the Daily himiaI.d: i urrsMotiTii. neukabka, sAtanint, Dt'ci:. Ths PlatUmouth Daily Herald. KNOTTS B E C G., Publishers & Proprietors. - THE ri.ATTSMOUTII IIEKALD Is ptiblKh4 every evening v.cet. Sunday and Wetk' every Tliurtilay morning. KeKis tered at tlie Mstol!lce. 1'iaif citiout li. Nelir.. i i Kf'otid-clii.HM inatw-r. (Ullce corner ot Vine and Fifth ftrefts. Te!eilionu o. STANLEY A PMSOXEH. The great explorer has nt lust It-en heard from, and he in a prisoner in the hand of the Mnlidi and will, in all probability, he killed unle-sa Kngland acts quickly, as a letter from O-unan Digna stute-8 that if Sukin was not .sur rendered within a given time, both Stan ley and Eniin Pu-lm wonld bo executed. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER Wagon and lUxc ksmiih Shop. Wagon, lluggy. Machine mnl Plow GI;llY OFFICIOS. TIH rOK DAILY. One copy one year In advance. Iy nall SO no One copy per month, hy carrier W One copy per week, by carrier 15 TKKMS roil WKKKLV. One eopy one year. In advance. One copy its inonias. In advance 75 Our Clubing List. Wkkki.V IIkk li ;itd V. V. World.. " N. V. Tnliiiiie . 2 .Vj diimlia Ken - 'J 3 I N. Y. I'rers J 'jr, N. Y. I'ot-t 2 30 Harpers Magazine 4 ia Weekly. 4 7". llazar... 4 7.', " Younu People 3 Nel. Fanner 2 00 peinorest'! Month ly Magazine 3 10 Pekky S. Uki.mont'm nomination as minister to Spain was confirmed the other day by the senate. The Nebraska State Grange has been in session at Hastings the past few days, and it is reported that thoy had a good attendance. Ayer's Almanac for iss9, published by Dr. J. C. Ayer fc Co., Lowell, Mass. comes io us in me siiape ot a neat pre sentation book of about five hundred pages, being made up of numerous edi tions calculated for the latitudes of many lands. A score or more of nationalities are addressed in their own languages in this volume, and could they all be heard clamoring together for .Ayer's Sarsapa rilla and Avers Pills what a Iiabel would break forth! Ayer's Almanac, in its familiar yellow cover, has long been known as the most accurate ami reliable of its kind; and if any one is ignorant of the supeiior merits of Ayer's medicines, anil suffers in consequence, it is not tlie fault of this enterprising firm, who scat ter their "leaves'' by the million, "for the healing of the nations." Ask vour drug gist for Ayer's Almanac. Horse n m F.M. Kltll KT w k. rox J AM Kit PaTTEHSON. JB - Uvuon Clakk - A MADOL.K 8 (iLirrouu W II Ma i. lex Councilmen, 1st ward. J- 'kauhv J 1 M Jon km lK. A KI1IHMAN Mayor, Clerk, Treanurer, Attorney, hiiiuet-r. Police Judge, MalchaU, 2nd 3rd 4th. Hoard Pub. Works i M ii Mum phy 8W IJUTTONi-' I (,'O.S O'CONNOR I J W JOnNSI.N,CHAlUMAN V HKH I iOltDKK f I) II IIAWKSW'OKTU A Specialty, lie uses the Horseshoe, the l.rtt Horseshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast l.'.iving ami City purposes, ever invented. It is mad s so anyone can can put on sharp or flat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth elry roads, ('all and Examine these Shoes and you will have no other. J..1YI. Schnellbacher, nth St., Plattsmouth, Neb. IIUSIN'ESS DlttECTOltY. (ZOUJTY OFFICIOS. ATTOUNEY. S. F. THOMAS. and Nofarv I'uMic. l'iizt-'era'd liliu-k. Plaltioiiouth. Nel. OITlee In A Dakota paper suggests that it will be time enough for congress to talk of admitting Canada after the Territories have been granted their rights. So say we. We have received a mly bound copy of N. W. Ayer fc Son's Amer.'can News paper Annual for 18S, and it is one that every newspaper man should have in his office. $SOO Reward- For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh liemeely have offered, in good faith, a standing reward of $ 00 for a case of chronic nasal catarrli w hich they cannot cure. No matter how bad the disease has become, or of how many years staneling, it yields in due time, to their skill. This famous remedy is solel by tlruggists at nQ cents. ATIOUNI.Y. A. X. SULLIVAN. Attorney-at-Law. Will tve prompt attention to a!l luiMiiesH Intrusted to hint. Ollice it Luton l.U'ik, fcast side. I'lattsnioiith. Neb. Treasurer. lepnty Treasurer, - Olcik. - Deputy Clerk, Iteconler ot Deeds - Dejjntv Kecorder Olei k of DiHtrict Court, Sheriir. Purveyor. Attorney. Supt. of Pub. Scliooln, County J uUkb. BOARD OF SDPKRVISORS V. 15. Toon. Ch'ia.. - - Plattsmouth l.ouis, - Weeping Water A. 1$. dickso.v. - iiinwooa I). A. CAMTBRLL. TllOS. POLIXICK BlHO CltlTCHKl KI.Q liXA Citrre'HKiRi.u W. II. Pool, JOHN M. i.KYDA W. C. NllOWALTIK J. C. KlKKNBAKY A. MADOL.K ai.i.en 11k.eson Maynaru Spink O. ItUSSKLL. GIVIG SOGIJiU?J5S. 1US.S l.ODO: No. U, 1 O. O. F. -Meets '-'every Tuef d;iy eveniii); of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully invited to Utenil. 1JLATT MOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O - O. F.. meets every alternate Friday in each mouth in the Masonic Hull. Visiting uroi tiers are invitea to atteuu. GKOCEKIES. CMUIS. WOHLFAKTM, Staple ami pjtney (r-icer'es, ;idss.v;utf and Crockery, r lour ami Feed. A Kxs..s woman has secured a di vorce from her husband on account of desertion, the petition alleging that he went to temperance meetings six days iluring the week and on Sunday went to church. I Jen trice Express. The s.juthean statesmen arc willing that tin; white vote of that section shall be divided only upon the condition that the colored vote shall hs suppress ,-d. That is to s iy, they el not so much ob ject to the way in which -the negro is disposed to vote as they do to the fact that I13 has the legal right to vote in any way. For Your Albjms and Plush Goods go to .1. P. Young's WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up iy uncap donn nouses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of worlel wide reputation and one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No neil.cine in the world is nvin; such un paralleled satisfaction for purifving the bl I as 1JEGC;S 1JLOOD PUIilFIEIl & 1JLOOI) MAKE K, and every bottle that does not do its work will cost vc-u notli- ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. druggists. ALFRED D OLG fl"1 S . Celebrated French Slippers AT R. SHERWOOD'S The latest Novelties of N- ekties and Mul'lers at Joe's, The Onlv One Price Clothier in Plattsmouth. tf The Christmas number of the Ho-stnu Jfii-sivctl Herald is freighted with valu able and well digested intelligence for all students of music. Its three choice Xnias Carols will be especially appr obated by Choristers and Sunday-schoi 1 Superintendents. Subscription price. $1.00 per year. Address, Hostan Musleiil Herald, Franklin Square, Boston, Mas6. TUB If A YTIEX CASE. The alacrity of the administration in ordering ships of war against an insig nificant country like Ilayti. upon what i--at best a doubtful point of offense, h is a very absurd look w hen contrasted with the we-k and truckling policy which was pursued toward Canada under cir cumstances of a much graver character. In the case of the latter-country, a direct insult was given and a ositive wrong inflicted. The facts were Ik yond dispute in every respec t. Congress discussed the matter thoroughly, and authorized proper measures cf retaliation. But instead of accepting the chance thus offered ti. vindicate the national honor and protec the interests of American citizens, th administration dallied and trilled in a fashion that was inot cowarbly and dis graceful. It not only faileel to assert its authority na directed by law, but it proceeded to negotiate a treaty which involved a complete surrender of all the claims and rights that should have been defended at every hazard. In all the history of our diplomacy there has never been another such a shameful instance (.1 tame yielding to a fo:e-ign power. The only explanation for it is to be found in the fact that the aggressor was strong, anel that the administration was afraid to risk the possibility of a war. This view gnins special force by reason of the jiroceeelings in the case of Ilayti. Thi administration is quick to assume tlie aggresfive when a small anel helpless nation is to be dealt with. It is not at all certain that we have any rause of quarrel with Ilayti. She has neized and condemned an American ves sel, to La sure, but the circumstances of the transaction are not yet definitely known. The condemned vessel may have been engagctl, as reported, in the transportation of insurgent troops, con trary try the plain provisions of interna tional law. It is ;iot reasonable to believe that Ilayti has knowingly and deliberate ly invited a conflict with the United States. She la not in a situation to fight even one of the smallest of nations; her strength is taxed to the titmo-t by the rebellion which she Iaa on her hands. There is no necessity for haste on our arf. The bluster and bravado of the admin istration brings only reproach-upon our bo.-wfe.I love of justice and fair phy. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh ! it is only a little cold," and keep giving dien. Che;) and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when thev run be so easily re lieved by BEGGS" CHERRY COUGH Si RUP.' It has no supeiior, and few e. It a!s. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. The light running Howe at Sheiwooel's only $2.1.00. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick nea.i acne, inetiirestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly conjplieel with. 1 iiev are purely yegttaole, ana never fail to give satisfaction. Larre boxes ;o:ir lining SO sugar coated pills, 2.ic. For s lie by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits anel imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago.and Sold by W. J. Warrick. For "run-down," debilitated and overworked women. Or, Pierce's Favorite Prescription ia the best of all restorative tonics. It is a potent fpeciflo for all those Chronio Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to Women ; a powerful, gen eral as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, it imparts vigror and strenjrth to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stomach, nausea, inUitrostion. bloatlnir. weak back, nervous nros- tration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. It is carefully compounded by an experienced physician, and adapted to woman's delicato organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of tho system. favorite l'reicrip. tloii" is the only medicine for women, sold bv druirirists. under a vonitive euar. antee of satisfaction in every case, or price (fci.utij refunded. This puarantee has been printed on the bottle-wranner. and faithfullv carried out for many years. t- or larpe. illustrated Treatise on Oiseases of Women (100 natres. with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, (m Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. fUUO LODGE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brother-i are respectfully in vited to attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Work man ; I". r. lirown. Foreman : Cr. is. tvenister. Over eer ; It. A. Taite, Financier ; . F. House wort Ii. Recorder; M. May bright. Keceiver; u. h smith, rapt ai. w. : i. is. esowen, uuiue ; r. J. ivunz, inside watcn. fiASrt CAMP N! .:!..'. v of MODKKN WOODMEN of America .M.-riv m-.- : fourth Mon i ay evening at K. : ' 'i .i All transient nmthers are requested ' v:!h tie. I.. A, .Newcomer, euer,tih' :-ti ti : ;. f , isneit Worthy Adviser ; S. . v h.n.k r ; V. A. Uoeck, Clerk. 1LATTSMOUI II I.OUtih No. x, a. O. U. W. Meet every ;itei:iiite Friday evening at itocKwood Hall at h o eliiCK. All rrnniiieiit hrotll ers are respectfully invited io iittend. L. 8. Larson, M. W. ; F. l-ioyd, olelulU : S. O. Wilde, Kecorder ; Leonard Anderson, overseer, OLATiMMOUTH LuIXiENO. C. A. F. & A.M. 1 M -ets on the fiivt and third Mondays of aeh iiionth at their hull. All transient broth i a e cordially iiniled to meet with us. J. G. Kic'iikv, W. M. Wm. Hats. Secrelary. I".! 5 it A SIC A Meets si't'iuid CI1APTKK. NO. a. II. A. M. ud fourth Tuesday of each i:;.n;li:it .Vn-im'e Hull. Transci nt brothers re inviteu io niL-et with us. F. IC. WlIITK, II. P. W'.m. I'ivM. Peeretary. l? r. ZION i.IOMMA DAltY. NO "Meeis V.ral ami third Wednesday night oi .-acn mouth at Al io 'shall, visiting ne cordiapy ii viti d to meet with ns Vm. Hays, Kec. F. I. Whitk, E. C. 5. K. 'J. brother Warranted. 'ASS COUNCIL NO lOL'l.liOYAL UCANUAI meets' the teciind and fourth Moudas of each in iuli at Araiunn Hall. it. N. Ule.vs, Regent, r. C. Minor. Secretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOAROOFTRADE President Kobt. B Windhan. 1st Vice President A. U. Todd 2nd Vice Presldeut W in Xevilh Secretary F. Herrmani' Treasurer F. it. Guihiuiii' niKKiTons. .1. C. Kichev. F. K. White. .1 C. Pattersot. J. A. CJoniier, 11. Elnon, C. W. Sherman, F. tJ or der, j. v. wecKoacn. McCONIHiE POST 45 G. A. R. itOSTKK. J. W. Jonxsox Commander. o. lwiss senior vice (f. A. Batks Junior "o. Adjutant. HXNKY SSTRKIGHT Q. M. VI alon Dixon Officer of the Day. -HARLES f ORD " Ouard ndkrson Fky Sergt Major. V I .-wuarter Alaster sergt. ... rosi, iiapiuiu n'ceiniL' o;iruruay evening - x .. ; " - . MIT! GBASPITBl! Mre are oponcl up in the Lar'st and Jet Jj'liteJ JioeMii in tlie County. We have a Treiiieiieluous Stock in anticipa tion of a long winter. "We propose to cut it tlown and will Civ Tou. th. SenefiI Of it now before the Holidays. In order to accomplish this syou we will jrive Per Oeni 0 if On Every Dollar's Worth of Winter Goods bought of us. Stock of Our CLOrHIlTG, FUEITISHIITG GOODS, Hats a,3L. Caps Were bought as Low as Cash could buy them from JS'ew York manufacturers. If you have been waiting for the Lowest Prices 3STOW IS YOUE TIMB. Call and convince yourselves. We are the Wide-A wake, Hard- Working, Never-to-be-Forgotten, Low Trice, Square Dealing Clothier. Carruth Building, - Cor. Main and 5lh Wecllacli Jiffi Tilt French Health Sjam?ess FOOT WARMERS ! AT ! 3 6 2E Ijirge assortment of Poets, Miscel laneous anel Juvenile Jiooks at J. P, Younjf's. . HEALTH iS WEALTH ! COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH! What in the world is the reason yon will eourh and keep coughini; and still keep tryinir inferior medicines when UlXi.'JS' CIIIJHUY COUGH SYRUP will nosi lively relieve vour courh at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an aetu d fact, and we guarantee it. Sold !y (;. P. Smith fc Co., druggists. Jules Iruhb Air .Ship. f.rr.iahlo inventor named II luibs i-3, it ci-'xiws. cuite san- Or h. C. Wese's Nerve and P-jIn Tie:imei.i n Ku:ir;iiliee siiecine Inr vs cr :i iriMia iiiuiuisiuiis. rin. .t-rvoiis rudiir-iluni, Hi-ail ehe. Nerveu Pioslr-tinn e:rised lv tlin.. of a'i'olio! nrtolcicen. Wakefulness. Vt-ntalDo-pre-,1-1011, Si.fte:i!nn of the Hrain resulting i,i in- I leiiiiiiie i niierv. cieeav jiinl 'ieata. T:nariire dd Aire. P.arrei.nes.. I.mss nf er in either sex. In v:iui.t.u v I., an:! Sner- mat rriKua csmsed iv nvrr.ivM i..t, f ii.i ln-iiiii. self;ilmse or over-indnl eoni.iins one ruoeih's tre.irment. Si oo a box RSI i nm mmm i-i. ;jc -.notion by incaiis-of boats wcrlrcd ?L'8.!,x..i,',?..,"r '"'' s"Mt b' "'ail" prepaid or .i " ii. .t .... . "i".; "WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure anv c:ise. With pju-Ii ni-iior -..;..,i -Iy ns for six bones, aeeomiian ed with S;" oo we will send the purchaser our written 1:11:11:111- t :i .-oiuethni"- like the switclibac- it.iv.-ay" system. Theso marvelous truilsarc, it is said, to transport pco I !c fi-om Pari3 to St. Petersburg i:i tip;!:t Lours, unless the aeronaut's in vention is making name of him. JL ImL:; is working at Iiis wonderful in vention in the Rue dc Traktir, off the .. . . 1T;1 TT Vj 1 -ii iicMuu iciur iiugu, uui people wiu I.ave to wait a little befoi-o they can put .".ny trust in lib promises on such unprecedented velocity of locomotion. Pris Cor. London Daily Telegraplj. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. Uut it may run into cat;;ith. Or into pneumonia. Or con uiiiption. (- itarrh is disgustinfj, pneumonia is danirorous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions anel offensive matter. Otherwise there is ahead, All the diseases of these parts, head, nos", throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can lie delightfully and entirely cured by tht- ue of Iioschee's German Syrup'. If yon dca't know this already, thousands an-", thousands of people .can tell you Th-y have been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. Bottle onjy 7.) cenn. Ask any druggist. tee to return the money if the treatment does iii eneei a rure. eiunrantee? Ixsueil only hv will J. Warrick sole a ot, 1 lattsmomh. Ktb THE LADIES' FAVORITE, NEVER OUT Of ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine, ask our agent at your place for terms anq prices. If you cannot find our asreut. write direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE aOMEM. ILL. UN10N SQUARE,N.Y:- DALLAS, ATLANTA. GA SUNTRAHCISCO Cloaks anc week, Special Sale commencing November 12th, continuir I . A- Laaies wraos Plush Cloaks and Children's Wear, Price 20 per cent les the r.r ofiered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove stateme uu mm jt mm mm II nut u ice itement. U. MUM, Plattfeinoath, Neb.. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen FUBHITURE The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City. COFFINS, CASKETS We have an im mense line ana will discount same 25 pei cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our I PLUSH SEORP WRAPS! are elegant garments. Ave sell t li e m at 14.50. worth all of 20.00. i 820 X 1 fittino m Plush Cloaks we sell for S20 sell elsewhere at $27. (jjf)D Plush Cloaks (PtJUwe sell for 25 ell elsewhere at $35. Plush Cloaks we sell for $40 sell elsewhere at 50." $jfRPlh Cloaks we 4dsell for $4.- sell elsewhere at $(0. : A Full Line ot Walking J" aclxots X. fold nt tlie 1 nees. Comfortabtes and Blankets A Fine fieleefpd T.inp nf fi-nin i fin on r. , UJ lU i.OU H, T,5U. tne nnest lo cent Uatting in the citv. We have Tho standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver I'ills; tliey never disappoint you. 30 pills 25c. At War ri k's drur store. ANP A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 16 IIJ3AKSE FUItNISIIKD FOR ALL FUNERALS. HEiNRY BOSCK. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, pricc9 ow , , house m the city, as we arc over-stocked with these g0(Is CALL AND SATISFY YOUKSELVES. J, Yours Itespecllully,