"HE DAFLY-IIKUAJJ): I 'LATTSMOUTiL NKlillASKA, MONDAY. DECKMHEU 3-1, 18$. liKTrjrrnrrurriirTi'iTi'cici wui not fan: Mjr bf'i, wjr Impra, would Uod my heart ru dead. And over all dingn, like funeral pall, A Mock, deira ahmlow, deep and dark and chill. Iiici,iiKUfit! oh, my God, the bitter pain Tliat now comes after all th Joy I felt, until J Lir-w that all my tniM bad been In vain. I friUU the purplo abadows drawing near, Jiim;l!o tliclr diwky light with dying day; I watch a pale jrounjf moon hong silvery clear. An rcbuij; creacent in tb beavena gray. I look aheail o'er ycara of weary waiting. O'er yeara of aaddtst gtiet and weary pain; My lorin beurt now changed from lore to bating Will uevcr echo to your own again. Ton c.uno and took my heart into your keeping', You swept Its golden atrlnga with cruel might: That heart which luul till then been calmly fcleuo- i Into inn? ma tivtniilniin ret llrrht 1 the clouds which lay acroua tbo sky l toy cad lifo nrw tremblingly away. Anil .n my heart a new flu&b aecmed to lie J Jko njhculo dawning of another day. JJow at love's going all my life U dreary, TLo cloud contest back that shadowed all my I -&t-!i LLo ml-Jnlght moon, eyea sad and weary, JYr.yli.g that doatb will end my pain at lost. New Orleans Picayune. RIDA'S GIFT. r . . "... put youruiuciouvalo your llerr KlK'iuhartjr uiidato thought not: ho hid liiht at home, ami thc.-.ivh r.ll ii'2avf-iuy kind to hint he re. he hail only ono heart's desire, an; 1 nio. t cer tainly no Christ Child would j;ut that hi hi.- fchooa. Still if Fraulcin Frida dcnircd it, sho tuiiHt know any wish of hers was hi:, law. Here tho parents entered, good i;i-hbi ; were hurriedly said, and boon nil was j quiet. The children made a merry ruth for ' tlio breakfast table Christmas morning, displaying their shoes tilled to overllow- uig. When eorao or tho rapture had subsided they asked tho candidate what ho had found. Nothing, not even his shoes. Possibly they had been taken away for a joke. Tho children cried out in dbtresa. At this moment tho door opened to ad mit Frida, walking slowly, her eyes on tho floor. For an instant eho hestitatcd, gave 0110 look at her mother, who returned it en couragingly, then walked straight up to the candidate with her hands out. Sho 6tumbled a little, he sprang to catch her, and then for tho first time ho saw that her pretty little feet were vainly trying to keep inside of hi3 clumsy fchoea. Ho stood ail instant irresolute, whilo Frida's lips quivered, and her courage almost failed her. Then sho was in his arms, and tho good mother, with tears in her eyes, drew tho Jittlo ones out of tho room and closed 'he door. Trans lated for Current Literature from Tho IJerlinerTagblatt by llLs J. JI. Iiurgoyuo. I AN AFRICAN KING. AT ONE TIME NOW A A MONARCH, HE 'LONGSHOREMAN. 13 SOCIAL CRUCIFIXION. Are Cart. I'lU-rcll Tells tho Story in the Pres ence of t!io Kin;; lie Ato tlio I'arn and Ton-ue of n rWis!-iim;irj- Ilroutit to This Country us h Hhivo In tS.7. tho Lord of tho Trie party boarded ISles and were soon uisciissing in tho cabin of some Capt. Every woman de&ires, above all things, lc be 1- ved, and Frida was no exception tc tho rule, but when it came to being iwu t'pona et!esial and worshiped from u distance tho pleasure did not outlast tl-? n,vc!r. It was cold up there all alone, and she v anted t; bo warmed. Respectful hom :'' mi Jit do for queens, but sho was o;.!y a loving hearted littlo German girl, who had ju.st passed her sixteenth birth- ilny, and lx.t.11 invested with tho em bmidi red bronze slipfiers, which signified lh t childhood had passed, and she mi;;!:t la!o her place in tho world as a yo.irig Lv, and lie called "you," in-t-:.nl of tho familiar "thou" of years pataiid who had had no thought be yond papa, mamma and tho children, tilt the 3 oiing candidate Kheinhart came to ! tutor to her brothers and keep her irov. forgetting wliat sho knew. "ducli time was passed in the school room, and Franz Uhoinliart soon discov ered that tho docile, golden haired pupil woul ) be the sweetest Lrido on earth for fco-r.o ono fortunate enough to win her. 'Hi t it should be luiuself never tn lorca mind. As soon would ho have as!:ed on-? of the royal family to keep his jmi'sj and mend his socks which shows of I- .v much advantage is deep reading and ki.owletlgo to a man in understand in;; a woman. j La i not taken very long for Rhein hart f bceo:no Fi ida's ideal of all -tliat was jrtvit and gooL His learning she vener.':tcl, his abstraction covered, to her, the most profound thinking, whilo lib careless and neglected dress only ex cited a longing to take upon herself the humble tasl; of ministering to tho crea ture comforts of this young divine, who, to r.n unprejudiced on locker, was at mobt an awkward, shy, self conscious Coal Tar anil Pi lrolcmn. Forlho past twenty years, writes a cor respondent in American Florist, I have used gas tar not only on greenhouse gut- other parts ex- ters hi t on benches arid nosed to d.imini''y :ii m il lliR-)t-.u Forgultcr3 I havo found nothing better for making them tight. .My method of application is to heat it over a very gentlo liro and apply with n paint bruh whilo warm. Tho heating facilitates the work, as it tpreads and penetrates t ! ic wood more rapidly, besides lormmga hard and glossy coat when 'cold. Car'o should bo olervel not to fill tho vessel t;x full, as it is liable to foam i:ml riV-o over the side and communicate with tho lire. I givo my gutters a coat once a year, generally in August, as a warm, still day is to bo preferred L Whilo on this subject it occurs to mo that possibly souio of your many readers ungnt ih3 giau to kjiov.- mat cm ie petro leum is also a great preserver ;f wood. I havo found it invaluably for green house stages, etc., as a prime coat lor all wood work where exposed to tho weather. It prevents warping and checking and at tho same time repels water. 1 consider it just so much, lead -nnd oil saved. If followed with a coat of paint it remains on tho surface and forms a solid body, liuiluings treated in this way will stiller no harm for several years without other paint. i. lUUJb M. a ti v- wlreamer. only distinguished from hun V Jreds of others by a firm, an all abiding feliet" in what ho professed Tin's hero worship, however, did not blind FriJ.1 to the story told by Khein hart s near ci -iited blue eyes. She saw th st loving her in this reverent way he iTaJ rai aU a barrier between them that fche alono could remove, and when could it lo Ixtier lono than now, at tho feast of the I 'ln;-;sed Christ cluld? !u could not &3 vet tell how. but it should Lo done: Uq loved her already, I seen, and there are no fire departments lio mean- I to sneak of out of the four or live largo Tho' Japs Don't Save. You will llnd but few rich Japanese. Tho rulo hero is that the ivoplo are not accumulative, in our sense of the word. They liavo never learned the tliiiosophy of investment, and they sjKMid all tliey make. They havo in the past had no in vestment of money, except ia lands, and the saving done has been largely for re building their houses in cases of lircs, which are very frequent. Dr. Hepburn, who ha3 been hi Japan for more than thirty years, is ray authority for tho statement that a Japaneso houso is thought on tho average to last only five years before it is destroyed by lires. The frame work and tho interiors are Like tinder, and whole villages are swallowed up almost monthly in Japanese conila- gnnjons. ino peopio aro the most care less peopio in regard, to fires I liave ever good Santa Cruz Far re II. "1 was midshipman in the English navy," said tho capiin, "serving on board her majesty's good thip Scorpion thirty years ago, when slavery was still an institution of this country. The Scorpion was dispatched from "the Med iterranean to join tho Atlantic sijiiadron in tho I'.ight of lSenin. and had orders to put down tho slave trade, then unusually active. Iieforo we had i.een three months on tho coast wo captured half a d;;:eti dhows. Vewero informed r.y a mis sionary that there was u eann or leot about a milu inland, where slaves and ivory wero exchanged for rum and money, and as our instructions wero to extirpate tho evil wherever it was to be found, 500 marines and blue jackets of tho squadron wero marched to attack this depot. Tho resistance we encoun tered was merely nominal, and I believe our small forco could havo taken all Central Africa. "Now it happened that Carambo IV. king or sultan of western Foulah, had died a fw days leforc tho attack, and Lis son (permit mo to introduce to your majesty a reporter of Tho Kew York Star) his son, I eav, succeeded him as Carambo V." Carambo smiled i:i" a melancholy sort of way at this recital, and tears came i:ito his eyes, which ho turned away lus Lead to conceal. "Tako another drop of Santa Crcz, CV.rambo," suggested tho captain. The king complied, and tho captain con tinued his story. tiie ki::o in eattlt:. "Intelligence of the breaking up of camp, and of tho consequent r.top-pao of sup; dies in cash, ruin ar.d muskets, reached Carambo by carriers early next morning, and bunung with ardor to havo revenge, and signalize tho begin ning of Lis reign with a victory, ho Loaivhed an arujy down to tho coast, which reached cur camp four days I iter, cul promptly began an assault. To do his ma jesty nothing but justice, stripling as bo then was. be led his savago legions like a hero, and though his warriors fell thick and fast around him, he jumped, rnear and buckler in hand, right intoour line of iii!o pits with hi-3 weird war crv rrnuhil iti Vi'lio Co Into Korlrty anil .i:ul .VlKcruulo Tli ore I jy. The subject of going into society to gether is ono of tndicss discussion be tween men and thiir wives; theso favor ing. pre.---.ing, insisting on it; those oi p . iiig, ridiculinir. protesting acainst it. Wonuii iften carry their ioint by de claring that if their husbands will not go out they will not, either. A just or gen erous man is averse to keeping his wife at home fimply because he considers social entertainments of any and every kind ; ".t lipid and disagreeable." Ho knows that sho delights in them, and that for her to relinquish them is a Ksitivo sac- riiice. There is no more reason why she muld stay away than why ho should go; antl, tlieretore. ho goes, but rroes n ine taut I y, with ill will, and, as it were, by compulsion. It may seem singular that sho should permit him to, knowing sis she docs how hat. -fill the thing It seems downright !i in her and women aro rarely !i but f he believes that sho cannot aiiord to release him: that her frequent ing i-eeieiy wiihout him is the Iw-ginnlng of t'e. ir separation, of their leading dis lirs t live:;, of their steady divergence, lifrlehef ii.-av not bo correct, but it is i li.t r i m:s :i Eg 13 D mi & se: u-sell;, lie t she f . 1 J V tho feci; .1 ; n a . 1:1:, n: v, i: i Lcnee is foe not warranted in ing her pesiiion to the last? rate, she maintains it. though :ii great cost, greater often than vs. Uer husband resents more bis dragooning into stx-iety. uts on his dress suit, or orders ,"- for that iiurixjsc. without a rr of inward bitterness of his wi !'' exaetingness, of bis 'e.M.-i-i--: a wrong; and tIokvi.i.g hiaaiy produces namtuai c:ssatisiaction and cvmeism. His wife is unconsciously bringing about wnat sno is trying to avoul settled dis content with her and the conjugal con dition. It were belter she should let him obey his proionsity than thwart it thus; for alienation would be slower with free dom than with fetters. What a deal of mischief is society, fri volour., hollow, insignificant society, cap able of doing! The dragooned husband feels that ho is a social impostor; that he atur.es hospitality by partaking of it in For suitable Holiday JYrsciits c are fljowm fine line of k end Geshmere iufflers reasonable prices. antl some pretly ilesins antl Silk Handkerchiefs Fancy at very Linen Table Sets woul r scon tell her so, and in tho time she reveled in innocent dreams of the future. Hi would soon havo a parish, of course, and sho would work hard; oh, yes. and do all ho told her with the chil dren s classes: but if sho could only look a httlo older; such a curly head and baby faco would ill become a cofieo table sur rounded by Ileavcn preservp us! Frau Doctor this, and Frau Professor that. Oh, eo. She will knit and, mend liis socks, brew cherry cordial for his cough, keep hL loks dusted, and never, never lose tho loorx leaves of Iuj sermons; any thing bu-i tak? htrpluco a3 Frau Fastorin and rec;-ivo all those ay iaspiring ladies. T - 1 !'.- ij7r intrk lrtrtt-iiw nr plis v.ii la-, rvi-3 lived oa hers, felt sure ho h":? rca-1 her thoughts, and hid her Lluhirr; taco boliind a huge pila of un n.oiidcJ tiocks. Foor Vrznz never dreamed tho blush as for l.Ln: he saw himself throucrh his 1 1 1 " - t A 1 going o:i v. un uiuo iias, wno could not. under repeated explanations, be made to understand that tho square of a number w as nor il.c same as twice. V."a3 tho child duller than usual, or to it that i3 could liardly se tho slate through t.:o mict of a vision? a vision of a litllj room eaialler tlian thu, oh yes. tut warm, with eurtams ana hreligbi if haj r-!. Ives on three sides with books, and L-ct-ks are a a stand at his right In t":Tii-'dla of tho room there is d tabl v.-:.i a green cloth, and a napkin foldo.; tumoaa lasmon unaer tho lamp. There L a work basket too, and t be longs to a dear iittk? wife whoso feet are on the ;en.icr, a bttJo goioen haired wife. vbe-e r.c4iio u Fri Ja. But he must liavo spoken i.ic naroe r.Ioad, for siio looked up, "Did you reok to mo, llerr I'rofes sor? J'ardon, irc. j tut thought f lates to-ni.?lF i"3 Jittle ones and I, for t -::ri: of tho Chrut "Child. " if vou wui usiei I yc fll tell them l.,M.f ' So, v. hilo the good n0ther in the nest room dressed mo. ums tne cantuaaic tutu li - legenns ai now cities. This danger lias thus been an in centive to saving, but above this there is httl-?. Seven-tenths of tho people, at a roug'i estimate, live from hand to mo.ith, though the' postal savLigs banks whjclj liavo lx?en introduced bid fair to teach them dhTercntly. Interest is high and tho banks make money. There" is not a largo government debt, and the mo: t of the debt is held at home. Frank G. Carpenter. the oxen in tho staLlo tte noJ, Babo with their breath; y how the wise worshiped lum Ten.rp. t,5a death. Iwptizeu raif And of how the C'hrii Child fills the,M)8fl of , ,. tu knOWS WIS I drveitiU tho little e i opened wid with the samo wo" jey reit every yoar. vjud they ran to haj f T Sun a it s-." c1 1 1 ti the arrr ' iTicvts. O. 3T ine . rL-r-Jy Smtrsrllna: Larp In a CoCIn. A Dnrssels Iaco merchant had received from a Delgian", residing in Fcris, an or der for a largo quantity of JSIalinca l.-.co. I no goods wero carol u!ly packed r.i a loa 1 coflin, which was dispatched to tho Pai is address as containing a corps?, ears a Faris exchange. The I'aris ucrc3:nr.t had to wait so long for tho arrival cf the 'body" that ho fit Icncrtli complained to tlio manager of tho Northern raijv, wl:. informed him that tho cchin bevn detained at tho frontier owing to t!i'-' iion-pomplianco with certain pre scribed formalities relating to tho trans mi. sion of .corpses. Our taerchaTit nt or.ro took train to Quievrain, dressed Ln sol.-mn black and with a mourning band round his hat, and wearing an expression of profound sadness. Dut In spite of In'.; em phatic protest against such an act of do.jcraticn the officials insisted cn open in;: tho coffin, when the truth came to lig.':i and the. ingenious smuggler was fcil-ca mto custody. Nov Voik TtJo- Paying Dearly. I: i a small vilkigo of New England, a fov.- years ago, some of tho young girls acquired habits of eating starch, colfeo, Ciovc i and tho like, to improve their complexions. Tho liabits increased by indulgence, and tho girls consumed largo quantities of theso substancesall good in their place, but very liarmful when of 'A mod hai! hail hai! thai! AuicoV Ho was wounded on tho rigl.t temple with a sword, and captured alter n des. perate struggle, whilo those cf his party who did not diiperso wero also taken prisoners. It was an ugly gash you got, Carambo?"' "Ves, MciFra Farr'l," said Carambo, turning tho right t ide of his faco toward tho narrator, mid showing a scar stretch ing from the outward corner of tiie eyo down lo tho jawbone. Tho mark was barely perceptible, but it was there, and no miotake. "Before Carambo left his canital for me anaeii, tuo captain continued, "he had ordered tho roasting and eating of a 1 orlugueso missionary priest. Did you ec.tr.nyci him, Carambo?" "l es, answered tho king, simply, ate l is cars and his tongue." "les, I remember. It was for this that, while wo released his subjects after a ciay or two, wo tool: tho monarch him self prisoner to tlio Inland of Ascension. We uko learned that ho bad sacrificed fifty cf tho lato king's wives on his tomb. and was about as sanguinary a young man generally as might ho picked up in Central Africa." "I was ho Napoleon, spoke up Car ram bo, proudly, ns ho gulped down an other snifter of fc'anta Cruz. CHECKING A ROYAL CAIiEEIt. Tossibly. I visited tho islandtwo months after, and found Carambo liand and glovo w ith the roval marines who garrisoned tho place. lie Had learned to smoke, and drank ell the rum he could get with great gusto. He wore a pair of long v eiungron poots and a grenadier s big shako, v. hich were ail he did wear, and enough, too, ia that hot climate. The shako was distorted into tho shape cf a crown, and with tliis on his royal cranium ne eiaiiieu atxrat the inland, and accepted tho title of king with infinite pare. I saw him dozens of times after tliis when calling in for coal and water, end found him growing so demoralized that I wrote to the admiral, who, in turn, represented his case to tho government, wiiit tuo resuit that ho was released and perverse s; srit. lie is m no mood to en tertain or bo entertained. Ho is lored to death, and his countenanso shows it. He yawns behind hand or hauT-'iorchjef, end for the moment fairly despises his wife, noticing across the room her animated manner and obvious gratification. Uis look anil air and gait are funereal. If ho wero burying a friend ho would, he lancies, led more cheeriul. Stealing into a coiner, ever and anon, to glance furtively ct his watch, by Hunks that it mutt have stopped. Has there ever be fore been ro Jong an cveiiim;? v. iio indicates that she is about to leave; but ho knows whr.t that means, and resigns himself to another leaden-footed hour. Everything must havo an end; linaily s.io departs, and his faco for tho mo- TV) ".I", f i t i I. , I,,, ,1 ..'!. I . -w.i. u i.i.m.Lu v, nu pleasure, imme diately dispelled by tho remembrance that there are to bo five evenings more of emiilar boredom within tho coming week. Ho dreams of what he haa under gone and miidt undergo in tho torture chambers of society; his sleep is broken and feverish; ho rises in tho morning despondent and irritable. His wife may dimly suspec t the cause; but sho lacks tho intelligence, jx.-rhaps the magna nimity, to relieve him of his onerous obli gation. In tho end lie wilj !e very likely to throw i; off, and it will be accom panied by no littlo of lu3 old affection and sympathy. lne women are few who would make good their declaration of surrender ing society if their husbands should flatly refuse to escort them. They think they would, and for a whilo they might abstain; but tho enticement is too great to bo long resisted. First, they will go out alone occasionally; then frequently; at last regularly. Women who have dragooned their lieges for several seasons, and then acquitted them, may run the risk of losing the early placo occupied in their heart3 (is not such loss mutual and unavoidable, with most couples, in any in Slam i' ed .... i) nlies. On our CLOAKSSPLUSH SACQUES we have placed specially low prices, terest the purchaser. Fol low enough to in- HANGING LAMPS, FANCY GUI'S AND SAUCKIiS and Fancy Glassware j-ee through our Quccnswarc De partment. HAS TIIE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF OVES, K T HP QT HOUSEHOLD GOODS. s. m anv I buttheygfarm ntLccitducl. he is olTcrirg at Prices that w.ll make the.,,, m-H. taken alone, and in excts. lji less than a year four out cf the six girl j were under the doctor's care-. The cutlet? eater became the victim of insom-v-i. T.id was so nervous and timid tliat Lit1 things aiode her crv and tremblo vnth I???. - Tlio ciovt, eater had be co:o victim to uyCrui. and was in a deplorable Etate. Th&sa who tho at;ch Iiabit learned to the full extent the meaning of dvsnensia. Youth' Cocpanion. pent home, cn swearing aLlegiar.co to Cueen Victoria. That was the last of Lim I saw until I met burn on the wharf half an hourarro, running a cotton truckl rorliaps Carambo can tell us how ho came nerc. 11ns arambo did in very bad, but etill mtclligiLIo, English. It appears that in Ins absence his sub jects choso another king, who marched poor Carambo down to tho coast with l.oCJ otiiers and sold him to American slavers. Ho was again cold for SLSCO at auction in hichmend in lbo7 toapkmter, v. iio treated him kindly. Ho was among those arrested by (Jen. Fuller as contra band of v.-ai- in 1852, and of coura matt free by l'residcnt Lincoln's proclamation, lor tno rest, ho came north alter the war, worked in various capacilies. but !?L2g a man of great strength bo liualiy deci!cd to work along fhoro until ho couid make mone' enough to run a kai somining establLJiment. ' "Cut your name is Jict Carambo now?" queried the reporter. viy name is alwars Cararn!o." .m- svered Ins iouJan' majesty with dignity, -but they call mo John Howard, and X live at 4.H High street." Jxcn lovo freedom abovo everthinrr. and when they have it they are more amiable and. patient than when it is in any way curtailed: Husbands who have been exceedingly disagreeable at home, co long as t'ioy have felt constrained to discharge social duties in their own per sons, have behaved quite decently after turning over these duties entirely to their partners. Tho average woman gets rid of her romance and sentiment by five or sis years of connubial experience (the first year will answer for 'the average man), and prefers domestic peace and toleration to tho cherisliment of tlio lof tiest meats. Junius Henri Brown Chicago America, A complete lose Oi Window Curtains at :i sue ri lice. I'ictnn; Frames in great variety. You can ox-t everything von need. You can buy it on the installment plan, pay so much ench month find you will soon have a line turnislied house and hardly realize the cost. Call and see. I- IE3 T SIXTH STFiEEP, LET. MAIN AM) VIM'. IbT. I LAI If "VC ITIf, Ml!. A Small Econoruist. A lift I o boy whose parents wero al ways 'discus-sing'. way3 and means 'in his presence wa3 ccnstantlv i-eminr7f.d of tho expense of everything until n.u K-i.ii it.-..sons oi oomestic econ omy were sunk deep in his soul. When he was a years old somo friends visited tho family, having with them a year old baby. This was such a fund of uengnp riisr, the small bov's parents re marked that they should, like such a cauym uieir own household, and they looked at him to see Iiow he would take Du,-:!jL3uui. uat, was their sur prise when he answered gravely; "v.. tui.tun c anoru it: -Detroit Trco I'ress. iTWHJBe$i5in YoiU'lDsWe PocM IF VOf WILL CALL AM) SICK TIIK I.AliuK STO K OF JEWELRY tiiJurjuice of the Apaclies. !.: t-aii i ires alter covering a "ilcre, said tho captain. phi!csorh icaliy, "you liavo a king in your midst, and yet you do ahnott roval liomaTc tn A v marc.i oi twentv miles on n rl.-nrl prairie. An Aacho would make at least hfty tiiiles inlhe same tirao over roujrh. roc-y ujcunta ii piles, and not feel liTilf so tuuc.n fatigue tlio soldier woidd In mr.-uig Ii!.; screcf miles. Cavalry can net '.Turk in such a countij-, and whito Eicu cannot comnete with natives in their own stronghold. Philadelphia I Eecci-cL That FraiiK" Can utli Son Las before purchasing Christina i'resents. Trices are such tliat it would not pay toeross the street, let alone going tu Omaha, this year. All they rsk is To show s f every lord cr tci-dL-tant lord that comes along. It is very fcinguiar." New Vert ir. ... A TeUIng Aiument. ' 4 It is now noted t!ia.t tlie abchtion of t.io car stovo will make a clear cain of tiie space in each car which tho heater or-cunies, aSJ t!iat each train of seven or ciaht cars will thereby bo enabled to carry twonty-iire or thirty more passen- . .- Biuiit lor iiigu- . vent to be employed with clTect in in- ' icing the use of steam beat i::ctead of r- f -nl'roada. Itr.j.j.-raU to tho l Charles II. Ball, cf New York city, owns a monkey which is attracting con siderable attention. The animal is & years eld rnd weighs six pounds. Ail cf his joints are double. Among the many r.ccomplih;nects cf the monkev is bis ability to talk. Not only can hu say papa," ''mamma" and "cuckoo" as will as any parrot, tut ho win", when hungry, say. "Jack wants his grub. Hie Quiul n Prr-i'Vt' Tlio quail lia! tho gift cf prophecv. In somo parts cf Tyrol the number of his cil's is l-elievcd to denote the nrice of a ii i-.:t:i ii ii sigmiying a gulden, in oilier -pai ts, if ho calls six tiris, tho yeai? wiil t-o a bad" ono; if ciiit "f ines, it will be telcra! .iy proc-pc-roust btvi thouid ha yon the Fine Goods and C. thing you could ask tor in the line, which will be sold if thc-v have an opportunity. op port i LI czu t.-n times or bevond Hint mimi everything will dourish. Audubon Ma-:-! ajii"j. - " i At Dijon a convict under a crntenco cf '. twenty years' penal Eurrt:do was ! E-kcytical, but Curious. rjusborid I liad my fortune told today. ho You don'k bc-heve in that sort of thing, do vou? W.-Isw l, It is all fooliiancss, the rLE CASH Will go farther t'lis year than ever before. Don't Fail to call and see the Display of fine- goods. fbank. oApnuTft & aow, fovoy Block:, Plattsino-Litla. M.'.Tir COlVIJ WKT. Xo. i.5:lo a ri. N.. 3', -C :4 p. m. VO. K 6 :17 a IH. No 7.--T iai (. in. Nn. 6 :17 p. in. Time "(Table. JI VAST, No, 2 I 3 p. in. Ni. 4. lo -jto a. No.'e 7 .-13 p. in. No. 10.-3:45 a. tn. J.H.EMMOiVS I10VCEO,, :ted f l -'ro ) T'l'Lor. j""d f'-r No. 11 6;27a.ni. ' At tr,- r'i " v f- vr of i