The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, December 01, 1888, Image 1

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General Harrison Declines With
Regret an Invitation From
Auol'hta, Ga., Dec. 1. The following
letter was received by the Augusta na
tional exposition people, yesterday:
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 20, 1888.
I'utrfck Walsh ami other, coinmitte,
Aiiynsta Gentlemen: It gives me pleas-
lire to acknowledge the receipt of your
communication of .ovemlei 14, inviting
me on hehulf of the board of directors
, ., , . ... . .
of t bo .1 nf ii nation..! 4. r t i
visit the exposition and to meet the
c itizens of Georgia, who will be assem-
bleu liere some time convenient
to me. I not ccd alo with interest
the kindly terms in which, on behalf of
your people, you extend and preta upou
me mis attractive invitation. X assure
you if it were possible for me to leave
Jionie in make sucn a visit it would give
me greui pieiuure to ooserve in connec
tion with your exposition the develop
. .
ment your state is making in arts, manu
iaciurcs ami commerce between our
people, which is now so much faciliated
by our great railroad system, and the
general diffusion of manufacturing inter-
csts throughout the state will, I am sure,
sun more closely unite in interest and in
Bymatuy, the people of our whole coun
Will you please express to your board
of directors, und also to the gentlemen
who have kindly united in the request
prca.-nted by you, my sincere thanks for
the invitation, and my regret that I am
not nble to enjoy the hospitality which
they so cordially extended. Very truly
yours, Benjamin Haiuuson.
An Inflammatory Circular.
Chicago, Dec. J. A new anarchist
circular has been secretly circulated
in various sections of the city. The dod-
. gers were shown on the sly by bar
keepers in anarchist saloons on Clay-
bourne, lilue Island and Milwaukee aves.
and west Lane and ltindolph streets. It
is printed in red ink, and the matter is
of a decidedly fiery character. At the
head is a large display line, " Richter."
The circular is issued by the Arbeiter
llund, the same society that organized
Sunday schools here in which some hun
dreds of elul Ire.l are being taught the
doctrines of anarchism. After telling
the workingman that he is trampled into
the dust;that he has no recognized rights,
and that he bliould assert his indepen
dence, the circular proceeds to state that
capital, and all who control cnpital.must
be destroyed, and destroyed puickly,aud
that the only elljcacious method of re
moval is the one adopted and carried into
execution by " the martyred advocates of
freedom, who gave up their liTes so that
the principles they advocated might be
perpetuated." "Our time is coming,'
the circular continues. "All that remains
for us to do is to forget petty differences
and band together for one common ob
ject. What a few men cannot achieye,
many can. They can throttle the capi
talistic tyrant. They can surround him
w ith fire and bloodshed, and compel him
in war to recognize our rights, a thing
he will not do in peace," The believers
in the cause arc pressed to give all aid in
. their power toward the organization and
success of the various societies now
springing tip. Aid is aorain asked for
Sevic, IlroneW and Chleboun, and the in
formation volunteered that contributions
can be left at No. 71 West Like street.
The Public Debt
Washington, Dec, 1. The treasury
disbursements have been unusually large
during November, the ppnsion payments
alone amounting to $22,000,000. In con
sequence of tin? was estimated at the
department this afternoon that the pub
lie debt tait merit, to be issued tomorrow
will show an npparcnt Jucreaso of 11,-
500.001) in the debt since Noyenibtr 1, in-
sted of the uul monthly reduction.
There is, of course no actual increase iu
the debt itself; nure.v a reduction in the
ca-m in the trea-ury available for the
pay men' of the de-f.
Hf?115! on Trial.
Caiciuo, Jll, Dec, J. The trial of
Ilronek. t'ic amrchUr, charged withcon-
gpiracj to murder olHeers ot the law who
secured the exccutUn of tle Haymarket
anarchists, was resumed yesterday. The
testimony giyen by two dredgers and a
hackman showed that Ilronek was an
experimenter with, and manufacturer of,
dynimite bombs. Ilronek denied that
lie ha 1 ever said that Schneider made the
bomb used by suicide Anarchist Lingg.
The Vote of Oregon,
PoznXAM, Ore., Dec . The official
canvass of the vote is just completed.
The following are the official figures:
Harrison, 33,293; Cleveland, 26,554;
Fisk, 1,677; Streeter, 363; scattering. 01.
The total yotj of the state was 61,918.
Harrison's plu.-aliiy. 0,769. At the last
lit I
litJ I
presidential election Blaine'i plura
was 5,250.
Preparing to put the Screws to th
Consumers of Coal.
Prrrsiiciio, Pa., Dec. 1. The agree
meiit of the coal operators along the
Monuii'-ahela river to shut down th
mine9 fur an indefinite period goes iut
effect today. The operators all signed
the agreement, and any that there will le
no break, but that they will all stick, to
getber, and that the indication? are that
I -,. . , r 1
I it will be a long time before any coal is
1 e
mined at any of the Mononghela works,
I The 0,000 miners of the riyer will hold
convention at Monong ilieht City to take
steps, if necessary, to make the shut down
general, and to reap their share of the
benefits to be derived from the shut
down. The river miners now have
splendid organization. They will also
make a movement toward securing the
co-operation of the miners of the Kana
Yellow Fever Reoorts.
Jacksonville, Fla.. Dec. 1.
I were five new cases yesterday and no
I deaths.
Gainsvillk, Fla., Dec. 1. No new
casM Rna no deaths here yesterday
I There was no first Thursday night.
A Plow Company Assigns-
Dayton, O., Dec. 1. The Dayton
Plow company assigned yesterday to
vice President Richard C. Anderson.
ssets $900,000. Liabilities not stated,
California's Electoral Vote
Sacramento. Cal.. Djc. 1. The
electoral vote of California, as announced
by the secretary of state today, is as fol
lows: Harrison. 1 2 1,801); Cleveland, 117,
720; Fisk, 5,761.
Kentucky's Vote.
Louisville, Ky., Dec. 1. The official
yote of Kentucky is as follows: Cleveland,
183,800; Harrison, 155,184; Fisk, 5,225;
1 abor, 022; Belva Lock wood, 2.
Let the wild red rone bloom. Though Dot to tbae
So delicately perfect as the white
And unwed lily drooping in the light:
TbouKb she has known the kisaea of the boo
And tells her amoroiw tale to powers by.
In perfumed whutpers and with untaught grace.
Stii let the red rose bloom In her own place;
She could not be the lily should she try'
Why to the wondrous nightingale cry Hush.
Or bid ber cease her wild, heartbreaking lay.
And tune ber voice to imitate the way
The whippoorwill makes music, or the thrush?
All airs or sorrow to one theme belong.
And passion is not copyrighted- et
Each heart write its own music Vhy not let
The nightingale unuhided sing her songf
Ella Wheeler Wilcox in New York Sun.
Professor Proctor op YVeatber Prospects.
The late Richard A Proctor, it ap
pears, had no faith in the modern system
Df weather guessing, based on the so
called science of "planetary meteorol
ogy, or the appearance pi the sun spot?.
Some yeare ago, vyhije etbfta bound a'r
uavenpon, ja.. trie proiesspr was inter
viewed by the editor of The Democrat.
and reference being mado to that sub
ject, he said: "Oh, that is all humbug;
you might as well try to tell where the
largest wave or the greatest white cap
1 1 - . . .
win rise uuring a storm in cqiQ ocean, U3
to localize 6torms by observing the posi
tion of the planets or the size of sun
spots. It cannot be done. Look at it a
minute, lou 6ingle out a very small
portion of' the earth, which is a very
small portion of our universe, and Bav
the movements of the heavenly bodies
will produce such and such conditions of
woaiher in certain neighborhood, res-ion.
stata, continent! TnB 'earth isn't "con
cerned more than any other planet. The
vat extent or untold millions of miles is
narrowed down, localized, to an atom.
as it were. ro astronomical research
justifies any 6uch thing. I have no oa-
tienca witu t. (Lincinnat inquirer.
Ihe Contents of an eggshell.
The weight of an ordinary new laid
hen's egg is frompne ant a half to jwu
anil a half ounces avoirdupois, and th
quimtity pf dry solid matter cbnfane.d in
ii uiuounis to aoouc fwo nunarea grains.
In' 100 parts about 10 parts consist of
shell. CO pf white and 30, of yolk. " I nQ
Hue jus egg contams. a jarger proporr
tiosi of water than the yolk. It containa
no i any matter, dui consists cnieny or
albumen in a dissolved state. All the
fatty matter of the egg is accumulated
in the yolk, which contains relatively a
smaller proportion of nitroerenous matter
and a larger proportion of solid matter
than the vhito. therefore, In an alimen
tary point of view, thd' white 'and the
vol!; UitTe'r considerably from each other,
the former being mainly a simple solu
tloifjf albumen, (fae Jatter be'uig'a eoiii
I ion of a modified form nf .illnimnn fL
gcthcr -jth a quantity of fat. Cassell's
ppi'iittic Dictionary. ' " "
Often you hear street car conductors or
drivers talking of the almost imposibilitv
of beeping their watches on good time
ior any reasonable time. At the same
time another individual can carrv the
abused time piece and have the most per-
icei time, i nave trieo tne idea aim round
it worked admirably. I have a theory
to atlvance as a cause. I believe that
pi.i;-iictbjm lias much to do with jt. 'For
iristance,' an individual with a strong
now" of maOTetisni will carrv a watch
that will eain a fraction. Another rer-
with a less flow will carry the same
watch and it will drop off in tme, (5on-
tiuctor mtilcue-Democrat.
IcUUm' suits mv nnao oetter tnan
1 cso somo proud mar) l)umbo himself
Jn ray presence to see him stoop to
tW'rg of low tfecree, tornan.
Ic l Nul ul V.'liolt nn- t.i:l Ai 'fv
I ul;4l ;i ti.
Talk f htitr licr. rsl: jis A w!i.d. l-
'. liDle uiMt i:i:ir;;et ill i: - II 1 1 i.. ;, lit t::(
in;' Smitiila 1.1 :i mat i:n'i-.'ili'iti . I ( . H M
li:igcn lit Ms. mi n ir I
NoIjcnIv I eCI t,i-v w!i'!i
are in k. :: j A fiv l !. -:n w c :i; l-.J
provisii;i a citv fur u -:t;', si -; l :',
iiHteiy. as iiic win ii frmvs ii ii r. it lenrsis
t judge mure l':t:i!vt !: !. ti-d !.!:,!:;
of provision;. Il i - :: tri:v l!i;tt t!i;
value of whale llcsli !r.;s in !n:n!
eovereu io:i u;o. Uuw r::::iv u.i
lajniiies nuiii h;ive U;-:i aniply (: I
oniv "whale extrm t li :ii i in i !;i
fashion years bark. ( Joi:r:;;:!v.! .! iilil
alsiishow their gratirm'.e IV ;r t ; i!'l 1 a
rreth flavor. It must lie ailinitle.!. wifii
regret, IjuI without lieKitatKiii. that the
listen ordinary iiriicieM or t h ' i is very
limited, ami that In-ef and mutton s:
to iMX'ome monotonous, even when varu'd
with fish anil imultry, and ull the eat
able fruits of the earth as well. The
edibility of the whale is, therefore, an
exciting discovery.
1 he only drawi)::c to the pleasant
picture which arises when the mind ron-
templates 50,000 people dining olf one
animal is contained in the thousht that
whales, when they are proved to be val
uable rof dietetic purposes, will be hunt
ed until they become scarce and perhaps
extinct. io guard against this danger
we have no doubt that whale breeding
would come into fashion. People who
lounu other tonus or tood culture unre-
munerative might remove to countries
where the climate allowed whales to live
in comfort and establish whale farms at
the mouths of tidal rivers. There is, in
fact, no end to the oneninsr for enter
prise and ingenuity which are available
owing to this remarkable addition tp the
domestic larder. Medical Classics.
Tricks of Indian .Jucslers.
Some of the tricks are performed bv
every juggler you meet; others again are
of such an astonishing nattire, and bor
der so nearly on the miracuous as to le
lieyond jho capacity of an ordinary per
former. Of tins character are the orange
tree trick and the burial trick. If, after
having witnessed these feats performed
in broad daylight, one is of the opinion
that it was an optical delusion produced
by the mesmeric power of the operator,
I can only Kay that the ability to obtain
an absolute mastery over every raeulty
of the oliserver is no les3 astonishing
than would be the actual performance o(
an apparently impossible teat.
Tho most noticeable feature in the per-
Fnrnui lif if tli Imli'iti iiifrfrh.f 1 il.r.
- ........... j "oo "
entire absence of any kind of apparatus.
liis scanty clothing auprds po oppor
tunity ror concealment, and every I eat
is performed eimply by manual dexterity
or is a delusion effected by mesmeric in
fluences. The famous wizards of Euroie
and America were nothing without ai-
paratus, and a great deal of the effect of
their jierformances was due to their mag
nificent and costly paraphernalia, lu-
trenious mechanisms and expert assist
ants were absolutely essential to the
success ot their qep4sjop3. A3 an illustra
tion of this J may mention that Anderson
who, by tho way, was the" poorest
wizard I ever saw, considerins: hi3 repu
tation mado oath gpme thirty years ago
ui an cnuiisn uanjiruDicv court imr ins
apparatus, destroyed oy tlie burning of
Covent Oarden theatre, London, was
worth over tou.uuu, and that the effort
to replace it was the cause of his insol
vency, i ins amount, of course, included
stage prppprtles and. everytlung neces
sary jn jus business. A 75 cent carpet
bag would hold all the appliances deemed
necessary by a Hindoo juggler. Even in
the beautiful butterfly trick he manu
factures hi3 paper butterflies as occasion
requires. Charles E. Romain 'n TI.6 Pvs
mopolitan, 'in
The Japanese Wooden Shoe.
Clatter, clatter, clatterl What a noise
the people make as they go ajpAg the
road! They all wear wooden sandals.
and their stockings are a kind of mitten
with a lincrcr for the bi;r toe. Durins
wet weather their sandals become stilts.
and tho whole Japanese nation laeivanes
its stature by throe inches when it rains.
These sandals are held to the foot bv
strnps comuij over the toes, and there is
a st raw sole between the foot and the
sandal of wood. A tall Japanese on a
stilt sandal closely annr,ta ihe. ridicu
lous. JIf; metuuJ''tuc'ks up his long
;own under his belt to keep it from 1-e-ng
spattered by the inud. and the hacks,
if his bore calves seem to be v.:iu kin off
with the man. The Japanese walk is
peculiar. 1 he men put their feet straight
in front of llieiri, Uiid the American In
dian. They lift thchi hijrlj piY the.gip'ind.
ami they have f, get tfiereair'alVput theiii.
The women wabble' and "wabble:" tfiev
bend over as vl!i, Vv. they hlsve
what is pow in Amerieu the fashionable
stride. 1 heir little feet in sandals turn
inward, and all female Janan is i.ireon
toed. Your Japanese lxauty is not averse
to showing her ankle, and the soul of the
Tho'Japahese shoe store is one of wooden-
ware' rather than pf'le'atlier, and thecal
bier mends his shoe wit'tha y'lustj and
planer. f yank Q.' parpenter's Letter.
J. Uuel with t'uint isrusnes.
One of the commonest ordeals tow-hjeh
novices were subjectel in the pauitp
studios in FarH YiQ the paintbrush dueL
Tl"a two latest arrivals were stripped to
the waist and perched on very high stools
ftvoe to face at arm s length. They were
then armed with big brushes filled with
color, one with Prussian blue and the
other with crimson lake, and the duel
began. Perfect strangers to each other,
and having no insults tc avenge, 'tdie.
combatants tvett very gingerly to work
ui the putset, anxious to keep their bal
ance and avoid being daulied with paint.
But, stimulated by the shouts of sngvU
tors, they gradually warmed to t heir
work. A first blow waa struck and re
turned; wavering, staggering and w rith
ing, the opponents, with their bodies all
splashed with paint, broke their brushes
and rolled on the floor, where they ex
changed their blue and red spres in a
hand to hand fight, which ended in the
duelists fraternally soaping and washing
eacb, other's wounds. Morau-KauthisT, .
Japanese beau docs not Uutte yheu tie
sees a two inch pHc.6 pf creau; cojtVred
skiii nliove tlie1 three uich' focit mitten.
Dna!ii hr. l!ortj hn::r rh.'j il."
:ii.! ll.isfc 163;!
Roll I ii I :it clytn'i f .lw 7 t.1 I in' i : t : .'i: lin.s r.oi.;i m i ii.-oi. :i ,! Ii:-.". t
( . v.'ti I : ii'iii iiri ! :n"i i. j Ci cl:..l.
rioci tut !. till.l in (. i, -ii:-; . ii ii ...";
Ab I iiml.i 'i miiik. s.i-iir.. i'i ri, iM:.t.
(i t'tii i i Iii ii k ih 'j i v!T.4 itil.t r'-:t
Of vi.'i.lf.! ln:ilis un.l mii-sii-.' Jii:i!v !irra'iil
In i'. k i. 1. 1 i. t i .i! tin- ii .thl. i::i.l lair
ii-.'i !.: Mar I 'll' i!.tu :!i;iT nl" t:ii- !iy -T-
.il in.' i i :.t (liiiin;; li;.;r.
!': -:!...! i' ri"..vii'. i.. i;r. y
.-.' .. in;: iuir-n'Oiir r.'ii-ri -J ar.
ii';.'I !:-Mii i.f .!,'."un im l s:j ulu.v awy.y
t' A 1 'U'.vmiu iu (.'iiuinUv-i' Jou.a.:!
;i". l: I
nil mi i
w n l in ( if. k'.
.'"iei'1 in.", cn!eriM-:f
nov- i'. i ; .i r::i !;..;..! i:i i')' are
' I" 'i !: ! i'i!i-.!i ;;;u Norwi gian
Hii: -:..:ii (ioi:i Lulc.i. on
tli'1 1 ' ' t r ;..'":ia. ! Li'.'i'odi n. o;i lli
No; i i.i.i. : j'.rliy situated witliin tiie
un ii - i,-:::;.! i.; wiruf l.'Jn:) n;il;s fur
l!l l :' :: I'iau ;tiv riiilii;ad in Canada.
Ai. t :! i s . n:.g nu-.eoiojoiral fuel stated
la r. i. iii .-.i l i I'im work i -. that theMiow
faii i ! t:und to Ik m tually less ihan in
to!-;!' i.iu.e .u:l.ieIl latitude!-., while the
dni' !.-: : of the Ions winter nislit.) has
been partly compensate?! I v t!o f -.
the uuroia. The ojitii.i i. u in eon
Miia-ung uus line is to lap the enormous
debits of iron ore ia the (Jellivara
uiouutaiiis, the apiroxim::te exhaustion
of the ore In tho iiilbuo distrir-t render
ing very desirable a new field of non
phosphoric, ore suitable for steel rail
making. Brooklyn liagle.
fioruian rtrmc-ily for Hiirns.
The celebrated (lorman re.uedv for
bums is made as follows: Take of the
best white glue fifteen ounces, break into
small nieces, add to jt two pintaof water,
ami allow jt to become bolt; then dis
solve it by means of a water bath and
add two ounces of glycerine and six
drachms of carbolic acid; con tinuo the
heat unfil thoroughly dissolved. On
cooling, this mixture hardens to an elas
lie maro covered. w;th it shining parch
raent like skin, and may bo kept" for anv
length of time. When required for use
it is placed for a few minutes in a. wr.f r r
bath until sufficiently liquid, ami applied
bv means of hi-n-.h- it Sr.
about two minute3 a sliining, smooth.
uexioie ana nearly transnareiit tkin.
XT .11 w v 1.1 .i.,.
ueraiu 01 iicaitn.
AToldins I'nwcleome Callers.
A Philadelphia business man hnc lilt
upon a novel scheme for avoiding un
welcome callers. Ho hag j.Iacod a de
tective camera dheetly ppiKisito the door
of his oftice. "VVhen a visitor enters, the
office boy, a bright lad and well schooled
in the diplomacy of his profession, turns
the knob and takes ah instantaneous
photograph of tho intruder. This L,
developed and forms one of a collect ion
af undesirable visitors, which is kept in
a book for the boy's instruction in the
future. People who como to wnt.
others' time, collectors with biiis that
iey vrisn paid and tho. thousand and one
disagropib.e. characters "known to the
average "business man form the baia of
this umaiio collection. t:iili:ideli.hi
Times." " "' '"
The IJnll Doff' Oisposit Ion.
The bull dor is much more easv to
train and control than is generally sui
posed. I am convinced that he nossrssr-s
quite as much brain pov;r as any of the
larger ungs. iiij sippenrance is very
uiuclj agaiiidt ids character for gentle
ness and this has caused oeonla to clmn
and avoid him, so that his disposition.
however pleasant it may have been orig
inally, has been made cross and sf.vage
by tho treatment which be has rif.UvtnX
though heiseveri.'niwniuch less ferocious ho is btlioved to lie. Nolog is ca
pable of creater affection than ho. or
shows more gratitude for any kind,e;s.
Pure high bred dogs of any kind are hard
to train, for L,:? i.ason that they aro too
1,;aJi spirited. The moncrrels of the ntrri
can be much more easily trained, because
they can be much more easily controlled,
Cor. Chicago JouruaJ.
Vncle Sum's vTb?tewasli.
Excursionists who travel alone the
sea coast 1:1 summer aro often attracted
me remarKauie wi'-iteiuss of the
lithoiiKcs, beacviiiii and keepers' dwell-
!,Ti'. they w'oiidcr how these guidet
to the "uiiiriaer are kept in such a shin
ing condition during Uu winter as well
as summer. Thr. vitei i d e.sed Ls simply ami lu'ic is tin- United Statei
government formula fur ii:ixi;4 ;i white
wai-h that hi'i pvtp'iy t.::e f.iui an
I'h'ed givva ; v ily. ilil dues r.ot . .L-ii .
wash Y'V l'y oil.
To ten, x.U at l.'o.t fresldv siaket.
h:ne ;id iij.u ui i of the l :-: t hvdruuii
ceiuent. Mix well witli s:s!; water miu
apply quite thin. -New Vol !: Sun.
. . a .e or a ii: rinicr.t
A pint -' v.-J:Ite 1 5; cmh. w;ei.-i!:ir.g one
pound. t:tu i'(.Mi;i., V- eec.l:.' ci.ntains a.-,
mui ii nt: lament z thrc putttidn r.l i.
half of io::sl beef . cost : ( i,!H. (f ui!
then:-.;, l.-sthi.tcun bveateti. thechi-apeM
art' l.:"c:::l. I I'- iii.;:ri;rf-.s. Ik ;;i)s aiin
rice. , , .ic.'jii r cu: :i i:w:. e(;I s ;)s
as a j o.iiisl i f 11. 11:1 if 1:1 and wheal
j-.rn::ii. i;u u;.':le pifiiltjct
bnj: : all. in.iile into l.u-ad. :
per c-c:. t i f n;;; -t!i-;i vc-.i:M lie saveti.
wil.i j-Toalcr
Ann i: ::;i Ai;:dvst.
1 ness.
V. iio .".In!; 1 a i:2J:cr.
"V."h::t f:ort of a i:'.:-.n tnr.kes t!;-.' brav
e; t si:ltiier'r" asked . :u ;m old
f:!.:ci I w ho !s;:il often Ik in t: i- by dan
g; r a::d ws never 1 i;t is i w;ti;i!.:ig.
'e!I." ii4 fV-''.dexl. afirr scon
thought. " bhiiuSd sly i! is ;!;. i;i::n whv
L.-ep:i the steadiest ;.np on !di-ii."
Vculh's Compaiiioii.
AiJ They VTc-rc Uazcil.
Tennyson is the tnly living nuthoi
win worSj are us'd for examination
pun, i.i India, and it was stated the
iitii i.-day that the entire loly candi
dateA at 'Madras w;is imiu'lessly puzzled
and dazed by the line: '"Was fro.y
wetlditi loabootlcHS calf." t.'urrent Lit
erature. Under the state law of
duel 1st can cat u vote.
Michigan no
In I'iattsiroiith, is very sorry
To et win y
W'Oil,! ;; r. f ... mMW
uieiitiirLTiV .ind ehuro-e uilniiiihioii,
this uiiul competitor much hotter
Comjietitors ureimvl hoe.uisi; lie
maii hooauAc he has tlestroycl
jjollino; Honest Goods at Honest
rrado h getting lurgcr every day, and Iiin iad comiietitors cannot
destroy it hy misrepresentation, or l,v colled reduction prices. The
people won t he misled uny Ion-ov, lor they know .JOK i Kellino
goods at an Honest Proiit
And at One Price Only.
f. Jt
JOE Issellin-hotter -.ids tor lus
111 1 lattsniouth,
g if".
To guess on JOE'S Deans, It
monkeying" business, cither.
i tie
Is the reason people wdl not, can not, or
rl. ... I
any umerencc in c-neap ne.y.. :
trums put up by ClicHp John houses or j
irresponsible parties at tnei nU-Wa profi ,
rather than take a medicine of v.oild j
wide rcputu ar.d one that is giving .
univiif,); aiitisfiietion nt npial piict-t Jo
medicine in the world is giving such 1111- !
paralleled saisfa-tion f-,- pmifyie" tin- !
blood as TJEGG'S WuOTj l'UKIFIElt t I
d'-es not do itJ v.-ork will cost y.m noth-
Miff "Pir o.ilrt l.w r 7 O . c
YrAi.l Loots with rubbers reduced to
2.00 at Sherwood's mens arctics only
K-J c at Sherwood's, sold elsewhere for
A nice line of silk and linen handker
chiefs and mufnVrs just received at J. H.
Donnelly's. tf
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is
only a little cold," and keep givinjr then.
cheap and dangerous medicines, until j
they are down with lung fever or eon-
f-umption, when thev can be so easily re- 1
SYUUP; It has no superior, and few Foe sde by O. P. Smith & Co ,
For Rknt--A pleasnnt front room
neatly furnished, only one block from
Main street. Inguire of J. 1. Unruh. tf
The finest bedroom sets can be found
at II. Boeck's.
Don't go to Mike's blacksmith shop
for arctics when you can get them for at Shei wood's.
Wool boots with rubbers reduced to
$2.00 at Sherwood's mns arctics only
83 c at Sherwood's sold elsewhere for
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arctics wht-n you get them
for 83c at Sherwood's C
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing and still
keep trvinir inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once?
This is no advertising scheme, but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by O. P. Smith & Co.. druggists.
Slier win & Williams' mixed paints, the
best in the market, atFrit ke & Co's. drug
store. 8 tf.
For Rent Residence of C. P. Smith,
one block west of Mr. Showalter's.
tf S. F. Thomas, Agt.
II 23
liis .lar of Ileans eauseil one of
JOK i ri.irry lor thu iiL'ilihors of this mini, Cindy
, J :;t i t, :r to M; Ol.t llll Htlllt tl
for .()K h:ls 110 iloiibt it W011M liav
than coiitinuiii"
the Clothing
has ilestroyod llili Price. They aro
:i ILsurer's Profit.." .IOIC hclicvcrf in
Low Prices,
money than ever heard of before
nothing to ;iu
frcncli Health Penniless
2S?'bras2sa'a Itoading;
IAEA Republican
S.p l'r .11 on tli
I O.OO IVr Vrnr.
To January lt, IH'JO, J.0.
Thin reli'ible an.l fearlos.4 journal has -liaf-len-eil
the adimrati'in of the eiiinitiv in th..
eanij;iii;a jut clnsi'il. It wax the rohiesu!;!
tive Ki-pulilicaii daily of Nehra-ka, uml ;s une
ol tne l-uiii iii -ip;in-rn of the country
in the future as in the past the UKeui; f. AN
will eniitiiiuo to excel In everything, ft lirinls
aia. tlie news. It is bright, cleau. t-iic reilc
aun newny.
Tiik Kkpchlican apbeal.H to ItK friend in
every voting orecinct to irive their lieiniiual
a isu.nee in xtendin;; It circulation. Ki-mt
fur sample copies. .Mail but of nawex. liaii-o
Hid Wkp.klv Rkpuhmcax-materially Ini
prove.1 fr lx9 published every 1 Innxibiy
eoiitains all the news of IIik ufk I.. .. ......
diMixi.'il form. It is tlie best arid rln-m.t
eekly newspaper p'iblished an where.
-"All reti ittances t-hou'-d be addressed to
Oru.ih 1. Nebraska.
Celebrated French Slipners
E.B. Win dham. John a. Davikh.
'otary Public. Notary FuMle.
-A.ttora.03rs - at - Law.
Office over Bank cf(Cai County.
Plattsmocth, - - Nkbhajka
If :
t :