THE DAILY HEUaLD ; i'UfiSiiou J'n, vrrftfitASK A, 1UESDAY, Du Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Our Clublng List. WfKKLV ilr.KALI) and N. Y. Worl.i.. V. Tribune. Omaha Ut 't ?) . . ITe 2 N. Y. I'ot-t - :h liuriKsr Maitalne 4 uo Wci-kly. 4 7.-. l; . 4 75 Ynunit Pjlrt 3 no Nrb. Farmer 2 3J li-iiior-it s Month ly Magazine 3 10 A. KalUharjr. Trlrpho.e S. :., lira 1 1-1, Korkwooil HBiltllnfr, Dr. Mcla. om- la Urrln.'ii lru Slorr, Itcl- eare l or. Slim aa-l lranltr, irirpaone o. 4 lr, Wit arm. lralUt, l aloa Itlork. CITY CORDIALS. A news item would be news for Plattsmouth. There arc twelve locomotives now in the kliops awaiting repairs. Twentv new box cars are being built by the 15. & M. at this point. W. II. Uikcr has received fourteen lurire sucks of the finest shell-bark hick ory nuts. Notice the advertisement fur the district school entertainment, in another column. The district court adjourned last night sine (lie. The regular December term opens on the 10th. Mr..V. H. Pool's little boy is very sick with membraneous croup. His con dition at present is considered very crit ical by his physician. "V. II. I'ukcr has as fine a display of holiday goods as was ever seen in the city, while he is prepared to sell at prices much lower than any previous year. The regular meeting of the Chautau qua assembly will be held at the office of Byron Clark tonight. A full attend ance is requested. The subject to be brought up for discussion is "Herodotus." The ladies' of the Christian church of this city will give asocial on Thursdaj evening next, at the residence of Mr. Bird Critcbrkld. This will be tl.e first social given for some time, and a large crowd and a lively time is looked for. Mr. F. W. Ncison, representing the firm of Bush & Gert-, piano manufac turers, will remain the city about two days longer. If parties wish to purchase a first-class instrument, and at a reduced rate and on easy terms, by purchasing directly of the house through him, they would consult their best interests by calling at Mr. J. P. Young's music store and interviewing hinr.. A lady who is well acquainted with the two stars' who are t figure in the district school euteitainment, informed us that a certain lady in the city had made up her mind to take these two actors of renown in charge and teach to Messrs Grace and Lovcrm, and irrl nthrra. are supposed to have been littcn. As soon as Mr. Eikenbary had learned what the matter was he shot the animal, yesterday morning. The above gentlemen should be compelled to chain their dogs lefore some person becomes jk victim to hydrophobia. Down Co The Prices. Vrom ooiv on we will sell Garland and Kadi a st Home base burners at crcatlj reduct-J ijces. JonxsoN Bros. READ THIS ARTICLE Slowly and Corefully, and Never Stop Reading Until You Have Read It Through- I propose to give you my reasons for leaving the city, but my mind ?s drifting today, and I am liable to be talking about other things before I have finished my speech; so hoping you will overlook the small errors. I haye lived iu Platts mouth for several years, in fact, the greatest portion of my life; yet I have had experience enough in other cities to make a few comparisons. 1 under stand Plattsmouth's situation, and I be lieve I understand her people to perfec tion. Like all other cities she is inhabit ed by a people of different nationalities, the majority of which are good, true loy a', enterprising, energetic citizens; and while living in your midst Ihaycenjoyed my life, socially, very much, and believe tliut I have met with a great many who would, if necessary, befriend me, while on the other hand, I am positive I have cnemhs by the score who would, if were possible, persecute me, but as we nil live under the same government, a gov emmi ih or peace ami protection, nut guarded by its laws, I feel perfectly 8'ife among you. I suppose each of you have an opinion formed of me, and I trust your opinions to be good ones. Whet he thev be good or evil, you will bestow i great kindness upon me by having them concealed ana carefully deposited away in a well-secured place of forgetfulncss for safe keeping. Now then, citizens, know it is not a common occurancc for a I my to shoot off his tongue in this manner adrcssing1 older ones what they must do, telling you of vour faults, and fce ; but T find it necessary for me to do something for my country, and I propose to tell you pcopi ! some of your greatest faults, and will endeayor to show you where you are making a great mistake. I find you peo nle are negligent in a great many respec's. (Tlti' vnimjr man in tli esillery will please k'-e.) i,ii-'t or leave the hall You iie neglecting the performance of vour duties as regards the young men of vour citv. I have had quite a business experience for a kid. and have had i tr-stc of business life, making me fee deeply interested in tne weilare and up building of our young business men. m not here to dictate for, or advise you is to what you must buy, or where you -'loubl buy it, but I do feel as though you were not doing your young business men mstice. lucre are young men in this city who are as equally competent in knoweledge for the managing of a busitK'Ss. ns there ure in other cities, and I fee! .-afe in making this statement, that the majority of the young business men of other cities of this size are doing a rlouri.-hing business, and the citizens take pride in the upbuilding of their young merchants and boast of their success. We a:e not perfect by any means in every respec t, we all have our faults, peculiari ties msd enemies. If you can show ma a man, young or old, without them, I will directly refer you to the insane asylum when- they keep such victims. Every house must have a solid foundation. Just so with the business firms of your eity, and I consider you people as the fotin-iMtion of every business firm in the 'ity. Every business firm depends upon you for its support and strength, conse quently, wherever you patronize mer chants outside of your own city you are jradu dly tearing away the foundation of your home merchant. You absolutely make the first failure, and then comes I he down fall of your home merchant. notice whenever you have money, as a jenerd rule, you go to soni3 other city N sp nd it; but when you are without die fi'thy lucre and want r.n accomoda tion, you go to your home merchant and isk !r a so-called stand off, from thirty l iy t: six years' time, and when the sKTchant presents you a statement of four account, you feel highly insulted. rtcuu v.ihvr we can't succeed in business jvithrut your patronogc in full; we ap prcei.ite your trade even though it be iinnll. If we succeed in business, it is an honor to you; but if we fail in business, it is y-ur failure and not ours, for you hive f illed to perform yo lr duties as citizen to us. Of coarse circumstances l alter eases. In this ca-e I am speaking in behalf of the respectable, honest, up right voung business men such as you have in your city nt Lie present time. I would have more to say in favor of cur irejud'cted father mcrcharts, but they never have anything to speck of in our .favo-; when we nsk for advice they tell ;is to go west and jrov tp with the ..our.try. That kind of advice is netting ?:tal . Citizens, if you can t speak a good vor.l for the boys, 'lave nothing to say .gainst them. Do away with all of that j rejii'Meed. jealous, envious feeling you nave existing within your hearts toward jour fellow men, and especially toward our young men; encourage them, in tend of making fun out of every tiling ,hey undertake to do, The majortty of ,he ioys ot today are afraid to make a display of their intellect, iu the presence ft older ones, for fear of making mis nkc, :ind being laughed at. I don't f-oiub r at the number of bisbful and ov.-:ird!y Uien the world possesses today ! ecai!.-: a youth ii called n boy is noeyi teuce of hi being a tool, and if your oys I; ive a desire for wearing nice cloth ing and have ambition enough to work iend i-iiii their own living i::d make noney enough to pay for their attire, I 'ay, give them the privilege of so doing. ' them in the good work, for Mud a boy eats and wears is two-thirds he receives iu this world, and j.e otle.r third is hard times. Because : our b.y has a desire to dress neatly is no vid. nee of his being a dude. What a bless! iig it would have been to a great many of our young men of today if the inveh'or of the word "dude" had been para!., z d just before ha uttered the word. The word is disgusting. If a young man puts on a clean garment with cutTs, collar and necktie attached, and make- his appearance upon th? streets, some one will make the remark. " There iroes a dude." I think it would be wise for y i to e-.conrage your boys and have nice, clean so called dudes in your hcuis, than to discourage them and have a ragg? 1, worthless set of loafers lying around your hearthstone eating and drinkin.; the result of your hard earn-j Ism&h.titsT Sale I Our Odds and Ends of DRESS GOODS ! REMNANTS OF DltESS GOODS AT AISOl'T One Half Original Value. Odd 2?icess of Marked Way Below COST PRICE ! Semnan t Sale in SPECIAL VALUES IK Ladies7 Underwear Our ."50c White Merino Vests ami Pants arc the best value in the city. Our 75c Camels Hair Vests and Pants sell tlswhere at $1.00. Our $1.00 National Wool Vests and Pants well worth $1.25. Our $1.00 Scarlet Vests and Pants are the best goods for the price offered. Oar $1.50 Camels Hair Vests and Pants worth $4.00 a suit. Our $1.50 Scarlet Vests and Pants cur regular $2.00 quality. are FEED HEBRMA3KTN, ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANE. am l FECIAL Sales in Ladies' worth $5.00. Fine Ha:; .! UH Three-Dollar Shoes is far bet!: ; OH Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will IME is going on and our goods must OME .hink this is just a blow. OW all we ask is lor you to give us A ND to see the gooda will convince 4 other dealer. Pjii 'BICES Low is our Motto. ings. I don't believe you know the real meaning of the word dude, if you did you wouldn't call your boys that name. You might just as well call them fools, for the word dude is simply a substitute for the word fool, and he that calleth his brcther a fool is in danger of hell's fire, so saith the good book a book which I believe to be true and accord ing to my theory, he that calls his brother a dude is in danger of the same warm place. The word dude has ruined a urcat many of our young business men finan cially. Let a young man in business have the reputation of being a dude, no mat ter whether guilty or not uubty, just so he has the name of being one, you will see him gradually loosing his customers one by one until he is obliged to sell out. There has been erected within the hearts of the people a hatred for dudes, and the word dude is simply an instru ment of destruction, owned by the devil, placed within the hearts of men for the purpose of destroying your own boys. This dude question is far more important than the tariff question. TMav I ask pome kind person to lower tlie wimlowK in oriier that I may receive a little fre.h air upon t lie subject. Citizens, it is now nine o'clock and my time is up, and if I have said anything in my speech to be sorry for, it is because I couldn't think of anything more to say. I wili give you my reasons for leav ing the city some other time in the future. I want to call your attention to the fact that I have more watches, clocks and jewelry in my store than I know what to do with, and as I propose to leave the city by the 4th of March. Itnust dispose of my goods; and now is the time for 1 you to cet n bargain in a wntch, clock, or anything in the jewelry line. My in- j Our Odds and Ends of Silks, Velvets Remnants of Above Goods AT AliOTT One Half Original Value. Colored Velveteens JleduccJ to 40 cents a yard, worth 65 cents. Full Liues of AT POPULAR PRICES. FULL STOCK Of Tobog". , T;ini O'Shanters, Jocky and Alpine Caps, Children's Cashmere and Plush Hoods, Chil dren? Zephyr and Angora Hoods, Ladies' Hood:; and Facinators. Holiflay HaDiercMefs. Our fc'tock in above goods is very complete, and we are show- ! ing some very Itich Goods in Em broidered Silks and Linen. Full Lines of Colored, Bordered, Scal loped, Initiel and plain white. I'timed Shoes, selling now for only $3.50, :!.::n ever put on the market here before. equal ours. be sold. a call. you that we are selling cheaper than any dCO vitatiou is extended to all to call and ex amine my stock before tlie holidays. I remain in the same old stand in the Win. Boeck & Co.'s shoe store room, south side of Main street,opposite Bank of Cass Connuy. George W v ass. Jeweler. Notice. All parties knowing themselves" in debted to me, are requested to balance their accounts on or before tlie first day of January 188'.), as, after that time, all accounts will positively be left in the hands of a collector. Dll. SCHILDKNKCHT Nov. 20. tf Mrs, Simpson will receive a few pupils in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living ston's resideuce, corner Sixth and Oak streets. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 1888. tf Dr. C- A. Marshall. I&esidexit Dentist. Preseryation of the Natural Teeth a s giveu for Pain- Specialry. Auesthetic less Filling or Extbactios of Teetil Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, aud inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. prrzaKRAt.o'8 Block Plat tamo uth. Neb d SlfeimIhtf Cur Odds and Ends of - Cliildrcxro Estra Hoavy Jlibbod Wcol Hogo, Si sos from 6 J to 9, reduced to 5Co. a Pair, Vorth. from 75 to 90c. Extra Good Values in LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE at per Pair. AllDepartmnieiiLte Muffs , Boas, -A. 1ST ID FUR TRIMMIAGS ! Black Coney Muffs, only 05 cents. Black Hare Muffs, only $1.25. Black Imitation Monkey Muffs, only $2.50. Black Real Monkey Muffs, only $5.00. Silver Hare Muffs, only $2.00. Opposum Muffs, only $2.50. Lynx Muffs, only $5 00. Imitation Seal Muffs, only $3.50. Beaver Muffs, only $0.00 Children's Muffs and Boas, only $1.50. Full lines of Black Coney, Nutria, Silver Hare, Opposum, Lynx, Baccoon, Chinchilla Fur Trimmings, at very low prices. Best Quality Feather Trimmings, only 40 cents per yard. FRED HERRMA3ST3KT, ONE DOOR EAST FIRST NATIONAL BANK. IPROMENT 11 BHBBLUSBMENrS GOMBTED. G R A N D OPEN n n model Nothing More, FRIDAY EVENING, 30th hist. A Cordial Invitation is extended to the Public in General, that evening will be presented to every Ladj present. Our rooms M ill be handsomely decorated. We will show our stock of Children's Boy's & FINE FURNISHING GOODS, -!LT ZD OUR STOCK OIF Silk Handkerchiefs, Nobby 4M4ViMj iXX Silks,Woolens and Cassimers cannot be sur- - x passed, and Prices so Low that You cannot fail to buy them. We arc more than pleased with our increased trade and it is X TRIUMPH OF JUST AND SQUAKE HEALINC ! "LOW PRICES, HONEST GOODS, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION," is our Motlo. S &. C. MAYER. Cor. Main and 5th St. CARRUTH BUILDING Sale I Cur Odds and Ends of TTi Order to clear up Odd G ar ments in tliis De partment we have marked them at a tiirure that will make them go in a hurry. Call early and trot lruf rdniir.f r Blankets pud Comfortables. White Plankets from $1.75 to $7. Grey Blankets from $1.5o to Scarly Blankets from $.,.5o to COMFOHTABLES I Extra Good Value, and Quali ties from 1.00 to $L00. Ladies' Heavy Skirts in Satin, Jvnit, Cotton Plush and Clotli very Low Prices. at I X G OF OUli Men's Clothing, Neckwear jirrl lVTnfflpia.