The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 26, 1888, Image 4

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    - Jat
J taCtfc " . the city. i
- I Itoek wood
3C 2sT oi
Irian, OIKrc In (irrlnx'ti Dm Ktorr, Urol--PubuC-.
Sixth ! (jraalte. Telephone o. 42
Ifenllat, I'aion Rlork.
Mr. C N. Hands and wife, of Lincoln,
visited at the home of the latter, lure,
during Christmas.
The city dad9 did not hold a coun
cil meeting Monday evening as a quorum
- could notbe secured.
Several Plattsmouth people visited
Omaha last night to attend Desie's
Adonis which was presented there.
The li. & M. Shops were all closed
yesterday and all employes apparently
enjojed their Christmas exceedingly well.
Mr. C. X. Hand, of Lincoln, repre
senting M.i.x Meyer, of Omaha, sold JLr
Jon. V. Weckhach a very fine piano
A gcod number of the Plattsmouth
boys attended a ball which was given at
Louisville last night. A genuine gocd
time was reported.
We did not notice any "MugL-s
Linding" here today, but if every per
son will attend another play "Later on"
they will surely be satisfied.
Another child in the liuike family
residing in Wic' addition, died y ester
day morning about 7 o'clock. Tin
funeral occurred at 10 o'clock this a. ni.
Sleighs were seen upon the streets
early this morning for the liit time this
season and the merry jingle of the bell.
made a welcome sound, but it came just
one day too late.
The Muggs Linking Co. which was
to appear tonight, canceled their Lincoln
dates on account of sickness. They wen
to play at Funks 3Ionday and last night.
They will probably come later if a new
date can be arranged.
Several young men who received
large packages by mail and express yes
terday were unutterably disappointed
An Injustice Sharply Rebuked.
MiiEditok: I notice a remarkable
comment iu the Journal of Dec. 21th
derogatory to the jury which tried the
Oliver case vs the C. li. & Q. II. R. Co.
Mr. Editor I have, I suppose, in common
with my fellow citizens a contempt for
deadbeats and blackguards and as Ion"
as that specimen of the human race keeps
out of the public prints and lets alone re
spectable honest men, I am disposed to
think the less notoriety he gets by notice
from the public the better for the public
morals; yet, that was a very dirty, libel
ous attack, in the Journal comment, on
perhaps twelve a9 honorable, good,
citizens as the thirty odd thousand in
habitants of Cass county contains. Let
the public see the names of these men
and read those names along side the
name of the blackguard who attempts to
throw rotten eggs at them. Geo. E.
Dovey, Andrew Chdstensen. Nicholos
Holmes, Andrew li. TTrjlor, Edwin Davis,
Levi Churchill, Henry Eikenbary, Con
rad Vallerv, li. Siebold, Jos. V. Wcck
baoh, M. F. Wait and D. C. Tucker.
.There was scarcely a name among these
gentlemen that has not been a houshold
word in Cass county for honesty, sobiiety
and first-class business qualifications for
the past quarter of a century. There is
not a man on that jury who is not a gen
tleman; not one who has not a good
name for honesty in his dealings with his
fellow men; not one who does not pay
his debts, his rent, his grocery bills; r.ot
one who has not the entire confidence of
his fellow citizens, the respect of the
community iu which he lives; not one
whom you would not trust your pocket
book with. Now write the name of
f has. W. Sherman alongside this list of
names and apply the foregoiug test to
him and how does he appear? lie is the
m in who talks of 4ia fool jury," of "an
cient eggs" and such ret. The men com
posing the jury which
the Journal throws
Look over this List and see if you cannot find what you are
looking for.
Our Line of Linen and Silk Iladlcerchiefs comprises everything New and
Novel in these Goods.
We are showing a very pretty line of Brocaded, Embroidered, Pongee and
China Crepe Silk Handkerchiefs at Exceptionally Low Prices.
Fancy Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs put up in a Fancy Box from 75
cents to $ !.73 each.
Special Good Values in Ladies' Fancy Embroidered at 35 cents each or three
for $1.00.
Also'a Bargain in Ladies' Initial at 20 cents each.
Full Lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Handkerchiefs.
Look over this list and see if you cannot find what you are
looking for.
Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas $2 to $0.
Fans from 5 cents to $35.
Table Linens in Sets from G.OO to $10.00.
Table Cloths from $1.00 to $4.00 each.
Full Line of Table Spreads in PI ush and Haw Silks, eomething nrw, from
$1.50 to $6.G0.
Fancy Plush Piano Stool Covers only 75 cents each.
Silk and fancy Madra's Drapes from 35 cents to $1.50
Full Line of Fancy Towels, Piano Covers,- Tidies, Baby Carriage Robes, etc.
Mufflers I MufHers I
The Largest Line ever shown in this city, prices ranging from 35 cents
$5.00 each.
Everything in Silks, Pongees, Brocades' Cashmeres and Silk Mixtures.
Call early and make your selections.
Dress Goods.
Our Li ne of Dress Goods for Holidays is replete with everything in the Line
of Silks, Surahs, Plushes and Woolen Novelties, such as Henriettes, Serges, Bi ond-'
cloths. Flannels, at prices that will convince you that we are lower than any fiim
in this city.
hnc!ent eggs at. were Benefit for Holiday Cloak Purchasers
against their wills ... wvww W .
drairired into court
' " - r- i.. -, , ... ...
antl at a sacrifice of their private business " "LUl uur '"-corn "oni tins until the first day of January in Our
intc-nsts, to try the matter between the Cloak Department. Mild weather has ruined tUo r,K,(. t. r-i,. r
j.wa ivi vviumi iraur.
Tt'Otlf f f caII ml.-.- 1 1 11 m
... c Uilve on nana oetore the season is too far advanced.
To do
We now offer them
parties to that suit. They took a solemn
oath to decide it as honest men. Thev
. -. .. . I fl.ta t. 1. r .t t i -
cuscii irgca tliat duty no honest man "c ""tr itcnuceu fcvery Garment in Stock
upon opening them to find small niggei I will doubt, congcientiously and fairly as at a further Reduction of 20 per cent.
, , . I -j ..v-u.u mv- viul null ll-uucu lO I m v
the ihw, as given them by the court; riusn Jacques, rfTodjeskas, Wraps and Jackets
...u. .u iL-iiiiiuuiiiy Geneve i ui me iMame iteeluction.
A large black dog known as "Nig,'" I Luailes V. Sherman would have one
owned by Mr. W. D. Jones, has becomi J thousandth part of the respect for an oath
so familiar with the railroad officials of I 9 one of tlicsc gentlemen? Without
wishes of the senders, who
enough to omit their names.
Muffs and Boas, Full Assortment.
late that he occasionally jumps aboard
trains and spends a day in Omaha, Lin-
cola or Schuyler and returns whenever
an opportunity is afforded. Yesterday
lie jumped aboard the K. C. and we sup
pose he spent Christmas in Omaha.
Ellis Goolsby, who was so seriously
injured several weeks ago while attend
ing to his duties as switchman in the B.
& 31. yards, was presented with a five
dollar gold piece yesterday as a Christ
mas present from the switchman now at
work in the yards. Mr Goolsby's re
covery in the first-class condition he will
appear, is considered quite a miracle and
will no doubt lc a feather in the cap ot
his physician. Dr. T. P. Livingston.
The home of Mr. 11. B. Windham
was the scene of a very pleasant party on
Christmas eve. A Christmas tree had
been erected for the occasion and a lart
number of very handsome costly present
were distributed among those present.
Mr. Windham presented his wife with a
costly seal skin cloak, while she made
him the present of a handsome dressing
gown. Those present were J. M. Putter
son, sr., and family; Jas. Patterson, jr.,
and wife; Tom Patterson and wif and
Lillia Thompson and Mr. J. A. Davies
Mrs B. Murphy met with a very
painful accident at her home yesterday
morning, which she did not appreciate
much as a Christmas present. " While
standing on a chair arranging window
curtains at the top of a window, sh
missed her step and fell to the floor. In
throwing her left arm out to save herself
she fell upon it in such a way as to dis
locate the wrist, at the same time tearing
some of the nerves so thnt the injury U
considered much worse than a break and
will require more time to regain its use.
At first it was reported that the arm was
The Bachelors amused themselves at I
their halL whijli is located in Fitzgerald's
block, yesterday and last evening in a
very satisfactory style. A Christmas
tree was erected and beautifully decor
ated by a large number of very hand
some presents which were distributed
among the members of the club. The
walls of their room also presented a very
Attractive appearance. List night they
nniuaed themselves in a praiseworthy
manner by a cae which was brought up
before J u lge S im Patterson. The case
xm brought up ngiinst one of the mcm-l-r
rh' hat n!io n di.srcpcet to the
Aoci'fy. The trial occupied nearly the
whole niifbt, and it wih decided t con-
.f iiuo the em's iiulil the next term of
nprt. Attorney L. Rt-inha',kel for the
tia.jlioJi and attorney 'Treedore"
v -
ople. rZ. " dfenp. We are under
. .iS. . ..... . .
joiacc!.',"ai me jury win return
venturing an opinon as to the justice of
the verdict by these gentlemen, for their
nimesand characters are a sufficient
guarantee iu this or any other commu
nity for their official or private acts. I
desire to enter my protest in plain and
truthful language against the very dirtv
attack of the yery filthy editor who hss
been long enough tolerated by decent
people in this community, and it seems
to me that his vulgar libel upon the gen
tlemen who sat in the Oliver case is
enough to louse the indignation of all
good citizens.
A Fiuexd op Decexct
3SI:CLit G-oods.
Everything in the Line of Skirts, Toboggans, Hoods, Booties, Leggings,
Sacques, Fascinators, Mittens etc. etc.
In order to Reduce our Stock we shall sell all of our $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50
Grades of Dressed and Undressed Gloves at $1.50 per pair. Full Lines at 75 cents,
$1.00 and $1.25.
Baby P?nVTyll'in" "" I3ar-1'in5' 1I,,ir laments. Ear Bobs, Cuff Buttons and
Purses and Hand Bags, Full Ass rtment.
The drawinsr for the South Park Inf. nt
W. J. Warrick's takes place the evening
before New Year's. Every person buying
$2.00 worth of Holiday goods, Drugs
Paints or Wall Paper from now until lime
of drawing will receive a chance on this
lot. d4t
A Recomendation.
The following I clip from the tele
graphic columns of the New York Jlii
ror of Dec. 22:
iiooley's theatre.
Chicago, 111., Dec. 18. My theatre
packed Sunday night by Ilallen and Hart
I- 111 .i... .
m i.acer un." A big success. Have
booked them for a return.
Ii. M. Hoor.Er.
Tlie above is a good recommendation
for IL-dlen and Hart who appear tomor
row night here, as Mr. Hooley does not
play any but the best and only first-class
attractions, and our theatre goers can be
assured of a fine entertainment tomorrow
night, as yon can see by the Omaha
papir.-. where they played Monday and
last nights. I am Respectfully,
J. P. Young.
The barber shop of Mr. John
Kuhiiey. located in the I
Cass County Bank building, has been re
moved to the basement of the Canuth
blork and are now ready for business.
Bath rooms in connection. tf cases os diphtheria haye been
reported since Monday.
Pure, Sweet Michigan Cidar at Bennett
& Tutc's. tf
Sec Joe's Goods, get his Prices, and
then let your own .Tmbrmpnt W,vi,.
whelhi r you can do so well anywhere
else as at Joe's. " tf
T.'ie case of Hollowoy ys. Muir was
tried today before Judge Russ"H. The
judge will give his decision on Tuesday
The City Meat Market is tho. I
r . ' . v
to boy freh meats, pork chops, poultry
and g.une of all kinds. tf
For lots in South Park apply to
0t Wixdh am fc Davies.
"Why free or starve?" is the pointed
question asked by the manufacturers of
Garland Stoves; and we would add:
- j - - ' v MISU
Why .buy a poor imitation when for " the
Mtnu price you can yet , the genu i w
u1.. .1 l u-1,1 I i '. .
Edward R. Mockett, of Fremont was
in the city yesterday.
Mr. Clif Shepherd, of Lincoln, sp- n:
yesterday at his home, here.
Mr. J. K. Pollock, of Llncfln, spenr
Christmas at his home, here.
31 r. i red Murphy of Cedr Creek,
spent Christmas at his home here.
Mrs. Ed. Cummings spent Christmas
with her parents at Pacific Junction.
Mr. John Hartigan, son Mr. M. A
Hartigan, of Hastings, arrived in the city
tins morning.
If- T 1 -w. .
i.ur. j. a. uayies spent Christmas at
home, in Glenwood, where there was a
family reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Meyers, of Cedar
Creek, spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. W. H. Pickens.
Mr. II. J. Streight and family, who
spent their Christmas at South Bend, re
turned home this morning.
Mr. O. M. Streight and wife attended
the wedding of his youngest brother,
Clarence, yesterday, near South Bend.
Mr. W. II. Pool's mother, who has '
been visiting in the city for several days
returned to her home at Ashland
Miss Emma Poland, of Washington.
Penn., is in the city and will remain this
winter at the home of her sister, Mrs. W.
J. Warrick.
Mr. A. B. Todd and Miss Leila Thomas,
who have been visiting friends at Denver
for a short time, returned home by the
flyer Monday afternoon.
Jlrs. C. N. Bennett, of Beatrice, arrived
in the city last night. She is a witness
today in the case of Holloway vs. Muir,
tried before Judge Russell.
Mrs. L. C. Irying, accompanied by her
iwo cniutren, arrived in the city yester
day morning. They spent Christmas at
tne home of her father, Mr. Nelson Jean.
Misses Millie Peoples, Eva Mc-Clurpin,
Anuie Manners. Edra Ewart and Mr
Joseph Obez, of Wahoo, were guests of
-miss Kiddle at the Riddle House vester-
Mr. J. L. Polk, brother of Senator
Polk, who has been employed in the
store of Mr. W. J. Warrick, for some
time, left for Greenwood, his home, last
C. L. Bartlett of Council Bluffs was in I
i.1 . -
me cuy yesterday.
Master Ed Herold of Lincoln, is visit-
ng his uncle, Mr. Win. Herold.
Jir- v- I'ickins is in Omaha fn-W
relieving himself of the last payment on
une ooutu Umana lots.
Kiddle House guests: W. J. Bentley
uuucu jiiunE; it. j. Dinning, Omaha-
am Atkinson, St. Joe; A. E. nolden,
.New lone.
iwr. jonn iiurtan, an old-time Platts
-.. r,uu uu ueen employed on
the B. & M. at different points for s me
time, returned to this city vesfcerdav rn
speuu unrisimas.
Christmas Sacrifice Sale !
Miss Matie NeweU, daughter of Judge
Newell, who has been residing r.t Fair
mont, Neb., for some time, returned
20 ner cent disroimk nn a;iL. it.ji
" uiw iiauuncr
cniers Mufflers and all winter Goods at
o. ou e. jiayer s the leading Clothiers.
"II. Grattan Donnelly's three-art mnai.
larce, iater Un," as presented bv
, j
tue commedians, Ilallen and narf ia fn
ot nunior. jt madfl w
laugh last night at the Grand. There is
an amuseing story that isused as a riot
me mca is new. JackFJuntrer and .Tnllxr
Todd Tfollnn onl IT l , .
v uuu nail,; wuo nave a
way of their own of irettinff throurli t1i
... ' D"
world mainly by wit and humor find
a pair of pants on the seaside. Discover
iug no owner lor them they assume the
rcsponubihty of owning the contents
T1 t. ? m . .
xnesiienir, a queer old Irishman, finds
the pants after the robbeiy and declares
It I. . . L
meie iius Deen a murder or suicide. The
plot hinges on finding a verdict, and it
vuwi amuseiqg. jotaing more
graceful and pleasing than the lio-l.t
musical noyelties, dainty dances and
marches, in which the niece aboim.l-
ii ... . .
coma wen ue Jmagined. Ilallen and
Hart are will up their line of busim
"Later On" will be repeated ton iVht"
wmana tterald, Dec. 25. The aho
w j v
company has also received commenda
finna fi--m oil ...... l ...
. ... C1 uuusc managers in
Chicago and other large cities where
they haye showed, and nearly all haye en
gaged them for a return date. Thev an
A Chance on the Fine Doll
Don't be mislead bv
I f nces, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
you can buy better goods for less money
at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf
Clocks at II. ft j,.i. .
$100 to $20.00, warranted to
wc Hitiisittciiou or mouej re
Holiday confectionary anA nil bJ.,
. j 'i iviiiuo U
fruit can be purchased at the New Christ
uuoA dir, lower jiam street. 2t
Bennett & Tutt ft! G not nfrVrfnrr o 1afnn
O m nn v,1 - a
, " ior nonaay presents,
but when it comes to
auu uiuer nice fonrla cnitaKl
- n w..vhj iui
nrisimas dinner, thpv Uav t
-- 7 j 7 gut turui.
au numcii tllip, too. tf
For Sale.
The finest 5-acre tract
. ""'-'u ani
nsy terms, ut wixdiiam & Davies
Yiiy eo to. the trouble of
. . 11 I Jl
uiiuce-meai ror vour c:hiictmaa i. "
-pica WUt'll
C""" ct verJ "est at liennett &
U(.I8. J
n -o ........ u iuuiu nute. 1 ney ap- I
pear at the Waterman opera house to- Nti,h,BliHkTii?5
morrow niahL TlosorVtA Pie Kie"iLht!t!i
.J - . v. II I I . Ill 1 V.
on saIa nf f)in i, ..1 ,
... ..v, uouui lyiniu aim nrn ir nr.
disposed of in greater numbers than is
Waterman Operalfouse
Assisted by their
teed Company in ilt?r" 8n,rM'-
ical Farce-Comedy nCWn'0S-
Later -
-u(.uujjiry iof an aavanne sale here. Ti.;-
company is strictly first-class, as all who
have ever seen it will testify, and m,.
should 1 e greeted by a bumper house to
morrow night.
PI. I . ... . . " " " " 1U
cirii, n npif laid imnrtn.., ..I J
r 1 - .
puar Puces, 3.V 50 and-T
Step and rlce lh LnHu.i
m a . . ' B 4 -
uoia varcnos at II. 1 1
Doll shoes and
Best line of 50 cent bound books.
Largest and rhfanu f ..
ljooks. r juvenile
Toy dishes from 5c to 5.0a
Scrap books from In in t o '
- - ..w.
CheaDest and Kt nln.k jt t ..
John a. Davht.
.ttcraoyo - at - x.-
- once over Bankforr.... r. "
Mine aftil-fViJJ- O "'V, ""v
ccuit c. iidi:.,.i f s
Hold cxchwively by
hoao yesterday by the f yerta r 1
;:ig" 'lot'-
- . -
I Elienrood's only C25.CO.
V iA ,ne ..B1'ket, at Fricke A Co s. tt C '
re to a lnr; )
j "oarlnndr Jid r'civsively by
.1 -..