V - 1 - ' 14, ff?88. ' - THE DAILY UEUALui 1 L AITS MO U Til. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ) I- r Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. Kallnharjr. DeatM, Borawood Uaildla, Telrpkoa. Sa. &i. Dr. Ula, OfTlre In ;rin' lira Store, Kel 0ar. Cor. tflxth aa-l tiraalle, Trlrphoae So. 42. Ir. Wlthrra. DralUt, t'nloa lliorkr CITY CORDIALS. Prof. (Jaynore, of Omaha, will hold Lin rcgnlar dancing school tonight at Fitzgerald hall. Two new consolidated locomotives were received at the shops here today for use on the 15. & M. Milton NoMcs and his company passed through the city this morning on the K. C. en route to St. Joe. The only case of diphtheria reported today U that of Mrs. A. W. Johnson, a lady living on "Walnut street. A social w ill Ihi it'iven tonight at the parsonage of Rev. W. IJ. Alexander by the ladies of the M. E. church. The Sons of Veterans' ball at Fitz gerald hall last night was a grand suc cess. There were from fifty to one hun dred couples danced. The boys are trying to sharpen their shatcs on the sand bar todny. Good, clear ice would be a gieat luxury where they are trying to skate. The case, Shoemaker vs. Dunn, will be tried lefore-County Judge Russell this afternoon, and a iurv. The suit was brought about for replevin. Remember the matinee of "Lost in London" tomorrow (Siturday) afternoon, prices 25 and 50 cent", go and reserve your seats at J. P. Young's. Chas. Herkon was arraigned b?fore Jud?e Clifford this niorninir for being drunk and disorderly on the streets. He was not able to pay his fine and was sent to jail. In Pennsylvania it is said that the aspirants for postofiiees there average up about seven for each ofiiee. Plattsmouth and vicinity as far as we have learned. beats the record. The United IJrcthren's church, of Ne- hawka, which hns recently been erected, will be dedicated next Sunday. Mr. Brooks, professor of the college at Gib bon, Neb., will conduct the services. Dont fail to go to the Family Mati nee tomorrow afternoon and see the great Lyric spectator play "Lost in Lon don.' Fine scenery, line singing and dancing. It is a great play for children ilr. II. M. Gault has purchased another fine stallion for his farm to re place tho one which was killed by light ning last summer. The horse was pur chased by a Mr. Marshall in "Wisconsin for Mr. Gault. It is said to be about as fine an animal as the one he lost. The report was circulated this morn ing that County Attorney IJetson, who had filed suit, contesting the late elec tion, had withdrawn. Upon inquiry it was learned that Mr. Beeson had really withdrawn from the contest and that he and Gering have settled the affair amicably. Mrs. Morgan, mother of Messrs. Frank and Clel Morgan, is lying in a critical condition, at her home. She has leen debilitated for some time, but of late she has been afflicted with erysipelas which has come in contact with her heart. Last night it was feared that her last mo ments had arrived, but today she is slightly improving, but another attack is expected this afternoon or evening. c "We desire to return our thanks ob served the editor of an Arkansas paper in bis last issue, "to the members of the Gallusville Cornet Band for a serenade last night. The band can't play for shucks, and the music would have drawn a howl of pain from an Egyptian mum my but it awakened us from a horrible night-mare in which we seemed to be standing at the door of our office defend ing it against a sheriff who wore horns and hoofs and had come to take posses- I sion of it. Notwithstanding the appall ing character of the music it was the sweetest sound that ever struck our ear, and we don't lay the serenade up against the boys. They didn't mean any harm and they probably saved our life." "We now believe that mischievous rodents can le accused of the most rc diculous tricks and thefts since the fol lowing shoit story has been revealed. Their worthy title has spread far ami wide oyer the continent as a by-word "Rats," and we were obliged to txprcs. ourselves by the same word when we Jis eae.l to the story. Itats have even beei; found guilty of stealing a woman's false teeth. The woman who suffered the los is the wife of a farmer named Levi Cole, living near Bock Bluffs. The man whs heard to compl tin of the trouble caused i im by the rats, and he had finally made up Lis mind since the above misfortune, to extinguish them by "rough on rats." or some other terror to mbs. His w ife on retiring one night a short time aj;o re moved her teeth and left them on n tab!. Jlxta wrra heard ransackiug in the room, but the thought that they would conaid r fal-e t-eth of any value to them, never occurred to her. In the merning the m istir.itors wrr. dincovercd to be mUsin?, and he ha ssuncc Len able tn sec-ore her lost treaUru A Surprised Young Man. An instance occurred last night at the Sons of Veterans mask ball which re minded many of such scenes as are frequently revealed upon the sudden reak of day which strikes a car load of loye makers as they are rapidly pulled from a tunnel. The actions may not have been similar to that, but tho hot lurning words which were poured from one ear to another certainly corresponded with thore let loose under 6uch circum- stances. Ik-fore tho masks were lilted many pleasing conversations occurred between the young men and several supposed-to-be ladies. A young man who presents somewhat of n female Texnression even when his a. countenanco is not hidden from view by a mask, attired himself in a low-necked dress, while a stylish hat partially cov ered streaming golden tresses which reached the waist of this much admired beauty. By the aid of modern science, the young man managed to build ad ditions to himself which, when completed, passed him off in the regular form. He was sized up much by the young bloods who remarked to themselves: "I wonder who she is, I must not go home before meetinT her and bavins a dance. She is a beauy, and I believo she must be i stranger for I do not renietr.be- ever see ing that figure on any previous occasion.1 She danced with several of the young men, and all were apparently mcch de lighted with her company, her graceful dancing, her charming figure and musicul voice. One of the mashers danced with this young ldy, and being an intimate friend of the disguised, the great secret was divulged to him, which suddenly opened his eyes and he was about to thump the deceiver when he was sudden ly huslud up. The two made it up to seure a ooint on a fellow thev had "had it in for" for a short time. The victim was secured and intro duced to the young lady, and amorede- lirhtjd voung man could not have been found in the danco hall last evening. lie was gradually led on by this treach erous young female uutil he commenced to opt n fire: lie admired her very much and tho talfy which dropped between ihem nearly fastened them to the floor. The young lover revealed many secrets which he would not have the boys know for anv sum. For his sake (tor we know he will suffer much as it is) we '.vithh -ld many . of his expressions. hen all masks were removed, lie was the m ;st miserable of men and especially when -jjven the laugh by the boys. duel v. ill probably be the result of the hoax. St. Paul Herald. Nc v. ton Beers has got a play that the .nasses can see and be pleased. It pos -esses Jill the mystery, emotion, and vig orous action of melodrama, and is well icted iv a capabla company. In the third act is introduced the Rajah of Singapore, also the Pan Pipe Singers who do some fine old English Songs. with lihtnin changes. The play is really lyric spectacular, and is an ab- iolutj success. The scenery is all new ind b antiful. Especially grand is the seen-- in the last act representing Job's vision, where the auditor is translated from Ramshackle Cottage into a world of clisi'olt ing beauty, in which legions of cehtial beings are seen floating in the air. The play is in five acts and the scenic effects are the best efforts of La fayctt-.- W. Seavey of New Yoik city. Lost in London will be presented a the Yv'aterinan opera house tomorrow afternoon and evening. Tickets for both perfor. nances now on sale at the regular place. Wives? Buy your husbands a pair of tho o beautiful plush slippers at Slier wo-jd s. tf After The Postofflce. "As the heart panteth after the water brook i, so panteth my soul after thee, oh postoi'iee. My tongue thirsteth to lick the stamp, and mv loins yearn for the salary of $1,200 a year. When shall i com ., and how long shall that unwasher demo -rat continue to stand behind the boxes and hand out my mail with sneer t Have I not prayed day and night f-r the success of the republican ticket and at the great rally did I not carry torch, 'and when someone asked 'what's tlic m .tter with Harrison?' did I not shou' at the top of my voice, 'He's oil right : When I remember these things my s :il is feverish with impatience, and even i i my s'eep I cry out, 'How long, O L-..-.1, how long?"' Ex. Matinee. J.r.iton Beers' Lost in London conpany will -,:ve a grand Ladies and Children's M ;t; re tomorrow, presenting tho play "Li t in London" th same as at i.' yit, and you can reserve your seats for v t ne at 25 and 50 cents. You will mis- : rare treat if you fail to go. A Christmas Present. T. - ry 10c cash purchaser at Slier wood's will '; entitled to one chance on a 2.00 pair of skates. "Why freeze or starve?" is the pointed qii'sthm asked by the manufacturers of ' "Garhui 1 Stoves;" and we would add: Why buy a poor imitation when for the sai;;:' price yon can get the genuine "Gat!jnd:" Sold exclusively by Johnsos EBOTiiER'a. " IsmghtoT Sail I Our Odds aT:& Ends of ESS GOODS ! REMNANTS OF MtESS GOODS AT ABfll'T One Half Original Value. Odd Pieces of IDress G-oods Marked Way Below COST PRICE I SPECIAL VALUES IN Ladies' nderwear Our 50c White Merino Vests and Pants are the best value in the city. Our 73c Camcl3 Huir Vests and rants sell clswhere at $1.00. Our $1.00 National "Wool Vests and , Pants well worth $1.25. Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the Lest goods for the price offered. Our $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants worth $4.00 a suit. Our $1.50 Scarlet Vests and Pants are our regular $2.00 quality. D K;eiB.iiaii t Sal FRED HEREMANN, OlfE DOOR EAST FIR T IIATIOITAL BANK. PERSONAL S- Mr. Louie Foltz of Mt. Pleasant, is in the city today. Mrs. Joe Klein, who has been visiti:. friends at Cmaha, returned home this morning. Mr. John Rucdy, of Hamburg, la., uncle of Mr. Miko Grassmam, returned home this morning, after a few days' visit in the city. Riddle House arrivals: Jno. F. Toft. Omaha; A. Pichup, Omaha; W. J. New mann, Chicago; J. J. McDonald, St. Paul; C. F. Barnard, Omaha; W. H. Curtis, Omaha; L. W. "Welch, Omaha; D. L. Fil ley, Omaha; G. W. Irving, Omaha. --Some bold imp appropriated three pairs of pants which were hung out in front of Joe's clothing frtore this morn ing. Two pair were valued at $7 each, and the other at $6. They were taken between the hours of seven and eight. A New Year's Cift. R. Sherwood will give to every Cash purchaser of $2.00, or over, one chance on the beautiful doll valued at $15.00. Y's." There will be a regular meeting of the Y. W. C. T. U. tonight, at 7:30, in the Presbyterian church, to which honorary members are especially invited. Ladies! Call and see the full line of gents velvet and plush slippers at Sher wood's, tf The City Meat Market is the best place to buy fresh meats, pork chops, poultry and game of all kinds. tf T liavc TValcIics from $3.00 to $7.00 Tor Geullemen and am able to suit any one In price and quality and war rant all ?oois sold to be as represented. Cive me a call and sec for yourself. II. M. GAIXT. New York Smokers. "There does not appear to be a.ny decrease in smoking cigars and cigar ettes," said an old tobacconist to an Evening Sun reporter. '"Here arc scnio figures about the manufacture of theso goods in tins city. Tho cigars manufactured since Jan. 1 last were G-12.C33.74!); the cigarettes, 491, S)7fl,C20. In October, this year, tho number of cigars manufactured here was 73,0G'.), GCU, and the number of cigarettes 51, 11 5. CCD, cgair.it 5?.747,200 for the same period in lSe7. "The cigars manufactured this year are a litt!c stronger than in former years," enniir.ued the speaker. "This tj of eou: -c duo to tho fact that the lccvrs are stronger. I. lind that the majority of m-olrcrs prefer a strong or ir.ecaur.i i :ri:r because tncvt contain mcio Ihtvcr and produce A sweeter smoke." I - Our Odds and Ends of ilks, Velvets Remnants of Above Goods AT ABOUT One Half Original Value. Colored Velveteens Reduced to 40 cents a yard, worth 05 cents. Full Lines of AT POPULAR PRICES. in FULL STOCK Of ToWga:i.sT.i,i OVhunters, Jocky and Alpine C.'ips, Children's j Cashmere and IMush Hoods, Chil j drens Zephyr and Angora Hoods, ! Ladies' Hoods and Facinators. Holly HenfccMfifs. Our Stock in above goods is very complete, and we are show ing some very llicli Goods in Em broidered Silks and Linen. Full Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal loped, Iriitiel and plain white. Notice- The annual meeting of stockholders in the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Asso f iiition will be held on Monday Jan. 7th 1 -SO, in G. A..R. hall, city of Platts r..utb, for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year .'!-d for the transaction of such other uoiness as may properly come before the uieeting. J. n. Youxo, Dec. 4, '8S. tf Sec'y. Call and look nt the Bon Bon Boxen, Matol Boxes. Tooth Fielc Holders. IIe Knives. WhUk Broom, etc.. In Oxydixed silver, at II. SI. J AUII 'J. Also 4old Chains tor hoth Ladies and (ientlemen. Charms. Hina, Uold Pens and Pencil, a splendid assortment of everything: to be had in a First-Class Jewelery tore. Wool boots with rubbers reduced to $2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only 85 c at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for $1.25. "W. II. Baker has the stock of toys in the city. most complete tf Slier win & "Williams' mixed paints, the best in the market, atFricke & Oo's. drug store. 8-tf. Plenty of feed, flour, graham meal at Heisel's mill, tf and "Wool Boots and Rubbers $2.00 at Merges. complete, tf Why pay big prices for sewing ma chines when you can get a New Howe ut R. Sherwood's for $25,00? Clocks at II. 11. 4ault's from $1 OO to $20.00, warranted to ivc sat ifuctiou or money re funded. For Rent--A pleasant front room neatly furnished, only one block from Main street. Inguire of J. 1. Unruh. tf J. II. Donnelly has a fine display of silk and satin suspenders, plain and em broidered. He also has a fine line of fine initial handkerchi- fs. tf A house to rent in a good location, and at reasonable terms. Call at this office or corner of Marble and Sixth streets. Wool boots with rubbers reduced to $2.00 at Sherwood's. Men s arctics only 85c at Shi-rwood's, sold elsewhere fur $1.25. Why go to grocery and dry goods stores for arcticts when you can get them for 85c nt Sherwood's? There is a-fine stock of holiday goods at W. II. Baker's. Those who wish to make selections before the finest grades are sold, can have them laid away until they are ready to buy. tf Mrs, Simpson will receive h few pupil. in muic, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living ston's residence, corner Sixth and O.ik streets. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 1888. tf See Joe's Goods, g?t his Prices, and then let your own Judgment decide whether you can do so well anywhere e'se n3 at Joe'. - tf The Hsiht running Howe at Ruber t Sherwood's only f25?00. ., Cur Odds and Ends of savy IRibbod Wool Hoso, Sizes frexn 61 to 9, reduced to 50c. a. Sair, wcrtli from 75 to 90c. Extra Good Values in LADIES' ANJ OIIILDItEiVS WOOL HOSE at 25a per Pair. All BepairtaaeTH t Muffs , Boas, -A. 1ST ID FUR TRIMMINGS ! Black Coney Muffs, only 65 cents. Black Hare Muffs, only $1.25. Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only $3.50. Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00. Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00. Opposum Muffs, only $2.50. Lynx Muffs, only $5 00. Imitation Seal Muffs, only $:.50. Beaver Muffs, only $6.00 Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50. Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria, Silver Hare, Opposuiii, Lynx, Raccoon, Chinchilla Fur Tiimmings, at very low prices. Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only 40 cents per yard. FRED HEREMANI, ONE DO DE EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. UIMIUUIIUU UUUMMUU ULMU&V I2ST MEIT'S .AXTD LADIES' 2T32T-E EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS FHOM 75 CEXTTS TJP. THAT WILL BE MORE PLEASING FOR A PRESENT. ALL BUYING OVER 25c. WOETH AT OUR STORE WILL GET A Chance on the Fine Doll IN OUR WINDOW, TO BE DRAWN JANUARY 1, 1881). W. A. BOECE C JULIUS PEPPERBERG, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN TlIK Choicest Brands of Cigars, including our Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES always in stock. Nov. 26, 1885. C. F. S M I T H, The Boss Tailor Main St., Over Merges' Shoe Store. Has the best and most complete stock of samples, both foreign and domestic woolens that ever came west of Missouri river. Note these prices: Business suits from $16 to $35, dress suits, $ 25 to $45, pants $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards. tiPWill guaranteed a fit. Prices Defy Comoetilion. . OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. XOTAUY IX OFFICE. Titles Examined. Ab.starcts Compiled. In surance WritteiT, Beal Estate f old. netter Facilities for ma'ting Farm 'Loan than Any QthGC Agency. Sal I Cur Odds and Ends cf 77i Order to clear up Odd Gar ments in this Dc partnient we have marked them at a figure that will make them tf in a hurry. Call early and jret best choice. CLO Blankets suid Comfortables. White Blankets from $1.7." to $7. Grey Blankets from $1.5 to Scarlv Blankets from 3.5) to $!. COMFORTABLES ! Extra Good Values and uali ties from 1.00 to S-UJO. Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin, Knit, Cotton Blush and Cloth, at verv Low Prices. Dr. C- A. Marshall. -.71 U T W V.rV-VJ..'?-7' Hesident rc-ntit. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a ' Specialty. Auethttics given for Pain less Filling or Extraction of Tekth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silvery Rubber or Celluloid Plates, mh! inserted as soon as teeth are ' xtracted whin de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. FiTzcr.KALi)-8 Block Pr.'.xrsMotTTH, Nkb jXS500SSS I 4 foran Incurable case of Catarrh I 1 MJ UtkeHe! by the proprietors of DR. CAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptoms of Catarrh. Headache Obstruction of noee. discharges falling' into throat, K) me times profuse, wutery, and acrid t others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent bloody and putrid ; eyea weak, ringing in ears! deafness, difficulty of clearing throat, xppcto!. ation of offensive matter: breath offensive: raeli and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of these symptoms likely to bo pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in on. umption. and end in tho pxave. By its mild, soothing-, and healinjr pronertloa. Dr. Sara's HrmoHT rurw. h ,7 r' ' 'l1 ' pi, vnwn. ax,'. The Original ASJW Liver Pills. IUrthl Vrnrtn. y. . j. 1 1 , est. easiest to take. One Pellet a Dow. rraUck Ceadache, III lion Ileadnr hr I TineK, CousUpaUou. Iudleektin.? 1 "(I it lf C S.i ts boweU. a cf. by drurjisU. r- J TCCT