THE DAfl.V HEliALU: 1 'L ATTSMO U Tl, NEBRASKA TUESD A Y, DECEMBER 18, 188 The Plattsnjouth Daily Hefaid. KNOTTY I3BCS. Publishers & Proprietors. TIIK I'LATTttMOUTH HKUALU Is published every evening except Snnda and Weuklv everv Thursday iiiomlni;. iseijls- tereU at the MitoM:e, l'lalliuiioulh. N'ebr.. . "-ona-cias iiihK'T. uince -ornrr 01 t urc wiu Fifth afreets. Teicphoue No. an. TBRMS rO DAILV. One copy 0110 year In advance, ty mall.. ..$6 on One cojy per month. ly carrier 6 One copy per week, by carrier 15 mas ro WEEKLY. nne oodt one year, in advance $1 nr One cony lx nioiunx. in advance 79 Our Clubing List. Wkkkly ilKKAi.naud X. Y. World $2 40 . . Tnbime. .. " Omaha Ken 1' 3 " " N. V. Trees " " N. V. Font H .141 " Harpers MaHine 4 m Weekly. 4 " " " Jiazar... 4 ' " " Yoiiiik PHople 3 :m " Neb. Farmer 'i wtl " lleinorcst's Mont li ly Majiazlr-e .1 ! " " American MaVlne 3 50 OUR OREGON LETTER. Special Correspondent of the Uekai.p. Great interest is being felt in the Gray's harbor country, a section of the coast region of Wasinton Territory, rendered tributary to Portland by steamer lines by way of the ocean and the Columbia river. It is one of the most iromisrn"; of the neVer regions being opened up to settle menr, and as such, your readers will no doubt be glad to have a brief descrip tion of it. Gray's harbor is the name of an inlet from thePacificM cean, indenting the shore of Washington Territory. The entrance is between one and two miles broad, hav ing a channel seven hundred feet wide, carrying at low tide, a depth of twenty two teet 01 water, l he usual titles 111 the harbor are eiyht to ten feet, so the largest vessels, by crossiucr the bar al high tide, may enter and depart in safety. Emptying into the bay is the Chehali.- lirer, one of the most imiKutaiit streams in Washington Territory. It drains an arei of two thousand square miles. All streams have Ih-; thoioist agricultural lands aloii" their hank?, and take their rise in the timbered hills of the int rior, Some eight years ago the attention of lumbermen was attracted to the GravV harbor region, and operations were al once commenced for the establishment of sw .mills, to prepare for market the tim tier of tnat locality. W uli these move . nients, a rapid growth began. The prin cipal town on the harbor, Aberdeen, lies at the mouth of the Wishkali river, a no only four years ago last February th first house within the present corporate limits was built. Now it is a flourishing town of a thousand inhabitants, and is growing rapidly. It has four saw mills. the aggregate daily output of which i two Hundred thousand teet of lumber, u ship yard, three salmon canneries, anil a foundry and machine shop. The vallev of the Wishkah extends back into tlx interior many miles, and tor hi teen 01 twentr miles up stream rancher? an located along the banks. The product of the valley are floated down the stream and find a ready market in the manufact uring villages on the harbor. Montcsano, a town of about one thous and inhabitants, is situated on theCheha lis river, fourteen miles from its moutl and at the head of tide water navigation. There are two saw mills, a furniture fac tory, a brick kiln, and a large salmon cannery. The mercantile business is vert- large, as it is the most important low between the harbor and Puget sound. Sea-going vessels take enrgoes direct from Montcsano. The climate is generally damp, but is marked by an entire absence of extreme of temperature or moisture. This is due to the proximity of the ocean and the warm Japan current that touches thi caost. Hops are among the most profit able crops. Most of the fruits common to the Pacific slope flourish in the Gray's harbor country, apples, pears, di-rrits graps, plums, prune?, etc. All the farmers have more or hss fruit, and the handsome specimens produced, indicate 1 ne possibilities 01 mat locality in the fruit business. There are some nine mills constantly cutting timber, which is fur nished from the country alonjr the streams flowing directly into Gray's har bor, and the daily output of lumber is about half a million feet. This is ship ped direct by water to ports in North and South America, Sandwich islands, China and Australia. The principal timber of the Gray's harbor country is tli2 fir, but spruce. cedar, pine and such hard woods as oak. maple ash, etc., are in the forests and of good quality for manufacturing pur poses. The spruce grows to enormous siz?, some trees twelve feet in diameter haying been cut, but their comparatively short length brings their lumber yields much below the average f.r, which is extremely tall, as well us of huge trunk diameter. The spruce lumber I as a year to prosecute deep sea fishing for halibut off Gray's harbor, mid the pros pects for devoloping au extensive busi ness in this line are very fluttering. The fisheries of the North Pacific promise to become of more of the North Atlantic, and Gray's harbor is so favorably situated -with respect to these fisheries, that it is likely to become the New Bedford of the Pacific. A number of railway enterprises sui plyiug communication with this harbor have been projected, but until recently these schemes have been of rather in definite character. The Tacoma, Olym piad Chehalis Valley - IJajhvay Co. has becii incorporated, to build a road up the valley of the Chehalis, across the Cascade mountains, forming a junction with the Northern Pacific at Centralia, and extending to some point in Eastern Washington, with a branch from some point to Olynipia and Tacoma. Such a railway would run through a surpassingly rich agricultural and timber country, and give the interior access to one of the best shipping points 011 the Pacific coast. L. S. THE RE A L TA RIFF SCA R E. There was another tariff scare in the recent canvass besides that connected with the fear of free trade. The free traders themselves attempted to create a panic over the tariff through the assertion that if it was not cut the country would be plunged into hopeless disaster through the accumulation of a surplus. Yet the natural, certaiu, dem ocratic way of guarding against such a catastrophe lay through the abolition of the internal revenue. Now that there appears to be no sur plus, no tariff scare of the free trade sort is possible for some time to come. Never theless, the internal revenue should be abolished. Sun. ifllKE SCHNELLBUCHER Wagon mi d IJ!:n I -fii.i'.h Shop. ! r M y . Machine ami Plow GPPY OFFIGEljS. Wagon, Hoi seshoemg A Specialty, lie uses the c Horseshoe, the Bi-st Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast P.iving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shoes an A you will have no other. J. M-Schnellbacher, .1th St., Plattsmouth, Neb. BUSINESS I) 1 11 ECTOR Y. TTOliNEY. S. F. THOMAS. .Attorner-at-T...-iw anil Notary Public. Fiiz-iera d Block, riattsmouth. Neb. Ofilc-e In ATTOKN I Y. A. N. SULLIVAN. Will irlve prompt Attention to all lUPine Intrusted to him. Ofllee la Union Block, Hast side. I'lattsniouth. Neb GliOCEKIFS. CMKIS. WOlf LF.V1ITH. staple and Fa'icy (l-'cvr'os, Ulass-.vare and Crockery. Flour and Feed. The Milwaukee Hentinel suggests that the federal offices in the south should be given to t!:e best men in the republican party in the south, white and black. Cer taiiily General Harrison cannot afford to recognize the color line drawn by the brigadiers, and it is safe to predict that he will not.- Bee. Oxk week from today is Christina' and you all should remember the need of tin; worthy chanties. There are many bo h in this city and county that are needing help and are yet too proud to ak for it. Open your hearts and give to the poor and thus make both yourself and them happy. Th-? "old nliablo"- Rem-.-d v. -Dr. Sage's Catarrh ! iour Aioamsand 1 tusii woods go to J. P. Young's. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rat hi r than take a medicine of world - t . . . a. iu- reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No ine.l.cine in the world is giving such un pari'iehd satisfaction for purifying the blood as IJEGG S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. I. Smith & Co., druggists. Th-; latest Novelties of Neckties and Mu.ll -rs at Joe's, The Only One Price Clothier in Platismouth. tf Th light running Howe at Sherwood's only jSHo.OO. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick head. tehe, indigestion, constipation or we cannot cure with W st Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. Thev are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes 30 sugar coated pills, 2.3c. "For s i!e by all druggists. Beware of counrerfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & C., SC2 W. Madison St. Chicago,and Sold by W. J. Warrick. Large assortment of Poets, Miscel- lane us and Juvenile Books at J. 1. Young's. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason you will cough aud keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold by (). P. Smith & Co., druggUts. ALFRED DOLGES. Celebrated French Slippers AT- R. S H E R WOO D' S if a Nyi gjflfl OFFERED Mavor, Clerk, Treasurer, Attorney, r-nuinetr, I'olice Judjje, Marshall, Couucilinen, 1st ward, 2nd ' " 3rd " 4th. " F.M. KllHKV W K Fox Jamks Pattkkson. jr - ItVllON I'LAUK - A Al A POLK S (I.IKKOUI) W 11 MAI.1CK i .1 V Wkckbach I A SALIUBUKV It M JONKS Board Pub.WorkB (J W Km k 1 1) 11 J I UK. A SlIII-MAN t M B MUKfUV 1 S V Mutton.-1 I Con o'CoNNoit. 1 F McCALLKN. l'KES W JOHNHOM.t'UAUtMAH HKII UOKDKH HawksWokth r re as 11 re r. Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk. - Deputy Clerk, ttecorder of iJeeds Deputy Recorder Clerk of District Court, Sncrilf, Surveyor. Attorney. Supt. of Pub. Schools, County Judue. - BOARD OF SUPKKVISOltS, A. R. Todd. Ck'm.. - - Plattsmouth Louis Foltz, - Weeping Water A. 15. DICKSON, - jsnmvooa D. A. Campbell Thos. Pollock BlHI) C'HITCHKIKLa liXA ClIITCHKIKLO W. If. Pool JOHN M. LKYOA W. C. show alter J. C. KlKKNHAKY A. MADOLK ALLKN liKKSON Maynakd Spink C. UUSSKLL CIVIC SOGIJ5PJ5S. x. -v x x. -v -v- C1ASS LODGK Ho. 116. 1 O. O. F. Meets -"every Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully invited to it teuo . IJLATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O - O. F meets every alternate Friday in each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting unit hois are inviteu to aitenu. ritlO LODGE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets 1 every alternui- Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workman ; v . r. Brown, f oreman : i. u. tveinster. over cer; it. A. Taite. Financier ; ti. F. House- worth. Keoorder : M. M 11 y orient. Receiver 1. R. smith, Paet .M. W. : !. .N . Bowen, Guide; P. J. Kunz, Inside v- 1 . I 'ASS CAMP NO. :. ::-.u. woodmen of America Meers ;.'-.i ain! fourth Mon day evening at K. ;i li.oi All transient brothers are reiinested ;o ineei uh. L. A, Newcomer, V eueranle ns;ii ; iNiies Worthy Adviser ; fi. V. Wilde, Banker ; W. A Boeclt, Cl-rk. I L A TT8 M O U 1 11 LODGE NO. K. A. O. IT. W Meets every alternate Friday evening at (took wood Hall at 8 o ciuOK, All transient brotn eis are respectfully invited to attend. L. S, Larson, M. W. ; F. Boyd, Foreman : 8. C. Wilde. Recorder ; Lo.'uard Anderson. Overseer, IJLATTSMOUTIf LODGE NO. 6. A. F. A.M. - Meets on the first and third Mondays of eacli month at ineir ball. .Ml transient broth er!) are cordially ited to meet with us. J. G. Richev. VV. M. Wr.t. If ats. Secretary. for an incurable case of Catarrh J&JF id luK neau uy t ue prupnerors Of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache, obstruction of nose, discharges falling into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; eyes weak, ring-iDg in ears, deafness, difficulty of clearing- throat, expecto ration of offensive matter; breath offensive: smell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few ot these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result In cou. Bumrition. and end in the crave. By its mild, soothing', and healinjr properties, 1 Dr. sage s neineay cures rne worse casep. &uc. V F.BItASKA CHAPTER. The Original S 1ITT1E ??as5 Liver Pills. k U ble&UarmUs., TJnequaled as a 1.1 ve r PI 11. Sm nllest, rheap. est, easiest to take. One Pellet a Dose. Cure Sick Headache, Itiliouw I9enlaclc, DizziiieH, Constipation, IiidiKCHtioii. Billoua Attaeku, and all derangements of (be stomach and bowels. 23 eta. by drug-cists. NO. 3. R. A. M Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mai-onV Hall. Trauscitut brothers arc invited to meet with us. F. E. White, If. P. Wi. Davk. .Secretary. ZION (JOJIJIAMUKY, NO. 5. K. T. eels first and third Wednesday night of each month at Maso t's hall. Visiting brothers aic cordially iuvitid to meet willi us. Hm. Hays, Rec. F. E. Whitk, E. C. 'ASSCOUNCILNO 1021. ROYAL RCA N CM V me t! t lie second and fourth Mondays of each 111 jLth at Arcanum Hall. R. N. Glenn, Regent. P. C. MiNoa. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE I President Robt. B Windham 1st Vice President A. B. Toild 2nd Vice President Win Neville Secretary F. Herrmann Treasurer F. R. Guthinaii PIRKOTORS. J. C. Richev. F. E. White, J. C. Patterson J. A. t'onner, 15. Elson, u. W. Sherman, F. Gor aer, j. v. wecKuacn. SIEZE IT ! GMSPIT! HOLDIT! ""e are ojieneil uji in the Largest a!nl Dest Lighted J'oom in i lie County. We have a Trenienduous Stock in anticipa- We j impose to cut it down and will tion of a long winter. Give ITou the Benefit ! Of it now before the Holidays. In order to accomplish this we will give you I for i ft On Every Dollar's Worth of Winter Good bought of us. Our Stock of clo miNG, ?mm$Kim goods, ZEEcits and Caps Were bought as Low as Cash could buy them from .New York manufacturers. If you have been waiting for the Lowest Prices stow is roxm TZMB. Call and convince " yourselves. We sire the Wide Awake, Hard- Working, Never-to-be-Forgotten, Low Trice, Square Dt alii g Clothiers. u mm mm McCONlHIE POST 45 C. A. R J. W. .TonNsox Commander iwiss Senior Vice h. a. Batks Junior " J -50. Mlrs Adjutant 'UXKY oTR KK, HT O, 31 1 aloN" Dtxon Ofllcerof the Day Charles Ford, .-. Ouaid Axdkksox Fry' Sergt Major, acohoobbleman.. . .quarter Master sergr I.. C.Curtis Post Chaplain .-weeunir aaturuay eveiiniK Trench Health Seamless FOOT WARftlERS ! AT ervoods. JULIUS PEFPERBERG, MAXUKACTCKEU OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DSALEK IN Tlllfi Choicest Brands T Cisa-s. including our Fior de Peppcrbcrgo' anil 'Bud.' FULL LINK OK TOI5ACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stork. Nov. 2'!. 18.S5. What Am I To Do? T lie symptoms of biliousness arc un happily but too w ell known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A odious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, lie lias an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a iiioruini;. J lis tongue will liardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and funvd, it is rough, at all evii.ts. The digestive system is wholly out of C F. SMITH, The Boss l ailor Main St., Over Merges' Shce Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $10 to dress suits, 25 to $45. pants $4, $5, $0, $G.50 and upwards. dFWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comoelilion. THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewingr machine, ask our aeent at your place for terms and mrices. If vou cannot find our asrent. write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE G.0RANG EJUIASSL .1. 28 UNION SQUARE, N.t- DALLAS. ILL. ATLANTA GA TEX. ST LOUIS, MO. j.yjiiSliii 'SBNrBAflCiecO.CM. J. M. MIJIU, Plattsmouth, Neb. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! P rsonal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. XOTAHY IX OFFICE. Titles Exaininetl. Ahstaicts Conipiled, In surance Written, Heal list ate Sold. lietter Facilities for making Farm 'Loans lhau Any Otlxcr Agerjcy, Platfsnioutlt, - XcbrasJia fine grained makes etre'ient phingle. The c'.ief Hs'i of Criy'a harbor i ihc mlinn id, ud l.un lr dn of men arj cm idoye l !u the work'I c itc'iing and can- 33. KEMPSTER, ortit r ana aiarrn a or constipation mav special use for small boxes, because it is j be a symptom or the two may alternate. fine irraincu ami ouunci. j ue icunr i i m b um umiwi i nuiu ium i nni:-i r - j rs m of blood. There may be giddiness and 11 ttlillU: I ITriul illlU UfEttfl ! TlillCr often headaclie and acidity or flatulence TrvVkrnx,.n , ' tenderness in the pit of the stomach. T rorrtct all this if rot effect a euro trv 1 irst-rl .s wot k guaruntiid. Also deal- (Jf ttCa Autjiut Floirtr, it cot,t9-but a 'nanwwand Organs. Oftce at Coecks . . X .1 II. 1 1 . . . I T " - T" .. ....( Dr. E. C. West's Xerve anl B'oln Treatnien a guarantee specific for Hysteria Dizziness. Convulsions. Kits. Nervous Neuraljria, Head ache. 'erveoui Prostration caused hy the ue of alcohol ortohaeeo. Wakefulness. Mental le predion, Softening of the Brain resulting i.i iti sauity and leading t misery, decay and death. reniat ure old Age. r.arreuness. Loss of Pow er in either si-x. Involuntary Lospes and Sper matorrhoea caused hy over-exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-lndnlence Each hox contains nee month's treatment. 100 a hox orsix boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure an v case. - With each order received by us for six boxes, acconipan ed with 5 no. we will send the purchaser our written guaran tee to return the money if the tratrnent does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only bv Will J. Warrick sole a nt. Plansmouth. Neb -J. C, SOOITS, barber; and hair dresser. All work first-claas;. west Fifth Strett. j n i. n. 'i j: n i r-. i v-di ruin Dunumy, - Lor. ifiain ancs Oil , MWi Disli Store, Special Sale commencing Novemher I2rl Cloaks ant Plush Cloaks and Children' offered anywhere in the city. PLUSH WRAP continuing one week, Ladies Wraos Wear, I'riee 20 per cent less lhe j.rlce Examination will prove tlatiintnt. AVe have an im mense line and wil discount same 25 pei cent, as they must bi Bold before the eiu of the season. On PLUSH SEORP WRAF, are eleerant httim garments. We sel them at $14.50 worth all of 20.00 ( u" ill ' 'I 1 9 820 plush mm I'lufh Cloaks we se!l for S20 hell elsewhere at $27. !Annil,h Cloaks jtpAdwe sell for 5 seJl elsewhere at s3a. (JinHush CL.r.ks we VUsell ftir $ JO sell elsewhere at B'A). $45 I'hir-h Cloak.- we ell for S4f, fell elsewhere at ?0O. A Full Line of Walking M? J"acIsGts ?old at the 1 - - . v. . v prices. ComfortabEes and Blankets A Finfi Splpf fpH T.ino nf trrtrvi 5 I UA .... en , Ui iu vu.vv a pair. the nnest Jo cent JJatting ha the city. A e have U N D E R W EAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Friers lower llian -nv house in the city, as we are over-stocked with these tujciU. CALL AND SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yours XSespectlulIy, 1 K-fTiPn