V TIIK DAILY JIFIlALi) i i-LATTsMOUTil, NFP liASKA, MONDAY, DECii- The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. XNOTTS I3BCS. Publishers & Proprietors. TUK I'LATTSMOUTII llUKALI Ih published every evi-nlnn except Sunday and Weukly rvery 'I liurday iiioriilnj;- Keul.i trred at the -lostoliice, I'laltMiioul h. NHr.. m te aonil-'l;i(H inallT. Milee enrner of Vine and .fifth utrteH. Telephone No. 'M. TKKMS FOR DAILY. One copy one jear in advaeee, by mall. ...$ 0 ()u copy per liiontli, byeanler 50 One copy per week, ly currier, 15 TKKMS FOR WKKKLY. One oopy one year. In Hdvaiiee,... One copy fix itiontus. In advauce. $1 Si 75 CoN'iKKss opens today and the congress men luive Lccn arriving Ly every train. Tiiukk months from tomorrow the democrats tstei down from tliu executive branch of the government and from the house of represent'ili ves. Tiiiktkkn i- certainly an unlucky number for the democrat. Three re publican :oni;rcsf iiic-ii in West Virginia were elected by that majority. Tiik fifth railroad bridge to span the Missouri river between Iowa and Nebras ka, and the second bridge over that river controlcd by the Chicago Ss Northwes tern system, will be formally opened at Sioux City tomorrow. Dakota i on her good behavior. Hut if she does not receive encouragement pretty soon for early statehood, she will send a Mizzird eastward that will make the teeth of the pulitki--.ii.- chatter all the way from Maine to Ky AWfct. --Hot. The republican policy in to the ad mission of new states is a very simple and practical one. Such admissions will be made just as fast as the territories give a gutlick-nt guarantee that they can be depended upon for anti-democratic majorities. I r is to lm lio-ieil that Cleveland's mes sage will b; .hort; but it would be just like hii: to in ike it the longest oil's on record, as he will never have another chance to write a document which the newspapers will have any inducenicut ta publish. ('lobe Democrat. It is rumored that the democrats will mike a strong effort to admit Dakota ::s one state during the session of tongre.-s that opens today. Hut the democrats are to late, they have sinned away their cly of grace and we will now have two republican states instead of one. A juixiK in Janesville, Wisconsin, has decided that it is perfectly legal to have the bible read in the public schools, and parties who sought to prevent the prac tice by means of an injuction have been non-suited. This decision is at variance with previous edicts in the same state, and the parties in interest declare their intention to carry the issue to the higher tribunals. It is nip and tuck between Kansas and Pennsylvania which shall be the banner republican state, but Kansas is about ."00 ahead at the last accounts. Here ar-: two states giving over n0,000 republican ma jority each, supposedly of very different interests one an eastern manufacturing state, the other n western agricultural state joining in an emphatic protest against the British free trade tendency of the democratic par?y'. Queer, isn't it? Lincoln Journal. HUWITSEEAJiSTO THE EXGLl&U The Wolverhampton (England) Ex- ! jtresn and -Star, commenting on the re sult of the lata presidential election, says that "It is an indication, to some extent at lest, of a preponderating anti-English feeling. It is equally blow to the ris ing free trade party of tho republic. Further it discloses the continuing im portance of Mr. Blaine as a factor in American politics. But beyond all else it establishes the invincible supremacy of the Irish vot ." The jotirn il quoted got-j, on to remark that for itself and the liberal party f England it cannot regard the result with satisfaction, and expresses the belief that '"progressive political and economic principles and purity of polit ical life would have been better sir ved if J the election had gone against Mr. Harri son." The expression of regret at .the success of the republican candidate and of the principles w hich he maintained mikes the acknowledgment of the im pressions produced by his triumph all the more interesting and instructive. It sterns somewhat strange that an organ of the liberal party of England should re frard General Harrison's victory with dissatisfac tion, but we mut rcmcmh.r that on the question of free trade the jn.ijn ity of Engli-him n of b-.th parties arc opxcd to American id us and favor those which tend to the advai.tagu of their own country. The majority of the American people, however, in the late election supported the policy which best assures the prosperity iperity of the republic, reNJ medii ine in the woild giving tu h un cpinion which mi-lit beN;,r"!l -",f iKf;" f"v I1'' f.v tir Ih- 0 I 1 .1 . IH.'f'M If i wiri 1IIMIIt.MI-ll 1. gird lew of Hie -fiterti inen or expressed of their action ly Englishmen, whether liberals or torii s, nd the? will conlir.ue to do so. Irish W01II. JIA JV UFA OTUIilN (i RECORD. The report from various manufactur iug industricj show that the general state of activity is not only sustained, but that every week adds its Uota of mills, furnaces and factories in which n res are being- started. I lie compara tively few factories which shut down are more frequently actuated by special catLs.'s than by unfavorable trade conditions. i'he iron trade holds its activity. The output of pig iron is contracted for till the end of the year, and the indications are further orders. Steel rails, while still low, are in better request. The machine shops continue busy. The tex tile mills are well employed, the outlook for cotton goods being satisfactory, while some of the woolen mills are run ning their machinery over-time. The shoe factories are still turning out a great many fall goods, and the orders already booked for the spring trade gives promise of a busy season. The a. tiviiy of the paper trade is rt fleeted in i no erection ot new mills ami an increase of productive capacity. The ship-building industry appears to have fallen upon better times; not only arc the Deleware ship-yards well supplied with orders for iron tteamsliips, but the rise in freights has installed new life in the coastwise tradi, and the Maiue ship-yards are at present quite bus', and anticipate a good season for the construction of wooden vessels. Tariff Bulletin. A Wonderful Offer- For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Cutanh Keinedy have offered, ii good faith, !jv00 reward for a case of Nasal Catarrh which they caunot cure. The It.inedy is sold by druggists at only 0 ends it has fairly attained a world wide reputation. If you hive dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges galling from the head into the throat, sometimes, profuse, wateiy, iii:d acid, at ot Iters, thick, tenac ious, mucous, purulent, bloody and put lid; ii the eyes are weak, watery and in flamed; if then; is ringing in the ears, deal:: hacking or coughing to clear the ti.ioat, expectoration of offensive i.iatbr, together with scibs from ulcers, t!:.'! voice being changed and has a nasal twanp; the breath offensive; smell and taste impaired; sensation of dizziness, With ;;;er.NiI depression, a hacking cough and g -iKTal debility, yo 5,-e suffering from i: isal catarrh. The more compli cated your disease, the greater the num ber and diversity of symptom. Thous ands of cases annually, without manifest ing h-.! i of tin? above symptons, result in cons,, option, anil end in tne grave. No lilSfils-' IS SO COIlillioi., i..iO acriepijye and d uigcroua, less understood, or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. n are but the whiskers on the i.hen:;r known as life. Lincoln Journal. S300 Is e ward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or :ostiv .less we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions uto ttjirfjy complied with. They are purely vegetable, ami hover fail tc give satisfaction. Large boxes ;fiitai;iing 30 sugar coated pills, 2oc. For s i'. by all druggists. Beware of c:;iint i feits and i imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John 0. Wc & (, 602 W. Madison St. Chieago,nd Si Id by W. J. Wari ick. D :!it go to Omaha when you want to g.- your beautiful parlor and bed room s; ts but go to Henry JJjjecJj's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing i.i the f urnit jrc line that will go to make your home beautiful and comfort able; j--iil above ajl 3011 can get it cheap. Ilemcmber that he who sells n'ost can .sell cii -apcsr. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousnuss are un happily but too well known. They differ in ii?V cut individuals to some extent. A oili : is man Is seldom a breakfast eater, Too fr. qucntly, alas, he has an excellent appi-tit for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear i::qcction at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. Ti:e digestive system is wholly out of order .i.ul diarrhea or constipation may le a symptom or the two may alternate. Th'-re are often hemorrhoids or even loss of Moo I. There may b giddiness and often headache and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach To co'. -vet all tin if not effect a cure try 'Unfit A u '.nisi Enrtr, it cof-ts but a tritle :::id thousands attest its cfiicacy. :i.l your job work to the Hkkai.d' office. The -fandard remedy for liver com plaint ii West's Liver Pill; they never dis.ipo int you. '.',0 pills 2ic. At War rick's d.ug stare. Kv tiling nefcssaiy fr furnishing a house can be purchased at II. lioeck s. Wo S. c t: I Iiouts with rubbers reduced to :. Sherwood's mens arctics only : Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for WHAT CN EAHTH '..;oti p'-opli: w 12 not, can ir t, or .'C-v liny dilb-renci: in ( heap tins ut up by ( 'lie;ii .Ithii huiiics or tibi- p-lltji'M lit I lll.l 1IIIM1S tiroiit-', Is th. di in.: trem it r--p rail.'-: : Iiiii ;;ik; n lied icims of woild wide i :t ft f i ami one that U eivina tini:l x:.f nfni tioli (it equal prieef No iiMinii hi ii,wi n DI.WOII I I UN il'yli liIA!) MAK'i:it, Hid ver botlle that d isV.it tin its wotk will cust ynt tiolli- nfg V-r sale by fl. 1. .Siinlh & Co., FACTS ABOUT CATARRH. A DISAGREEABLE DISEASE WITH "WHICH MANY AHE AFFLICTED. It Oi llnaten In IHC-i-.-.: Serious us Oi'len !!:;.: Cured Cutler I'ro.KT Treatment. C'ui.'o Not tin .::c:iletl 1'n.sUj c:i i:t!o:i and The term cntr.i 1:1 is from two Greek words i:i-ani:i:r "I How." and has its scat in th mucous membranes. Speaking generally, t'if mucous tnem- brano in structurally the :imo as the skin. Its oliico is t-imilar, la-in r n lubri cator, excrctor ;;nd i-eeretor in the func tions of the- body. Tli disease catarrh is out' which, as Ix-fore remarked, finds its expression in the mucous infiuliar.e and the extent of tins tissue shows at onco to w:i:ii an extent liie ciisea:;o can sxist. as there is 110 part or locality of tuueoes membrane wuicii cannot ami 1: not affected bv the catarrhal condition. The regions of the mucous trait most .irono to catarrh are those of the nose, mouth, upper and lower pharynx, or back part ot the nose and mouth: tin larvnx. or voice origan ; the bronchial lubes, the stomach, intestines and frail passages. These several regions give names to the existing catarrh, as nnanl or no--." catarrh, bronchial catarrh, plirt rvngial or larvngial calarrh, stomachic or intestinal catarrh. In these-different regions we t:nd the catarrh acute or chronic. pKcnisrosiTiON to catakrh. There seems to le a, certain predisposi tion or structural development of tha in dividual prone to catarrhal attacks. These conditions are characterized bv poverty of blood and nutrition, in which the walls of the capillary or minute blood vessels have a feeble tone or wcr of resistance, wldle the I issue through whir!: kmcii vessels pass are at the same ti::ir ..oft and yielding. Thi; prediso.sitio:i t catarrh is strongly maiKed in scrofula and rickets, and as in bronchial catarrh. I lie morbid condition is ;i frequent at tendanton tj'plioid fever, tucar.les.whoop ing cough and smallpox. Effeminate habits, alio augment tho liability to catarrhal affections. In a consideration of tho reasons why any one should suffer from a eatarrli. acute or chronic, this condition of tho system or susceptibility is the important and determining factor without its pres ence the oxiv.tenco of catarrh is an im M:;sibiiity. As in contempt ion, so it is i i catarrh, this predisposition i:; tho re sult of original organization of the indi vidual, or can be acquired. DANGKKS OKEATI-Y I'.X AOMtt ATn. The flaming advertisement sctti::.? forih the horror:? of catarrh is u familial object, and our ideas of catarrh are more largely influenced bv what we read than what v. e know. While roiuc forms of c::::rr!i are truly of grave consequence ami should receive intelli-rent attention, if Ihj ; was. true in the pia jority of cases, probably a Lugo part of the population of the lai'KO cities would le patients of some physician or specialist. The truth i s, outside of tho common cold, there ::re many forma of what maybe fermcd mild catarrh, which aro not in compatible with a state of health, and we can probably take the majority of the people In any city and by examination demonstrate that they have, in fact, a mild catarrh. These people aro subject to taki:g cold, easily get a cold, and it is somewhat stubborn. They are usually afflicted during the spring and fall: steady warm or cold v.'cati.cr is liencficial to them, and only when they have a cold are they much inconve nience 1. Their general health is good, and inlluenccs brought to I?ar on the general health usually meet with : prompt effect on the catarrh. It ij s: to say that, dircctlv, a fatal result fr ititrrh is u bugbear it:) thjds no foi:: oauon in tact. mat r.i:c!i term;, and disability is due to ti;o ; .er more chronie forms of the disease true. The commonly receive ! bclki nmo!::; Ihe Jaity that chronic t-:t;rrh is lite i'oi e; tinner of consumption, and i only a question of time, is pure nonsense. If a ciaisttniptiou d.iea follow a catarrh we are safe i:i Rayiii.-; that the catarrh was cer.su:nj:tion from the lirct, and that either the individual had the con suinptivc taint throufrh hereditary influ ence:!, or iils habita and rairroundiu.'js de veloped it i:i him and the catarrh was oidy the first local expression of thecon iumpii::i. In that form of catarrh in which the disease extends to destruction of tisspo and death of bone, wo must not saddle liiQ result on tho catarrh; while tli r. unquestionably was the immediate exciting cause, there was present and readv for the development or the result a so-! so bad and vicious, cither by he redity or acquisition, that the death of ti.:si:e and bone was perfectly rational and legitimate-. vall'ablk hints to srp'FT.r.ntts. The results of a chronic catarrh are many j;nd varied, and while marked by a hy;-'i tlerce of persistency and stub Isjriiness. relief can and shouhl be at tained. This is to lie accompliL.hed not by iocl measures alone, l;it moro espe cially by attacking the individual and relieviiirj the condition which makes the development of the catarrh possible. lii-ntir.ent locally might be pursued for a lifetime and nothing but relief of temporary characti i' gained. Correct all lliut is wrong in liabits, surroundings and occupation, and you gain a potent inlluer.ee for recovery. One of the mc:-.t common causes of catarrh, especially i.f the nose, is de fective n:u:al breathing or respiration. Again, the structural changes which u.-.uuiiy devel p in lime from long con tinued and neglected catarrh are other reasons why catarrh is not readily re--lieved. Notwithstanding these olsta cl.s. relief can and should bo attained. The iiiost i: ccs:;ary factor i an intelli gent cotiception of tho condition which i.i the foun lalio:i of the disease. Kclicf lor this in iuo:.t ;f t!io casus nu-ans relief from the dioer.se. Cor. St. liouis (J lobe- Uemovrat. Tho Common School. I:i the earliest das of tho settlement cf thi ; country, provisiun was made for t!;e instruction of tho children at tho py.b'ic co-t. the colonies of Massachusetts . i;;l t-f Connect icvst taking tho lead in I.Y. v. .:!;. and the object being to give r'.l chiidien free instruction i.i reading, .e.iii.i granmiar, elementary aritliuie tl' rnd geography. V.'hcn certaiu cum-n.i-N-.ioners addressed questions on this i.-'.bju I tJ t!ie governors of the colonies, l!:e i.c-vcrnor of ( oiiueclicut replieil that "iiiij. fourth rf the annual revenue of tliiM'olony 1 laid out in maintain fre r ; !io i!s for tho aduc-at ion of ou r chi Id ren ; b,;t ( 'ovt ruor Herkeley, of Virginia, re j.lled. "I t!i.:nk (Iol there uro no frcu .i'hcf'l.i i;or J. t biting, ond I hope wo shall t :.t Si ;v; t.ie.ic huiijred yeurs." lliu y. i 'u !;i::;:r. Gri-Y OFFIGKlS. Mayor, Cleik, treasurer, Attorney, Kiiineir, I'oliee .JiidK", Alareliall, F.M. Kiciikv V K Fox Jamks Pattkkson, jb. - 1IVKO.V Olakk - A Maikilk S I'l.IKKOKl) V MalicK rjouuilluieu, 1st ward, 3rd 4th. " j J V Wkckhach I A SAiasneKV i I) M Jo.n ks ( ili. A SlIlI'MAN 1 M it Me it I'll v 1 8 W Mutton-" Con O'Connoii. 1 F MoCallkn. 1'kfj I J W JOMNS'l.N.CllAlllMAN Board Tub. Work Kurcn Uokiikk I D 11 HawksWouth GOLTjVJJY OFFIGKlS. I'rea.surer, Oepuiy Treasurer, -Jlerk. Deputy Clerk, ttecenler of Deeds -aiiity ltecurder (Jlerk of inVtriet Co art, Shertlf, Surveyor. Attorney. 4 11 ut. of Pub. Schools, louuty Jii'luo. V. A. Ca.mpiiki.l Thos. 1'oli.ock BIKI t'ltlTCH KI KLO KXA CltlTCIIKI KI.U W. H. Fool John M. Lkviia V. C. Siiowaltkk J. 0. ElKKNHAHV A, MADOLK A LLKN liKKSON Maynahu Spink C. ltUSSKLL. HOARD OF SUPK.HVISOKS. V. IJ. Toon. Cli'iu., - - I'lattsmouth Liouis K.O.TZ, - Weeping Wnter V. Ii. la -Kso.v, - Kiinwood GIVIG SOGIKT-MS. 1 ASS LOU(li No. lliJ, 1 U. O. F. Meets 'every Tuesday evening of each week. All -raiidieat brothers are reepeclfully luvued to t'ttilKl. nvrrsiouni encampment no. 3.1.0. - O. I'., iiieei every alternate triday la ic'i in-iatli in the Maxonie Hall. Visiting ir.t tiers are invited to aiteiui. llltlO LODGE NO. 8. A. O. V. W. Meets every alternate Friday eveiilnjiat K. ol P n!!. Truisietit brotlieri are respectfully iu vitii It i irteud. F.J. MorirHn.MasterWorkiiiiiii ; r. r. Is:" i.vu. l-oretnau : Ii. 1J. iveinster. Over- wr ; II. X. Taite. Fiaaueier ; H. F. Houfe- vorili. Iteeorder : M. Mavbriulit. Heeeiver i. Ii S uitli, Past M . W. : 1. X. Kovrcn, Uuide ; r. d. iviiiiz. lusioe ' at- l'. l 1A8S C.VMP NO. Hi. t- of America .Mrei I in i x oODMEN i: 1 i i fuai III Mon- layeveiiiu at Iv. of !' m li iraiisieiit irotliers are reipie.stea ! ai wi:u h. L. A, Newco tier, ner i'!- ikiI: 'i. , Niles Worthy Advix.-r ; S. f. V;liie. h.tiikei ; V. A, 3oeck, Clerk. iJL.vrrs.Mou t :i i.oDiiis x s, .o. c. v. - Meet every Hlt!ii;tte Kriil iv i-v-nnitf at rtockwood hall ;it s iV. mm. All transient lin-lll-'.rs aro respectfully invited m alti-ml. L. S. Lhi-.ii, M. W. ; F. Uovd. Foreiuau : S. C. vVil.'.e. Iteeorder ; buou aid Audrs ui. iveisper. JLATr-MOUTll L ir.GENO. ti. A. F. A.M. - Mi-et.s on tli lirt nail tiiir.l MoikIhvs of ?ae.li iri-mtli at l)f'-T AH transient broth ers are cordi.Uly ia , itt'd to inet with us. J. Ii. ltlOUKV, W. M. V'm. II ts. Sacrn'nry. VKHltVSivA :dPTEit. No. it, K. A. AI Meels seen. id a-i l fnartli lu-sdav of ea.-li nonth at Ma-oaV Hall, l'ratisei. at brothers ire iuviied to iiteet witii us. K. K. Wiiitk. 11. P. Wm. I'ivs. Secretary. f '". ZlON COMMA DAUV. NO. 5. K. I. "-Meers llrst and third Wednesday nig:lit of ?ac'.i iiinnth at. M iso Vs hall. Visiting brut Iters ire e irdially invited to meet wiih us. Vm. IIavs, Kec. F. E. Wihtk. E. C. CASS OOUXCir.NO ir.2t.HOYAL ' 1ICA N 17 AI me -ts the eee ind and fourtli M.nnl-ivs i.f acb in mi ii at Arcanum Hail. K. N. Ulexn, Uftjent. P. C. Mivok. Secretary. PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President .Kobt. Ii Windham A. Ji. Toild Wm Neville F. Herrmann F. It. (luthaiaii 1st. Viee President 2nd Vice President SecT'Mary Treasurer lIKK.-TOIS. J. C. Kichcv. F. IC. White. .1. C. Patterson. J. A. Coiiiier, Ii. Kl-'on, C. W. Sherman, F. lior der, J. V. Weckbaeh. MjOONIHiE POST 45 C. A. R. BOSTKK. W. Johnson Commander, S. Twtss Senior Vice . liATKs ..Junior " Adjutant. Q. M. OiHeerof the Day. iuard Serjrt Major. ..Quarter Master iSergr. J Nilks ;.--VltV STKKIG11T. ! vlon Dixon : It A rlks Foito VDKKSON FltY..... 'OH OKllI.KMAN. CUKTIS,. Post uaaplain Meet iusr Saturday evening ALFRED DOGES. CelsTorated French Slippers AT- R. SHERWOOD'S STewspapor, EPDBLIGAS DAILY Per .11 on Hi. KIHTIOX. WIO.IIO lVr ear. S.i wkkklv i:niTKiv, To Jnnuni'v ll. 1MBII, I.OO. Thi." r.di ilde iiu. I fearless Jourtial has rh.-il-letiui'd Ihe aliiiir:itiou of the etuiiitiy tu the eaiupalca ja-t i'iosi I. Itwa I' e repVfseuia tive leiuliliea i daily of eirak.i, !s ou of t !i lea (Mil:; uwsi:i i i s o( t he enii'il rv . . Ill the future as lit tin i:it Ilia. I!-ft HI l. will e'Miiiuiiii to exi'iil III evryt lllnu. It pilutH Al.l.th- iu-us. It i. lil,;lit. elean, em lyelU and iii'w-y. Tiik liiii-ciiiJCA n HiM'eals to Hi TiIi-ikI In eveiy voting irrliii'l to lv. I heir m mii:iI iNlnuen in exteiiolui; Its eireulat Ion. S nd for sant'di: eoji'e.s. Mail I.i-t of linin, KhIho elubw. IT JS THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. I he W'heki.v Ki-ri'ui tew iimtei l.ill v lin liroved for ss:i -inih;ish.-l every 'I'liuiNilny, rontains all ill news of tin- wi-i-k In a eon denscd fniin. It Is the lejt and cheapest weekly newspaper p ddlshed aa wlteio. i"All reti iltanees uliou'd be addressed to Till! OMAHA KKPF151.ICAN CO.. Oniali i. Kebras-ka. J j Tiench Health Feamlesa FOOT WARMERS I AT 6hervvood, c. yiAEA R rvn IQOJV'T you know it ? Of course yon do and you will want warm Underwear, Blankets, etc. (UR Line is Unsurnassed bn ami other line in the city. A handsome f.lRTETY of Scat on aide Dress (toads, cloths, Henrietta ClothSj Trecots, etc- YERYTinXG in Blankets, Flannels, Comforts, Hosierv, Battings, that yon want. y97 will not regret looking oar di jfer cut par tments over before purchasing. It pay you. MYllMA nUCS and a Handsome Line of Car pets, Malts, Floor Oil Cloths, and Linolcnni at Loir Prices. C D Weclfiaci's Sjieciul Sale conunencing November I2tli, conlinuiro; one week, Cloaks anc Plush Cloaks find Children's ' ottered anywhere in the city. PLUSH WRAPS We have an im mense, line and will discount same 25 per cent, as they must be sold before the end of the season. Our I PLUSH SEOR! WRAPS' are eleeant fitting iirments. AY sell- them at $14.50. worth all ot $20.00. Comfortables A Fine Selected Line of from $1.00 uie miest io cent iJutting in tlie city. UNDERWEAR In Natural Wool, White Colars, Scarlet Stripe, Prices lower than any house in the city, as we arc over-stoektil with these oods. CALL AN1 SATISFY YOURSELVES. Yours Respectfully, TTTTir Tl niifiinnoniKflin Bread- B( d will Be will a; S3 n s r. Price 20 per cent less tho price Examination will prove statement. WRAP $nn Plush cioaha OUwe sell lor i0 sell elsewhere at $27. 7W- $f)n Plush Cloaks plJwe sell fur 25 -ell elsewhere at $.15. fid k. 1 I'insh CloskK w -ell for ft-JO sell dsewhere at 50. A iP Plush Cloaks we !(j)4UseIl for 4.- -t il elsewhere at $5o. mm. A Full Line of mm Walking l--VV7r.lS I n' -old at tl ie lowest prices. and E lankets up to 0.00 u iaii Up hae Staler w Sl!5 tn LdOICS PLUSH Am ;tCVk l.- V?i. : ? rj Hv I f a? mm i it;