The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 04, 1888, Image 2

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    THE" DAILY IIEUAlJ) : KATTSMoilTfL N E f i U A 8 K A . T i j ) A Y, 1)
The Plattsnjouth Daily Herald.
Publishers & Proprietors.
I published every fvendit: exempt Sunday
ana weekly every I hurday luoriiltiK. KeKls
tered at the iotofllci. I'lallfiiioutli. Nelir.. ;
ni'i-itiid-i-la.Hx matter. Olllce corner of Vine and
Fifth rtreett. Telephone No. W.
tkkms nut DAll.V.
' On copy one ear In advance. ly mall S! no
One copy per month, Pyeartler fin
One copy per week. Iy carrier 15
On aopy one year. In advance $1 ''
One copy lx months. In advance t-
Only three month1) of congress nnd
then the republican party, having had
three years of rest, w ill resume business
at the old stand.
Tiir. President! message was given to
the pri-w yesterday and it occupies a full
aire in this mornm"' pnpi-rs. It is too
long, .ho we will have to omit it as we
have not the force to set it uj or room
for it. We will give extracts from it
from time to time.
Tiik White dps, who have maintained
a reign of terror in Indiana for to long
have cro-w-d the border and are now
committing outrages in Ohio. We shall fee
if the governor of the IJuckcye State
proves as apathetic in the matter of su
prcssing this lawless gang as did the
governor of Indiana.
It is said that IVcsidc-nt-tlcct Harrison
is io favor of some wise scheme for the
conversion of the outstanding 4 and 41
cr cent bonds into bonds bearing a
lower rate interest. Two or three such
achemcs, and all of them advantageous
to the Government as well as to bond
holders, h ive been proposed within the
last two years, but the democrats did not
take any of them up for fear tiie con
sideration of that question would divert
attention from their scheme of "tariff
reform." The republicans will probably
lind time to reform both the taiifT and
the finances within the lifetime of the
Fifty-first Congress.
Out of the Hilenee wake ru a noag
lautilul, ho4, soft and low;
ly.-t Uie loveliest hiukIo sound aJous.
Aji I wing each note with wail of vroo.
Liini and di-ar.
As hope last tear,
Cut of the silenco wake mo a hymn.
Whoso Mounds aro like shadows soft and dim.
Oat of tho bt I LI i less of your heart
a thoiiHand souk are sleeping there
V.'ake nm a son;;, thou child of art)
Tile King of tiopt in a last despair.
Parte nnd low,
A c.'iftnt of woe.
Out of tho HtiUncK. tone by tone.
Cold on a Kiiou duke, low ana moan.
Out of the darkuta flash me ROng,
UriKlitly dark and darkly bright;
Li t it sweep as a lono star sweeps along
The mystical nhalows of the uiht.
King It sweet,
Vbere nothing Is drear or dark or dim.
And earth song soars into heavenly hymn.
Father K.van.
Tiik Russian government has failed in
the attempt to negotiate a loan. Hussia
is almost the only nation in Europe that
cannot be accommodated with funds on
application to the Kothschilds. Thus
far the great capitalists have absolutely
refused to loan money to the government
of the Cir, and as a consilience the
bonds of the government have gone beg
ging all over the world. The resources
of the country are not sufficient to meet
the expenses of an extravagant court and
an enormous army, and the impeiiaS
treasury is bankrupt, without any pros
pects of betterment in the near future. $
Our gunboat lay in the Mississippi, at
tache! to l'orter's flotilla, and I v:is act
ing as chief engineer. Our captain was a
vohintcvr ofliecT, an excellent sailor and
abiavo man, and if be bad a fault it was
that of over indulgence to his crew. Said
crew was a motley collection, made up
almost entirely of rivermen tlat Injat
inen. raftsmen, landing iiortcrsand 'long
shoremen of all kinds and too many of
them were of a disposition to take ad van
tage f kindness. They had no conception
of diity.savo that which was forced ujon
them, and they had evidently f-hipped
wiili the impression that they would have
but little work and little danger.
Wo were on the evo of stirring events.
Wor- I had corno to its that wo wcro to
run l!io lotteries of Vicksburg; and we
knew there w:ts wrni work in 6toro for
usatOraiul Unit. Ono morning, upon
goinv; to the llreroom. 1 found that two
of t!;e stokers, who should have been on
duty, were absent; end. upon making in
quiry, I iicarii mat tnoy nan rciuseu to
do s::iy more work. I calletl them tome,
nnd asked what they meant. Ono of
them an ill-favored fellow, who had
r!iip;H.-J at Jew Orleans answered me
that Lis time was out, and that he wanted
his r.ischarge. I informed him that, ac
cording to tho rules of war, he must con
tint:.' to do his duty until his discharge
v. r.r. lecijved. lie laughed at in e, and
;iid fit would like to see mo mako him
work after his time was out.
1 ;!.scrvcd that quite a number of the
crew had followed my stokers to the
door .f tho tiro room; and, from the
gla-:oes which wero exchanged, I was
ati.-;ied that the defection was not con
fined to my department.
J r.ought the captain and told him
wh:.t lad transpired.
"1 know it f know it," he said, nerv
mis! .-. "Nearly half tho crew have re-(vsr'-
to do further duty, and demand to
Li otf and set on shore. They have
r.oi efc epoken with me, but I exject
then: every moment."
Vt kilo we wero concerning, the officer
f iL tleck came into the cabin and in-
la-:..v'(i two captain uiut u umuu.i ui inh
ere v. had assembled in the gangway and
deri:::ided to see liini. lip rose, buckled
on i sword and went out. Iii tYf"
l.or-r ! irangwav werealioyit , ,
,;eu. headed bv a biti.y dark
. . , ... iued Basard. lie was
As tiie captain
!owL. When tho roll was finished forty
men had gone to the forecastle, and there
they stood, dogged and determined at
least so they tried to apiear, though it
was very evident that somo of them
wished they were safely out of the scrape,
fr there was danger in 'hi ;u in the look
of t ho eagle e -il hi: f
Tliecoiuiuinloii-r:i,i:'. t!w marines to
be drawn tip acne's the wai I. facing for
ward, and whin t!:is ha 1 li-n done he
ascended the gangway l.ukli i and turned
towards the mui ineers.
' Now, my ou n. I want you in return to
your duty. Those who are willing to do
so 111:13- hiy nil. Marines, attention'
Iteady? Aim!"
Tii.' marim's ck kel tli' ir rifles, and
brouglit them lo liu-ir shoulders, the
mu.-.lcs covering tho los-ly huddled
pack iion the forti-astle. Mist of the
mutineers al.''l and irenibh'd. This was
worst. than running tho batteries of
"Look ye," pursued the commodore
drawing out his watch. "I will give 3-ov
just one-half minute not one seeond
more! In thirty seconds I shall lire'
Now, report for duty or stay where you
I'erhaps live seconds passed, duriiin
wbn li a stillness like the hush of death
reigned iqioii the dial of his watch, and
Ins lips were ready to pronounce th
falal word. The spirit of insubordina
lion was growing wean 1:1 the presence
of a power that held life and death at
will. A K'W seconds more and 1113- two
s.oiicr.i 1'ione irni the gang anl canit
aft, and they came not alone. Throurh
the i;ap l.'ms opened others ft! lowed
followed in a cxuitinuous line until tht
force. 5. si It was vacant. Every man had
reported lor Iut3'.
Porter put up his watch and stepped
'Captain." said he, as he came ujo!i
the quarterdeck. "I have an order foi
you. and I will assume all resHinsibilit
in ever.t of its elocution. The liist mai.
of four crew who ni'uses to do duty
shool him on the sol!"
ljut our captain had no call for turn
ing hi.i pistol against his own men
They had di. covered what mutiny realh
meant, ami liad no desire to experimen!
therein again at least while tho broad
H iu:ant of Commodcro Porter wa3 ir
sight. New York World.
When dread disease, with iron band,
Hangs its dark mantle over thee,
Escape its all all-enslaving band,
Oith Golden Medical Discovtry.
Dr. R. V. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery cures toughs, colds, and con
sumption if taken in time. Of druggists
Men are but the whiskers on the
chesnut known us life. Lincoln Journal.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Li yer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
;ontaining oO sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The gen
uine manufactured only by John O. We
& Co., 82 W. Madison St. Chicago.nnd
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
. .1 "eu
ojtn uii-;
1 '.. 1
" Vietl this man stepped forward.
jt.u t-aid ho ha J been ciioseu 10 sncas 101
This ompanior.s. lie wanted it undcr-
5ouiuern men, but these will be republi
cans. They will not be carpct-b iggets,
or any of the old scalawag clement
which always comes to the surface nnr'
gets into power in any war or other per
iod of tn-at social convulsion when so
ciety is shaken up and the bottom st: at
om placed on fop. Hut th''- will be
men who stand for the enterprise, pro
gressi venss aud enlight' ninent of their
section. The "Southern question" may
not, and pr daby will not, l3 entirely
settle 1 by the Administration of Pr-s?
dent Harris m. but we feel Confident tl at
a I deal of pro-'reti will be made in
that di ef tin. Cllobe Demdcrat. ,
ttoo-! that there was no particular leader
in t: is otismess, but that the terms or
tnli: ::nent of fortv-two of the men had
expj ed. ami they desired to bo paid oL
and s t on shore.
'i captain spoke to them at first very
mod ;-atcly. lie explained to them what
wcr- the rules of war. 110 told them
that (ho mere expiration of a given time
coiil i not absolve an enlisted man iroin
isij i Ilegiaiico. Any open opposition to
con: united aulnoiity pel ore tey were
. ..rly discharged would be mutiny
:::id : such mutiny could not bo quelled
the ejjcicncv of the service woulU be
dest::-yctl. Then he appealed to their
atiii;tism. tioulj thev back out and
six a : away just as an opport unity was
oilei t d to lace the enemy
Tl: men treated his appeal with scorn
and 1 ontempt, and swore that they
wou. l do no more duty. And it was
plain to l"scen that they meant what
tlicv ::aul. lliey wcro desperate char-
acl. i . and fully believed that there was
lj ::ot j .wer enougii on board to overcome
II tuer;:. As 1 have said, tticy constituted
nearly half tho crew and we knew that
the r-hcr half could not be depended
upon to resist them with arms.
! i:-:'.lly, tho captain told them he would
r;o :::.'d see tho commodore anil explain
th i::.:tter to him; and the men went
forv. :.rd, swearing that they would never
ret ;mm todut3', let come what would.
V.':on the captain's boat was ready he
asked mo to accompany him, as the first
demonstration of mutiny Jiad been made
to mo. Wo found tho commodore just
t;ii! :n. j down to dinner, and he invited us
to ju.'n him; and while the meal was in
'progress tho captain told his story. Por
ter l?. ;ened very attentively, and at its
conclusion lie eaid, with a sinile: "All
ri;!it. captain, I guess there won't be
muc'i trouble. I will come on board
during too aiternoon and sco 11 1 can
strr.i Siten things out forj ou."
After this the commodore turned the
conversation upon other subjects, and
when wo liad eaten, and smoked our
pi wo returned to our vessel.
A::d Commodore Porter was not far
bchi. :d us. At 2 o'clock J10 canie on
boar !. accompanied bv a lieutenant and
twei.'.r marines. Ilia first move was to
dim I the crew to bo mustered aft; and
whil.' this was being done the marines
were drawn up on tho starboard side of
the ri:arterdccli in two ranks tho crew
tun.-. .-ring upon tho opposite side. When
all v.v. 1 quiet the commodore advanced
frori Ins positron agarnst the tail rau and
add. a-sect our men.
"Look ye, ray men," he said in his
abr.'-t, authoritative way, "I am in- that 6omo of j-ou refuse to do
duty. You know very well that you
can"; I e discharged today. Tho thing is
imp .:...-.ible, and tho good of the service
will r.'t permit that you shall refuse to
obey 3 our officers. As tho roll is called
tho. : who are not willing to do further
duty will, in answer to their names, go
fon.ard to tho forecastle. Tho others
will remain as they are."
The steward commenced to call the
roll, with a pause after each name. Two,
at l-Mst, of those who had appeared at
the gangway answered to their names
without moving. At length the name ol
Louis Basard was called and he wen:
forward, and when he 6tarted these othe;
two, who liad tremblingly hesitated, fol
Necessity of Thorough Ventilatir.u.
If a singlo ounce of cotton lie bur net
in a room, it will so completely saturate
the chamler with smoke that ono cai!
hardlv- breathe, although there is Sut a
single ounce of foreign matter in the air.
Should an ounce of cotton be burned
every half hour during tho night, the ai:
would be kept continually saturated will
smoke, unless thero could be an opei
loor or window lor it to escape. Pu
the sixteen ounces of smoke thus formet
by the cotton burnincrare far less poison
ous than tho sixteen ounces of exhala
tions from the lungs and bodies of tw
persons who have each lost j.
pound in weight during tho eigh
hours pf sleeping. For while tin
dry smoke is mainly taken infc
tho lungs, the damp odors from the bod;
aro again absorbed into the luns as wel
as into tho pores of tho skin. A.lft
more thoughtfulness would irpss' npoi
evcrv ono the important and necessity
of having sleepipArrt'Ouis wel) ventilated
Air should l admitted in not only dur
jn--. " - 33', but wiu 1st we are asleep
Another very important item of tht
health of our beds is that every tnomiiH
after getting up the sheets, blankets anc
other coverings should not be rearrange
without being left about for a few hours
It would Ik a great advantage if the;
coulJ bo aired for that space of time
This may seern a triile. but trifles raak.
up the sum of our health, comfoia am
existence. Ileral l of Health.
Send 3'our job work to the Hehai.d
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
?2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only
H c at Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
What Am I To Do?
The symptoms of biliousness are un
happily but too well known. They differ
in different individuals to some extent.
A oilious man is seldom a breakfast eater.
Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent
appetite for liquids but none for solids
of a morning. His tongue will hardly inspection at any time; if it is not
white and furred, it is rough, at all
The digestive syten. v. holly out of
order And diarrhea or on-tipati ni may
lie a s,mptiiiu or t!,e two may idternate.
There are often Iii iui.i rin.ids or even loss
of blood. There may !m giddimss and
often headache and acidity or flatulence
and tenderness in the pit of the stomach.
To correct nil this if not effect a cure try
G)'His Flnintr, it costs but a
trifle and thousands attest its efficacy.
Tiie standard remedy for liver com
plaint is West's Liver Pill; they never
disappoint you. HO pills 25c. At War
rick's driijT store.
k id I
Everything necessary for furnishing a
house can be purchased at If. Hoeck s.
JtXV'jT you hnow it ? Of 'course you do nnd you
will want warm Underwear, JJlau Juts, etc.
QUR Line is Unsurpassed by any other line in
the city. A handsome
f.lRJETY of Seasonable Dress Goods, JJ fad
. cloths, Henrietta Clotlis Trecots, etc-
YER YTIIIXG in Blankets, Flannels, Bed
Comforts, Tlosierv, Battings, that you will
OU will not regret looking our different De
partments over before purchasing J I jcill
pay you.
g MYRJSf A RUGS and a Handsome Line of Car
pets, Malts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linoleum at
Low Prices.
The Cure of Angina 1'ectorU.
Angina pectoris (agony of tho brc.
carries olf many people, the last or . h. :
recording to tho iiewspnp-va l
novelist, Pev. E. P. Hoe, wh expired
one day because of its crushing cngui
S.Yiaj. lien. (Jeorge 13. McC.cIIan (at
cording to the published reiHJi :.; of th.-
time) hiicwiso succumbed after tweut
four hours of mcontrollablo pain. Ju.
how those patients were treated 1 am mi
a! k to say, but Dr. Richardson, of Lon
don. long lieforo (Jen. McClellan's death
had received a prize of Ij.j.OOO franc:
.from tho Academy of Medicine in Pari
lor lir.vmg discovered an almost infalJi
hie remedy for anrina pectoris bv th
administration in very small doses o
1-wo to i-:. of a grain of mtro-gh-cei
ine! This discovery entitles Dr. Kichard
son to tho never ending gratitude o
every 6uirermg man, woman or chrlc
ahlu ted with angina pectoris.
1 i-.uun u iiuiuoci 01 persons win
always carry tablets of nitro-gl3cerin(
wiuj mem, anu 1 am equally certain tha:
all three people, by tho uso of nitro
gij-ccrine, are living in comparativi
i.ti:mii, huuij omerwiso nnvt
fallen under tho insupportable torture o.'
that form of heart neuralgia, the mos:
ureadlul of all pains. Dr. Montrose A
1'aIJen 111 Delford s Magazine.
Dunias and tho Cabman.
Jlerk, - jl
ouuvUnien, 1st ward,
2ud "
3rd "
F, M. l(i iiF.y
W K i ox
Jamks Patterson, jp.
- ByuoN t'MHK
-A Madolk
W II Mali.k
D M Jonks
I lK. A
t'ov l)'t:Avnii
i I McCallkn. Pek-
J W Johns in,1'uaiuh i
i&H Li
t J W Johns n.
Boar d Pub. Woiks kkku (Jokdek
epui xteasurer, -
puty Clerk,
: bonier of UeeUs
: uty tteeonler
.ark of Uietrict Co art,
irveyor, -
lrios. Pollock
Bihd Ckitchfiklo
I-XA Ckitchfield
W. H. Pool
A. Madole
Maysaku Spink
-. 0. lfUSSKLL
tt. t enh Schools.
.uunty Judgo.
V. B. Todd, Ch'm.. - - Plattsmoutb
.ouis Foltz, - Weeping Water
is. "ickson, - i,nnwood
(lASS bODGK No. 140. ToTo. F. -Meets
Veyery Tuefday eveniii;: of each week. AH
transient brothers are respectfully invited to
1 O. F.. meeis every a'teinate Friday in
$ach month Id the Masonic Hall. Visitmy
Srothers are invited to attend.
TRIO LODGE NO. 84. A. O. U. W. Meets
ei'Prv -t H-I.l-.. V PViintoit ut W i1 f
Uili. Transient brothers are resneetf nllv fnl
viteJ tJ attend. F.J. Morgan, Master Workman ;
F. t. mown. Foreman ; U. B. Kemster. Over
seer; 14. A. Taite. Financier: i. F. Iloutx.
worth. Kecorder; M. Maybright. Keceiver;
o. . m;rn, raft M. w. : I. N. Howeu. Guide ;
. .1. ivunz. inside w atch.
y ol America Meets second ami fourth Mon
lay evening at K. ot P. hall. All transient
irotliers are reauested to mept. with n 1. a
SJ TT--" ----- - ------ --.
tvoriny Auviser; S. C. Wilde, Banker; W. A
Joeck, Clerk.
Special Sale commencing November 12th, conlimii.r one week
PI nali Cloak
- 1 rl 1 1 -w . -r .
a ana ijiiiiaren s Y ear. I'i-ioo i. 1...., i.
oftered anywhere in the city. Examination will prove statement.
My father had inherited from ruv pLATTSMOUTH LODGE no. 8, a. o. U". w.
irranJfather remarkable siren-'th ol o ?leet every alternate Friday evening at
v-hi"!i I hnd thn MHfCt rvrw.rn,. -ockwood hall at 8 o'cIock. All transient broth--
uiiiv..i 1 naa tUO rust experience when 1 jrs are respectfully Invited to attend. I, S
was II or 1 j years of are. OneSundax Larson, M. W. : F. Hovd. Foreman, s i
lie liad taken me to the (Jvmnase. Ai I wade, Kecorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
. 1 . . 1 r . f 1 : i 1 .1 . .
.wi-imw iuBwiiraincu in torrents ijlatts.moutii lodge no. e, a. f. & a m
He moved toward a fiacre stationed or, I 1 M-etson the flrt and third Mondays V't
ti:e oouievaru ana sinaieu me to follow I ,aj" t wieir nan. ah transient broth-
lum. lie trave an address to the rahhr I l" are coruiauj m lieu tq;neet with us
1 1.- 1 1 . 1 . ... .
noMou uirii;i:i ocsiue nis venicie, mtt wm. H ats. Secretary.
ln": . nonlh at MaxouV Hall. Transcielit brothers
"I don t move a sten for less thli timt. I ire invited to meet with us.
than five francs for tho iourncv." . .... E- White. II. p .
Will you not inove'r"'
"Once, twice, thrice.' Cahby did not
respond, but remained witli his hand on
tho door. Thou my father seized him
round the waist, lifted him up from tht
iour.u, ana planting him on the 6eat
said, "bonow." I hen taking his nlact
in the cab, lie said: "Dear i:i minl always
how to do with an obstiuato couchm..-
I liave not forgotten the procedure, hut I
have never put it in practice not that
cabmen have become more civil, but thai
other tilings aro different. Alexander
Dumas his.
Wm. Hv. Secretary.
-'leeli? lirst and third vvi1iiou.i-jv .:...-
sach nioatli ut Mvo liall. Visitiuif brotlleM
-ire cordially iuvited to meet with us.
Wm. 11a vs. Kec. K. K ivui-rv p- n
meet- the second and fourth Mondays of
"We have an im-
niense line and will
discount same 25 per
cent, as they must be
sold before the end
of the season. Our
fit tin-
garments. "We sell
them at $14.50,
worth all of 20.00
1 W
posh mm
Plush Cloaks
we sell for 20
sell elsewhere ut $27.
(J OH Hush Cloaks
(pUUwe sell for 25
-ell elsewhere at $35.
d ifl Plush CW.ks u-n
tpfcU-elI for $40 sell
elsewhere at So0.
(JjyjD Plush Cloaks we
yiusen ior 40 sell
elsewhere at $00.
A Full Line of
J" aclsots
at the lowest
Tast Tliuo in tha Mountain.
Another engineer has been discovered
on the Union I'aeilio road wno has u
reckless passion ttuck m his lien vino
breast for fast running. His tenitorT
extends from Cvanston to Oirden. sev
tnty-live miles, and it is about the rough
est bit of road on the entire system.
The track winds through deep canyons,
shoots over high precipices, darts in nnd
out of dark holes, is full of short curvet
and dangerous places, but the "Flyim Charlks Fokd.,,.,
Dutchman, as this engineer is called akdirjion ukv...
makes the nm, including all stop?, uv
ninety injnutes. Omaha Ilerald.
ach inmtli at Arcanu.ii Hall.
t, K. N. Glenx, Uegent.
P. C. Minor, Secretary.
President Uoiit u vvi.,.11......
1st Vice Presideut a n r..'...i
2nd Vice President vvin Neville
Secretary y nrr,'n .'
Treasurer..... y k. cut'in, ,,,
J. A
a j.air. e liave and
A Fiue Selected Ine of trom $1.00 up to S0.00
me jiuesu 10 cent Uatting in the citv.
c. :itc l-In Tnl Vo.?1, hite Co,ari' Scar,et strip' 1r!c- " j
Conner, is. Euon. c. w. sheriaau, f. Gor- house in the city, as we arc over-stockeil with theee floods
as.Twiss ....Senior Vice ' I
F. a. Baths .Junior
Obo. Nilks V,,.. ,t , Adjutant. I
Malon Dtxox Ollicerofthe li .v" i
" Guard
Qtfrtrt M. ! .... -
. O. CORTIN Pu fl,-,,ir..
Meeting Saturday eyeuiujf I
Yours Respectfully,
i I