The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 28, 1888, Image 1

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    - Sift pijaiig'iti0ti ifcilf if emik
An American Vessel Unjustly
Treated by Spanish Officials.
Philadelphia, Dec. 28. The brigan
tiuo Jont ftt, which arrived here Tuesday
from 3Iontego liny, Jamaica, while dis
charging cargo on her outward trip from
New York to Arroyo, Porto Itico, the
Spanish custom officials discovered that
twenty packages of cornstarch, which
were marked on the vessel' manifest,
were missing. The goods could not be
lound, and the vessel waa seized by the
Fpviiah authorities, who held her until a
tln'of $4,000 was paid, although the
value of the oods in question did not
exceed $20. The master and crew had
to suffer many indignities. After the
fine had been payed it was ascertained
that the missing goods were delivered by
mistake on board tne ship Joseph us,
which lay next to the Joscfa in New
York. An explanation was made to the
Spanish authorities, and a return of the
Hue requested, but was refused. James
lirctt, of New York, managing owner of
the Josefa, has filed a complaint against
the Spuiish government with Secretary
Bayard, and asked that his immediate
attention be given the matter. It will
bo urged that the warships Galena and
Yantic shall be ordered to continue their
cruise to Porto Ilico and summarily se
cure redress for the imposition suffered
bv the Josefa.
For Attempted Murder.
CoLUMRCn, Neb., Doc. 2S. A. J Chirk,
one of the city teachers, w. s taken be l' in
justice Fuller, this morning on a coni
plaiut brought by his son, a lad al-out
fourteen years of age, charged with at
tempting to take the life of his mother
and the remainder of the family. Mrs.
Clark states that last evening lie threat
ened to take her life with a butcher knife
in hand, that he struch one of the smaller
children with his list inflicting an ugly
wound. Mr. Clark came from Schuyler
about three years ago and has been em
ployed In the schools here since that time,
lie has frequently been seen under the
influence of liquor while teaching, and
the attention of the school board has
been called to the matter time and again
be without avail. lie is a man fifty 1
years of age and the father of nino children.
Ilotv i;t-hiiitrn Are flZadti.
No Lr::n-1) of jirt within tht prist few
yr::rs haaul traded tucli universal atten
tion as tc!:in;j. The art cf etching is
t;ot, a is xiiularlf BUMiosod, a new in
vention, but the revival of an art in which
Iicuibrandt and .U-rt Durer excelled.
Tho proccT-.i by which an olcliin;; is made
ia Ikl1i delicate and It is ac
complished by coating a copjier plato
with a preparation of wax, Umii which
tho artist truiVH with a sharp instrument,
called the needlo or mint, the lines of
his picture-. Tho plato b then immersed
in acid, which oats into the lines laid
bare by tho iu-ccili and the acid bath is
rojcatod. Tho lines when sulTieieiitly
bitten are stopped up with fuie l-'ivnc-h
This process has been repeated more
than fifty times in some plates leforo
the proper effect of light and Kh.-ule was
obtained. Etching ia really a drawing
on a plate, thus giving the genuine work
of the artist as much effect as in an oil
painting. It u this absolute quality of
art possessed by etchings, us distinguished
from the purely mechanical methods of
engraving, which gives to them their
value. Iho ink used in printing is thick;
tho plate is warmed by placing it on a
heated marble slab, to that tho ink will
flow freely enough to fill up all tho lines.
After inking tho plato is rubbed clean,
leaving tho ink only in the lines, except
ing where certain cfiect3 of light and
shades may be desired, not represented by
the lines. These can bo obtained by tho
skill cf the printer, who can produce
beautiful e'.Tods by his manipulation of
tho ink on the plate. There is a great
diflercnco in plates in this respect, somo
requiring much more skill to print thau
others. Alter the plato is ready the
paper, having first been danqoned, is
placed on it and then covered with felt.
Tho press consists of an iron bed, per
fectly truo and level, for the plate to
rest on, and an iron roller which passes
over tho plate, exerting great pressure,
so that the paper is forced into tho lines :
of tho ptnte. After each impression tho
plato is cleaaetl and inked av:-in. and tho i
buuio process gor.o through with, bo that
the printing of etchings cannot bo hur
ried. To insure uniformity, a samplo
print is before the printer to look at.
inia is eitiier printed by tno etclier or i
superintended by him. So great is the
skill required to properly print etchings ,
that less than half a dozen printers in 1
the country liave won a reputation as
being first class.
Etchings are quite expensive, and often
bring as high as S1.000. New York
"Tho Duchess" is tho pseudonym of
Mrs. Margaret nuiigerford, an Irish
ladv, now living ia London. Ilunger
ford is tho mime cf her second husband.
Tho story runs that her. first husband,
Mr. Argles, committed a forgery shortly
after their marriage, was convicted and
sent to jail. His wife, thrown upon tho
world without any eource of livelihood,
turned in despair to literature and pro
duced her fli-st novel, "Phyllis," which
proved a great euccesd. Ever since eha
lias maintained herself handsomely by
lier pen. Notes and Queries.
United States War Vessels
parinc; to Goto Samoa-
New Yokk, Dec. 2. The Herald s
Yashinton special says: At the navy
department it is evident there ia somthiog
in the recent advices received lrom the
seat of war at Samoa not looked upon
with faver by our goverment. The hur
rying up of the work on the Vandalia
and Mohican at tho Mare Island navy
yard, so thy will be able to leave the
yard next week in spite of the reduced
appropriation, is evidence that the gover
ment contemplates taking action. It is
known among navy people that the Dol
phin, now on her way aroud the world,
had orders to stop at Apia, and a cipher
dixpatcli was sent to her comanding offi
cer Monday to Acanulco, Mexico, where
the ship stopped for coal, to proceed to
Samoa without delay. The tatc depart
ment otJIcials are reticent when approach
ed on the subject; enough has been ascer
tained to warrant the opinion that presi-i-nt
Cleveland and ItU advisers think
y. irmany is going a trifle too fr.
Affairs at Hayti.
Nkw Yokk, Dec. 28. The World's
special cable from a representative now
at Port-au-Prince, Ilayti, states that the
Ilaytian Republic is in good condition,
and is only awaiting the arrival of a
crew to take her to New York. The
town is in a state of excitement induced
by the celebration of the election of Le
gitime. It is asserted that the French
consul, who has throughout exhibited an
undue amount of partisanship, has asked j
bis government to quietly send a war
ship or two here to help Legitime.
The blood orange is a mere variety
of the sweet orango obtained by culti
vation, and appears first to have been
raised by the Spanish gardeners ia the
Philippine Islands, from the capital of
which (Manila) it, together with the
well known cigars, formed at one time
one of the chief articles of export. On
its first appearance in Europe it excited
a considerable sensation, and, iu tho
last century, very high prices were de
manded for the trees which bore tho
wonderful fruit None, however, now
come to us from Manila, our supply
being derived almost entirely from
Malta, where great pains and attention
are bestowed upon their cultivation.
It was for a long time supjxscd and,
indeed, the idea is not yet quite extinct
fhnf Itlrtrvl riiti(Tf ivrrr tiiwhiffd
by tho grafting of the orango with tho I
pormgrauate; but mere is not tuo
(lightest, foundation for this belief
New York Star.
"Coast of the day in the evening" i:j
a Russian proverb.
Waterman Cpsra . House.
Saturday Kv., Die. 29,
so nj
& !
21$ day
Ii iv.lril ly l lie h anions Coiiunetliaii-
lien Hir:n,
Ernest Hogan,
Geo. Titehner.
A i:tl lllf
Oiicjinnl Memphis Students.
tlnunlf-st r;r:miiti"ii Tr;iv'-li;iT.
I.o-.iK :u ., ;;.ci
Saturday at noon..
Soe-aro Seats ITow.
Wagon and Rhicksuiitli Shop.
Wagon, Buggy,
Machine and Plow
A Specialty. lie uses the
Horseshoe, the
J-'urmcr, or for
13-jst Horseshoe for the
Fast Krlvinir and CHv
purposes, ever in yen ten. u is mude so
anyone can e;in put on sharp or flat corks
sis needed for wet and slippery ro.8UU, or
smooth dry roads. Call and Examine
these Shoes and you .will have no other.
J. M. Schnellbacher,
"th St., riHttsmouth, Neb.
11. B. Win dham, John a. Davies,
Notary Public. Notary Public.
rniee over HankW aff County.
T'Lir? onnn nrnnrnnnrnpi
i 1 1 l I itiii ur ivir ivi nr nr i k
JOE, The onh Pbice Clothier
l?eIicv'R in doing son.etliing for tlio jxor.
Exhibited in Joe's Window will lo counted on January
1st, in Waterman's Oera ll(use, at S o'clock p. in.
The Bohemian Orchestra Will PJay
The following named Ladies and (ients will count the
Beans :
The First, Second and Third nearest thenumher will he
given the prizes.
- 10c.
An Ad minion of 10 cents will be charged and every cent
taken in fliall he distributed among the poor of l'latts
mouth. THE HON. A. U. TODD, County ComV, and
THE HON. F. M. 1UCIIEV, The Mayor,
Will sell the tickets at the door. These gentlemen and
two ladies will sec to it that the money will he distrib
uted among the poor.
Will piy all expenses. Every cent taken in th.t night
shall jro to the poor. Now is the time
Do Something for Charity:
Do not hesitate to give more than ten cents.
Tlio Oxie-2?ric
$3.90 buys a good Business Suit
Black Diagonal.
S5.C5 buys a Checked Cass Suit,
former price $8.50.
$9.S0 is an All Wool Black Worst
ed suit, reduced from 13.50.
12 29 Buys a Four Button Cork
screw Worsted, worth 18.00.
$3 85 is a Harrison Cassimer Suit
worth $5.00.
S3.G5 buys a Boys Corderroy
Suit, Elegantly Finished.
$1.50 buy a Nice Stripped, Suit,
worth 5.50.
tVSitts and Cloves.
K f5
'Boots and Slices
e ezzz m
I &r mm pj I
i Kvrirr tes? Es3 J
Lu i iG
Tlie One-Price
4(1.85 buys a good Gray Overcoat reduced from
$4.85 buys a Heavy Overcoat worth S.5.
$7.05 buys a Black Worsted Oven-out reduced
from $1.5o.
$9.80 buys a Mosco Beaver Overcoat worth f 13.50.
$1.75 buys a Boy's Heavy Overcoat worth $1.75.
$2.90 buys a Fur Trimmed Overcoat reduced
from $4:.50.
$12.50 buys a Fur Beaver Trimmed Collar and
Cuffs, Overcoat, reduced from $18.00.
$1.40 buys a Heavy Lined Overcoat worth $2.00.
15 cents for a Wool Mit worth 25 cents.
40 cents for Men's Lined Gloves.
50 cents buys a Lined Kid Glove worth $1.00.
00 cents buys a Buckskin Mitt, reduced from $1.40.
10 cents buys a pair of Boys Wool mitts.
1 10 buvs a California Sealskin Glove worth 1.50.
CO cents buys a Large Valise worth $1.00.
$ 1.20 buys a large well-made Trunk.
15. cents buys a Heavy Wool Sock.
25 cents buys a Shirt and Drawers worth 50 cts.
35 cents buys a Good Working Shirt worth 50 cts.
75 cents buys an all-wool Scarlet Shirt and Drawers
40 cents buys a man's TJnlaundried Shirt.
15 cents for a good pair of Suspenders.
35 (rents buys a good Overall worth 00 cents.
50 cents lor a heavy Cordigon Jacket worth Si.
20 cents for a good Silk Handkerchief worth 50c.
5 cents buys a large red Handkerchief.
10 cents buys a Box of Paper Collars of any size.
N. B. Don't fail to see this Great Slaughter Sale, as we must BAISE MONEY, and it will save
yon 33 per cent on every dollar by buying of
Boots and Shoes.
$1.00 buys a Full Stock Boys' Boots worth $2.00.
$1.40 for a .Man's Heavy Winter Boot.
$2..Jo iuys a line Ualt Uoot, reduced lrom f.J.5ff
1.15 bays a good Working Shoe worth $2.00.
$2.50 buys a Fine Calf Butler Shoe worth $3.00
Hats and Caps.
40 cents buy a good Wool Hat.
$1.10 buys a fine Fur Hat Morth $1.50.
$1.00 buys a fine Fur Hat worth $2.00.
25 cents buys a Heavy Knit Cap worth 75 cts
Job Lots ot Winter Caps worth 50, 75" and $1 to
all going for 25 cents.
Plafctomouth, - - - ftJebraoka.
pi nriM TL P -J.L
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