt-rnl ;tt IIk-Mtinilli'. r.iil I'Iik.iiI h. N'i li.. ; s h iiil- l.i-i- in:iti.-r. inii i- i m r if Vliieaiu! Filth piri-clt. I ;-huiif .N. 'I IvKMS 'V liAII . One epy j-:r in ailtaeo. ty m:iil. . - " ii.'i i);. i-r liioul li. hy ai i n-r ' Our ! -r v i-i-k, l) earner, r- 1 rJs HK W t- fK I.V. One copy iimc year, in ailvan-- Onttcoiiymi inoiitno. in al vani i-. . . Our Clubing List. Wt KKi.Y IIkkai.i ;i;m X. V. W.i.I N. V. Trilmne. ('ht:tha l:t-) N. Y. IT.-s N. V. I'l.-t Harpers Ma-jH. iin- '- W.iUly. I: iar. . . " Voting i,ciiji Neli. I aiiin r 1 ii-nmrest 'h Mont li ly Majiaim- Aiiii'lli-au .Ma'.llie '1 lie i'oi inn I n :; n Tin-: -iti.i-ii- of Winona, .Minn., ii.-ilillii-il in :i steainlioat excursion on the Missis.-ippi liver on Christmas. .lark Frost lias tit-alt tenderly so far with the people of tin- Northwest, anil Ave Iio c Ik; will he ns lenient tin; balance of the winter. Tin: new .stale hospital huihliii Ht Hastings for tin; im tiiaMe insane, wa. inspected ly the puMie luildinj coin miltce last Sat unlay, ami it is uniler stood that they will report favoraMe t the acceptance of the same. The J.uik! jnjis ahotit reaily for use. Tiik Tucson. Arizona Daily ('Hiztu say.s the small loy tlowu there canno! throw snow balls like his northern brother tlurin the holiday, but if In want to descend t the level of a "mud slinger" the material is at hand in ahund unce. We wouhl suppose from the re mark that Arizona wim having plenty ol raia which w ill cause the stock men to rejoice. Tw Million, live hundred thousand dollars U the tidy sum llayti will hav to jriy for monkeying with the majesty of Uncle Sim. The owners of the seizce vessel want $'2V000, the passengers Si.'.'iO.OOli, and the United States demand ?2,000.000 to defray tin; cost of the naval expedition. The blackies will have ti ra:se a ood deal of suar cane to pnj for tin; Cain they raised during their brief experience of greatness. Tiik bill prohibiting the importatioi of p.iuptrs to this country does not seen to prohibit. The congressional com mittee that visited I'ittsburgh last week lias discovered that tit leant live hundred of the tabooed people have arrived h that t it' since the law went into -fleet about a year since. The industrial classes of that region are protesting loudly against this violation of law. n in some instances the competition caused by this influx of vagrants has forced tin wages of laborers down to seventy-five cents a tlay. If there is any virtue it the. law passed by congress the working men of Pennsylvania are certainly en titled to it.- Equity. DISADVANTAGES OF A UXIOZ WITH V AX AD A. A uuion with Canada must first 1 c nsketl for on the part of the Dominion oi itwill not be worth the having. It can not be h istened by any effort of ours but all such efforts will retard it. Cnna da was originally a eolory of France and there is now over a million of French Canadians, described by Goldwin Smith, the eloquent propagnndist of commercial union, as an " unprogressive, religious, submissive, courteous, and, though poor, not unhappy people." He adds, tin t while "they have a very indifferent rep utation as farmers, they are goyenu-d b the priest with the occasional assistance of the notary."' This certainly is not high ci.-mmendiition. Retaining in a poor way their French language, they have not been assimilated or anglieiztd, perhaps cannot be Americanized, and we have ytt to learn that the Latin race havi anywhere appeared to accept of a rcpul lican form of government with any stay ing enthusiast? The pub'ic debt of the Canadian Do minion, however formidable, wvuld hur to lr paid or assumed by tul Unittd - States in case of a political union, lis 'present amount in proportion to popula tion, is more than three times as much tUit of the United States; and the latter is being rapidly reduccdr"while that of the Dominion for the last twenty jears Iwis steadily. increased in every year except two. "We do not need the Canadiad Domin ion as a place of refuge f i r redundant population. We do not need it for the purpose of cnrol'ing tlteir ytiun mcu in our army. We do not need it for the purposs of increasing our revenue, and, if we did, the balance would be found on the other bide of the account. - Sena tor Morrill in the January Forum. Far Sal?. The fin -st S-acre tract on Lincoln Ave. Easy terms. Oi Wf xihiam & Daviks. "An ii'li-risu watch that lacksboth hands; As Ui li.s it it goet, as wh li it Mauds."! hn-.v many wuini-ii, t hough linus'; Imld and eliil.ln ii n i il ti:t ir t are, nre iii--i !- M hilly i.lh, leraii-e hull. I ing fioin ili-i a-ir pi ciili ir to their sex. To till Midi Dr. I'ieive'H Fu'vorile Prescription in a priciKtu boon, spi-cdily fining internal iill.iinut ion, h it -on In n, displacement, ulceration, toriii'-iiting periodical pains, piolapsiis, 'bearinn-ilown" sensations, morning sickness, bloating, weak stum ac'i, iiciMiiis am tendi ney to tanei ions ili-i-isr. I n a! I t ho a- niltintits called "fi-imih- complaints." it i tin; lnO-t reliable jpi-eitie known to inedieal seii-iiee. J -Tiik Dui.yIIi i:.m.i Lifts, per week. tlelivered for Oom'i let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. Hut it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con sumption. ( 'atari Ii is disguM ing. Pneumonia is dangerous. ( 'ons itnpt ion is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept 1 1 - a 1 1 1 1 y and clear of all obstructions and offensive, mutter. Otherwise there is troubli; ahead. All the di: ises of these parts, head, no.-e, throat, nroiichial tulies and lungs, can hi; delightfully and entirely curetl by the list; of Uosehee's (lerinan Syrup. If ywn don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people fan tell you They have been cured .y it and know how it is, themsel vcs. Ilottli; only 7-" cents. Ask an- druggist. Si:n the Wkkki.y II i:i: a i.u to some friend ill the east for it Christmas present. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold." and keep giving their, cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re liev.d by IJi:OGS CIIEKHY COUCH SYI.UP.' It has no superior, and few ijiuds. For sale by O. I'. Smith & Co , druggists. Plenty of feed, Hour, graham meal at IleiscTs mill, tf ami COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is tin; reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when i;i:(;;s- ciikkuy cough syklt win oo.-i;ivcly relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an ictual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Th- City Meat Market is the best place to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry and game of all kinds. tf WHAT ON EAkTH Is th.1 reason people will not, can m,t, or lo r.. t see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by (-'heap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, nit in r than take a rjedicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal juice? No medicine, in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as IJKGG-.-s IJLOOI) PURIFIER k BLO-M) MAKER, and every bottle that Iocs not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by (). P. Smith it Co., druggists. Sh -rwin fc Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, tit Fricke & Co's. drug store. 8-tf. Colds, coughs, bronchitis, and all throat and lung tii-eaes are effectively treated with Aycrs Cherry Pectoral. To negl -t t the use of proper remedies foi tiles.; ailments, is to induce consumption which t to cause one-sixth of the morality in sill civilized countries Fkom all appearances the treasury de partment at Washington needs a thorough ovei hauling i:: (?i;o of its department?. Ilea'th is impossible when the blood is impure, thick, and sluggish, or when it is thin and impoverished. Such condi tions give rir.e to boils, pimples, head aches, neuralgia, rheumatism, and other disorders. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purifies, inr'-'orates, and vitalizes the blood. What's the matter v;!h the surplus.' The n iti nal debt of the L"nited ;Maies was increased over 11,000,000 during the month of November. Improve the nutritive functions of the scalp by using Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair It-newer, and thus keep the hair from tailing aud becoming gray, - rressure I.:vii:g characterizes these modern days. Tli-3 result is a fearful increase of Brain an l Heart Diseases Oeneral De bility, Insomnia, Paralysis, anil In sanity. Chloral ami Morphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted to d i permanent good is Ayer's Sar-eapa-.-illa. It purities, enriches, and vitalizes the Mood, and thus strengthens every function. and faculty of the body. ' I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for years. I have found it invaluable as A Cure for Xcrvons Debility caused by an in aci !ve Sivor and a low state of the blood." Henry ISacon, Xeni.i, Ohio. "For some time I have been troubled with heart disease. I never found any th":n to help me until I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have only used this medicine six months, but it has re lieved me from my trouble, and enabled ne) to resume work," J. P. Carzanett, IVrry, 111. " I have been a practicing "physician foi over half a century, and daring that tiiu I have never found so powerful and reliable aa ulterative and Llood purinVr as Ayer's Sarsaparilla," Dr, M. Maxstart, Louisville, Ky. Ayer's SarsapriHa, PREPARED BV D-. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lovc!l, f.i;s. I'll -.- 1 ; six Lo:t'?, Wor;U a iottie. BARTIMEUS. " " I wmM receive my M;;lit; my clouded coa Miss the ejad ruiJLancH of ihn mornliipf sun, Tl;o ehaiifrlnu tints tli.:t fclr.rifv tho skies With i os-at ! It-mil irv wln-ii thoelny Is demo; Tin; k1iu.1o-.vh k..:i ini'l i::y. U. ie.'irly light lit l.tlliillHT twilight ileep niii into liiglit. I ear mot win l:ee; t narrow w::-, Aii'l ko I l.liuiiiy n-cuiler lieretimi tliero, Ci-oiiiK ariiii!.st iim toiiilis. or, titl,li-s.s, stray Ttirouetj piahlcsM, tu'igle.l dusurta, bleak and Ijaro. Vitfiiis I see- t"o way I cannot find Oi'ii my t-yi-s, dear IxrJ, for I am blind. And oft I lau;.:li w ith some liLt, tlioif;''t'c.,J3 Jost, Nor i:eo bow anpiiifh lines notn face more dear, And write my iiiiith, a moekini; ilnrijset. On blotted BcrnlJ.s of hunuai pain uud fear; And never teo t!io heai-tacUo InterlUiud I'ity. O Son of Duvidl I urn bliml. I do not Bee the pain my lijjtit worda Rive; The qnivrin, itirltikinj hart I cannot seo; So, liht of thought, 'midst hidden griefs 1 live. And mock tlio cyprejtMxl lomli with bligbtest Klc-e; Ceri my eyes, liht, blessed v.nrs to find Ji si:h, havo mercy on mu, I am blind. My n.sclis eyes nrc reservoirs of tears, Oootned for their blind mistakes to overflow; To weep for the thoughtless ways of wandering years, l!Hiuse I could not si'O I did not know. Tlieso Kihtless eyes than ungrlest ghinco less kind LifiLt of tho World, huvo pltyl I am blind. Uoljert ,1. Uurdette in t.'hrLstian Advocate. A Trade In Dog Skins. It is well known that in many dis tricts of Manchuria and China there is a gTcnt trade in dog and goat skins, which arc employed in tho manufac tures of robes and mats; but it is com monly supposed that tho skins are remnants of dirty and filthy animals which abound in those rjuarters. The idea, however, is a mistake, for tho business of rearing dogs for this pur pose is well established and is as sys tematic an industry as sheep farming. There are countless dog farms scatter ed over tho unknown regions of Man churia and Mongolia, where from twenty to 100 dogs are reared every year, and where tho inhabitant is es teemed according to tho number of dog skins in his possession. It is prob able that the most beautiful dogs are lo bo found in these countries, for the exceedingly low temperature of win ter, where tho thermometer falls to 30 degs. F. below zero, produces a magnificent coat and skin. Tho prices obtained nre, however, very unprofit able, a full sized robe eignty inches square, containing tho skins of eight animals, being quoted at 14s. Cd. The value of trade Irom Newchwang last year is stated at 10,000 London Times. Remarkable "Deal" in Coal. A coal dealer in the suburbs of Bos ton, relates The Budget, was called upon at his ofiico by a poor, hardwork ing woman, and requested to send a basket of coal to her home. "We do net deliver so small a quantity," was the merchant's reply. "It is "our in variable rulo never todelivcr les.i than a quarter of a ton." '"But I cannot pay for so much," was tho pitiful confession, "and I havo left my little children at homo in a firele.s room. What am I to do?" "Well," returned the dealer, a kind lier Iiht beaming in his eye, "1 can net depart from my rules as to the quantity." Then, turning to his c lerk, he continued: "John, have a quarter of a ton of coal sent to the woman's address as soon as possible." "But I cannot pay for so much j she expostulated. I already unuersranu that you ca : ; ; . so 1 will charge it to the child! vi pive yourself no more uneasiness about the debt than they will be liable to do. G ood morn i n g. ' ' A Successful Inventor. Wo wish all American inventors could reap as bountiful a harvest of fortune as Iliram Maxim, of New York, who has received $850,000 for his last production, tho quick firing gun, in England. The first Maxim essay, thu small one barreled mitrailleur, has noi been a success except in theory, the tremendous discharge of 1,000 shots pec n tip. ute soon being too much for any single bore, however excellent of design or material. Maxim mav bo fairly accounted a prospective million aire, having previously to his ord nanco inventions received some $100, 000 in the United States for his electric lighting patents. lie is still a young man, and resides at Thurlow Ixxlge, which ho has purchased, about twenty miles from London. The old mansion, surrounded by very fine grounds, is one of tho historical English houses, having been the property and home of Lord Thurlow, tho great English chancellor. Army and Navy Jour nal. They Cot Their Treacher. A colored brother in tho Alexandria valley, down in Georgia, sent tho fol lowing request for a minister to his bishop: "Send us a bishop to preach. If yon can't send us r. bishop tend u a sliding elder; if you can't send us a sliding elder send us a stationary preacher; if you can't send him, send us a circus rider; if you can't spare him, send us a locus preacher ; if yon can't spare a locus preacher, send us an exhauster." That settled it, and he got a preacher. Lincoln Journal. An Important Collection. The curator of the Luxembourg- col lections in Paris is Etienne Aragq. His method with regard to paintings and statuary added to the collection is to securo sketches and models of the first draft, notes with respect to sales, criticisms on tho object in question, photographs thereof, and autograph letteis from tho artist. In this way he builds about each work of art a series of documents and pieces justi ficatives which may be of the utmost importance to students of art or writers. New York Timer.. JUcnsure of 'Wealth. In some parts of Africa a man's wealth is judged by the number of his wives. A man with sixty w.ives is looked upon as a sort of bonanza king His wives probably go out washing at 50 cents a dawcr. mako shirt rt 40 cents a uozen. In this country .-t man's wealth jud-od by the nuiuhc-r of i r-',S- Tlio lessor f Hght. UOiT3 l.-i rrri).-i-aiv In:i tmnr to hai- cents a dozen. In this country :i man's i school la::, and hi.- w -i f tihzpa in j iu-.-De'sJJaiiio. ! lX. GIY OFFICE .v;nor. t eik, I rea-i ler, tt.'i in y, t li.i;neei , fmiee .1 ude, Maii-hall, Jamks Pattehhon, jm ISVltON ('I.AHK - A Madiilk S i'l.lKKOKU W II MA1.1CK Counclltntu, 1st ward, 2nd 3rd 4th. " 4 J W KCK KACH I A SAI.lNlll'KY (DM Junks I llt. A Sltll'MAN ) M II 1 S W M II Mt'KI-llV HCTTONfJ ) Con t Con Non. 1 1 McCai.i. K.N. 1'ltKl 1.1 W . KltKI 1 II J W .loriNKON .C'HAIKMAN Hoai a I'ii b. Works HKII lillllllKIl II AWKS WOIITII I'ri-aMircr, l;etmty '1'reasiirer, -,'leik. - -I 'ejiuty Cli-rk. liecoiiier of Deeds I i tt v Recorder t'li-ik of District Court, Sheiiir, surveyor. - -Attorney. I). A. CAMI'HKLL Tims. Pollock KIKI CltlTCHKIKIXl Exa Ckitchkiklo V. II. I'ool John M. Lkvoa W. C. HllOWALTKK J. C. KlKK.NllAUV A. Maholk ALLEN liKKSON Maynakd Spink sui t, of I'lin. School. County Ju:tie. C. Kusskll HOAIll) OFSiUfEKVISOKS. A. II. Ti'DD. Ch'm.. - - riattsinouth l.ori.s Kol'iz, - Weeping Water .v. is. mcKso.v, - miuwoou GIVIC SOCIUTJiS. v , K , xv v w x. x x x x -x--x XV X- 10 " X flASS l.ODCK No. Hfl. 1. U. O. F.-Meets Vv'every Tueciiay evening of each week. All transient brothers art respectfully invited to it tend. 1ILATTMOUTII ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. O. K.. ineetn every alternate Frida in :ich month in the Mitouic Hull. Vlsitinc Urnl hers are invited to attend. IMUO I.OIKiE NO. l. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate priday evenlujjr at K. of i. teill. Iransleiit brothers ar respectfully in vire.i toatteud. F.J. Morgan, MasterWorkman ; I'', l. lirown. Foreman ; U. It. Keinster. Over seer; It. A. TaitP. Financier ; J. F. Iloune worth. llecordei ; M. V;.t lri(:tit. Keceiver ; I), li. Smith, Pi.t-t W. : !. . Itowen, U utile ; 1'. J. Kunz, Iiiiic '.;,!' 1 . i lASS CAMP No. .i.' in!;.-.u. HODMEN of America Meets -i-ui."l ai.-I mirth Mon day evening at K. of i. li::l!. A 11 JifttiHient orotlier.i art- reiiuc.sti.-il to meet with u. I.. A, Novvcomer, Vci:er:tiic Consul ; li, ', Nilew Worthy Ati vi.Mi ; S. C. W ilde, iliiiiker ; W. A. UoecK, Clerk. IJI.ATTS.VOU 1 li I.OIlCIi NO. 8, A. O. V. W. Meet!1 every a!!-rnate Friday evening at ttock-.vood hall at x o'cIock. All transient tiroth ers are respectfully invltcil to attend. 1.. S. I.:um :!, M. W. ; K. itoy.I. I'oreiiian : S. C. '.V:li;e, kecortier ; I.ootiartl Anderson, Overseer. ;i i . -vTTsstot'Tn i.')Im;en. ;, a. f..s: a.m. - Meets on the iht and third Mondays of i'Hcli month at their hall. All transient broth "i are cordially invited to meet with us. J. ti. Kiciikv, W. M. W.m. Hays. Secretary. VKHHASKA CIIAPTEIt. NO. .!. 11. A. M. Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each :noul h at iMumhiV Hall. Trausciint brothers we invited to meet with us. F. E. Wiiitk. II. P. W.m. It a vs. Secretary. l '. ZION cTiMIAlTruVTiroTX-!- Meet first and third Wednesday niht of -at li month at Maso i's hall. VisitiiiK brolheif ue cordially invited to meet with us. Vm. li vys, Kec. F. E. Whitk, E. C. i AhSCOFNCIL.NO tuul. KOVA 1. UCA N CM V n eetrt the t-econd and fourth Mondavs tif ach mouth at Arcauuin Hall. K. N. Ulknx, ltegent. 1". C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st Vice President... Jnd Vice President.. Secret ary I'leat'-rtr .Robt. Ii Wind ban A. J5. Todti in Nevillt- F. Herrinaui F. It. (iuthmai. 1I K Kt.'TOKS. .1. C. Kiehev F. Ii. White. .1. C. Patterson. I. A. ('miner, H. Eifon, C. W. Sherman, F. (lor Jer, J. V. eekbaeh. WcCOMIHIE POST 45 C. A. R. W. Ji.hnso.v. , Commander. i. S. Twisfi Senior Vice " ' a. r.ATK Junior " ' -o. N11.KS Adjutant. .CNHV STIiKIUHT Q. M. i ai.o.v Dtxos Ofilcerol the lmy. il.VHi.KS Foitn (Juard MiKKso.N Kky Sergt Major. 'coiifioBm.KMAs.. '..Quarter Master Sergt. C CfttTis post Chaplain ?eel inif Saturday evt'tiin JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TRK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2. 18.'. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main S- Over Merges' Shoe Slore, I his the la st and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever cattle wot of Missouri riei Note these prices: Husincps suits fnun to s:.i, dress suits, to -45. pr.nts .f-J. ., iSti.fjQ and upwards. "YTiii guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comcelilion. MIKE iCHKELLBACHER, Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow 3 ii oeing A Specialty. He uses the Horseshoe, the Best Horseshoe for the Farmer, :or for Fast driving and City purposes, ever invented- It is made so anyone ran can put on sharp o"r flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry nmds. Call and Examine these SliHtsand you will have no other. T T -RfJ C nUMnIIUn'AUAM j M . ocnneliDacner, - sr., riattsmouth, Neb. 1 ' ... , T, 7Z ffficeT "KKALD o 1 J I. 1 r-r , s i w Meoting of Two vlroat Stbrms, TBE STORM OF BBDDClIOfi! STORM OF PATRONAGE! A look through our Stock of Suiting, Ovemcite, Underwear ami "Winter Cajw will convince von that our dm-otint t 20 Per Cent From Marked Prices lias caused the stock to melt away like pieces of ice tliat i i.cli I Ik: lire iniparched ami burning palates. You never 1i:1'- sueh values A 20.00 Overcoat less 2(1 A J 5. 00 Overcoat less A 2.50 Fur Cap les 20 This is the reason why we have been enabled to to reduce our ,, as we do not care to wait for cold weather. OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED AVe will give you the same J;iscoiint on all Winter C.H.ds, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. SdCq ill II YE it o The Leading Clothiers, Cor. Main an wecilacl's Special Sale eouimenci'njr Js'oveiubcr l'itli, enliniiii:r oi. mm P uiuaKs ana Plush Cloaks and Children's Arear. I'l icf 20 per cci.t It-.-offered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove PLUSH WRAPS We have an ini mene line and will discount game 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SEORf WRAPS; 1 ?; are elegant fittinr garmen ts We sell them at .$14.50. worth all of $20.00. Comfortables A Fine Selected Line of troui .$1.00 up to 0X0 a pair. W J.-.-o the finest 15 cent Batting in the city. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Oolars, Scarlet Strip?;, Price- lower tlwm j x house in tli3 city, as we are-over-stocked with these pe;-. CALL AN1 SATISFY YOUHSEiV Yours Respectfully, jriven vou la ltiie, per cent discount menus per cent discount nie.-iiis : per cent discount menus IL' ;o L0) ei 1 ' v i ; . SI ! 11 o wee),-. 1A! Laaies r !:.!em lit. IOC mm If V nil) C ! :. !. s i'.il- i-.u ell eJ-ewj. (.)(- ;; i 1 I - ej -ev. kill eisewixi-e at A'. 'PI ii.-ii (. i ' ; : K 1 1 n el.-ewiit iv ul A I- nil Line (, mm sold pric. at tii:' it.v. X and Blanket JJailiili ni s o no vnaub v in Ms i 7