THE DAILY HEKALU: l.'l AWCHWl'I'll xic u r A o tr A rUTTDCIlA V nvntnf U f?t? OA lwa rno Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER "OF THE CITY. A. Kallshary, Vemllnt, Itorkwootl Huilillnfr, Telephone Jto. &. Dr. SI if (flan, OBJ re in (it-ring's lira Store, Keitl Jeaee t'or. Sixth ! Uraaile, Telephone So. 42. Dr. Withers, Den 1 1st, Union Mock. CITY CORDIALS. The case, A. R. Smith vs. Murray And the First National Hank, was taken under arlviaement until the next term of court. A councillor was heard to remark this morning that " if Mr. Sherman would blow his none he would get rid of some of his brains." Some of the ladies of this city are tinder the impression that Santa Claus only lives in Omaha. The merchants there tell them bo. The case Gordon vs. Mathews was presented to the district court yesterday find some time was occupied on it. The jury allowed the plaintiff $14. $5. Mr. John Mines, an engineer on the B. & M.t who has had a rua from this city for some time, moved with his fam ily to Lincoln last evening where he will reside in the future. He now has a run from Lincoln to Hastings. .las. Hickie and Charley Brown the two suspicious charaters who were arrest ed about two weeks ago and pi wed in jail for carrying concealed weapons and burglar's tools, were released this morn ing and sent on their way rejoicing. A woman in destitute circumstances came to the dty yesterday morning. She was frm the cast and wished to go to York, Neb., where, she claimed, she had relatives living. She carried a babe . in her arms aod was apparently much fatigued. The city marshal was in formed in the matter, and he purchased n ticket for her from l'lattsmouth to York. She left for there by last evening's train. A shooting match will occur tomor row afternoon at the new fair grounds, southwest of the city, in which a good number of our markesmcn will contest. They will shoot at blue rock, (thrown from a trap), for the turkeys. The shoot ing will commence about one o'clock, and will, no doubt, be kept up during the afternoon as there will be a good number in the contest. Mr. B. H. Robison, of Omaha, gen eral manager of thj Mutual It-serve Fund Life Association, was in the city yesterday. He had a check for $5000 it his possession, which he intended to pre sent Mrs. Matilda Solomon, the insurance money she was entitled to from that association on the death of her husband. Mr. Robison had not learned that sin had moved to Fairmont. He started for. there last evening and she will no doubt, be presented with the handsome sum today. Plattsmouth has a lively and enter prising society for the good of younjj men, rightly named the Young Men' Christian Association. Every effort foi good is being made by the association, and those not acquainted in the society and its work should vuit the rooms in the evenings and attend the Sunday afternoon meetings. A movement U now on foot to secure an organ for th rooms, which is much nepded in tin public services, atd the instrument will doubtless be secured before the new year. (Jood results are every day made evident w hich is very encouraging to the secrc tary and all others interested. A prominent member of the medical fraternity here, and also a high othcer li the K of P.. made preparations to attend lodge meeting the other evening, and n short time before the appointed hour laul out th ; law I ook of the order on his desk, so that it would be convenient on his re turn from a professional call. A fntin took 'advantage of the opportunity o playing a joke, anil in his absence, lai ihe law book aside nud put the doctor': ledger in its place. When he returned h was a little later than he had expected t b?,nnd in his haste, and to thesatisfactioi of his friends, seized the ledger ani started for the lodge. After he hid com fortably seated himself in his high offie box, he opered the book to deliver th law to the brethren, when to his grea' tturprise and amazement his eyes wer fastened upon some old account whirl he had been unable to collect for the past two years. He returned to his of tice and it is needless to say that he was hot enough to Cook. In all probability there was trouble at the lodge the same night, and no doubt he gave more ex pression to the laws, as he read them over, than he would otherwise hav done. Mr. Joe Kline, better known in tin city as ''Joe, the one price clothier, and destroyer of high prices,' is attaining quite a reputation as a lively business man. He now has a scheme iu view which will, although expensive to him. bring him in many a dollar. His jar ol beans which has attracted the attottion of everybody, will le opened at the opera house and the leans counted by twt young ladies and two gvntlemen, on tin evening of January 1st. Joe" has en gaged the services of the B. fc M. band for the occasion, and will bear the whol. expense of the occasion, himself. At admission fee of ten cents will In charged, which will be collected at tin door by some reliable person, and th. proceeds will be donated to the poor ot thecitr. . "Joe' will not handle on cent of the money, but it will be given to the churches or some benevolent socie ty to dispose of among the poor people. The gentleniaa guessing the correct nam ber of bems contained in the jar, will be awarded a $20 suit of clothes. The pecond prize, a leather aatcbcl, and the third, a hat. Should a lady guess the number or the nearest, she will 15 award ed a $2(1 trunk, the second, a silk muffler md the third, a silk nanclKercnier. it 1 yyu nothing to guess. per rent discount on Silk Ilandker- PERSONALS. Mr. Jus. l'ettee went to Omaha th;s morning on business. Mr. A. K. Cook, of Malveru,' brother of Dr. Cook, arrived in the city last night and returned home this morning. Mr. Geo. Chatburn, principal of the high school,' takes his departure for Har lan, Iowa, his home, tonight to spend the holidays. Mrs. It. It. Livingston, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Jcanettc went to Omaha last evening to visit friends there for a few days. Mrs. Thco. Jones, of Omaha, nee Miss Fannie Riwitzer, ii visiting at the homes of Messrs. Thos. Patterson, H. N. Dovey and W. K. Fox. Dr. Mansfell, of Ashland, is in the city today attending court. He is interested in the case, Latus ys. the C. B. fc (J. It. It. which is on trial today. Judge Chapman, who has been in Lin coln for several clays, returned home this morning. Judge A. AY. Field who presided at the court during his absence, returned to Lincolu, his home, last evening. Mr. Harry Ilouck, who came to the city Tuesday to celebrate his first wed ding anniversary, returned to Omaha this morning, where he has a situation as engineer on the motor line between Council Bluffs and Omaha. Riddle House arrivals: C. M. "VVeck ershaw, Ilamberg. Iowa; E. T. Wetter, Manager of Kindergarten and Mugs Landing Co.; E. G. Wetzel, Lincoln; F. N. Johns," Philadelphia; L. D. V or, 1 re- mont; W. A. Kelly, Omaha; It. W. Mof fett, Omaha; O. E. Doane, Council Bluffs; John Robertson, Omaha; Eugene Mont gomery, Omaha; Clyde Kerkpatrick, Lincoln; P. P, Johnson, Red Oak; A. J. Mansfelde.M. D., Ashland; M. E. Wheeler, Lincoln; R. A. Clark, St. Joe. The Journal, in an editorial yester dav, criticized the action of the city en gineer, Mr. Rosewater, in delaying his inspection of the paving until the work was completed, and made it appear to the public that he had drawn his pay in full and that he was too smart for the council Like all other statements of the Journal it is r.ntrue, as the council have reserved 2-9 of the engineers estimate until all the work is proven satisfactory. While we do admit that the work should have been interfered with in its progress if not found satisfactory, yet we consider the Journal too previous in its criticism. 20 per cent discount on Silk Handker chiefs Mufflers an 1 all winter Goods at S. & C. Mayer's the leading Clothiers. Our photo of Geo. W. Yass the wide awake Jeweler is worth five dollars to anyone. tf A. O.U. W. Newly Elected Officers At the last regular meeting of the A. O. U. W. No. 81, of tins city, the follow ing ollicers were elected for the ensuing term; P. M., II. Weckbach; A. II. W. M. W., Geo. Fletcher; Foreman, John Burns; Overseer, P. Ordens; Secretary, . Mike Schii k; Financial Secretary, F. Dressier; Treasurer, Geo. Kroehler; Guide, John Seevers; Inside Guard. Ym. Manternach; Outside Guard, Fred Oben; Trustees, Louie Delnian, M. Soennichsen, Geo. Mettclmeir. Gc. W. Yass, the wide awake Jeweler, sold an elegant Gold E. Howard Watch todav for the small sum of two hundred and iifty dollars. The purchaser is well pleased with the watch and saved fifty by buying it of George. G nt's plush and embroidered slippers at Sli rwood s. Everybody says AVill J. AVarrick: sells Dolls, Albums ana l'lush Goods cheaper than anybody. Buy now while there isn large assortment to select from. dGt Buy live dollars worth of Jewelry of Jeo. SV. ass and he will make you a nee::t of one of his photographs, tf Notable Prizes. Til it enterprising grocer, Chr. AV'ohl farth, is not to be out done by anybody. lie h:;s on exhibition a number of hand- iomj presents, which he proposes shall be divided among his customers, and ;veryine who buys of him $2 worth or more, will be presented with a ticket or .h.mte to draw one of these prizes Jan. 1st. They are handsome, and he invites in inspection. tf. You will miss me when I laave you, Plattmouth darling. Geo. AY. Yass, If Jeweler m Thy finest display of gent's slippers in town at Sherwood's. Have you seen all the pretty things Santa Claus has left at jAVarrick's ? It will do you good to see them. Go and look theni over, you don't need to buy. Yor. don't have to buy a photograph of Geo. AV. Yass, he is giving them away. Ladies! Call and see the full line of ents velvet and plush slippers at Sher voof :".. tf Buy your Jewelry of George AY. Vass and get one of his photographs. tf Xi:i is Slippers at Merges. Call and see the gracd display of slip;) rs at Sherwood's. Don't forget there is a u0 piece Tea set wa-t'ng for "you" at The Tea Store why not "you" as well as anyone. Tlie finest line of Albums. Dolls, Christ mas Cards. O.lor Cases, Dressing Cases. To s. in fact most anything you want suitable for a holiday gift you will rind at AVill J. AVarrick'. Prices down to lowe-t notch. dt Cent's fine embroidered slippers at Sherwood's. " ' "Whv frcfiyp or starve?" is the imintcd ntipcttnn raked bv the triann ffietnrpra of "Garland Stoves;" and , we would add: Why buy a poor imitation when for. the same price you can gei-ine . gcntine "Oarla-a?" Po'd exclusilyby V . - : ' . I " ."" . .. . HERRMANN'S Holiday BUY SENSIBLE Look over this List ami see if looking for. Our Line of Linen and Silk Hadkerchicfs comprises everything New and Novel in these Goods. AYe are showing a very pretty line of Brocaded, Embroidered, Pongee and China Crepe Silk Handkerchiefs at Exceptionably Low Prices. Fancy Linen Embroidered Handkerchiefs put up in a Fancy Box from 75 cents to $1.75 each. Special Good Values in Ladies' Fancy Embroidered at 35 cents each or three for $1.00. Also a Bargain in Ladies' Initial at 20 cents each. Full Lines of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Handkerchiefs. Mufflers ! Mufflers ! The Largest Line ever shown in this city, prices ranging from 35 cents to $5.00 each. Everything in Silks, Pongees, Brocades' Cashmeres and Silk Mixtures. Call early and make your selections. Benefit for Holiday Cloak Purchasers ! AVe will beat our Record from this until the first day of January in Our Cloak Department. Mild weather has ruined the prospects for Cloak Trade. AVe want to sell what we have on hand before the season is too far advanced. To do this we have still further Reduced Every Garment in Stock. AYe now offer them at a further Reduction of 20 per cent. Piush Sacques, Modjeskas, Wraps and Jackets at the Same Reduction. Muffs and Boas, Full Assortment. FEED HERRMANN, ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. The barber shop of Mr. John Kuhney, located in the basement of the Cass County Bank building, will be re moved to the basement of the Carrnth block and ready for business by Monday next. Bath rooms will also be open, if Bennett & Tutt are nt off i ing a larg? amount of goods for holiday preseir-?. but when it comes to candies, nuts, frun-. and other nice goods snitrible for a Christmas dinner, they have gut them, and will sell cheap, too. tf Xmas Slippers at Merges. Have you been in to see AYarrick's stock of Holiday Goods ? He is going to give away a beautiful lot in South Park, every person buying $2.00 worth of goods from now until January 1st will receive a chance. dGt Pure, Sweet Michigan Cidar at Bennett & Tutt's. tf. Xmas Slippers at Merges. South Park Lots still for sale on monthly payments. d2t Edam and Neufachatel Beunett & Tutt's. cheese at tf The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pill"; they never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War rick's drug store. Don't be mislead by so-called Reduced Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when you can buy better goods for less money at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf There is a line stock of holiday goods at AV. II. Baker's. Those who wish to make selections before the finest grades are sold, can have them laid away until they arc ready to buy. tf The City Meat Market is the best place to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry and game of all kinds. tf AAMves? Buy your husbands a pair of those beautiful plush slippers at Sher wood's, tf Stop iu at AYarrick's and see the largest and cheapest stock of holiday goods in the city. He has nearly double the stock he has eyer carried before and prices are lower. Don't spend a dollar until you see his display. dlw Why go to the trouble of making mince-meat for your Christmas pies when you can gat the very best at Bennett & Tutt's. tf South Park lots would make nice Christmas presents. d2t . V Clocks at II. M. Kaiilt'a from Si OO to $20.00, warranted to give satisfaction or money re funded. Wool boots with rubbers reduced to $2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only 85 c at Sherwood's soldf elsewhere for $1.25. - ' . - (Gfoods ! you cannot find what you are ! Coal. Iowa Lump Coal $3.75 per ton. Iowa Shut coal, $3.25 per ton, at Timothy Clnrk's coal yards, South 3rd street, . 1 1 10 lit J .. M iepuoue jo. jvh oraers muse ue ac- . ompanied with the cash. I have plenty of anthracite coal also Missouri, Illinois and Canon City coal f the best quality. Orders taken ar M. j B. Murphy's store and Central Telephone ornce. tf See Joe s Goods, get his Prices, and then let your own Judgment decide whether you can do so well anywhere else as at Joe s. tf The light running Howe at Robert Sherwood"sonly $25.00. 1 Iiave Watclies from 3.00 to $iOO Tor f.eittlemen and am able to suit any one In price and quality and war rant all goods Mold to le a represented. Ciive me a call and see Tor yourseif. II. M . G4VLT. AV. II. Baker has the most complete stock of toys in the city. tf Xmas Slippers at Merges. " Stop and price the Ladies' Cold Watches at H. M. Cault's. He Has a large stock to select from at - prices to suit any one. If you wish to be close to the R. R. shops, near a water main and convenient to a good school, purchase a lot in South Park. d2t Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me, are requested to balance their accounts on or before the first day of January 1889, as, after that time, all accounts will positively be left in the hands of a collector. Dn. SCHILDKNECIIT. Nov. 2G. tf Remember you get a chance on a lean tiful lot in South Park for every $2.00 worth of goods you buy of Will- J. AVarrick from norv until Jan. 1st. He has more holiday goods this season than ever before and prices are lower. You will be sure to be satisfied if you buy of him. dlw The finest and largest stock of holiday goods ever brought to the city at AV. H. Baker's. tf. J. II. Donnelly has a fine display of silk and satin suspenders, plain and em broidered." He also has a fine line of fine initial handkerchWs. tf Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, at Fricke & Co's. drug store.' 8-tf. Plenty of feed, flour, graham and meal at Hoisel's mill. . tf . . " Wool roots j asd". Iiublrs cc . .. . HERRRTAWW'S: ' Holiday BUY Look over this list and see if you cannot find what you are looking for. Gold and Silver Mounted Umbrellas $2 to $9. Fans from 5 cents to 35. Table Linens in Sets from 6.00 to $10.00. Table Cloths from $1.00 to $4.00 each. tf Full Line of Table Spreads in Plush and Raw Silks, something new, mm $1.50 to $C.G0. Fancy Plush Piano Stool Covers only 75 cents each. Silk and fancy Midia's Drapes from 35 cents to $1.50 Full Line of Fancy Towels, Piano Covers, Tidies, Baby Carriage Robes, etc. Our Line of Dress Goods for Holidays is replete with everything in the Lino of Sills, Surahs, Plushes and Woolen Novelties, such as Ileui iettcs, Serge, Bl ond cloths. Flannels, at prices that will convince you that we are lower than any rum in this city. Klaa-it Everything in the Line of Skirts, Sacques, Fascinators, Mittens etc. etc. In order to Reduce our Stock we shall sell all of our $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50 Grades of Dressed and Undressed Gloves at $1.50 per pair. Full Lines at 75 cents, $1.00 and $1.25. Everything novel in Bar-rins, Hair Ornaments, Ear Bobs, Cuff Buttons and Baby Pins. Purses and Hand Bags, Full Assrrtment. FRED HERRMANN, ONE DOOR EAST. PIET NATIONAL BA17K. OL ' 0 innsunas oaciuice mi I1T MEXT'S -XTTJ LTJIHS' JITJS EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS FHOM 75 CEXTTS TJX THESE IS ITOTHiaTO- THAT AVILL BE MORE PLEASING FOR A PRESENT. ALL BUYING- OVEE 25c. "WORTH AT OUR STORE AVILL GET A Chance on the Fine Doll IN OUR WINDOW, TO BE DRAWN JANUARY 1, 1H!) W. A. BOSCE & CO. An Ordinance Declaring the necessity of condemning lot 17. block 11, liiomnson's audition to the city of Platismoutli. for street purposes, and for the survey and report of city engineer for cost of coodem na'ion. Be it ordained by the mayor and council of the city of I'laUPinouih : Skc. I. It is hereby declared r.eeeesary t appropriate and condemn for public tie lor street purposes lot 17 in block 11 of Thomp son's addition to the city of Plattsnioutli as surveyed, platted and recorded. Skc. II. It is ordered that the city engineer survey and plat said lot with reference to its ouneetioti as a street and to examine into tli expense of condemning the fame and if he deem it proper and expedient to locate and open a street upon aid lot to file his plat and written report thereon withiu ten days after the passage of this ordinance with the city clerk. Skc. III. Tha ordinance s1ih.11 h in fnmu and take effect from and after its passage, ap- yi-"i luiti i'uiiiicatiuii M'iHruin 10 taw. Passed and approved December 18th, A. D. 1SSS. K. M - Rii'iiirr Attest : W. K. Fox. Mayor. (Jity Uieik. An Ordinance Creatine a Davinir fund of 1'ivii.v r;0f.i,. No. 1. " " " Be it orrt allied by the mayor and council of the city of IMaltf moutb i Sec. I. That there be and is hereby created in the city treasury of the city of Plattsmouth a fund which shall hereafter be known ae ' ravine Fund of Paving district No. 1." Sko. II. Said fund uliall contain all bonds intlieil of aifl nuvintr A iifi-itf- o.i Ali . i. . derived therefrom and all taxes assessed and levieil fnrtliA nivnijint Af in.Awc. i . . ..... ..." J "- iiiicicjiw principal of bonds so issued or for the payment of iiiv work in anirl nuvint rlictrim . U u. . T 1 f I ' I . . . . ..II ' . . ur..,. m. iuai ait m annuls issued lor the lluviiint. nf navinir , .... n ... . . i-i .5 - ;"iiiii;wu i Here with in said paving district shall be drawn upon ili.l frit..! . ' V. Ml.'.. Sirr? IV Thla Ardtii.nnA .l.nll . . " . , ------ ".".iiwiil uo 1 u iorce and take effect from and after its passage, ap proval and publication according to law Passed and ad proved December 18th, A D Jf?' , F. M. IUchky. Attest : YT. K. Fox. Mv- Cliy Clerk. ' . An Ordinance Appropriating $24,163.1 of paving fnnd ol iMfifdlrtrtel' K-1 PV the 00,1 Cf ,n I e U on)'M th mtyor and couucll cl SENSIBLE G-oods. Toboggans. Hoods, Booties, Leggings, 'f' priated out of the monies now In th paving fund of Paving Di.siric't v?o V of the city of Piatt,, the sum of f 2 'l; 12 " pay the cost of pavma therein "-ltJ-1 J Sko. II The city treasurer is hereby aulh -or.zerttopay all warrants drawn upon sai.l o.rJ , UI'Tn ordinance shall be in ore and lake effect from and after is p snaire 7u provai and pul.lica ion according . ' i JL Sse(1 aud aWrved December lsth. a. D. Attest . VV it t K. M. lili'HKY, Attest. VV. K .. fox Major. City Clerk. An Ordinance Creatiig the Intersection Paying Fund. ury of the city of Phutmnouth. y UtM skc II. That satd luad hnll contain all In. Irom and taxes levied therefor. Sko. 111. That all warrants Issued for n iv Shefi1ri,nd Wu,k 'n"ted there: .i- rh, ordinance shall b in force and t ike effHct from and after tt pwicc gn! P Fiyd W"''""" according o w ' P Attest: W.Fo " fig. Dr. C a. MarshalL Slosidoat Dcatiot. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain less FlLLIKO OK EXTHACTIOW C--TBKTn Artificial teeth made on Go)J, Eilver Rubber or Celluloid n-'-, r-- i rtcd m coon ts teeth are c' ("3 f'rI.