f HE; DAILY HEJiALii 1 iATTSMOlHU NKiiHASKA, SA'al.. Am I j Tho Plattsiuouth Daily Herald. KIM O T T S BBCS., Publishers & Proprietors. THE PLATTSMOUTII 11EKAL1 I published every evenlnc except Sunday and Weukly every Thursday morning. HeKls tered Ht thu postotTtee. I'laltrinoutli. Netr..n Keeoiid-cliiHM matter. Olllce corner of Vine and Fifth utreels. Telephone iNo. M. trkms rrm uailv. One copy one yeiir In advance, by inail. ...f 0 no Due coiijr per month, ly earlier fto One copy per week, by carrier 15 TF.RMS Von WKKKLV. One copy one year. In advance SI IM Uuecopyalx mouth, lit advance 75 Look out for a squall Monday as con gress meets on tliat day. Conohkss will assemble Monday and President Cleveland will transmit his last message to that honorable body. Tiik governor of Tennessee has been advised by an eminent lawyer whom he consulted, that he has no authority to throw out the rcpublic-uti votes of two entire precincts berause it is alleged that there were illeiMl votes found in the boxes. All that can be done is to throw out the excessive or illegal votes, leaving the rest to be counted. If it is done, Mr. Evans, republican candidate for con gress from the Chattanooga district, will receive his certificate. Tiik winter king has announced his coming to the people of the east by one of the worst storms tliat eycr visited the storm-swept New England const. Tele graph wires are down nud telephone win's are dumb with cold. Railroads are blocked, street cars stopped running and inavinir in the churches ecaaed. so bitter was the cold anf1. terrible the storm. AH along the beach the wreck age of vessels i drewn and the wail of the drowning mariner u hidden iu the fierce howling of the blast. How differ cat is this in Southern Arioii:i. one of the fairest, bat most neglected and less known spots in all our country's domain. Grass is green on the hills ami f he roses bloom as tenderly and as sweet as on a lay morn, but the world knows little of this and apparently carts less. They seem to prefer their cyelone-c.vi pt plains and icebound coasts to this land of almost eternal sunshine. There is, however, in. accounting for the tastes aud dispositions of men. Arizona Citizen. Y.V bid just lollf.l tip our U;i hi t. ntu r o;.f.ipii:g inn, pivp;:r:it:;v t. n:g up the lire nni niiiii;; tin- i .n.. s on to I -oil. v. hen we hNud the 'itavj tlu:i! of ii Laiiguri' leaping inpiilh i:i a n M;i ;r.c hClllb. ,,It was the v. ! t-f iiio::unt," as the old fahicii'd tmvdi ;s um-J lo Kay, to get out our revivers on tho chance of a shot; l.-i:t wi I cl U walcli mi interesting biht. A di:!;;o was steanng swiftly nu.:ng the vtiy.v of ilie frcruo. parallel lo I i:e coiirs;o ol lln l.'iin- tariKi, and in ordinary circiiiu-.l;ii;ces a leaden messenger would have U-on promptly sent after him, with all the more probability of stopping him, as be pause d occasionally to h-ten; but pos.-iole kangaroo steak was just then upixTinost in our minds. In a minute or two tho kangaroo suddenly broke from the ojion country, and the dingo, for whom he was evidently unprepared, made si splen did dash and pinned the marsupial by tho shoulder. Almost instantly after ward a second dingo, who had no doubt been driving the game toward his com panion, nidied out of the 6crub and took the kangaroo on the opposite side. In spite of the poor beast's violent bounds hither and thither, he toon rolled over, and In an astonishingly short time the dingoes had put an end to his struggles. 'A fresh feed for certain now," Wilis' pered tho stockman, and we began crawl ing on our bands and knees toward the sjiot, a lout 100 yards away, for a shot at the dingoes, who had been too much occupied in the excitement of the cha6e to notice us. The slightest noise, the chance breaking of a dead twig, or per haps Ihe motion of a tall blade of grass, sullleed to alarm them, and though tha revolver bullets cut up tho earth close to them, both went away unscathed. The kangaroo was quite dead. How they had mauled him in those two or three militias' His chest was torn open under the foreleg, and hi peck bitten through suid through. These wild dogs secni to know instinctively where tho great ar teries aro eitnated, and, unlike our do mestic hounds, understand perfectly well how to kill a kangaroo without in curring tho risk of a fatal stroke from its powerful hin t legs, armed with those formidable chisel like nails. Some fresh cut steaks oil the loin put us in good trim for the day's work. chambers' Journal. SOUTHERN ELECTIONS. It4is very certain that there will be number of contested election cases from the South in the next Congress. The grounds of contest are not more pro uoaneed or numerous thau those which have been present in many previous cases during recent years; but southern re publicans have heretofore ailed to con test seats which properly belonged to them, because they knew that a fair and just verdict could not be expected so long as the house remained democratic. It if uow proposed to mike a disclosure of the practices which have been resorted to for the purpose of compelling the election ol democratic cougressmene in republican districts, and to see if some effective rem edy can not be found for a wrong which is at once both a reproach and a peril to our institutions. There is no wish to vindicate the right of every American cit izen, white ir black, to cast one vote and have it honestly counted. The light ol each state t manage its domestic affairs in its own way is freely conceeded; but it is also insisted that in so far as the inter ests of flic federal government are iu volvcd in statt. ele tions, the federal constitution must net be violated. Tin people of the whole couutrj ln.iy properl demand as much as this from any state: Oh Moat Woman of Alaska. Tho civilized woman when she wants to be wooed attempts to make herself as ttractive as iHbje. So does the Chil- cat woman, but sho has a ditreiviif idea of what is attractiveness. One evenincr, fter all the fishing canoes came in, I saw a young squaw, robed from head to foot: in a ;.;ep red blanket, sitting stolidly on the c:nl of a gr?t spruce log a few rods awav irom the cannery ?.4i4 sr. a short distance from where the lishim? 'canoes were moored, and where the fires of the Chiieat fishermen had been lighted. When, out of curiosity at her singular cot t: me and position, I approached her, I found that sue had blackened her ace until it was blacker than that of the or dinary siegro minstrel. 1 hero was not a, trace of her native duskiness, but the artificial bloc!; shono as if it were composed and put on from m an. ele of good French blacking. In addit'.ti to that a long silver pin was stuck m hei1 under lip und extended out from tiie c'.iin a couple of inches, while a heaw silver ring hung from )icr nostrils and :i host of massive silver bracelets adon d her wrists. Sho was simply a hello -f the woods and of Chilcat Inlet nde: voringto make known to the voting buck.-, around that she was in tho mutri- tnoni. 1 market according to native cus- om Li re, inter sitting tor an hour or more ;im not attracting anv more attcn- liou t han that prompted by my own curi osity, .-he left her twilight wooing place, shook out the folds of her red blanket, and walked with an air of indifference to in o!' tent on the beach, whioh appeared ro k- her habitation, and disappeared. ( Alaska) Cor. Isew i.ork liraes. Mayor, -Cleik, Treasurer, Attorney, Kll(lneer, t'olico Ju.fe, Uarehall, Couuollinen, 1st ward, 2nd 3rd 4th. Board Tub. Works Count Tolstoi' bltn pie Ufa. (?TJPY JJurxDC mv week b Koiourn at Yasnaia j ouana, tuo count did no manual toil. He had not made any shoes for somo time, nnu aitnougn no projoseu plowing the field of a peasant wwr.a.i whose hus band was in iail for I a.: c stcaiinc. he did not actually get iietv.-.-en tho stilts. He really did not sceni to have sufficient physical strength to iio a hng day s hard work. He was ailing, and, as lie said, rejoicing in the consciousness tliat every uay urougnt niai nearer lo death. We were all much concerned at the evident frailtv of his cons; it tit ion. The previous year, when he had hurt his foot aeainst a cart wheel, ho had lx?on laid up for iuvui.il -. iiu rar no was lar irom well, but he refused to have any advice Mm. irom a doctor. lJh.VKi; and the hoaljn'r art he held in profound disdain, and it was an attempt to 6ecure the advice of the lirst phvsi- cian in Moscow which precipitated tlie pilgrimage from Moscow to Yasnaia t'oliana in tlie soring of this oar. The vegetarian regimen which he has adopted was doing him nogood. He was steadily nressiiig forward along the ascetic path. ftpU 07rub. School;. Until last year be enjoyed the cigarette: I Jouuty Judue. now looacco, use wine aim ircsii meal, is tabooed. Tho son smokes, but not the father. Meat is served at dinner and supper, hut lie contented himself with curds, spinach or vciretahlos. He still allowed himself tea, almost the only lux- ury jeit. laetjeii. l.ooth. Count Tolstoi is not yet '"wived from tea," Iut that al.x will probably speedily follow the rest of the superfluities which have leeu discarded in the pursuit cf thesimplifica tion of life. W. T. Stead in St. Louis Kepubhc, M. KlCItRY - - VVKKox Jamks Tattkumon, jk. - liVUON t'LAHK - A Mauoi.k K 1'i.irruiiD W 11 MalilK j J V wkckhach 1 A SALI81ICUV ) 1 At JON KS ( IM:. A Shi i-M AN .. M M Muhpiiv S W 1JUTTON ,. t (!ON O'C'ONNOK. 1 f McCaLLKN, l'RKS 1J W.ll)KKSI,L'IIAIHMN t ItKII (ioUOKK I 1) 11 IIAWKSWORTH 1. A. Cam PHKi.t, I 11 OS. To CLOCK HlHI Ckitcufiklo Ex a Citi rem- iki.u W. 11. I'ooi. Jon.v M. Uvua W. C. iSHO WALTKK J. O. El KKN1IAKV A, Madolk Allkh Hkrson Maynaho Spink C. Kuhsicli. HOAKO OK SUPKKVIHOHS. V. It. Toon. Cli'm.. - - 1'lattsmouth I.OUIS K-J1.T, - Weeping Water v. u. Ji'jKso.v, - Ennwood Treasurer. Ooputy rruasurer, -Clerk. - - -Deputy Clerk, Recorder of Deeds liHPutv Itecortler Olerk of DlMtrict Court, iiHrui, Surveyor. - Attorney, GIVIG SOGirtJJ.IiS. A Jdfo Sarinsr Dress. Iho problem of a lif? savincr dreRs which thau bo what its name implies is ono mat nas oiten uccn attempted, but in one point or other n as yet unsolved. A Michigan diver claims," however, to have discovered a solution. The dress is a combination of a diver's suit and the famous l'aul LJovton ri. It libers from the latter in that it is not in- llatc-d, and resembles tJ3 former in that a lelrnet with contrivances for secincr and breathing forms part of the outfit. The :rincipal garment resembles a child's nightdress, being wide enoueh at the neck to admit the body, and possessing .... .! 1 rpi V i t-f , ... ....- ciiia i.-y-i. 1 1 if ucciiouiiu is iasteneu with a simple contrivance, and it is claimed tliat by means of a series of overlapping folds in the junction letween the ijuiKipieco and tho lower garment a !ersoii incased can breathe t roc ly. Around the waist is a peculiarly con t rue ted life preserver. e;m:ih!i n't mn. porting ten times the weight of a larce man, and at the feet are leaden soles, the object of wiijcii ja trinajntajn the wearer in an upright position in'the water. It is claimed that a person can rig himself or herself the garment is lit ted for wo men as well as men inside of two minute?, and that when once incased sinking is an absolute imios.sibility. The inventor claims fnaf lluy fjO per cent, of peojjle who ore sup;osed ' to havo been drowned aro in reulity killed by expos ure. To obviato this difficulty tho rub ber suit is constructed with a view to re taining tho heat of the human body and at the same time to prptcct it from the water. Chicago Tribune. 'ASS LOWK No. 110. 1 o. O. F. -Meets every '1 uoday evening of each week. All rar.jiunt brothers are reeuectfullv invited to ttteud. lh i r.MOUTII EVCAMPMENT No. 3.I.O. - u. t .. ineeis every alternate Frhlav in aii iiionth in the Maonic Hall. Visitiui: mem is souk litll) LODGE NO. 81. A. O. U. W. Meets ever alcvrnat Fridav eveuluir at K. of P tiall. Transient brotherH are respectfully iu mo It itteud. F.J. M'UKan.MasterWorkinaii K. P. llruwu. Fore:nan:(i. II. Keinster. Over eer; it. A. faite. Financier : a. F. Iloiife- wort.ii, iiecoreer ; -M. Maybright. Kcceiver it. n niitn, Past M . vv. ; . . Uoweu. (iuule P. J. Kunz. Inside !i. ASS CAMP NO. of Americ i t r I : lay evening at K. er i- , ;;i brother are rbiiat:! i f;: in '.-i "'eweoiner, Vennr tlvl.- ti n.i Worthy Adviser : S. ; Boeck, Clerk. .-i VDODMEiN i i : i:M-th Mon v transient IIH. h. A, 'i. , Niies Wiia. H.uifcei ; W. A. IJL.VTrS.vI )U1 if i,ODi!ii N , . O. M;icts every alt-riii-.tK Fri.l ly evetii U. W :ilttr at. sacitw.wu nan at s . i;i n . All era isieni broth- rs are resoeetf-.!i: v invite.l to a!:enl. 1. s Larson, M. V. ; K. Koitinan: S. C, A llde, Kecorder ; L-.":iard Aii lorsnii. v'jrsf er. JSL.V lT.-t.MOU l'il l. )?i;l!c XO. (1. A. F. & A. M. ulefts on tne tlr-t soid tliii l Alon.lavs of idcu :nntli at Ilieir hail. All transient brut ti ffs ara cordially In, itel to im-er. witli tn. .1. i. KlCilKV, W. M. Vm. M ats. S-'.'.r'arv. VT KUiiASK Meets so-, . i t:i-jPTLft. 'k-.'-t it-It: k. 1 1 Nl, ft, li. A. AI 1 il''i(lav of eai h iionlhttt iM i-a' iiaii. 'i ranseit-iir lirnfhii ire iavited lo tueot Willi us. K. K. White, II. P. '.Vm. I'vh. Secretary. J ZION COM JA.Meets first I Dr v ict in timber is said p be con tcgJc ,l laws and other tools carrying it l.;'i.i tbo iirfccted wood to sound '"IOV .LjIi , inr.i:i strength of American .';. U'oa is pountb; Kng- ' i -li. Deleft has sc many doors to let out lifV sang .i:i old tie poet, Iu those days they hiid nuC discovered remedies that shut these doors. How different is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, from the old indthe republican party is pledged to j 'Die doses. Consumption or lung-scrof ma, is one wiut cioor mat it sni.is, n respect and enforce sut h a demand. The familiar southern declaration thit this iniples negro domination in certain states is c confession on the one hand that tiieiiegio vote is systematically sup pressed, and a refusal on the other hand to accept the penalty which the constitu tion prescribes in a case of that kind. II the south is so much afraid of negro dom inatiou that she is determined to prevent the negroes from voting at all hazards. then why should she nt be required to yield the political power w hich she hold by reason of the presence of the colored clement? The fourteenth amendment distinctly provides that when the right to vote is denied to any of the qualified voters of a state, or in any way abrid"ed except for rebellion or other crime, "tl e lasis of rej rescutation therein shall le reduced" in the proportion which the number of such voters shall bear to the whole population of such state. This provision has existe.l ever since 1 SOS. and was intended to meet justsuch a condition of thiDgs as is now presented in the south. Is there any good reason why it should not be enforced.' Can it fairly be called ''revolutionary" to ask tliat the south thai! cease to profit by her refusal to let the negroes vote, when the constitution explicitly siys that such a result shall follow such a proceeding? She can easily Hvert all trouble of that sort by permit ting the colored cls to exercise the riuht of suffrage; and if she can not consent to do that, ah-? m crtainly forbidden to rompldn when th republican party pro po to tike away thi a dvantage which thu najastly posses-ies. Globe Diun- ocrat. taken in time, then, Lst life uoor. )o)Ct trasfe s-lip through a moment (hat open Teculiar to tlie Trae. There is ono thing peculiar to tho hat and cap trade, and that is tho manner in which stocks aro ordered. Dy corre spG.adeuce wo agreo with different man ufacturers on a date on which we will meet their representatives. Half a dozer, companies, for instance, manufacture- a similar class of 'goods. We don't want to go cast and visit each of tho factories, and we don't want to visit one and buy there. Neither do we want to have or agent call on us one week, anot! another week, and so on. Hence the ; rangemeat for tlie atrc.nts of corar., ing houses to meet us at t!:c tini; the result apparently beiuj eaiLractor to an concerned. Ti ,1 I . . it ciuc-a cc-lu cjiuiu novel to sco naii a dozen or more names written cn a bote register, one afte the nthfr. all fmn, N'ew York, and to "bo told they aro drum mers for one line. Tho hotel clerk will probably tell you they aro hat men. when, cf course, if you aro suspicious, yen immediately lx?gm to form a frame work or a trust, or at least a combina tion c:i iirlces. 1 nrosumo Una ij thr only branch of business in which this is .lely to happen. It is possible in ours siaii'! ior i no rcnaon that all styles and !urcti.:scs are mado awav ir n mnnn .ho reason. For instance, though winter -,'o:.j. oroored moatlis ago, are not ail ..l yet, we aro now ordering for spring ai:d rammer, and havo been for two '.vceKS. Uat Dealer in Ciobe-DcLaocrat. 1A DAIIY. NO. S. li. T. I tilird SVeilnesil iv ni-'lit. of !ae!i m:at.li at M iso 's hall. Visir itiir uroiher hit uoi.i.any luviteu to meet wan u.-. Vm. Hays, Itec. F. E. vviirj n, E. 0. ilASSCdlTXCINO 1021, UOYAL MJCA SVM meats the cecniid and fourth Mondma oi iiuu nijuui at Arcanum nail. V It. X. lli.Tf.W I.'-rlO C. Mtvoa. Secretary. " ' ' ' " " " PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President Kobt. B WiaiUian. 1st Viert President ..,.. A. i(. Toii 2nd V la eresidout iVin Neville secretary k. Herrmani rieaurer f. K. (h:thm.ip nut KOTO KS. .1. C. Kichev. F. E. White. .1 . r. rniti, J. A. ',mier, H. El-m, C. W. Sherman, F. (lor der, J. V. W eclcbacli. -jQ0J"T you 7: now it ? Of course you do 'and yon will want warm Underwear, Blanliets, etc QUE Line is Unsurpassed by any oilier line in the city. A handsome ETY of Seasonable Di ess Goods, fir cad- cloths, Henrietta Cloths, Trccois, etc JVfifiYTIIUVG in filanhcts, Flannels, ficd Comforts, Tlosicrv, Battings, that yon will icant. s0U will not regret looking our different' De partments over before jnirchasin. It will - pay you,. and, a II an dsom e line of Car pets, Malts, Floor Oil Cloths, and linoleum at Low Prices. DOVEY McCOaililE RQST 43 G. A. R. BOST Elt. T. W. Jon nso.v Corn ni ander. i. 8. luiss Senior Vice -.A. batws Junior N'ilks Adjutant. .I.CNKY STKKIGIIT ..Q.M. ' iLON DlXO.V lifli ?rr.f t'trt iiqv C iarles Foj;o,, i" "s"uard' ADkkson Fav.'.. .; Rer'rt Major. nnoa(loanr,EMAK.. ..Quarter Master Sert't. T. O.Cuktis post Chaplaiu leetinsf Saturday eveuiu MM 'l Mil Special Sale commencing November I2fli, conlinnii Practical Piauo M Organ Tuner AND REP.UItKR. First-class work guaranteed. Also deal er in Pianos and Organs. Office at Coeck's furniture store, Plattsmoutli, Nebraska $5O0SH A jyi for n incurable case of Catarrh in tne Head by the proprietors of DR, SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, Symptoms of Catarrh. Rpadnrho. obstruction of nose, discharg-es falling' Into luruuu. Bomecirnes proiuse, waiery, ana acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent. Liioouy uuu outriu : eves wcuk. nnirintr in mm deafness, difficultv of clearina- throat. Mwctn. xation of offensive matter: breath offensive: smell and taste impaired, and general debility, Daly a few of these symptoms likely to be pres ent at once. Thousands of cases result in con sumption, and end in the grave. ay its mild, sootiung;. and Dealing; properties. Dr. Sag-e's Itemed y cures the worst cases. 50c. Sj:kI your job work to tlvj ITkuai.p office. Don't let that cold of jours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run ir.te catarrh. Or into i neumouia. Or con umption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept health y and clear of all obstructions and offen.--.ive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. can b;i delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Hoschee.'s Getman Srrup. If yu don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people ran tell vou They h ive been cured by it and know how it is, themselves. Bottle only 7.j cents. Ask anv drucriiist. A Frenchman's Oijh of Snuils. r-. . i ;:o snan is to American eves a nraipo- I'ig. ssljmy creature, and the thought of atmg ono makes onus gorge rise. Not ;o, however, to t!u3 I ;-om hii;a:i. wb.o iOOas upon this nroverbialiv f low tr:iv- l ier r..i tne most deiiciou:; morsel Ihiitthe picui can can roll beneath Ids tongue. i;. I:::.- lint ill inni.l i !-r Ann.i'i.vi,, :i :ht draws las length along tho tione wi.il t.nd is or small size, but liiu gigantic brother tliat abounds i:i certain parts of Franco and England' end feeds if the tender ca!)bage plant. ri h'. process that icati.J 10 1113 presence on the table is in teresting and peculiarly i-rcnc.'i. In the lirst piaco be is immersed in water and scrubbed, then be is covered with salt until ad Ins dime is withdrawn; next lie is l-.atoeci again m salt v.-ater. then no is lelt for some time m a solution made from all the appetizing herbs and WM . 1. R T?' O W TVTJ TT- pices. Tho cook j!g is the next process. ' ' ' " A' w' The Original QBS ATVtl I ivrn Dm 3 XV t O bit fc HarmXn. TTneoualedasaUver Pill. Smallest-cheaD- eflt. easiest to take. One Pellet a Dom. dire Sick Headache, IliliouH Headache, Dizziness. CoiiHtipatiou, ludiKestioii. Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of tbe stomach and bowels. 25 cts. by drufrs-ist. and with wine ;md one of those mysteri ous sauces known onlv to tha chef Fran cnise, lie ls served. Tho Parisian first views the dish lovingly, and then, rais ing the shell to bis lips, be closes bis eyes ana gently draws into his mouth the succulent morsel, leaving the shell empty. To tho novice the idea is revolt ing, but after tho first trial oh my! Albany Argus. r rsonal attention to alt Business Entrust- o my care. Cloaks and La is' Plush Cloaks and Children's Wear, Price 20 nor cent less tl Sfnrr one week, Wrans 1 Exuinination will prove ie nee statement. FLUSH - WRAPS We have an im mense line and wili discount same 25 ner 4 cent, as thev must be sold before the end of the sea?on. Our. PLOSHSEOHf WRAPS' plush mm Onl'lu.-h Cloak pouwtf noil lor So( -ell Si 8 20 sewhcre at .27. 00nPlnh Cloaks '-PaJwe iell for 05 -t il elit'ulit-ie at ;.Jo. ks -ve ji c.ii I el. sew I. ere at $:A). elegant flttiriir XOTARY IX OKFICK. Titlff Examined. Abstarcts Comnl!pd in surance Written, Keal Estate Sold. Mi n are but the chesnut known as life. whiskers on the -Lincoln Journal. $300 Reward. "We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are strictlv complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail t. .give satisfaction. Lanre boxe3 jontaiiiing 30 sugar coated pills, 2-ic. For si!? by all druggists. Bware of counterfeits and imitations. The gen uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co.. 862 V. Madison St. Chicago.nnd Sold by W. J. Warrick. Courtesy of tho Spaniards. As I was opening the dcor of tht din ing room to pass out a Spaniard ap proached, and I, knowing the great courtesy of Spaniards, determined to be courteous, too, and so held the door for him to pass out lirst, which he did al most unconsciously; then suddenly find ing tliat he bad passed out before me, while I held the door, bo turned most r.ologeticaily to me and repeatedly ex pressed his regrt-t. I shall not soon forget his tone, ncr tho feeling of concern which was shown iii his countenance. Of course I gave io::i i;ie nroner assurances na lirKt I Better Facilities for making Farm Loan? than Any Other Agency. I'l 1 t s:iu:it 1. - et)Mski Dont go to Oiimlui when vou want to tret vour bo.iutiful iiarlor and bed room sets but go to" Ili-nrv Boeck's fur niture emporium where you can get every thing in the furnit jre line that will go to make your home beautiful nd com fort - 1 1 1.1 .11 ... , aiuc; aim nuove :iu you can get it cncup. Remember that ha who sells most can sell cheapest. srarments. AVe sell li e m at 14.50, worth all of 20.00. Pliih Cloaks we ViUscil for Sir, k,.11 !,.! I ... ciewjiere at riji). A Full Line ol 'old at tho lowest prices. iankets Ve have The standard remedy for liver com- S'tSS P!-ntis Liver PilN; they never i.: . - . . ... . I rliDanniiinr von !?fi m a O .r A 4- T - iiu u i un v.ineii l did not mmi t,. -rr j ...c . iim- csi about l!;t nosUi-e of a newsnaotr tr ck's drue store. (1:! ..!..!'.;.. 1,.. . t. : T . .- . .ut 11.13 I1U AVUJ9 lO j t v.cr. -tii i:ounu apain.. Everything necessary fir furnishing a ' Loose can be purchased at II. Boeck's. Comfortatebs and ociecieu i!iie oi I10M1 l.Lo Up to 5U.0O ;l i,nir the finest 15 cent Batting in the citv UNDERWEAR CALL AN1 SATISFY Y0UKSELVES. Yours Respectfully,