SECOND YEAR Ir,ATTSMOUTII, NKHir ASKA, TIIUKSDAY EVJ2NLXG, Ii:CK3II5i:K 37, ,88S' NUMIlli PLUNGED SIX HUNDRED FEET. Down a Precipice. Leadtille, Colo. Dec. 27.--The tie tails of the wreck which occurred on the Midland road yesterday evening, did not reach here until this morning. The freight train for Aspen left here on the usual time, and when thirty miles from here, near Lime Creek, and going down a stoop grade, the engineer attempted to apply the air brakes, but they would not work, the train meantime coins faster aiM faster. The engineer then climbed up on the boiler in order to be able to escape whenthe crash came. The brake man, L. F. Harlan, who was standing on the second car, attempted to apply the brake, while the fireman, Robert Martin, who was stanUlU" at his place, saw no chance to jump, as the train was running about sixty miles an hour. In the second car from the rear train another brakeman sat awaiting his terrible fate. Faster and faster the ill-fated train swept down the track and suddenly rounded a short curvb and then plunged into the side of the mountain. The force of the shock was I ear tu 1. 1 he rear Ireight car was thrown bodily over the others, and landed in a heap near the engine. The engine was broken into small pieces and prac tically annihilated. I he shock was so terrible that great pieces of timber weighing i00 pounds, together with sev eral cars were hurled down the precipice into the river COO feet below. Engineer Crou"hfin"er, who was riding on the boiler, was thrown a great distance, and escaped with only a few bruises. Brake man L. F. Harlan, who remained at his post attempting to check the train, was buried uader the debris, and when 1 is body was found it presented a terrible appearance. His head was crushed, his right arm was gone and his face was cut into slices. Martin, the fireman, was found near the boiler. The unfortunate man had been badly scalded, several fingers were gone, both legs were broken lelow the knees, and every bone in his body fractured. The other men on the train were badly bruised, but not serious ly hurt. A Bank Failure at Clarks. Central Citv, Neb., Dec. 27. The banking house of W. R. Morse, at Clarks, failed to open on Saturday morning, and the failure of the institution is now ann ounced. The liabilities are placed at $80,000 with no visible assets, everthing having disappeared. The Merrick couty treasure had $4,200 on deposit, the Clarks school district, $4,000; Oskamp &Haines, ot Omaha $2,000; State Treasurer Wilard, $1,900. As the facts develope the excit- ment and indignation Increases, npd the end cannot be predicted. Morse is under the care of a physician who will allow no one to sae him. Bank Failure at Loup City. Locp Citv, Neb., Dec 27. The Sher man County Banking company of this city made an assignment yesterday morn in 2. The immediate cause was the demand of the county treasurer on them for the county money deposited there, amounting to about $14,000, which they were unable to raise, and President Vhal?y turned the bank oyer to the sheriff, without consulting with the board of director?. - Wonderful Ufasbns. The old Egyptians were better builders than thoso of" the present day. There are blocks of stones in the pyramids which weigh three or four times as much as the rlelisk on the London embankment. There is one 6tone, the weight of which id estimated at SS0 tons. There are stone thirty feet in length which fit so closely together that a penknife may be run over the surface without discovering the break between them. They are not laid with mortar, either. We nave no ma chinery so perfect that it will make two surfaces thirty feet in length which will meet together as these stones in the pyra--raids meet. It is supposed tliat they were rubbed backward and forward upon each other until the surfaces were assimi lated, matin;' them the world's wondera in mechanical skill. London Budget. la the West Virginia Mountain, "There is much ignorance in many of these mountain counties," said a Baptist orator at Clarksburg, W. Ya. "A man was riding through McDowell county on his way to the court house. He met an old lady and asked her the way to the county seat. She replied: I did not know that the county had any seat,' " Then he added: "That reminds me of an officer traveling through the country during the war. He asked an old man what was the population of his county. He replied: I don't know; it is over on Tug Fork. "Richmond Relig ious Herald. Coughing la Church. Concerning the habit of coughing in church The Lancet says: "It represents to a large extent avoidable evils, bred of habit and thoughtless imitation, and their very desirable reduction is there fore by no means hopekss. Even where a basis of disease underlies the explosion a little self control coma asaauy ao bomethipg to lessen its force or its fre- WHEN JIM WAS DEAD. tDt aorved hlrn right," the nabors Bed, An bused him for the life be'd led. An' Lira a-lylng tbar at rest With not a rate upon hi breast: Ah I menny cruel words they.sed When Jim ' "Jea" killed hisself," "Too mean ter live." They didn't bar one word ter give Of comfort aa they hovered near An' gazed on Jim a-lying there 1 "Thar ain't no use to talk," they ted, "lie' better dead." But suddenly the room grew still,' While God's white sunshine seemed to All The dark place with a gleam of life. An' o'er the dead she bent Jim's wife! An' with her lips close, close to his, As though be knew and felt the kiss. She sobbed touch In' Bight ter see "Ah I Jim was always good ter met" I toll you when that cum ter light. It kinder set the dead man right; An round the weepin woman they Thro wed kindly arms of love that day. And mingled with their own they shed The tenderest tears when Jim was dead. F. L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. How Embalming Is Done. The process of embalming is as follows, and is called the "Brunelli process": The circulatory system is cleansed by wash ing witb cola water till it issues quite clear from the body. This may occupy irom iwo to live nours. Aicoiiol is in jected so as to abstract as much wr.ter as possible. This occupies about a Quar ter of an hour. Ether is then injected to abstract tho fatty matter. This occupies irom two to ten nours. A strong solu tion of tannin is then injected. This oc cupies for imbibition from two to ten hours. The body is then dried in a cur rent of warm air . passed over heated chloride of calcium. This may occupy iwu io nve nours. i ne rxxly is tnen per. iecxiy preserved, ana resists decay. The Italians exhibit specimens which are as hard as stone, retain the shape perfectly and are equal to the best wax models. It win be observed in this process that those substances most prone to decay are removea, ana me remaining portions are converrea Dy tne tannin into a sub stance resembling leather. The Casket. The Wrong Boy. A Sunday school teacher in a Lack woods settlement had a new class of young scholars, the parents of which had neglected to give them any instructions whatever in their catechism. Coming to the first boy in the class she asked him who made him. He did not know. She told him God, and urged him to remem ber it. Of the next boy she asked who was tne oldest man. Ho did not know, and the teacher told him Methuselah. So she went on down the class, asking each a question ana giving them the answer. While cho was thus engaged the first boy went to tue oucKei airer some water. The teacher returned to the head of the class, and not knowing that ono was ab sent, sne asked tne hrst who made him. Without hesitation the boy quickly re plied, "Methuselah!" "No," exclaimed the teacher in astonishment, "God made you!" No, he didn't," persisted the ur- enin wiui commence; "the boy God made is after water." The teacher gave up the class. Chicago Journal The Soudan Raven. In the Soudan the respect for the "Bird oi tne snaae is unrounded; lie is endear ingly known to the Arabs as their "Uncle," and they are more exorbitant la exacting blood money for his chance slaughter oytne hand of the stranger than if it were really the relative in ques- won. onooi ineir aove, their ostrich. their varied scavengers of the vulture kind, their once sacred ibis even, and l r s i ii. i ' - . iucj uiu uetir it; out once aim bolt at the "Noah bird ' and a hundred lean but muscular brown arms will be raised, and the bereaved, white teethed relatives will gesticulate and shout round you, while they explain how black hued was your accidental crime. Apart from uus, me raven, witn nis jetty plumage, will always be a point of interest in the boudan, from the strong contrast he pre- ocuta wra uj.umo.rv ueserx coiorea , .1. II . j . birds which preserve a neutral tint of gray or fawn, which renders them al most invisible. All the Year Round. A toothpick-factory is one of the flour ishing wood working establishments at Harbor Springs, Mich., and it is ono of the largest factories of the kind in the country. White birch is exclusively used in tne manuiacrure pi me looinpicus, and about 7,500,000 of the handy little splinters are turned put daily. Tho logs are sawed up into bolts each twenty eicht inches in length, then thoroughly steamed and cut up into veneer. The veneer is cut into loner ribbons, three inches in width, and these ribbons, eight or ten at a time, are run through the toothpick machinery, coming out at the other end, the perfect pieces falling into one basket, the broken pieces and refuse falnnj: Into another. ihe picks are packed into boxes, 1,500 in a box, by girls, mostly comely looking young squaws, ana are then packed into cases. and Gnally into bis boxes, ready for ship ment to all parts of the world. Ihe white birch toothpicks are very neat and pjraq m appearance, sweet to the taste, and there is a wide market for them. The poods sell at the factory at $1.90 a case or lou. MimDerman. Effects of Using the Telephone. ' At the meeting of the American Oto logics 1 society in Washington, Dr. Clar ence J. Blase, or ttoston, read a paper on Ihe influence of the use of tho tel6r phone on hearing power. He thinks that this influence must be injurious, be cause tne extremely low intensity, as demonstrated by experiment, of the sounds to be cautrht from the telephone. compelled a strain of the ear which soon fatigued it, and made it especially liable to tainrv bv the accidental sounds of comparatively high intensity, which wer constantly liable to be heard. lr. C II. Burnett said he had seen several patients who believed that the continued use of the telephone had impaired their heannsr. Dr. u. u. fomerov care the case of a patient who said the use of the telephone fatigued her very much, and, she thought, had made her decidedly worse. Science. Mgulfjcaut Wink. A great part of what is called a mitfTs success in life- depends uxu his (hiding out in KtK season what his natural bent is, and then following it. James Naumyth was particularly fortunate in this respect. Although Kia father was an artist, and he himself had no little aptitude for drawing and painting, yet ho was Kiiro that he was "cut out" fur a a machinist, and a machinist lie became. Having learned hid trade, ho vent to Manchester to start in bubiness lor him self, and there, among other good oeople, he met tho Brothers Grant, tho famous Cheeryble Brothers of Dickens. lie was first introduced to Daniel, who invited him to his house, and presented him to his "noblo brother William," as Daniel always called him. At the dinner table young Nasmyth sat next to William, and was asked many questions. "How old are you?" "Twenty-six." "Rather younp' to betrin business on your own account." "Yes, but I have plenty of work in me, ana know how to oo economical. "What capital have you?" Nasmyth contessea that i had only 03. Tho old gentleman thought thata very Email amount, but alter irivinjr his new friend sundry cautions hp added that he luu!-l Keep ms neart up. "If some Saturday nfcrht vou should need money to pay olf your hands or for anything elso you will always find a credit of 500 at 3 per cent, at my office, ana no security. Isasmyth was, of course, as much pleased as surprised, and, as ho says, could only whisper his thanks in return. 10 meso .air. urant responded with a squeeze of the hand and a peculiarly Knowing wink. This wink mado a most vivid impres sion upon tho younger man. It seemed full or all manner of kindness. As he describes it, "Mr. Grant seemed to turn his eye round, and brought his eyebrows ,i . i i i , iiowu uiwu it in a suuuen ana extraor dinary manner." Tho "noblo brother" proved every whit as kind as young Nasmyth could have expectea or asked lor; but it transpired, a year or two afterward, that the wink had no immediate connection with his generosity. In fact, the eye that gave it was made of glass! It now and then got out of place, and its wearer had to force it back by that odd contortion of his eye- Drows, wtucn, taken in connection with the conversation then passing, Nasmyth had understood to be expressive of all manner of kind intentions. Youth's Companion. Turkish Bazars. Tho bazars of ConstantinODle. or tha Tcharshu, as they are called by the na tives, are situated on one of the famous hills of that oriental metropolis, facing tho Bosphorus. They are unlike anv other places of traffic, being altogether sui generis both in construction and de sign. To give the reader an idea of their singular naturo tney may be compared to the public markets of this country, tnougn tney culler in extent and internal arrangement. Imagine an entire city ward with its numerous blocks embraced in one euiuce or inclosure. with its streets, lanes and alleys arched over and devoted to commerce. These bazars are built of stone and ere one story high. iacu street is anottea to some particular branch or class of merchandise; thus, there is spice bazar, called Missir-tchar- shu, where all kinds of drugs; spioes uid dye stuffs are sold, including the famous henna, and the exhilarating hashish is procured. J. here are tho perfumery bazars, where the niost fragrant perfumes, the ottar of roses, llhurtz tenroots and other odor iferous pastues and essences fill the at mosphere with their delicious fragrance: the 6:1k bazar, the dry goods bazar, of wnicn tnere are two, the Kalpa Kdiebar- baslii and the Uzoon-tcharghu, or the Broadway and the Bowery of Constanti nople. Besides these ;s the Yaghlukdji lar, where the most varied and exauisite embroideries are displayed. The Kaf- fallar, or 6hoe bazar, is an institution peculiarly oriental. There one sees the meeting of the west and the east in the motley collection of wares, the clumsv Oriental chaussers, with the patent leatner doois; tne teneaiK-f aDDootcha or the walking shoes of the Turkish ladies of the Ancien regime, alongside of the tiny gaiters of . varied colors, for the modernized hannums (ladies). The jew elry bazar is also a prominent feature of the tcharshu, ror it is much frequented Dy au classes. woj. oPi J-ioms tfepubuc. The Core for Heart Neuralgia. Aneina pectoris Cacronv of the chestt carries on many people, one of whom, . - - . ' according to the newspapers, was the novelist, the Rev. E. P. Roe, who ex pired in one day because pf its crushing anguish. Slaj. Gen. George B. McClel lan, according to the published reports of that time, likewise succumbed after twenty-four hours of uncontrollable pain. Just how these patients were treated I am unable to say; but Dr. Richardson. of London, long before Gen. SIcClellan's death, had received a prize of 25,000 francs from the Academy of Medicine in Paris for having discovered an almost infallible remedy for angina pectoris by the administration, in the small dosea of 1-100 to l-jj.-j of a grain, of mtro-srlvcer- inei This discovery entitles Dr. Richard son to tho never ending gratitude of every suffering man, woman or child afflicted with angina pectoris. I know a number of persons who always carry tablets of nitroglycerine with them, and 1 am equally certain that all these people, by the use of nitro glycerine, are living in comparative corn fort, who would otherwise have fallen under the insupportable torture of that form of heart neural cHa, the most dread ful of all pains. Montrose A. Pallen. 31. D., in Belford's Magazine. Marrying' for Beauty. Marryins for beauty is cettin? as non- ular in this country as it "has lonrr been among Englishmen. Within a few years the number of men of wealth iuid estate liohed position who have married store girls, factory girb, and others poor in circumstances, but with beauty to reo ommend them, has been extraordinary. Philadelphia Times. ' AMUSKMKXTS. Waterman Opera House OHE RIGHT 0KLY THURSDAY, DEO 27, The Funniest phiyon the Ain- Cl'ieilll NtHlJI "I WOlLDVr MISS IT m MM HHLLAi&" Till: I'OPUliAJl ARTISTS, PftLLEIT AITD J-TAIIT Assisted by their own guaran teed Coinpnny in tin ir new mus ical Farce-Comedy ZLi ater - On. PRETTY GIRLS, FASCINATING DANCES, CATCH MUSIC, JYt'lJAL SONGS. 25 -GREAT ARTISTS -25 Popular Prices, 35, 50 and 75 cents. Tickets go on sale Mon day at IP?. TOTJlNrG-'S. Waterman Opera House. ONE NIGHT Saturday Eve., Dec. 29, SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Of REFINED COLORED MINSTRELS ! 24 TAIENTED ARTISTS 24 Headed by the Famous Conunedians Harry S. Eaton. Ben Hunn, Ernest Hogan, Geo, Titchner. ADd the Original Memphis Students. The Grandf st Organization Traveling. Look out for the Saturday at noon. Secure Seats 27 ow. THE FACTOR YYILLE ROLLER, MILLS Have again been put in shape to ttrind Kiiftkwlifuif f Sd m -m Bring on your Grists and get some of the Best Flour manufactured in the State, FLOUR AND CORN MEAL on hand for Exchange for "Wheat and Corn. Give us a Call. Res pectively, Proprietor, - - Union, Cass Co., Neb, Dr. C- A. Marshall. 3R.esids23.t Preservation of the Deaitist. Natural Teeth bpeciaity. Auesiheties given for Pain less Filling or Extraction op Teeth. Artificial teeth m:ide on Gold. Silver. Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FlTZGKRALO'U Bl;OR Pf. 4TT8HOUTH, NKB R.B. Windham, John a. Davies,- Kotary rublic. Notary Public YS1XDUA1I t& lAVIES, attorneys - at - Law. Office over Haiik;ofJCac& County. pi.ATTSMorTn, - - Nebraska J. B. Trimble. GfcooE Stuart J. B. TRIMBLE & CO, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AftENTS, 10 Cemeree Sttl , Montgomery, Ala. Fori saxje City Property, Vacaut Lots, Residences. Store Property. Brick ".Tarda With machinery coirmlete. Farm r.nrt in Qualities to suit all classes ol Fainier. from So to $20 per acre. Corresponded Solicited. Visitors Welcome. Savings Bank ' - REFERENCES: Allen Beeson. Plattsmoutli. M A. Campbell, County Treasurer. M. Waugh, Casuier National Bank. Platts month. P. P. Johnson. Red Dak, Iowa, THE POOR REMEMBER JOE, The Oi v. rlicvcs in Exhibited in Joe's 1st, in Wjitcniiiin's Window will Opera House The Boh omion uimun The folio win 2 Beans M1SSEXA CRITCUFIELI), MISS LAURA SINPJUAN, JUIi. W. A. .DERRICK, Mil. DAVID M EJS'TEE. Hie tirst, Second and Third gi ven the prizes. Oc. - ADMISSION - An Admission ot 10 cents will be charged and every cent taken in shall be distributed among the poor of l'latts-mouth. THE HON. A. P. TODD. Conntv THE Will sell the tickets two ladies will teo to uted amonr the poor, JT Will pay all expenses. Every cent taken in tlmt shall go to the poor. Now is the time Do Something for Charity. Do not hesitate to give more than ten cents. gOQOFFEHED for an Incurable case of CtUrrb in the Head by the proprietors of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges falling1 into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eves weak, ringing in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expecto ration of offensive matter: breath offensive: smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the grave. By its mild, soothing, and healing properties. Dr. Sage's Iteroedy cures the worst cases. 60c. The Original UTTLK Liver Pills. Purely Vegeta ble A HarnUu. TJnequaledaa a Liver Pill. Smallest,cheap est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Dow. Cure SICK Headache, Hiuoua Headache, vizziDmi uoiHupauvU) inaiKeiiio. 11. Bllioae Attack, and all derangements of tha stomach and bowel. 25 eta. by druggista. JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTtJREB OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAII DEALER IN THK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor do Pepperbergo and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND S3IOKEKS ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 20, 1885. C. F. SMITH, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store, Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to $35, dress suits, $25 to $45. pants $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards. Will guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy ComDetilion. AUFRZD DOLGES. elelDratedTrench Slippers H. SHERWOOD'S Price Clothier M)liCt!lill for tin jn)ir. be counted A .l I on t nn nar y . in. , at n m ock l Orchestra Will Play named Ladies and Cents will count tl ie nearest the number will 1 e 10c. ComV. .n,.d HON. F. M. PJCHEV, The Mayor, it the door. These gentlemen and it that the money will be distrib- 0 32EE- niht iVSIKE SCHNELLBACHFR. Wagon and Iihir-krmith Shop. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Flow orseshoeli A Specialty. lie uses tn 35 V 3 2 Horseshoe, the Best JIorslne f,.r the Farmer, ror for Fust driving and City purposes, ever invented. It is mmh- t anyone can can put on shaip or fy-.t rork as needed for wet and flipperyrinl, or smooth dry roads. Call And Kx iininu these SLoesand you will have nj ot!i;-. J. M. Schnellbache flth St., riattsmouth, Ntk BUSINESS DIKKCTOHV. TTOKNEV 8. F. TfPA: Attomoy-at-Law and Notary ynl.Kr Filitffrald Block, i'lattanioiith. Neb. Or. ce in A TTOKXKY. A A. N. 8P1.I1 VAN, Attorney-at-Law. Will t , ve pro pi r (. JMrnf tr.n to all buflnese Intrust c. I to ! t)fl,cf la Lnion Block. East side. i'lattmuMith. t. GliOCEKIES. c CHRIS. WOiaAKTH. Staple and Fancy r-4-rie, ;ia.i4wsre Crockery. Houautt Keel. and YTM.. Is. B R Q Yf N E, Xj-A."W office. Personal atteHiou to my care. to all RatAx ixitiuit' XOTA1CY Title Kxaiiii.-..f. 0i(iti:ed. n- surauce WrHien. 1 A Kta;e t old. Better Facilities tr maklnp FanfTaiie tl; Asxr Otlier cficy. Plallnio''.. . xc-bruska G. 13. ix: PSTEE, Practical Fi?m ssA Organ Tuner. AND KKPAIhKH. " First-rlas work guaranteed. Ako dial er in Pianos r.nd Orgnn. Olhre nt B furniture store, riatUmoutli, IHE UAILTIIlKRV IScts. er r .alOlF" T"