The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 01, 1888, Image 4

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Tne Evening Herald.
A. Nallbarj. Ieatlf,
Telrpboa. Urn. .V.
UorkMixxl ItailiiiuKt
- Dr. Mla. Ofllr. la (crlaa. llri More, Brl
.dear 4'or. tilth Uraaitv, Trlrpboae S.
Ir. Wlthrra. DralUt, lalon Hlork.
Catholic St. Paul! I'hurrli. ;it. tirtwci-n
Klltli and Mxlli. Katlu-r l a'iwj, 1'a.stnr.
iWvire. : M;i-.hhI h nixl to :'M a. M. hiiliclay
School at 2 uK). wl'li li.-iieilkll..:..
C'iikihti an. - rrniT and KIkIiIU St.s.
HuinUy School 10 a.m.
KriHioi-Ai..-St. I.iik-' fliunli. rornrr Third
and V in-. ! H 11. r.nru'!-f . ;-lr. h-r-
vlrf" : II a. i. a d 7 ::)! i . Sunday Si-iiool
at 2 M r m.
OrmiAX M r.T!nii!T Corner Sixth St and
lirntilt. Krv. Illrt. I'aMnr. S. rvln-n : 1 1 A. M.
and :'M I. l. Sunday Sell 1 la ::ui a m.
J'rkhiivthiian. Mai", lu-twi-en Sixllt atid
.s,-rlilli. Krv..J. T. ltairi.ia-iliir. SMVIr-;
iiiiihI htur. iiidhiIii anil evening. S unlay
School 1 :M
Fikst Mktiioimwt. Slvtli St.. Iit-twen Main
anil IVarl. K-v W. It. Alexander, paMor.
Service : II A. M.. 7 :'.' . M. uiid:t- .-cliool
2 311'. M. I'rayt r merti n Wednesday evening- ksivtkkias. --l.'orner Main and
Ninth, lirv v llle, i:iM r. S-i ices : n.siial
lionri. Suntl.iy M'liool ; -.'.'o a. m.
8Wr.KIl- I 'O.MiKKl ATIX a I. Uranlle, be
tween Fifth and nixlh.
The apirant fur tlie post otliee for
the ensuing term me very prominent and
Thu case of Miry Blakely vs. Justis
Blakely for divorce will Ie presented to
the district court today. Attorney Harr,
Mr. Verncr is a good singer and
dinccr. and plays the careless, happy
l.rave Ir'n'i boy with spirit nnd effeetive
ncss. St. Louis Post Dispatch.
Mi. Oporf'e Staats is actinir as sub-
stitute for .Mr. J. X. WUc, at the post
atVicp. until after the burial of his late
father-in law, Chaplain A. Wright
Mr. Vomer is an easy versatile im
personation of Irish character, possessing
n finn m:nlv nresence. a sweet, tenor
j I
voice, ami an off baud freedom of man
ner. Chicago Times.
A man named McCulloy appealed to
the district court for a divorce, charging
his wife with adultery. The case was
brought up lefore the court this morn
ing, but no defense was offered.
James Kambo was arraigned before
Judge Clifford this morning for being
drunk and disorderly on the sireeU.
The usual tine was assessed, but the
prisoner could not pay his tine and was
sent to jail to board it out.
Mr. Veruer is today the best Irish
character actor on the stage, an author of
considerable merit, and a vocalist of
note. Louisville Commercial. Mr. Ver
ncr and his company will appear at the
"Waterman opera house on Tuesday even
ing next, December 4.
Mr. Mart Gushing, who now has a
run, as engineer, between Lincoln and
H isting, scalded his arm so badly the
other day while on duty that he has
been compelled to abandon his work for
a time and pay attention to the injured
arm- II thinks he will noon be able to
resume his work.
The funeral of the late Chaplain Wright
villi take place tomorrow afternoon at 2
o'clock from the Presbyterian church. A
short service will be held there before the
remains are conveyed to Oak 1 Kill ceme
tery, over which the pastor, Hav. J. T.
Iiaird, will preside. lie will be assisted
!v Iiev. W. Ik Alexander, of the 31. E.
A dancing school wa3 opened in
Fitzgerald hall last evening by Prof. J.
X. Oaynore, of Omaha. He was quite
successful in his efforts to secure ft class
a3 a large numler have already handed
in their names. He. also gives private
lesions and has several pupils now under
instruction. A social hop was given
after the class had received their in
The funeral of the late Chaplain
Wright will take place tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, from the Presbyterian
church. The relatives and intimate
friends of the deceased are requested to
meet at his late residenceat 1:43 o'clock,
preparatory to going to the church. The
following gentlemen have been selected
as pall bearers: 3Iessrs. II. T. Clark,
Omaha, Edwin Davis, Win. Hayes, J. M
Patterson, P. P. Gass and I. Spurlock.
Uncle Tom's Cabin Company oi
which we made mention a few days ago,
has. as vet. faile 1 to show up, and the
many anxious people here who were
awaiting the arrival of Uncle Tom will
he sorely disappointed when they learn
that the reception given his advance
ftgent was not free enough to guarantie
the company a nights lolging. However
we would all have been pleased to see
this company in their new play.
The daughters of Hc-ln-kali, who
have been serving refreshments in tl e
opera house for the past two days, have
realiz.-d a good profit from their labors.
Last night a social was given by them
there, and a large assemblage helped
them to dispense with ihe surplus stock
of Thanksgiving provisions which were
tt over. A very enjoyable evening
u PiK-nt. Tha
ladies will clear about
eJty or sixty dollars when all expenses
are paid. We have been informed that
they intend to purchase a fine rogalia for
tueznselrc with the profits.
Petit Jurors.
TIil following is a list of those impan
eled to appear at the next term of dis
trict court which will open December 10,
IssS:' Thos. Urown, Salt Greek; Jahn
Vand orn, Third ward, Plattsmouth; J.
II. Morris, Hock Muffs; Wash. Smith,
Fourth ward, Plattsmouth; Joseph Cool
edge, Plattsmouth precinct; Lorin
Davis, Third ward, Plattsmouth; Win.
Hayes. Tliird ward, Pliittsniotith; K. 11.
Day, Weeping Water; .J. W. Uriilin,
Jxti i.- v i I If-; Peter Ihirke, Louisville; A.
D. Garrison, Liberty; ('. A. KnuHm-nip,
Avoca; I. M. Ward, Center Precinct; A.
E. Cox, South liend; Sam-M. Halver
stadt, Weeping Water; Patrick Hayes,
Weeping Water precinct; A. K. Hoden.
Hook Muffs; J. W. Conn, Second ward.
PlattMsiouth; A. C. Fry, Second ward,
Plattsmouth; John Chase, Weeping Wa
ter; Kmil Sliiider, Avoca; L. A. New
comer, PSattsmouth precinct; F. IJ. Lehn
holf. Third ward, I'iattsmoiilli; Andrew
CIu i-liaiiso;i, ji ceil wood.
Miss Fannie Lewis, of Ashland, is the
gjest or Miss Kttie Sehildkneht.
Mrs. Cherries, of Lincoln, is the gutst
of her cousin, Miss Lillian Pollock.
.Vis4 Laura Had ford, of Portsmouth,
Ohio, is visiting at the In me of her cousin
Mr. V. 15. Sampson.
Riddle House Guests: Miss Durra
Grutiier, Ohio; L. W. Smith, Des Moines;
Wui. T. Palmer, Chicago; C. W. Moore,
Lincoln; M. A. Hartigan, Hastings; C. A.
Eickclberg, IJaltimore, Md.; G. Leland,
Lincoln; J. W. Floyd, Omaha; Chas.
Sjhief, Chicago.
What might have been a serious
c itastiophc to the Hekai.d printing ofiicc
this afternoon, was suddenly checked by
the elTwrts of his satanic majesty of this
ollicc, who iu his great satanic power
rules the flames. The stove pipe running
through the garret to the chimney fell
down, causing the upper room to fill
with Miioke, which rolled out through
the roof and windows in great volumes.
The printer were about to arm
thems-1 ves-against a howling mob when
a crowd of men rushed in the doors as
though in fright, and informed them
that the building was on fire, The prints
coolly hoisted the devil to tho garret
where lie did effective work and soon
got tl;..' pipes connected.
The city dads of Elinwood sur
rounded the throne of the district judge
to act as wltueiues in the case of Elm
wood vs. G. W. Green, for non payment
of occupation tax. The case was dis
missed, and the dads were apparently
very much disappointed to think they
had to Plattsmouth on a fool's
Deputy Sheriff Miller arrived last
evening from Cedar Creek with Art
Crayt.-n in charge whom he arrested
there for larceny. There are two
chargi s against the prisoner, one being for
stealing goods from Clark's storr.
He w is brought up for trial this morn
ing h fore county Judge Russell, but
t he ease wascontinued until Friday next.
'i lie LiedcrkranK society, which has
recently reorganized for the purpose of
rehea.xing new music and making prep
arations for coming events, have been
very successful and are rapidly im
proving. They arc now practicing
sever;; new and very pretty pieces.
T ie funeral oi Frank Finner, who
died yesterday morning, occurred this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. He was a Ger
man, and lived in Billings row.
Miss Lizzie JlcVey lost a belt on the
streets lust night. A buckle was attacheel
ton one end. The finder will do a favor
by leaving in at this oflice.
Ten car loads of silk passed through
the city last evening enroute for Chicago,
The silk was shipped from San Fran
cisco. To Save a Dollar.
Passenger: "Chijelren under twelve
years eif age riele for half fare, J believe'''
Conductor: ies. sir, but where is
the child?"
"1 his chap with me."
"Holy grail! He under agef Why, he
wears viskers."
"I know it, conductor; he is II0-II0,
the el o -faced boy."
On 3 Thanksgiving Day Spoiled.
"V.Yre yon eluly thankful yesterday?
"Not especially: the infernal butcher
that I orelered a turkey of didn't send it
up i:i time."
All persons kuowing themselves indebt
ed to t le estate of Dr. R. 1L Livingston
for ined'eal service's, are requested to call
antl settle with undcrsitrueel.
F. Tl. Wiiitf.
lw Executor.
Because he had no Oakland Stove.
Buy one of Jonssox Bnes. scpt22-dlm.
Twei or three fresh milk cows for sale
at Holmes' barn. tf
Plenty of feed, flour, graham
meal at Heisel's mill, tf
II. Boeck's furniture stock La acknowl
edged to be the finest and most complete
in the city. .
mill 'Hwamwm
iff f 1 1 f if pApM
Ladies' Modjeskis.
Plack Jiagonal Cloth, Fur Trim
med, only $7.00.
Black Extra Quality Poucle Cloth,
Spike Fringe Trimmings, Bell Sleeve,
only $10.00.
Black Frieze Cloth, BallTrimming,
Quilted Lining, Astrachan Culls and
Collars, only $1LOO.
Brown and Tan Brocaded Matel
lasse, Plush Ball Trimming, Plush
Cutis and Collar, only 15.00.
Silk Plush, Plush Ball Trimmings,
plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets,
only -3 15.00.
Black Astrachan Cloth, Spike
Trimmings, Satin Lined, only S1G:
Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking,
Ball Trimming to match, Quilted
Satin Lining, onlv $20.
Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball
Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal
Loops, only 23.
Elegant" Seal Plush, Beaver Ball
Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin
Lined, only, 32.50.
Our Plush Sacques arc linished with the best of Quilted Satin
Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops, A 113' guarantee
failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will he
replaced by a new one.
e r r
a Jt!
kPECIAL Sales in Ladies Fine
worth $5.00.
UR Three-Dollar Shoes is far better
Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will
IME is going on and our goods must
pJ;OME think this is just a blow.
OW all wc ask is lor you to give us a
ND to sec the goods will convince you
other dealer.
jsRICES Low is our Motto.
J, M. Gaynore, of the Omaha Dancing
Academy, will open a dancing school for
beginners next Friday eve, Nov. 30, at
Fitzgerald Hall. With all the latest
dances has been teaching at Omaha for
past seven years. Private lessons Friday
afternoon. J. M. Gaynoke,
tf Instructor.
Why pay big prices for sewing ma
chines when you can get a New Howe at
K. Shmvood's for $25,00?
Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils
in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living
ston's residence, corner Sixth and Oak
streets.- Plattsmouth, Nov. l'J, tr
Why go to grocery ami elry goods
stores for arcticts w hen you can get them
for t5c at Sherwootl's?
The light running Howe at Robert
Sherwood's only $25.00.
Two beautiful 3 acre tmcts, with run
ning w iter and close to shops. Price
reasonable and terms easy.
W. S. Wise.
The light running Howe at Sherwood's
only f.5.00.
Our Assortincnt surpasses
anything heretofore attempted
ly ns in this Department, and
our customers will he surprised
at our magnificent display of
aflies' aM Misses'
and at very Low Prices. We
are showing decided novelties in
Stripes, Checks,
and Solid Colors !
with Plain,
in a. m ijl9
Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $8.50,
than ever put on the market here before
equal ours.
be sold.
that we are selling cheaper than any
S 0 O.
Dr. C A. Marshall.
Resident Dentist.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth
Specialty. Auesthctics given for Pain- !
Artificial teetli made on Gold, Silver,
Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nnd inserted
as soon as teeth arc extracted when de
si reel.
All work warranted. Prices reasonable.
Fitzor halo's Block Plvttsuoctit. N'kh
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to me, are requested to balance
their accounts on or before the first dav-
of January lSSi, ag, after that time, ail
accounts will positively be left in the
hands of a collector.
Dr. ScniiDKSEcnT.
Jfoy. 26. - . tf
Kid Gloves.
We shall offer all of our Kid Gloves,
worth from $!.?: to jfi'.SO, t the Nomi
nal Price
This inelodi s i vi ivthing we carry in
Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Custors, and
Driving Glovex.
t Iiuttoii ,Siti! fou's Best Colors and
Blacks, now $l.f,0, worth $2.50.
4 Button Simj fon's Best Colors and
Blacks, now $l..r,0, worth f2.2.".
4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered
Backs, Colors and Black, now $1.50,
worth $-00.
5 Button Bon JIarche Extra, Colors
and Black, now $1.50, worth $1.7.1.
8 Button Mosquetnire Suedes, Colors,
only $1.50, worth $2.25.
0 Button Mosquctairc Suedes, Colors
and Black, $1.50, worth $2.00.
4 Button Castors, Colors, oulj now
$1.50, worth $2.00.
Suede Guantlet Driving Gloves. Colors
only now $150, worth $2.25.
Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and
Browns, soltl elsewh' re at $5.00.
Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys
nnd Browns, with Fancy Border, is deciel-
eelly a good bargain.
Our $7.00 Beaver good heavy Shawl.
ery pretty line of colors.
Our $0.00 Beaver, superior quality,
eletrant patterns, well worth $10.00.
Our $10.00 Beaver in Gre-ys, Tans nnd
Browns, entirely new patterns, and woulel
be decidedly cheap at $12.00.
Comprises Everything in
German Knitting,
Eider Down,
Fairy Floss,
Shetlanel Floss,
Comforts and Blankets.
10k4 White Blaskets at $1.25 per pair.
10x4 White Blankets, cooel weiirht.
only $2.00 per pair.
10x4 "White all Wool Guaranteed,"
only $4.00.
Our Country-made White, at $4.75
Sale !
Me rriHeSbiiiinL
n3 is ri il
iviuutji uioioing diore,
FRIDAY EVENING, 30th inst.
A Cordial Invitation is extended to the Public in General,
that evening
will be presented to every Lady present. Our rooms will be
handsomely decorated. We will show our stock of
Children's Boy's & Men's Clothing,
OUR stock: OF
Silk Handkerchiefs, Nobby
&iiKs,wooiens and Cassimeis cannot be ur
passed, and Prices o Low that You
cannot fail to buy them
We arc more than pleased with our increased trade
and it is
S. &. C. MAYER.
Cor. r.laln and 5th St. CARRUTH nmimnr
per pair, is extta large nize, nnd gnc rally
advertised ns a big I oigiiin lit 5.(0.
1 1x4 "White In J tiiul is full the nil
at $7.50 u pair is ii fct.i d l.uruin.
$ I.50,AVtst(in I!nivcBd JMnnkit is
g d vulue at Jffl.fO.
$0.00, Hcd Blanket extra weight ni.d
12x4 Itcd Blsnket at $f.C0 per pair,
made up of the finest wool.
Brown mid Giny mixid Jilnnkitp, at
all prices.
Out $1.00 (Vnifoit, fair print, good
v id tie.
Our $1.50 (Ymfoit, gcod quality,
piiiit t-olid, red lining, filled with
hite batting.
Our fS.CO comfort. Bent Print, cxtia
Our $2.50 Comfort, two good vnluts :
No. 1. FnFt Colon d C hintz Piint,
"White Cotton Filled, extra fi.e and
No. 2. Furry Si. tine, f olid led lin
ings, elegant line of patterns m.d' olois.
Our $a.25 In oitd Chintz Pitttuns,
very fancy quilti d. i xtia nizc ai d w i if. 1 t.
Our $4.(0 Fine Farcy Saline, Solid
Saline Lined, veiv nieelv qinlteet, y'.7v
Ladien' White Meiir.o Vef-ts.Silk itile! -eel,
Silk bound, at 50 cents csieb. I'm. Is
to mi.tch.
Lnelies' f'xtrn fne, purpriir.r quality,
White Jleiino Ve tts, .TeTM-y ribbed f-lc ves
lit 75 cents each. Pants to inateh lit mine
Indies' White Wool VoMs, Silk Pe.ur.d
and Stitched, nt $1.25.
Ladies' Natural Weel VcMs nnd Punts
at $1.00 inch, worth $1.25.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests nnel Pants, nr.octh
and soft, on'y $1.00 eaeh.
Ladies' Scarlet Saxony Wool VeMs
Pants, finest quality, nt 91.75 cneh.
Ladies' Camels Hair Pants nnel Vet-ts
Reduced to $:;.00n f-uit, worth $4.00.
Full Lines of Children's, Mit-scs nnel
Be)js' Unelerwcnr, White, Scarlet, Natur
al and Camels Hair nt Low pi ices.
Seal Plush Wraps.
Our 1 ine of Plush Gniinerts this FcaHiii
are made up of the beft prudes of Lon
don Dyed and LiMcrs Seal Plushcp, and
Every Garment Guaranteed to wear.
Our Plush Jackets nt. $15.00 are verv
Our English Walking Jackets, three-
quarters h ngth, at $25. well voitii $;;o.
Our $25.00 Phifch Saeques, Ke.Td else
where at $.'!0.00
Our $30.00 Plush Siicours v.e.nh fullv
Our $35.00 Phh Saeenus worth full v
$40.00. f-w
Our $37.50 Plush Saceiues sold e:ve rv-
where at $45.00.
Our $45.00 Plush Hae-eiins, re uular r-it v
pi ice, $55.
Neckwear and Mnfflpr. in
I 1