The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 28, 1888, Image 4

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-J lyaCU---1 OP THE CITY.
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D J yfljfe la ftrrinv'ii Urn Store, KtK
7JTrUlUrt' Dlit, Vnlom
y-niTY nniT)T at r
--The bachelors of Cobweb hall should
. . . A . 1 ! . 1 . . .
iii-ri curncr uiau iw l ear s eve io
make their arrangements for tlieir New
Year's demonstration.
A music box belonging to Henry
Ikuman wan rallied of at Kuhney's bar
tar shop last ni"ht. Fred Herrmann
held the n amber which drew the prize
I)iei Mrs. Kate E. I louse worth, died
at S o'clock Inst evening nt the home of
her parent". Mr. and Mr. O. F. Johnson.
of peritonitis, aged 'J'J years, 2 month
and 7 days. The fun end will occur at
Ht. Luke's Episcopal church on Sunday,
Dec. ::0, at 2 o'clock
All parties intending to receive New
Year's callers are requested to -send their
names to this office, so that the young
men who intend calling on that day
may not intrude by calling ut the home
of those who are unwilling and unpre
pared to receive them.
Several handsome ornaments have
recently been presented to Secretary
liothwell by ladies interested in the wel
come appearance of the Y. M. C. A.
rooms, which add to tho cheerful sur
roundings. Such gifts make the rooms
more home-like and ore very acceptabh .
Mrs. Horace Evans, of Council
Bluffs, retu-ned to that city last evening
from a few days visit with her uncle's,
Judsre Chapman's, family. Mrs. Evan?
is the daughter of the late J. "W. Chap
man, of Council Bluff and was born in
Plattsmouth during the territorial days
of Nebraska.
Many would consider the erection
of a toboggan slide and the provision of
all necessaries for such an amusement a?
toboggan sliding would be a safe and
profitable investment here. As it would
b3 a noveltv in this city, all lovers of
coasting (and there are many) would pay
a good price for it
Much interest is being awakened
among the active Christians of this city
to have an effective revival started in
Plattsmouth. A meeting will be held in
the Presbyterian church tonight and all
desirous of having the Word preached
earnestly in Plattsmouth this winter are
requested to be there,
Those desiring to have New. Years
cards printed, should call and select their
cards immediately so that we will be al
lowed time to order. The Herald has
the finest samples, this season. Those
who wish cards must not neglect order
ing them immediately, as they will be
unable to get any New Years day or the
day before.
Mis9 Hattie Chapman and her cousin
Miss Bessie Matson, of Kossuth, Iowa,
went cast on the flyer last evening to
spend the remainder of the holidays at
the home of Miss Matson. The youug
ladies have been spending their Christ
mas in Plattsmouth, and resume their
studies at Parsons College after New
Years. Quite a number of yonn people
were at the depot to see them off.
Ilallen and Hart's "Later Od"
which was given at the Waterman opera
houe last night, proved to be what was
claimed for it a farce-comedy, full of
fun, and performed by an excellent com
pany. A small but well pleased audience
witnessed the pioduction. Fred Hullen
and Joe Hart, in the principal roles, sus
tained their reputations as clever come
dians, while the singing by different
members of the company was unusually
good. The quartette, and solos by Mr.
Jlcrnard Dyllyn, are worthy of special
mention. The company, although they
were obliged to faco a small house, played
their parts well, and should they
Tcturn, there could be no doubt about
them erettinir a full house.
Mr. Joe Klein, who is better known as
( Joe, the One Price Clothier " has about
completed arrangements for his great
ta&,con'cst which takes place New
again, night at the Waterman opera
trouble'Ie offers some very handsome
,vJt;nts to the parties guessing the ac
curate number of beans, or the nearest,
contained in his jar. He will pay the
. whole expense of the occasion, which
will be considerable, as he pays for the
use of the opera house, the services of
the band, etc. The jar was filled and
sealed by two disinterested parties, so
that no mortal knows the number con
tained therein. Two ladies and two gen
tlemen have been selected to do tho count
icg. and the mayor of the city has con
sented to act as door keeper and receive
the proceeds .which are to be distributed
among the jr-or of the city by. a party of
-'jable people. An admission fee of ten
Look over this List and ?ee if 3-011 cannot find what you are
looking for.
Mr. Sam Long left for South Bend
this morning.
Mr. J. M. Schnellbachcr went up to
Omaha last night.
Mr. S. F. Osborn, of Weeping Water,
is in the city today.
Mr. Jerry Farthing was a passenger to
Omaha this morning.
Mr. Will Shryock, who was m the city A
yesterday, returned to Louisville last u&pj r 'y Jififr.
Mr. Prent Lathem, a B. & M. pain terra
in the city, the guest of his brother, Mr.
W. L. Latham.
Mr. John Burke, foreman of a B. & M.
paitt gang, brother-in-law of Mr. W1
Neville, is visiting in the city.
Riddle House Guests: II. W. Soger,
Omiiha; C. L. Tabbetts, Omaha; M. O.
Nelson, Wahoo; Wm. 1. Page, Pittsburg,
Pa.; C. O. Lee, E. M. Mancourt, Sidney;
C. R. Tefft. Greenwood; C. S. Potter,
Omaha; J. V. Boy bal, Friend; John Har-
tignn, Hastings.
An Injustice.
It was reported yesterday by some per
son on the streets, (for what purpose it is
unku nvn) that the play ''Liter On'' was
.1 poor "rotton and rockey'' show, which
I suppose was one reason of the poor
huse they had. I will leave it to those
present if the play was not fully up to
the standard, and just as represented? It
is my endeayors to give the public only
first-class attractions, and shall never
with my knowledge let any company
play in the opera house, to which you
are not perfectly safe in taking your
wives, daughtors and best girls. I have
some of the best attractions coming that
vill ever be seen in Plattsmouth, but if
ur theatre goers expect to see such at
tractions they must give them better
patronage than a $115.00 house, which
"Later On received last night.
J, P. Young.
List ot Letters
Rcmaiuing unclaimed, in the Postoffice
it Pliittsmouth. Nebraska. Dec. 20. lfiSS
for tha week ending Dec. 15, 18SS:
Conies. A J
arell. Win
Our Line of Linen and Silk I lad kerchiefs comprises everything New and
Novel in these Good?.
We arc showing a very pretty line of Brocaded, Embroidered, Pongee and
China Crepe Silk Handkerchiefs at Exceptionally Low Prices.
Fancy Linen Embroidertd Handkerchiefs put up in a Fancy Box from 75
cents to $1.75 each.
Special Good Values in Ladies' Fancy Embroidered at 35 cents each or three
for $1.00.
Alsofa Bargain in Ladies' Initial at 20 cents each.
Full Lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Handkerchiefs.
The Largest Line ever shown in this city, prices ranging from ;: cents to
$5.00 each.
Everything in Silks, Pongees, Brocades' Cashmeres and Silk Mixtures.
Call early and make your selections. .
Look over this list and see if you cannot find what you arc
looking for.
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas $2 10 $9.
Fans from 5 cents to $35. j.
Table Linens in Sets from $0.00 to $10.00. v
Table Cloths from $1.00 to $4.00 each.
Full Line of Table Spreads in Plush and Raw Silks, something mw, from
$1.50 to $0.00.
Fancy Plush Piano Stool Covers only 75 ccpts each.
Silk and fancy M dra's Drapes from 35 cents to $1.50
Full Line of Fancy Towels, Piano Covers, Tidies, Baby Carriage Robe, etc.
Dress Goods.
Our Line ofjDress Goods for Holidays is replete with everything in the Line
of Silks, Surahs, PI tu lies and Woolen Novelties, such as Hcnriettes, Seigee, Bri fid
eloths. Flannels, at prices that will convince you that we are lower than any firm
111 fliio i! f r
Curtis, J O
I rank. Tony Gate. Kohert
Hutci.iiison, S F Jacobs. John A
fiicoli. .Mrs Anna. l'urtfr r 1.'
Siowe. .Mr Charles Stiarltt, j'w v-)
'u f:ii. jur iMairme Meele, K r
M-IU'liioff & Jonehson Thompson. Uohn B (2)
rhoniisoti, Mary Ertie Mrs Alex F.
Persons c illincr for nnv of thr !nrp
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise, P. M.
Benefit for Holiday Cloak Purchasers !
We will beat our Record from this until the first day of January in Our
Cloak Department. Mild weather has ruined the prospects for Cloak Trade. We
waut to sell what we hnve on hand before the season is too far advanced. To do
this we have still further Reduced Every Garment in Stock. We now offer them
at a further Reduction of 20 per cent.
Plush Sacques, iVodjeskas, Wraps and Jackets
at the Same Reduction. Muffs and Boas, Full Assortment.
At tiie residence of the brides parents,
near Greenwood, Neb., on the 25th of
December, 1888, by Elder W. Eckerman,
Mr. George D. Cutler and Miss Annie C.
Hanson, all of Cass county, Neb.
It was thought for a short time that
the epidemic which has been raging in
mr midst had about become extinct, but
we are sorry to leirn that it has broken
out anew and the cases are of a more
scrirous type, as adults are now afflcted.
From the 26th to the 28 there have been
tive cases reported on the city register.
flic following cases have been, reported:
Dec. 2, W. II. Moore, age 2, Locust
street; Dec. 27, A. Rhode, age 15, Elev
enth street; Dec. 20, Mrs. Malick, Pearl
street. Dec. 27, Earl Malick, age 4, Pearl
trcet; Dec. 28, J-e Lloyd, Third street.
Rumors are also afloat today that Mr.
W. II. Malick, ex-city marshal, has been
attacked, he making the third member of
the family now afflicted. The little boy.
who is now sick, is not expected to sur
ZEaZzca-i-b G-oods.
Everything in the Line of Skirts, Toboggans. Hoods, Booties, Leggings,
Sacques, Fascinators, Mittens etc. etc.
In order to Red uce our Stock we shall sell all of our $2.00, $2.25 mid $2.50
Grades of Dressed and Undressed Gloves at $1.50 per pair. Full Lines at 75 cents,
$1.00 and $1.25.
Everything novel in Hair-Tins. ITiiir nrnnmmf. Fop P.i.Ko n.ifF 1nWr,
Baby Pins.
Purses and Hand Bags, Full Assrrtmeut.
The drawing for the South Park lot at
W. J. Warrick's takes place the evening
before New Year's. Eyery person buying
$2.03 worth of Holiday goods, Druirs!
Pain's or Wall Paper from now until t:i.i-
of drawing will receiver a chance on t:.;s
lot- (Ut
The barber shop of Mv. Jol
Kuhney, located in the basement of ti..
Cass County Bank building, hns been re
moved to the basement of the Carruth
block and are now ready for business.
Bath rooms in connection. tf
! t Is Believed the Earth Will be Des
troyed Within the Next Six
Your choice of 8 beautiful 59 piece
Tea sets. . First name to receive a set
will appear in next Monday's IIerat.0.
The sets are now on exhibition at the Tea
Store. A big Coffee Roast for tomor
row's trade a 5G piece Tea Set to Cus
tomers KACII WEEK.
lbc charged, but those desirous
3 Cj "Uir generosity have thepriv-
" 1 t't . aAvmnnn nn tilt n linvc
Ct . advance on theaboye
? I'i . "4iey can feel safe
xaroe rt
Col. G. Edwin Dunbars, representing
the Lyceum Bureau, of Kalamazoo.
Mich., is in the city today and has made
irrangements with the manager to book
G. lltul Smith, a prominent imperson
ator r.nd cartoonist, Jan. 10 and 17th.
The drummer boy of Shiloh, two lectures
and ui8ttinee, Feb. 2. Miss Lee, a popu
lar elocutionist, March 1st.
It is rumored that Mr. S. W. Dutton.
a councillor and prominent citizen of I
tins, is putting forth efforts by
which to secure the wardenship of the
state penitentiary at Lincoln, the office re
cently vacated by Mr. Hyers. Mr. Dutton
has the best wishes of the entire com
munity for success.
Mr. J. Murphy and Mis Rose Dono-
hue were united in the holy bonds of
matri.i ony last evening about 5 o'clock,
at the C.itholic church. The ceremony
was w.'tuj.'sed by only a few friends.
'I.-. Alf While, who is the possessor
of a fin. thoroughbred dog, took the
canin ; to Omaha this morning to make
an exhibit of him in a dog show there.
A private concert will be given to
night .-it the Catholic school by the teach
ers ii:n! pupils of the sell ol. . A choice
progiT.:;i has been arranged.
31 dlen & Hart's company took their
depart are for Leavenworth, Kas., this
morning. They may return to Platts
mouth "later on."
For Sale.
The finest 5-acre tract on Lincoln Ave.
Easy terms. Gt Windham & Da vies.
J. P. Antill is selling ami will sell
home made candy at 15 cts. per lb. till
after Jan. 1st. tf
For lots in South Park apply to
Ct Windham & Da vies.
hey Believe the Earth Will Be
Burned into Ashes.
'V'i7 freeze or starve?" istli
question asked by the manufacturers of
"Marian 1 Stoves;". and we would add:
Why buy a poor irritation when fur the
eame price you cn get )the genuine
flrtiHtit tlir.i !.- Time.
ii u-:;s f:,,t'.i:v; pretty m;r th-. rn;l of
ieC year ;i:sil A::iuru:itha was lxcouii:i"
.'!i:-.i !i:" K.aiil with a t i;;h. na she
ruscd hi-rstoiv frb-A's from the nhoukler
ot hij Towfcsbury millnall wool cassim ere
four button cutaway, Tvo thought of a
conundrum: Why are you like green
"I don't know, I'm suah. Aoiarantha
O, it's lccaiise I'm so' sweet."
"No." replied Amarantha, whoso edu
cation was completed at the Athens of
America; "it is because no degree of
warmth causes you suddenly to expand
into a desiderated efflorescence."
Then there was silence for the space of
several minutes while tho significance of
tiie answer was working its way through
. iD i.uiu.-i mo vacancy.
unu uieti uepoppeu. opringiieia union.
Lincoln on Jefferson.
Gcorgo N. Stroat, of Nebraska City,
has an autograph letter written by Abra
ham IJncoIn in 165J. It is an answer to
an invitation to attend a banquet in Bos
ton on tho anniversary of the birth of
Thomas Jrll'erson. Thc h-ttcr csau-!:idos
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Tremendous Comet in the Heavens
A terrible ball of fir has recently been
discovered in the Heavens.
be approaching the Earth nt the rate of
one nunarect and seven million miles per
day. Astronomers ate somewhat hirmo1
as to the direction in which it is centered,
and tell us that if it does not change its
course, it will surely be the destruction
of the earth. It is estimated to be twelve
times larger than the great planet Jupi
ter, which ia the largest planet of the
Universe. Astronomers tell na ; .;n
soon be visible to the people of this cod-
uneni. it can ue easily observed by the
people of China and it is said . thnt ti.
Chinese by close observation have dis
covered upon the tail of the ereat comet
printed in roman letters
Georire W. Vuaz (ha nnii Liiontn,. t .
Citizens, I am yours Fraternally,
George W. Vass,
Astronomer and Jeweler. -
allow their children to cough and strain
and consh and calmly say: "Oh! it is
only a little cold." and keep giving ihem
cheup and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when thev can be so easily re
SYRUP if It has no superior, and few
equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co ,
Call anil look at the Hon Ron Boxes
Pie Knlvm 11 hick Broom-, ete., in
Oxydir.'(l f iTfr. at It. M. liAL'lii'ii.
io .old l.'hninN tor l.oth I ariieti mini
fentliiin f -"Ii Tm m Bin.
everything to he had In a t'irt-Jla
r r wry Piurv.
The standard rempdv fnr M
pi lint is West's Liver Pills; they never
uitxippoinc you. isv puis aoc. At War-
nct s urujr store.
Two rooms for rent in Union block.
Apply to Windham & Da vies. d6wl
Soe Joe's Goods, get his Prices, and
then let your own Judgment decide
whether you can do so well anywhere
e!se ts at Joe's. tf
Clocks at II. M. Guult's front
1 OO to &20.0O. wni-mntfofl A
l?ive satisraction or money re
Christmas Sacrifice Sale!
I1T ME1T'3 .17X3 LADIES'
A Chance on the Fine Doll
W. A. BOSCE fe CO.
I Iiave VatcliCN frnm nn
to SlOO fur Gentlemen and
am able to suit any one In
price and aualilv and
rant all goods MOtd to be an
represented, ftlvn m ooii
and see for yonrsetf.
II. M. rilLT.
J. II. Donne I v has 11 ft
silk and satin suspenders, plain and em
broidered. He also has a fine line of
fine initial handkerchiefs. tf
Don't be mislead bv sn mlU TirA.,nA
. iiisuuuui or oacnncft nipo wimn
vou can uuv oetter i?oods for 1CQ
a T V . T f . . ... -
uwc 3 1 uc une i'rice ciotnier, tf
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
The Citv Meat'MrW J- hoof tll.AA
to Imy fresh meats, nnrt nnrt.
and game o; all kind. - f
Tit t 8. F. Tf!MAS.
AttonieT-at-Law and Notary Public. Office In
tnzgera'd Block. Flattsmouth. Neb.
ft. A. N. KTTI.LI VAN,
& c7".t"lAW.- . w,n ,ve Prompt attention
to all BusiuesB Intrusted to him. Offlc" l
Lnion Block. East side. Flattsmouth.Neb
PrcBcrrnf mi. t .1... . .
q . muii i eel 11 a
Specialty. Auesth(.f ;,., ;..
.v..i leein matle on Gold. Silver
Rubber or Celluloid Pltf8, ln-Ai
SrSOD arC C'X,r,K terl w,,e l0
JLrk warrant. Prices reasonable.
sia.l and Fancy Groceries. Glassware and
Crockery, Flour and Feed. e an1
W M. T.. Tt t? n xv t: I
. - w w - 11 Snf J
toPniyOca?LatteDtl0" Butae" Entrust.
KOTAnv i
T,r. 7 " ""1111. -
.aranW WrienrBeart2om'Ud. In'
Better racilitleB for isuiL-j Ttml -
Have Again been put in shape to
Grind Buckwheat !
y Bring on your Grists and ret sonm
of the Best Flour manufactured in
the State.
on hand for Exchange for Wheat
and Corn. Give us a Cull. Respectively,
Union, Cass Co , ?,Teb.
'Uiii hmd? ' Sold exclusively by
1 - 7
ire tm Liz -
. w w v' o"C.
to Ut a Ur".
Id --.VciveNby
j, 7"- ' C