The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 12, 1888, Image 4

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    Trie Evening Herald.
A. K.ll.l.ary, l)ea, Uoeknootl lSuil.linr,
Telephone Jo. M.
Br. Slla. OlHre I tierlns'n Drug Store, lt-l-ieare
l r. llk aa-l Uraaitr. Trlrubone .No. 4
Or. Wither, bent !t, laloo Klork.
r THE DAILr ii1 Ltil l LArrsMOtlTfl. NEBRASKA.- WEDMKStU V." l)ECfcMfiKK 12, i8S.
The mail dg ware is a thing of the
lieincmhcr the district .school tonight
at tlin ojm m Iiouhc. Everybody go.
Ono case of diphtheria has been re
ported on the citj register today. The
victim is Mrs. IIrt.
It i rumored that the District school
company has been engaged for a one
night stand at the Funk, Lincoln.
Regular meeting of W. C. T. U.
Thursday nftcrnoon at 3 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. H. A. Davis, on Pearl
Mr. John Kucdy, of Ilambcrg, la., is
the guest of his nephew, Mr. Mike Grass
man, of the book j.tore of Mr. W. II.
The snow when it fell must have
struck Omaha in more abundance than
riattsmouth as the inhabitants of the
metropolis have been skighriding
Reserved seat tickets for "Lost in
Loudon," are on sale now at J. I Young's,
both for matinee and night performances.
Matinee prices 25 and 50 cents, night
prices 75, 50 and :J5 cents.
--Our new tea man, who is located on
Fifth street, in the Sherwood block, has
leen painting things red within the last
few days and has made the front of Lis
store present a very bright and striking
. Mr. Wiley Black, one of the stock
. dealers of the city, informs us that the
market for hogs and cattle is slightly on
the decline, lie is now paying from $4.50
to $4.75 for hogs, and for cattle from
two to four cents.
Prof. Schmidt, of Omaha, who has
been engaged to fnrnish the custumes for
the Sons of Veterans masquerade ball,
which takes place on the evening of the
13th, will be in the city tomorrow with a
full line of elegant costumes.
Ellis Goolsby, who met with a ser
ious accident several weeks ago, when a
couple of car wheels passed over one of
Lis legs, is now able to move around on
crutcLes. His physician has been suc
cessful in saving his limb which was
terribly mashed.
We are glad to inform the citizens
that theepedemic which has been raging
in the city of late is slightly on the de
cline. Only one case lias been reported
so far, today, and the physicians are
under the impression that it can easily be
kept under control, now.
Mr. Ed Dutton, who mcl with an
accident in the B. & M. yards a few days
ago, breaking one of his legs, informed
us that he will now sell his ticket for the
S. of V. masquerade ball, which comes
off on the 15th, very cheap. He thinks
he will Lave no use for it then.
Mr. John Thomson, the contractor
who has pulled through w;th his work
on the sewer here after many trials and
tribulations, took Lis departure for Oma-
Jia last night, and as Le says, for ?ood
He thanked the newspapers for letting
him down as light as they did dur
ing Lis recent troubles. , He was appar
ently well satisfied to leave this city, and
lie did not say that Le would a'ain
tender for contracts here.
The reason why so many Christmas
presents, such as would be suitable for
young ladies, have been manufactured
this year, can easily be accounted for
The young men who have been left out
in the cold, shivering until now, and who
have not yet heard any of their voun
lady friends hint on the subject which
interests them most, will recognize this
as their last opportunity and purchase
extensively the articles which would
please them most.
uo ucuui. kiieriii leienuoneu the in
formation to the office of a newly mar
ried man who is now serving as a juror
in tlie District court, that he would
be obliged to keep the jury all nicht.and
wished a young man employed in the
ollice to break the news to his wife. The
young man secured a sheet of mourning
paper and an envelope to correspond,
and imparted the information to her by
i ruing a note on the paper. We have
not yet learned what a shock the news
has caused.
The District School.
The entertainment given at the opera
house last night afforded as much aum. e
mciit to the lovers of burlesque as any
comedy we have ever seen on the stage.
The old district school was presented by
the performers with ns much natural
ability as in the days gone by- over fifty
years ago, and all experienced spectators
informed us that the representation could
not have been surpassed. Many were
surprised to notice with what ease some
of the performers acquitted themselves
especially the twins and did their work
as artists. As all the leading characters
were first-class, it would be folly to at
tempt to particularize, but to say that
each scholar acquitted himself or herself
remarkably well would not be over
reaching the bounds of good judgment
Mr. II. J. Streight impersonated the dis
trict school teacher to perfection, and
exhibited good judgment in the use of
the Bail and the dunce cap. The same
company will appear at the opera house
tonight, but an entirely different pro
gramme will be presented. As the
declamations will be more numerous, the
entertainment will still be more intense.
The big fat boy of the Journal office
will appear in the same costume as worn
last M'ght, and it is said that he w ill be
bold enough to spring a son.? Preserve
your boquets until then, because he will
surely be worthy of them all. The an
nouncement of this Engagement Extra
ordinary should fill thu opera house.
The costumes of fifty years ago were
laiDLgBiLlter Sale I
Our Odds and iTnds of
pnpne I
One Half Original Value.
Odd discos cf
IDress Grooms
Marked Way Below
Our Odds and Ends of
Silks, Velvets
Remnants of Above Goods
One Half Original Value.
Colored Velveteens
Reduced to 40 cents a yard, worth
C5 cents. Full Liues of
'Baiter Ssile I
Cur Odds and Ends of
Children's ISastra
Heavy S.ib'b'ed "Wool
Hose, Sizes from 61
to 9, reduced to 50o.
a 3?air, worth, from
75 to OOc.
Extra Good Values in LADIES'
per Pair.
Our Odds and Ends of
7Ti Order to clear
up Odd G ar
nients in this De
partment we have
marked them at a
figure that will
make them go in a
hurry. Call early
and get best choice.
Notes. -
The twins were small butoft! my.
J. G. Itichey as Bud Means, attained
great fume.
The receipts at the opera house last
night aggregated about $75.
There were no flies on Barney last
night as Larkin Lanhorn. He apparently
had it in for Wooley.
The Twins will appear again tonight.
The ni.tice of their re-appearance should
certainly draw a house.
The Twins' recitation, or what they
called a song, was much appreciated.
They are artists in their line.
J. T. Doud was no Slow Coach-er. As
a director he was disgusted with his
school and turned on the audience to
help hi iii out.
Program of District School.
Tli..' following program will be pre
sented at the opera house tonight by the
pupil.; of the District School. It will no
donht be a very interesting one.
Tenor Solo Twenty Years A ro Jack Gibbs.
Scho?.;rs going to school.
?chi'il Called By Master.
lioll 'all By ?.Iater.
Ou-!::nr Soim By Si-hool.
vs.: u'4 Class.
A. L. O. rias-t.
tie ; Miiiy ( lass.
J( li; iiion ( la s
S n c Fold Your Arms Like Me By School.
scli..l !i!mlsei for r.ouu.
Noun ceae Eating diuncr and games of 40
years p. : :
s;lii:i.I called.
Snnir -Scotland 'sBu-nin By School.
lMftr ct Seliool Hoard enters.
MilIllT Staff Hnrl f'ati!tla CI.Anl
Moti.t r Ilawtnorne ani Mrs. short enter.
Addo of Welc ni3 By Susan Wells.
Twin-cry for thetr Ma.
Ilea l us By John Finn.
Ke-:i 'iion By Mo chisedek Mulhatron.
Son--Old Mother HHhbard By Twins.
Reel . tion Bv Z irv llnr
'nii!..isition By Siiss.uina Peas-e
J lHi I Of Toboggan. s 'ii O'Shanters,
Jocky and Alpine ( ar.s. Children's
Undo rwGsr I Ciismne-e i uood. chn.'
drens Zephyr and Angora Hoods,
Ladies' Hoods and Facinators
Our oOc White Merino Vests and Pants
are the best value in the city.
Our 75c Camels Hair Vests and Pants
sell elswhere at $ 1.00.
Our 1.00 National Wool Vests and
Pants well worth $1.25.
Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the
best goods for the price offered.
Our $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants
worth $4.00 a suit.
Our $1.50 Scarlet Vests and Pants are
our regular $2.00 quality.
Our Stock in above goods is
very complete, and we are show
ing some very Iiicli Goods in Em
broidered Silks and Linen. Full
Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal
loped, Initiel and plain white.
Muffs , Boas,
Black Coney Muffs, only G. cents.
Black Hare Muffs, only $1.25.
Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only
Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00.
Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00.
Opposum Muffs, only $2.50.
Lynx Muffs, only $5 00.
Imitation Seal Muffs, only $:J.50.
Beaver Muffs, only $6.00
Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50.
Full lints of Black Coney, Nutria,
Silver Hare, Opposum, Lynx, Raccoon,
Chinchilla Fur Trimmings, at very low
Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only
40 cent3 per yard.
Blankets vml
White Blankets from 1.75 to 7.
Grey Blankets from 1.50 to 5.
Scnrly Blankets irom 3.50 to $9.
Extra f j ood Values and Qnali
ties from 1.00 to'S 1.00.
Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin,
Knit, Cotton 1'lih-h and Cloth, at
very Low Prices.
Sii! 1 he squirrel ly Arabella Ilawtuorne.
le- umatiou By Hud Moans.
oii- -Multi! llc-ation Tuble By School.
IXm I :tiatiouWil Ham Willis.
I)ti!:ft;iri4ltl I -irL-ln f ail....rt
- ... ..... . ... 1 uaitiiaijj
hdu '--A Krii"? Winr. t rrimr f.. - ..
ljan "
Keiri! rks By School Board.
Clo;ivi Song Aula Laii Syne.
American, Nashville, Tenn.
Xer. Ion Beers and his excellent com
pany it 4Loat in London" attracted
mothi very lame audience to thfiOrnnri
Opera House last night, of which the
ladies formed the greater portion, the
Maoi.iu auditorium lein" tesffil t ifo
utmost capacity. The recalls and encores
w'r; so frequent and prolonged that the
play as protracted until after 11 o'clock.
The Ktirriuff dramatic incidents ami ronl.
istic scenic effects of the nlav U'prp oil
received with rounds of applause. "Job
i.. . . . .
.Yrmioja is a vigorous ana heroic por
tr.iyl that never fails to nlensc nnrl tho
oth r characters throughout, particularly
mat o -iiuay Jraggicthrope," was all
mac couia ie uesired.
Tiie above company will appear at the
Watciman opera house on Saturday even
ing next. Seats are now on sale at J.
P. Young's book store.
The school house in district Xo. 29
known as the Oreapolis school home, out
on natte bottom. nd which is i.i ti e
neighborhood of Fred Stull a-id Clmiley
Vancler venter, was destroyed by f re last
night about 8 o'clock. There had been
school yesterday and no real facts have
been found for the cause of the fire. It
is thought by seme that the house was
entered by tramp and enrehssly ct ou
fire; r.ud by others fiat it was tired by
ome of the dissatisfied residents of the
district. If the latter should be the case
penalty of the law for so'dastardly an act. j
!!in Iligedom, a younr man abont
twenty-two years of age, who has been
an employe of the B. & M. shops for
some lime, died of diphtheria, last even
ing r.. iut G o clock. He was said to
have U id a siege of typhoid feTer and
was r covering when attacked by diph-
in t. portion of the cityknown as
Hp;0' Hollow. IIo was highly
resp s-ted by all who knew him,
and .v is said to be an uncommonly fine
look I-!:; man. Th-s fane al will ocer
tomorrow; hut we were unable to learu
the !i::ie.
Mr. Oswald Guthman, of Louisville,
is in the c!ty today.
Mr. A. Q. Barhydt, a former proprietor,
of the Riddle house is in the city tod
attending court.
Dr. It. Livingston, one of ;ur youu
rising physicians of this city, went up t .
Omaha last evening to visit freinds.
Mr. G. AV. Mutz, who has been build
ing houses at Mauley under contract for
the past two months, returned to the city
this m-rning.
Hon. John Barnes, of York, arrived in
the city last night. He will visit at the
home of lm daughter, Mrs. D. A. Camp
bell, for a short time.
Mr. Ed Young.son of Mr. J. II. Young,
of the B. & M. store house, here, takes
his departure for San Jose, Cal., this ev
ening, where he intends to reside perman
ently. YVe wish him a safe journey and
a pleasant new home on his arrival.
Mr. Andy McLaughlin, who for many
years filled the position of cashier in the
First National Bank here, and who is
now an extensive cattle dealer, of Omaha,
passed through the city this morning en
route to Texas, where he goes to purchase
Mr. W. F. Shelton, one of the sewer
contractors who have been at work on
the sewer in this -city for several
weeks, took his departure for Omaha
last evening. He will return Monday to
look after the firm's interests which the
city fathers will deal with at the coming
Mr. E. Berger, an old resident living
near Murray, leaves tonight for San Jose,
Cal., where he will reside permanently.
He will meet his wife who has been
spending several mom lis there for the
purpose of regaining her health. His
daughter, Miss Louie, accompanies him
to Omaha tonight, but she will return to
this city.
No other remedy is so reliable, in cases
of sudden colels, or coughs, or for any
all flerangements of the throat "and lunsrs
as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This wonder-
. ll medicine affords great relief in con-
: si ;uption, even in the advanced stages of
; that disease.
Who said Genng & Co. didn't have
(lie finest line of holiday eroods? 3t
Sherwin & "Williams' rmrprl nninta the
best in the market, atFricke & Co's. drug
store. 8-tf.
Who said Ge-iing & Co. didn't have
the finest line of holiday goods? 3t
Plenty of feed, flour, graham and
meai at iieisei s mm. ti
Tone up the system anel improve the
appetite by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It will make you feel like a new person.
Thousands have found health, and relief
from suffering, by the use of this great
blood purifier, when all other means
Wool Boots and Rubbers complete,
$2.00 at Herges. tf
Who said Gering & Co. didn't have
the finest line of holiday goods? 3t
Why go to grocery and dry. goods
stores for arctics when you can get them
for 8oc at Sherwood's ?
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticts when you can get them
for S5c at Sherwood's?
For Rent A pleasant front ' room
neatly furnished, only one block from
Main street. Inguire of J. I. Unruh. tf
The light running Howe at Sherwood's
only $25.00.
A nice line of silk and linpn liAndker.
chiefs and mufflers just received at J. II.
it i .
jonneiiy s. tt
" nil ii ii 1 1
Christinas Sacnfic
A Chance on the Fine Doll
hoicest Brands of Cigars,
including our
Flor de Pepperbergo' and 'Buds
always in stock. Nov. 26. 1885.
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
Card cf Thanks.
V."? wish t exoress our inreri H ink
to the friends w!ii s.i kind Jy extended a
neij iiHnci t i us during tlie recent
Kick . -:-b in our f Minify, nnd at the time of
the d'-Mtli of ur dear little grl.
Mit. axp Mhs. W. J. Warwick.
Down Co The Pricks.
From now on we will t-ell Garland
and Radiant Home btis-j burners at
Kreat ly reduced prices.
Johnsox BfiO.
Don't le mislead by so-called Rednced
Prices, Discount or Sacrifice Sales, when
you can buy better goods for less money
at Joe's The One Price Clothier. tf
Don't go to Mike's blacksmith shop
for arctics when you can get them for
&c at Shei wood's.
A fact th it all men with gray and
many shaded whiskers should know, that
Buckingham's Dye always colors an even
broion or Hack at will.
J. II. Donnelly hai a rinj display of
silk and satin snspenderc, plain und em
broidered. He fthn h.i a fine lino of
fine initial bn lktrchi fs. tf y
A house to rent in ft crr-d locntioti nnrl
at reasonable terms. Call at this office
or corner of Marble and Sixth streets.
Eighty-two and Still Ha Every Tooth.
Mr. Alfred Daniel, of Douglas coun
ty, father of Mrs. J. C. Nelms, of
New ton county, is 82 years old, was
never sick a day in his life, was never
in bed a sun up, never lost a tooth,
has been to six log rollings this year,
lifts more than most men, often in
dulges in coon and 'possum hunting,
has been a deacon in the Primitive
Baptist church for fifty-eight years,
was never drunk in his life, and an
oath has never escaped his lijis. lie is
the father of twenty-six children, lif
teen now living, has seventy grand
children and anumbcrof great-grand '
children. Mrs. Nehns, his daughter,
has oilicialed at over 1.000 births, and
has never lost mother or child iu a
single case. Covington , (Ga.) Enter
rrise. '
The Boss Tailor
Main St., Over Merg-s Shoe Store.
Has the best and most complete stock
of samples, both foreign and domestic
woolens that ever came iv-PKt nf u;.:
- ' -VUCK-UUll I
river. Note these prices: Businet-s suits
in in io to a.-ess suits, $25 to $45
pnnts $4, $5, $6, $6.50 and upwards.' I
3F-Will guaranteed a fit - j
Prices f Defy Combetition.
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in ii usic, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living
ston's residence, corner Sixth and Oak
stpcts. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 1888. tf
See Joe's Goods, gt his Prices, and
th n let your own Judgment decide
wl ether you can do so well anywhere
ehe as at Joe's. tf
. The City Meat Market is the best place
o buy fresh meats, pork chops, ro :!:r
Preservation of the Natural Teeth a
opecialrv. Auesthfi;
Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver'
Rubber or Celluloid Plat, ,.,! ;n.Z .1
as soon as teeth are extracted when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable
womPnrUrn.lTn'" dehilitated an4 overworked
th.'Ka &r?ZJL:1 Prescription ia
JawpTOuhar to Women: a powerful, en-
It ii r2?.T ?nd 1e?leMneM, in either BeT
ITrTrT!! .i favorite Xracr1p.
llVL" riT0 I Vun to the on,y medicine
for women, sold by druRiriiU.
ante, of -f J n.?4ef a Porttlre ifuaS
?T?S? . atgf action in every case, or price
cotrrTssr- falth,uUy
T7 ) t i tor
.. .