The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 13, 1888, Image 4

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    if IS
Tno Evening Herald.
A. KtllHlmrr. DcatUt, Korkwooil Maildlnff,
Telephone Mo.
Dr. Shrgln, Olllea la (ierlnK Drag Store, UeU
aeaee tor. Sixth n l Ursnite, Telephone o.
Dr. Wither, Dm tint, t'nlon Blork.
Sons of Veterans ball tonight at the
Fitzgerald hall.
As the management failed to come to
time, the twins have abandoned the com
pany. Mrs. Thos. Kempstcr is now lying in
a critical condition, suffering from blood
Two handsome coaches were re
ceived this morning at the shops here
from the east. Thev arc to be used on
the B. & M.
Miss M. E. ii'artin will arrive from
the east in about ten days for the purpose
of organizing a class in vocal and instru
mental music.
The jury in the District court return
ed a verdict this morning in the case of
Parmtle vs. Vallery. Parmele sued for
o n t ami rri it n vi-r.liet for the whole
amount and costs, which will le $ 114.110.
Prof. Schmidt, of Omalia, has a
lare number of costumes which he will
rent for the masquerade ball tonight, on
exhibition, in the rooms above the post
office at the rear of the Andcuser-IJubch
Mr. W. A. Boeck has made a fine
display in his show window. On a largo
boot which stands on a sleigh is perche
a beautiful doll which he will rallle on
the first of January. Any person pur
rhasing goods amounting to over twenty-
five cents will be entitled to a chance.
The Sons of Veterans masquerade ball
will be held in Fitzgerald's hall this ev
cning. Prof. Schmidt, of Omaha, lias
funished a fine lot of costumes for the
occasion. A large number of lickttshavc
been sold, and the event will no doubt
lc a very successful one, both socially and
Mr Jas. IL Reynolds and Miss Carrie
TT,.lb.M npri united it the holv bonds
of matrimony last evening about
vinr-V- Tho marriage ceremony was
performed at the home of the groom's
brother on Winterstien hill, by Rev. W.
B. Alexander, of the M. E. church. Both
bride and groom are residents of this
A case of sympathy occurred in the
District court yesterday. Sharp vs M. P.
By. was on trial. Sharp's eloquent at
torneys worked on the sympathy of the
juiy and by that means got a verdict for
$.",(. In a moment afterwards the elo
quent attorneys filed a lien on the verdict
for f50. They were done with sympathy
in that case, or rather it was meant for
thj jury and not for the attorneys.
Miss Clara B. Paul, who has been
very prominent in this city for the past
year, as a music teacher, aud who has
won many warm friends during her stay
here, returned to her home at Hopedalr.
C by the flyer yesterday afternoon. Sh
will remain there for several months,
after which, we learn that it is her inten
tion to return to Plattsmouth. We mav
as well inform music students who hv
been laboring under her instructions for
the past year, they need not wait for
her to return intending to resume theb
studies under her tuition, as a mor
interesting and advanced scholar will
then occupy her attention.
Both entertainments given at the
opera house the last two evenings were
a, grand success in every way. The young
ladies of the Y. L. R. R- A., under whose
auspices the entertainments were given,
have cleared about $70 in all, which is
considered a very fair recompense for
their labors. The receipts at the opera
house last night amounted to about $55.
and the evening before, about $75. The
audience apparently appreciated the per
formance hist night even more than the
eyening before, if such a thing were pos
sible. The style of the entertainment was
considered the nml complete of any
ever given in this city by home talent.
Every person who attended was favor
ably impressed, and when sich is the
case in this critical city, the entertainment
.can only be firsl-clas.
pttcr3ay be-in Mr. John Mil or's
thirty-firth lrlhdv, his wife arranged
a veiy pleasant surprise for his benefit.
Ten of his most intlmalf friends were in
vited to be present at hi- 1 o:ne, South
Park, shortly before fix o'clock last ev -ning,
the time f r Lis arrival. All were
present, a- tr intended, aud Mr. Minor
was completely t iken by surprise. Mrs.
Minor prepared an inviting rep.i-t for
nartv and a m
ioit enjoyald time was
. . ... .
- i
upem, -
nr if - f n-fii nrpfPnlCfl Willi It !
n:i. ' i i
na re:i in !er of the
"old-!:adcJ fane a
...t l.t- tlilrl w-'nurtli timf
ieasnni ccji - j
rrti.nil. Rfisr.N were received from
several who wir; ua x". to I e r
The following gent'e iVn we e r
tr. Brroa C!ar!rf ttty- Wead,
several who wir; ua to 1 e i resent.
- - - IT .
I I -nnfil. JiUlUr. 11. " t,
iteriu, -j'- -
Patriot, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Newton Beers' excellent company of
comedians and singers produced the
lonular play of "Lost in London mag
nificent spectacular attractions and scenic
effects at the opera house lust night. The
audience gradually warmed up to a
hearty applause and approval. I he per
fect ensemble was carried out in every
particular as promised by Mr. Beers in
his advertisements, a rare thing - uow-a
days to the amusement line. The scenery
was really magnificent from the Lru9b ot
the famous New York artist, Lafayette
W. Heavey. The principal pictures were:
'The Heart o Bleakmoore" with swarthy
miners at work, cage with miners ascend
ing and decending the shaft. In this
scene '"Job Armroyd" caught the heart of
his entire audience when he is told of
his wife's desertion and flight to London
with young "Featherstone," his employer
The snow sensation in the heart ot Lon
don was a wonderful piece of perspective
work. The conservatory scene was very
beautiful. In this act a very plea.ant
diyertisment is introduced, in which ap
pear the Pan Pipe Singers, a fpjartette of
remarkably clever vocalists; ucnjamin
Blinker created a considerable amount
of laughter with his funny songs and
sayings, the whole ending with songs
and marches by the entire company. The
last net was the finest of all in a scenic
way, at first disclosing a ruinofls cottage
near London, where "Nellie is carried
by "Job", and on her death the scene
-ha Hires into a splendid view of the l,el
wtial City, visible in the distance, while
in the foreground are angel euard:ng
the col den cates of paradise. This scene
is beautiful bcToud words, aud was en
cored time and again before the
thoroughly delighted audience left the
At the Waterman opera house on Sat
urdav evening next.
Mr. C. F. Smith was in Omaha yester
Mr. J. C. Gilmore went to Ashland this
The twins were dismissed from schoo
last night.
Senator Polk went to Omaha last night
on business.
Mr. Jas. Pollock, of Lincoln, arrive
in tin city yesterday afternoon.
Snpt. li. E. Thompson, of the B. & M.
remained in the city over night.
Mr. Parmele and daughter. Mrs. W.
J. Agnew, were passengers to Omaha
this morning.
Mr.--. R. Newell returned from Lincoln
1 tst night, where she had been visiting
friends for the past week.
Mr. O. P. Smith, who has been spend
ing s veral days with his brother at Red
Cloud, returned to the city this morning.
Mrs. J. W. Barnes, of York, mother of
Mrs. I. A. Campbell, arrived in the city
yesterday afternoon on the flyer. She
returned home this morning.
Mi. J. C. Stewart and family took
their departure for Lincoln last evening.
Mr. S. goes there to work for the B.& M.
whil.- Mrs. S. visits her mother there.
List ot Letters
Rem lining unclaimed, in the PostofBce
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Dec. 12, 1S8S
for tlie week ending Dec. 1, 18SS:
Amle.-son. James Anderson. J W
I'.r.-Kit iioft, .loUii Briner. Mrs Mary
liri'ti n. N W Bailor, Win
r.r:ui. Wni 8 Baldwin. W in
Mis Susan 'rai;r, W II
Elsu i Win Frietlricli. It E
G(iuiii, Mrs Sophiah Harrington
H w line u
Karsonek. John
Kiliiiow. Thomas
l.utz. Miss Laura
McOimmey. Liiulley
Mutli. Henry
Mt-'.! urt. K
M:ise:nlorf, S P
Kalff. Mr.
siet-t J. in
Spier-. 1 liomas M
lavli r. W B
West. Mell
Mclntyre, Tom
Olesen.OIl Christian
Stendell.K It
Sy thorn. Tonus
Thomas. O t;
Walker, Louis
Westlake, William.
Persons culling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise, P. M.
W. E. Paul, who was tried on Sat
day last before Judge Pottenger for
en:!r. zzlement of $73 of the Metropolitan
Manufacturing Company's money, was
not bound over as was stated in our local
cent' uiporary, but was acquitted. He was
accu-ed of appropriating about $73 of
the company's money, but it was shown
in tl:-; evidence that he was not guilty of
frau I in any way, as he had made a
statement to the company showing the
aii.ount he had retained. He wi:s
acquitted, the defense paying all costs.
Mr. Byron Clark acted as attorney for the
There were three new cases of diph
lli -i i i reported in the city register yes
terday. The ages of the patients are
thn-'-, nine and eighteen'. Fortunately
ad r.lts have not as yet fallen victims to
thi-s dread epidemic but should sucli
be the cae dread rci-utts arc f oared,
for great dilficulty will no doubt be cx.
pe;i need in checking its spread.
On or two of the stars wh appeared
in tl;e "District School" performance last
nit-tit, have been laid away with the sick
to ! ay, Since this js t!ii cae, what must
have become of a gre it portion of their
. ' .
di d Tuesd iy cvo mig. of diphtheria,
. afteri.0ln fr .,. the ,,emu
lwrects- There w
a large &tr
"Why Tfjc.r or htarvc-T' is the pointed
ipirstion as'ced bv the minufacturers of
"Culand Sroves;" and we would add;
Why buy a poor imitation when for the
ti!i!( nriee von c:m sit the cenuinc
1 (J.i-8uci, Sold ixclusivilyby
Our Odds and Ends of
One Half Original Value.
Odd Pioces of
IDress Qcodc
Marked Way Below
Our ."iOc White Slerino Vests nml Pants
arc the best value in the city.
Our 75c Camels Hair Vests and Pants
sell elswhere at iJ.OO.
Our $1.00 National Wool Vests and
Pants well worth $1.25.
Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the
best goods for the price offered.
Our 1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants
worth $4.00 a suit.
Our $1.50 Scarlet Vests and Pants are
our regular $2.00 quality.
The Prcbable Cause
"I can't understated what caused Bold
boy's insanity. He wants to climb tn .-s
and all sorts of absurd things.''
"Perhaps ho has been reading Amcli i
In the Presence of Cas.
"What did you think of Drool's lec
ture last evening?"
"It was intolerable."
"Did it weary you very much?"
"Weary me? It nearly asphyxiated
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a social tomorrow evening at the
parsonage, corner of Cth and Marble.
All are invited.
In the case Sharp vs. the Missouri
Pacific, which was on trial yesterday in
the district court, the jury returned a
verdict allowing Sharp $56.
aim sorts or Ilato.
There are flats and flats in New
York; big flats and small flats, good
flats and bad flats, cheap flats and dear
Just how many flats there are in
New York it would bo hard to say,
owing to a tendency on the part of
some owners of builc'igs to call every
form of dwelling a ilut that accommo
dates more than one family. Apple
ton's Directory, however, gives a list
of more than 300 select apartment
houses, each liaving a distinct and
more or les3 fashionable name. As
these flats range in value from $200,
000 to $1,000,000, a fair idea may bo
gained of tho enormous amount of
money invested in this titylo of dwell
ing house whicli is now going out of
Of course most flats are worth more
than $200,000. It was for thi3 price
the Marlborough sold some time ago.
But the Saratoga sold for $320,000; tho
Ooborne sold lor $1,009,252, and the
famous Navarro flats sold under fore
closure for $3,973,641. They origin
ally cost $0,000,000. Of course tho
latter flat could scarcely be called a
single building, sinco they were made
up of great Piles uiiuerone arclulec
turul Tan, all connected and all .open
ing into an interior court. They are
in their way tho finest buildings of
their kind in the world. Each struc
ture is nine stories high. Tho front is
broken up with recessed and arched
s wees, forming balconies and oriel
windows with turretson opposite sides
of the bulldjngs. New YorK Mail and
A clothing house in Minneapolis
took a Move
el method of advertising
Tuesday by throwing out of a fourth
sUuy window overcoats, pants and
other reiidy mado clothing. An im
mense crowd collected in street
below, and so great was the eagerness
to fyl noisesskm of the garments tjiat
ma iv lii ClP crowd were seriously in
jured ."i:J l!u sannents themselves
.tii. torn to si imli. North western
Our Odds and Ends of
Silks, Velvets
Remnants of Above Goods
One Half Original Value.
Colored Velveteens
Reduced to 40 cents a yard, worth
05 cents. Full Liues of
it Sale in
Of Toboggans, Tain ( ),lianters,
Jocky and Alpine Caps, Children's
Cashmere and Flush Hoods, Chil-
i drens Zephyr and Angora Hoods,
I Ladies' Hoods and Facinators.
Our Stock in above goods is
very complete, and we are show
ing some very Rich Goods in Em-
i broidered Silks and Linen. Full
Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal
loped, Initiel and plain white.
The annual meeting of stockholders in
the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Asso
ciation will be held on Monday Jan. 7th
. 89, in G. A. R. hall, city of Platts
mouth, for the purpose of electing a
board of directors for the ensuing year
:ndforthe transaction of such other
business as may properly come before the
meeting. J. II. Young,
Dec. 4, '88. tf Sec'y.
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only
85 c at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for
Who said Genng & Co.
didn't have
the finest line of holiday goods?
W. H. Baker has the most complete
stock of toys in the city. tf
Sherwin & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFricke & Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
Don't go to Mike's blacksmith shop
for arctics when you can get them for
85c at Sherwood's.
Who said Gering & Co. didn't have
the finest line of holiday goods? 3t
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meal at Ileisel's mill, tf
Wool Boots and Rubbers complete,
$2.00 at Herges. tf
Who said Gering & Co. didn't have
the finest line of holiday goods? 3t
Why pay big prices for sewing ma
chines when you can get a New Howe at
R. Sherwood's for $25,00?
Fon Rent -A pleasant front room
neatly furnished, only one blook from
Main street. Inguire of J. I. Unruh. tf
J. II. Donnelly has a fine display of
silk and satin suspeuders, plain and em
broidered. He also has a fine line of
fine initial handkerchb fs. tf
A house to rent in a good location, and
at reasonable terms. Call at this office
or corner of Marble and Sixth streets.
Dun't be mislead by so called Reduced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
vou can buy better goods for less mon-y
:it Joe's The Qiy Price Clothier. tf
Wofil boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's. Men's arctics only
s.- n: Sli rwood's, Fold elsewhere for
Why fo to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticts when you ran get them
for 85c at Sherwood's?
There is a fine stock of holiday goods
at W. H. Baker's. Those who wish r.
make selections before the finest grade
are fold, ran have tl'eni laid away until
they are ready to buy. . tf
Pon't go to Mike's blacksmith shop for
arctics when y u can get them for 85c
at Sherwood-'s. tf.
' The finet and largest stuck of holiday
(roods ever brought to the i jfy at TjY. II.
Baker's. tf
.sknarMtei9 Sale I
Cur Odds and Ends of
Children's Extra
Hoavy Hibbad Wcol
Hoso, Sizos frcro. G
to 9, reduced to 50c.
a rair, worth, from
75 to 90c.
Extra Good Values in LADIES'
per Pair.
All apartment
Mufls, Boas,
Black Coney Muffs, only 65 cents.
Black Hare Muff?, only $1.25.
Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only
Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00.
Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00.
Opposum Muffs, only $2.50.
Lynx Muffs, only $5 00.
Imitation Seal Muffs, only $..50.
Beaver Muffs, only $G.0O
Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50.
Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria,
Silver Hare, Opposum, Lynx, Raccoon,
Chinchilla Fur Trimming, at very low
Best Quality Feather Tiimming, only
40 cents per yard.
Phrktrrm Saprifirp Salph
A Chance on the Fine Doll
W. A. BOECE c& CO.
Choicest Brands of Cigars,.
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885.
The Boss Tailor
Mala S., Oint Merpt-s' Slice Stoic.
Has the best and most com pi i tc stock
of simples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came west of Missouri
river. Note these prices: Business suits
from $1(5 to $35, dress suits, $35 to $45,
pants $4, $5, $6, $0.60 and upwards.'
F"Will guaranteed a fit.
rices Defy ComDelilion
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living
st ou's residcuce, corner Sixth and Oak
streets. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 18s8. tf
S'-e Joe's Goods, gr-t his Prices, and
linn let your own Judgineut decide
wh: tin r you can do so well anywhere
e!si- as at Joe's. tf
The City Meat Marki t is the Ixst lace
to buy frh nieots, pork chops, poultry
mhI Cie of til kind3. tf i
Our Odds and Ends of
Tn Order to clear
up O dd (i a r-
ments in this De
partment wo have
marked them at a
liure that w i 1 I
make them o in t
hurry. Call early
and jret hest choice.
Blankets iMid
White Blankets from $1.75 to 7.
Grey Blankets from $1.50 to $5.
Scarlv Blankets from 3.5o to $!.
Extra Good Values and Quali
ties from 1.00 to 4.00.
Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin,
Knit, Cotton Plush and Cloth, at
very Low Prices.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Hesidont Dentist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Auesthetics given for Pain
less Filling ok Ejctk action ok Tki tu
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver
Rubber or Celluloid Plat, s, lind inserted
as soon as teith are extracted when do
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
FlTOKHM.D'H Bf. f.K f HTP.M. v ..
fas? 'g??, 1
Thorpughlv cleanse the blood, which i tha
flr kin, buoyant spirits, aad bodily beaith
nd vigor will be established. 7 4
Golden Medical Discovery curea all humors.
fTom,ibe.'I?Ion P'mpJe. blotch, or eruption!
tothe worst Scrofula, or blood-poisonT Es
pecially baa It proven It efficacy la curin
Bait -rheum or Tetter, Eczema. Ervgl n
Iver-aorea, Hip-Joint Disease. sSSStoft
Borea and gwelfiaga. Enlarged Glands, ttol
tyfJtl Wclt and LaUiitf borea or
Golden MedlcjU Discovery cures Coniumn,
tlon (which la Scrofula-of the Lunirs) br K
otefujr blood -purifying. InvoritmB
2Jk SnK"rk BP'ttin of Blood. Short
of Breathy Catarrh to tha Heaxf, Dronl
chiti. Severe Cougha, Asthma, and kindred
ffecttopa. it la a overvign remedy. It
Uromptlj curea tha severest Cough?7 "
For TorPldUver, pUlouane-a. or M Llrer
f V i - 1 ,-, - ,
, - - - , , - t