the daily .herald i i'Ui j-xsakuu-rn, i215kaka, feiday, December V j vi 3 Plattsmouth Daily Heraid. KNOTTY BHC S., Publishers & Proprietors. TICK PLATTSMOUTII II Kit A LD I publlMietl every evening except Sunday na wevuiy every Thursday morning. Kcgi tereU at the toni.-e. I'.ntf i-moutli. N'eur.. cniia-eLft niHtter. Olllce corner ot Viue mid riiiii Mreels. Jeiephoue No. an. TKIMS FOB DAII.V. Due copy on er In lv;inc by mall $ oo Inecoiiy iier llioutli. lv t-arrlirr fU One copy per week. Iiy carrier 15 TUMS roU WKKKLV. One eopjr one year. In advance ft .v one copy aix inoiiinn. in auvauee Our Clubing List. WrrKLV IlKKAI.Iiauit V. V. World.. N. Y. Trlune. i 'in-ili a Kcp 3 N. 1 . I'reH 2 ' N. . lot -j :v ll.irix-rn MniMine 4 w Weekly. 1 llaar... 4 i oiiiik people 3 Neli. Farmer 2 Wi liemoresl it Month- ly Magazine 3 1 Mil. iiitxkv Iras sent the new navy nil tdc way to Il.ijti fur a little practice. There was no necl of it as tlu state ol Marylan 1 wiU give t iinvy nil it want? at its oyster pirates. Tiik of lettO will In; taken id about a year, niul it will le taken under tl.e direction of the republicans. This iii another advantage to the c unty which id the result from the li deino- cri'S disaster of the ith of last month. GEN. IfAlttlSOXS POLICY. rho Uraml Army lleoiew for this month publishes nn open letter to Presi dent Harrison elect regarding the rights of union Holdiera to public oflicen, nd why they justly own tlie preference for servant of the people. The Iteview in the letter quotes the resolutions passed by the Veterans Rights Union in lsij:: wherein they declared: Third That in our judgment no veter an soiuier or sailor slioulu Lie denied a place in the civil service of this govern ment so long as there are pltces he is fitted to fill, and no politicul party has the right to proscribe these men. I4 1 1 tli, I Hit equal capacity being as sumed, snch men should have preference in appointments under a government where statute and patriotic sentiment 'dike prohibit discrimination against them in the various departments of the pilbbc service. - . The voters of a majority of these United States haye this fall declared at the polls that the union soldier was worthy the support and honor of the American people, and that men from unio ranks should have their rights, by selecting as a leader of our government, a in in from among them. And Presi dent llarriso'i in his administration will give I lie people a pure and patriotic form of government and will honor those de serving of it The coming president will not deceive the people who have made thei- ideas manifest bv electing him, nor will he forget the men of his kind whom those who voted for him love to . honor. friIKE SCHNELLBACHER Wagon nnd Iilar ksn.iili Shop. Wagon; Buggy, Machine ;m;i Plow Horseslio ng A Specialty. He uses the Ilorseslroe, the Best IIorsshoe for the Farmer, or for Fast driving and City purposes, ever invented. It is made so anyone can can put on sharp or Hat corks as needed for wet and slippery roads, or smooth dry roads. Call and Examine these Shees and you will have no other. J. M. Schnellbacher, rth St., riattsmouth, Neb. GFTY Mayor, Cierk, Treasurer, Aiiomey, Kiitfiuerr, I'ollce Jude, Marshall, Couucilmen, 1st ward, " 2nd " OFFICIOS. F.M. " 3rd 4th. Board Tub. Works Kit MKT V K Fox - Jane Pattkhhon, jh. - UvltON I'LAHK - A Madoi.k - S durrouu W 11 MALICK I J v Wkckbacu I A Salihbuhy j 1 M Jon km I lK. A SlIieMAN i M H Muhi-hy J W DUTTOMC I Cox O'Connor. I V McCai.lkn. Fkes W JOHNSON.UHAIKMAN KURD liOKDKK Hawks Worth SIEZEIT! GRASPIT! HOLDIT! 1 J w, ? FHKI t 1) 11 GOIjNTY OFFIGlilS. Vreasurer, Deputy Treasurer, - Clerk, - Deputy Clerk, Recorder of Deeds iMoutv Recorder Clerk of LHstiict Co art. Sheriff, Surveyor. - Attorney. suit. of Pub. School. County Judge. 13. A. CAMI'BKIX Thou. 1'ollock Bird C hitch field EXA CldTCHFIKLD W. U. l'ooi, JonN M. Lkyda W. C. .SlIOWALTKIt J. C. KlKKNHAHV A, MadolE Allkn Brkson Maynako Spin k C. KUSSKLL, j We are opened up in tlie Largest and Best Limited Jiooiu in the County. We have a Tremenduous Stock in anticipi tion of a long winter. "We propose to cut it down and will Give ITou the Heneftt! Of it now before the Holiday. In order to accomplish tin's Iiik passage ot the direct-tax bill in the house by a vote of 1TM to ! shows that but little more than half the demo crats of that body were oppesed to it, although a small fraction of them suc ceeded in delaying hual action upon it for several months. The amendment which the house adopted will compel further action on it by the senate. Its adoption, however, by both branches of congress is now certain. The president may veto it, but if he does it will dclaj its enactment only one year at the furthest It will be some years, douttlcss, be fore the year 13 will le surpassed in Plattsmouth by the amount of public im provement accomplished. During this year of republican administration in our city, sewer work and paving has betn done coual to any in the state. Hut it is not ytt time for rest, but to look around and say ''What uexti" The grading should never be permitted to rest, but should be carried on till our streets are xactly what they ought to be; the o!d creek beds where water has gathered to the depth of several feet should be filled by the city at the point of law, if it can not be done otherwise, before January 1, 1S$9. Doubtless much of the sickness in our city is due to these stagnant pud dles, and if they are not done away wiih soon, the springtime will come and find an excellent place to generate an epi demic of no mild orm. Plattsmouth is proud of her improvements but it shames her pride to h ive these creek beds full of sickening accumulations. Kvery bit of ground along the sewer way should lx brought to tlie e-tubINh';d grade, as quick as possible, then a com pit t; nnd lerfect drain will bj h id and an epi demic can not bjl iid to the hands of i: slow municipality. In considering tlie popular vote given in thee columns of the IIeratd today it shouM be remembered that Cleveland's majorities arc, as a rule, in states where tlie republican voters were not permitted freedom of action. In the twenty-two uorth-rn states (counting Colorado) Har rison's vote was 4,08:, 1 GO, and Cleve land's was 3,GI4,4S9; Harrison's majority oyer Cleveland 4GD,GS;. Iu the sixteen southern states Harrison had 1,353,303 votes, an-1 Cleveland 1,920,757; Cleve land's majority 5G7.3G4. The twenty- two northern states cast 7,096,G j7 votes for the two leading candidates while the sixteen southern states cast only 3,274,- 150, or less than half the number cast in the northern states. In states casting 70 per cent of the vote Harrison had a ma jority over Cleveland of 470,681. .French Health Seamless FOOT WARMERS! AT Sherwood's. J. C, BOOITE, BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER. All work first-class; west Fifth Street. North Robert Sherwood's Store. It. B. Windham, John a. Daviks, Notary Public. Kotary Fublic, V.1MI1IAMA 1AVIK, Attorneys - at - Law, Oriice over ISank r;Cas County. Plattsmouth, - - Nebraska BUSINESS IMKi:CTOHY. Sr Louis has made such progress in all 'iirect ions, tlie necessity of the erection of an cleyated railway to give rapid transit to ajl classes is becoming evident, and the benefits of such a railway to the city sire being vigorously explained by an eastern company which is desirous of hiving a franchise passed in their! favor. The company offers the citv A TTOKNEY. S. F. THOMAS. Attorner-at-Law anrl Notary- I'ublie. l'iizgera'd Uiock. l'lattsmoutli, Neb. Ofllce in ATTORN l.Y. A. x. sm.r.iv a v Will giveDroniDt Attention to all buHiuesH intrusted to him. Office in Union lUock. East siUft. Plattsmouth. Neb. HOARD OK SUPEBVISOKS. V. B. Todd. Ch'in.. - - Plattsmouth Louis Koltz, - Weeping Water a. u. ijicksox, - .biuiwooa GIVIG SOCIHTJSS. 11ASS l.OUCJK No. 146, 1 O. O. F. -Meets '-'every Tuesday eveiiiutr or each week. ansient brothers are respectfully invited to vtenu. J1LATTMOUTH ENCAMPMENT No. 3. I. O. - O. P.. meets every alternate Friday in eaeh month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting tir.jiiiers are luvitea ro aiteuu. Initio LODGE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers are respectfully ia- viK-uioHiiemi. r . j. morgan. Master wore man ; P. P. Brown. Foreman : (. B. Kemster. Over seer: It. A. Taite, Financier; t. F. Houee worth. Recorder; M. May bright. Receiver; if. n. nmii.ii, ram .-vi. v. : i. r . uowen, uuuie ; r. j. jvuiiz, inside w at !;. we will ;ive von hi mllh 0 On Every Dollar's Worth of Winter ( I ootid Stock of bought of us. Our ilASS CAMP NO. HX nKiiN woodmen of America .Meets .;! an.i foiirtli Mon day evening at iv. ot I', li t I All transient brothers are reipiesled iae- tin. L. A, newcomer, v ener.ti;le i;.ms,ii ; r- iNilen- Worthy Adviser ; S. C. ilde, Bai.Ster ; W. A. tsoecK, Ult lK. PLATTSMOU IU I.OIHIE NO. S. A. O. C. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at RockwoodhallatSo'cIoeu. All Transient broth ers are respectfully invited to attend. L. S. l-nrsoii, M. w. ; e . I'.ovd, Foreman : S. C. Wilde, Kecorder ; Loonaid Andersou. Overseer. 1 1 L AT rsMO UTfl LOUGENO. G. A. F. jk A.M. A- Meets on the first and liiird Mondays of eacu iiioniu ai ineir nau. ah transient orotn- tra are cordially iu ited to meet with us. J. G. KlCHKY, W. M. VV?T. II ats. Secret ary. V EBKA.SK A CHAPTER. NO. 3: R. A. M L Meets second and fourtli Tuesday of eaeh month at MiimiuV llall. Transciint brothers are invited to meet witli us. F. E. WtiiTi?, II. P. Wm. 1 vk. Secretary. "If c. ZlON CO.MMAM)ARV. NO. 5. K. T. '--MeetB first and third Weilnesilnv niL'lit ol each month at Mason's hall. Visiting brother UK coroiaov luvueu to meet Willi na. Wm. Hays. Rec. F. E. Wiutk. E. f!. CLOrHIlTG, FUR1TISHI1TG- GOODS, Hate a,iCLdL Caps Were bought as Low as Cash cbuld buy them from A'cw York manufacturers. If you have been waiting for the Lowest Prices STOW IS TSMB. Cull and convince yourselves. We are the Wide-Awake, Hard- Working, Never-to-be-Forgotten, Low Price, Square Dealing Clothiers. pASSCOUNCILNO 1021. ROYAL RCA N CM meet the second and fourth Mondays of acu mouth at Arcauum Hall. It. N. Glenn, Regent. P. O. Minor, Secretary. GKOCEBIES. CHRIS. WOHLFARTH. Staple and Fancy Grn.wies. (;isswar nnr Croekeiy, Flour and Feed. C3-. B. KEMPSTER, -ood inducements on their part, with PrQCtiCal PlailO Slid OrPH TllllBr ouijr :i uve-penf iare, ana in an proua biiity St Louis will be the fjrst western city to have transportation by an cleyated railw ij. AND KEPAIItKR. First-class work guaranteed. Also deni er in Piano and Organ:?. Cfftice at fJoti f l'lattsmoutli, Nebraska furniture store. ALFRED DOLGEG . Celebrated French Slippers R. AT SHERWOOD'S THE OFFICAL POPULAIl VOTE. The following table is compiled fron: the oIicial returns from all the states. It give the vote in each stats of the elector at the head of the ticket, and foi this reason it mny vary .i few votes fron. other like tables, as it is wvll known tin: voUth, for unaccountable reasons, some times scratch one or more electoral uamct from their tickets. But thr discrepancie are not great, and the table will be found to be as accurate as ran be piopaie 1 el this time. We aUo rive a comparison with the vote of 1834: IS. BTATKS. Rep. i D. ni. The Mistakes of Moses and Ingcrsoll, are common topics of co version. lut the mistake we wish to coiiii:: ni on nerc is tic trreat me so manv j.eople labor under that consump tion ( --.Inch is really only Scryfulu of the huni; iu an incurable tlisease, and that ihe.-e is no hope for one suffering from it. This U-rnble malax! v, that ycjjrly fills so maMV graves, can be surely cured, if not too neglected. He wise n time, if you n:e ainicted with It. and arrest the miI'-r;iiiniiirr intliieiiee id tsi-.tiinn your life-blood, and hurrying you to an H FA I TM HJLftTi unim-lv "rave, bv nsin Dr. PiVrr-,. 1 S I Ool 1. -j iledical Discovery, a remedy that i.ever fails in its life-giving mission, if t:d. n in time. All druggists, Tii light running Howe at Sherwood's only S2",.()0. HOW CAN PARENTS ahoa llieir children to cough and t-trnm and .ugh and calmly say: "Oh! it is in!y .- little cold." and keep giving then; ch.Mp ind daiigerous medicines, until they i re down with lung fever or con- . 1 . 1 a . -ii: ip ion. wii'n inev can ie si easily re lieve.! by CEGGS" CHEHRY COUGH SY UUP if It Ins no superior, and few efj;:.ii--. Fors.ile by O. P. Smith & Co., !tru';:ts. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Robt. R Windhan 1st Vice President A. R. Tod: 2nd Vice President Win Nevill. Secretary f. llernnani- Treasurer..... F- R (Jutlmian iII.El,TOH3. J, C. Pvichey. P. E. White. J. C. Patterson, J. A. Conner, li. Elsou, C. V. Slierinau, F. (Jor der, J. V. Weckbach. McCONIHIE POST 45 G. A. R. KOaXKK. I- W. Johnsox Commander. S. Twiss Senior Vice '.a.Uatbs, Junior " ' i."0- Nilks Adjutant. XNKV STUKIGUT Q, M. vlon Dixon Ofllceror the Day. 'ahlksFord (iuard i n D KitsON F y Serjft Major. -acobIiObblkmak.. ..Quarter Master Sergt. y- ;utis Tost Chaplain eetlnir Saturday eveniD Alabama. ... Arkansas ... C'alifomia... Colorado.... Connecticut iWaware ... Plorida .. .. ieon;ia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kanas - Kentucky.... Louisiana Maine Mary land ta iaclmsel-4 31 i lnan . MinDe.fita MisKnlppl Mi-tcouii .. Nebraska . Nevada New Ilaini'V New Jersey.. New Yirk North C'arol'a Ohio Oregon j Pennylvania J:atxle laland. South i arol'a. Tennenee .. Tea Veunoiit ..... Virrinla v. Vlr inia.- W lCOn: III 57.1 S(7; M.T.V.' 11'l.S.KI 30.774 I 37a.47.T H7 31 ' ... ' 117.7 37 1 74.!rjl 16 47s ; 3J.(wl i ioo.4i!i ; 34S.277. Oera so .vi ! m ft", "n.f ;."( 7.i. .v;.!"!'! -J7.7J: 6" !-j.: 67.i:i: I2.9T.I 16 IH. 2sn:n! S1.7w 4.i:e.T 4.i;7 337.474 312.3.V 2.a;i iv,i.i.j : .-t-i -'U.rx.i iTll.S'.is: 17977j l:7.oy 177.3H 1 :i latest .Novelties of Xckties and Muifl rs at Joe's, The Only One Prict ClutluvT in Plattsmouth. tf 1"2,V2' 1. v.i.n; .to 7or 7;j.7S4. 1H.1.0' 2v;.:rro :.) i;. 2. v; 'su,,; 7.0S.H 4 7.v. 141 311 av; 13l.74 4I Oil 3.1.2: 2I.!.M M l:u; I3S.H!I us 4-,.1'J-' :t.i.v 7.4:! 176.63 lri..V4''' .e.3'( 50.4XI1 n itm 15I.KV. 213.44 !!.IVM . XT, 47o , 2;i.f4 , I0..V.-.- i 5,14!i I 43.4S7, l.4: ii.!ir.' ; 3:: 4Vj! as.24'i iui.xu ; 17..V; ,'; ;.".'." ; ! 1. Vi.7 j' 2. 4.M:-j: 1i 7: 11 :: 7 s . k : 1-I c: sa.i.-K lis.122! l.v.:ii 4'.317, :..- I J 7-JJIH, .r.'.l4 MAX lUim' 122.4-1 l;n;.H::-( uw is Total J5.J; C27.5 334 Vi l.'.rz 43..V: 202 f."' 7C.9f-' 7.1!' 4.1.24V li'WK 1, ' kn 123.W 4- o :i 21;.- 47; si lf a- 2I.::k iii.i'7: :.:.! I f x ."' l'U.l.V. i I.K.-.1 ai 70.11 7li..".ll 5l,.Tj: 5.67 3U.IK; 127.7!! 142'Jt 21 W 3 7N" 12 .TJI : km 11 2:V 22) &. . 17.3SI I4S.4:. ; ii;. r:- 4 S749J'; Cleveland's plurality on popular vote, 97,820. ----- . The total prohibition vote tins ytar: was 24,814, a ajain t 150,:J09 in ISM. The labor vote has not lw?en fully re turned, but it will amount to 140,000. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catnr.-;i. Or into pneumonia. Or con- um tion. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is tlaiiir.-rous. Consumption is death itself, Th-.,- breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and vffen-uve matter. Otherwise there trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head nose, t-iroat. bronchial tubes and lungs, can le delightfully and entirely cured by the use of liosciiec s German Syrup. If yn dun t know this already, thousands and thousands of people fan tell you They have been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. IJottle only 75 cent.. Ask any drujrgist. Notice. AH parties knowiug themselves in debted to m;, are requested to balance their accounts on or before the fir.-t day of January 18S!), na, after that time, all accounts will positively be left in the hands of a collector. DlU SCHII-DKNECKT. Nov. 20. tf The standard remedy for liver com plaint is West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint you. 5J0 pills 2.jc At War rick's drug store. Dr. K.C. West's Nerve and R-jtn Tr. a. Ku i'.iiiiro ppi-cmc iur iiyM iia li.7.i'iess t.onvulsioas. Fits. Ntvus Neiir-ljrla. ili ad a:iie. : erveoue i rost iv t !! e:tesed by tm-u-f ui aii-onoi orionaeeo. waKeii.Miiess. A'enlal De pression. Softeiiiiitf of the Hrain isnli r," i.i o.. sanitv and leartinu t misorv, decay ami -leaHi reaia: lire old Aae. Tai rcniiess. P.m.' er iii.ithersex. liivdiii:tary Losoes and Knt-r-jnat-rriKea caused by over-exertion of rhe lirain. selfabuse or over-indulgence K-ieh box contains one month' treatment, 1 (mi a box or six boxes for 55.00, sent by mail prepaid or receipt of price ?E GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To etro anv ca. AVuli by us for six boxes, nccompan ed with 55 oo we will send the Durcb tee to return the money if the treatment doe n?l eert a cure. Ju:rantees issued onlv hv win . i. Warrick sole a t, l'lattsmoutli. NeL hi V V-V-i -I ME "V V III THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a tewing machine, ask our asrent at your place for terms and iiriinui. vim rHii ri tr. nnn nnr n dvtit. wymta Carrulh Building, Cor. Main and 5th. W(il!Sli;il! I's Dailll Special Sale commencin' November I2tli Cloaks and La con tin u u-g one week, I' I lAf. Plush Cloaks and Children's Wear, Price 20 per cent less the price ottered anywhere in the citv. Kvinni.t;,,,. ,t :n , .. . 1 j PLUSH WRAPS Examination will prove- statement. direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE aOMjM i ll. unlUN SqUARE,NX- DALLAS ST LOUIS. MO. ATkANTA.GA.. TEX. J. M. MUM, Plattsmouth, Neb. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen IF ILTil&E If II The Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City. COFFINS, CASKETS TIT 1 we nave an im mense line and will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our PLUSH SE0R! WRAPS are elegant garments. We sell them at $14.50. worth all of $20.00 nttinp- V mm V . . i pldsh mm $202'"; h Cloaks eell for S20 eJl elsewhere at $27. (MRPIusli Cloaks VuJwe ell for $2o dl elsewhere at $35. Cloitks wo or so eJsewhern .-it 5?-.ri A in Pi-t. -i i 9Jsell for S4- fell elsewhere at 00. - A Full Line of Jackets old at tl prices. Comfortabtes and Blankets A Iine belected Line of from 1.00 tin to SO.fio s. the finest 15 cent Batting in the citv. Me huc AND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF tit aoo.t3 8 IIE.VRSE FURNISHED FOR ALL FUNERALS. iHiflNRY BOECK. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colarg, Searlct Stripe, Prices lower nI V house in the citj, as we arc over-stoektil willi these good- ' CALL AN1 SATISFY YOUilSELVES. Si Y0 Yours Respectfully, 11 II I 1, 1) 1 1 - ; '-W. V. Ilium.