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About The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1888)
f THE DA1LV HKUaLU ; PL ATTSMO UTI1, NEKltASK A , FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1888. I m I 0 -1 1 . DoutbDailv Herald. er . ... OrPTS 33IE2,CS. ublishers &. Proprietors. infcilK I'LATTSMOUTII HKBALD 7rt ibllshed every evening except Sunday r '.. . ... I ... i - . . i .f eKiy every ill iirsuay morning. egi 1 :t tile i.i"tinic-. I'.hLIMiiohIIi. Nebr.. i iid-clit.HH matter. Ollleeeomer o( Vine and -illi streets. Jeiephoue No. 3M. ,7 TKHMS KCK DAILY. J One copy on a vear in advance, by mail $0 o One copy per month, by carrier 5o u (- ' lln.Kiit.v l.iiiirU 1.1 TERMS FOR WkKKI.V. fine oopy one year. In advance Si G" Oue copy its monton. in advance 7f Our Clublng List. Wr.KKLY IlKHAMtaud V. Y. World. $ 40 N. V. Tr-lMiue. - U) dlirtlia Kep 'J 3 N. Y. I're-s 2 2." N. Y. I'o-t Harpers M:ii;7it)e 4 mi Weekly. 4 7'. " i;zur... 4 7." YounK 1J1; 3 '.' Neb. Fanner 2 Hi's Montli- ly Mpaiie 3 1ft AliiertCiin Ma'zine 3 r 'J lie Forum 5 c What's the matter with the surplus The national debt of the United states was increased over $11,000,000 during the month of November. The democrats want to admit the gre iscrs of New Mexico and the Mormons of Utah into the Union as an offset to the American Christians of Dakota and Washington. It won't do. Blue Valley Blade. The democrats of New York have conie to the conclusion that Abraham S. Hewitt, the mayor about to turn over .liis office to a Tammany hall receiver, is insane. He is either an honest democrat or crazy, that's 11 t. And the more you think of it the more you are bound to lielieve that he may be innne. That is where the calculation of chances leads the conclusion up to, anyway. Lincoln Journal. A Boston woman has won a heavy verdict against a firm of brokers for money lost by her son in speculation in stocks, the defendant firm having acted as agents for the vountr man. A few- such verdicts would have the effect oi curbing the speculative feyer among the young. Boys are no allowed to patron ize gambling houses, whether the risk is taken on the turn of a card or the turn of the market in grain or stocks. -Equity. . The Journal ma'i whines piteous! y over the excoriating he received in The Herald the other evening. When the editor of a newspaper descryes to shield himself behind the profession, he ought to be a respectable member of, he should have sense enougli to treat respectable citizens fairly and decently. Tun Herald made no attack on the Journal editor further than was necessary to de fend good citizens who do not happen to be permitted to control a newspaper. Tue treasury surplus continues low n.c compared w'tu the average for the yeni up to near the beginning of this month. It is only about f j6,000.000. This is not big enougli to harm the country, and no doubt it can readily be kept below the $00,000,000 mark for the next live or six months bv bond ourchases. Bv that titm V - mf tne revenue reauction measure, which will probably be passed in the special s?ssion of congress to meet in March or April nexl, may take effect, H VB3IISSI0X. As predicted ia these columns some time ago the subnrssion question will be one of the interesting subjects before the legislature. Those "timid souls" who were hoping that it would not come up, will find that it is not only coming up but that they will have to take sides. There can be no dodains. Of course the democratic members of the legislature mil be solidly opposed to submission, but as the republicans hare more than a three-fifths rote in each house they will ' 7J& eiueueu, iu uumitucc iv uic ucuiuw ut two state conventions of the party, to i fiabmit the question to a vote of the N people. And a republican senator or reprcsen utive from Cass county, in case be voted against submission, would have more trouble than he imagines explaining on what grounds he refused to allow his constituency a vote on so important a question. Heretofore when this question has been before the legislature, it has not, for ome rcaaon, amused much outside inter est. It will be different at the coming session. The p' pie are g.eatly interested and e h niemU;r miy rest awured that hi position will be thoroughly di u-m 1. Whatever anyone nriy tlunk oi tin wlvlom of prohibition there i no iair,S(,ij ;,y w. . I. Warrick. 1 I . A 1 .... ftl.rtf fll.S I niiifled man imii wni i-n-ni" i poople shoiild li'v nn opportunity to yote on the question. - Jt ' ' i - .-...Jrx CAT.. i.a..Ai lit : 1 '". OtslTL,uW,can j 1 Jit'public in (as n specimen of the over done business) "The mantle of General Logan has fallen on General Mundt-rtson anil he is worthy of it." We say bosh to all such electioneering guh. We favor General Maudersou's return, not as a member of the military committee, nor as an " old soldier" champion, for con gress is full of men who have made far more effort for the "old soldier" than our senator has yet done. We are for the senator's re election because we be lieve he has the ability and honesty to do something for the "corn huak.-r" and " cow punc her of Nebraska. The av erage old soldier in this state of Nebraska has to husk corn, punch cows, cultivate pigs, and wrestle with low rates ami cx horbitant charges to and from market, and if Senator iMauderson and his Ne braska colleagues want to imortulize themselves as representatives!, it is entire ly in order to aid the old soldier in a btiiuess like manner, by looking after the general interests of the agricultural state of Nebraska. Il'incoinb letters written by educated boomers as correspondents, from Wasli ington, don't cause a blade of grass to grow the quicker nor a bushel of corn to make its weary way to .Chicago the cheaper. These superfluous letters are no evidence of statesmanship. ' Let our representatives make themselves heard on practical questions tnat toucn our material well being as agricultural and stock breeding people. There is no statesmanship in working through appropriation for river improve ments and government post oilices. The people see through such political trigo nometry. Let the legislature return Geu'l .Man lerson and at the same time say to him: " Gc into the vinevard and hoe somi corn for the.Nebraska granger and let t!e regular army fellows look after their own commissions." Nebraska wants Nebraska representation at Washington, and if we can get it we are willing some ot Iter state shall fall heir to the old clothes of the distinguished men who have pjissetj from the stage of public action. We are for Mauderson and in struction. 'The tetter board of life goes up The tetter board of life goes down." U, and dowii, up ar,d down one day a millionaire, text day '"dead broke" one day buoyant in spirits, next day gloomy as a fog one day in seeming perfect health, next day "laid out" with a biilious attack of your stomach "on a strike." This is the way the world wags now a days. If j'ou are bilious, melan cholic, dizzy headed, dyspeptic, want appetite or have torpid action of liver. kidri!-ys or bo-ejs, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets purely yegetab'e, per fectly harmless; one a dose. Sf.nd the Weekly Herald to some friend in the east for a Christmas present. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A oilious man is seldom a breakfast eater, Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent apposite for liquids but none .for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardlv bear inspection at nny time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at al event . '1 ho digestive system is wholly out of order and diarrhea or constipation mav be a symptom or the two may alternate. Tin re are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may be giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and t'-nderness in the pit of the stomach To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's August Flower, It costs but n tril'c and thousands attest its efhCacy. Notice. All parties knowing themselves in- debte I to me, are requested to balance their accounts on or before the first tiny of Januaiy 18S9, as, after that time, all accounts will positively be left in the hand of a collector. DlL St'IIILDKNECIIT Nov. 20. tf WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or ilo not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or im-sp-msiblc parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at eoual price? No mi-nii mo iu me worm is "ivni sucn un- paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as IJEGO S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. ' . P?nd your job work to the ITekald o.frlce. SSOO Keward. Wc will pay the above reward for any cast f liver complaint, dyspepsia, sicfc head :ehe, indigestion, constipation or fcostivonesa we cannot cure with Wtr-VVg'.'tttble Live r Pills, wlun the directions are strictly complied with. Tli'-y are purely yegitable, aud never fail t- give satisfaction. Large boxes ;oi.t :!iing "50 sugar coated pills, 2."ic. For r. .! by all druggists. Beware of Cijiini. rfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured tnly ly John O. W'c I KiS'l W. SIiuli-;in Kt. Cliieara .and I'J iify of feed, flour, gniliam ami it Ileisel's mill, tf COU2H!and COUCH; and COUCH! U'ii it 111 tli! world in I lie reason you wilt roil ! and keep cougl.injr r.n.l tfiij keep trjin inferior tnelitines wlien 1 ve relieve vrnir rouu'ii onco! T!,: - no ndveriisin- wlieme but nn I. I 1 IfllMC MALTilWW THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine, ask our arent at your place for terms and nrinrui. I f vou cannot find our aereut. write direct to nearest address to you below nameL NEW HOME 5EW1NG MACHINE GMNGMS. Chicago - 28 union SQUARE.N.t- DALLAS, I LL. ATLANTA GA. TEX. ST LOUIS. MO. p.l mj Sj SANrPANCTSCO CM., THE .NEW iiijMtu tSliWlNO .MA CHINE CO., Oaialin, Neb. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C. West's Verve and Rin TreatmeM AKuarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Fits. Nervous Neurahrla, Head ache. Nerveou Prostration oaused by the ns-e of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness-. Mental De-pres-ion, Softenin-i of the Hrain resulting in in sanity an i leading t misery, decay and death, - re:nal ure olii Aire. Rarreniiess, Loss of Pow er in either sex. Involiii'tary Losses and Sper-mat'-rrlioea caused by over-exertion of the brain, gelfnhuse orover-lndnljfence K.ich box contains one inontli't treatment. SI 00 a box or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid op receipt of price WE OUARAKTE2 SJX BOXES To cure anv ca."?. With each order received byusf'ir six botes, jieeninpaired witli $'.()), we will send the purchaser our written c'-iaran-tee to return the money if the tri-aiment does not eiTeet a cure. iuarantees issued only by Will J. Warrick sole a nt. Plattsmouth. Neb J. C, SOOHE, BARBER AND IIAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fiftli Street. North Robert ShcwooiTs Stor3, Prencli IJoaltli Seainlogs FOOT VARfflERS! AT herwood's. For run-down," debilitated and overworked women, Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent Ppeciflc for all those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women : a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, it Imparts vior and strength to the whole system. Hpromptly cures weakness of stomach. nausea, indigestion, bloatinjr, weak back, nervous pros tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Jt is carefully compounded by an experienced phyaician. and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the svstem. "favorite Jrrecrip tIon is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a poult tve sruar Warrahtep.1 antee of satisfaction In every case, or price ($1.00) refunded. This guarantee hna been printed on the bottle-wrapper, find faithfully carried out for many years. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (100 pages, with full directions for boine-treatmentl. send ten cents in stamna. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 6C3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ALFRED DOLGE1? Celebrated French Slirrcers AT J A n. SHERWOOD'S FURNITURE mm Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Fill The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City. COFFI3STS, GASKETS AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF I 4 i n,'HJi ke-r's annus r r u - r f j IIEAHSE FUKNISnED FOH "TT-JW CITY OFFICIOS. Mayor, ... F. M. HllUKY l"lerk, w K Fox Treasurer, - - Jamrs Patteuson. JK. urer, - rney. uoruej, - II V HON t'UHK Kiiifineer, Police Juiljje, - A Mauolk S Ci trrnui) Marehall, - - - W II MalIoK Couuellmen, 1st ward, iSAYcu 9,,1 J U OH OONKS I lli. A SlIIPMAN " 3rd ' 4th- I M B MUUPUY 8 W DUT-rON" Con O'Connob. F McCallen. Frrs ( J W Johns i 1 11 Hawk J W JOHNS:N,ClIAIKMAN Board Pub. Works DKK wks Worth COLTjWY OFFICIOS. Treasurer, Deputy treasurer, -3Ierk. -Deputy Clerk, Recorder of Deeds -Deontv Recorder Clerk of Dint i ict Court. V. A. Campbell Thoh. Pollock BlRI t'KITCIl KI FLO. KxaCkitchkiklu W. H. Pool John m. Lkyua W. C. Hiiowaltkh J. C. KlKKNHAHV A. Madulk Allen Ukkkon Maynako Si-ink C. Kusskll Suerin, Surveyor. '. Attoiuey, - ; Supt. of Pub. Schools. County Judge. ! BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. i A. 1$. Todd. Ch'iu., - - Plattsmouth Louis Foltz, - Weeping Witter CIVIC SOGI15TJ5S. pA'SS LODCi K No. 146. 1. O. O. F. -Meets wcvery iueday eveuiufi or each week. All '.raiisieiit brothers are respectfully invited to IjLATTMOLTTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. 1. O O. V., meets every alternate Friday in iu each luouth iu the Masonic Hall. Hrothers are iuvited to attend. Visiting 'RIO LODGE NO. SI, A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at K. of P. dall. Transient brothers are respectfully in- tura inanenn. r ,j. morgan, master work man K. P. Pruwn. Foreman ; li. li. Kemster. Over, eer; It. A. Taite. Financier; ii. F. lloume worth. Recorder; M. M: bright. Receiver; D. B. Smith, Paf-t w. : !. . . Uowen, Uuide ; pASS CAMP NO. 32. M'liiKKN W'OODMKN or America Meets ecol and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. twill. Ail transient brothers are requested lo meet with us. L. A, oewcumer. veiteraoie (Jmisin ; . r, IN Hew Worthy Adviser ; S. C. iide. Ranker ; W. A, lioeck. Clerk. lil.ATTS.MODlH I.ODCE NO. . A. O. H. W - Meet every alternate Friday evening at ..' uaiiiuov UIUCH . All I I AllalCIlL Ol OlU- eis are respectfully invited to attend. L. 8, Larson, M. W. ; F. IJoyd. Foreman : S. C. V tide. Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. I J f ATTS MOUTH LODGE NO. o. A. F. & A. M -ft- Meots mi ilie ftrt and tliird Mondays of cauii iuuui ii in iio-ir nan. ah transient urotll era are cordially invited to meet with us. , c . J- G- Kichkv, W. M. Wm. Hats. Sfcretary. V EBRASKA CHAPTER. NO. 3, R. A. M. " Meets se cond and fourth Tuesday of each month at Macon' Hall. Traiiscitnt brothers are invited to meet with us, secretary, "wt L F. -IT t ZION COMMA NDARV. NO. 5. K. T. Meets liist and third Wednesday night of eacii month at Mason's hall. Visiting brolheib are cordially iuvited to meet with us, Wm. Ha vs. Rec. F. E, VYu we. E. C. i Ab co aKtn irKaTii,itoi'AL arcanum u meets the second and fourth Mondays of each mouth at Arcanum Hall. R- N. Glenn, Regent. P. C.Mivor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st Vice President.,,,.. 2nd Vice Pieidpnt Secretary .... Treasurer .Robt, Windham A . It. Tod d wm Nevill- F. Herrmann ..F. It. Uuthmuii I I R MOTORS. J. C. Richev. F. E. White, J. C. Patterson. o. jv. tjonner, ii. tison, w. Sherman, F. lior- McCONIHIeIpOST 45 C. A. R. JUOSTBR. V v: Jon'sox ..('ommander, ....oeiuor vice a.Ratks Junior iko. Nilks Adjutant. "2Nny STttKIOHT O. M. uix.on umcer oi the Lay. siarlksForo, Guard Anderson Frv Sergt Major. e Da iauouusbi.ejiaii.. ..quarter Master sergr. I !'vrc-liDRI,'i--i Post ChaplaFn ( .wcci-uju oaiui uay evening JULIUS MANU MANUFACTURE! OF AND ' IFQATF A RCTAlr uruAr pc r r e n 1-1- r HVnUL&OALL OL nciAiL DEALER IN Tills Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our FJor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBA.CCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 2(J. 188". C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock or samples, both foreign and domestic voojeii mat ever came west ot Misonn -l -NT,,,, .1, T 1 I iivic iiivoc pi Jttro; lousiness suits from f 10 to $35, dress suits, $25 to $45. pants $4, $5, $6, $0.50 and upwards, of tWill guaranteed a fit, Prices Defy Comoelilion. Tue Daily Herald -15cts. per week. delivered for EMPORIUM. ITUffiE Comfortables and Blankets In -V "Vf 0 9 ALL F,UNERA.LS. track in Meeting of Two TAB STURM OF ABDUCTION ! A look through our Stock of Suitings, Overcoats, Underwear and AVinttr Cars will convince yon thai our discount ot ZD Per Cent, From Marled Prices lias caused the stock to melt away like pieces of ice that ji;ci:(li the fire imparched and burning palates. You never had such values given you before. A 20.00 Overcoat less 20 per A 15.00 Overcoat less 20 per A 2.50 Fur Cap les 20 per This is the reason why we have been enabled to to reduce our stock, as we do not care to wait for cold weather. r OUR STOCK MUST BE REDUCED We will give you the same Discount on all Winter Goods, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. SdSdImIME The Leading Clothiers, Wei!l!),ii!li 's Dailiiil Special Sale commencing November j ' L 3 U l XVJ Wl ,U LUUIUU rl nsli t:iotiL-a an.l ni;il - ------ wvuakj yiiiiui cil s it ear. oflered anywhere in the eitv - j PLUSH WRAPS We have an im mense, line and will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be ,nLi l.r. end oulu WiUIC 111c the season. On PLUSH SEORT WRAPS 1 are elegant nttine garments. We sell them at $ 1 4 . 5 0. worth all of $20.00. -tvxiue oeiecceu Line 01 irom $i.uu up the linest 15 cent JJatting in the city. U N D E R Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower tUan ai y house in the city, as we are over-stocked with these goods. CALL AND SATISFY Yours Eecectlally, i Tir n Cil Great Storms, STORM OF PATRONAGE! cent discount means $1(5. CO cent discount means 12.00 cent discount means 2.00 Mo Cor. Main and 5lh 12th, continuing one week, 1 rice rii Tier cnit pss n.r. i'r.n U o Stiff, Wraos Examination will prove statement. - pldsh mm Plnsh Cloaks we tell l'or S20 iell elsewhere at $27. vjjnn Plush Cloaks tptlJwe sell for 25 sell elsewhere at $35. Plush Cloaks we sell for $40 sell elsewhere at 50. Plush Cloaks we sell for S15 sell elsewhere at $00. A"a uii Line ot T Walking J" aclrotc $od at the h prices. to U.OO a pair. W e hive W E A R TOUHSELVES. $20 $40 I 1 I -try tf : tel."1 I i u 1 hf V s i! 93 Mi I; 1 l; rer ..tin 1 f i- ..t,tLp sf lw 1 "r -mnm on nvO re 4m .VJb '-v C- t . 1 i.i t i.J""I.7L. i't' i,T!r in c' Oo'fc lrr" 1 ( - fXxls ntlilc' ierwood'8 only C25.C0, 1 i - 1 71 annndf vId rTcrvsively by ,1. V 1 to to a Urii ) -