THE DAILY HERALD : J LATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, NOV.. Tne Evening Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. A. KalMmry. lr.tlt, ltorktrood Buililinjr, Telephone :.. Or. Mirln. OfUr. la (ierlN' lrun Store, Hrl-dtn- ('or. Sixth an-l (iranlte, Ti-lepiione So. 4i. Dr. Wither, Dentin!, I Work. CITY CORDIALS. Mr. Vcnier depicted tho character with great furce mnl earn'-Mm-'-. l.iilTalo Times. Wr noticed u line aiitclju hanin in front of liigina Jlrus. meat uiaikct this morning. The se Ai rs are biin washed out and preparations inule for the inspic tion of the work, today. Hot supper will bo served ly the daughters of Itt'ln-kuh in the opera limine buildiiuj ut six o'clock tonight; oysters will also b.- served. Thi: f mural of the l:tt C 'liii;lain Wright will tike plan-Sunday afternoon at '2 o'clock from the Presbyterian church. .Services will be conduct-d in the 1'ies byterian church hy the Kcv. J. T. Ihiird. All persons intending to take part in the '-Old Fashioned District School," are rciiuested to nxct at (i, A. II. Hall this evening at o'clock, promptly, for rehearsal. Thoe haying ohl readers or spelling hooks, please brin.n them. The jury which was sent out Wvf". nnsdav fveniii'' on the cu-J of Patrick Moor..-, of Weeping Water, who was ar rested for rohhery, returned a verdict of guilty, a charged in th- complaint. He will receive his sentence this afternoon. Mr. Vcrncr Iring3 to tin? role that fidelity uud tarn--tnes.-?, which an actor with Irish Mood in his veins can scarcely fail to reveal in impersonating such a part. Buffalo Courier. II will appear at Waterman opera house, Tuesday even ing, December 1. llirry West lake, an accomplice with Charley Kllis in the rohhery of ICeoiigh, who had his trial on Wednesday, was found guilty of larceny from the person. He will receive his .sentence this altcr noon, hot tho shorte-t time which can be allowed is ouc year's imprisonment in the penitentiary. The largest assemblage yet seen in the opera house this season witnessed "The Muscott," presented by the Andrews opera company last evening. The opera was a light comedy, but very fascinating, anil judging by the strong applause the performance was much appreciated. The leading voices were all very fair, espec ially the baritone, Mr. Percy, who played the part of Pippo, the shepherd boy. The citizens showed due appreciation to Man ager Young in turning out iu such a good number. The receipts amounted to over $250. Thanksgiving day was pretty gener ally obs-'rved in this city yesterday. Nearly every business house .was closed in the forenoon, and in the afternoon business was entirely suspended. A un ion service was held at the M. E. church in the morning at 11 o'clock, when a sermon was preached by llrv. J. T. Baird, of the Presbyterian church. Ho addressed a large assscmblage, the church being filled to the doors. Many commendations liaye been heard iu regard to the excel lent sermon by the reyerend gentleman, anil all who heard him were well repaid for attending. Services were also held in the Episcopal church by the pastor, Rev. II. B. Burgess. The Sheriff received a dispatch from Robert Clark, of Cedar Creek, stating that a robbery had been committed, re questing him to go immediately. Deputy Sheriff Miller started out as soon as pos sible, and shortly after his arrival there telegraphed- the Sheriff that "he had secured the thief, but no further particulars were given, more than that he would return by No. 30 with the prisoner. Word has also leen received here that there were two rob beries there last night and that the one man committed. the two robberies. His name was given as Crayton. One. charge acrainst him was for stealing billiard balls. Sunday School Concert To-night. The following program has been pre pared for the entertainment to be given at the Presbyterian church this evening: Openiag Chorus Always Uo rijjlit. Harp Solo Mattr Hilt Vecott. Solo Fairy Visions .Miss May Dittton. Kecitati n .' Boys Cborm recitation ... Tlie r ace iu the Glass Little lAtt White Sonij ami Chorus. .Two I.IMIa Rassed Urchins .Miss iCa lioeck. Master Hilt W escotl and Little Clara Druiiimond. Violin Solo Miss Lily Kauble. Kecltatlon The l.itt'e Black Eyed Kebel. Miss Bird Jlousewortli. Solo M's. Carpenter. liuet Jlpidee, Little Florence and (Jretal Waugli. Select Rea lins Kin-? Hubert of Sicilv. Miss fclt heart Chorus Class of girls. Sacred tjuartette Tiutr. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Sunday school library and we hope to gee a full house, Everyboby is incited. Adm'ssion 10 cents. An Esteemed Citizen Passed Away. Died At his residence, corner Eighth and Elm streets, iu this city, at 7:40 a. in., Npveniber :J0, Chaplain A. "Wright, aged 7. years, 7 months and 14 clays. Another light among our esteemed citizens has been extinguished in the deatii of Chaplain Wright. The news struck the city like a thunderbolt, when it was learned that he h id breathed his lnt about M o'clock this inorniiig. He has suffered for years with kidney diM-asc, and of late, that, with complications, haye iilllictel him no severely that he has been confined to his bed lor the past three weeks, or more, during whidi time ho Ins suffered in tensely. All available aid was rendered him during his m igo of illness, but his fast declining constitution, brought on by advanced years, could not guard oil" the attack, and succumbed only when the oll'orls of his many attendants could lo t alTord him relief. IieV. Alpln Wright, Post Chaplain United States Army (retired), was born at Wilmington, Windham county, Ver mont, Apiil 1. l."i:. A hen ipi'ite young he removed with his parents to Bath, Stuhen county. New York. Iu 1H he was ordained at Canandaigua, New York, by Bi-liop Morris, of Ohio; he then la bored iu the M. E. church in the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wis consin and Missouri, from 18;JI to lb'JO, when he was appointed Chaplain of the Twenty-iifth Missouri Volunteers Iut fan try. He was stationed at St. Louis, Mo., on tin; staff of Oeu. Eiving, and had charge of the refugees and contrabands for the department of Missouri, serving till the war closed. December 11. he wa. appointed chaplain in the United States ri;:y; was stationed at Fort L i ra mie, Vv. T., four years, at Fort Biissell, V. T., two years. In 1872 was appoint ed ch iplain at Fort Omaha, remaining in that position until relieved at his own rcrpc-t, October :i, 1871). In l.sCtj Chap lain Wright purchased land at Platts niout!', built on it in the summer of 1SG7 and moved his family here. He united with the Presbyterian church, and since November, IS70, has had charge of the Presbyterian church at Bcllevue, until the l.i-t three or four years, but was forced to retire on account of rapidly relaxin strength and vigor, and since then h i3 resided at his home in this city. The funeral has been arranged to take place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, but further notice will appear in tomorrow's issu. PERSONALS. Mr. II. Waterman and cousin, Mr. John Tliuivton, returned Wednesday evening from their western trbp. Mr. If. B. Kerr, of the State University, Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving with his friend, Mr. Bert Pollock. Mr. II. F. Chapin took his departure for Crete, Neb., his home, Wednesday, where he spent Thanksgiving. W nN.Tsteen Hill is soou to be the scene of n marriage ceremony. H. R. and t". T. can give further information. Mr. Geo. Palmer, who is attending the State University at Lincoln, came to the city sterday to spend the day at his hoa.c here. Gov. Thayer and wife came in from Lincoln yesterday morning to spend Thanksgiving with Capt II. E. Palmer and f.i.nily. Prof. Palmer, of Bellevue College, ar rived in the city yesterday morning and spent t"ie day at the home of his uncle, Mr. S. Waugh. Mr. D. A. Campbell and wife, accom panied by Miss Clara Paul, went up to Omah i yesterday morning where they spent the day at the home of Mr. Camp bell's parents. Miss Clara Palmer, accompanied by her fiLnd, Miss Barse, of Bromell Hall, Omaha, came down yesterday morning and regained oyer Sunday at the home of Capt. II. E. Palmer. Mr. P. C. Bartlett, formerly a clerk at the C. 1 5. &Q. freight oflice. Pacific Junc tion, but who now .csides at Couucil BlufFd, la., spent Thanksgiving day with several of his friends in this city. Mr. J. E. Lawhead aDd wife, of Union Star, Mo., who have been spending their honeymoon at the home of Mr. Wm. Hayes, took their departure for their new new h -me yesterday morning. Mr. Law- head 1 -ing called on account of the sickn ss of a substitute whom he had left to att r.d to his duties. Card of Thanks. I h reby return my sincere thanks to my f i -litis and the citizens at large, for the liberal patronage given the "Andrews Opera Company"' in behalf of myself. Alth.j'.ih the engagement was iiot a finani d success, over and above tlie guar.'..stee and cxpences, but I am well rcpai ', knowing that I have accomplish ed m desire in giving the public a good and appreciative Thanksgiving enter tains. . it. I am Respectfully Yours, J. P. Yocxo. Trepara ions arc being made to lav a fiiunduion for an extension 'to the building owned by Mr. Lafe O'Neal, and occupied by Mr. Gering as a drug store. Thirty feet will be built to the rear. 7 Ladiss' Modjeskis. .11 lack r;i;to;on:d Cloth, Fur Trim mod, only 7.00. JJlack Extra (futility I nclo Cloth, Spike Fringe Trimmings, Hell Sleeve, only 10.00. Black Frieze Cloth, TlallTri mining. Quilted Lining, Astrachan Culls and Collars, only 1-1.00. lhown and Tan Jlrocaded Sratel lasse, Plush Hall Trimming, Plush Cuffs and Collar, only 15.00. Silk Plush, Pluth Hall Trimmings, plain Satin Lined, Chamois pockets, only 15.00. Black Astrachan Cloth, Spike Trimmings, Satin Lined, only 1G. Fancy Silk Striped Cloaking, Ball Trimming to match, Quilted Satin Lining, onlv 20. Seal Plush, Elegant Plush Ball Trimming, Satin Lined, genuine Seal Loops, only 23. Elegant Seal Plush, Beaver Ball Trimmings and Collar, Quilted Satin Lined, only, 32.50. c Ait s' 1 M ft' M tf&l..- Our Plush Sacques are finished with the best of Quilted Satin Lining. Chamois Pockets and Genuine Seal Loops. Any guarantee failing to meet the representation in wear given our garments, will be replaced by a new one, ONE DOOR EAST FILIT 1TATI0HAL BANK. FECIAL Sales in Ladies' Fine worth $5.00. pUR Three-Dollar Shoes is far better OR Two-Dollar Shoe nothing will y IME is going on and our goods must QOME think this is just a blow. OW all we ask is ior you to give us a A to see the sroods will convince you other dealer. RICES Low is our Motto. - W. A. BOECS CO, J. M. Gaynore, of the Omaha Dancing Academy, will open a dancing school for beginners next Friday eve, Nov. 30, at Fitzgerald Hall. With all the latest dances has been teaching at Omaha for past seven years. Private lessons Friday afternoon. J. M. Gatsore, tf Instructor. Wliv nav bio- irices for sewine ma- - - J g J C3 A chines when you can get a New Howe at R. Sherwood s for ?25,00f Mrs. Simpson will receive a few pupils in music, on Saturdays, at Mrs. Living ston's residence, corner Sixth and Oak streets. Plattsmouth, Nov. 19, 1883. tf Whv go to grocery and drv goods stores for arcticts when you can get them for Soc at Sherwood's? The light running Howe at Robert Sherwood's only $25.00. Two beautiful 5 acre tracts, with run ning Wtter and close to shops. Price reasonable an 1 terms easy. W. S. Wise. The 'ight running Howe at Sherwood's only $.5.00. v Our Assortment surpasses anything heretofore attempted ly us in this Department, anil our customers will be eurp risetl at our niagnilicent display of and at very Low Prices. We are showing decided novelties in Stripes, Checks, and Solid Colors I with Plain, Bell or Anoel Sleeves. Shoes Hand-Turned Shoes, selling now for only $3.50, than ever put on the market here before. equal ours. be sold. call. that we are selling cheaper than any Dr. C- A. Marshall. Resident Sexrtist. Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. Auesthctics given for Pais lesu Filling on Extraction of Tekth. Artificial teeth made on Gold, Silver, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald's Block. Phthhodth. Nkiv Notice. All parties knowing themselves in debted to me, are requested to balance their accounts ou or before the first day of January 1889, as, after that time, all accounts will positively be left in the hands of a collector. Da. Schildknecht. Nov. 26. tf FRED peciaf Sale f id Gloves. We shall offer all of our Kid Cloves, worth from $1.75 to $2.50, at the Nomi nal Price $1.50 PER PAIR. This includes everything we carry in Stock of Dressed, Suedes, Castors, and Driving Gloves. 6 Button Simpson's Best Colors and Blacks, now $1.50, worth $2.50. 4 Button Simpson's Best Colors and Blacks, now $1.50, worth $2.25. 4 Button Our Own Fancy Embroidered Backs, Colors and Black, now $1.50, worth $2.00. 5 Button Bon Marcbe Extra, Colors and Black, now $1.50, worth $1.75. 8 Button Mosquetairc Suedes, Colors, only $1.50, worth $2.25. C Button Mosfjuetiiire Suedes, Colors and Black, $1.50, wonli $2.00. 4 Button Castors, Colors, only now $1.50, worth $2.C0. Suede Guantkt Driving Gloves, Colors, only now $150, worth $2.25. Shawls. Our $4.00 Beaver Shawls in Greys and Browns, sold elsewhere at $5.00. Our $5.00 Reversible Velvet, in Greys and Browns, with Fancy Border, is decid edly a good bargain. Our $7.00 Beaver good heayy Shawl. Very pretty line of colors. Our $9.00 Beaver, superior quality, elegant patterns, well worth $10.00. Our $10.00 B. aver in Greys, Tuns and Browns, entirely new patterns, and would be decidedly cheap at $12.00. Yarns. Comprises Everything in German Knitting, Spanish. Gerniantown, Eider Down. Fairv Floss. Shetland Floss, Angora, Saxony, Zephvrs, Crewels. Comforts and Blankets. 10x4 White Blankets at $1.25 per pair. 10x4 White Blankets, o-oorl wci.rlif ouiy .uo per pair. 10x4 White all Wool Guaranteed, only $4.00. Our Country-made Wlntc, at $4.75 , .. . - jo- F. ONE DOOR EaST PIUST H 1PB07BMBNT AND BMBELLISHMBNTS' COMPLETER GJlAJSrD OPKNIN(J- OF OUU Model Clothing FRIDAY EVENING, 30th inst. A Cordial Invitation is extsnded to tlie 1'ubliein General, that evening ' will be presented to every Lady present. Our rooms will be handsomely decorated. We will show our stock of Children's Boy's k Men's Clothing, FINE FURNISHING GOODS oxjjr stock: OP Silk Handkerchiefs, Nobby IT uiiu vaooiiucis taEnot oe sur passed, and Prices o Low that You cannot fail to buy them. v7c are more than pleased and it is A TRIUMPH OF JUST ASP SQUARE DEALING ! "LOW PRICES, HONEST GOODS, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION," is our Motto. C. MAYER. Cor. Main and 5th St. CARRUTH BUILDING. HERRMANN. pi r pair, is t xtia huge sie, m.d m lulJy iiilvriiisitl us n l ig I iiipnin t tj5.( 0. 1 1x4 "Whili In (liid is lull nvc m d at $7.50 a J nir is a gi i d hnifjnin. 4. 50, " i Kit in !ihic Bid Lltiikit is gi-t.d value ut $5.( 0. $:.00, Bid Bhu-kit cxtia weight m.d ijiialitv. 12x4 Bed Elimkit nt iM'.CO pr pair, nude up of the limst wool. Brown f nd (liny n ixed Llin kds, at nil prices. Our $1.C0 Cm. fnt, fair piint, good vnlue. Our $1.50 (Ynifn-r, gold quality, piint solid, rid lining, fillid with Mle butting. Our $2.(,0 crmfcrt, Eit Print, cxtia WMgl.t. Our $2.50 Comfort, tw o good vfdurs : No. l. Piiht Colon d ( hiiilz Print, White Cotton Filhd, ixtra size and weight. No. 2. Fnnry Si: tine, ndid rid lin ings, fh'gimt liii of pnttuns f.r d rolots. Our $:;.25 Iin)oitid ( l.intz Pitttnns, viiy fancy quilti d. xlrn sizcnid wiil t. ()ur sf l.OO Fine Fancy Si.tinc, Solid Satinc I.inid, vi i v riicily quiltid, fi7o 72x2. Underwear. En dies' M hite Mi lino Vi sis, Silk tt ill li ed, Silk hound, at 50 emts cuch. Punts to match. Eh dies' Extrn fine, mrprrior qmililj', White Meiino Vests, Jcmy ribbed tleevis at 75 cents eiii h. 1'ju.ts to iiiiitih at roir.e price. Eadies' "White "Wool Vests, Silk Bound and Stitchi d.nt $1.25. En dies' Natural "Wool Vists nnd I'onts at $1.00 mch, worth $1.25. Etidieh' Scnrli t Vet-ts Punts, smooth and soft, on'y $1.00 raih. Ladies' Scat li t Saxony "Wool Vists nml Punts, finest quality, ot 61.75 each. Endic s' Ciiniels I lair Punts and Vests Reduced to $:!.(!0 h suit, m orth $4.00. Full Lines of Children's, Misses nnd Boys' Underwear. "White, Scarlet, Nntnr nl and Camels Hair at Low prices. Seal Plush Vraps. Our 1 ine of Plush Garments this senson are made up of the best grades of Lon don Dyed and Listers Seal Plushis. md Every Garment Guaiiin'eed to wear. Our Plush Jackets ut $15.00 are viiy cheap. Our Eiifzlhh Walking .Tin kits, three quarters 1. ngth, nt $25. well worth $JJ0. Our $25.00 I'lnsh Sncquis, sold else where at $::0.00 Our $:0.00 Plush Sacqins worth fully $:J5.00. Our $:J5. 00 Plush Sacques woith fnllyk $40.00. Our $:57.50 Plush Sacques sold every whire nt $45.00. Our $45.00 Plush Sacqnis, rrgulnr city price, $55. " HATIOUAL BANK. Neckwear and Mufflers- in with our increased trade Store,